Si te gusta el gnero y el primero es a da de hoy un juego continuosta , mismas dinmicas y sin tener que esperar a que lo arreglen como los ltimos juegos que sale
Prima di acquistarlo ho letto molte recensioni, e molte parlavano di poca longevit in solitaria . Io ci sto giocando da qualche mese, e la fine ancora lontana. Chiaramente bisogna essere sempre online, e anche dopo l’acquisto si devono scaricare diversi GB per aggiornare ,e per i dialoghi in Italiano, ma nel complesso lo trovo un buon gioco, peccato per i troppi errori di programmazione, e avvolte ci si pu trovare incastrati nelle rocce , oppure morire senza motivazione . Molti scenari sono molto simili, e avvolte sembra di averlo gi giocato. Ma nell’insieme sono soddisfatto e lo trovo un buon acquisto (circa 20 ). Spedizione puntuale
Buen juego pero con fallas grficas raras… a veces se ven pixeles, pero en general es bueno. La nica pega es que si no tienes internet, no lo puedes usar.
El juego est genial! Lo compr como regalo para mi pareja y le ha encantado! Buenos grficos, te permite caracterizar al personaje y se combina bastante bien el mundo abierto con las misiones. Todava no ha probado el modo cooperativo online. Lo que menos nos ha gustado es que los enemigos (de aspecto) son casi todos iguales, se lo podan haber currado ms. Pero por el resto bastante contentos.
I played the BETA hoping it was going to be a real gem of a video game but I was wrong. At that moment I realised I wasn’t going to spend 50 on it new so waited for months on end until now. Managed to bag it for just over a tenner, and is it worth it? Yeah, I guess so but no more than 15. The only sad point is that it is pretty much a clone of wildlands just with a better damage effect..gameplay is very similar, however, I personally prefer Wildlands. Simply because there seems to be civilization in that game and in Breakpoint you’re lucky to get a random boar, pelican or other animal let alone another NPC. The only civilians I have come across are the ones with the enemies. I could be wrong as I have 2hours of gameplay total at the moment so maybe it will change but I doubt it.
If you have done the same as me, don’t pay more than 15, wait until it is on sale for a tenner again and you will get your monies worth. The game itself is okay, 6.5/10 perhaps.
Per gli appassionati della serie ed in genere degli sparatutto, decisamente una pietra miliare, in particolare questa edizione speciale con Off Road Pack incluso e ad un prezzo bassissimo in occasione del Black Friday.
Pochi spiccioli per portarsi a casa diverse ore di sano e sanguinario divertimento che vi terr attaccati alla consolle,
purtroppo, per i pi appassionati, si percepisce l’assenza della mano di Tom Clancy che avrebbe aggiunto il giusto mordente ad una narrativa a volte troppo piatta. Il gioco permette di scegliere tra interventi basati sulla strategia o sulla forza bruta in base alle esigenze del giocatore che rimane comunque il regista di una bella azione.
Non c’ molto da dire su questo titolo Ubisoft che rende giustizia alla saga di Ghost Recon introducendo in verit poche novit rispetto ai precedenti capitoli, ma che bene o male ha un gameplay abbastanza soddisfacente. Ho trovato solo un po’ pi confusionario il sistema di gestione delle missioni e la mappa, ma per il resto sebbene abbia apprezzato l’introduzione della personalizzazione dei compagni AI, non sempre si sono rivelati cos svegli o realmente specializzati in questo o quello. O perlomeno non ho sentito alcuna differenza. Molto spesso anche richiamarli non servito a molto e mi sono ritrovata a dover fare tutto da sola senza il supporto di un team come promesso, il che ha reso la cosa meno realistica dal punto di vista della storia.
Nel complesso per, come molti titoli di casa Ubisoft, abbastanza divertente anche nell’approccio stealth, frustrante solo quando qualche bug si mette di mezzo.
So this is a review after immersive mode has been released by someone who adored wildlands.
The gameplay is generally the same with a few additions like prone camo and 6 different classes which honestly don’t make a big difference but give you something a lil extra to do for small rewards.
The enemy drones are nice addition with the behemoths being particularly tough.
One big improvement is the driving. If you’re a wildlands veteran you’ll know it was often better just to walk or get a helicopter. Now driving is much easier, it’s not on the same level as gta but its still way better.
Now one big issue and the only reason I removed a star.
Almost from the very beginning of the game you can access the kill walker mission. If you’re half competent you’ll take him down. DON’T!!! It pretty much removes him from the game which suck because Jon bernethal is an excellent actor. The game goes on but he’s not in any of the cut scenes and it really does feel like you’re missing out.
Juegazo como el primero. Lo malo es que no tenga compaeros IA, este est ms pesado para jugar cooperativo online, se olvidan de los que no tenemos compaeros que les guste esta saga.
Eso s, es para jugadores que le guste la estrategia, no es un juego para ir a saco eliminando enemigos.
Insisto, el no tener compaeros de la IA con los que coordinar un disparo sincronizado como en Wildlands es una faena muy gorda, eso no me ha gustado nada.
Por lo dems no le veo tampoco mucha novedad respecto a Wildlands.
Perfetto arrivato in tempo eccellente come sempre grazie ad amazon
Custodia perfetta ecc..
Il gioco molto Divertente se giocato in cooperativa, molto pi ricco di dettagli del capitolo precedente
Al prezzo di 25 un affare
Super consigliato
I really enjoyed Wildlands and I am really enjoying Breakpoint. Graphics are better. Weapons each feel different enough to have favourites. Stories enjoyable and I’m invested. That said, it is quite difficult if your tooling around on your own, as I am. It seems set up for multiplayer. But overall I like it. If you can get it for 20 or less and you like this type of game, you’ll probably not be disappointed!
Gioco simile al capitolo Ghost Recond Wildlands come stile di gioco.. ricco di potenziamenti e missioni per armi e oggetti vari per essi, un po’ complicato da capire all’inizio. Serve una connessione ad internet ed un account Ubisoft.Spedizione Amazon puntuale.
Jeux vido graphiquement trs beau,missions diverses et varis,gnreux pour de longue heures de game.Difficult relev et prise en main pas forcment evidente car beaucoup d’informations et d’objectif a prendre en compte.Petit conseil focalisez vous sur led mission principale dans un premier temps.Exploration de la map gniale.Bref du bon ubisoft.IA corriace.Le code dition limit est a l’interieur du boitier sur une fichette ddier.N’ecouter pas certain commantaire,genrr il est trop facile et code ne fonctionne pas.C’est tout simplement faux!Merci Amazon pour cette edition au prix approximatif de 30eur,sachant qu’il est toujours vendu au prix fort dans la majorit des magasin et ce sans bonus!
Etant un fan des productions d’Ubisoft (AC, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Far Cry…) comme d’habitude les studio Ubi nous ont fait une trs bonne suite Wildlands.
Le mode solo est trs vari beaucoup de nouveauts ont tait rajout, et on s’accroche rapidement l’histoire
If you like Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon then you might have to adjust to this one. Gone are the days of managing a 4 man team to infiltrate, execute and evac various exotic places across the globe. This game takes place on an island, albeit a very good looking island. Gone are your 3 A.I. teammates as you’re left on your own facing off against the islands PMC known as sentinel with some familiar faces thrown in. Or rather a familiar face, singular..
As you silently stalk (read very loudly amble and blunder) your way across the island you’ll face off against a few types on drones and variously equipped enemies. All in the pursuit of better weapons and gear, with customisable colours and attachments.
It’s kinda maybe like wildlands only it looks prettier and could do with some gameplay polish. Honestly, give it a go, it’s pretty fun.
