Yubico Security Key NFC – Two Factor Authentication USB and NFC Security Key, Fits USB-A Ports and Works with Supported NFC Mobile Devices – FIDO U2F and FIDO2 Certified – More Than a Password

Dimensions: | 4.5 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm; 5 Grams |
Model: | 5060408461952 |
Manufacture: | Yubico |
Dimensions: | 4.5 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm; 5 Grams |
Origin: | Sweden |
I’ve tried a few different brands over the years, and this one is the most reliable and durable. A few dollars more than other brands, but considering what’s involved, worth it.
Algunos navegadores no la reconocen a la primera. En Chrome va como un tiro. Y si eres de los/las que tienen contraseas ms largas que un da sin pan, es poner tu correo de gmail, pulsar intro y el navegador te pide poner la llave en el usb. Una vez la reconoce entras directamente sin tener que poner contrasea.
Lgicamente tienes que registrar la llave en tu cuenta para que funcione. Por otra parte, el NFC no s si es por el mvil o por la llave, pero para que lo reconozca el telfono tengo que frotar el telfono con la llave como si tuviese un genio dentro.
PD: No tengis solo una, que luego la perdemos y vienen los sustos y los correos a Google solicitando asistencia.
Comprare una pennetta del genere vi salva davvero la vita, ottima fattura e ne ho prese due per avere comunque sempre un backup, vi salva la vita, specialmente su account google suggerita
Needed this to use hardware MFA for AWS root user to pass AWS FTR. Works great and easy to use. Their app for Mac has bad UX and you are clueless on what to do until you want some youtube video.
My Yubikey has been on my keyring since buying it in September 2021 and proven to be more durable than the lego keyring it’s attached to.
Used regularly with Google, Github, Microsoft, and even SSH keys.
I’ve never had issues getting it to work, though it is now being retired in favour of the USB C model so I don’t need to carry an adapter anymore.
I’ve been a fan for years, and will continue to use a Yubikey for the foreseeable.
En android puedes aadirlas por NFC o USB-OTG pero a la hora de verificar cuando haces login en Google con usuario/contrasea ahi te quedas por fuera, lo que es un problemon si activas la configuracin avanzada de seguridad la cual te pide si o si 2 llaves de seguridad, slo podrs entrar de nuevo con un codigo nico de seguridad el cual se genera desde otro equipo que haga login DESPUES de haber activado esa opcion, si no tienes un equipo windows pot ejemplo donde hacer logon con las 2 llaves, jams podras entrar a la cuenta, por lo que las he dejado como otro metodo de verificacin al menos para Google, en otros servicios de otras webs ha ido bie
Ordentlich verarbeitet und wertig. Allerdings ist der Preis etwas happig.
with increased security requirements I am happily using it to do all possible operations from my online banking
Fcil configuracin y uso, cumple con la funcin con un diseo robusto.
Coloquei em diversas contas como gmail, outlook, proton. Tbm no Github.
Mas recomendo pagar um pouco mais caro caso queira ter mais funcionalidades. Mas para o uso do cotidiano, est de bom tamanho.
Si votre budget est limit ou vous voulez plusieurs cls, je le recommande. Si vous tes capable de payer plus il vaut mieux acheter une gamme superieur car celui-ci a des limitations au niveau des applications et site compatible, mais pour la plus part des sites importants (google…) a marche.
I bought this due to the reputation of Yubico. The key is built well and seems like it is pretty durable. I think it takes a bit of technical prowess to use one of these, but that has nothing to do with this particular key or the brand. They’re all going to require a decent about of know how. It’s doing exactly what I want it to do. I suggest buying at least two and registering both of them with your websites but keeping one of them somewhere safe in case your primary one gets damaged or lost.
Spedizione non velocissima imballaggio invece di qualit.
Utilizzo questo dispositivo per evitare di dover reinserire le password su molti servizi online.
Installazione super semplici e moltissimi servizi supportati (Google, microsoft..) solo per citarne alcuni.
Il device funziona bene avrei solo apprezzato una impronta per posizionare il dito pi grande.
Since Vanguard is the only financial entity that supports security keys that I know of, I only use it there. It was easy to register and worked the first time I used it.
Valeu apena cada centavo pago. Fica conectada ao meu computador o tempo todo. E a proteo que eu precisava, conectado a todos meu emails e redes sociais. Indico a todos que querem deixar suas contas um pouco mais segura.
