Turnart Steering Wheel Lock, Password Car Security Anti-Theft Device, Heavy Duty Steering Wheel Lock, Universal Fit for Cars, Trucks, Vans and SUVs

Turnart steering wheel lock can helps you:
- protect your vehicles safe.
- reduce the time delay caused by forgetting to bring the key.
- eliminate concerns cars stolen by the thefts.
- have a nice trip while travel.
- have a good sleep at night.

It fits for cars, trucks, vans and SUVs.
- Inside: made of high-quality alloy special steel, anti-shear, anti-drilling, anti-saw, anti-pry.
- Exterior: Use soft rubber to protect the car from being scratched.

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RetractableThe entire lock body is made of reinforced alloy and has super hardness. The size can be adjusted according to the actual situation. | The safest protection for your familyThe numbers are large and clear, making it easy for parents to use. | There are as many as 100,000 5-digit password combinations, and it takes 83 hours for a thief to try to unlock it! |

Try it, you will love it!
How customers evaluate it:
- heavy and sturdy
- secure
- good quality and look nice
- easy to use
- easy to set the password

How to set the password?
Please see the below or user manual:
- The initial password is 0-0-0-0-0.
- Remove the cover with the screwdriver.
- Remove the protective cover.
- Use the tool to adjust to the ”SET”position.
- Turn the code wheel and select your password.
- The new password must be aligned with the alignment line.
- Turn the code switch back to the original position.
- Use the screwdriver to bring the cover.

Package and Customer Servic e:
1*password steering wheel lock, 1*user manual, 1*screwdriver, 1*coder. We provide our worry-free 12-month warrant y, and friendly customer servic e . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contac t us.
Weight: | 2.09 kg |
Dimensions: | 49.53 x 13.97 x 6.35 cm; 2.09 Kilograms |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Turnart |
Sur un volant de C3.
Tout bien calcul le code bien rflchi. Plusieurs essais sur la table de la salle manger.
Impossible ouvrir. Le code mettre en place se retrouve sous le volant. J’ai mis 20mn dbloquer en calculant…ouf libr et trs attentive pour remettre en place correctement.
Une cl aurait-elle t plus facile ? Mais moins sre.
Je m’absente et demande un ami de dplacer ma voiture.
Au retour impossible d’enlever la barre. Mme erreur. C’est un mec il n’a pas pu se tromper. J’ai pris 1/2 heure de retard.
Oui je l’ai remise. Mon quartier est pollu par des voleurs.
Mon tourne-fesse pour mieux sortir (handicape) vol.
quattro stelle perch sembra robusto. comunque una valutazione oggettiva pu essere data solo se sottoposto a forzatura
Quel bon produit dommage que le mode d’emploi soit en Anglais sinon trs solide et bien conssus
I liked what other people said about the combination rather than key lock. It works well and seems very sturdy. I shopped quite a while and read tons of reviews. I have no idea about sawing through it but it does seem as though it would do a lot of damage to the car that is being stolen. It seems better to me to just go to one of the many that don’t have this on them. Yes, they can still tow the car and that has definitely been done but I’m just trying to create enough of a hassle that they will move on. I believe this does that.
Setting the lock up was easy, less tham 5 minutes to set it up. It feels secure and is secure. Totally confident in i
After reading the positive reviews I decided to take a chance & invest in one. I’m not disappointed. Very good quality, very easy to set up, ideal for garaging overnight. I certainly recommend as protection from what seems to be a spate of car thefts overnight.
Das Lenkradschloss ist gut verarbeitet und macht einen sehr stabilen Eindruck. Die weiche Hlle schtzt vor Kratzern im Auto, wenn man irgendwo gegen haut.
Sehr praktisch ist, dass man keinen Schlssel bentigt.
Very impressive looking steering wheel lock. Combernation lock an excellent idea
I love this lock. It’s heavy and I feel that the combo lock makes it more secure.
It’s super easy to set up, took less than 2 minutes. Very heavy and fits snug on my BMW steering wheel with very minimal play. After setting it up I found this is the most effective angle because if someone attempts to pull it off it will push against the horn. I always believe the digits lock vs a key lock is more intimidating because they can’t drill this nor can someone cut through it without a power bladed tool. Because I’m paranoid after having my truck stolen early this month, and just got it recovered you can also see my secondary line of defense with the break to steering wheel lock. Well worth the purchase!
I bought this product to substitute a better known brand which I found too complex when in a hurry. I am happy that this will provide enough of a deterrent to convince thieves not to waste time on my vehicle.
