Vibration Plate – Exercise Equipment for Home Use with 6 Modes + 99 Intensity Levels – Resistance Bands With Handle, Bluetooth Speaker, & Remote Control Fitness Equipment -Full Body Workout – Home Gym

Weight: | 1 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 57 x 16 x 42.01 cm; 10.19 Kilograms |
Brand: | WeightWorld |
Model: | 5056128118894 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Comfort Click Ltd |
East to operate, only criticism is the lack of exercises instructions. I bought it to work on my core muscle strength.
I think this is a great machine I am delighted with it, I would really recommend i
Instruction manual could be better explaining the different programmes etc BUT IS A FANTASTIC MACHINE. I been using it for a couple of days now and I am so impressed . I suffer with hip arthritis and bad back – I don’t know if it’s just coincidence but my mobility has increased and pain lessened . DEFINITELY RECOMMEND. I was sceptical but am a fan now .
Great little machine. Have this in my house in Spain and it fits away in a cupboard when not in Use.
Only problem is that the remote doesn’t work but I will get in touch with the seller when I get
Back to England next week.
Il prodotto in s molto buono. Articolo robusto e ben fatto. Unica pecca gli elastici per braccia che rimangono un po’ corti….per il resto ottimo! Insieme mi sono arrivati anche 5 elastici di intensit diversa! Molto carini e ben fatti. Soddisfattissima!
Buona pedana vibrante! L’ho acquistata durante un’offerta quindi l’ho presa ad un ottimo prezzo.
La pedana ha vari programmi e tutto sommato anche semplice da usare
I thought I’d wait a couple of weeks before leaving a review just so I could really try it out.
It’s quite a light and slim unit so is easy to move to an an obtrusive area in the living room.
I can’t really tell a great deal of difference between the settings of the programs but they are very effective. I have suffered from back pain and I really feel this is strengthening my core, hopefully it will help to lose some weight but we will have to see!!! The Bluetooth works well and I think the strange voice is quite charming now. Good price and I would definitely recommend buying.
Excellent vibrating plate…easy to use very well built. Remote control is easy to use…it has pre settings or you can adjust with the levels on remote control for high intensity or low. It has suction pads on the bottom so it is very sturdy whist vibrating…it was suprisngly quite. Obviously it will vibrate the ceiling if you are using it upstairs and you can hear it down stairs…so it’s best to use downstairs or upstairs when no one is downstairs lol. Overall great buy…using it whilst doing squats and using the string bands supplied for an all body workou
ha soddisfatto tutte le mie aspettative, facile ed intuitivo da usare
Je suis en tltravail toute la journe et toute la semaine et je l’utilise toutes les heures 10 minutes. C’est un rel bonheur, plus mal aux jambes, la circulation se fait normalement et j’ai plus de douleur quand je me lve aprs 3 h d’inactivit.
Et le bonus c’est que mes jambes s’affinent et mon ventre s’affermir.
Ho ricevuto l’articolo nei giusti riscontri temporali indicati in fase d’ordine ; relativamente alla funzionalit dello stesso per il momento nulla di negativo pu essere segnalato. Trovo l’articolo essenzialmente utile e funzionale.
Cumple las espectativas. Un pequeo fallo es que la toma de corriente no encaja a la perfeccin y en pleno funcionamiento se desconecta.
L’ho provata da mia sorella, l’ ho comprata per me e l’ho consigliata e fatta comprare ad almeno altre 6 persone. Ottima per arrivare la circolazione sanguigna e se usata ogni giorno aiuta anche a combattere la cellulite. Inoltre anche defaticante dopo l’allenamento o di essere stati molto in piedi. Molto utile anche per stimolare l’intestino. Insomma, la comprerei alle 1000 volte. La consiglio vivamente
No way to contact the seller for a replacement remote which is making it very difficult to use and I don’t want to have to spend a fortune returning it to just recieve a 9 quid postage refund. Customer service needs to contact me please
Easy to use, not being very mobile I now have better feeling in my knees as before my knees and ankles felt like ‘puddings’ very stiff
Just sitting on a chair to use at the moment but will get to stand on it when I have one of my friends here for suppo
Easy to use, not being very mobile I now have better feeling in my knees as before my knees and ankles felt like ‘puddings’ very stiff
Just sitting on a chair to use at the moment but will get to stand on it when I have one of my friends here for suppo
Me encanta y no pesa nada y su precio est muy bien.