J’ai des cls de scurits de concurrents, souvent moins cher mais celle ci l’avantage de ne pas ncessiter de capuchon et n’a pas d’assemblage pouvant se dgrader.
La conception peu sembler risquer car le port est expos mais au final c’est plus rsistant et moins salissant dans les poches.
Point de vu fonctionnement c’est simple et efficace, usb ou nfc rien installer et le standard est pris par les sites principaux et les gestionnaires de mots de passes.
Great product and does what I was expecting to do, it works very well for FIDO U2F and FIDO2.
But first check carefully what you need it for, as you might need another type of Security Key. So, make sure the purpose is covered by your device that you are intended to buy otherwise you might end up with something that won’t work and will need to spend more money on the right one.
Leider ist der Preis fr die gebotenen Funktionen ziemlich happig. Das hilft nicht unbedingt dabei, Angehrige von den Vorteilen einer solchen Lsung zu berzeugen.
Dafr bekommt man allerdings ein wirklich robustes und zuverlssiges Stck Hardware.
Ok, I’ve previously used YubiKeys in a work setting, so I was familiar with the concept. So now I wanted to protect my personal accounts. I bought the cheapest available option that supported FIDO2 (the blue YubiKey), and the onboarding of my critical accounts (e.g. Gmail) was a breeze, a very straightforward and quick process completely in the browser. I didn’t even have to install any apps to program my YubiKeys.
After messing around for a while to start resetting TOPT codes and use this as a backup, I went back and looked at the product page and it was clear as day (having already used one, at least).
The good news is I did have a use case for it. My work uses a lot of MFA, but a lot of it is really just from google and a commercial SSO provider, both of which support FIDO. So, I’ve been using it for about three months daily to renew my credentials, and it was worked flawlessly.
I had been using it for about two months before I read a little tip. I had been pressing the button on the stick, which always seemed bad long term – exerting a force perpendicular to the stick and bending it a little. You don’t need to press at all, just a light brush. No more feeling like I might snap it off in the USB port. I can’t say I’ve stress tested it, but I’ve dropped it a few times, and when I move the laptop with the key in it, I inevitably hit it on a wall or lapdesk or something. No wear that I can see, and it still fits firmly in the USB port.
These Yubikeys offer much better security than getting text messages on your phone to authenticate you login to financial institutions– If you think your cellphone phone is secure then google “SIM swap attack”. However, I have one gripe about these Yubikeys, which is that not all websites require the Yubikey’s own PIN to be entered when it is used. (You set up a PIN on your Yubikey.) This means that if someone steals my laptop bag and my Yubikey is in there then the Yubikey is not very protective. The new Yubikey bio models have an on-device thumbprint reader required at each use, which seems a lot safer.
Bought this to secure my Google Mail but failed to properly research it. Found that it would secure all Google accounts not just a special email address. Consequently I would have to use it on my Mac, PC and phone when I wanted to access my mail. So, checked carefully what you want to do with it and that you purchase the right model. I purchased the basic key so it’s not much use to me. Yubikey customer support were first class.
Je revois mon analyse aprs quelques semaines d’utilisation, encore heureux que certains service que je ne citerai pas propose d’autres moyens d’authentifications (ce qui rend la Yubikey inutile soit dit en passant) car aprs quelques utilisations c’est des bugs et une cl non reconnue qui m’empche de me connecter mes comptes alors qu’elle est sens tre ultra rsistante sachant qu’elle n’a mme pas bouge de mon coup en ces quelques semaines donc trs du finalement.
Forcment, je ne recommande pas cette outil.
Very well built and worked out of the box in Windows via USB and on my phone through NFC.
I was also pleasantly surprised when it “just worked” on Chrome OS as well.
Great for safety and security. If you do not have one, you MUST get one to help keep yourself secure and safe.
We have a bank account in America that suddenly started requiring a two-factor authentication to access the money. As we do not have a US phone number we could not get this sent via sms.
We purchased this Yubikey and it solved the problem.
Funciona con todas mis cuentas, google, outlook, okta, amazon, microsoft , me siento mas seguro al limitar el acceso a mis cuentas.
There are some features missing from this key which I wish I understood before buying. Better to buy the Yubikey 5 NFC.
