TRIXIE Pet Bike Trailer, Dog Bicycle Trailer, Foldable, Easy to Assemble
Weight: | 13 kg |
Size: | L |
Dimensions: | 162.56 x 78.74 x 82.55 cm; 13 Kilograms |
Model: | 12816 |
Colour: | Red / Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Colour: | Red / Black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | L |
Das ist schon mein 2. Anhnger der Marke Trixie. Ja, es gibt mit Sicherheit bessere die viel mehr Geld kosten. Und es gibt immer Menschen, die ihn nicht gut finden- wie bei allem…Aber fr meine Zwecke ist dieser Anhger der Beste und ich wrde ihn, wie man auf dem Bild sieht, wieder kaufen. Mit knapp 160 Euro ( ohne Joggerfunktion) ist er im Preislichen Mittelfeld.
Vorweg: Wir haben 2 x Gre L. Mein Hollande Herder 28 KG hat ein Stockma von 60 cm. Er kann sich im Hnger nicht lang legen, aber da macht er sowieso fast nie. Er liegt aber bequem “halbrund”
Mein Harzer Fuchs 20 KG mit einem Stockma von 53 cm kann lang in dem Hnger liegen.
Was mir besonders gefllt:
– Nachkaufbarer berzug. Sehr gut wenn der alte Bezug verschlissen oder kaputt ist.
– Als Jogger umbaubar ( muss extra erworben werden) dies war extrem gut als meine Senior Hndin noch da war. Einen kleinen Hund kann mal schnell unter den Arm klemmen, wenn er nach einem lngeren Spaziergang nicht mehr kann. Aber was macht man mit einem Schferhund? Wir konnten fortan wieder unsere lang ausgedehnten Spaziergnge machen, ohne Angst zu haben da sie unterwegs nicht mehr mithalten konnte. Das hat ihre und auch meine Lebensqualitt extrem gesteigert.
– etwas hherer Einstieg, was sich bei meinen Radtouren die nicht immer auf ordentlichen Wegen, sondern oft auch querfeld ein stattfinden sehr bewhrt hat.
– er luft sehr angehnehm hinter meinem Rad her. Sogar als Gespann der Marke Eigenbau, sind sie super angenehm.
Mit dem Ersten, den man an meinem Rad sieht habe ich schon zig Kilometer hinter mir und er ist immer noch top in Schuss. Er gehrt meinem dunklen Rden ( hinter dem Fuchs auf dem Bild)
Mittlerweile ist ein 2. grerer Hund (der Fuchs ) eingezogen und ich brauchte eine Alternative fr Ihn, denn auch er muss bei groen Touren, vorallem bei Temperaturen ber 20 Grad, ab und an in den Hnger.
Natrlich muss man etwas vorsichtig sein, wenn man Querfeldein ber kleinere Baumstmme oder durch Lcher fhrt und ich lasse die Hunde dann auch im Freilauf. Aber bis jetzt haben wir jede Tour geschafft und die Hnger sind immer noch top in Schuss.
Die Bereifung und die Unterlage fr den Hund ist zweckmig aber nicht besonders. Nachdem die 1. Reifen abgefahren waren, habe ich neue Reifen mit besserem Profil aufgezogen.
Da der Hnger keine Federung hat sollte man auf unebenen Strecken etwas behutsamer fahren, dem Hund zu liebe. Ich machte Anfangs den Fehler die Reifen nicht ganz fest aufzupumpen, damit sie etwas abfedern. Das wurde mir zum Verhngnis. Denn, so wie mir die Werkstatt erklrte, dadurch da weniger Luft im Reifen ist, konnte der Schlauch im Reifen gequetscht werden und wir hatten einen Platten. Also immer schn viel Luft auf die Reifen und bei Unebenheiten einen Gang runter schalten. Zudem haben wir eine bessere Unterlage (hier eignen sich super alte Sitzkissen von Campingsthlen) eingelegt.
Achtung: da der Hnger am Rad leicht versetzt nach links luft muss man bei Rechtskurven darauf achten, da man diese vorsichtig fhrt. Anfangs hatte ich oben das Verdeck offen und mein Hund sa im Hnger. Dieser entwickelt sich durch die Schwerkraft zur A-Klasse und kann kippen. Das ist mir 2 Mal passiert. Einmal habe ich in letzter Sekunde entschieden scharf rechts abzubiegen und einmal war ich einfach zu schnell unterwegs. Ich bin froh, da meinem Hund nichts passiert ist und er den Hnger nicht gemieden hat. Der Hnger hatte am oberen Ramen Abschrfungen am Stoff. Seit ich das Fahrverhalten des Hngers kenne achte ich bei Rechtskurven mehr auf ihn und es ist seither nichts mehr passiert.
Ich gebe 5 wohlverdiente Sterne.
Einziger Mangel war beim aufklappen der Seitenwnde die zu lange Sttzstange weshalb sich die
Seitenteile nicht fest aufstellen lieen. Hier musste ich die Klappsttzstange um ca. 1 cm krzen und ein
Neues Loch in die Stange bohren. Leider war ausgerechnet diese Sttzstange an der Gelenkbefestigung genietet. Hier wre es in Zukunft besser ein Schraubstift mit selbstsichernder Mutter zu verwenden.
Ansonsten sind wir mit dem Anhnger sehr zufrieden und sind erstaunt wie platzsparend er zusammengefaltet werden kann und in unserem Wohnwagen verstaut werden kann.
Tenemos bicicletas elctricas plegables y nuestro tornillo de la rueda de atrs es ms grande que el de una bici corriente, por tanto la pieza no encajaba. Tuvimos que limar el agujero del adaptador a mano para poder meterla, nada que no se pudiera hacer con un poco de maa.
Una vez instalado, hemos disfrutado de un bonito paseo con nuestro pequeo de 4 patas. Al principio le cost un poco acostumbrarse, pero luego iba agustito. Es un podenco de 10kg y entra bien y se puede mover dentro. Un perrete un poco ms grande no lo aconsejo, se quedara pequeo este remolque.
Muy contentos la verdad.
