Sportplus Inversion Table, adjustable inversion angles 20°, 40°, 60°, 80°, +/-90°, foldable for home use, user size approx. 154cm to 199cm, user weight up to 135 kg, Inversion Bench, Saftey tested
Die Lieferung hat zgig geklappt. Der Aufbau war gut erklrt und nach etwa 1 Stunde ohne Probleme erledigt. Das Gert ist sehr stabil, man fhlt sich sicher und es ist einfach zu bedienen. Die Fuhalterungen sind angenehm. Nach Gebrauch kann man alles schnell zusammenklappen.
Gute Verpackung und Aufbauanleitung, stabile Konstruktion, gut zusammenklappbar.
Mit ein wenig Geduld erreicht man den Einstellungszustand, um mit der Armbewegung das Vor- und Zurckkippen zu erreichen.
Ein Manko ist, dass die Kopfauflage nicht zu verlngern ist. Bei meiner Gre von 170 cm liegt mein Kopf gerade noch so – fast schon am Hals auf. Ich knnte die Lngeneinstellung also nicht mehr vergrern, um das Kippen zu erreichen, falls dies ntig wre.
es fcil de montar lo nico que debes estar acostumbrado a seguir las instrucciones que es un poco engorroso , tantas fotitos y nmeros, monte mal una pieza y no daba con la solucin un tornillo que mont en otro sitio hasta ponerme en contacto con ellos a travs del whatssap que hay en esta web…..gracias
Great Inversation table. Brilliant value for money. Wasn’t to hard to put together. Nothing got thrown which is a result!
I Def feel the benifit in my back. Really happy with this purchase.
well i have a teeter hangup in my other home so i thought i would get an additional inversion but at a cheaper price for the uk…guess what?…the cheaper brand is just as good, might i even say better for overall comfort, this product is a very good purchase…does the job.
No me ha gustado un pequeo defecto en una pieza que seguro que fue en el transporte y que las instrucciones no vienen en espaol.
Me ha encantado todo lo dems. Robusto, bonito, fcil de montar a pesar de no venir el manual de montaje en Espaol.
Las partes que requieren algo ms de conocimientos de montaje ya vienen premontadas y el resto es muy intuitivo.
Viene muy bien embalado y la tornillera perfectamente etiquetada.
Buen precio.
Yo lo recomiendo
Produit reu dans les dlais et livraison gratuite.
En plus c’tait un livreur trs sympathique et qui m’a appel avant pour m’avertir.
Emballage trs correct malgr un petit embout de profil carr cass mais rparable mais pas indispensable.
Le montage n’a absolument rien voir avec un meuble d’une clbre marque sudoise.
En suivant la lettre les repres de montage et le bon ordre ainsi que les explications en franais il n’y a pas d’erreur possible. La visserie et les lments de montage sont sertis sur un carton avec des dtails pour chaque piece.
Bon 2 cls plates et une cl mle H5 (BTR) sont fournies.mais ce sont des outils jetables et pour faire un montage vraiment sur il est prfrable d’utiliser des outils un peu moins lgers, il vaut mieux avec une vraie cl BTR H5, une cl plate et une cl tube de 13 ( crous nylstop qui rsistent au serrage pour la scurit) . Bon pour ceux qui n’ont aucun outil ceux d’origine ont le mrite d’tre l.
Matriel trs srieux, trs stable et plutt agrable voir en blanc, rouge et noir.
Je ne l’utilise que depuis 3 jours donc je ne peux pas vraiment parler des effets bnfiques sur le corps, mais ce que je peux dj affirm c’est que mme avec l’inclinaison minimum pour commencer on sent vraiment son corps se dtendre et quand on se remet vertical une sensation agrable de bien-tre.
Il y a des explications sur le net, inclinaison minimum pour commencer, 3 mn , 3 fois par jour si possible ou 2 fois, et ainsi de suite en augmentant progressivement l’inclinaison et le temps d’tirement mais en ne cherchant ni des performances ni battre des temps on n’est pas non plus fait pour vivre la tte en bas.
J’ai vu dans les avis que certaines personnes avaient eu des soucis de mauvais perages ou autres, pour ma part rien de ngatif.