Trovare una Limited edition a questo prezzo fantastico! un gioco d’avvero molto bello. consigliato ai amanti del open world e per le missioni stelt. grafica eccellente, poca cura nei dettagli del personaggio ma su questo si pu sorvolare. gioco molto consigliato.
Cadeau d’anniversaire pour un adulte et il a fait son effet !
Le t-shirt est de bonne qualit (taille normal. T. L) le flocage aussi. A voir dans le temps aprs lavage.
Et reu plus tt que prvu . Supe
El juego es espectacular, promete muchas horas de entretenimiento y diversion, al principio no me gustaba mucho, porque estaba acostumbrado al wildlands, pero a medida que vas jugando te das cuenta que es incluso mejor y mas completo. Por parte de amazon, el envio, puntual como casi siempre y digo esto porque en un par de envios me han fallado.
Es un juego para pasar buenos ratos, sin pensar en nada, lo mejor jugar con amigos para mas ratos de diversion.
Fui de los que los que lo tuvieron el da de salida, y se nota cada da mas, las mejoras que van aadiendo, muy buenos grficos y sonido impresionante, mi suegro que no esta muy acostumbrado a los juegos de hoy en da se pensaba que era una pelicula.
Ha superado mis expectativas.
El anterior, el WILDLANDS ya era fabuloso con su masivo mundo abierto sobre el crtel de Bolivia y sus cientos de misiones entre principales y secundarias.
El BREAKPOINT lo adquir yendo por la mitad del anterior con la nica intencin de instalarlo y comprobar que funcionaba bien.
La intencin era terminar primero el WILDLANDS, del que estaba disfrutando mucho y ya llevaba dos semanas o ms jugando a diario.
Pero fue empezar el BREAKPOINT y no poder dejarlo.
Por resumir dir que se trata de lo mismo pero mejorado en todos los aspectos.
La isla es un mundo abierto y lleno de misiones como el anterior de Bolivia pero se han mejorado algunos aspectos. En el anterior era imposible jugar en solitario por la excesiva cantidad de enemigos y los interminables refuerzos que llegaban. Los 3 compaeros de la IA que te acompaaban eran imprescindibles.
Pero en ste ltimo y a pesar de los innumerables enemigos, con una buena planificacin y estrategia, puedes controlar la situacin. Los refuerzos que llegan son menos y no tan alocados. Juego en modo normal y acaban matndome en innumerables ocasiones pero es todo un reto conseguible.
Todava estoy equipandome para poder enfrentarme a enemigos ms poderosos y eso es enfrentndose a enemigos en igualdad de condiciones.
Los campamentos que generas a lo largo y ancho de toda la isla e islotes, la tienda con el acceso a las armas, explosivos, ropa y utensilios de supervivencia, el trato con la resistencia, la nueva forma de esconderse, los drones enemigos y no s cuntas cosas ms me dejo… Hacen de ste juego (que al principio parece muy enrevesado pero pronto le coges el tranquillo) el juego del ao para los amantes de francotirador y otras disciplinas. No es un juego lineal. Puedes recorrer la isla como te apetezca y hacer las misiones cmo y cundo quieras (si puedes) en solitario o en compaa de otra gente IA.
Yo estoy acostumbrado a Sniper elite o similares y disfruto mucho en solitario. Estos dos juegos son muy superiores en todos los sentidos especialmente ste ltimo BREAKPOINT.
NO entiendo las crticas de algunos.
No est desprovisto de los tpicos fallos de UBISOFT…Que son mnimos.
Llevo jugando ms de dos semanas y solo me he encontrado con dos enemigos corriendo contra la pared y en otra ocasin otro que no disparaba ni haba forma de matarlo, pero que no interfera para nada en nada…eso despus de cientos de enemigos y situaciones. Simples ancdotas.
Es un juegazo, pero falta la actualizacin para tener a tu equipo operativo o el juego se hace complicado.
Creo que el juego ha buscado mucho el modo cooperativo online.
Con muchos amigos que he hablado sobre el juego se comenta que el anterior gusto ms su jugabilidad aunque los grficos de este….
Deja mucha puerta abierta a futuras actualizaciones
Tiene mejores grficos y animaciones del personaje durante el juego que otros juegos anteriores (al principio despistan un poco, pero enseguida te acostumbras), el sonido est bien sin destacar, y los tiempos de carga son aceptables (mucho mejores que en Division 2, por ejemplo).
En cuanto al juego, hay muchas misiones para hacer, porque adems de las principales y secundarias, hay objetivos (descubrimiento de armas, accesorios, coleccionables y vivacs, que son como bases de viaje rpido y reavituallarmiento) y misiones y objetivos de faccin, que son como misiones asociadas a argumentos laterales y que estn disponibles solo durante un tiempo. Los objetivos suelen estar protegidos, por lo que se convierten en ms combates. Tambin existen incursiones, que requieren niveles demasiado altos para m, y el modo Ghost War que, por el momento, me parece algo menos conseguido que el de Wildlands.
Hay muchas armas y equipamiento, que comparten una caracterstica con The Division (pueden ser normales, verdes, azules o moradas, quiz haya ms categoras, pero an no las he descubierto), un dron, diversas armas accesorias tipo granadas y lanzacohetes, se pueden conducir vehculos… El mapa es muy amplio, no s si tanto como en Wildlands, pero indudablemente da de sobra para pasarse tiempo explorndolo (y algunos paisajes son preciosos).
Quiz la nica pega al principio es que hay un aluvin de informacin que abruma hasta que se aprende a organizarlo. Se pueden tener marcados hasta tres objetivos (misiones) simultneamente que pueden aparecer sobrepuestos en la parte izquierda de la pantalla, pero se reciben multitud de avisos sobre misiones de faccin y de objetivos que al principio te hacen estar cambiando constantemente los objetivos seleccionados.
En mi caso, que lo he comenzado a jugar cuando ya haba varios parches, no he encontrado ms que un bug importante que me hizo repetir una misin un par de veces. Quitando eso, me resulta tan bueno como Wildlands, y no comparto las crticas que he ledo sobre que pareca una mezcla de muchos otros juegos y se quedaba a medias de todo. Se puede jugar en modo sigiloso, tratando de eliminar a los enemigos sin que lleguen a detectarte, o ir un poco ms con fuerza bruta, aunque las posibilidades de xito son algo menores si se juega en solitario.
Gioco molto ben fatto.. ampia scelta di situazioni giocabili. Stile GTA per quanto riguarda la scelta dei mezzi disponibili, con un buon gaming esplorabile in stile Assassin creed. Se cercate un gioco lineare con inizio e fine, dimenticatevi questo gioco..
Bought at reduced price and very happy, excellent game, not too complicated. Played for 2 hours and hardly got anywhere due to the game being so big and having lots to do! Reckon the wife will be getting no sense out of me for a while…..happy days
I personally really enjoy this game, full open world, yea it’s a bit repetitive at times but there are loads of missions, including side missions and faction missions that need completing which I love! I can understand a few negative reviews with the glitches etc, my main negative point would be completing the last main story and still having loadsss questions left about the game and the story as a whole, I have now looked into this further and apparently you need to get the unlimited package to access this where as I ordered the basic 50 one which is a shame! But overall I’m really happy with it, I’ve now created a brand new profile as there was a lot I missed out on throughout the game that I found out about once I had completed the main story so at least I can enjoy it a bit more now starting from scratch
Good game. A bit repetitive, Developers need to get rid of the glitches, which there are many.