Il blocca volante si presenta bello robusto e fatto bene come deterrente per far perdere un po’ pi di tempo va bene ma c’ da dire una cosa che potrebbe per me essere una pecca per la conformazione del mio volante, quando lo inserisco c’ tanto spazio sia sopra che sotto la parte del clacson e dato che i ladri tendono a smontare il volante lo potrebbero fare senza problemi per evitare questo lo inserisco in modo verticale ma devo estenderlo al punto che dopo tutta la notte quando lo vado a rimuovere lascia un bel segno sul volante
Its very easy now to lock my truck with this, no fumbling for keys, hated my old one I always needed to get the key to lock and unlock it, was a pain, this one I just turn a wheel and its on or off in a second. Plus its very thick and no saw is going to cut this off without taking an enormous amount of time and effort, if it can even be cut off. VERY HEFTY AND STRONG. Highly recommend.
Arrived earlier than expected
Really easy to use. I needed help just to set a new pass , but I blame myself for that lol
L’antivol de volant convient parfaitement pour la Jeep Renegade.
Aprs avoir reu mon colis livraison rapide comme d’habitude, ouverture du colis, emball correctement, il y a galement un jeux de deux tournevis pour pouvoir modifier le code.
Le produit est assez lourd et il parat trs robuste aprs avoir utilis les tournevis pour rgler mon propre code. J’effectue un test de montage.
Il n’y a qu’une seule faon de le mettre sur le haut du volant sur la Jeep Renegade, puis vers la droite pour qu’il gne le levier de vitesses et cela est plus facile accder au clavier.
Pour retirer l’antivol, il suffit de dverrouiller le systme avec le code, c’est donc facile poser et facile coder pas besoin de cl avec cet antivol de voiture au volant, il vous suffira de choisir un code parmi des milliers de combinaison.
Il est peu encombrant et avec son trs bon rapport qualit/prix, c’est probablement l’un des meilleurs que j’ai achet.
Ce n’est videmment pas inviolable, mais c’est un peu une perte de temps pour quelqu’un qui essaie de voler une voiture.
Un seul inconvnient c’est que lorsque que je pose l’antivol sur le volant, on a le risque d’appuyer sur le Klaxon, l’objet tant lourd, donc du coup… on appuie involontairement quand on l’installe.
Il n’abme pas votre volant car il est bien protg par deux parties noir en plastique.
L’antivol se fixe facilement sur n’importe quel volant afin de dissuader les voleurs de voiture Certains voleurs passeront leur chemin ds qu’ils l’auront repr. Il prend peu de place, donc vous n’aurez pas de difficult le ranger dans la voiture ou sous le sige conducteur comme pour ma part surtout quand il n’est pas en usage.
C’est la solution la plus sre pour protger votre vhicule
Je suis vraiment satisfait de mon achat.
Es un producto perfecto para su funcin, robusto y fcil de usar, gracias a su funcin de apertura por clave numrica, es agradable al tacto, es un producto 10, precio, material, y cumple su funcin sobradamente….
I was a bit reluctant in buying this as I always think having a key would be better, but this is absolutely a game changer, I just lock and go, no need to carry extra keys or worry if I lose them what I would do, no anxiety about that at all as all you need is a memorable number.
I have used this for over a week now, and can honestly say this is well worth the money, it’s very heavy duty and robust. When I lock the car up at night I even feel safe having this lock around
It’s very easy to use, lots of people sating can a their just unscrew and re password it but it won’t work, it’s fiddley enough trying to set it yourself never mind in the dark at an awkward angle and trying to guess the numbers.
I like this alot and even my neighbour has purchased one after seeing mine
Strong and does the job can’t imagine anyone getting it out the way without going to a LOT of effort.
Feels very well made and thicker than a club! I like it very much because you don’t have to fumble with a key!
Als erstes fllt einem beim auspacken das hohe Gewicht auf.
Das Lenkradschloss wirkt stabil und wertig und macht Insgesamt einen guten Eindruck.
Mit dem beiliegendem Werkzeug ist es einfach, seine jeweilige Wunschkombination einzustellen und beimEinbau in mein Auto wurde schnell klar,
dass ein fahren mit dem Lenkradschloss nicht oder nur sehr schwer mglich ist.
