Telescopes for Kids Beginners,70mm Astronomy Refractor Telescope with Adjustable Tripod Portable Scope for Adult Children (Blue)

Dimensions: | 43.3 x 28.1 x 13.2 centimetres |
Brand: | ECOOPRO |
Model: | Ecoopro002 |
Part: | Ecoopro002 |
Dimensions: | 43.3 x 28.1 x 13.2 centimetres |
Don’t expect to be able to see massively close, but as a starting gear it’s OK
Easy to assemble. Purchased the book also. Well worth the money
Not yet used but wife is happy with the se
Bought for grandson for Xmas.
Everything for a beginner in the box,
Good that he can use in daylight too for nature watching,
Items are made of good quality materials, packed well and easy to assemble.
It was easy to assemble and easy to use, my granddaughter is in love with it!
I got this for my 7yr old birthday perfect for beginners who are committed as it’s not a cheap telescope. Other that having difficulties putting it together me and my son have enjoyed using this!
Daughter loves it does what it says just needs to be a little bit higher as needs to sit on a table but great item for any child
Since my grandson lives in Scotland and there have not been many clear nights recently, he is using it to search out things on the mountains near to his home and he is having great fun.
Bought as a Christmas present for my grandson, he loves it great for a beginner.
Je les achte pour mon fils passionn par l’espace et je ne suis pas du tu vois vraiment bien mme un adulte qui en n’a un professionnel m’a dit il et au mme niveau que le sie
Il prodotto per bambini, adatto e col giusto prezzo. La descrizione veritiera, la visione limpida. Certo, non si pretende chiss che ma per avvicinare costellazioni e un primo passo nel mondo dello spazio ok.
Fantastic for beginners my little girl loved it easy to assemble
This was relatively easy to set up following the instructions.
It’s nice and clear and good that it comes with different lenses and the phone/camera attachment for when he gets a bit more advanced with it.
Light and easy to move around.
Great purchase. Quick delivery. Works perfectly. No issues at all.
I bought this as a present for my son and he loves it. Easy to assemble and easy to spot stars quickly. We were impressed with the magnification when looking at the moon as it showed nice detail. Pleased with the purchase.
Ottimo per principianti, mio figlio di 7 anni lo usa da solo. Ben fatto
This telescope is amazing! Bought for my 9 year old nephew at the time for his birthday and he was literally over the moon! (Pardon the pun!) Excellent quality…great carry bag…lightweight… easy to assemble… tripod… extra moon lense etc….had a summer of looking at the moons’ craters and stars out the garden at night he absolutely loves it..i also bought a star gazing book to go with to help learn and understand the various constellations… not a cheap present but100% well worth the money!!!
Lo regal para una comunin y le encant. regalo original
This is a Christmas present for my grandson so do not know until he opens it.
Granddaughter was totally happy to receive and help to put togethe
bought it for my son as a Christmas gift. The package looks ok and pieces inside are exactly as described. Look forward to using it to see the moon.
Acquistato per far un regalo a mia figlia con la speranza di una passione futura e devo dire che ha appassionato tutti in casa…
Facile da usare e comodo sia per bimbi, principianti ed adulti.. abbiamo fatto foto splendide della luna piena (grazie al supporto per smartphone). Soldi ben spesi e sicuro lo consiglio a tutti..
C’ est un cadeau de Nol pour ma petite fille
Facile da montare, molto stabile su cavalletto, si vede bene la luna ma non altri pianeti.
I bought this for my grandson’s 7th birthday. he was thrilled and it works very well.
My only worry the box looked worn and nothing is sealed inside. I wonder of it was a returned item.
This present will not be opened until December.
My only worry the box looked worn and nothing is sealed inside. I wonder of it was a returned item.
We are new to star gazing but this has been great to use and easy to set up. My daughter (9) loves it!
Bien para principiantes, fcil de montar y estable. Relacin calidad/precio correcto pero si se pretende ver todos los agujeros de la lunasupongo que hay que buscar algo mejor.
