Sony Icd-UX570 MP3/LPCM Digital Voice Recorder (Dictaphone) with Built-In USB, 4GB, OLED Screen – Black

Get a better sound with Auto Music Recording
The Auto Music Recording optimises audio capture settings for music frequencies. It reduces the impact of recording mistakes caused by wrong microphone sensitivity settings, and delivers crisp, high-quality audio.
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Reduce background noise with Auto Voice RecordingRecording someone talking? Switch on Auto Voice Recording to optimise audio capture settings for vocal frequencies. The result is a purer recording with less background noise and reduced chance of audio loss caused by unsuitable microphone settings. | Capture distant or quiet sounds with S-MicrophoneNow you can record those faint audio sources without capturing excessive background noise, thanks to the high-sensitivity, low-noise S-Microphone. Even the sound of birds twittering in the distance can be captured naturally and clearly. | Get to the point with Time JumpLong-range skipping is simple, too. You can easily find the important sections of your meeting, seminar or lecture, by using Time Jump to skip each 10% of the total playback time of a recording. |
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See clearly with a larger OLED DisplayIt’s even easier to start, review or manage your recordings with more clarity on the large screen display. | USB direct connection for quick file transferTransferring files to or from your computer is fast and convenient. Just plug the UX570 series straight into a free USB port for an immediate connection – no USB cable needed. | Thin, light and easy to carryAt just 102.8mm x 36.6mm x 12.2mm in size and approximately 48g in weight, the sleek UX570 series is both light and thin, meaning it can slip it into your pocket and go wherever you go. | Expand your memory with the micro SD card slotWith its 4GB of built-in storage, the UX570 series can record up to 59 hours MP3 128kbps (STEREO). Plus, you can boost your storage with compatible memory cards. The microSDHC card will give you up to 32GB total storage or a microSDXC card will give you an impressive 64GB or more. |
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Wider, brighter recording LEDWith the UX570 series, you won’t worry about whether or not you’re recording when you need to. The wider, brighter LED makes it easy to recognise when you’re recording. | Find what you need with minimum hassleThe UX570 series makes it easy to locate the playback point you need. Short-range skipping is a breeze with Easy Search, which enables you to go back 3 seconds or forward 10 seconds with the click of a button. | Turn it up with Playback NormalisationThanks to Playback Normalisation, you can listen clearly even when you unexpectedly record low-level audio. It boosts your recording amplitude to the highest limit without compromising on sound quality. |
Weight: | 110 g |
Dimensions: | 1.22 x 3.66 x 10.28 cm; 110 Grams |
Model: | ICDUX570B.CE7 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
The device excells in audio quality, this is my preferred method of recording my memos now.
Un prodotto funzionante,pratico e pure bello da vedere.Registrazioni al top
Fcil de usar, buena calidad del producto y grabaciones claras. Recomendado!
I tried two variations of Sony recorders, and this one is really smart and of good quality.
Using it for professional purpose, in a quite environment.
Acquistato insieme ad un microfono Rode Lavalier per realizzare mini video per il canale youtube ed altri video in ambito lavorativo. Avevo gi un registratore esterno Sony, la qualit aumentata e lo si sente una volta che si ascolta la traccia. Personalmente penso di usarlo sempre con il microfono esterno, ma da alcune prove anche i due microfoni integrati lavorano molto bene permettendo registrazioni chiare e pulite.
Consiglio di spendere un po’ di tempo nel fare alcune prove con i diversi settaggi di guadagno e riduzione rumore per trovare il setup perfetto.
Per registrare e poi montare video sui social aziendali uno strumento perfetto, piccolo ma potente! Riproduzione di ottima quali
Bei Interviews, wo Gesprchspartner 3-4 m entfernt am Tisch, wunderbare Aufnahmen. Sehr einfache Bedienung.
Lo utilizzo principalmente per le conferenze e le lezioni universitarie, veramente comodo e permette di ascoltare e riascoltare direttamente dal dispositivo
Nicht ganz so billig, aber sein Geld allemal wert !
Leistung und Qualittsanspruch voll erfllt !
Kleine Tasche liegt bei – MicroSD-Karte, USB-Kabel und Kopfhrer leider nicht
Bei den wichtigsten Funktionen fast selbsterklrend
Leider kein Gewinde, um es auf ein Stativ zu schrauben – und die Hnde frei zu haben
Tonqualitt recht gut – aber fr meine Zwecke nicht ausreichend
Per me il top in assoluto.di facilissimo utilizzo ed a prova di pippe tecnologiche.ottimo suono e possibilit di personalizzare alcune funzioni.ricarica facile con usb
Lo uso tranqillamente per registrazioni DJ/Live.
Occhio!!! non ha il controllo del volume in entrata, quindi …specie per le situazioni di alto headroom in uscita del mixer , consiglio vivamente un controllo del volume in entrata come ho utilizzato in foto.
Il cavetto , con potenziometro, sempre su Amazon, costa neanche 6 euro.
Il Sony e’ davvero una bomba, molto intuitivo e versatile. Ottima la porta USB , che ti permette di migrare i files in un attimo. La batteria e’ davvero duratura. Ho registrato 8 ore di musica ed e’ sempre alla tacca del massimo.
Nella confezione c’e’ anche la sua custodietta di spugna , molto carina.
Buon device, anche facile da utilizzare, direi ottima opportunit di acquisto.
Very pleased with this , really easy to use for group interviews and 1:2:1s
If you want to spontaneously voice record your ideas or important lectures, this is the recorder for you. In addition to this Sony, I purchased a cheap alternative as back up, for around 20, and it was a waste of money compared to the this excellent piece of kit. This Sony Icd-UX570 is well worth the money because it records instantly the moment you press the button (compared to 5-6 sec delay on the cheap one). This to me is probably the most important feature and the whole point of having a dedicated voice recorder – to record ideas as they come into your head.
It’s also very quite in operation (the cheap recorder made a noisy click sound on pressing any of the buttons), automatically saves each recording and is intuitive to use, compared with the cheaper one. I particularly like the user-friendly icons for different settings for recording lectures. These are shown nice and clear and it’s quite easy to select the option you need without even reading the instructions. One of the best features I think, is the pop out USB feature which elimates the need for carrying around an extra cord – important when caring about the environment.
You’ll notice I haven’t really commented on the audio quality or the techinical aspects. I can assure you to the discerning ear the quality of the recording is excellent but other than that I leave it to the boffins to review the technical detail, I’m not very good at that!
Alas I will be passing the Sony recorder to my lucky daughter who is about to join university. This leaves me the 20 recorder which I don’t think I’ll be using for much longer so I’ll be saving up for another Sony Icd-UX570.