The game is also internet dependent which is a pain if you live rural and the broadband regularly cuts out.
Listen to your customers and there wants Ubisoft……..
Absolutely loving this game. Peoples expectations of games these days are too high. Every game has to be the next big thing. Well it doesn’t have to be. This game has classic gameplay with a modern look. It’s fun. The only thing I don’t like is the option to turn off the multiplayer part so you dont see other players
Started playing it today and wow amazing wish I had got it sooner and packaged perfectly the graphics are amazing game play is amazing and its best my expectations. Would recommend to anyone who loves first person shooters mixed with very large map play.
Un difetto che si gioca solo se si ha una connessione,il gioco non ha un tutorial,ma non difficile da capire dopo gli errori. molto vasto,non ci si annoia,un aggiornamento sul suono dei vari mezzi che si possono usare,poco veritieri!
I like the game ,cant undertand what’s up with people ,yeah it’s a bit glitchy at times but your getting your money’s worth ,the map end sup absolutely packed out with missions ,you build yourself up to have better armour ,guns ,vehicles etc ,the shop refreshes its products every hour and you dont even need to spend your own money ,its not hard to save up for stuff in the shop by doing missions , it’s got good replay value ,if it had a story mode it would be done and dusted in 10 hours or so but your getting 100 hours plus easily.
Servizio lato Amazon(vendita) impeccabile 5 stelle. Il gioco bello ma graficamente niente di nuovo, anzi, sembra di aver tornato indietro di 5 anni. Molti bug da sistemare ancora.
El juego es muy bueno, tiene unos grficos fantsticos y el mapa es gigantesco. Ofrece muchas horas de diversin en el modo campaa, pues tiene muchsimas misiones y objetivos. El armamento es brutal por la cantidad de armas y accesorios que hay, con muchsimas opciones de personalizacin. Es cierto que hay algunos bugs que espero corrijan en futuras actualizaciones, pero si te gusta la temtica operaciones especiales y jugar de modo tranquilo y planificando tu estrategia, es totalmente recomendable. El que busque algo como battlefield o call of duty que no lo compre.
Malgr pas mal de commentaires faisant part de bug. Je n ai pour ma part jamais eu a me plaindre. Cet omus est encore mieux que wildlands.
Le seul gros point noir c est que l escouade ia n existe plus alors que c etait pour moi un des tres grands point fort de wildland.
Le jeu est bon mais souffre de quelques dfauts. Des bugs gnants de temps autres et une certaine rptition dans les missions et objectifs.
Le monde ouvert est vraiment grand. Le background intressant. Mais les personnages manquent de charisme et ont un jeu trs limit.
A jouer avec des amis c’est aussi trs amusant du fait de la taille de la carte et des diffrents biomes. Pas de friendly fire malheureusement.
Ok so the worst thing ubisoft did was release it with bugs glitches and lets face it a bit unfinished. But no where near as bad as ppl are making out. I love the new innovations and gameplay strategies. Once you get your head around thdm changes its a cinch. And ok the team mates from wildlands are gone but are replaced by much better drones. I mean these things shoot through walls and exactly where you send them. Instead of “lost my shot” constantly. Youve got to realise this is a whole new game to move forward with not get hung up in the past then compairing the two. The story and characters where pretty good too, ive definitely seen way worse out there. Give it a go and see past the unpolished parts and you will have a decent game to play.
J’ai achet ce jeux pour me divertir un peu. Ce fut une bonne dcouverte que j’ai aim. J’ai beaucoup aim l’environnement du jeux et son originalit sur certains aspects (gameplay,natations, debrief entre chaque missions termin, etc…).Tous ces raisons en font un vritable plus par rapport aux anciens jeux de la saga.Encore merci j’ai ador ce titre ghost recon:breackpoint, pour moi c’est le jeu avoir chez sois et aussi mon jeux prfr de l’anne 2019.
If you like Wildlands you’ll love this, first impressions where why have they removed your AI team and why have they gone heavy on all the modern tech which I normally can’t be doing with, I like things simple and basic not space age futuristic. But it works, again I don’t like ranking up systems up gearing up normally but again it works, normally I would pick my load out and stick with it or tweak it mission specific, but the gear up method forces me to experiment with different weapons which has been fun, I’ll settle in my favourites when maxed out but gives an idea how each weapon functions. You don’t loose the sync shot option with a drone capability. Sync shot handy to take out Rad OP’s do they can’t call for back up when your clearing a compound. If your playing single player you can stop and pick up a game at your leisure depending on your commitments. The 4 vs 4 not normally my thing is an improvement and much life fun, not quite the team play of SOCOM US Navy Seals for those who remember it but not a run and gun that most ones are these days. I found in Wildlands I always fast travelled large distances and used Heli’s quite a lot but in breakpoint I live just exploring on foot slow methodical patrolling from one location to the next picking up kit from bases / locations as I pass and planning how I will clear an objective. If you have some mates who are like minded tactical players, it’s great to co-op the campaign or just free roam together squaring away bits on the map. The fact it’s online only even in single player can be frustrating when the server is down but that’s they way of games now. Breakpoint for me is a winner and a game to keep you occupied for years. Prior to Breakpoint my main go to game was Wildlands. When modern warfare comes out I’ll play the single player campaign a few times on various difficulties but then once that is done it’s over, I love the campaign element of the modern warfare series and the upcoming one has been a long time coming but I don’t bother with the online, too matrix style run and gun nothing tactical about it so after that awesome flash in the pan has been I’ll be back on breakpoint with the occasional trip back to modern warfare to do the solo campaign again. If you live methodical military work solo or team based in a game with years of use, you can’t go wrong with breakpoint, best game out there for it along with Wildlands!
Love all the moaners putting this game down (think it’s a bit demanding for them) yeh you need Internet connection but don’t you with 99% of games now?? I loved wildlands for starters and this is a little the same but who cares it’s ghost recon and you get loads of guns and cool stuff! You can go all guns blazing of go tactical I prefer tactical, I’ve been playing a good few hours or more and there is absolutely loads to do loads to find!
I definitely wouldn’t say this games a waste of money I’d say it’s worth every dam penny.
Odd glitches but it’ll soon get sorted with the updates! Don’t listen to the moaners who struggle playing tactical minded games just go for it you won’t be disappointed I promise.
After getting this game on release day as a preorder, I wasn’t happy to discover that I had no AI team. And although you could technically play solo, it makes like much harder, but after playing 70 odd hours solo, I can’t imagine how easy it would be with 4 players. Because I’m destroying entire enemy bases on my own.
It is much more challenging, and it’s a complete change of gameplay, but it’s pretty good if you don’t look at it thinking it will be like Wildlands, because it’s not.
This is a loot and shoot game where you’ll find yourself constantly grabbing better weapons and kit.
I’m level 220 now, and it doesn’t actually seem to make much of a difference if I’m honest.
My body armour is level 220, and yet it doesn’t stop bullets any better than level 30 for example.
So although it’s a very different game to Wildlands, I like it.
I’m not sure if playing coop would be too easy, or whether there would be more resistance?
But I’ve found that setting up a sniper nest, and plucking off as many people as possible is the right way. Not that there is a “right” way.
But I’m sure that if I had 3 other players as good as me playing this, it would be way too easy.
The downside of playing solo, is when you’re dropped, there’s nobody to come to revive you.
I’ve done some missions where it’s taken me 25 plus minutes to carefully pick through Wolf camps, then I’ll come around a corner and get hit from the front and back, and you’re starting that mission from the beginning again.