Mi serviva per fotografare la luna sono soddisfatto. Molto utile per principianti facile da montare e molto stabile
A gift for a 7 y.o. grandchild. Nicely presented and packaged. Exactly what we expected it to be.
Grossi assez pour impressionner un enfant qui n’a jamais vu la lune d’aussi prs.
Niveau stabilit, pas de soucis dclarer.
Les 3 pieds sont un peu lgers mais ils ont une bonne emprise donc a va.
Mon fils a 6 ans et en est trs content.
Par contre bien sr, il ne peut pas s’en servir vraiment “seul”.
Les pieds sont bien stable et grand
Livraison rapide, bien emball
Assolutamente in linea con quello che ci aspettavamo. Si riesce a vedere bene, massimo ingrandimento 25. La luna si vede molto bene.
Ottimo prodotto, ottima confezione…
Perfetto per iniziare a esercitare questa passione, non bisogna aspettarsi nulla di professionale…
Es muy estable y facil de montar, luego tiene bastantes ajustes para dejarlo en la posicin que necesitas. Es el primero que uso y no tengo otros para referencias, pero me ha resultado muy sencillo empezar a andar con este. La mira que tiene arriba ayuda bastante para saber donde vas a mirar, es como una mirilla. Luego se ajusta facil la parte de abajo para ver nitida la imagen.
Lo unico que no me ha terminado de gustar del todo ha sido el apoyo para el movil que es todo ventosas y me da miedo poner el movil ahi la verdad, pero bueno, no era el objetivo de la compra, asi que no lo meto en la valoracin… Pero si quien lo va a comprar tiene pensado usarlo con el movil principalmente creo que el sistema que trae es muy mejorable.
My nephews requested this and they love it. They use it more to spy on neighbors as its cloudy at the moment but they cannot wait to be able to see the stars.
El telescopio est muy bien para empezar en el mundillo, que los hay muchsimo ms caros. El montaje es sencillo, tiene unas instrucciones en ingls, pero son sencillas de seguir, no tiene misterio.
Al estar ms indicado para los nios, el trpode es adecuado para su tamao, para un adulto se queda corto, pero con una silla para estar sentado se soluciona. El trpode no est mal, estamos hablando de un telescopio econmico que la verdad viene bastante completo, hasta trae un soporte para el telfono mvil, que se sujeta con ventosas, creo que no pone que lo trae en la descripcin.
Trae dos lentes, una con menos aumentos y otra con ms aumentos. Al mximo de ampliacin, puedes ver la luna casi al completo por el ocular. La calidad de imagen es muy buena. A los nios les encanta, es un buen regalo de comunin.
I got for a bit of fun my wife has always had an interest in the star’s and I thought this would be a good beginner telescope.
I got for a bit of fun my wife has always had an interest in the star’s and I thought this would be a good beginner telescope.
Viene con todo lo que necesitamos para arrancar, el telescopio, el buscador (para facilitar el enfoque de cosas pequeas), el trpode y 2 lentes distintas, K25 y K10.
En las fotos he puesto las fotos de un objeto, visto desde la distancia para que se vea la diferencia de aumentos. En general tiene bastante luz (las fotos estn hechas con el mvil mirando por el objetivo por lo que no le hacen justicia a cmo se ve realmente) y la imagen es clara. Para ver la luna est muy bien y podremos ver muchos detalles de la misma, incluso, sacar alguna que otra foto que est bien.
Si la idea es poder ensear a nios (como ha sido mi caso) a empezar a ver la luna y alguna que otra estrella, est muy bien.
Ottimo cannocchiale si vedono tutti i poaneri come.mai visti e.molto stabile
Despus de navegar mucho por Amazon decidimos comprar este y las primeras pruebas han sido satisfactorias!