Rapporto qualit prezzo ottimo, un registratore che non ha nulla da invidiare ai fratelli maggiori della stessa categoria, in combinata con un lavalier diventa ancora meglio perch leggero, pratico e con una batteria durevole nel tempo. Ottimi anche i formati di registrazione, un PCM lineare utile e pulito.
Lo utilizzo per le lezioni. Buona ricezione e qualit dell’audio. Istruzioni poco chiare ma utilizzo intuitivo.
in assoluto il miglior registratore provato fino ad ora… qualit audio senza eguali. sony top, amazon una certezza. 10+
Did a pretty good job with face masked people to record conversations in rooms where all sound deadening had been stripped out for covid safety. Audio pick up is good. Only thing that I struggle with is actually downloading the files, but I haven’t paid much attention to that part yet. Used it for best part of two weeks so far and it is not struggled for internal memory yet.
User interface could be better, but probably solved by connecting to a PC for ease of use.
Impresionante grabadora. Quera una grabadora de voz para tomar notas de mis apuntes de medicina. Y esta me resulta genial. La calidad es insuperable, tiene varios modos para ajustar la sensibilidad, por lo que no se pierde ni un detalle. Si los 4 gb te parecen insuficientes tiene ranura para SD, yo le he puesto una de 16 gb y creo que me sobra por arriba y por abajo.
Tiene algo que me resulta muy til. Mientras grabas, o incluso cuando escuchas las grabaciones puedes aadir marcas a la grabacin, de este modo puedes acceder al punto exacto de forma rpida. Cuenta con varios formatos de grabacin, yo personalmente gasto un formato intermedio y la calidad es genial. Tengo muchas ganas de grabar seminarios en directo (ya que empiezo la semana que viene…) y comprobar el alcance que tiene.
Posee una opcin para que ajuste la sensibilidad del micrfono de forma automtica ( es la que yo utilizo), as que es una opcin cmoda.
Desde el Pc puedes crear carpetas y ponerle el nombre que desees (est la opcin en la grabadora pero son nombres genricos…).
En fin de momento sin problemas, muy satisfecho con la compra, aunque parezca cara creedme que vale la pena. Me compr una Mibao por 32Eur y me dur 3 meses, con una calidad deplorable. Acabo con la batera inservible y con cascarreos cuando la ponas a reproducir…
das Gert mag sehr gut sein. Ich habe es nicht einmal ausprobiert. Es ist einfach so klein und damit fr mich von der Bedienung her nicht akzeptabel.
After reading the reviews I was a little worried about negative comments especially the ones regarding accidental stop operation due to light buttons when stowed in your pocket, in reality there is a hold position on the power button which locks the buttons and prevents this from happening so you can ignore the odd 1 star review and put this down to dumbo’s. 10/10 from me
Having compared and bought 101 of the cheap ones (and then returned them) I did my research on YT and amazon for a 100 or less dictaphone. I settled on this one and don’t regret it. What a wonderful and light bit of kit. The folders and options are so simple to use and quality of audio is perfect. It’s just a shame to say goodbye to my old and worn out olympus that I’ve had since 2011. It served me well but has now gone to silicone heaven. Enjoying my new Sony now.
I have had several digital recorders of this type over the years and this is the best one yet.
A built-in battery is a great idea and the slick look and feel are icing on the cake.
This is probably the best voice recorder I’ve used.
It’s compact and lightweight.
Has built in memory and a micro SD card slot.
Rechargeable battery lasts for ages and it has the USB built-in so can be recharged easily.
The sound quality is absolutely brilliant from the inbuilt microphones, really clear and picked up the voices and reduced the background noise. I’ve not tried it with an external microphone yet.
Display clearly shows sound levels and there’s plenty of settings to tweak if you need to.
I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to record sound.
Graba perfectamente, es cmoda e intuitiva, recoge muy bien los audios, lo nico que hasta que ecualiza la voz pasan unos segundo en los que se modula el volumen, pero es perfecta.
Ho riscontrato un ottima sensibilit dei microfoni e buona qualit sonora.
Facile da usare e comunque si completa con il ricchissimo manuale d’uso Online.
Piccolo. batteria di durata strepitosa. senza microSD gia registra oltre 40 ore!
Suggerimenti per i settaggi nel caso acquistiate lo stesso setup:
Livello guadagno microfono interno MEDIO con sensibilit impostata su MUSICA.
Livello guadagno microfono esterno (lavalier sabrent in questo caso) BASSE con sensibilit impostata su MUSICA.
Lasciate perdere l’impostazione voce che taglia le frequenze e si sentir tutto una chiavica
Very easy to use, compact and with plenty of settings to satisfy almost any environment. All that combined with a good quality recording make this a very good purchase
I missed a “user instruction” in one of the Scandinavian languages (Norwegian/Danish/Swedish).
I had to put in some extra effort into the “learning process” – but it works.
Easy to use although I don’t use all its features as I don’t need to
I do alot of minute taking and this has been a life saver. Sound is very clear and it’s easy to use.
Buena calidad de sonido y mucha sensibilidad. Capta sonidos lejanos con mucha ntidez (por ejemplo si se habla en otra habitacin, si est en el bolsillo oculta o con los micrfonos hacia abajo). Supongo que como todo, con un precio ms elevado habr otras cosas, de esta y otras marcas, pero a mi este aparato me satisface totalmente. El programa para PC es intuitivo, fcil de usar, muy simple y eficaz. Que es de lo que se trata. Por cierto, viene con funda, no recuerdo si viene recogido en la oferta a la hora de comprar, yo no lo sabia y me la encontre en la caja.
I’ve had a couple of the model prior to this so I know it’s going to be a great piece of kit, although I was disappointed there was no little soft case, even though it’s listed on the advert/listing
They should probably amend tha
For anybody else this would have been fine but I’m hard of hearing and the volume can not be turned up enough.
Ha qualunque funzione vi possiate aspettare da un registratore audio, si interfaccia anche con Mac os permettendo di trasferire le registrazioni (anche dal PC al registratore, per le canzoni). Perfetto, soprattutto se acquistato scontato sotto gli 80.
Literally revolutionised my work! This is so easy to use and crystal clear so no straining to hear or trying to work out what someone said anymore! I use it manly for interviews I do over the phone and it’s spot on. I’ve paired it with to transcribe my recordings into a word document, saving me hours each week.
My rating reflects the item as it was received by the seller rather than of the functioning product itself. The product description details a carry case being provided however this was not in the box. The warranty document enclosed from Sony in the box also stated only valid in USA and Canada? I have complained to the seller and await their full response.
UPDATE – seller has given me a partial refund re missing case and dealt with matter quickly, fair play. Have revised rating to 4 star as item good so far.