After trying the same mission 5 times, and doing everything right, but getting shot by a boss, it’s as frustrating as hell having to start from the beginning again! You can only imagine how demoralising that is.
But with a team of 4, you could clear most bases using just your sync shot drones. Especially if you’ve increased the amount in skills.
I’ve now got 7 shots on my sync drone, so in case you’re bad at maths, that’s a total of 28 shots that you and your team don’t even have to take, you just have to reckon the area well.
So if you do introduce AI, maybe just introduce 1 who can revive you, because 4 would be too easy.
If you’re playing solo, you’re basically playing Ghost mode anyway as there’s no way of you being revived.
Also glad I paid 55 for a game that technically wasn’t ready, and 2 months later it’s 27!
Highly disappointed in this game as the trailers looked awesome. Its entertaining and very playable but the graphics are very poor considering the wait and price of the game. Buy it second hand
Graficamente fatto bene alcune pecche nel controllo del personaggio e veramente tanta scelta di missioni e armi che la moneta all’inizio del gioco non serve visto che l’equipaggiamento si trova uccidendo i nemici
Amazing game in my opinion I’ve had none of the issues people have mentioned above, big tom clancy fan have bought them all since they came out nd I personally think it’s much better than wildlands, no ai teammates is a bit of a down fall buh u can do just as good on your own.
Ghost recon is not perfect, but it’s not anywhere near as bad as some of the reviews makeout. Most big games have early release issues, but let me say this, I must have got a different game to everyone else, because I’ve only had a 2 issues of being disconnected from the server in 20+ hours of game play.
There seems to be a movement against ubisoft because they made this a looter shooter type of game, rather than a serious combat game.. such as rainbow six.. and yes its online only… Another cry of foul.. so what? Who has a console or pc not connected to the internet these days? I feel some reviews are not really about the game itself, more about the decisions ubi soft have made around the games unpopular features.
It’s full of microtransactions… Again so what? Don’t buy them if you don’t want to… Your phone is jam packed with apps that use this model to make money.. ubisoft is a business.. they are there to make money, as well as to make great games.
The only issue I can see is for the player Vs player mode, where microtransactions purchases could give some players an unfair advantage.
The graphics are poor? Are you serious?? The graphics in this game are gorgeous, the open world is one of the best I’ve seen in any game.. the cars , the bikes, boats and the helicopters are amazing.. the handling is also improved on all of these vehicles.
Co op is amazing.. and is probably the best way to play the huge amount of missions available.
Yes there are a few little blips, but I’ve not had Anything I’d call a game breaker..
If your thinking of getting the game, try it yourself , and make your own minds up, because I’m glad I did. I could have missed out on one of the best combat games since wildlands.
ok so this is my 3rd review. I’m a massive Tom Clancy fan and absolutely loved Wildlands and completed it and I don’t finish many games. It’s my 3rd review because 1. I bought on release and it was full of bugs so I sent it back and very annoyed. 2. I tried it again now it was 18.99 to see if it had updated its bugs, which it had and 3. I’m now over 60 hours in so I think I can leave a truly realistic review. It is truly a great game, graphics absolutely brilliant, lots and lots of campaigns and plenty to do. In wild lands you get your route on your Tag map. Not with this you don’t, you will need to find your own way shipmate which initially I found annoying, but now I quite enjoy it. Mixing with the surroundings, collecting unbelievable amount of herbs and flowers to make concoctions you’ve never even dreamed off. You will need an helicopter that is for sure, because the map is big and I mean BIG. What is introduced are these things called Bivouacs and you can’t miss them with smoke arising from them. Here you rest and build up stamina but what’s useful, on resting you can go shopping. If your a solo player like me, I am 50 after all and non of my older friends are playing this you have to keep restocking your equipment. If you are a solo player you will definitely need a killer drone. In Wildlands as you know you have a team where you can highlight your enemy and they will pick them off. On breakpoint it’s just you, unless of course you invite your friends to help you. You will have already realised that this is an online game so you have to connect to the Ubisoft servers. To date I’ve never had an issue but you will have read that some have. Yes there are micro transactions and I know it has received a lot of negative feedback. For me, it’s simple, just don’t buy anything and crack on with the game. Anyway going back to the drones. You can purchase a drone that will kill your enemies after highlighting them. You have 6 shots hence why you will need to stop at a Bivouac to buy more. You will need them because omg, some of the campaigns are ridiculously difficult. Some I’ve just left because I just can’t do them and because I can’t invite a team to help, your up poop creak without a paddle. What is incredibly annoying though, I’ve been so very close on a few occasions but if you die, you start right back at the beginning. This is incredibly annoying and rather mean of the developers. Personally I think you should be able to save. Because if this I am never going to complete the game. The range of weapons is vast but as you know, you choose your best two. Mine is the TAC50 sniper rifle which has the best telescopic range and the Flycatcher. You will only get this gun when you complete that mission but it’s quality. The sound it makes is just superb.
The interface is busy and I mean busy. You collect your skill points to develop your characters abilities but I’m sure I’m only using half of what’s on offer. It truly is a minefield.
I wanted to give it 4 stars, purely because some levels are just too damn tough especially when you have to start all over again if you get killed, but on hindsight, when you add everything together, it does deserve its 5 stars. I will never complete it, it’s absolutely huge, you will be able to add campaigns forever I think.
Purchased as a gift, and there have been no complaints on quality, story nor graphics.
So with that in mind, I would say they are interesting.
Bon jeu
Grande maps avec normment de mission.
Graphiquement c’est norme et vraiment beau.
Ce jeu m’a vraiment sduit.
Je recommande
Very good game:
Worth buy for this price. But need online connection always
Si te gusta el gnero y el primero es a da de hoy un juego continuosta , mismas dinmicas y sin tener que esperar a que lo arreglen como los ltimos juegos que sale
Muy buen juego. Su mundo abierto es una pasada y si lo juegas con amigos ya es la ostia.
Standard Ubisoft fare, hardcore soldier stuck on an island, must sneak around or kill everyone he sees.
It’s ok.
Una maravilla de juego, en donde se te pasan las horas volando… Lleg en perfecto estado y funciona correctamente. Seguir comprando….
Jeux dcouvert en premier sur pc j’ai dcid de le prendre sur PS4 trs beau jeu tactique j’adore
Pt’it jeu sympa, j’en voulait pas a la sortie mais a ce prix maintenant a vaut le coup…j’avais plus accrocher a wildlands sinon R.A.S. je recommande.
Prima di acquistarlo ho letto molte recensioni, e molte parlavano di poca longevit in solitaria . Io ci sto giocando da qualche mese, e la fine ancora lontana. Chiaramente bisogna essere sempre online, e anche dopo l’acquisto si devono scaricare diversi GB per aggiornare ,e per i dialoghi in Italiano, ma nel complesso lo trovo un buon gioco, peccato per i troppi errori di programmazione, e avvolte ci si pu trovare incastrati nelle rocce , oppure morire senza motivazione . Molti scenari sono molto simili, e avvolte sembra di averlo gi giocato. Ma nell’insieme sono soddisfatto e lo trovo un buon acquisto (circa 20 ). Spedizione puntuale
bought this game for present. friend happy, no issues with game and cd
Buen juego, tena el primero y me gusto. Juego con amigos y est entretenido
Insanely good. Amazing quality, length of play and gameplay. Playing for 30 hours so far and have no where near completed the game.
Buen juego pero con fallas grficas raras… a veces se ven pixeles, pero en general es bueno. La nica pega es que si no tienes internet, no lo puedes usar.
please don’t listen to online reviewers, who are critiquesls
half the time, if they have fixed it, now! in 2019/ 20, it’s good, real good.
