SSEIHI Metal Straps Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 40mm 44mm/Watch 4 Classic 42mm 46mm/Watch 4 Classic LTE 46mm,Mesh Stainless Steel Magnetic Adjustable Replacement Loop bands,Black

Dimensions: | 20.1 x 5.6 x 1.6 cm; 40 Grams |
Manufacture: | SSEIHI |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | All-46-Black |
Il cinturino davvero nolto bello e ben fatto. Completo di attrezzo per ridurre il numero di maglie. Davvero un ottimo acquisto. Consigliato
Ottimo cinturino, leggero, di buona qualit e venduto con il kit di montaggio per regolarlo in base alla grandezza del polso. Rende lo smartwatch molto elegante.
Perfetto, facile da montare, facile d’accorciare, si sente che e pesante ma va bene per me.
Schones armband und passt genau doch leider gibt es keine stifte dabei gut das ich welche alten noch hatte obwohl die originalen von armband von samsung leider nicht passen musste daher normale nehmen und etwas kompliziert war es.
Je le trouve parfait et va trs bien mon poigne
Se confrontato con quello originale in silicone ovvio che sia pi pesante.. Ma assolutamente nella norma, anzi pi leggero di molti altri… Esteticamente veramente piacevole. L’orologio assume tutto un.altro aspetto… Top!
Buon prodotto, si notano subito qualit e robustezza. Certo il cinturino pesante ed al polso si sente ma fa un’ottima figura.
Me encant la correa, el color es muy bonito y la calidad bastante buena, por el precio lo recomiendo.
Das Armband ist vorallem fr den Preis echt gut, meine ist schon leicht zerkratzt, es ist aber auch von 1,5m Hhe auf einen steinernen Boden gefallen, es sitzt gut und die Montage war auch nicht schwer. Das Armband knnte mehr Gewicht haben aber dadurch wrde es warscheinlich auch wieder teurer werden. Die Farbe passt auch vollkommen zu Farbe der Uhr und ein Unterschied fllt nicht wirklich auf. Sollte sich jedoch etwas ndern oder Probleme auftauchen, werde ich das hier dazu schreibe
Die Armbnder sind sehr angenehm zu tragen sie sind weich und sehr elastisch.
Passt super an meine neue Samsung Watch 5 44 mm. Einfache Montage. Bin begeistert.
Ottimo prodotto. Completamente compatibile, sia come montaggio che come colore, con il mio Samsung Galaxy Swath 4 Classic 46 mm nero.
alles super gute qualitt nur leider fehlen die steckverbindungen fr die Armbandgliede
Sie sind sehr schn. Sind sehr praktisch auch auf Arbeit und rutschen nicht runter. Knnen auch Nass werden und trocknen sehr schnell wieder.
Acheter pour remplacer le bracelet plastique vendu avec la montre ce bracelet mtallique convient parfaitement il est livr avec outil pour enlever des maillons afin d’ajuster son poignet.
Chi scrive che in questo modo l’orologio diventa un mattone non ha mai provato uno della Diesel…
Il bracciale per adesso non presenta usura, il colore identico alla cassa del Watch4, comodo il kit per la sostituzione delle maglie.
Buena relacin calidad-precio. Correas de 20 mm cmodas y bonitas. No producen alergia. Buena compra.
Abbastanza robusto e leggero… lo uso tutti i giorni ed comodissimo
Il fait se pour quoi il et fait pas plus pas moins
Ideale per dare un tocco in pi al tuo orologio aspetto da nn sottovalutare la poca leggerezza dei materiali ma tornassi indietro lo acquisterei comunque!
Wechseln kann man das Armband problemlos. Sieht auch gut aus allerdings besteht ein kleiner Farbunterschied zum Gehuse der Uhr.
Esteticamente molto bello, leggero e comodo anche in estate perch non fa sudare…
Sehr schnes und stabiles Armband. Passt perfekt zur Watch 4 classic. Montage ein Kinderspiel und mit dem beiliegenden Werkzeug kann die weite leicht angepasst werden. Preis knnte etwas geringer sein.
Queda perfecto en el watch 4 de 46mm.
Lo pille para una boda y es facil de poner y queda bastante bie
Das Armband lie sich einfach an die Uhr anbringen. Das Material kratzt nicht oder fllt unangenehm auf.
Erst dachte ich ich das Armband wrde nicht vernnftig sitzen aber durch die Elastizitt ist es Perfekt.