Sadly again the idea better than the outcome I believe the price and the ease of which this could be used could be phenomenal but apps seem to disregard the lesser tech abled which I think appalling and in doing so apply the more expensive yubikey way out of my price range and the apps don’t allow this key to be able to work with the apps . Therefore I’ve not found any app or tech I can apply this key to as the app I got it for them said only the expensive key works not this
Glad I only bought the one, just to test. Hardware wise the key works perfectly but third-party support is still not universal and I find I am still having to use an authenticator app on my phone. So it is not the time saver I was hoping for.
Could be cheaper, or sold in two packs that are cheaper than one. Why two packs ? Because loosing one key might end up with no access to your accounts. So always have a second one in safe place (or third …).
Now to accounts, Google has advanced security program which basicly means you will login with only those keys after seting up and that email should be your main. Microsoft on the other hand still needs either second email or auth app in addition to your keys. So with microsoft it’s safer to use a google as second email, which we first made secure with keys only.
Seting up is quite easy under Win 10, and after setup your keys will most likely end up in drawer being used rarely if you are using only main services that remember your devices. Professionals should rather choose black keys.
Does everything expected, including NFC for mobile smartphones. Elegant, minimalist packaging.
Got 2 keys to replace old legacy FIDO U2F key. This key supports FIDO2, FIDO U2F via USB and NFC.
Perfect for extra 2FA. If you looking for more features and protocols, YubiKey 5 Series is the way to go.
Como factor a pensar – deb ir por la versin USB-C, ya que esta llave tiene demasiado juego mecnico colocada en un puerto USB-A.
Estoy utilizando un pequeo cable adaptador para conectarlo a USB-C por el momento. Recomiendo hacer esto.
Funciona perfecto en un celular con NFC, adems.
It works well on sites that are set up for this device but unfortunately my bank (s) do not support it so it has limited use to me, my bad I should have paid more attention to its limitations.
Go for the more expensive option if you want TOTP support as well.
If you are using this with anything that involves money then don’t click on the “Trust this computer” option. If your AWS account gets hacked then you want something like this in the way before the hacker spins up some very expensive services.
This one is the cheaper of the Yubico models. It works fine with sites like github, AWS etc. Anything that supports U2F or FIDO2. The NFC is good for use on your mobile.
Go for the more expensive option if you want TOTP support as well.
If you are using this with anything that involves money then don’t click on the “Trust this computer” option. If your AWS account gets hacked then you want something like this in the way before the hacker spins up some very expensive services.
Received on time. I should have ordered the one for USB-C but more money. They are my Christmas gift to my two colleagues. I’m sure they will do what they’re suppose to do.
However, there are several things that you should know before buying:
1. The websites supporting FIDO U2F or FIDO2/Webauthn are VERY LIMITED. DO NOT believe the list provided by yubico. To know if your service supports security keys, log in yourself and try to find the security option under 2 factor authentication under account security. If there is none, you probably won’t be able to use this key directly on that website. Currently, most large tech companies do provide this option, but not the smaller ones.
2. Avoid the Yubico Authenticator. I don’t even know if this security key series will work with yubico’s authenticator. Even if it does, I will never touch it. This software is designed for services with only TOTP not FIDO. It is basically a TOTP authentication app, but you need to use the key to unlock it. Therefore the key isn’t used directly on the web service. You need to enter credentials on your web service -> find yubikey when required TOTP -> switch to yubico authenticator and unlock it -> copy TOTP -> switch back to web and login. Trust me – this is NOT a great tradeoff between convenience and security. If your service only support traditional TOTP 2FA, try find an authenticator app that synchronizes over multiple platforms and can be unlocked using on-board biometics. You will login much faster without the key on those web services.
3. Be cautious what ‘key’ you are adding to services. If you enabled Windows Hello, services with the newest WebAuthn protocols may try to add Win Hello as a security ‘key’ instead of your yubikey. You normally won’t want this since yubikey is much more portable and can be used on different machines. The solution is simple: Watch carefully and click ‘Cancel’ if the website wants to pair with Win Hello and your will be prompted again to access yubikey.
That being said, this key has excellent compatibility and plug-n-play on most systems. If you are sure your services support FIDO/FIDO2 and you only need a key for the web, this key is exactly what you need. However, if you completelyyubikey can completely substitute TOTP – that’s not going to happen any soon. For best practice, I suggest password manager + auth app + security key. Prioritize security key > TOTP > SMS OTP > password only.