El juego est genial! Lo compr como regalo para mi pareja y le ha encantado! Buenos grficos, te permite caracterizar al personaje y se combina bastante bien el mundo abierto con las misiones. Todava no ha probado el modo cooperativo online. Lo que menos nos ha gustado es que los enemigos (de aspecto) son casi todos iguales, se lo podan haber currado ms. Pero por el resto bastante contentos.
I played the BETA hoping it was going to be a real gem of a video game but I was wrong. At that moment I realised I wasn’t going to spend 50 on it new so waited for months on end until now. Managed to bag it for just over a tenner, and is it worth it? Yeah, I guess so but no more than 15. The only sad point is that it is pretty much a clone of wildlands just with a better damage effect..gameplay is very similar, however, I personally prefer Wildlands. Simply because there seems to be civilization in that game and in Breakpoint you’re lucky to get a random boar, pelican or other animal let alone another NPC. The only civilians I have come across are the ones with the enemies. I could be wrong as I have 2hours of gameplay total at the moment so maybe it will change but I doubt it.
If you have done the same as me, don’t pay more than 15, wait until it is on sale for a tenner again and you will get your monies worth. The game itself is okay, 6.5/10 perhaps.
Confezione integra e bel gioco. Sicuramente un gioco non uscito di recente ma sempre bello !
Per gli appassionati della serie ed in genere degli sparatutto, decisamente una pietra miliare, in particolare questa edizione speciale con Off Road Pack incluso e ad un prezzo bassissimo in occasione del Black Friday.
Pochi spiccioli per portarsi a casa diverse ore di sano e sanguinario divertimento che vi terr attaccati alla consolle,
purtroppo, per i pi appassionati, si percepisce l’assenza della mano di Tom Clancy che avrebbe aggiunto il giusto mordente ad una narrativa a volte troppo piatta. Il gioco permette di scegliere tra interventi basati sulla strategia o sulla forza bruta in base alle esigenze del giocatore che rimane comunque il regista di una bella azione.
Un gioco molto bello, vasato su strategie e cooperazione, trama scorrevole che tiene il giocatore legato a s step dopo step, vivamente consigliato
Juegazo,pero incompleto necesitas pagar para tener nuevos captulos,pero en general es un gran juego
Non c’ molto da dire su questo titolo Ubisoft che rende giustizia alla saga di Ghost Recon introducendo in verit poche novit rispetto ai precedenti capitoli, ma che bene o male ha un gameplay abbastanza soddisfacente. Ho trovato solo un po’ pi confusionario il sistema di gestione delle missioni e la mappa, ma per il resto sebbene abbia apprezzato l’introduzione della personalizzazione dei compagni AI, non sempre si sono rivelati cos svegli o realmente specializzati in questo o quello. O perlomeno non ho sentito alcuna differenza. Molto spesso anche richiamarli non servito a molto e mi sono ritrovata a dover fare tutto da sola senza il supporto di un team come promesso, il che ha reso la cosa meno realistica dal punto di vista della storia.
Nel complesso per, come molti titoli di casa Ubisoft, abbastanza divertente anche nell’approccio stealth, frustrante solo quando qualche bug si mette di mezzo.
Envoie rapide j’ai enlever une toile le jeu ne me plais vraiment pas si ont voter le vendeur j’aurais mis les 5
bought for partner who seemed to enjoy it saw some of the game play not my cup of tea but good quality
Jeux trs bien fait avec une bonne dure de vie
Fue un regalo para mi novio.. y a acabado encantado le encanta el juego
Buenos grficos y toda una aventura
So this is a review after immersive mode has been released by someone who adored wildlands.
The gameplay is generally the same with a few additions like prone camo and 6 different classes which honestly don’t make a big difference but give you something a lil extra to do for small rewards.
The enemy drones are nice addition with the behemoths being particularly tough.
One big improvement is the driving. If you’re a wildlands veteran you’ll know it was often better just to walk or get a helicopter. Now driving is much easier, it’s not on the same level as gta but its still way better.
Now one big issue and the only reason I removed a star.
Almost from the very beginning of the game you can access the kill walker mission. If you’re half competent you’ll take him down. DON’T!!! It pretty much removes him from the game which suck because Jon bernethal is an excellent actor. The game goes on but he’s not in any of the cut scenes and it really does feel like you’re missing out.
Juegazo como el primero. Lo malo es que no tenga compaeros IA, este est ms pesado para jugar cooperativo online, se olvidan de los que no tenemos compaeros que les guste esta saga.
Eso s, es para jugadores que le guste la estrategia, no es un juego para ir a saco eliminando enemigos.
Insisto, el no tener compaeros de la IA con los que coordinar un disparo sincronizado como en Wildlands es una faena muy gorda, eso no me ha gustado nada.
Por lo dems no le veo tampoco mucha novedad respecto a Wildlands.
Perfetto arrivato in tempo eccellente come sempre grazie ad amazon
Custodia perfetta ecc..
Il gioco molto Divertente se giocato in cooperativa, molto pi ricco di dettagli del capitolo precedente
Al prezzo di 25 un affare
Super consigliato
I really enjoyed Wildlands and I am really enjoying Breakpoint. Graphics are better. Weapons each feel different enough to have favourites. Stories enjoyable and I’m invested. That said, it is quite difficult if your tooling around on your own, as I am. It seems set up for multiplayer. But overall I like it. If you can get it for 20 or less and you like this type of game, you’ll probably not be disappointed!
Gioco simile al capitolo Ghost Recond Wildlands come stile di gioco.. ricco di potenziamenti e missioni per armi e oggetti vari per essi, un po’ complicato da capire all’inizio. Serve una connessione ad internet ed un account Ubisoft.Spedizione Amazon puntuale.
Jeux vido graphiquement trs beau,missions diverses et varis,gnreux pour de longue heures de game.Difficult relev et prise en main pas forcment evidente car beaucoup d’informations et d’objectif a prendre en compte.Petit conseil focalisez vous sur led mission principale dans un premier temps.Exploration de la map gniale.Bref du bon ubisoft.IA corriace.Le code dition limit est a l’interieur du boitier sur une fichette ddier.N’ecouter pas certain commantaire,genrr il est trop facile et code ne fonctionne pas.C’est tout simplement faux!Merci Amazon pour cette edition au prix approximatif de 30eur,sachant qu’il est toujours vendu au prix fort dans la majorit des magasin et ce sans bonus!
Overall great game specially with friends with gd story line.
Etant un fan des productions d’Ubisoft (AC, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Far Cry…) comme d’habitude les studio Ubi nous ont fait une trs bonne suite Wildlands.
Le mode solo est trs vari beaucoup de nouveauts ont tait rajout, et on s’accroche rapidement l’histoire
Bought as a present for my son and he loved i
Preso in offerta e non me ne sono pentito, il migliore della serie Ubisoft continua cosi.
Bel gioco, un ottimo seguito di wildlands ma se evitate se cercate un gioco diverso o da giocare in solitaria perch potrebbe venirvi a noia
If you like Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon then you might have to adjust to this one. Gone are the days of managing a 4 man team to infiltrate, execute and evac various exotic places across the globe. This game takes place on an island, albeit a very good looking island. Gone are your 3 A.I. teammates as you’re left on your own facing off against the islands PMC known as sentinel with some familiar faces thrown in. Or rather a familiar face, singular..
As you silently stalk (read very loudly amble and blunder) your way across the island you’ll face off against a few types on drones and variously equipped enemies. All in the pursuit of better weapons and gear, with customisable colours and attachments.