Alles in allem macht das Lenkradschloss einen guten Eindruck und Ich hoffe, dass es seine Wirkung zeig
A while ago I had my old VW camper van stolen from right outside my house in broad daylight and I just wish I had this steering lock back then. Very sturdy, easy to use and enough of a deterent top stop anyone even trying to break into my new van. Well worth the money and I would definitely recommend
Love the idea of no keys. Easy to program and lock/unlock. Pleasantly surprised at the quality of it. It is definitely strong. They say it is good for trucks. I have a truck club and it is quite longer. But it seems to outdo the club in strength. I use it on my truck. Thought of buying another and doubling up with 2 on the steering wheel. Really love the number lock and the quality of it. Highly recommend.
Produit que j’ai reu dans les temps dans un bel emballage bien protg.
C’est un dispositif anti-vol qui parat trs solide.
Sa mise en place est trs simple en suivant la notice prsente dans le coli et malgr qu’elle soit en anglais. La traduction est assez prcise avec un traducteur en ligne.
Je l’ai test sur mon camping-car .
Je vais voir ce qu’il en ai sur la dure, mais par rapport sa solidit, je n’est pas vraiment de doute.
Ce bloc volant code fonctionne sur le volant du Peugeot 3008 de 2020 / GTline
Il n’y a qu’un seul moyen de le mettre, en bas du volant, et vers la droite pour que a bloque sur le levier de vitesse
Trs facile mettre en uvre, facile programmer le code, a parat plutt solide
a n’est videmment pas inviolable mais a fera perdre un peu de temps celui qui veut voler une voiture.
J’ajoute que pour le Peugeot 3008, vous serez bon pour un coup de klaxon une fois sur 10 quand vous le mettrez sur votre volant, L’objet est assez lourd et donc du coup On appuie involontairement dessus quand on le met
Plutt satisfait de mon acha
De todas las barras de bloqueo de volante que he visto ,esta es la mejor,lo primero que destaca es que se la ve una barra segura,se la ve muy resistente.
Otra cosa que destaco es que no hace falta llevarte las llaves para quitarla,con solo poner una combinacion la puedes desbloquear.
La verdad que ahora me siento mucho mas tranquilo dejando el coche por la noche.
Tambien decir que no estropea el volante ni nada,viene con unos materiales que no estropean el volante.
inizio con il dire spedizione veloce curata da Amazon ,arriva in una confezione ben curata ,il dispositivo e allogiato in una confezione protetta da polisterolo.
Il kit e comprende il dispositivo da volante piu un caciavite e una chiave decor che servira per modificare il codice di sicurezza tutto molto semplice basta seguire il manuale
La mia esperienza di prova e su MAZDA CX-3 e un Camper DUCATO FIAT 2.3 (2020) inizio con il dire dopo aver cambiato la combinazione l’ho mmesso subito alla prova e posso dire dopo varie prove sembra molto resistente esteticamente carino dal esterno si vede e anche questo credo possa scoraggiare uneventuale malintenzionato.
conclusione sono contento di questo acquisto visto la facilita di utilizzo che la sicurezza che mi ha trasferito consiglio acquisto saluti ragazzi.
Mon mari souhaitait ce genre d antivol pour son vhicule quand il le gare hors de notre domicile pour son travail ou en vacances.
Je ne l ai pas encore vu install, mais il ne fait que des loges de ce produit.
Bref, un super produit pour un super cadeau.
Sehr einfach zur Handhaben. Passt Perfekt an das Lenkrad meines Autos. Kann man nur weiter empfehle
Die Bestellung wurde sehr schnell geliefert. War ordentlich verpackt. Super Qualitt- sehr stabil.
Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!!
Il prodotto costruito veramente bene, la struttura davvero solida, estremamente consigliato. Facile da impostare
Anche se in Marketplace, il bloccasterzo stato consegnato con grande rapidit. Venditore cordiale e che risponde alle domande in poco tempo.
Arriva in confezione imballata e pratica, con istruzioni per la prima impostazione della password (bisogna usare 2 piccoli cacciaviti forniti in dotazione). Istruzioni comprensibili in inglese, ma se volete velocizzare, potete usare Google Lens come App, inquadrare il testo e ve lo traduce istantaneamente cos non sbagliate nessun passaggio. Ma sono pochi, facili passaggi.
Spero di non dover testare mai realmente un tentativo di furto auto, ma il prodotto molto robusto e pesante (su bilancia, in foto, supera i 2 kg!).
In der heutigen Zeit echt Sinnvoll
Wir haben neben dem normalen Auto noch ein Cabrio. Da wir oft damit im Sommer in Italien sind war es schon ein paar mal das man versucht hat das Auto zu klauen.