Molto facile da usare
Perfetto per chi non troppo esigente
Acquistato per mia figlia per registrare le lezioni al liceo, ho notato un’ottima resa audio e semplicit di utilizzo. Unica pecca l’assenza di istruzioni in italiano, ma con poca pratica si riescono ad utilizzare tutte le funzionali
I used this recorder to store the recorded voice messages on my iPhone of my wife of 65 years who passed away this year. It did a very good job and my only criticisms are that the control buttons are very small for large fingers and that the operating procedures are not all logical.
Perfetto…secondo me il migliore in questa fascia di prezzo!!!.
Great little recording device not worked out how to transfer them onto the computer ye
It is a compact and very slim device, it feels natural in the hand, and is also very attractive and stylish too. The device has two microphones with an option for external mic. The button layout is logical and are placed in the right places, the Record and stop buttons are larger than rest resulting in an easier operation of its main function’s. The build quality is also solid and well built. The LCD is bright and clear the text and items can easily be read. Having a built in usb for instant data transfer is so convenient, when not in use it slots back into the device. (great Idea) A SD card slot will give you Extra storage with maximum of 64GB.
The performance is what I expected from Sony the OS is simple to use, the menus and subfolders are in a logical order. I like the fact that you can see the Left/Right microphone recording levels on the display in real time, your recent recordings and folders are displayed on the screen for easy access. The recorder has no lag, recordings can be played within microsecond’s, the machine is very responsive. I have tried all the various settings, you can choose the sensitivity of the mics, you also have equaliser with pre-set voice modes, you can even set it for music to. The options on this machine will have something for everyone. The recording quality is excellent voice recordings are clear and sharp and you can even boost the vocals higher if needed. I set my recordings at 192kps but you can go lower. The inbuilt speaker is ok, it can be bit muffled at times when put to full volume, I normally plug headphones in for easy listening. I love the option of a built in usb which I then connect and transfer my recordings to my PC to listen and edit recordings. The sound quality when played on stereo speakers is good, these mics can pick up lot background sound even at some distance. The battery life is excellent last me 2 weeks it can be easily charged via its usb socket.
This a great voice recorder it excels in all areas, its compact well-built and produces excellent audio. I definitely recommend this for anyone who wants a quality voice recorder with great usability and performance.
Por ahora recien adquirida responde muy bien y cancela ruidos externos.
Brilliant little recorder! I use it mostly for paranormal investigations. Exceedingly clear sound.
Great dictaphone does as an MP3 player good quality build no complaints couldn’t fault it would highly recommend this product.
Mi posso ritenere soddisfatto del prodotto. L’unica pecca di non aver trovato nei libretti allegati le istruzioni in italiano. Ma quando mi sono reso conto che l’apparecchio non presentava difficolt a comprendere il funzionamento delle varie operazioni, comprese quelle che richiedevano il collegamento al computer, non mi sono pi preoccupato. Quindi non presenta difficolt. La resa del suono la trovo buona. Nell’insieme mi ritengo soddisfatto di averlo comperato.
I used to use voice recorders years ago for interviews, when it was basically a mini tape recorder. Having not used one for years I just decided I needed one as my writing is becoming more illegible and I often don’t return to write up an interview for several weeks. Was concerned this might be complicated and also wasn’t sure if it could cope with both face to face and phone (speaker phone) interviews. I’ve done two interviews now and it’s been brilliant. While on the voice recorder it might not sound so clear, on the MP3 generated and played back on my computer it’s really crystal clear, or has been for the two interviews so far — one done at a very socially distanced 6 plus feet and the other over the phone with a somewhat dodgy phone line. The USB connection is a neat retractable thing, it has easy to see record and stop buttons and, so far at least, appears to be idiot proof…if it isn’t I’ll find that out and report back! Very pleased with this and a huge time saver for me.
Un buon prodotto. Sarebbe stato meglio dotarlo di un display a colori
Ottimo prodotto. funziona molto ben, durata della batteria molto buona e registrazioni perfette.
Prodotto in ottime qualit, facile all’utilizzo e garante di buoni risultati.
I’m actually a little jealous. Maybe I should buy myself one. I have random thoughts all the time. How cool would I look recording myself sending thought to, idk, let’s say Harry? 😉
Great playback and easy to use. Compact and value for money.
Built-in USB connector is a particular positive – some older voice recorders come with a mini USB connector cable to link to a PC. That’s just something to lose/forget to pack and, of course, it takes up space to store. So the all-in-one solution with UBS built-in is much more convenient. Functionally, the voice recorder is fine for my needs. It’s small size/slim design is easy to use/store/carry around. All-in-all, I can warmly recommend it.
So once again, I was amazed at how small this thing is! It is tiny! Weighing only 78g, it’s both small enough AND light enough to carry with you at all times? The form factor is great and the whole device can be easily controlled with just one hand. And with most of the buttons being placed on the front of the device, controlling it feels very natural, like using your phone. But I will say that some of the buttons are very small, so those with larger hands might find it frustrating.
The screen is bright and easy to read from all angles. The software is easy to navigate and the device overall is intuitive to use. You can literally be recording within 1 minute of turning it on for the first time, once you’ve set up the time and date, which again is easy to do.
This device, like it’s predecessor, had a built-in USB plug that can be popped out with the slider and plugged directly into your pc or laptop. I love this. It saves carrying a lead. And while plugged in, it charges itself too!
So there a load of settings and ways to configure this recorder. It gives you four options of sensitivity for the built-in mic;
High, Medium, low, and there’s also an Auto option here in case your recording on the fly and need it to adjust depending on the situation.
You also have this setting available for External mics too!
You also get to choose if you want the mic to pick up a wide area of sound or a focused area. This is for the built-in mics only though. Focused is obviously best for voice work, whereas Wide would be better or a ambience sound or if you’re recording a meeting where there are people spread out around the room or table etc.
There is also a Audio in option that you can use to record audio from an external device like an old tape player. There’s even a sync option that means if recording an album from a tape,or example, the recorder will automatically stop and start recording between songs, and there for you can record a whole album and each song will be split into separate tracks for you! How cool is that?!
Ok, stats for audio nerds time. So, the audio quality setting are as follows …
LPCM 44.1khz/16bit
MP3 192kbps
MP3 128kbps
MP3 48kbps (MONO)
Now, the built-in memory gives you a whopping 5 hours, 30 minutes of record time, and that’s in LPCM lossless quality!
A 64gb Micro SD card will allow for over 100 hours of record time in LPCM lossless quality!
If using MP3, you’ll get over 40 hours with the built in memory, and a mind blowing 738 hours with a 64gb card! And that’s the MP3 192kbps mode, which is the top MP3 quality available.
And what’s more, you can use the Cross Memory function, this allows you to use the built in memory, and then when that gets full, it’ll automatically switch to the SD card and continure recording! Wowsers!
Now if you’re using this to record meetings, as long and boring as some meetings are, they don’t usually go on for 700 hours, so you should be good with this recorder!