Absolutely fantastic buy . Just the right thing for pet travel. Beauty loves it. Easy to put together and dismantle. Excellent quality
Je l’ai achet pour mon chien qui a 10 ans et qui commence a avoir du mal suivre les balades de + de 15 km … C’est parfait des qu’elle est fatigue je la fait monter et hop bon il faut un petit temps d’adaptation ma chienne a eu du mal au dbut a rester dedans elle essayait de sortir par le dessus ce qui m’oblige m’arrter pour la gronder et la remettre correctement .
(Faire quelques petits essai sur quelques mtres dans un endroit sre et calme un peu tous les jours sans la forcer)
Et petit petit elle s’habitue c’est un assez gros chien et elle arrive facilement a se coucher dedans mais elle prfre rester assise et sortir la tte
Par contre on sent quand mme bien tirer avec le poids en + mais si on fait du vlo pour faire du sport c’est un ++
Good price , it said discount because of stained roof. Arrived perfect condition.
We often cycle on the coast and don’t want to leave our Cockapoo puppy on her own all day. This was the perfect solution and now she can come with us and get out whenever we stop somewhere. I usually just fold the tow bar back and put the whole thing in the boot of the car. The wheels are easy to take off but I found the internal support bar was a little difficult to lock in place so probably won’t collapse the whole thing too often. It may get easier with practice. Overall, really happy with it!
Glad we chose the medium, rather than the small as our dog is a 10-11kg long legged Jack Russell. A little bit of strength is required to get the cross bar in place, but once done the trailer is very sturdy. We also replaced the inner tubes to one’s with a scraeder valves as the valves on the trailer as supplied were not compatible with the pumps we have. Overall we are very pleased with the trailer and have even bought a spare connector so we can attach it to either of our bikes.
This bike trailer is excellent and a very sturdy product. We love to cycle but babysit our daughters dog 5 days a week which was forcing us to have to take the car until we purchased the Trixie Bike trailer. We can now go out on our bikes whenever we like. The dog although only 2 years old is content in the trailer. Take care when choosing the size as I initially purchased the small having measured the dog but found that it was too small. Luckily I was able to sell it on to a friend and purchase a medium which is perfect.
I bought the large model of this trailer. It is brilliant. I assembled it in just about 5 minutes and on assembly things, I am a simpleton. Very sturdy, easy to get wheels on and off, easy to fold away when storing and easy to attached to the bike.. The bike handling is hardly any different than riding without the trailer (although I haven’t tried at maximum weight yet). The ‘floor’ inside is padded, but you’ll probably want to pad it out a bit more for the dog. One thing to note: the valves on the tyres are of what I would call the old fashioned type, where you need the bendy extension to the pump or an adapter. My tyres had a decent amount of air in them when the arrived, so it wouldn’t have mattered in the short term. Well worth the money in my view.
Brilliant design , well made and sturdy . So Simple to errect /fold/ fit wheels .This is the large version and can easily fit 2 medium size dogs . Brilliant!
I’ve been using this trailer for the past 6 months to transport my dog (a small Staffy) to and from work everyday. It’s a half an hour ride each way so it’s had quite a bit of use.
Overall the thing has held up well. I haven’t used other trailers so I’m not able to compare but my feeling is that it’s probably a bit over priced for what it is. For example, the tyres are very soft and have now nearly worn down to the point that they’ll soon need replacing. The sturdiness of the thing is fairly good, but it has become less so over time.
Overall it’s an adequate, but not extremely well made, trailer that does the job. But for a heavy regular user like me something better made is probably required.
Super Anschaffung fr adequaten Preis. Der Anhnger lsst sich einfach auf- und abbauen, und erfllt seinen Zweck gut.
Die Sicherungen der Verschlsse sind zwar etwas schwieriger zu ffnen, aber lieber so, als dass sie locker sind. Mit der Zeit wird es wahrscheinlich leichter.
Der Anhnger fhrt gut an Fahrrad mit, das Gewicht ist sprbar, aber nicht hinderlich.
Ich hab einen Kooiker (40cm, 11 kg), sie hat angenehm Platz im Wagen, Eingewhnung dauert ein bisschen, aber jetzt sitzt sie wie eine Knigin mit drin.
Der Anhnger ist nicht gefedert, eine zustzliche Matte zum Polstern ist eine berlegung wert. Ich wrde keine wilden Fahrten ber Stock und Stein empfehlen, aber bei moderatem Tempo und guten Wegverhltnissen ein richtig guter Wagen.
Die Verarbeitung ist gut, wenn auch nicht herausragend. Der Bezug ist sehr eng, beim Anbringen der Halterung (Joggererweiterung) hatte ich Schwierigkeiten, weil die ffnungen im Bezug nicht ganz mit den Lchern in den Stangen korrespondieren. Die Nhte werden auch nicht fr die Ewigkeit halten. Aber fr den Preis darf man nicht mehr erwarten.
Fr jeden, der seinen kleinen Vierbeiner auch an heien Tagen, oder ber lngere Strecken am Fahrrad mitnehmen will, ein super Angebot. Wer dann doch mehr macht, und viele, lange Radtouren plant, sollte etwas tiefer in die Tasche greifen, und ein hochwertigere, und gefedertes Produkt nehmen.
Ich habe den Joggerumbausatz direkt dazugekauft, damit ich den Anhnger etwas flexibler nutzen kann.
Great little trailer
I’ve got a 10k dog and he’s well comfy. So glad I bought it gives so much fun and freedom for me being able to take the old dog out with me
– Roulant : on sent le poids bien sr, mais c’est fluide, le ressort joue bien son rle, pas d’-coups, cela dgage une sensation de stabilit et de scurit super agrable.
– Ergonomique : par exemple, double ouverture sur le devant ; une moustiquaire + une bche pour pas que l’eau rentre en cas de pluie et pour pas que le vent s’engouffre dedans et vous ralentisse.
– Prise en main trs simple ; le montage est un jeu d’enfant, l’accrocher sur le vlo aussi.
– Pratique : attache rapide pour dcrocher la remorque du vlo.
– Pens pour nos amis les chiens : couverture scratch sur le fond, s’enlve en un geste pour tre nettoye.
– Robuste : mon chien a paniqu sur les dbuts, s’est acharn pour sortir mais n’a pas russi entamer les ouvertures.
Bravo Trixie !