Pour vraiment trouver le centre de gravit il est prfrable de cacher sa taille, par exemple pour 1.75m voir 1.73 ce qui fait que 1.75 est pile dans l’axe de la fixation.
Quand on est positionn vertical sur la table il faut ramener ses bras en croix sur la poitrine et tout doucement les tendre vers le haut, en faisant doucement et progressivement de faon basculer en arrire lentement. Quand on maitrise son quilibre on peut mme rester dans la position horizontale sans bouger ni faire le moindre effort.
Je ne suis pas pratiquant de yoga, mditation ou autres mais pendant que l’on utilise la table on peut couter des musiques relaxantes ou par exemple couter parler le docteur Christophe Andr sur une vido de You tube
” L’instant prsent “, elle semble avoir t faite pour la table d’inversion, 17 mn qui passent trs vite. Je ne fais aucune pub pour ce docteur que je connais pas ni pour la table ce n’est que mon avis.
Excellent rapport qualit/prix.
l’arrt -Emprise au sol L = 1,20 m l = 0’70 m
Hauteur 1,50m
Quand on est dessus la table
L = notre taille plus 10 cm l = 0,70 m
Plie Lx l 0,70×0,70 H 2 m
Le pliage est facile mais il n’y a rien de prvu pour la bloquer une fois plie. Il faudra bloquer les pieds qui ont tendance vouloir s’ouvrir et la table veut basculer.
Elle est trs stable et pse environ 25 kgs alors une fois plie elle est lourde est volumineuse, on peut la refermer parfois mais 2 fois par jour pour moi non, c’est compliqu.
Par contre le pliage n’est pas son point fort mais bon peut-tre que celles qui cotent 100 ou d’avantage en plus sont peut-tre plus faciles plier.
Non conoscendo la qualit di altri prodotti posso comunque affermare che questa panca assolve molto dignitosamente il suo ruolo. Non ho trovato difficolt nel montaggio, sicuramente robusta ed incute sicurezza nell’utilizzo. Certo un po’ pesante, ma non si pu avere tutto. E’ richiudibile e nel farlo consigliabile togliere la barra del poggiapiedi, cosa molto facile da fare. L’utilizzo molto semplice e le prese per le mani laterali estremamente comode. Quando vai all’indietro tutto il corpo si sposta leggermente a causa della gravit che la presa dei piedi, per quanto comoda e robusta, non riesce a contrastare. Questo determina che la testa arrivi a poggiare, nelle inclinazioni oltre i 40 gradi, leggermente fuori dal poggiatesta. Forse un po’ pi lungo non avrebbe fatto male. Comunque un limite decisamente trascurabile che non comporta reale fastidio. Per il resto funziona egegiamente. Chi volesse la perfezione pu cercare altro, chi vuole il risultato pu tranquillamente acquistare questo prodotto in tutta tranquillit.
Excellent rapport qualit-prix pour cette table d’inversion. On en a pour son argent. Le montage est facile, l’ordre est correctement expliqu dans la notice visuelle. Le visserie nsans tre top est correcte.
La table est facile d’ulilisation et fait partement ce pourquoi elle est conue : dtendre la colonne vertbrale.
Seul reproche : la table proprement dite mriterait d’tre plus longue d’une dizaine de centimtre pour les grands gabarits. je mesure 1m85, j’ai de longues guiboles et mon occiput est en limite de rembourrage. Mais c’est supportable.
En conclusion, on peut acheter sans hsiter, surtout ce prix. Merci Amazon de nos proposer de tels produits !
Very sturdy and well built. Easy to use and operate. Great purchase and very good for the back and neck. Would have liked a separate booklet on how to use it rather than instructions buried within the assembly booklet. Small quibble on an otherwise excellent piece of kit.
Really good quality. Easy to put together if you have a brain and a little patience. Well-made. I can’t imagine the more expensive ones are any better.
The only slight issue is with the foot clamps which work but grip you diagonally rather than straight at the ankle. This means that, when inverted, you slip a little and your toes point,making you feel you may slip out. But you don’t, it’s fine.