La pulsera es ligera y se adapta bien al reloj. Trae todo lo necesario para ajustar los eslabones de la cadena, si bien, hay que dedicarle un rato y por facilitar el ajuste: si hay que quitar varios eslabones se eligen ha ambos mitades de la cadena posicionando aquellos que tienen la flecha hacia arriba sobre el puntero que empuja el pasador cuando se va girando la rueda del til que entregan con la pulsera. Veremos como se comporta el bao de la pulsera con el uso.
Cinturino perfetto, colorazione identica a quella dell’orologio. un po di difficolt nel montaggio perch uno dei due lati faceva fatica ad incastrarsi ho dovuto forzarlo un p per poi per il resto perfetto. Comodissimo il dispositivo per rimuovere le maglie in eccesso del cinturino
Se porte facilement trs lger
Facilement d’applications avec l’embout pour retirer les maillons de trop
Fits perfectly on my watch 4, the colour of the metal straps matches the colour of my watch 4 perfectly.
easy to attach to the watch frame and also easy to adjust the strap with removing links over all value for money
great looking but getting the pins out so you can remove links requires the kind of precision reserved for surgeons, even with the tool provided.
Ottimo prodotto di buona fattura, facilissimo da montare e altrettanto facile da regolare (togliere/aggiungere le maglie) con il toglimaglie in dotazione, leggermente diverso il colore rispetto al mio galaxy smartwatch 4 classic, ma difficile da notare per chi non lo sa, l’orologio vira pi sul grigio alluminio. Leggermente pi pesante rispetto a quello in silicone ma impercettibile. Ho cambiato il cinturino originale perch con il caldo mi faceva sudare troppo il polso.
I have a man sized wrist sp no adjustment was needed. Easy to install and fits very well. Makes my watch look so much better woth this strap
Es robusta y de buena calidad pero no le va al reloj negro.
Me gusta la facilidad de instalacin y la calidad en general. No me gusta mucho el click del cierre debera de ser algo ms robusto pero estoy muy satisfecho con el producto.
Purchased to replace the stock strap which had an accident, this really is the finishing touch to a great watch. It doesn’t stick out where it attaches to the watch, so much better than stock. Colour match is great for the black finish,the catch is secure.
When removing links, if you look at the back of the strap you will see an arrow. The link pins have to be pushed out this way and inserted in reverse order, otherwise you will really struggle.
Il cinturino si presenta bene comodo facile da montare e smontare anche smontare le maglie e facile
Giudizio pi che positivo ma se proprio vogliamo trovare qualcosa per non arrivare a 5 stelle, alcuni perni sono un po’ rigidi per cui il cinturino risulta poco flessibile in quei punti, ma probabilmente con l’uso migliorer, e forse un po’ troppo leggero se si amano i cinturini “massicci”…
Makes the the stainless steel watch look more complete and matches the style
Bought the Galaxy watch 4 (silver) last week and didn’t like the silicone strap. Found this strap and wanted to try it as I much prefer metal straps to anything else. Arrived today and followed the instructions, found it fairly easy to fit, though a little fiddly with largish hands. Needed to remove one link, all sorted within 30 minutes. If I were to pick holes it would be the colour is a shade or so different to the watch but not really that noticeable. Very happy with it and fits very well.
Feels like a real watch. Looks like a real watch. Easy to remove for charging.
No elastication so might be a bit loose or a bit tight, but still comfortable to wear.
Strap comes with tools to adjust length and to fit to watch.
Overall, very pleased with this item.
The appearance is generally good, but could’ve arrived with a higher level of polish. In light, the colour of the strap itself is a slight different colour to the stainless steel of my Galaxy Watch 4 Classic – this isn’t noticeable at a glance, though, but it definitely has a little yellowish tinge. The appearance at the connection to the watch is excellent and seemless, closely mirroring some luxury watches and one that I own. However, when worn, the way the links connect directly to the clasp creates an uneven number of links on each side of it because the links ride along the top of the clasp, which negatively effects the appearance on the underside of your wrist and makes it harder to figure out how many links you need to adjust.
Connecting the strap to the watch requires an entry level of dexterity. The tool used to remove and add links is poor. When I turned the knob that adjusts the tool pinhead to knock out or knock in the pins in the strap, it would not move in a straight line, meaning I had to lean my fingernail against it so it would hit the small hole on the strap. This was time-consuming and frustrating.
Non posso dare una valutazione a questo articolo, che apparentemente sembrava buono, dato che doveva sostituire quello originale del Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, inquanto ho restituito il mio Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 dopo 24 ore, per una batteria che non andata oltre le 16 ore, disattivando tutti i dispositivi per il risparmio energetico. Per devo dire che il cinturino esteticamente mi piaceva tanto.