Have fun.
This is secure and straightforward to set up and use. Good way to remain safe on line when safe secure authorisation, is required.
C’est un bon produit, solide, qui semble tenir dans le temps. La seule remarque que je peux faire c’est que j’ai eu du mal l’utiliser avec mon tlphone Samsung (en NFC) sur les service de Google, et ce, mme en le mettant 45 degrs comme on peut le lire sur leur site. Le problme tient aussi du fait que Google semble avoir qu’un seul et unique message d’erreur ce qui n’aide pas comprendre o se situe le problme.. Mais la plupart de mes usages se font depuis le PC donc a va 🙂
Ciber cecurity is a big problem. Its hard to remember all the log in and passwords. Whille making shore they are secure. This USB manages passwords for you. And you can use on multiple devices like PC and laptop, even use NFC to sinc to phone. Sync bookmarks and passwords. It is secure and verry hard to hack. Look it up on utube for information vidios.
Downside i would like the USB to slide into device to protect it from damage.
Good idea for protecting your online accounts such as AOL and Google, good value for money stops anyone or anything phishing your info, once you get started it’s fingerprint recognition onwards, my friend in the States told me about this and I think it’s a good idea especially for your own business.
Good idea for protecting your online accounts such as AOL and Google, good value for money stops anyone or anything phishing your info, once you get started it’s fingerprint recognition onwards, my friend in the States told me about this and I think it’s a good idea especially for your own business.
It would be hard for me to compare this gadget, because this is my first time using such a gadget.It seems to be doing a good job.I think you don’t need to spend more money if you are not hiding more than just your emails.
It would be hard for me to compare this gadget, because this is my first time using such a gadget.It seems to be doing a good job.I think you don’t need to spend more money if you are not hiding more than just your emails.
Very easy to use, cheapest known brand with NFC.
Works with FIDO Security Key which is most companies.
Just plug in and it’s ready to go.
Das Must have in 2021. Wer noch keinen hat ist selbst schuld.
Es gibt gnstigere, sie sicher ihren Job genau so erledigen. Egal. Hauptsache man hat einen.
It works successfully on Microsoft Accounts and Google Chrome. If you use Windows 10, you can sign into your Microsoft Account on a browser with a security key.
It’s a simple security system to use, it does have a few pitfalls that are more hardware related I’ll speak about quickly below and portability.
For anyone with a laptop that does not have a fingerprint reader or other form of security already established, this is your best alternative to keeping your stuff secure.
I’ve got a laptop with fingerprint reader and its always worked 99.5% of the time so I use this on my older Dell and it’s been 100%.
BE sure you put it on your lanyard or keyring, ask me why…
I had one issue and that was one of my usb port drivers stopped working and well, you can image as a USB device, was a problem for me that I did get resolved but that is the only downside if there is one.
I’m happy and these things are pretty robust just DON”T LOOSE IT!
Doesn’t show up in linux packages “yubico authenticator and personalization tool”. Buying more soon as backup keys
I only wish I bought the more featurefull expensive model so I could protect my local linux accounts.
Der Yubico Key bietet einen echt guten Schutz fr die Zugangsdaten. Durch NFC auch fr Handy gut geeignet.
Leider ist die Integration in einige Systeme nicht ganz so einfach. Da sind aber die Anbieter gefragt die Integration zu ermglichen / vereinfachen…
Einzig fehlt mir ein “Bndchen” oder hnliches um den Key einfacher transportierbar zu machen, was aber keinen Punktabzug wert ist.
I used this to secure my gmail and Google accounts,Its work perfectly with 2 step verification and assures you that even if your password were taken they wouldnt be able to login without the key…so youre protected…buy 2 keys…just in case you lose your key you have a backup…
It works but doesn’t work for what I need it for if you want to get this to unlock your pc you need to get the yubico key 5 that also supports more websites
Not straight forward, but got there eventually. Works a treat.
Ho acquistato questo token come dispositivo per la verifica in due passaggi di Google, mai fallito un colpo, lo trovo molto utile in quanto porta la sicurezza dell’account a tutt’altro livello.Lo consiglio a tutti.
Value for money yes and it’s very easy to use and set up. Have one in my safe and one on a key ring. Security is key.