As for my back, it’s a great addition to treatment, but there ARE caveats, pointed out by my oesteopath and physiotherapists. When you use it, you relax supporting muscles and ligaments which are normally in tension, ‘suspending’ your spine in place. When you go right way up again, these ligaments take about 30 minutes for the fibres to return to normal. Therefore, your back is slightly vulnerable during this time. It does it good, but you should not exert yourself for about 30 minutes after use. Ideally, doing it just before bed is best.
Having been already been very impressed with the quality of the SportsPlus rowing machine I decided to try SP’s inversion table. This is what I can report on the 1st day of use. (1) Took 1.5 hrs to put it together and only the backrest was a little tricky due to holding it horizontal while fixing the bolts, which I did solo. Two persons would get it done in 20-30 minutes. (2) I am 188cm tall, but setting the adjustment to my correct height did not allow me to invert even when stretching my arms over my head, so I lowered the height setting to 183cm and then was able to invert when raising arms backwards. So a little experimentation required to get it right, but no deal breaker. (3) The storage folding part was not straightforward because standing it up against the wall required removing “the body height adjustment tube”, so that it would not topple over as well as making it’s profile smaller. However this is still not a deal breaker as you are full of confidence that gravity will not smash you into the ground as this is a very sturdy piece of equipment. I will take better safety over better storage anytime.
(4) The excellent build quality and the low price makes this a great bargain and I am very pleased with this product, but also I am now a SportsPlus fan and will continue to buy their products, so highly recommend this to all. Last of all I have to thank both GLS and Parcelforce who transported by purchase from Hamburg to Birmingham 2 days early. No damage to the product and the packaging was excellent.
Takes half an hour to assemble, not too difficult. Tools are provided although you my wish to use your own spanner if you have one. Very sturdy, nice looking unit. I got this to get benefit for my back. So far, it appears to help: by reclining I get a good strech in my back which feel great. And the benefit of that lingers, so I will keep using the unit.
Excellent product that actually works to improve your health.
Heavy, large and needs two persons to assemble.
Allow at least 2 hours at your leisure whilst taking your time to ensure you follow each section carefully.
Quality build just like you would find in a gymnasium.
Highly recommend and pleased with product and its benefits
Oh my……setting this up was a challenge! ~I needed plenty of coffee and a huge amount of patience but I got there after about 2 hours. Its a really substantial and quality pice of equipment. But it’s big and you need to make sure you have space for it too!
In terms of the actual inversion, take great care to build up. I’m used to shoulder stands through yoga, but even I needed to take this gradually. Build p the angles steadily and you’ll feel the benefits.
In terms of benefits, the stress relief on my niggly slipped disc is awesome. Literally the weight is released and it feels free and pain is reduced. I really like it and would not hesitate to recommend to any sufferers of a bad back.
Just leave enough time to build it and have enough space to use it!
If you’re someone with an aversion to assembling flat-pack furniture then this SportPlus Inversion Table may be a bit of a challenge for you even before you’re hanging upside-down in it. It arrives as a great big box of partly-assembled parts with a thick instruction manual containing more details about assembling it than actually using it. You get the tools you need and all the nuts and bolts (all cling-wrapped and labelled) and none of it is that difficult but you need the ability to understand diagrams to get all the bits in the right place. The only bit that confused me slightly was the padded backrest because it’s easy to mount it wrong way up – so double-check that diagram before you start tightening bolts.
The quality of construction is pretty good, especially at this price, and I previously had an inversion table that cost about the same as this one but wasn’t the same quality. The main frame is sturdy white-painted tubular metal and the padded backrest is better than some. It wouldn’t win any design awards but it all works and there are a couple of features my other table didn’t have. The only bit that feels a bit underspecified are the ankle braces which hold your feet in place to allow you to invert – obviously that’s a critical part and they work perfectly well but they feel a little flimsy when you first step into them. The main frame does fold up trestle-style (there’s a little metal locking rod to prevent this happening in use) for storage but the padded backrest is not (easily) removable and so it’s still quite a clumsy item to move and store, even folded.