J’ai un chien type berger de 23kg, il est son aise dans la remorque taille L, j’ai la place de rajouter mon sac dos.
Je vais au boulot avec (8km), je mets 30 minutes au lieu de 20, c’est sr que a fait les cuisses, mais a passe !
Pas facile de rassurer le chien sur les dbuts, il faut marcher la friandise. Aprs 4 jours d’utilisation, il commence tre l’aise et monter de lui mme.
Very sturdy well built product. I purchased the small carrier for my cavapoo….a medium may have been a better size, but she likes her head out at all times so it has worked out perfectly.
Very sturdy extremely pleased with it, instructions for assembly were mainly pictures I would prefer more prose but was generally ok.
i bought the small one, and its probably a little too small for my spaniel but it works fine. it isnt very stable though and has turned over onto its side twice. I didnt get a flag or pole with mine, no big deal though just pointless advertising something if you are not going to provide it.
Well made, easy to tow and feels stable. Great locking/folding mechanisms. Needs an extra cushion to soften the bumps, but otherwise okay. One minor criticism is that it is built for European roads, hence the flag is mounted on the wrong (near) side in the UK.
We got the medium sized one for my King Charles cavalier and at first she was a bit unsure, but now she’s more than happy to sit in to go faster and keep up with everyone else.
Only downside was the bike hitch was missing, I guess this was due to the state the box was in and probably fell out at some point.
My dog loves this trailer. Walked around initially with her in the trailer and she got used to it. Fairly easy to put together, but instructions are pictures which took a little while to figure out, once built I won’t be too keen to take it down. Windows unzip to create more air and your dog can be secured inside with a clip attached to the frame. You also get a clip for your bike to attach the trailer. It is a bit expensive, but I am really pleased with it.
I’ve adapted this so I can Pull it by hand.
Our 10kg dog with a dodgy leg is that a new lease of life.
Absolutely BRILLIANT – our cocker spaniel loves it.
So easy to build.
So light to pull behind bike!!
So good recommended to our friend who has just purchased one for her 3 chihuahuas!!
Great buy for the money . Quick and easy to put together and folds flat for storage. Our King Charles Spaniel has plenty of room in it , could turn around and look out either way.
Very well made. Was good fun trying it out for the first time, felt like a kid again. Bought for two Chihuahua’s. They both fit in it fine.
Possibly a bit heavier than you might expect, but I didn’t have any problems pulling it and I’m an old man.
Zips could be more robust, time will tell. I would recommend it to a friend . Review is for the small version. Oh and its dark red as apposed to the pink looking colour in the pictures.
Well happy with this. Its a perfect size for our Border Collie. (19kg) ordered a large. Very easy to assemble and very sturdy too.. No bad points.
Robust and good trailer when it is up however we had real difficulty with the assembly. It is probably usually very easy and I can see on here only another similar review- the bar that gives the trailer structure was v difficult to pull up and needed a lot of force to insert into the other side. This might have been because the material was too tight but it means we can’t fold it down as so hard to put back i
Fantastic little trailer, just what I wanted. I’d bought an electric bike and wanted a trailer for my terrier but as I’ve limited storage space I needed one that folded almost flat. After careful consideration and reading the reviews I chose this and it’s just perfect, am so happy with it, I can even fit shopping in it too.
The little flag that comes with it is so sweet too, if you’re looking for a sturdy, great quality trailer for your dog look no further, well worth spending the extra for good quality
Updated 11/09/20 – see bellow.
Didn’t buy ours on Amazon, at the time the Trixie trailers Amazon had on offer were more expensive, there were the ‘Chinese’ offerings but looking at reviews, whilst OK were not always great! I did however buy the stroller kit on Amazon, and at a decent price!
I bought our small size Trixie dog trailer on Ebay, at the time it was the cheapest available, it wasn’t new, instead it was ‘used’ but unused, it had been bought and built up but never actually used. It arrived without the hitch or pennant so I ordered those seperately, which added anpther 20 to the 78 price I paid but still cheaper. By the time it had arrived two weeks later, Amazon has a bevy of similar priced new small Trixie trailers (previously 140+). So as the title says, shop around, look at the ‘new & used’ too as that is where I was able to buy the stroller kit from on Amazon, normally they retail around 45, ours was a ‘return item’ and just under 20 complete, I spent another 3 on an ‘eligible’ item to put the order just over 20 and get free delivery!
Well satisfied with the trixie trailer, though not used as a trailer yet, only as a stroller. Our poor old soul Monty, a 14yr old Border Terrier loves it, he has always been easy going and has always fitted in with anything we were doing, whether it be out in the Land Rover, sidecar or sitting on my lap while cutting the grass on a tractor or long walks! He sits happily in the trailer looking out the front, but is quick to check out the side or rear if something catches his eye, he has not tried to get out on his own yet and happily lets us put him in before the off!
Why did we get the trailer, well Monty had been dragging a hind leg a little for a while, the vet diagnosed arthritis/age and prescribed a painkiller and limited gentle exercise. So the trailer seemed the best option, especially with the lockdown, we could still walk the same distances as usual from home, taking dogs of disabled neighbours out for exercise too, and when Monty had walked far enough he could sit in the trailer. It would also mean I could take him with me on cycle rides too. He usually comes with me to work so is never left alone for long, so why not take him on ride too. So far, as I said earlier, he loves the stroller, it was like a duck to water!
Building the trailer up seems pretty simple. As ours was S/H (ish) it arrived prebuilt, at least all I had to do was unpack it and fold out the sides and fit the cross tubes, all held together with push pins and retaining clips. Reading other reviews, anyone with cross tubes that are too long probably has parts from the larger trailers supplied incorrectly, not a fault, but a packing mistake (probably Friday afternoon or Monday morning) I’m not sure what would be required with a totally new one, from the instructions it seems not much more than I had to do. The wheels slot in easily, retained by a push pin, depending on if being used as a trailer or stroller, trailer uses the centre position, the stroller uses the rear position. The towbar slots in under the front left and is hinged on a screw, it is locked in the tow position with a pin and retaining clip in the front hole. When using as a stroller the tow bar retaining pin is removed, the bar is folded underneath and the retaining pin reinserted in the rear hole to hold the tow bar in place, I wrap the safety strap around the frame tubes and reattach to the D ring to prevent it hanging down.