Como ya dije, somos muy muy principiantes y este telescopio creo que es ms que apropiado para nuestra situacin. Adems creo que tambin tiene un buen rango para cuando ya nos quitemos la etiqueta de parbolillos en la materia.
A la hora de montar es muy fcil y sobre todo muy intuitivo. Me he dado cuenta que viene sper protegido, tanto pticas como el cuerpo.
La calidad exterior del telescopio es bastante buena y las terminaciones muy satisfactorias ya que parece un telescopio de gran calidad.
Una de las partes es un buscador del elemento que vas a ver despus por el telescopio y es facil acceder a el, muy cmodo. Da un aumento de 5 x 24.
El telescopio tiene un conjunto de lentes tratadas de gran manera para hacerlas muy limpias y transmitir una imagen muy nitida y estable. En este caso, la distancia focal es de 360 mm y creo que es ms que apropiado para un uso de principiantes, para saber, la distancia focal indica el ngulo de visin, es decir, el espacio que se ver de la zona elegida y el tamao que veras de los elementos individuales de esa escena. Mientras ms larga sea la distancia focal, ms estrecho ser el ngulo de visin y mayor ser el aumento. En si es la distancia desde la zona de visin y el objetivo.
Y tiene una apertura de 70 mm, que es lo suficientemente corta como para que al conjunto de la distancia focal y la apertura hagan de este un telescopio lo suficientemente luminoso como para ver con claridad el objetivo elegido. Y es valido como nocturno como para diurno.
Vienen dos oculares de 1,25 pulgadas (K25 mm y K10 mm) que dan un aumento de 16 x a 40 x.
El trpode me ha sorprendido ya que es muy estable, eso si, el plegado es algo rudo pero vamos, creo que es normal viendo las caractersticas y precio de este conjunto, creo que no se le puede pedir mucho ms.
Completamente funcional llega a 1mtr y viene con un nivel para poder dejar horizontal completamente.
Para finalizar, viene una plantilla para ver la luna y ms elementos del firmamento.
Despus de probarle me he dado cuenta de que hemos hecho una compra ms que correcta para nuestro nivel, es ms, lo vamos a disfrutar muchsimo!
Ya solo con ver la luna y las estrellas el primer da … ha merecido la pena y eso que estas noches no han sido las mejores ya que el tiempo no acompaaba.
Recomendable 100%
Si te he ayudado aunque sea un poquito con mi opinin, dale a Util! Jeje gracias!
Not to bad could do with more lens however a bit over price for what it is .
Ok for kids..cant see anythingelse except moon, zoom could have been better..
Bought this for my grandson, he put it together and loves i
Ordered for my daughter’s 5th birthday as she wants to be an Astronaut when she grows up, this is an amazing telescope for her, she finds it easy to use and has had a lot of fun with it! Would highly recommend it for any young space obsessed children!
Ordered for my daughter’s 5th birthday as she wants to be an Astronaut when she grows up, this is an amazing telescope for her, she finds it easy to use and has had a lot of fun with it! Would highly recommend it for any young space obsessed children!
It was way easier than expected. My wife loved it and we can see the moon and stars whenever the sky is clear. Easy to carry aswell if you want to take it on a trip.
After reading a bunch of reviews, I went for this brand. I was a bit concerned about the set up and how to focus the lens.
It was way easier than expected. My wife loved it and we can see the moon and stars whenever the sky is clear. Easy to carry aswell if you want to take it on a trip.
Easy to put together, very sturdy extendable stand, good moon sightings so far, very good for beginners/kids. Impressed.
My daughter loves it, uses it most nights when it’s clear, shame it hasn’t got the phone adaption though.
Great starter telescope, but tripod stand a little too lightweight.
So much better than a cheaper telescope I bought and had to send back instantly, definately worth the flash sale price I paid wouod definately recommend, feels heavy and worth the money. Focus is exceptional for such a cheap product as well.
Bought this for our Grandson, he loves it and carry’s it around as it’s light and easy to carry.