There’s a screw-in retaining bolt with four threaded holes and this acts as a stop to prevent the table inverting completely, so you can start at lower angles and work up to full inversion as you get used to it. You can set a maximum tilt of 20, 40, 60 or 80 and even at 40 your back and spine are effectively in a ‘weightless’ state. The ankle brace and footrest is adjustable to suit your height – with the unit correctly adjusted you remain upright in a normal relaxed pose and only start to tilt back toward inversion as you raise your arms. Correctly balanced you have very delicate control over the angle of tilt with just small movements of your arms tilting you back or forth. There’s a printed scale of user heights on the footrest bar and you’re supposed to adjust the bar to your height but I found my setting was quite wrong and I couldn’t invert at all, I just had to lower the height setting a few inches and it was fine – so don’t rely only on the printed scale, experiment to find your perfect balanced spot.
In use it’s easy and feels quite secure, even if being upside-down is a disorientating thing at first but you have to take some care with these devices. This one has grab-rails which remain within reach when you’re inverted – although reaching up for them should tip you back up to vertical anyway, but they’re a reassuring feature. A few tips for your comfort and safety – beware of getting your elbows or hands trapped between the backrest and the frame as you ascend because it really hurts! I learned the hard way on a different inversion table (the grab-rails on this one make it less likely to happen) so now I suggest everyone adopts a sort of ‘praying’ pose with their arms and hands, that way you keep your elbows tucked in front and out of the way. Another tip, be sure to empty your pockets before you begin because handfuls of loose change raining down on your poor inverted head isn’t much fun either! Also wear a stout but comfy pair of shoes, preferably with a padded tongue (running or training shoes for example) because there’s a lot of pressure put on the tops of your feet while you’re wrong-way-up and it can get uncomfortable.
If you’ve never used one before or are out of practise I find hanging around upside-down causes a bit of nausea to begin with but that seems to pass with time. The retaining bolt which stops you going over into a full tilt is a boon if you’re a beginner because you can keep things under control – you don’t have to tip that far back to start feeling a benefit. I’m prone to lower back pain and an inversion table has been a real help to me in the past but you have to be committed and use it regularly. I also find it only really helps when you get to the stage of being able to relax fully while inverted, your instinct at first is to remain tensed up and that prevents your back getting a good stretch. Try taking long slow breaths while you’re inverted and stay inverted as long as you can without causing yourself any discomfort – that won’t be very long to begin with but stick with it. Even if it doesn’t instantly cure your back pain (which has happened to me) you emerge feeling taller and straightened-out somehow and it’s worth the effort.
This table is quite large, takes a good long time to assemble (an hour of quite close concentration) and isn’t that easy to fold away or store. But it does one thing very well – it has a range of different settings to allow you to stretch out and hang backwards or even upside down, all controlled by your own body weight, stabilised by the strong arms. With simple height adjustment, my kids have been enjoying and scaring themselves alternatively, but used properly, this has been a great stretcher and I thoroughly recommend it.
Really impressed with this inversion table. Quite fancied having one for this years, but they are generally a ludicrous amount of money.
This is a solid feeling, comfortable table, and very easy to use. One you get the length set correctly, it works very smoothly, gently lifting your arms rotates it round, and you can easily set the incline to 20/40/60/80 degrees.
Feels like you’re going to tip over, and takes quite a bit of getting used to, but once you do it’s very comfortable to use, and feels great getting to stretch out the back.
Would’ve been a clear 5 stars, but I took a star off for the ludicrous installation. I don’t even think it’s that hard a build – but the instructions are overly complicated, the diagrams and markings are unclear, and it makes it quite frustrating to put together, which is a bit of a shame.
May require assembly is an understatement. You are presented with a long box full of parts, bolts, nuts, washer, spanners and allen key. Everything you need is here. There are no extra tools apart from scissors to cut things open. The instructions are very detailed and make light work of assembly. This is something that one person can put together safely. When you are putting it all up you do get a feeling for how sturdy it is and also how the personal settings and safety features work,
Operation is very straight forward. You adjust the length to your nearest height line. The feet and ankle settings are very straightforward. Last things is to set up the angle of inversion from the four settings.
Get on gentle lift your arms up and you will start to tip. It feels like a fairground ride the first couple of times as you start to go over the edge. Dizziness is quite common, but it goes as you get used to the inverter. Very easy to use and you learn the balance part quite quickly.
After several years of back pain, this table has provided some real relief. You have very few times in life when your back is not supporting you. This is one of those times. It gently eases the tension in the back and has been a real help for me.