When fitting the wheels be aware the tyres are directional, they have arrows on them to point in the direction of rotation! It probably doesn’t make a lot of difference to the trailer handling, but it looks better to have them round the right way!
Fitting the stroller kit is simple, there is the front wheel assembly and frame, and the handlebar with it’s associated tube brackets. The wheel asembly (not directional) literally slots into place on the front outrigger and is secured by an Allen bolt, there are a couple of washers to use as shims to take out the play, I didn’t need ours. The complete outrigger frame and wheel assembly is then slotted into the two square tubes under the front of the trailer body, retaining pins hold it all in place. The handlebar tube brackets have a couple of spacers that hold them off the rear uprights. The screw holes to attach them to are hidden by the cover, there is a slit in the cover where the holes are, secured by velcro, peel the velcro apart and force the split open. Put a screw though one of the holes in the support tubes, and a spacer on the screw/tube, push the screw through the corresponding hole in one of the rear uprights, ensure the tubes are the correct way up, the securing pin hole should be upper most, fit a nut on the screw on the inside of the body. Feed another screw through the second hole in the tube and fit a spacer between the tube and rear upright, put a nut on the screw. Ensure the cover is not trapped and the spacers are round the correct way, they are concave one side to fit to the support tubes, tighten the nuts onto the screws. Repeat with the other side. Once both support tubes are in place the handlebar slots into the tubes and is retained by a pair of clips. The parking brake is a simple fit with two screws and plastic wing nuts, the screw heads face outside or the brake will not work.
The only criticisms I have (so far!) of the trailer are minimal, and are to me mostly stupid design/build faults that could have been avoided.
The wheels/tyres/tubes. The tubes are of the ‘wood’ valve type, a woods (Dunlop) adapter is needed to connect ordinary bicycle pumps. If you have a bike and use presta valves then in all probability your pump will fit, however if you have a bike with Schrader valves (car type), or you don’t have a bike and only use it as a stroller then you will have problems, an adapter is needed to inflate the tubes with a car foot pump or garage airline! There are videos on youtube showing how to get round the problem. Basically, cut the top off of a plastic woods valve cap so the end is open, screw it back on flush with the top of the valve, a schrader type inflater should now fit and seal enough to inflate the tube/tyre! Not a perfect solve, but it works!
The wheels are another small issue, the main wheel rims are 304’s, for those that don’t know, 304 is the tyre fit diameter in millimetres, built correctly there is little problem, however if you have a pump with a dual fit head, you will find there is not much space to fit the head to the valve. Some wheels are built incorrectly, the valve should be between two widely spaced spokes, Some are built with the valve between crossed spokes leaving little space to connect a modern pump! If you use an old type pump with a flexy connector then it is far easier! The same goes for the additional stroller wheel, except as it is smaller there is even less room, so if the build is correct or not the access to the valve is limited, an angled valve would be far better here! The old type flexible pump connector is the best option, and to be honest if you haven’t got one, buy a bicycle pump with a woods flexible adapter and keep it with the trailer/stroller, run the tyres at 35psi. Also worth considering is a puncture outfit, a set (3) of aluminium or steel tyre levers and a 6″ (150mm) adjustable spanner to carry with the trailer/stroller! You can then fix your own punctures on the fly, or if convenient, wait till you’re home and do it then. A can of ‘tyre weld’ or ‘fill n fix’ instant tyre repair would get you going, but remember the can will have a schrader valve fitting, so cannot be used on the woods valves without an adapter! Also, a tube that has had this type of ‘running repair’ carried out is difficult to patch afterwards. Better to replace the tube. Having had many punctures on my bikes, I’ve always carried a kit but also run ‘slime’ in my tubes too. ‘Slime’ will fix a puncture up to 1/8″ (3mm) without you knowing it happened! So I have changed the tubes in our trailer/stroller for Schrader valve types with the added bonus of being ‘slime’ filled too. Since using slime filled tubes on my bikes I know that it is worth it from the lower number of punctures I get! The small front stroller wheel has been changed to a ‘bent’ Schrader valve stem, allowing easier access to connect the pump. Slime filled tubes are not available in that size so I did it my self, cheap, and easy enough from the adapter supplied with the bottle, and enough in a bottle to do all three tubes. You can do this without changing the tubes, but remember the woods valve cores will need to be removed to fill the tube with the correct amount of sealant, 200ml for the main wheels and 100ml for the front stroller wheel. With the valve core removed you will find the applicator will fit the valve body, or may need a wind or two of pvc tape for a tight fit. I already had a half bottle left over from treating my Land Rover, mowers and trailers!
I don’t know about the other sizes of these trailers, but our small size has the pocket for the warning pennant pole on the left side only! I suppose it should be expected as after all the trailer is made in Germany and they do drive on the right, putting the pennant on the offside for left hand drive, and hopefully more obvious to drivers approaching from the rear!! I had expected to see a pocket on either side seeing as the trailers are sold all over the world, and to both left and right hand driving countries! With the pennant on the left side, I am thinking of unstitching and repositioning the pocket on the right side, I have also purchased one of those bicycle width markers with reflectors, with it clamped to the rear frame upright it acts as an added warning to passing traffic to not come too close, it sticks out a foot (300mm) from the body of the trailer. Used as a stroller the width marker fouls the wheel when in the out position, in any case it is not really needed so folds flat along the side of the body, as a trailer the wheels are in the forward position and the width marker is folded out and clears the wheel.
The nylon cover is a good fit, but I would have liked to see it made so the lower corners are covered, it would only need a flap of nylon to wrap the corner of the frame and secured by Velcro. As they are, especially the front lower corners, any spray from a wet road will get inside very easily and soak the base and cushion, likewise any rain running down the cover will run in.
Lastly (so far)! That slit in the cover where the stroller handle support tubes attach to the rear of the frame, the slits are secured by velcro, ideally the slit would be better as a flap. As it is the slit has to be forced apart to fit the spacers that hold the handlebar support off the main frame, as such with the brackets fitted it isn’t as neat as it could be, a flap secured by velcro that exposes the full width of the frame tube would be far easier to fit the bracket and be a neater finish!