It’s kinda maybe like wildlands only it looks prettier and could do with some gameplay polish. Honestly, give it a go, it’s pretty fun.
Got this for my boyfriend he loves it to the point where I’m now invisible Haha
Trovare una Limited edition a questo prezzo fantastico! un gioco d’avvero molto bello. consigliato ai amanti del open world e per le missioni stelt. grafica eccellente, poca cura nei dettagli del personaggio ma su questo si pu sorvolare. gioco molto consigliato.
Cadeau d’anniversaire pour un adulte et il a fait son effet !
Le t-shirt est de bonne qualit (taille normal. T. L) le flocage aussi. A voir dans le temps aprs lavage.
Et reu plus tt que prvu . Supe
El juego es espectacular, promete muchas horas de entretenimiento y diversion, al principio no me gustaba mucho, porque estaba acostumbrado al wildlands, pero a medida que vas jugando te das cuenta que es incluso mejor y mas completo. Por parte de amazon, el envio, puntual como casi siempre y digo esto porque en un par de envios me han fallado.
Great game in this series, all online with either single player or coop! Graphics superb with great options
Great game don’t know what all the fuss is about…. massive open world and so many guns to find or make. What’s not to like.
Good game with a lot of potential, could be a great game, if Ubisoft puts enough recourses behind it.
S. El joc s llarg al ser un mn obert per s fora satisfactori.
Es un juego para pasar buenos ratos, sin pensar en nada, lo mejor jugar con amigos para mas ratos de diversion.
Fui de los que los que lo tuvieron el da de salida, y se nota cada da mas, las mejoras que van aadiendo, muy buenos grficos y sonido impresionante, mi suegro que no esta muy acostumbrado a los juegos de hoy en da se pensaba que era una pelicula.
Bien que je ne suis pas fan de ce genre d articles, mon neuve est ravi
Il est bien mais il est dur eh ! En tout cas la dure de vie peut tre intressante !
Ottimo gioco, oserei dire identico al precedente. Pvp non paragonabile a Cod.
Ha superado mis expectativas.
El anterior, el WILDLANDS ya era fabuloso con su masivo mundo abierto sobre el crtel de Bolivia y sus cientos de misiones entre principales y secundarias.
El BREAKPOINT lo adquir yendo por la mitad del anterior con la nica intencin de instalarlo y comprobar que funcionaba bien.
La intencin era terminar primero el WILDLANDS, del que estaba disfrutando mucho y ya llevaba dos semanas o ms jugando a diario.
Pero fue empezar el BREAKPOINT y no poder dejarlo.
Por resumir dir que se trata de lo mismo pero mejorado en todos los aspectos.
La isla es un mundo abierto y lleno de misiones como el anterior de Bolivia pero se han mejorado algunos aspectos. En el anterior era imposible jugar en solitario por la excesiva cantidad de enemigos y los interminables refuerzos que llegaban. Los 3 compaeros de la IA que te acompaaban eran imprescindibles.
Pero en ste ltimo y a pesar de los innumerables enemigos, con una buena planificacin y estrategia, puedes controlar la situacin. Los refuerzos que llegan son menos y no tan alocados. Juego en modo normal y acaban matndome en innumerables ocasiones pero es todo un reto conseguible.
Todava estoy equipandome para poder enfrentarme a enemigos ms poderosos y eso es enfrentndose a enemigos en igualdad de condiciones.
Los campamentos que generas a lo largo y ancho de toda la isla e islotes, la tienda con el acceso a las armas, explosivos, ropa y utensilios de supervivencia, el trato con la resistencia, la nueva forma de esconderse, los drones enemigos y no s cuntas cosas ms me dejo… Hacen de ste juego (que al principio parece muy enrevesado pero pronto le coges el tranquillo) el juego del ao para los amantes de francotirador y otras disciplinas. No es un juego lineal. Puedes recorrer la isla como te apetezca y hacer las misiones cmo y cundo quieras (si puedes) en solitario o en compaa de otra gente IA.
Yo estoy acostumbrado a Sniper elite o similares y disfruto mucho en solitario. Estos dos juegos son muy superiores en todos los sentidos especialmente ste ltimo BREAKPOINT.
NO entiendo las crticas de algunos.
No est desprovisto de los tpicos fallos de UBISOFT…Que son mnimos.
Llevo jugando ms de dos semanas y solo me he encontrado con dos enemigos corriendo contra la pared y en otra ocasin otro que no disparaba ni haba forma de matarlo, pero que no interfera para nada en nada…eso despus de cientos de enemigos y situaciones. Simples ancdotas.
Es un juegazo, pero falta la actualizacin para tener a tu equipo operativo o el juego se hace complicado.
Creo que el juego ha buscado mucho el modo cooperativo online.
Con muchos amigos que he hablado sobre el juego se comenta que el anterior gusto ms su jugabilidad aunque los grficos de este….
Deja mucha puerta abierta a futuras actualizaciones
Tiene mejores grficos y animaciones del personaje durante el juego que otros juegos anteriores (al principio despistan un poco, pero enseguida te acostumbras), el sonido est bien sin destacar, y los tiempos de carga son aceptables (mucho mejores que en Division 2, por ejemplo).
En cuanto al juego, hay muchas misiones para hacer, porque adems de las principales y secundarias, hay objetivos (descubrimiento de armas, accesorios, coleccionables y vivacs, que son como bases de viaje rpido y reavituallarmiento) y misiones y objetivos de faccin, que son como misiones asociadas a argumentos laterales y que estn disponibles solo durante un tiempo. Los objetivos suelen estar protegidos, por lo que se convierten en ms combates. Tambin existen incursiones, que requieren niveles demasiado altos para m, y el modo Ghost War que, por el momento, me parece algo menos conseguido que el de Wildlands.
Hay muchas armas y equipamiento, que comparten una caracterstica con The Division (pueden ser normales, verdes, azules o moradas, quiz haya ms categoras, pero an no las he descubierto), un dron, diversas armas accesorias tipo granadas y lanzacohetes, se pueden conducir vehculos… El mapa es muy amplio, no s si tanto como en Wildlands, pero indudablemente da de sobra para pasarse tiempo explorndolo (y algunos paisajes son preciosos).
Quiz la nica pega al principio es que hay un aluvin de informacin que abruma hasta que se aprende a organizarlo. Se pueden tener marcados hasta tres objetivos (misiones) simultneamente que pueden aparecer sobrepuestos en la parte izquierda de la pantalla, pero se reciben multitud de avisos sobre misiones de faccin y de objetivos que al principio te hacen estar cambiando constantemente los objetivos seleccionados.
En mi caso, que lo he comenzado a jugar cuando ya haba varios parches, no he encontrado ms que un bug importante que me hizo repetir una misin un par de veces. Quitando eso, me resulta tan bueno como Wildlands, y no comparto las crticas que he ledo sobre que pareca una mezcla de muchos otros juegos y se quedaba a medias de todo. Se puede jugar en modo sigiloso, tratando de eliminar a los enemigos sin que lleguen a detectarte, o ir un poco ms con fuerza bruta, aunque las posibilidades de xito son algo menores si se juega en solitario.
I never thought it would be such a good game. buy this product if you need help write.
Gioco molto ben fatto.. ampia scelta di situazioni giocabili. Stile GTA per quanto riguarda la scelta dei mezzi disponibili, con un buon gaming esplorabile in stile Assassin creed. Se cercate un gioco lineare con inizio e fine, dimenticatevi questo gioco..