This took me around an hour to build but it is very well made and therefore needs building properly as it is going to hold a lot of weight. I am around 100kg but this is rated to 135kg so that is good for me. I tried it on the lower settings (around 40 degrees) before getting brave and full inverting. It is a very strange feeling, made me feel a bit sick and dizzy the first few times but soon got used to it and my back is already a lot better than before and I feel like I am being stretched in a really good way. Overall very impressed.
Die Lieferung hat zgig geklappt. Der Aufbau war gut erklrt und nach etwa 1 Stunde ohne Probleme erledigt. Das Gert ist sehr stabil, man fhlt sich sicher und es ist einfach zu bedienen. Die Fuhalterungen sind angenehm. Nach Gebrauch kann man alles schnell zusammenklappen.
Gute Verpackung und Aufbauanleitung, stabile Konstruktion, gut zusammenklappbar.
Mit ein wenig Geduld erreicht man den Einstellungszustand, um mit der Armbewegung das Vor- und Zurckkippen zu erreichen.
Ein Manko ist, dass die Kopfauflage nicht zu verlngern ist. Bei meiner Gre von 170 cm liegt mein Kopf gerade noch so – fast schon am Hals auf. Ich knnte die Lngeneinstellung also nicht mehr vergrern, um das Kippen zu erreichen, falls dies ntig wre.
es fcil de montar lo nico que debes estar acostumbrado a seguir las instrucciones que es un poco engorroso , tantas fotitos y nmeros, monte mal una pieza y no daba con la solucin un tornillo que mont en otro sitio hasta ponerme en contacto con ellos a travs del whatssap que hay en esta web…..gracias
Great Inversation table. Brilliant value for money. Wasn’t to hard to put together. Nothing got thrown which is a result!
I Def feel the benifit in my back. Really happy with this purchase.
well i have a teeter hangup in my other home so i thought i would get an additional inversion but at a cheaper price for the uk…guess what?…the cheaper brand is just as good, might i even say better for overall comfort, this product is a very good purchase…does the job.
No me ha gustado un pequeo defecto en una pieza que seguro que fue en el transporte y que las instrucciones no vienen en espaol.
Me ha encantado todo lo dems. Robusto, bonito, fcil de montar a pesar de no venir el manual de montaje en Espaol.
Las partes que requieren algo ms de conocimientos de montaje ya vienen premontadas y el resto es muy intuitivo.
Viene muy bien embalado y la tornillera perfectamente etiquetada.
Buen precio.
Yo lo recomiendo
En plus c’tait un livreur trs sympathique et qui m’a appel avant pour m’avertir.
Emballage trs correct malgr un petit embout de profil carr cass mais rparable mais pas indispensable.
Le montage n’a absolument rien voir avec un meuble d’une clbre marque sudoise.
En suivant la lettre les repres de montage et le bon ordre ainsi que les explications en franais il n’y a pas d’erreur possible. La visserie et les lments de montage sont sertis sur un carton avec des dtails pour chaque piece.
Bon 2 cls plates et une cl mle H5 (BTR) sont fournies.mais ce sont des outils jetables et pour faire un montage vraiment sur il est prfrable d’utiliser des outils un peu moins lgers, il vaut mieux avec une vraie cl BTR H5, une cl plate et une cl tube de 13 ( crous nylstop qui rsistent au serrage pour la scurit) . Bon pour ceux qui n’ont aucun outil ceux d’origine ont le mrite d’tre l.
Matriel trs srieux, trs stable et plutt agrable voir en blanc, rouge et noir.
Je ne l’utilise que depuis 3 jours donc je ne peux pas vraiment parler des effets bnfiques sur le corps, mais ce que je peux dj affirm c’est que mme avec l’inclinaison minimum pour commencer on sent vraiment son corps se dtendre et quand on se remet vertical une sensation agrable de bien-tre.
Il y a des explications sur le net, inclinaison minimum pour commencer, 3 mn , 3 fois par jour si possible ou 2 fois, et ainsi de suite en augmentant progressivement l’inclinaison et le temps d’tirement mais en ne cherchant ni des performances ni battre des temps on n’est pas non plus fait pour vivre la tte en bas.
J’ai vu dans les avis que certaines personnes avaient eu des soucis de mauvais perages ou autres, pour ma part rien de ngatif.
