Testo testovent 417-1 Air Flow Measurement Se

vane anemometer vane anemometer vane anemometer vane anemometer 416 vane anemometer
Volume Flow Measuring Range 0 to +99999 m³/h 0 to +440 m³/h 0.1 to 200 m³/h N/A
Temperature (NTC) Measuring Range 0 to +50°C 0 to +50°C 0 to +50°C N/A
Accuracy 0.5°C 0.5°C 0.5°C N/A
Resolution 0.1°C 0.1°C 0.1°C N/A
Velocity – Vane Measuring Range +0.3 to +20m/s +0.3 to +20m/s +0.3 to +20m/s N/A 0.6 to 40 m/s
Accuracy 0.1 m/s + 1.5% of mv 0.1 m/s + 1.5% of mv 0.1 m/s + 1.5% of mv N/A ±(0.2 m/s + 1.5 % of mv)
Operating Temperature 0 to +50°C 0 to +50°C 0 to +50°C N/A -20 to +50 °C
Battery Life 50 hours 50 hours 50 hours N/A 80 h
testo 425 testo 410
Type Thermal Anemometer Vane Anemometer
Temperature Measuring Range -20 to +70 °C -10 to +50 °C
Temperature (NTC) Accuracy ±0.5 °C (0 to +60 °C) ±0.7 °C (Remaining Range) ±0.5 °C
Velocity Measuring Range (Thermal anemometer) 0 to +20 m/s (Vane) 0.4 to 20 m/s
Velocity Measuring Range Accuracy (Thermal anemometer) ±(0.03 m/s + 5 % of mv) (Vane) ±(0.2 m/s + 2 % of mv)

Dimensions: 27.7 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm; 230 Grams
Model: testovent 417-1 Aktions-Set
Batteries Included: 1 9V batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: testo
Origin: Germany

11 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Hello everyone, where do you calibrate these things? Are they coming calibrated or not?
    Thank you.

  2. Anonymous says:


    The big question was if this comes with a calibration certificate, and it does. it’s only 30 euros more to buy this new than to send a old one for calibration to the manufacturer, so its a no-brainer for me.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had this for a year now. Definetly worth the investment if you are in construction. no more failed air flow test once works are complete can now check before boarding in fan ducting by checking the results with this. it is the exact tool that testers us so you know it is accurate.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ein sehr gutes und genaues Gert zum berprfen der Wohnraumlftung. Leider ein wenig teuer, aber wr gern selber an seiner Wohnraumlftung herum schraubt, der braucht so etwas.

  5. Alex Wilkinson says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIt is a shame that they do not have a hard case for the anemometer. I am using a plastic cereal storage box. Not ideal. The hoods work fine – provide there is wall or ceiling mounted conduit to the fan! I have made my own hood for this. Building regulations use l/s not m3/h so need to convert by multiplying by 0.27778!

    Otherwise works just fine.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIt is a shame that they do not have a hard case for the anemometer. I am using a plastic cereal storage box. Not ideal. The hoods work fine – provide there is wall or ceiling mounted conduit to the fan! I have made my own hood for this. Building regulations use l/s not m3/h so need to convert by multiplying by 0.27778!

    Otherwise works just fine.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Tut, was er soll. Ablesen manchmal nur mit Verrenkung mglich. Hier wre eine Blootooth Handyverbindung besser.

  8. LynneX05fw says:

     United Kingdom

    much improved over my earlier model which had much smaller cones.

  9. AlineLindon says:


    Ich habe mir das Set, zur Kontrolle von Decken- und Wandauslssen gekauft. Das Testo Gert ist wie nicht anders gewohnt, einfach und leicht zu bedienend aufgebaut. Die Tragetasche fr das Zubehr (nicht fr das Messgert) ist Klasse und erfllt seinen Zweck.

  10. ShondaBanvard says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Userslange nicht so hochwertig wie die Produkte der Mitbewerber (z.B. Ahlborn Almemo) dafr wesentlich gnstiger. Fr die Schnelle Kontrollmesung sehr hilfreich.

    – sehr gnstig
    – einfache Bedienung
    – Tragetasche dabei

    – eingeschrnkter Funktionsumfang
    – keine anderen Fhler anschliebar
    – Flgelrad fest am Messgert angebaut
    – Messtten werden nur gesteckt (Kunststoff-Kunststoff-Verbindung) mal sehen wie lange das hl

  11. KennethWinburn says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Userslange nicht so hochwertig wie die Produkte der Mitbewerber (z.B. Ahlborn Almemo) dafr wesentlich gnstiger. Fr die Schnelle Kontrollmesung sehr hilfreich.

    – sehr gnstig
    – einfache Bedienung
    – Tragetasche dabei

    – eingeschrnkter Funktionsumfang
    – keine anderen Fhler anschliebar
    – Flgelrad fest am Messgert angebaut
    – Messtten werden nur gesteckt (Kunststoff-Kunststoff-Verbindung) mal sehen wie lange das hl