Bought at reduced price and very happy, excellent game, not too complicated. Played for 2 hours and hardly got anywhere due to the game being so big and having lots to do! Reckon the wife will be getting no sense out of me for a while…..happy days
I personally really enjoy this game, full open world, yea it’s a bit repetitive at times but there are loads of missions, including side missions and faction missions that need completing which I love! I can understand a few negative reviews with the glitches etc, my main negative point would be completing the last main story and still having loadsss questions left about the game and the story as a whole, I have now looked into this further and apparently you need to get the unlimited package to access this where as I ordered the basic 50 one which is a shame! But overall I’m really happy with it, I’ve now created a brand new profile as there was a lot I missed out on throughout the game that I found out about once I had completed the main story so at least I can enjoy it a bit more now starting from scratch
Arrived on the day it said. No damage game works and the delivery driver was nice
Love it. So much to do and story flows nicely.
Really enjoying i
Good game. A bit repetitive, Developers need to get rid of the glitches, which there are many.
The game is also internet dependent which is a pain if you live rural and the broadband regularly cuts out.
Listen to your customers and there wants Ubisoft……..
Super jeux graphisme ouf ! Mais trop rptitif dans le gameolay
Absolutely loving this game. Peoples expectations of games these days are too high. Every game has to be the next big thing. Well it doesn’t have to be. This game has classic gameplay with a modern look. It’s fun. The only thing I don’t like is the option to turn off the multiplayer part so you dont see other players
Started playing it today and wow amazing wish I had got it sooner and packaged perfectly the graphics are amazing game play is amazing and its best my expectations. Would recommend to anyone who loves first person shooters mixed with very large map play.
Very happy with the service and the game is very good
Livraison rapide et soigne
Pour le jeu un peu du donc 4 toiles.
Un difetto che si gioca solo se si ha una connessione,il gioco non ha un tutorial,ma non difficile da capire dopo gli errori. molto vasto,non ci si annoia,un aggiornamento sul suono dei vari mezzi che si possono usare,poco veritieri!
I like the game ,cant undertand what’s up with people ,yeah it’s a bit glitchy at times but your getting your money’s worth ,the map end sup absolutely packed out with missions ,you build yourself up to have better armour ,guns ,vehicles etc ,the shop refreshes its products every hour and you dont even need to spend your own money ,its not hard to save up for stuff in the shop by doing missions , it’s got good replay value ,if it had a story mode it would be done and dusted in 10 hours or so but your getting 100 hours plus easily.
Questo gioco bello, ma il menu mi sembra troppo complicato e incasinato per chi gioca semplicemente ja storia del gioco. Ma a ja fine jm consiglio
Fantastic game, really big map and lots to do. Really good strategy shooter that will keep you busy for months!!!!!
Servizio lato Amazon(vendita) impeccabile 5 stelle. Il gioco bello ma graficamente niente di nuovo, anzi, sembra di aver tornato indietro di 5 anni. Molti bug da sistemare ancora.
un jeux pour se distraire avec une trs belle carte comme je les aime.
No doy 5 estrellas por los bugs clsicos de Ubisoft, por lo dems…un juegazo en toda regla, divertido a rabiar para el que lo quiera disfrutar.
El juego es muy bueno, tiene unos grficos fantsticos y el mapa es gigantesco. Ofrece muchas horas de diversin en el modo campaa, pues tiene muchsimas misiones y objetivos. El armamento es brutal por la cantidad de armas y accesorios que hay, con muchsimas opciones de personalizacin. Es cierto que hay algunos bugs que espero corrijan en futuras actualizaciones, pero si te gusta la temtica operaciones especiales y jugar de modo tranquilo y planificando tu estrategia, es totalmente recomendable. El que busque algo como battlefield o call of duty que no lo compre.
Malgr pas mal de commentaires faisant part de bug. Je n ai pour ma part jamais eu a me plaindre. Cet omus est encore mieux que wildlands.
Le seul gros point noir c est que l escouade ia n existe plus alors que c etait pour moi un des tres grands point fort de wildland.
If you liked the 1st you’ll love this. Not sure about the negative reviewsx graphics are amazing and the game play is brilliant. Love it.
Bon jeu.
Mais recu la boite casse.pas tres content de la recption de mon jeu.
Le jeu est bon mais souffre de quelques dfauts. Des bugs gnants de temps autres et une certaine rptition dans les missions et objectifs.
Le monde ouvert est vraiment grand. Le background intressant. Mais les personnages manquent de charisme et ont un jeu trs limit.
A jouer avec des amis c’est aussi trs amusant du fait de la taille de la carte et des diffrents biomes. Pas de friendly fire malheureusement.
Ok so the worst thing ubisoft did was release it with bugs glitches and lets face it a bit unfinished. But no where near as bad as ppl are making out. I love the new innovations and gameplay strategies. Once you get your head around thdm changes its a cinch. And ok the team mates from wildlands are gone but are replaced by much better drones. I mean these things shoot through walls and exactly where you send them. Instead of “lost my shot” constantly. Youve got to realise this is a whole new game to move forward with not get hung up in the past then compairing the two. The story and characters where pretty good too, ive definitely seen way worse out there. Give it a go and see past the unpolished parts and you will have a decent game to play.
Trs bon produit et excellent jeux , mon fils est ravis!
J’ai achet ce jeux pour me divertir un peu. Ce fut une bonne dcouverte que j’ai aim. J’ai beaucoup aim l’environnement du jeux et son originalit sur certains aspects (gameplay,natations, debrief entre chaque missions termin, etc…).Tous ces raisons en font un vritable plus par rapport aux anciens jeux de la saga.Encore merci j’ai ador ce titre ghost recon:breackpoint, pour moi c’est le jeu avoir chez sois et aussi mon jeux prfr de l’anne 2019.
If you like Wildlands you’ll love this, first impressions where why have they removed your AI team and why have they gone heavy on all the modern tech which I normally can’t be doing with, I like things simple and basic not space age futuristic. But it works, again I don’t like ranking up systems up gearing up normally but again it works, normally I would pick my load out and stick with it or tweak it mission specific, but the gear up method forces me to experiment with different weapons which has been fun, I’ll settle in my favourites when maxed out but gives an idea how each weapon functions. You don’t loose the sync shot option with a drone capability. Sync shot handy to take out Rad OP’s do they can’t call for back up when your clearing a compound. If your playing single player you can stop and pick up a game at your leisure depending on your commitments. The 4 vs 4 not normally my thing is an improvement and much life fun, not quite the team play of SOCOM US Navy Seals for those who remember it but not a run and gun that most ones are these days. I found in Wildlands I always fast travelled large distances and used Heli’s quite a lot but in breakpoint I live just exploring on foot slow methodical patrolling from one location to the next picking up kit from bases / locations as I pass and planning how I will clear an objective. If you have some mates who are like minded tactical players, it’s great to co-op the campaign or just free roam together squaring away bits on the map. The fact it’s online only even in single player can be frustrating when the server is down but that’s they way of games now. Breakpoint for me is a winner and a game to keep you occupied for years. Prior to Breakpoint my main go to game was Wildlands. When modern warfare comes out I’ll play the single player campaign a few times on various difficulties but then once that is done it’s over, I love the campaign element of the modern warfare series and the upcoming one has been a long time coming but I don’t bother with the online, too matrix style run and gun nothing tactical about it so after that awesome flash in the pan has been I’ll be back on breakpoint with the occasional trip back to modern warfare to do the solo campaign again. If you live methodical military work solo or team based in a game with years of use, you can’t go wrong with breakpoint, best game out there for it along with Wildlands!