Plus it actually has a dedicated Meeting mode for ease of use! Other dedicated modes include Lecture, voice notes, interview plus different kinds of music too!
The device also has a VOR (voice activated recording) feature. This makes it start recording automatically whenever it hears any sound. This is good for situation where you want to record yourself sleeping during the night to see if you sleep talk or snore. I tried it, and it turns out I snored around 936 times! It’s no wonder I’m single!!
Ok, so that’s a run-down on the main features of this device as a Dictaphone. But what about if you wanted to use this for voice over work on youtube videos for example? Well it is possible to use this in conjunction with your camera. If your camera has a mic input, you can wire the headphone jack of the recorder into your cameras mic input, and use it that way. But you will have to either press record on the device for the sound to carry through, or press record and then record again to pause it. This lets the sound continue through the device and into your camera.
There’s also a noise cut and low cut filter built in. although I don’t find this to be very good to be honest. You would get much better results just downloading software called ‘Audacity’, which is free, and using the noise reduction tool in there to process your audio.
All in all a great little recorder which is a good improvement on the last model (UX560) and I would recommend this one no problem!
Check out my YT channel of the same username to see my HD video with lots of sound tests to get a good idea of what you’re getting 🙂
does exactly what i bought it for, excellent voice recorder.
This is a unit that is assisting me well. I am recalling memories from my past, during different times of day. Rather than scribble them down, I can record, and recall it later for me to document. Good piece of ki
I have had far more success with this recorder than before in relation to recording and downloading with no loss of quality. The design is also compact and attractive, so my students are not unsettled when they see me holding it or if I lay it on the table.
I would definitely recommend this voice recorder.
WAV 16 bit quality recording and it powers condenser microphones. I use this with a Rode lav mic instead of a bodypack transmitter. Pro grade recording at a bargain price.
Ich nutze jetzt bereits die zweite Version des Sony ICD-UX Aufnahmegertes. Hauptschlich fr Diktierarbeiten mit Dragon. Die Aufnahmequalitt ist hervorragend. Akkulaufzeit sehr gut. Man kommt bedenkenlos ber den gesamten Tag bei intensiver Nutzung. Das Aufladen ist dank des intrigierten USB-Anschlusses auch spontan am PC des Kollegen problemlos mglich.
Super klein und handlich, passt in jede Tasche und wiegt nicht viel. Genau das, was ich brauche!
Ein wirklich gutes kleines und handliches Gert. Die Tonqualitt ist sogar noch besser als beim Vorgnger. Die Einschaltzeit ist sehr kurz und betrgt nur 2 Sekunden auch bei ausgeschaltetem Gert.
Die Qualitt der Aufnahmen ist sehr gut, in erster Linie bei Sprache. Sogar eine Vorlesung konnte ich problemlos aufzeichnen. Musikaufnahmen gelingen nach meiner Meinung nicht so gut. Ich habe auch einen Philips DVT7500 Recorder, der fr Musikaufnahmen besser geeignet ist. Auch das Unterbrechen und wieder Starten ist beim Sony reibungslos.
Es hilft natrlich, sich vorher die Bedienungsanleitung durchzulesen. Diese wird anders als bei vielen Gerten heute blich auf Papier mitgeliefert. Auch ein kleines Futteral gehrt zum Lieferumfang.
Der eingebaute USB-Anschluss ist genial. Man muss also kein Kabel mitschleppen zum Aufladen oder um sich die Aufnahmen auf den Computer zu laden.
Die Speicherkapazitt von 4 GB sollte auf jeden Fall ausreichen. Ansonsten kann man mit einer Micro SD aufrsten.
Die Bedienung ist etwas gewhnungsbedrftig. Das Gert ist halt sehr klein (1,22 x 3,66 x 10,28 cm) und die Tasten sind dementsprechend auch sehr klein.
Relativ teuer im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzprodukten.
Resultat: Kaufempfehlung.
Other than that, I’m pleased with the sound quality and it’s really easy to set up and use.
Bin voll zufrieden mit dem Diktiergert. An der Qualitt habe ich nichts zu beanstanden!
Mia moglie fa la corista e oltre alle foto ho deciso di registrare i concerti.
Il registratore vocale mantiene tutte le promesse in descrizione.
E’ stato facile ottimizzarlo per le mie necessit grazie ai link forniti dal produttore nella sezione Domande.
Ottimo prodotto.
Consigliatissimo anche per la connessione con il PC e trasferimento file.
Al llegar el paquete con la grabadora, este se intuye bastante pesado … pero en realidad todo el peso de la caja es por la ingente cantidad de manuales que se incluyen (OCHO!). El packaging en s es todo un puzzle de cartn y plstico. Una vez la saquis de dentro, difcilmente lo podris volver a montar todo igual.
La grabadora NO PESA NADA. Parece de mentira, como si fuera solamente una carcasa sin nada dentro. De verdad que es flipante, es casi inconcebible que funcione. Toda ella viene en un bonito acabado negro mate en el cual no quedan las huellas dactilares. Incluye una fundita “tipo neopreno” con algo de acolchado.
Dispone de una pantalla brillante en blanco y negro, pero que se ve muy bien en todas condiciones. En realidad aadirle color probablemente servira para encarecer el producto y disminuir su autonoma.
Justo debajo de la pantalla tenemos el botn de STOP y REC/PAUSE, ubicados en la posicin ms ergonmica posible que hay al sujetar la grabadora con una mano.
Tiene entrada para Micro-SD, pero creo que con la cantidad de espacio disponible de serie, a poca gente le har falta. Si nuestra intencin es acumular MUCHO audio, o utilizar esta grabadora como reproductor de msica MP3, entonces tiene sentido.
Hay un conector USB macho retrctil integrado en la propia grabadora, por lo que no nos hace falta ningn cable para conectarla a cualquier ordenador. Integra un altavoz para escuchar las grabaciones que hayamos hecho y las canciones que le podamos copiar.
Incorpora dos micrfonos omnidireccionales en la parte superior, los cuales graban un stereo bien diferenciado y tienen una muy muy buena sensibilidad.
Ya para finalizar tiene una entrada de micro externo y una salida de cascos, ambas en jack de 3,5mm entre los 2 micrfonos superiores.
Os lo resumir en una palabra: calidad
Siendo ms extenso, las primeras pruebas que he hecho me han parecido brutales. Los 2 micrfonos integrados, aunque tienen muy buen aspecto, pensaba que siendo pequeos no podran captar bien los sonidos ms sutiles o que no tendran buena resolucin. Pues iba bien equivocado
Por norma y como uso standard, lo ms probable es que le demos al botn de grabar y se inicie la grabacin con los parmetros por defecto (y eso ya nos valdr). En pantalla tenemos un par de barras que nos indican el volumen de grabacin de entrada, lo que nos ayuda a saber si estamos grabando a buen volumen (para que luego no tengamos sorpresas). Por encima de la pantalla tenemos un led que indica en todo momento que estamos en proceso de grabacin, el cual se puede desactivar si queremos. Pasados unos segundos de grabacin, la pantalla se apaga para ahorrar batera.