Pour vraiment trouver le centre de gravit il est prfrable de cacher sa taille, par exemple pour 1.75m voir 1.73 ce qui fait que 1.75 est pile dans l’axe de la fixation.
Quand on est positionn vertical sur la table il faut ramener ses bras en croix sur la poitrine et tout doucement les tendre vers le haut, en faisant doucement et progressivement de faon basculer en arrire lentement. Quand on maitrise son quilibre on peut mme rester dans la position horizontale sans bouger ni faire le moindre effort.
Je ne suis pas pratiquant de yoga, mditation ou autres mais pendant que l’on utilise la table on peut couter des musiques relaxantes ou par exemple couter parler le docteur Christophe Andr sur une vido de You tube
” L’instant prsent “, elle semble avoir t faite pour la table d’inversion, 17 mn qui passent trs vite. Je ne fais aucune pub pour ce docteur que je connais pas ni pour la table ce n’est que mon avis.
Excellent rapport qualit/prix.
l’arrt -Emprise au sol L = 1,20 m l = 0’70 m
Hauteur 1,50m
Quand on est dessus la table
L = notre taille plus 10 cm l = 0,70 m
Plie Lx l 0,70×0,70 H 2 m
Le pliage est facile mais il n’y a rien de prvu pour la bloquer une fois plie. Il faudra bloquer les pieds qui ont tendance vouloir s’ouvrir et la table veut basculer.
Elle est trs stable et pse environ 25 kgs alors une fois plie elle est lourde est volumineuse, on peut la refermer parfois mais 2 fois par jour pour moi non, c’est compliqu.
Par contre le pliage n’est pas son point fort mais bon peut-tre que celles qui cotent 100 ou d’avantage en plus sont peut-tre plus faciles plier.
La table est facile d’ulilisation et fait partement ce pourquoi elle est conue : dtendre la colonne vertbrale.
Seul reproche : la table proprement dite mriterait d’tre plus longue d’une dizaine de centimtre pour les grands gabarits. je mesure 1m85, j’ai de longues guiboles et mon occiput est en limite de rembourrage. Mais c’est supportable.
En conclusion, on peut acheter sans hsiter, surtout ce prix. Merci Amazon de nos proposer de tels produits !
I’ve only had it for a week and really like i
works wonderful for my back haven’t had any problems with my back since I bought i
Sturdy enough for many sizes.
Get used to it very quickly.
Is blessed relief.
The only slight issue is with the foot clamps which work but grip you diagonally rather than straight at the ankle. This means that, when inverted, you slip a little and your toes point,making you feel you may slip out. But you don’t, it’s fine.
As for my back, it’s a great addition to treatment, but there ARE caveats, pointed out by my oesteopath and physiotherapists. When you use it, you relax supporting muscles and ligaments which are normally in tension, ‘suspending’ your spine in place. When you go right way up again, these ligaments take about 30 minutes for the fibres to return to normal. Therefore, your back is slightly vulnerable during this time. It does it good, but you should not exert yourself for about 30 minutes after use. Ideally, doing it just before bed is best.
(4) The excellent build quality and the low price makes this a great bargain and I am very pleased with this product, but also I am now a SportsPlus fan and will continue to buy their products, so highly recommend this to all. Last of all I have to thank both GLS and Parcelforce who transported by purchase from Hamburg to Birmingham 2 days early. No damage to the product and the packaging was excellent.
Heavy, large and needs two persons to assemble.
Allow at least 2 hours at your leisure whilst taking your time to ensure you follow each section carefully.
Quality build just like you would find in a gymnasium.
Highly recommend and pleased with product and its benefits
In terms of the actual inversion, take great care to build up. I’m used to shoulder stands through yoga, but even I needed to take this gradually. Build p the angles steadily and you’ll feel the benefits.
In terms of benefits, the stress relief on my niggly slipped disc is awesome. Literally the weight is released and it feels free and pain is reduced. I really like it and would not hesitate to recommend to any sufferers of a bad back.
Just leave enough time to build it and have enough space to use it!