Works perfectly, tool makes it easy to remove links to change sizing etc.
Very very happy with this watch strap. Admittedly it takes a little time to tinker about with, to ensure the size is right. Except once you’ve got that out of the way, it actually feels like a premium watch strap. Really impressed!
This strap is surprisingly good. It comes with spares and all the tools you need to add or remove links.
It’s got a heavy good premium feel to it as well. I’ve only had it for a day so I can’t say much about durability.
But overrall, Im quite happy with the purchase. I got the silver one.
It’s very tinny metal that sounds cheep and rattly, but a good solid design and comes with link removal tool and spare pins. Probably would buy agai
Pros- Nice looking strap. Easy to install/remove. Fits around the watch face giving a nice sleek look. Comes with link removal tool so you can fit to size.
Cons- Lightweight and feels cheap to touch. Colour profile is different to that of the silver watch model, although the colour closely matches that of the buttons.
Overall- For the price of the strap I would recommend trying it. Fits really nicely and is athletically pleasing even with the colour being slightly off.
Il cinturino semplice da montare e da regolare. Nella confezione troverete anche l’aggeggio per regolare le maglie. L’unica vera nota dolente del prodotto, che comunque ben fatto, il fatto che rispetto alla cinghietta originale un po’ pi scomoda. Cosa assolutamente normale perch uno in metallo mentre l’originale in silicone.
Consigliato se volete rendere il vostro Watch 4 Classic ancora pi stiloso e classicoso..
La unica pega que le veo es que por debajo el color negro al estar en contacto cn la piel se le va el color negro.
Si, stavo cercando un cinturino alternativo ai soliti, leggeri e comodi in silicone… Qualcosa che mi ricordasse di avere al polso qualcosa di importante. Questo cinturino facilmente personalizzabile in lunghezza grazie all’attrezzo fornito nella confezione, si adatta perfettamente alla cassa del mio Watch Classic 46, ha una chiusura perfetta e… dato il peso abbastanza importante, ti fa sentire che indossi un orologio vero! Sembra di avere al polso un vecchio chrono! A me piaciuto molto, mi sento di consigliarne l’acquisto. Occhio solo alle abitudini, se volete qualcosa di ultraleggero, no, non fa per voi, per il resto perfetto, anche nella tonalit di colore!
Very easy to install, watch looks better with this chain,very comfortable
Bought for my Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 44mm.
It fits a treat and suits my Black watch really well. Even has a small notch on the one end of the bracelet for the speaker on the watch.
I have no problem recommending this watch bracelet.
S’adapte super bien avec ma galaxy watch4 40mm. Facilement rglable, fait le taf en rendant un style montre “non connecte”. Je suis super satisfait. Un lger bmol sur le systme de serrage au niveau de la montre avec des “petites boules” pour declipser le bracelet qui peu gner si non rgle pas bien les maillons du bracelet.
Bref je recommande
Fits great on the Samsung Watch 4 Classic 46mm. My only disappointment is that the silver is not the same as the watch. So it is slightly darker. But apart from that it’s great.
Recibido el paquete perfectamente. Viene con todo lo necesario para quitar eslabones si es necesario, en mi caso me sobraban 4.
Se necesita un poco de paciencia y maa para ajustar la correa a la medida correcta, si es la primera vez que lo haces.
Una vez hecho esto, como se ve en la foto, queda perfecto.
Veremos con el tiempo su durabilidad
Le plus difficile est d’enlever les maillons pour adapter la taille du bracelet mais heureusement un outils est fourni avec pour le faire . Mais il faut prendre son temps. Sinon le bracelet de fixe bien et facilement au botier . La couleur est identique et le bracelet est solide est fait un trs belle effet de robustesse et esthtique
Great strap fits the Galaxy 4 Classic 46mm perfectly and makes the watch look really nice.
Wish it had the ability to make small strap size adjustments but none of the straps which fit Galaxy 4 classic have this. Fit is not bad despite this love the stal
Le bracelet est en soi trs standard dans sa conception. Facile adapter avec l’outil fourni et facile poser avec ses clips rtractables. Un petit plus est son intgration dans l’esthtique globale de la montre
Comprato per il mio galaxy watch 4 Un po’ difficile da montare ma esteticamente molto bello
Bought for my Watch 4 classic to replace the silicone strap supplied. It’s beyond me why Samsung don’t provide a stainless steel strap (even as an option). Anyway, this strap fits well and so far has proved secure with no accidental unlocking. It’s not exactly a heavyweight strap, but feels comfortable when worn. Overall, I would recommend this.