The parking brake works well, however a ‘controllable’ brake for decents would be a huge bonus! Another modification I will be making, not sure if I’ll do it so it can be linked to my bike brakes too, but I will set up a twin pull lever to act on both wheels, and mounted on the buggy handlebar for ease of use.
As I said, so far so good, Monty loves it, we do too and find it means we can walk further and not have to worry about him getting too tired or needing carried!
Since using the stroller for a few weeks a couple of points have come up!
Firstly the brake, it works really well, I know one or two reviews have slated it but they may have a specific problem that needs addressing. Our brake works as it should, remember though it only acts on one wheel, so in some circumstances in stroller mode it will spin on the braked wheel. The stroller doesn’t actually go anywhere, or run away, and it only happens on a slope or uneven ground. I guess the stroller could really use two brakes, there again as I mentioned before, I would also like to see a brake that can be controlled from the handlebar, the stroller is 10Kg, add our Monty at another 10Kg, then factor in a steep hill into the mix and there is an accident waiting to happen! I will also add a leash attached at your waist, so if you stumble or for some reason let go, the stroller won’t run too far away. Also handy to attach to the front when ascending a particularly steep hill too! I’ve looked at stroller/trailer handlebar brakes and am now working on fitting ours with a similar setup.
Going back to uneven ground brings up the second point! We’ve used ours mostly on rural footpaths, cross-field paths and the like, carrying it over stiles/steps is easy being it is light weight, singlehanded is a struggle but doable, but take your pet out first, whatever! However, the bumpy surfaces tend to vibrate some parts loose, it will probably happen on most surfaces given time, the smoother surfaces are the longer loosening will take! So far the brake has been the only culprit, all other threaded fittings have nyloc nuts which are vibration resistant, the brake is held in place by plastic wing nuts with a steel nut insert. They need to be checked after every use or expect them to disappear at some point. We’ve lost one of ours so far, I did find our lost wingnut, retracing our steps on ththe last route we knew it was still ther, part way along a field path there was the nut! I’ve since replaced both with a washer and nyloc nut, no more loosening. The brake is removed for use as a trailer, so I guess hence the type of retaining nut used. It may also be worth having some sort of parking brake when in trailer mode, the added weight on the back of a bike when stopped/parked could cause the bike to be pulled over if it rolls!
The pennant. I didn’t unstitch the pole pocket in the end, instead I found a couple of pipe clips that hold 8mm tubing, the clips were fitted between the handlebar supports and spacers on the right side with the clip part to the outside, the existing screws were long enough. A 100mm length of 8mm tube was drilled to take a small self tapping screw in the wall at one end, the tube was then fitted into the clips with the screw at the bottom. With the tube inner diameter a little over 6mm, the pennant pole can now be positined on the right side for the UK (right hand drive or driving on the left!).
The only other fault I have come across is that the handlebar could do with being height adjustable, and either the handles stood off the rear another 100mm or so, or have a deeper set creating the same effect.
The reason being is that as a stroller anyone taller than 5’8″ (1730mm) will find the bar height uncomfortable in extended use, as will anyone shorter than 5’2″ (1575mm). At 5’10” (1780mm) I find the handle a touch short, and when walking fast or striding out there is a tendancy to kick the back of the buggy!
As I will be using it as a trailer shortly a thought came to me, there are no mudguards! As a stroller it is not too much of a problem, on wet pavement not too much spray will be created. As a trailer on wet roads though the added speed will throw spray over the bike and rider as well as the sides of the trailer, possibly the occupant and anyone following! So something else to ponder over!
I’ll revisit this at a later stage once I have used it as a trailer too!
Update – The pocket that is supposed to be for the pennant pole has worn through at the bottom! Given that we only use it for half the pole when going under low hanging branches, it doesn’t bode well for anyone using it as it is supposed to be!
Monty is still loving it, and knows it’s walk time when the buggy is taken outside and follows behind, he’s actually walking better since we bought this, so maybe being able to get him out more has helped!
Have fun, stay safe, keep well!
Very easy to assemble only wheels to put on and bar on top. Had to adjust for my mobility scooter. Big enough for my yorky and apso lapso. Well made. Thanks.
So pleased with this, excellent quality can’t recommend it enough. We have had so much fun out and about on our bikes with the dogs happily towing along in there trailer. Along the way we have been stopped so many times and asked where we brought it from. It’s definitely drawn attention every where we went, especially seeing a cute dog happily looking out the top as we cycled around. Its well built and the dog is very safe strapped inside. Easy to put together, the wheels are quick release and it folds down fits easily into the boot of a ca
Walkies? As my two little dogs age, they can still enjoy long journeys and spending time with me..they have their long run at the end. This was lightweight, easy to assemble, quick to fit to the bike, and looks stylish. Prompt service. Definitely recommend.
Excellent product, sturdy well made and perfect for our miniature schnauze
I am massively impressed with this trailer, very easy and quick to assemble and NO tools required and the build quality is excellent. It fold down flat for easy storage. I would highly recommend this to any potential buyers. My one very small issue is the type of valve on the tyres, I’m not sure what it is but it’s not a Presta or a Schrader although it does inflate when my pump is configured for a Presta valve.
Commande en taille S pour nos vacances vlo avec notre jack russel. (7 kgs )
Dballage, surprise par la qualit de la toile, des montants acier.. trs bien.
Montage : en 2 coups de cuillre pot. Les axes des roues sont livres avec un petit embout de protection remettre quand on les dmonte. Pliage/ dpliage trs simple, une seule goupille mettre
Utilisation : a roule, bien, mon mari a d bricoler une pice pour l’ajuster au vlo. la remorque ne bouge pas est n’est pas trop lourde tracter. Conseil de cycliste : Ne pas trop gonfler les pneus pour avoir un meilleur amorti sur les obstacles, sinon, a rebondit, a perd en adhrence !
Et le chien .. il est all direct dans cette petite niche … il a l’habitude de grimper dans une petite remorque dont on se sert pour le petit bois, donc a devrait le faire.
La taille, on a pris du S, le chien est dans son cocon, juste la place de la bouteille en plus. Il ne faudrait pas plus petit. On a hsit avec le M, mais tracter, je pense que cette petite taille est bien agrable et suffisante.