Love all the moaners putting this game down (think it’s a bit demanding for them) yeh you need Internet connection but don’t you with 99% of games now?? I loved wildlands for starters and this is a little the same but who cares it’s ghost recon and you get loads of guns and cool stuff! You can go all guns blazing of go tactical I prefer tactical, I’ve been playing a good few hours or more and there is absolutely loads to do loads to find!
I definitely wouldn’t say this games a waste of money I’d say it’s worth every dam penny.
Odd glitches but it’ll soon get sorted with the updates! Don’t listen to the moaners who struggle playing tactical minded games just go for it you won’t be disappointed I promise.
Apart from the lack of AI characters a brilliant game . More strategy than guns blazing like divison 2
After getting this game on release day as a preorder, I wasn’t happy to discover that I had no AI team. And although you could technically play solo, it makes like much harder, but after playing 70 odd hours solo, I can’t imagine how easy it would be with 4 players. Because I’m destroying entire enemy bases on my own.
It is much more challenging, and it’s a complete change of gameplay, but it’s pretty good if you don’t look at it thinking it will be like Wildlands, because it’s not.
This is a loot and shoot game where you’ll find yourself constantly grabbing better weapons and kit.
I’m level 220 now, and it doesn’t actually seem to make much of a difference if I’m honest.
My body armour is level 220, and yet it doesn’t stop bullets any better than level 30 for example.
So although it’s a very different game to Wildlands, I like it.
I’m not sure if playing coop would be too easy, or whether there would be more resistance?
But I’ve found that setting up a sniper nest, and plucking off as many people as possible is the right way. Not that there is a “right” way.
But I’m sure that if I had 3 other players as good as me playing this, it would be way too easy.
The downside of playing solo, is when you’re dropped, there’s nobody to come to revive you.
I’ve done some missions where it’s taken me 25 plus minutes to carefully pick through Wolf camps, then I’ll come around a corner and get hit from the front and back, and you’re starting that mission from the beginning again.
After trying the same mission 5 times, and doing everything right, but getting shot by a boss, it’s as frustrating as hell having to start from the beginning again! You can only imagine how demoralising that is.
But with a team of 4, you could clear most bases using just your sync shot drones. Especially if you’ve increased the amount in skills.
I’ve now got 7 shots on my sync drone, so in case you’re bad at maths, that’s a total of 28 shots that you and your team don’t even have to take, you just have to reckon the area well.
So if you do introduce AI, maybe just introduce 1 who can revive you, because 4 would be too easy.
If you’re playing solo, you’re basically playing Ghost mode anyway as there’s no way of you being revived.
Also glad I paid 55 for a game that technically wasn’t ready, and 2 months later it’s 27!
Would have given this 5 stars if it could be played offline. Great otherwise
Fantastic game. Played the first one, this is lots better. Better graphics. But also more violent.
Il gioco fatto bene ed tanta roba l unico rimpianto che giocato da soli dopo un po’ stufa mi sarei aspettato ci fosse la squadra ia come in wildlands
Highly disappointed in this game as the trailers looked awesome. Its entertaining and very playable but the graphics are very poor considering the wait and price of the game. Buy it second hand
Graficamente fatto bene alcune pecche nel controllo del personaggio e veramente tanta scelta di missioni e armi che la moneta all’inizio del gioco non serve visto che l’equipaggiamento si trova uccidendo i nemici
Amazing game in my opinion I’ve had none of the issues people have mentioned above, big tom clancy fan have bought them all since they came out nd I personally think it’s much better than wildlands, no ai teammates is a bit of a down fall buh u can do just as good on your own.
Ghost recon is not perfect, but it’s not anywhere near as bad as some of the reviews makeout. Most big games have early release issues, but let me say this, I must have got a different game to everyone else, because I’ve only had a 2 issues of being disconnected from the server in 20+ hours of game play.
There seems to be a movement against ubisoft because they made this a looter shooter type of game, rather than a serious combat game.. such as rainbow six.. and yes its online only… Another cry of foul.. so what? Who has a console or pc not connected to the internet these days? I feel some reviews are not really about the game itself, more about the decisions ubi soft have made around the games unpopular features.
It’s full of microtransactions… Again so what? Don’t buy them if you don’t want to… Your phone is jam packed with apps that use this model to make money.. ubisoft is a business.. they are there to make money, as well as to make great games.
The only issue I can see is for the player Vs player mode, where microtransactions purchases could give some players an unfair advantage.
The graphics are poor? Are you serious?? The graphics in this game are gorgeous, the open world is one of the best I’ve seen in any game.. the cars , the bikes, boats and the helicopters are amazing.. the handling is also improved on all of these vehicles.
Co op is amazing.. and is probably the best way to play the huge amount of missions available.
Yes there are a few little blips, but I’ve not had Anything I’d call a game breaker..
If your thinking of getting the game, try it yourself , and make your own minds up, because I’m glad I did. I could have missed out on one of the best combat games since wildlands.
ok so this is my 3rd review. I’m a massive Tom Clancy fan and absolutely loved Wildlands and completed it and I don’t finish many games. It’s my 3rd review because 1. I bought on release and it was full of bugs so I sent it back and very annoyed. 2. I tried it again now it was 18.99 to see if it had updated its bugs, which it had and 3. I’m now over 60 hours in so I think I can leave a truly realistic review. It is truly a great game, graphics absolutely brilliant, lots and lots of campaigns and plenty to do. In wild lands you get your route on your Tag map. Not with this you don’t, you will need to find your own way shipmate which initially I found annoying, but now I quite enjoy it. Mixing with the surroundings, collecting unbelievable amount of herbs and flowers to make concoctions you’ve never even dreamed off. You will need an helicopter that is for sure, because the map is big and I mean BIG. What is introduced are these things called Bivouacs and you can’t miss them with smoke arising from them. Here you rest and build up stamina but what’s useful, on resting you can go shopping. If your a solo player like me, I am 50 after all and non of my older friends are playing this you have to keep restocking your equipment. If you are a solo player you will definitely need a killer drone. In Wildlands as you know you have a team where you can highlight your enemy and they will pick them off. On breakpoint it’s just you, unless of course you invite your friends to help you. You will have already realised that this is an online game so you have to connect to the Ubisoft servers. To date I’ve never had an issue but you will have read that some have. Yes there are micro transactions and I know it has received a lot of negative feedback. For me, it’s simple, just don’t buy anything and crack on with the game. Anyway going back to the drones. You can purchase a drone that will kill your enemies after highlighting them. You have 6 shots hence why you will need to stop at a Bivouac to buy more. You will need them because omg, some of the campaigns are ridiculously difficult. Some I’ve just left because I just can’t do them and because I can’t invite a team to help, your up poop creak without a paddle. What is incredibly annoying though, I’ve been so very close on a few occasions but if you die, you start right back at the beginning. This is incredibly annoying and rather mean of the developers. Personally I think you should be able to save. Because if this I am never going to complete the game. The range of weapons is vast but as you know, you choose your best two. Mine is the TAC50 sniper rifle which has the best telescopic range and the Flycatcher. You will only get this gun when you complete that mission but it’s quality. The sound it makes is just superb.
The interface is busy and I mean busy. You collect your skill points to develop your characters abilities but I’m sure I’m only using half of what’s on offer. It truly is a minefield.
I wanted to give it 4 stars, purely because some levels are just too damn tough especially when you have to start all over again if you get killed, but on hindsight, when you add everything together, it does deserve its 5 stars. I will never complete it, it’s absolutely huge, you will be able to add campaigns forever I think.
For this price. A bargain.