X-Raypad Aqua Control Gaming Mouse Pad, Ultra-High Precision Gaming Mouse Pad with Perfect Speed and Control Capability, Consistent X and Y Glide, Designed for Fps Players with Low Dpi Requirements

Suitable for Sweat Hand
Suit for sweat hand: these soft and rollable gaming mouse pads have Strong against a sweat or dirt, humidity, you can use same quality even sweat your hands while playing.
Easy to use
Which was made by Non coating Amundsen fabric surface and non-slip soft bottom
High-speed accuracy of linear trajectory
Pixel Precise Accuracy: High-speed accuracy of linear trajectory, 50ips/3200DPI: 96.43%;
Circle track accuracy
Circle track accuracy: 99.2%. Offers pixel-precise accuracy, whether moving in a straight line or turning.Corresponding ability with excellent tracking.
It’s a Aqua Control + and Aqua Control Ⅱ mouse pad with All kinds of design printed. Which was made by Non coating Amundsen fabric surface and non-slip soft bottom.
Very stable tracking. Rough surface like pear skin provides very precise reaction to your mouse movements.
Strong against a sweat or dirt, humidity : you can use same quality even sweat your hands while playing.
Features:Surface :
- Non CoatingAmundsen fabric, micro-control version
- Pixel-precise accuracy Middle layer: Single-bubble rubber foam by a special structure
- Bottom:Non-slip
- Hardness: SOFT
- Edge:Stitched Edging
- Control:high-efficiency moving in playing gaming
- Size : Large, XL, XXL or XXXL
- Thickness: Aqua Control +: 3mm; Aqua Control â…¡: 4mm
- Vibrant colors, Do not fade
Dimensions: | 41.1 x 9.1 x 7.9 cm; 892 Grams |
Model: | A |
Manufacture: | X-Raypad |
Origin: | China |
Great for gaming and normal use, very easy to clean and dries very fast.
Questo il classico mousepad che ti fa ricredere di tutti gli altri precedentemente utilizzati. Qualit costruttiva che si trova solo su prodotti di fascia di prezzo pi alta. La trama del tessuto perfetta per chi cerca velocit e controllo in modo equilibrato.
Ce tapis est trs bon dans l’ensemble le feeling est vraiment agrable. Mais le tapis s’est abm au bout d’ peine un mois cause des patins de ma souris. J’ai fini par les changer et tout va mieux depuis. Malheureusement le tapis reste abm et j’ai t oblig de le retourner afin d’viter la zone abm o l’on pouvait ressentir des ralentissement ( ce qui n’est videment pas super beau sur un tapis qui a des motifs ).
Je vous recommande des patins en PTFE si vous voulez vous assurer que le tapis ne va pas s’user dans le temps.
Sieht gut aus und ist obendrein eines der besten Mousepads auf dem Markt, was soll man sich da groartig beschweren.
Von Glas-skates wrde ich abraten, dann wird das ganze zur Rutschpartie und die Exaktheit des Pads geht verloren.
A ce jour le meilleur tapis de souris que j’ai eu entre les mains. Il semble trs rsistant mes patins en PTFE glissent de manire trs fluide dessus. De + le motif est sympa
This is a fairly smooth mousepad for being a hybrid version. The stitching around the edges were clean and consistent, the anti slip on the bottom works well, and you get a good mixture of speed and control. For $40, it’s fairly hard not to recommend this mousepad to other people that may be searching for a hybrid mousepad like I was. Photo linked to this review is a reference to how large the mousepad is (500*500*5mm version) in comparison to a Logitech G Pro Wireless.
Le tapis est vraiment trs beau, accroche bien au bureau et ne bouge pas d’un poil. Les bords sont supers doux et ne vas pas venir entailler le poignet. De plus la glisse est vraiment superbe rien a voir avec les tapis que j’ai pu avoir dans le pass. Le tapis est juste parfait de a z
Stabiler Mauspad, kann ich aufjedenfall empfehlen webn man bereit ist die Summe zu zahlen. Aber nicht wirklich ein viel besseres Erlebnis als die 10 Euro Mauspads die man berall bekommt.
UPDATE: Company reached out and quickly sent a new product which was clean and not damaged, much happier with this one and it just seems like I got a dud.
Nothing to dislike besides the corners taking a while to flatten. It’s consistent, sweat resistant and all round a fantastic, reasonably price pad. It’s a great alternative to the fluff from Razer and Logitech.
Using with lightweight mice with glass feet, honestly nothing better.
Excellent tapis de souris. et disponible en 50*50 ce qui est assez rare chez la concurrence
Xray-pad una garanzia, una marca che dovrebbe essere molto pi conosciuta.
Solo chi davvero appassionato sa quanto merita.
Mousepad esteticamente stupendo, uno dei pi belli che abbia mai avuto, texture morbida al tatto rispetto ai modelli precedenti e leggermente pi veloce di un xray pad aqua + ma con la stessa potenza di arresto, qualit assurda, lo stitching fatto benissimo e rispetto ai predecessori questo mousepad non si muove, letteralmente rimane incollato alla base.
Una perfetta via di mezzo tra speed e control nonostante sia un tappetino ‘hybrid’, perfetto per chi gioca fps veloci come apex, warzone ecc.. perch un mousepad bilanciatissimo per il tracking.
Servizio amazon prime fantastico come sempre, il pacco stato consegnato un giorno prima del previsto in mattinata.
Un tapis qui permet une plus grande ractivit de la souris et qui adhre parfaitement au revtement.
Utilis en combo avec un GPRO Superlight quip de patins en verre, tout simplement le meilleur tapis que j’ai pu tester.
Mousepad di buona qualit e rispetto Aqua control + la base di gomma migliore, la cucitura nel bordo del tappetino non d fastidio. L’attrito su questo pad basso e il mouse scorre abbastanza veloce con un ottimo controllo e il design non rivestito. Consiglio questo mousepad per i giochi tipo fortnite, Apex Legends ecc.
A parer mio questo pad uno dei migliori per la categoria dei mousepad ibridi.
Spero di esserti stato utile