Perfect for the young one to use quick and easy to assemble VG value
My 8 year old got this of Santa, he did a good job, she loves it, its a good size and height and light enough for her to move
his was a present for my 6 year old granddaughter and she loves it . good quality great price
Good telescope for beginners, build quality is fair for the price. The provided tripod isn’t the most stable and there is a bit of wobble in the telescope when at full height.
Bought this telescope for my son for Christmas its a good little beginner telescope can see the moon and stars however the tripod and stand isn’t very sturdy moves alot which can be annoying
Good telescope for beginners, build quality is fair for the price. The provided tripod isn’t the most stable and there is a bit of wobble in the telescope when at full height.
We bought this as a Christmas present for our 6 year old son. Last night was our first clear night so spent some time looking at the moon with it we got a clear view, our son loved seeing the moon up close!
We bought this for our 8 year old grandson and he absolutely loves it – in fact the whole family are enjoying it.
Brought this for my grandson he has had many hours of use from i
Bought as a present. Recipient very happy, easy to construct, lightweight and a very good introduction model to start a new hobby with.
Awesome beginners telescope. Perfect for my little son. We are very happy, with the quality of the telescope and good magnification.
Bought for christmas present for 9 year old Grandson. Looks well made and sturdy. Not used yet but all seems good with this product.
A really good quality telescope. My mum purchased this for our little boy who is 5, although myself and my husband have great pleasure using this too. It’s very easy to assemble, the quality is really good and it comes with 2 lenses. Definitely recommend for beginners.
This is for our Grandson’s Christmas and is perfect for beginners and to encourage his interest in the Solar System. It is light and easy for him to use.
Bought for my 7 year old and is easy to use no problems and works well very well packed and works as it should good clarity for the price
Little fiddly to pop together but I put that down to it being a new piece of kit I’m not used to!
My son has loved using it, definitely a good one for beginners.
The only negative thing I’d say is the tripod is very flimsy. It broke on our second use and we had to fix it. It’s very poor quality.
The only negative thing I’d say is the tripod is very flimsy. It broke on our second use and we had to fix it. It’s very poor quality.
This is an awesome beginners telescope!
I bought this for my son as he is very into space and all things astro. We are regularly observing the sky with the naked eye, but he really wanted to see a little more. This telescope literally opens up a whole new world of possibilities. We have loved getting a much closer look at the moon, stars and venus, and really can’t wait for an astronomical event in the future to observe from our scope too.
I highly recommend this product.
This is an awesome beginners telescope!
I bought this for my son as he is very into space and all things astro. We are regularly observing the sky with the naked eye, but he really wanted to see a little more. This telescope literally opens up a whole new world of possibilities. We have loved getting a much closer look at the moon, stars and venus, and really can’t wait for an astronomical event in the future to observe from our scope too.
I highly recommend this product.
Je l’ai achet principalement pour mon fils. Il a 6 ans et c’est un grand fan de la Nasa, des fuses et de la lune.. Du coup, c’tait le cadeau idal lui faire pour la rentre scolaire.
Le tlescope n’est pas du tout gadget! Il est vraiment qualitatif, les matriaux semblent costauds et l’ensemble est bien stable sur le trpied.
Bien que novices en la matire, nous avons russi le monter et le mettre en service trs rapidement ; et nous avons observ nos premires toiles ds le premier soir. Les diffrentes “lentilles” permettent un grossissement important et net, pour une observation agrable.
Je recommande sincrement ce tlscope, qui est de trs bonne qualit et nous permet de passer des moments privilgis en famille. De plus, c’est pdagogique et a veille la curiosit des enfants.
My 6yr old granddaughter loves this and finds it easy to use.
Great product and fast delivery. Even though it says kids, it is brilliant for adult beginners
J’ai un problme sur le tlescope que j’ai achet pour mon petit fils, il n’y a pas de notice en Franais urgent
Merci de votre comprhension
Chantal Boussema
quite a useful thing, my son loves to look at stars through i