Antes de grabar, si queremos podemos seleccionar una serie de “presets” que nos pueden ayudar a captar mejor el sonido. Desde el modo puramente automtico, que lo hace muy bien en general, hasta modos especficos para conferencia, “msica a volumen bajo”, notas de voz, etc etc … Estos modos realmente captan los sonidos de forma muy distinta entre s y vale la pena experimentar un poco.
Evidentemente a esta grabadora tena que hacerle una batera de pruebas de grabacin “a mi manera”. Por descontado he grabado una conferencia, que sera el uso ms normal y standard que se le podra dar como grabadora, pero tambin he probado cosas un tanto peculiares. He grabado sonidos de lluvia, un pajarito haciendo gorgoritos, sonido ambiente en un parking … y tambin me he grabado la voz en situaciones de eco, andando por la calle y dems casos un tanto adversos. A nivel de captacin de sonido ambiente sin voz, lo hace de manera clara y precisa. Y en situaciones de voz es capaz de discriminar muy bien lo que es ruido de fondo y lo que es importante. Por ejemplo me grab charlando con la grabadora prcticamente tocando la torre del PC (con sus ventiladores a full), y en la grabacin prcticamente no se escucha nada de fondo, ha filtrado muy bien el ruido.
Tal y como he mencionado anteriormente, dispone de un altavoz integrado para salir del paso. Si conectamos unos auriculares al puerto de 3,5mm ah es cuando escucharemos las grabaciones y audios con la calidad que toca
Como reproductor de MP3 porttil, an y no siendo su funcin principal y no sea demasiado “fashion” para este menester, es muy bueno. Se puede ecualizar la msica a gusto, hay presets muy distintos y decentes, y tiene su propia configuracin de 5 vas. A dems podemos navegar entre nuestras canciones mediante los respectivos id3 tags o bien a la vieja usanza yendo entre carpetas manualmente.
Disponemos de los tpicos controles para manejar la reproduccin, pero a dems tenemos un control de velocidad para aumentar hasta 3x, y botones para avanzar 10 segundos o retroceder 3 segundos en el tiempo. Ideal para hacer transcripciones de audio.
Como cosa curiosa, podemos aplicar las mismas configuraciones de velocidad y reproduccin a la msica, tal y como si fuera una grabacin de audio. Esto puede ser til si escuchamos podcasts o locuciones y las queremos acelerar para ganar tiempo.
SI enchufamos la grabadora al PC, esta se interpreta como un pendrive standard. En una de las carpetas tenemos disponible un software de gestin y edicin de archivos (solamente compatible con Windows) de nombre “Sound Organizer 2”.
Sin ser una aplicacin extremadamente potente, nos permite gestionar los audios de la grabadora y pasarlos al PC de manera gil. Tambin permite ripear CDs de msica para pasarlos a la grabadora y escucharlos ah tambin.
Podemos editar de forma bsica y sencilla (y algo limitada) los audios registrados.
Probablemente habr grabadoras mejores, como es bien sabido el mercado de audio (al igual que pasa con la fotografa), hay mucho “snobismo”. Pero en esta trada de calidad vs precio vs diseo, esta grabadora se lleva la palma. Para mi, su compra es un win total.
Pequesima y peso pluma, grabaciones de alta calidad, muy funcional, y de diseo pro. Se podra intuir algo cara a lo mejor, pero tambin es cierto que obtendremos esa calidad de sonido por la que la marca es conocida.
Os la recomiendo totalmente!
I use these devices to record musical ideas. My go-to has been the Olympus LS-P4 for years and I didn’t expect much of this – it’s the same sort of size, has smaller and one fewer mics and weighs less. I found it intuitive to use, I liked it’s ergonomic and simple design, but most of all, it blew the Olympus (and my other Tascam) away when it came to sound quality. The richness of the voice and acoustic guitar capture was astonishing, with far less compression. Some minor clipping if you’re too near, but otherwise, this is an awesome little machine – vastly superior to similar competition and any mobile phone for on the move/quick recordings. No overdub facility is a minor shame, but the latency on these items makes it fairly useless anyway. And the built-in speaker is very handy compared to similar, even more expensive ones without.
Taking the price out of the frame for the moment there is so much to recommend with this recorder. It’s tiny. The sound quality is excellent. It has 4GB of built in memory and a micro SD slot to expand that further. There’s a built in USB that slides out so you can easily transfer recordings without any extra cables. The screen is easy to read and the menus simple to navigate. You can skip through recordings in 10 sec increments to find the bit you want. You can plug in an external microphone via a 3.5mm jack and there’s a separate headphone port too. It’s practically perfect. Can you get cheaper models? Yes. But it’s up to you how much you want to spend. If you can afford this one, it’s great.
This is such a small unit which is why I purchased it, to record audio offline from the video recording and syncing up at editing stage.I like the simplicity, I saw a youtube video which convinced me to buy it and am very pleased with my purchase.
Dimensioni contenute ,leggerissimo ed in fine con tutte le caratteristiche che mi intressano
Dabei setze ich vor allem auf ein Lavaliermikrofon von Rode (Smartlav).
Leider funktioniert dies, ander als es hier von einem Rezensenten erwhnt wird, nicht. Sowohl das Gert als auch das Mikrofon sind funktionsfhig.
Dafr ein Stern Abzug.
Ansonsten macht es ein wirklich guten EIndruck. Ich wrde es gerne behalten, aber so ist es fr meine Zwecke leider nutzlos.
A couple of months ago i bought a Digital Voice Recorder from Amazon (at a much lower price than this). When it arrived, I was a bit dismayed to find that it was a piece of no-quality Chinese junk. it only worked when it felt like it, regularly corrupted the files and, in short, was WAY more trouble than it was worth. It went into the bin.
This, however, is another story entirely. It’s from a reputable maker, comes with proper instructions instead of Google-translated Gibber-ese, and it works flawlessly.
Even better than that, some real thought has gone into how to make it as easy to use as possible, including the ability to quickly zoom to the particular part of the recording that you want to hear.
If I had one minor quibble, it might be that I would have liked the max playback volume to be slightly louder, but maybe that’s just my old ears going deaf.
Seriously though, if you’re in the market for a voice recorder, I don’t think you’ll do any better than this, and it really is worth the extra money.
This device is four times the price, but wow, is this an upgrade or what?