The quality of construction is pretty good, especially at this price, and I previously had an inversion table that cost about the same as this one but wasn’t the same quality. The main frame is sturdy white-painted tubular metal and the padded backrest is better than some. It wouldn’t win any design awards but it all works and there are a couple of features my other table didn’t have. The only bit that feels a bit underspecified are the ankle braces which hold your feet in place to allow you to invert – obviously that’s a critical part and they work perfectly well but they feel a little flimsy when you first step into them. The main frame does fold up trestle-style (there’s a little metal locking rod to prevent this happening in use) for storage but the padded backrest is not (easily) removable and so it’s still quite a clumsy item to move and store, even folded.
There’s a screw-in retaining bolt with four threaded holes and this acts as a stop to prevent the table inverting completely, so you can start at lower angles and work up to full inversion as you get used to it. You can set a maximum tilt of 20, 40, 60 or 80 and even at 40 your back and spine are effectively in a ‘weightless’ state. The ankle brace and footrest is adjustable to suit your height – with the unit correctly adjusted you remain upright in a normal relaxed pose and only start to tilt back toward inversion as you raise your arms. Correctly balanced you have very delicate control over the angle of tilt with just small movements of your arms tilting you back or forth. There’s a printed scale of user heights on the footrest bar and you’re supposed to adjust the bar to your height but I found my setting was quite wrong and I couldn’t invert at all, I just had to lower the height setting a few inches and it was fine – so don’t rely only on the printed scale, experiment to find your perfect balanced spot.
In use it’s easy and feels quite secure, even if being upside-down is a disorientating thing at first but you have to take some care with these devices. This one has grab-rails which remain within reach when you’re inverted – although reaching up for them should tip you back up to vertical anyway, but they’re a reassuring feature. A few tips for your comfort and safety – beware of getting your elbows or hands trapped between the backrest and the frame as you ascend because it really hurts! I learned the hard way on a different inversion table (the grab-rails on this one make it less likely to happen) so now I suggest everyone adopts a sort of ‘praying’ pose with their arms and hands, that way you keep your elbows tucked in front and out of the way. Another tip, be sure to empty your pockets before you begin because handfuls of loose change raining down on your poor inverted head isn’t much fun either! Also wear a stout but comfy pair of shoes, preferably with a padded tongue (running or training shoes for example) because there’s a lot of pressure put on the tops of your feet while you’re wrong-way-up and it can get uncomfortable.
If you’ve never used one before or are out of practise I find hanging around upside-down causes a bit of nausea to begin with but that seems to pass with time. The retaining bolt which stops you going over into a full tilt is a boon if you’re a beginner because you can keep things under control – you don’t have to tip that far back to start feeling a benefit. I’m prone to lower back pain and an inversion table has been a real help to me in the past but you have to be committed and use it regularly. I also find it only really helps when you get to the stage of being able to relax fully while inverted, your instinct at first is to remain tensed up and that prevents your back getting a good stretch. Try taking long slow breaths while you’re inverted and stay inverted as long as you can without causing yourself any discomfort – that won’t be very long to begin with but stick with it. Even if it doesn’t instantly cure your back pain (which has happened to me) you emerge feeling taller and straightened-out somehow and it’s worth the effort.
This is a solid feeling, comfortable table, and very easy to use. One you get the length set correctly, it works very smoothly, gently lifting your arms rotates it round, and you can easily set the incline to 20/40/60/80 degrees.
Feels like you’re going to tip over, and takes quite a bit of getting used to, but once you do it’s very comfortable to use, and feels great getting to stretch out the back.
Would’ve been a clear 5 stars, but I took a star off for the ludicrous installation. I don’t even think it’s that hard a build – but the instructions are overly complicated, the diagrams and markings are unclear, and it makes it quite frustrating to put together, which is a bit of a shame.
Operation is very straight forward. You adjust the length to your nearest height line. The feet and ankle settings are very straightforward. Last things is to set up the angle of inversion from the four settings.
Get on gentle lift your arms up and you will start to tip. It feels like a fairground ride the first couple of times as you start to go over the edge. Dizziness is quite common, but it goes as you get used to the inverter. Very easy to use and you learn the balance part quite quickly.
After several years of back pain, this table has provided some real relief. You have very few times in life when your back is not supporting you. This is one of those times. It gently eases the tension in the back and has been a real help for me.