Schon lange haben wir darber nachgedacht ein Lenkradschloss zu kaufen. Nur die welche man sonst so zu kaufen bekommt machen nicht gerade einen sicheren Eindruck.
Ein Freund hat sich dann das Teil hier fr seinen Oldtimer gekauft und ist sehr zufrieden damit. Also haben wir das Teil bestellt und sind total begeistert. Extrem massiv und mit Zahlenschloss. Damit klaut uns das Auto keiner.
Uneingeschrnkte Empfehlung von meiner Seite.
If you own a modern keyless car or an older classic/modern classic then you need this lock. Incredibly sturdy and fits well. The quality is fantastic. Way better than the cheap flimsy ones of the 80s & 90s.
If you own a car you need to own this.
Ich habe fr mein Wohnmobil eine Diebstahlsicherung gesucht. Die Klemme ist schwer + stabil. Besser als erwartet.
Die Umstellung funktionierte auf Anhieb. Brauchte nichts lesen, allerdings hatte ich die Videorezension eines anderen vorher angesehen, der alles Ntige erklrte.
Alleine die Sichtbarkeit des Knppels schreckt sicherlich schon ab.
n Titsch suboptimal: der Stab ist frs WoMo noch zu kurz, aufgrund der Gerumigkeit knnte man damit fahren, zwar schlecht, weil die eigenen Beine im Weg sind, aber es kommt nirgends als Hindernis dran => idealer in einem Auto zu ntzen
ich freue mich, das Teil zu habe
Llevaba tiempo pensando en adquirir algn antirrobo para mi vehculo que me diese tranquilidad. Me decid por este bloqueo de volante antirrobo en primer lugar porque su aspecto de robustez y seguridad me ofreci mucha confianza y ciertamente no me equivoqu, es un bloqueo antirrobo que te har tener total tranquilidad en la seguridad de tu coche. Lo primero que me sorprendi fue la rapidez del envo, lleg con unos das de antelacin a la fecha de entrega inicial, algo que se agradece bastante y que dice mucho de la seriedad y compromiso del vendedor.
Se presenta muy bien empaquetado y protegido. El kit se compone de la barra antirrobo, dos pequeas herramientas (un destornillador y un pequeo buln) para poder cambiarle la combinacin de apertura y un libro de instrucciones muy fcil de seguir y de entender. Una vez en tus manos ves que es de acero y por tanto un material slido, robusto y pesado, sobre 2 kgs, algo que te da mucha confianza en que una vez colocado en el volante del vehculo no es nada fcil de cortar ni de abrir si no tienes el cdigo correcto de apertura. La colocacin en el volante es sumamente sencilla y el cambio de contrasea tambin. Comprob a su vez que la combinacin solo se puede cambiar cuando est desbloqueado, no se podra cambiar estando bloqueado y adems es un producto muy bien terminado ya que no hay ninguna separacin entre los anillos de los nmeros de la rueda de cifrado. Siendo esto un gran punto mas de seguridad y fiabilidad para comprar esta barra bloqueo antirrobo sin dudarlo.
Barra bloqueo de volante antirrobo recomendable 100%. Muy satisfecho.
Does what it says on the tin… its easy to set up… easy to use… feels very sturdy… I would 100pct recommend.
I was not sure what to expect when I ordered this but I was surprised at how well made and heavy duty it is.
It comes well protected in the box with all you need and good instructions. It feels very solid and I feel it offers both fantastic security and also a deterrent as it is very visible and not the same as the standard lock with key version. Quick delivery.
Je suis ravie de mon achat, l’antivol pse 1,9kgs, il a l’air de bonne qualit et il est trs facile utiliser, voir vido.
Leichte Bedienung und super Schutz – so kann man perfekt und sicher verreisen und muss keine Angst um sein Auto haben.
Robusto e molto pesante, da una sensazione di sicurezza. Facile l’uso e facile da ” programmare”.
Bello a vedersi e, con gli occhielli in plastica, non rovina il volante, anche se in pelle.
It is so easy to set up, and it looks very professional than the Club I bought not too long ago. Thank you
Had to install code in reverse order since alignment position was on back side of wheel. Actual code is on opposite side of dial. Be sure to document since code you program will not be what aligns facing you.
I liked the quality and weight of the product. It is very well made, a rarity these days. Hopefully it will protect our van from theft.
Love the combo lock, I lose keys lol. I think it took me a minute or 2 to set up my new code and lock my wheel in place. It’s a sturdy and easy to use lock for sure. And I like that’s it’s heavy. You know that it’s built to last.