This is the kind of device you expect from a well known brand such as Sony – top of the line gadgetry, solid and refined build qualjty, big, bright and clear screen with responsive buttons, with a battery life that will last up to six days of constant recording, or more than two full days of the highest bitrate quality recording.
Background noise is pretty much zero, or at least I no longer have to boost the volume of my recordings to the point where there is a constant hum and squeal of static noise.
The recordings at the highest bitrate are as crystal clear as you could possibly need, even across whole, large meeting rooms, where every sound and piece of speech will be picked up.
Charging and transferring files is easy as it comes with an attached USB, which comes out of the body to connect to a computer – no more will I have to run around to look for the cable for my old recorder.
This also includes a large internal storage capacity of 4GB which can be expanded with a microSD, although I haven’t tested this out yet, which is very handy if you are recording a significant amount of high bitrate audio.
While this is very expensive, is it worth the money? In contrast to my previous recorder at 30, the quality of recordings and feature set all far Excel above it, so for regular use I’d absolutely recommend to upgrade. However, I don’t think something so significant would be necessary if you only needed it for ocassional or amateur use.
La grabadora tiene una memoria de 4 Gb que puede ser ampliada con una tarjeta microSD
La mxima calidad grabacin es a16 bits teniendo en total estas opciones
LPCM 44.1 kHz/16 bit (STEREO)
MP3 192 kbps (STEREO)
MP3 128 kbps (STEREO)
MP3 48 kbps (MONO)
Dispone de 8 ajustes para distintas “escenas de grabacin” mas dos memorias para ajustes personalizados
Grabacin voz auto. (ajuste predeterminado):
Grab. musica auto:
Notas de voz:
Musica baja:
Musica alta:
Ajuste los micrfonos incorporados a grabacin centrada o amplia
Funcin VOR que hace que se inicie la grabacin se inicie automticamente cuando el volumen del sonido de entrada alcance el nivel predefinido, y entre en pausa cuando el volumen disminuya por debajo de dicho nivel
Dado que no graba a 24 bits / 96 kHz no es la mas idnea para los creadores de videos, msicos y creadores de contenido para los que el modelo Sony PCM-A10 es mas adecuado, por contra para un uso mas genrico, desde conferencias, entrevistas, clases, y en todos aquellas situaciones donde no se exija la mxima calidad de sonido, este dispositivo ofrece una muy buena calidad, autonoma impresionante, es super compacto y ligero, ofreciendo una calidad muy superior a la que se peda conseguir con un mvil
El manual que trae es bsico y te redirige al manual iterativo que esta en internet, este si que es muy completo, y esta disponible en varios idiomas. La nica pega de este manual es que la imagines de las pantallas y los nombres de los menus y sus opciones hacen referencia a cuando tiene la grabadora configurada en idioma ingles, y realmente en el aparato todos los menus estn traducidos al idioma que se configure
En todo caso la gua esta muy bien estructurada y da consejos de como sacar mas partido a la grabadora, yo aconsejo descargar la versin en PDF por si al cabo de los aos “desaparece” de la Web.
La gua completa tiene 254 paginas y no funcionan los enlaces, por lo que es bastante mas cmodo consultarla en internet, pero como solo ocupa 3,7 MB, pienso que es mejor tenerla bajada
When it comes to recording, more than likely you will want your device ready for the action in an instant with minimal setup. The benefit of this is it’s so simple to use and very quick to navigate through the easy menu screen too. Coming with an attached USB on the end charging is not task at all either, simply plug it into a USB charger or your computer and it will charge away. Charging has been quick and has lasted for quite a long time for such a small device which impressed me a lot. But the most important thing aside from the added extra is how it actually does the job its meant to do.
The sound quality is fantastic and it records with clarity, loudness and with minimal white noise or background interference. Some minor details such as positioning of the device in the ‘sweet spot’ can help but even with minimal setup, you are getting such a high-quality recording as to be expected. With the pickups being so sensitive you do not need to hold the recorder too close as that might give you some distortion I would say a foot away is enough but even sat on a table 2 feet away I found the quality of the recording to be equally as impressive.
The bottom line is.. you can get digital recorders for a fraction of the price of this anywhere these days so is it really worth spending extra on this… yes, yes it is. Sony make products that are quality but also built to last. It’s worth paying extra for a brand you trust who always delivers than something you have never had before. Hopefully, this review was helpful for you and thanks for reading.
1 caja (medidas aproximadas: 15,5 x 10,5 x 5 cm) con frontal de plstico transparente para poder ver el interior que incluye:
-1 grabadora SONY (medidas aproximadas: 10 x 3,5 x 1 cm), con carga USB extrable, gran pantalla de visualizacin, entrada para micro y para auriculares.
-1 funda mullida para la grabadora.
-1 manual de instrucciones y uso.
-Muy muy ligera de peso.
-Manejable en mano con botn de volumen en el lateral y funciones en el frontal.
-Graba en formato MP3.
-Contiene una salida USB para recargar su batera de litio rpida y cmodamente y/o para descargar de forma sencilla los archivos grabados.
-En los ajustes iniciales se puede elegir el idioma deseado.
-La ventana de visualizacin se apaga automticamente para ahorrar energa si no se toca la grabadora en 30 segundos.
-Se graba directamente pulsando un botn en el frontal (siempre que est seleccionada la funcin de grabar). De la misma manera, desde el frontal se puede pausar la grabacin, reanudar y parar.
-Con una aplicacin instalada en el ordenador (“Sound Organizer 2”), se pueden transferir archivos y msica de CD en formato MP3 en cuestin de segundos.
-Gran autonoma: 22 horas de grabacin en MP3 48 kbps MONO y 47 horas de reproduccin con los auriculares de archivos de msica en MP3 128 kbps. Eso s, dependiendo de la calidad y el uso empleado, la duracin de la batera disminuye aunque no considerablemente.
-Diseo sobrio e intuitivo.
-La carcasa es completamente de plstico. Es cierto que es muy ligera en mano, pero agradecera algo de metal por la sensacin de robustez y durabilidad.
-Sobran manuales de instrucciones en el interior de la caja. Entiendo que es una informacin muy completa, pero debera estar delimitada en bloques zonales para abaratar papel y hacer la caja menos pesada y manejable.
La calidad del producto es incuestionable. El sonido es claro y limpio, no distorsiona voces ni las ahoga en el ruido ambiente. La apariencia es buena, pero cuando la coges en mano y la notas entera de plstico… Vale lo que cuesta, sin duda. Es ms, tuve una grabadora SONY anterior que me dur mil aos y que no dej de funcionar, la perd (o me la quitaron, a saber), por eso me fo de la marca aunque prefiero la sensacin del metal (manas). Muy a tener en cuenta sin olvidar barajar opciones similares.
Esta grabadora de voz digital de Sony, es la evolucin del modelo UX560, ambos excelentes opciones para la grabacin de voz, dictados, etc.