Ho dovuto acquistare il cavo di alimentazione perch quello in dotazione non ha la spina italiana, tutto il resto perfetto
Tiene potencia y es intituitivo de usar. Creo recordar que tena la funcin de masaje, pero an no he conseguido dar con ella.
La plate-forme vibrante bien arriv press de l’essayer mais malheureusement pas possible car il manque dans le carton la 2me prise celle qui es entour voir photo cadeau que je me suis fais pour mon anniversaire mais peu pas m’en servir malheureuseme
Great piece of kit even better when stick a strap on on it . Thanks will deffo buy agai
Really easy to set up. Top tip- this will best work alongside other exercise. I feel it works best after a good cardio and I use this to cool-down and work the muscles that haven’t been worked in the cardio. Would recommend for beginners or pros.
Ogni tanto si incastra ma basta spegnerla e riaccenderlo. La utilizzo principalmente per scaricarmi le gambe che la sera risultano essere gonfie e pesanti.
Nessun miracolo ma la sensazione di benessere
Je m’attendais a un jouet en plastique… en fait je suis agrablement surprise. Tres bonne qualit, avec le Bluetooth que j’ai pas encore essay mais j utilise la plate-forme 10m rgulirement et c’est agrable. Un peu surprise en montant dessus car c’tait la premire fois que je l utilisais mais je suis trs satisfaite de mon achat. Maintenant j’attends les rsultats avec hte
Super mais dommage que l on puisse pas couper le son des mise en marche des fonctions.
eally loving this have been using it for 20 minutes a day and am noticing a difference already
Ho usato per due mesi la pedana, prima di recensirla. Riattiva immediatamente la circolazione, e dopo 3-4 giorni la pelle appare pi liscia e ossigenata. Per ottenere risultati evidenti per non basta rimanere in piedi a vibrare, ma consiglio di fare degli esercizi idonei. Do 4 stelle perch la pecca di questa pedana nel mio caso sono gli elastici. Hanno un odore molto (troppo) forte di plastica, ho trovato un moschettone rotto e sono troppo corti, nonostante io non sia alta. Comunque lo consiglio.
Its a good device I use it and it works.
I think its well worth the money. The only downside is that the remote is actually bad so you have to be like 20 cm from the plate for the remote to work .. you could technically just press the buttons.
But hey you got this plate anyway to do exercise right? so …. 😀 coun t it as extra exercise
Its a good device I use it and it works.
I think its well worth the money. The only downside is that the remote is actually bad so you have to be like 20 cm from the plate for the remote to work .. you could technically just press the buttons.
But hey you got this plate anyway to do exercise right? so …. 😀 coun t it as extra exercise
Just started on it lots to do yet but very good so far, lots on you tube on exercises to do very good
I’ve only had this a short time but I’m really enjoying it so far. Its easy to use and comes preset for a 10 min workout on a lower level, having the remote is an added bonus. The manual isn’t that good.
I’ve only had this a short time but I’m really enjoying it so far. Its easy to use and comes preset for a 10 min workout on a lower level, having the remote is an added bonus. The manual isn’t that good.
Purtroppo non sono assolutamente costante nell’ utilizzo; ma quando lo uso dopo mi sento pi rilassata , quindi probabilmente usandolo tutti i giorni vedrei anche altri risultati ….ma va bene cos; l unica vera pecca e che non riesco a nasconderlo sotto il letto o il divano perch alto, ma d altronde lo sapevo gi al momento dell’ acquisto
The machine is easy to use with and without the remote control. It has as many functions as more expensive ones in the market.
