urban U4K120 Motorcycle Heavy Duty Chain Lock Padlock Level 11, ø10 Hardened Steel, 120cm
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URBAN U4K120-170The URBAN U4K is the perfect CHAIN + LOCK combination for scooter or motorcycle. We offer the chain in two sizes, the U4K120 of 120cm and the U4K170 of 170cm. It has an anti-dust and anti-corrosion cover to extend the life of the lock. | CHAIN ø10Formed by resistant 10mm diameter links made of high resistance steel and covered by a textile cover to prevent damage to the paint of your motorcycle. It is available in two sizes, 120 cm and 170 cm, to suit your needs. | ANCHOR YOUR VEHICLEIt is designed to fix the motorcycle, scooter or bicycle to a fixed point such as a lamppost or a tree or in the garage to an URBAN UR55 anchor to offer higher security. | SECURITYIt is recommended for securing bikes, motorcycles and scooters in places with a low risk of theft. It is the ideal lock to combine with our extensive range of approved locks. |
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HIGH SECURITY LOCKThe lock used by the U4K120 anti-theft padlock is one of the safest, however, it is important to use it correctly to avoid blocking the internal discs. To know the correct use of the lock, please watch the uploaded video found in the product gallery. | COMPACT DESIGNThe set is closed by the URBAN U4K with a 10mm diameter closing arch. It is a security theft device in which its nylon textile cover to prevent damage to your motorcycle or wheel and its compact design make it unique. | DOUBLE CLOSUREIt incorporates an innovative double closure system that locks the fork at its two ends, thus doubling its resistance to possible attacks. | LINK PLUSSystem of locking the links of the chain in a more secure way, by which link is placed inside another one, making the closing system more protected. |
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THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORTBy buying URBAN SECURITY locks you are helping to keep jobs here in Europe and to continue developing quality products. Your satisfaction is important, if you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to contact them and they will give you a close service. | HIGH TECHNOLOGYAt URBAN SECURITY they manufacture high quality locks for motorcycles, scooters and bicycles. Specialist in high-end anti-theft locks approved by CLASSE SRA in France and ARTin Holland as published on their respective official websites. | EUROPEAN BRANDIt is important to know who sells and is responsible for the product so that they can give you good assistance in the future. From the Urban Security factory in Europe, they are at your disposal with reliable and quality products. |

Weight: | 1.26 kg |
Size: | 120cm |
Dimensions: | 120 x 10 x 10 cm; 1.26 Kilograms |
Model: | U4K120 |
Part: | U4K120 |
Colour: | Other |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Artago Secure |
Colour: | Other |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 120cm |
The lock feels solid and has the right weight. Feels very safe. Fast delivery.
Me gusta mucho y es muy facil de enganchar siempre que sigas las instrucciones solo se pone un eslabn no los dos
Prodotto acquistato per mettere al sicuro la moto. Catena molto robusta
Lo testata per qualche mese e sono veramente soddisfatto e molto robusta difficile che si rovini la consiglio
Lucchetto robusto e catena bella pesante. Unico problema la difficolt nell aprire il lucchetto specialmente la prima volta.
Muito obrigado pela rpida entrega e pela qualidade do produto
Molto pesante per la bici, lo ho restituito, davvero ben fatto.
Ottimo per chi vuole tenere al sicuro la propria moto.
Buono, svolge la sua funzione.
Esattamente ci che serviva al mio motorino
He comprado dos de diferentes medidas una grande para dar la vuelta a un pilar del parking, y otro para hacer servir con la moto. Es excelente pesado lo suficientemente como para poder transportarlo y robusto / muy bueno
Bastante resistente, se puede encadenar a cualquier sitio, muy til y segura.
pesa pi di tre kili, anche voluminoso, il lucchetto si stacca e la chiave deve rimanere nella serratura ma robusto
All’inizio non entrava la chiave, poi dopo numerosi tentativi si sbloccato. Funziona perfettamente da allora.
Un poco caro, pero bien, era lo que buscaba, ni ms ni menos.
Ho preso quella da 1.70cm e passando dalla ruota posteriore ci Lego due caschi integrali sulla sella… Comoda
Una cadena barata, hace su funcion aunque se ve bastante blanda…
Candado muy robusto y seguro. El candado tambin parece seguro. Hay que tener en cuenta que es un poco pesado.
Ottimo solo un po’ pesante cm fa il suo dovere
Il prodotto ben fatto.
L’unica cosa che non molto comodo visto la sua grandezza.
Io lo uso con la bicicletta, forse in moto non fai caso.
Consiglio l’acquisto
Genial pero la llave a veces se atranca un peln y tardas ms en conseguir abrirlo.
Per fortuna nessuno ha mai provato a segarlo ma l’impressione quella che sia veramente un articolo ben fatto e molto resistente.
La cadena es perfecta pero el candado deja un poco que desear. La apertura es difcil.
Cuesta abrir el candado tiene su truco espero que funcione bie
Comodo per lo scooter…..
Da sensazione di sicurezza e robustezza…..
Es una gran compra, a un precio razonable y de calidad.
Aparentemente buena calidad en los plasticos y la tela protectora. Cumplenlas longitud y diametro anunciado.
catena molto resistente e non pesantissima io l’ho presa nella misura 120 che giusta per ancorarla ad un palo o altro. molto comoda la chiusura in tutta sicurezza con lo scivolo per non fare entrare l’acqua.
Trs satisfait de ce produit achet comment antivol pour une moto Je recommande vraiment De trs bonne quali
Cumple bien las expectativas, muy facil de colocar el candado
Esta bien,pero aveces no entra la llave por completo,tienes q intentar varias veces hasta abri
Parece bastante fuerte, con la cadena forrada para no daar la llanta, y el candado parece seguro y difcil de forzar, con una tapa para evitar que entre suciedad en la ranura de la llave, lo recomendara por ese precio.
Gran calidad y precio.
Bastante pesada ya que compre la de 170cm pero tiene buena pinta.
Candado perfecto la llave entra y gira muy bien.
Llevo un mes con el y muy contento, cadena y candado de calidad
Me gusta la seguridad q da, y el candado cuesta trabajo ponerlo, demasuado justo
Hay que hacer una buena instalacin de anclaje, pero creo que es robusto
Seguro y fuerte
I am impressed by this chain lock. its heavy, feels real durable. Ready to try it out.
update: The pad lock jams sometimes. Cant unlock.
Update: Fantastic customer service! Situation has been solved!