El tamao que tiene es bastante pequeo y estilizado, no es para nada grueso y se puede llevar encima sin problemas alguno, no ocupa sitio. Tiene un tamao de 102,8×36,6×12,2mm y un peso aproximado de 50 gramos, es decir pequeo y ligero.
Los materiales buenos, calidad en todos los aspectos, botones de buena construccin, al tacto se aprecian duraderos e interruptores de calidad en esto no se puede decir nada negativo. El diseo me ha gustado es sencillo, muy similar al modelo anterior pero con algunos cambios.
La pantalla, aunque es pequea es OLED y se aprecia perfectamente los caracteres, algunas de las caractersticas que tiene son las siguientes, sin extenderme mucho ya que en la pgina del producto de Sony estn todos
Almacenamiento interno de 4Gbyte, que se puede ampliar mediante una tarjeta micro SD externa. De sobra para grabaciones de voz con 128kbps en MP3.
Se conecta directamente mediante USB al ordenador, no hace falta ningn tipo de adaptador ni drivers ni nada por el estilo, en Windows 10, que es donde yo lo he usado funciona sin ningn tipo de problema, aunque indica que es compatible tambin con los ordenadores de Apple.
Algunas cosas interesantes que tiene es que tiene grabacin por voz, tiene batera incorporada, no hace falta comprar pilas a parte, se puede realizar tareas de borrado, reproduccin, etc de manera fcil y sencilla.
Aspectos negativos no le encuentro ninguno, eso si, es un aparato especfico para lo que es, grabacin de voz y esa tarea la realiza perfectamente y con calidad. Entre el contenido que trae incluye una bolsa de transporte. Se puede introducir, si se desea, un micrfono externo, pero en este los que trae, que son pequeos pero potentes. Tambin se puede introducir un auricular para escuchar lo grabado.
El sonido que ofrece de grabacin es realmente bueno, para dictados que es lo que lo estoy usando, para estudio principalmente, es perfecto, se escucha muy bien y realmente no es lo mismo que grabar con el mvil, aunque sea un aparato un poco caro y especfico se nota. Ideal en mi opinin para reuniones, dictados, clases, etc, calidad de sonido genial, pequeo y muy manejable.
Es un producto completamente profesional que realiza grabaciones de gran calidad y que permite el acceso a las mismas de manera fcil y ordenada con una generosa pantalla LED.
El sonido que capta es muy fidedigno y recoge todos los detalles del entorno.
Tal vez pueda Parecer un poco cara pero es lo que tiene un producto de alta fidelidad y con objetivos profesionales y de una marca conocida como lo es Sony.
While only new to the world of digital voice recorders I hope to reach up to those in the same position. It was not long ago I purchased the Homder version for 25 so I could interview people at my local parkrun for the run report. So, my question to myself, if I was to purchase the Sony, is it worth the 90+ mark up?
Well my answer is yes but that is nothing to do with sound quality. While the Sony is lighter but bigger it’s also easier to use and the screen is easy to see. Navigation is simple and what’s better is everything works instantly at the touch of a button whereas I had to wait to start talking with the Homder.
Having the USB integrated with the recorder didn’t add much weight and charging the device is easy so long as you have room.
What I love most about this device is the simplicity of use, its easy and holds nice in the hand. There is 4GB of internal memory which you can increase by use of a microSD card (no provided). When listening back the sound is clear, you can skip forwards 10 second but only back 3 which I wish was a little longer.
Light and easy to hold
Fantastic sound quality when playing back
picks up sounds from a distance or just focuses more on where its pointed
Easy to use, transferring files is as easy as plug and play
Everything is instant, no waiting
Large easy to see screen
maybe slightly expensive compared to other models
Zunchst ein Dankeschn an die Fa. Sony, die mir als Produkttester diese Sony ICD-UX570B Digitales Diktiergert zukommen lassen haben.
Das Gert ist recht leicht und erstaunlich gut. Es ist auch leicht zu handhaben. Der eingebaute Akku hat 500 mAh und reicht somit fr eine ganze Weile.
Fr Leute die mehr als 4 GB Speicher bentigen, knnen auch ganz einfach Micro Speicherkarten in das Gert einfhren. Das passende Fach ist hinten Siehe Foto. Eine einfache Funktion wo man per Knopf Druck das Gert an seinen Laptop oder PC via USB anschlieen kann und per drag and drop die gesprochenen Dateien einfach und unkopliziert transferieren kann. Die Dateien werden in MP3 abgespeichert und sollten somit auch mit den meisten Gerten etc. abspielbar sein.
Meine Mum benutzt das Gert um ihre Gedichte so wie Geschichten zu sichern was eine enorme Hilfe ist.
Die Klangqualitt ist bei weitem besser als von den Gerten die wir bereits gekauft hatten und somit kann ich diesem Gert hier eine klare Kaufempfehlung geben.
Man kann aber auch ein eigenes Mikro reinstpseln falls jemand den Wunsch danach hat, kann dies tun. Was mich hier aber strt, ist dass man die Lautstrke jedes mal erneut aufdrehen muss da sie von alleine auf 16 zurck springt.
Die Aufnahmen kann man direkt abspielen und dies spart natrlich auch Zeit.
Wir sind mit dem Gert vollstens zufrieden und empfehlen es auch weiter. Sony Produkte sind auch heute noch spitze.
Important: This IC recorder is compatible with Sound Organizer 2 only. If you format the builtin memory, all data stored there will be deleted, the Sound Organizer software installer will also be deleted. However, you can register your product with Sony and download this software directly from them.
Ich nutze das Diktiergert tatschlich zum diktieren. Bislang hatte ich ein wesentlich einfacheres und gnstigeres Sony-Mono-Gert mit Batterien (Sony ICD-PX240), die immer recht schnell leer waren. Zum Zwecke der Testung ersetze ich dieses gerne durch das ICD-UX570B, welches wesentlich hherwertig ist.
Am Wichtigsten fr mich: ist es einfach zu bedienen und wie ist die Inbetriebnahme? Das gestaltete sich schon mal erfreulich einfach. Ich habe es ohne Anleitung geschafft alle wesentlichen Funktionen einschlielich der bertragung auf einen Mac zu bewltigen – super! Erfreulich finde ich auch, dass das Diktiergert sofort mit mp3 aufnimmt, frher hatte mich mal ein Olympus, das Aufnehmen mit wma speicherte, das musste man dann oft umwandeln. Mp3 aber hat sich mittlerweile durchgesetzt, das kann man berall abspielen. Man kann unterschiedliche mp3-Qualitten einstellen. bertragung auf Mac nur mit drag & drop – auch erfreulich einfach.