I am glad I choose the machine from weightworld
Me encanta, la uso todos los das y se nota, sobre todo noto en la celulitis ESTA DESAPARECIENDO!!! es increble pero cierto, noto tambin las piernas mas tonificadas, recomiendo la compra.
The machine is easy to use with and without the remote control. It has as many functions as more expensive ones in the market.
I am glad I choose the machine from weightworld
Si vous voulez garder la forme, vous muscler ou bien perdre du poids sans effort, c’est l’appareil
st miracle. Bien sr avoir une bonne hygine de vie.
It’s very easy to use and the pre-setted programs are quite doing their job. Still need to do my research and find out exactly the power that needs to be used for certain areas of exercise, but it’s an interesting and very useful product (especially if you have problems with stiff muscles)
It’s very easy to use and the pre-setted programs are quite doing their job. Still need to do my research and find out exactly the power that needs to be used for certain areas of exercise, but it’s an interesting and very useful product (especially if you have problems with stiff muscles)
Please with the machine the instructions are very poor but otherwise a good biy
Suffer from tired legs when walking. Poor circulation.
Made a huge difference
Please with the machine the instructions are very poor but otherwise a good biy
I absolutely love this equipment. It invigorates me every day. I am feeling stronger, using as my physio as it is an all-rounder.
Good,robust and useful to me. Definitely read the information booklet and for some reason the remote control seems to only work from 6 to 12 inches away from the machine, why?.
Good,robust and useful to me. Definitely read the information booklet and for some reason the remote control seems to only work from 6 to 12 inches away from the machine, why?.
A mi madre lea encantado escelente tiene mucha potencia y te vibra todo el cuerpo y tiene tambin msica gracias me encanta
la plataforma realiza movimiento vibratorios y oscilantes, y aunque viene sin un manual con tablas de ejercicios, en youtube hay mil tutoriales con diferentes tablas. En 10 minutos de uso, acabas sudando, y con agujetas al da siguiente. Por lo tanto, funciona. Muy cmoda de poner en marcha, de usar y de guardar. La he recomendado a dos amigas y cuando han ido a comprarla ya no queda stock, una pena! 🙂 Con una semana de uso, ya he notado un pequeo cambio fsico, sin hacer una dieta estricta. Estoy muy contenta con esta compra.
Facile da usare e poco ingombrante.da quando in casa la uso regolarmente e i dolori alla schiena si sono notevolmente ridotti. La pelle pi morbida , grazie alla circolazione che giova di questo movimento vibrante ( si percepisce gi al primo utilizzo).Anche il mio girovita calato in cm ma sicuro dipende anche dalla dieta e dal movimento in pi che faccio da oltre 2 mesi, cmq consiglio.
Diverse funzioni e programmi, che tuttavia non sono adeguatamente spiegati nelle istruzioni
Est muy bien, y casi no hace ruido…calidad precio muy buena
Trs contente, il fait son boulot ! Je n’ai pas encore test le mode USB avec la musique, mais les 5 programmes me conviennent bien. J’espre qu’il tiendra looongtemps
Nulla da dire sulla qualit del prodotto, lo ho utilizzato 4 volto in tutto e poi ho dovuto restituirlo perch mi faceva venire mal di testa.
Plateforme de bo’ne qualit, cependant livr avec un cble d alimentation impossible insrer. J ai du en trouver un sur un autre appareil. Notice trs lgre.
Consegna nei tempi come sempre.Il prodotto si presente di buona costruzione l’ho abbiamo provato in un giorno con i diversi cicli , che durano max 10 minuti, vibra …vibra il fondo scala di 99 , ma difficile riusciere a resistere ,in sintesi il prodotto funziona e bene , per i risultati secondo me bisogna aspettare qualche mese.
cet appareil est idal pour faire du sport la maison, mme en regardant une vido ou en coutant de la musique