Trs contente de cet achat.
Absolutely love it! It has solved a long running problem with cycling with Mia!
A well built dog trailer which is very easy to assemble and attach to the bike
Very happy with quality of the trike fit my two dogs perfectly into i
This is an excellent product. The Dunlop valves are not an issue: you can easily get a Dunlop pump adapter if your bicycle has Schrader valves, and a Presta adapter will fit a Dunlop valve anyway. It folds away nicely and the wheels come off easily for storage.
Our Norfolk Terrier is now quite happy in it, but don’t think you can just shove her in and ride off on the first day. Like all trailers I imagine, the dog will need time to get used to it. I saw a youtube video where they ended up selling it because the dog hated it.
This is what we did. Each step took a few days.
1. Initial familiarisation: Put trailer in the sitting room for a week until she stopped barking at it
2. Getting used to being inside: Entice her inside using treats. Do this until she will stay inside without jumping out immediately
3. Getting used to movement: Persuade her to stay inside the trailer while it was being slowly pulled around the room, using treats
4. Getting used to outdoor environment: Outside, attach trailer to bicycle and get her to climb in and out of her own accord. No stress.
5. Getting used to outdoor movement: Slowly walk bicycle while she is inside, without her jumping out. Not on public road.
6. Getting used to being towed: VERY slowly ride bicycle, without her jumping out. Not on public road
7. Getting used to safety leash: Attach safety leash. Slowly ride bicycle without her showing signs of stress
8. Take her on her short first trip, with other cyclist behind keeping a close eye for any signs of distress
9. She’s now fine with it! We love it, and go on lots of adventures! Longest trip so far is 5 miles
This bike trailer is solid and light with quick release wheels …… I have a cockapoo and small is big enough
I was looking for a stroller that would take the weight of my 24kg Staffy,
I wanted something that was sturdy yet easy to use & not like a child’s pram. But also something that was comfortable for my Dog.
He cant walk as far as he used to being 14 yrs he has Arthritis & Heart Failure, so he walks very slowly & gets tired after a few hundred yards, But he still wants to get out & about….His back legs give way, But hes still very mentally active, Its his body that’s failing him.
This ticks all the Boxes. I did buy the converter kit to go with this, which is the Handle Bar & Front Wheel, so I paid extra for them.
It took a while for my Dog to get used to being in it, But he is 14 & quite a grumpy old man, But he was in the Buggy after 2 days of showing him he gets treats if he gets in it.
Then I pushed him around the Garden for small bursts so he was used to the feel of it…….& yesterday we went on a 10 Mile walk, Our first big walk in almost 2 years, he was in it most of the time, & I just helped him in & out when he wanted to walk by me.
I have put some foam in the Bottom & covered it with a Dog Blanket so its comfortable for him.
He was ok to lie down completely, I got the Medium sized one after reading a previous review from a Staffy Owner.
Its easy to collapse, and the wheels & Handle Bars come off really easy to put in the Boot of the Car. I would say it took me around 5 mins to totally dismantle it, which is nothing at all.
I am really pleased with my purchase.
Its great that it has the different zip compartments, so he can stick his head out the top or front.
It is quite Pricey with the cost of the Buggy & converter kit, But it means my dog & I are now able to go on Longer walks, than just to the end of the road & back.
It means in his last few months he will still be able to go to the Park & we can still do things together, so it was worth every penny.
great for taking your dog for long trips when there not able to walk.
Great service from the seller. Trailer & conversion kit arrive in two days of ordering. Happy with the trailer which if the right size for my pooch. Just getting him used to it and hiding some treats in the bedding for him to search out.
Initial erection was a little fiddly putting the top cross bar in. It was very tight. I noticed that the fabric had slid along the side tubes a little so preventing the fold out sides from fully opening. After repositioning the bar went in ok although still a little tight. I would expect this to ease as the fabric stretches with use. The side brake is a bit of an afterthought. I have an aging, arthritic, English bull terrier weighing 23 kg so the middle size may have been adeequate but I went for the large to give her room to move around. She very quickly took to it, with lots of bribes, so we are now able to do a decent walk while she takes in the air. NB I also bought the push chair extension. a couple of times she decided to get out reinforcing the need to always use the short retaining leash. So far very pleased but we have only done walks to 5km but at last at a decent pace When the weather improves and the bully has more experience we will try it on the bikes.
Could be lighter but is sturdy and has now done quite a few miles verry pleased
Great fun although its a bit small for my 12kg Frenchie
Well made, easy to assemble & disassemble in order to easily stow on the bike rack of our Motorhome.
Great on roads and bumpy terrain.
Thoroughly recommend for pets slightly past their athletic best. Not cheap but felt our pet’s health & well being worth the expenditure.
Small ,easy to pull ,solid engineering . My dog loves it . I take the wheels off it at home and he sleeps in it . Fantastic bit of ki
Wee bit difficult to erect but other than that it’s grea
Have not used as a trolley yet as have been converting to a buggy…. but believe this is a great product. We bought the medium for our whippet, so it’s got plenty of wiggle room, plus room to take extra stuff inside, so no need for having a day bag too. Could be improved by having some “D” rings or clips or a pocket on the front to allow you to attach/carry more stuff….
Excellent purchase. Our Jack loves it. Did a test ride today on an off road path and it was a real success.
Vorprung dog technik! I love this. Purchased so I can take my old dog cycling with me. Has plenty of room inside with a safety clip to save her jumping out. Lots of ventilation too. Opens at the front and back but the exit is at the rear. Plenty of reflective strips with double reflectors on the wheels, front of the trailer and also on the back. Good, heavy, solid construction with very simple assembly needed. Much thought has gone into the design of this dog trailer. It’s a fabulous piece of engineering.
Please also note it comes with a Trixie hitch to attach to the rear axel of you bike. I was recommended to buy one but it’s not needed. So now I have 2. Not a major expense but good to know.
Easy to assemble – had no problems with towing – dog took some time to be happy on it but had travelled up to 17 miles in one journey-
New puppy ,as a cyclist req one very good just needed to change inner tubes as valves are the old fashioned ones but no prob
A good product and better than the last one I had (not a Trixie one) but not suitable for a 40kg dog. My 28kg GSD is a bit squashed in it.