Zum Abspielen hat es Tasten zum einfachen und schnellen vor- und zurckspringen, das erleichtert die Transkription, wobei bei uns das ohnehin hauptschlich am PC gemacht wird, daher fr mich keine Rolle spielt.
Die Klangqualitt ist wirklich hervorragend, zum diktieren fast zu schade. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass man auch gut andere Einstze (Vorlesung, Konzert, Natur) damit bewerkstelligen kann und ein gutes Ergebnis erreicht. Hab ich aber nicht ausprobiert. Anschlussmglichkeit fr Kopfhrer und Micro ist gegeben.
Erfreulich ist der integrierte USB-Stecker. Damit braucht man kein weiteres Kabel und hat den Anschluss immer mit dabei. Darber wird das Gert auch aufgeladen, das Wechseln von Batterien entfllt somit. Ich finde das Gert super und wesentlich besser als mein altes Sony ICD-PX240. Der Mehrpreis lohnt sich definitiv.
Lieferung und Verpackung wie immer gut und schnell.
Der Sony IC-Recorder prsentiert sich schlicht, einfach und praktisch. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist in deutsch und verstndlich beschrieben. Das Gert hat fr meine Hand die richtige Gre die Tasten sind gut angeordnet so das die Grundfunktion einfach aktiviert werden knnen. Ganz besonders clever ist der eingebaute USB-Stecker der einfach ausgefahren wird und dann direkt an eine Ladestelle angeschlossen werden kann. Ein Ladekabel wird nicht bentigt. Eine MicroSD Karte wird fr die Funktion noch bentigt (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten). Viele Funktionen wie z.B. das Speichern seiner Lieblingsmusik oder seinen Aufnahmen in verschiedenen Ordnern sind mglich. Mit Hilfe des logisch aufgebauten Men und dem gut ablesbaren Display (auch bei Dunkelheit) geht das recht einfach. Grundanzeigen wie Uhr, Datum, Jahr sind schnell eingestellt. Die Tonqualitt der Aufnahme ist sehr gut der eingebaute Lautsprecher zur Wiedergabe reicht vllig aus. Fr eine bessere Wiedergabe kann ein Kopfhrer angeschlossen werden. Auch besteht die Mglichkeit des Datenaustausches zwischen dem IC-Recorder und einem PC/Laptop. Auch hier wird die Verbindung ber den eingebauten USB-Stecker hergestellt. Laut Beschreibung funktioniert das aber nur mit Windows-Computern. Da dann einfach den Installationsanweisungen folgen und fertig.
Hauptschlich werde ich den IC-Recorder als Gedchtnissttze fr meine Gedanken und Informationen einsetzen die sich so im Laufe des Tages ansammeln um diese dann am Abend zu bearbeiten. Hufig geschieht dies alles Outdoor da wird sich dann im Laufe der Zeit zeigen wie alltagstauglich und robust der Recorder ist.
Von mir gibt es eine klare Empfehlung fr den Sony IC-Recorde
My previous recorder was the Sony ICD-PX470 which was an excellent model and cost less than half the UX570. However, it never had all the features. With this latest model there’s a fantastically large memory size (4GB) which can also be enhanced with a micro SD card, automatic microphone sensitivity adjustment and a battery life of over 150 hours. This depends on the recording quality you choose but even at the highest quality setting you’re still going to get nearly 60 hours. There’s a lot of electronic wizardry going on inside the beast to optimise audio capture settings for music frequencies and there’s a reduction in the impact of recording mistakes caused by wrong microphone sensitivity settings. The main use as far as I’m concerned is recording meetings and the local Community Council meeting can be a hotbed of dissent with strong opinions being voiced, people talking over each other and emotions running high. I found the old PX470 dealt with it well and the UX570 is even better. The quality is excellent and even when there’s more than one person talking at once I can listen to it several times to make sure I get it right.
You can also skip a few seconds when playing back — you can go back 3 seconds or forward 10 seconds with the click of a button. You can also jump in 10% increments to find the important sections of the meeting, seminar or lecture. Transferring files to or from your computer is fast and convenient. Just like the PX470, the UX570 has an extendable USB connector which folds into the body of the device when not in use. No USB cable is needed. There’s other really good features too. The battery is rechargeable (all my previous models required AAA batteries), the screen display is large and very clear, there’s two microphones on the top of the unit to give you a much better quality recording and the auto voice recording feature reduces background noise to give you a clearer record.
It’s an expensive bit of kit, but I love it and I highly recommend it.
Im Laufe diesen Jahres bin ich bei der Kombination Rode Lavalier Mikrofon + Zoom H1n angekommen und bin damit absolut zufrieden. Einmal kurz durch Audacity geschickt und schon war der Ton sehr gut.
Jetzt konnte ich dieses Sony ICD-UX570B Diktirgert ausprobieren und war zunchst skeptisch, ob es sich fr meine Zwecke eignen wrde, da es ja primr ein Diktiergert ist.
Also kurzerhand ausgepackt und mein Rode angeschlossen. Was mich direkt gestrt hat war, dass es keine Mglichkeit gab, das Gert einzupegeln. Ein wenig umstndlich im Men konnte man gewisse Standardeinstellungen ndern also habe ich das dann direkt ausprobiert und bin absolut begeistert.
Die Aufnahme klingt glasklar, es ist fast kein Rauschen zu vernehmen (bzw. ich habe bisher kein Rauschen vernommen), es gibt kein Clipping, ich kann das Gert in die Hosentasche stecken und habe keine Strgerusche vom Mikrofon Anschluss wie ich es neulich bei einem Tascam Gert htte.
Die Aufnahmen kann man direkt ohne Nachbearbeitung benutzen, das ist wirklich super und fr mich sehr berraschend.
Dazu kommt, dass das Gert sehr klein, leicht und handlich ist, gerade im Vergleich zum Zoom H1n, gut zu bedienen, viele Funktionen, man kann auch direkt als WAV Datei aufnehmen und sehr geil finde ich auch, dass man einen USB-STick ausfahren und das Gert direkt an den Mac anschlieen kann (natrlich nur mit Dongle) und die Dateien dann direkt bertragen kann.
Der interne Speicher reicht fr 40 Stunden, so dass ich keine Mini-SD-Karten mehr fr das Audiorecording bentige.
Das Gert ist unter anderem so leicht, da es keine Batterien bentigt, sondern ber einen 500 mAh Akku versorgt wird, sprich man muss immer daran denken, es aufgeladen zu haben, aber es ldt sich automatisch, sobald man es zur Datenbertragung an den Rechner anschliet.
Bisher ist das Gert fr mich absolut perfekt, lediglich eine Einstellmglichkeit fr den GAIN um wirklich Clipping verhindern zu knnen wrde ich mir noch wnschen, aber selbst ohne gab es bisher noch keine groen Probleme.