I was going to give this 4 stars instead of 5 due to it being an absolute pain in the backside to fit, but… as much as the fitment IS a pain I can say that the build quality, comfort and style is very good for the money. So having now got through the hideous task of fitting the strap, I am very happy with it! It certainly makes the watch feel a lot more expensive and stylish in comparison with the rubber strap the Galaxy Watch 4 comes with. To elaborate on the fitment issue, the concept of the fitment is fine, albeit a bit fiddly, however my particular strap seems to be fractionally out of alignment with the watch so it really took A LOT of fettling to actually get the pins to latch in position – a good 20-30 minutes! But it’s now fitted, and feels nice and secure. I’ve taken 2 links out, which is very easy to do with the tool included. All in, painful to fit, but worth it in the end!
he straps are spot on they come with an easy to use link remover so you can adjust as needed, i wear my watch on a daily basis so comfort is essential and the straps don’t disappoint.
overall a high quality finish for a very reasonable price, i highly recommend these to anyone wanting fantastic looking watch straps instead of the cheap tacky looking rubber ones
Makes my watch look more professional then the regular silicone band you get with your watch it is also very comfortable to wear and after taking some of the links out it fits perfectly, it’s a little fiddly to fit the strap to the watch but once it’s on its look great.
Utilizzato per samsung galaxy watch classic 46mm. Essendo allergico al cinturino fornito da samsung ho optato per questo cinturino in acciaio, All’interno della confezione troviamo oltre al cinturino i perni per poter agganciare il cinturino all’orologio e il necessario per poter togliere le maglie in pi con le relative istruzioni. Unico difetto almeno per le mie dita forse sono proprio i perni che non essendo fissi come sul cinturino originale bisogna fare un p di attenzione nel montaggio.
Nadie diria que no es la original.
Viene con extractor de pasadores para modificar la talla de la correa.
Sencillamente genial!!!…
Smart, fitted easily and comfortable. Too early to judge durability but looks as though it should be good.
As others have mentioned there is a tendency for fixed links to make the strap too tight or too loose. I eventually settled on the latter and have rapidly got used to it. However, perhaps the manufacturer (and others) might like to include a half sized or even 1 sized link to enable some fine tuning.
Ordered the watch strap for my new Samsung Galaxy 4 watch, as i wanted to replace the rubber one it came with. Adjusted the strap size to fit my wrist, using the tool that came with the strap, which was quite easy to do. Impressed with the quality and feel of the strap, great value for money, recommended.
Di buona fattura, il cinturino arriva un una scatola e ben ricoperto da pellicola di plastica per evitare si rovini durante il Trasporto. L’attrezzo in dotazione molto semplice da usare, bisogna centrare bene il foro, altrimenti la punta dell’attrezzo, nonostante sia in metallo, si pu piegare… Basta centrare il buco! Il lavoro abbastanza intuitivo, per me era la prima volta e non sono un orologiaio! Unica nota stonata, la riduzione del prezzo nel giro di pochi giorni, ma tant’… Ormai lo tengo. Spedizione Amazon top, al counter sotto casa. Una comodit!
Great strap – much better than the silicon strap you get with the smart watch. Easy to fit & adjust.
El cierre parece bastante seguro. Y trae todos los utensilios necesarios para su instalacin y adaptar la pulsera a tu mueca.
This is the best strap. Was a little tricky to put on, but wow. Fits like a glove, makes the watch look very premium. Also no gaps as fits like a glove to each end. Pins are separate but once it’s on it doesn’t fall off. I had to remove about 4 links which was really easy with the tool they give you.
Love i
This strap fits the watch4 classic 46mm and is decent quality also comes with a link removal tool.
Facile da montare e agganciare.
Tutto ok.
Mein Mann wollte ein neues Armband dass zu allen Anlssen getragen werden kann, und wo er auch mal zu wechseln kann, wenn er Bock drauf hat.
Das hier, fand ich sehr passend:
fr Beruf/Arbeit, Privat & in der Freizeit und ebenso auf Reisen.
Sieht edel aus und das Material fhl sich sehr gut an.
Ein Set zum Glieder entfernen/hinzufgen ist dabei um es ans Handgelenk anzupassen. Man hat also alles, was man braucht um es an die Uhr zu montieren.
Kommt mit Schutzfolie an! Das ist klasse!
Sieht sehr toll aus und macht sich super am Handgelenk. Auch als Geschenk fr Galaxy Watch 4 Classic Besitzer gut geeignet.
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Nur kompatibel mit 2021 Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic 46mm.