Pros – has a rear door which is easier for access (my last one had a front door meaning that she had to clamber over the front wheel).
– mesh sides for ventilation.
– 360 front wheel with two fixing points (last one had a fixed front wheel making it difficult to steer and one fixing point which snapped off)
– lightweight
– has a brake
– easy to put up and down when assemabled
Cons – shorter and narrower than last one
– mesh door (could do with lower part of door being solid to prevent claws getting caught)
– brake needs a fixing strap as rubs on wheel when not in use
– woods value on tyres so need a pump adapter (2 from Halfords)
The trailer is good, you need to buy the hitch however to connect it to your carriage of choice.
Whether or not your dog will hold the same opinion and want to get in this is another matter……
Unser Hund wiegt 14 kg, von daher wre die Gre M (bis 30 kg Gewicht) eigentlich richtig, so habe ich es auch bestellt. Allerdings ist es fr den Hund (Spitz) nicht mglich, aufrecht zu sitzen und ein ausgestrecktes Liegen funktioniert auch nicht. Da ich den Anhnger aber nur fr kurze Strecken benutze, behalte ich die Gre M, es ist zwar eng, aber dafr wendiger.
Es ist inzwischen unser dritter Anhnger. Anhnger 1 fuhr nicht stabil und ist fast gekippt, Anhnger 2 (Seiten-Beiwagen) war eigentlich optimal, aber leider war die Anhngerkupplung kaputt gegangen und es gab kein Ersatzteil.
Insgesamt ein stabiler Anhnger, der viele Varianten bietet mit den Verschlussmglichkeiten: vorne, hinten und oben gibt es je drei Mglichkeiten: Offen, mit Netzverschluss und ganz geschlossen (vorn und hinten dann mit durchsichtiger Folie, oben schwarzer Stoff). Ein schner Anhnger, leicht zu montieren und mit gutem Fahrverhalten. Vom Preis-Leistungsverhltnis 1A und vom Fahrverhalten deutlich besser als unser Anhnger Nr. 2, der ber 300 Euro gekostet hatte.
Warum dann keine 5 Sterne?
– Oben ist die Konstruktion NUR mit Klettverschluss, was fr einen ausbruchswilligen Hund nicht gengend Sicherheit bietet. Da kann der Hund mit dem Kopf die ffnung freidrcken und rausspringen.
– Die Konstruktion htte insgesamt grer sein knnen, gerade bei der Gre M mimmt die abgeflachte Vorderseite doch einiges vom Raum weg.
– Die Fahne ist von der Qualitt her enttuschend, sie lsst sich nicht einmal vollstndig ausrollen, geht immer wieder zusammen und ist auch nicht sonderlich haltbar, hier lieber eine neue Fahne kaufen.
– Dann wrde ich mir noch eine Mglichkeit wnschen, ein Rcklicht anzubringen / einzuhngen. Eine Vorrichtung hierfr wre super, da in der Dunkelheit trotz Reflektoren die Gefahr von einem Auffahrunfall besteht ohne Licht.
Got for my border collie who is 13. We gave a motorhome and spend 8 weeks abroad in the summer. Whe n he was younger we walked everywhere, now as he is older and bit more effected by the heat we decided to get this trailer and take our bikes, one of which is electric. A great decision, we can cycle farther afield and walk when we arrive. When it’s time to return and he is tired he soon realised that he could get pulled home in comfort. We assembled it in the house for the first time and enticed him in with treats. Now after a long walk he waits for us yo open the back and limbs in. Easy put up and down and easy to store. We did find the inside mat a bit thin, but we put a small gel cool mat in it and it seems comfy. We got the medium one and it fits nicely. He is about 21 kgs and quite stocky. The inside clip keeps him safe from movement. Altogether I am very pleased with this trailer as we used it continually for the 8 weeks without any problems.
my dog is very happy in his new trailer absolutely love i
I agree with others that this is well engineered. Wheels slip on and off with a sprung pin and folds down easily with a pin holding the cross brace in place. I bought the jogging conversion kit which has been equally thought out.
Purchased for aging Beagle who will stop a distance from car and not move. Quick to put up and drop down for boot storage.
Instructions not good but a little common sense and not a big handicap. Delivery was very slow but no fault of seller and won’t mark down. Excellent dual purpose kit if you buy the jogging kit. Tip – I built in house and Beagle got straight in – bought large size and 30kg dog fits comfortably.
What a brilliant trailer, easy to put together, very sturdy, quick to fold up, great value for money, I read reviews about the valves needing replacing but my son has a mountain bike with presta valves & his pump fitted the valves in the trailer wheels, so pleased I bought it, now to get my dog used to it!
Checked with other reviews, so was prepared for adapting the tyre valves. Cost 1.98 for two from local bike shop.
Really good trailer sturdy and room enough for two small Jack Russell dogs.
Small and reasonable light to carry in motor home.
Brilliant and I can fit my two dogs in together there is plenty of room in the small
An excellent little trailer, very well built nicely finished, the stretcher bar ( to hold the sides apart) is not easy to locate however and nowhere to put the warning flag, very good service, (delivered the next day) looking forward to attaching to the bike and going for a ride, its five stars from me, no problem.
Great my dog loves the trailer, took it easy at first for a couple of weeks just in the house with toys and food to get him know the trailer and get used to climbing in and out.
I wasn’t sure whether to buy a cheap taiwanese/chinese trailer obviously at much lower price or go for this German designed and built product. In the end there were a number of features that swayed me including the availability of extra tow fittings and the easy clip in/clip out wheels. Having received it I am delighted that I paid the extra for it. The whole thing is so well designed and constructed and is very sturdy – this is very important as I have a 35kg Labradoodle who is a big and bouncy dog! The body is easy to fold and should stow nicely on the bike rack on my motorhome. The only negative comment I have is the loose mat in the trailer as it is very flimsy and slides about, but I have substituted a larger and thicker dog mattress that should help smooth the bumps and is big enough not to move around. All in all an excellent buy and one I can recommend!
Fantastic little trailer, well made and easy to assemble and take apart to store – push fit wheels and push button release, with R type captive clips on towing arm in use AND folded so no bits to loose or bits hanging loose! Only slight drawback is euro style woods tyre valves that are now rare in UK (but older style pump with short hose fit as do good track pumps).
Love love love it. Really well made. Simplicity itself to put together. The small version is roomy for our toy poodle and will definitely fit his little sister too when we get her!
This is very high quality. It comes packed in a small box and folds open, pop the tires and voila. The only thing that caught me off guard is the tyres have wood valve (Dunlop valve), and it’s something you need to be ready for. I took it to my bike shop (Halford’s) and asked for an adapter, and even they didn’t have one. They suggested changing the tubes in the tyres to match the valves on my bikes. A fiver later the valves matched the ones on my bikes. So, this is a very high quality piece of kit. I’m very happy I got it. I got an extra Trixie Towbar for my other bicycle, and it turns heads. We go past the pub and everyone notices it. I guess all I can say is German engineering.
This is fantastic very well made and packs away well, travels well on the road easily seen with the flag love i
Not used yet but impressed with the physical quality of the product. We bought on recommendation so expect it to live up to its reputation!
Awesome, my elderly jack russell loves it and her much younger sister often jumps in for a ride. easy to assemble, joy to push excellent for off road lanes. My dog feels safe and happy in it and does not miss out on family outings anymore.
Brilliant trailer. Easy to set up, attach and maneuver. Got a large for my Welsh Collie as we wanted the option of a little extra room for camping gear. Be careful with chewers! She tore a hole in the front door panel in about 3 minutes so will be travelling with a muzzle on from now on.
Very good quality trailer. I got size Large for my golden retriever pup. He’s comfortable and relaxed! Great buy for the summer.
Arrived very quickly and so simple to put together and attach to the bike. Our Patterdale Terrier loves it and we can now go out as a whole family for rides. Would highly recommend.
The cart is fabulous. My only complaint is that there were no instructions as to how to fit the tow bar to my bicycle.
Just the right size for our Westie being able to lie down and sit comfortably in it. Easy to assemble and ride is smooth
Unbelievably quick delivery, well packaged, easy to put together with particularly good instructions and very well built. A great product!
Really good, well thought out and well made. Easy to pack away when not in use.
Just what I hoped it would be. Dogs love it. Let them get used to it by putting it in lounge minus it’s wheels and let dogs investigate it themselves.
Very good construction. Our collie pup has been getting used to it in the house and it goes in the car with the back seat down.
Wheels are sturdy and easily removed.
This little trailer has been great! My westie loves it, good for shopping as well.
Perfect very pleased great buy great service fast dispatch and delivery
Excellent. Good quality and didn’t take me long to assemble. Dog loves it! I am delighted with the trailer.
Perfect little carrier to fit my two miniature schnauzers. They love to come out on bike trips but like to run a little and rest a little. The zip flap rolls back so they can poke their heads forward and enjoy the ride, looking where they’re going.
Excellent quality and perfect for my dog who can’t travel long distances anymore. Highly recommended
well made,seems durable and the mesh sides and roof opening are ideal for a dog.took ours out for his first long trip and he didnt want to get ou
Having read reviews of similar products this came out top and rightly so – easy to put together and the dog seems to love it! We have yet to do a full length trip but all looking good!
Lovely trailer, my Labrador is 12 and has health problems. We are going on holiday to Spain this will allow him to get out and about with us while on holiday. Added a sponge mattress for extra comfort, tried it out and he went in no problems. Looking forward to trying it out in Spain soon. Easy to put together and fold down.
The Trixie bike trailer is well made and our small dog got used to getting in and riding inside very quickly. It is easy to assemble and collapse for transpo
Bought this to convert into a cart for my dog to pull so cannot comment on linkage to bicycle. It is well made and easy to erect. The only downside I can find is there are gaps in the canvas on each corner where it folds down. A nosy small dog may try to push his nose out and if you have a chewer it would be a good place to start chewing.
This arrived the next day. It is very easy to assemble which can be done in minutes. It is a robust and a quality product. Well designed and much the best we have seen. We made one slight adjustment, putting a low strip board across the back to prevent strain on the zips, otherwise it is ideal.Our working cocker, after some initial suspicion, now loves it.
My yorkies Bonnie and Clyde love it. Easy to assemble easy to attach to bikes, bought extra attachment so my husband can also tow.
I bought this medium size trailer and have been completely satisfied with its suitability and its quality.
You will need adapters for the tyre valves for inflating the wheels, easy to purchase from any bicycle shop.
You may not need the instruction to assemble the trailer, I found it so easy to put together, It folds down easy for transportation and storage, the wheels just pop out releasing the spring below.
Overall I think the quality is first class, I have been using cycle trailers for many years. A friend borrowed this trailer and took a corner to fast and flipped the tailer ripping some of the material which I just patched up with red duct tape, no doggie was injured in the process.
Please see my video’s on you tube below to see the trailer in action.
Had to return item and request a replacement. Very satisfied with the system on returns.
The delivery/return company were excellent.
Within a week the replacement was up and ready to go. Original collected.
Very pleased with the product, will see if our Springer Spaniel is in the near future !!! She’s sleeping in it at the moment.
Have ordered Jogging components
Lovely little trailer. Perfect for bringing our little Patterdale along on our family bike rides. Very well made and sturdy! Easy to tow as wheels spin freely. X
excellant bike traller ,easy to fold up when you want put in car, dogs love it.The only thing I can say against it is I had to buy a attachment to go on the end of my pump to blow up the tyres, apart from that I fully recomend this item.
This is our second trailer, as our cocker spaniel hated the larger (diffrent brand) one we originally bought and ‘dug’ her way through the mesh panels. She loves this one and sits ‘tank commander style’ with her head through the top hatch. When she sees it come out she gets very excited and jumps in. The build quality is good and it’s a good compact size that goes in the motorhome well. Nice and easy to tow too.
Turned up on time, it arrived well packed, we assembled it in 5 mins, excellent quality, seems perfect for our Jack Russell to now come cycling…
I was delighted with this trailer, there is enough room inside for my 2 adult yorkshire terriers,
very easy to assemble has a quick release from your bike, Easy to fold down again for storage,
the tyres need pumped up though.