Funciona bien con el entorno Apple, de modo que es bastante conveniente para usar bajo Mac OS + iOS y con la mayor parte de las aplicaciones. Bsicamente se instala (tambin se instala un plugin de Chrome), y cada vez que ests entrando en un servicio puede guardar una contrasea compleja o generarla de forma aleatoria (con la complejidad de letras, nmeros y caracteres especiales y longitud que quieras). La forma de guardarla es en lo que llama una bveda segura, que est bajo una contrasea maestra que t mismo pones, fcil de recordar y sincronizada entre tus dispositivos. La llave simplemente intercepta los formularios de contrasea y los rellena con la contrasea real, as de simple, no tienes ni que conocerla. Va enchufada en el USB, y adems de enchufarla hay que poner el dedo para activarla. En iOS como no hay USB no puedes usarla (aunque las contraseas pueden estar guardadas en la app). En general la veo til como sistema alternativo a las contraseas habituales aunque no es fcil de usar a primera vista y cuesta un poco acostumbrarse.
Soild and simple design makes the easy and simple to use. Key lights up to make it easy to see in the dark. Supported by major brands such as Microsoft, Google & Facebook. Fits in a USB “A” port, no drivers required for Windows 10
Soild and simple design makes the easy and simple to use. Key lights up to make it easy to see in the dark. Supported by major brands such as Microsoft, Google & Facebook. Fits in a USB “A” port, no drivers required for Windows 10
These are great. And I don’t care how good your phone is at authenticating. It can be replicated.
The security keys are great.. Safari not supported yet, but will be.
They are pricey, and really you have to buy 2 in case you lose one, as a back up.
Easy enough to use. I bought this a while, back, and in addition ordered extra ones, for my mobile devices.
I like them, very much. I think they provide peace of mind, but will also help to finally getting rid of passwords (even though it’s only 2FA)
they work with the main Password managers so very secure.
For personal use, it may seem excessive, but is worth it.
For business use, the other models, offer even more secure encryption. I like them very much.
FIDO 2 compatible token, so can be used with Windows Hello, as well as all the usual services allowing U2F (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Dashlane, Nextcloud, Github, etc etc). Doesn’t do any of the key storage that more expensive Yubikeys do, this is strictly FIDO. NFC and USB both work well on Android, USB on Linux and Windows.
The capacitive touch button sometimes takes a couple of touches to register. The black Feitian K9 is better in that respect. Where this token is better than the Feitian is the metal reinforced hole, making it more resistant to wear on a keyring.
Works as advertised, but support for the NFC portion is extremely limited. I was not able to find a browser that worked with the NFC on an Android phone (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave — none of them work with NFC). That means that it’s not possible to login to my accounts on my phone once I pair with this key.
It works on Umidigi power phone. NFC is useful, although it’s available on pricier smartphones. Other than that I have no complaints. I had to hold it close to sweet spot, so the blasted thing works on the phone.
It’s best to carry it on your person and stash an extra as a back up so you won’t get locked out.
Ich kenne die Yubico Schlssel seit einer Weile. Mein bisheriger Stick hngt seit vielen Jahren an meinem Schlsselbund und funktioniert nach wie vor problemlos. ber die neuen FIDO2-Funktionen des Security Keys freue ich mich. Habe die Funktionalitt auch gleich mal auf WebAutN-punkt-io getestet (mit Firefox in Linux brigens) – funktioniert problemlos.
Just one press and 2FA security is passed. Saves faff of unlocking my phone, unlocking 2FA app then finding required site.
Shame more sites aren’t compatible – Amazon being one it would be nice to see on the list?!
Just one press and 2FA security is passed. Saves faff of unlocking my phone, unlocking 2FA app then finding required site.
Shame more sites aren’t compatible – Amazon being one it would be nice to see on the list?!
Works great for desktop, Chromebook and Samsung phone to add extra security to my email and social media.
Usato per autenticazione a due fattori. Consigliato per una sicurezza maggiore dei vostri accounts.
This is a very good product. It was easy to use it as a 2FA tool with my web subscriptions.
Nice to have the added security especially on laptops or tablets.
Contacted yubico direct and their response was amazing and now I have 3 keys used daily for 3 years without any issue . Highly recommended
Hardware wise, it’s standard Yubico key size with a blue led that lights when it’s signalled from (e.g.) the browser in order to solicit a touch.
Hardware wise, it’s standard Yubico key size with a blue led that lights when it’s signalled from (e.g.) the browser in order to solicit a touch.
Yubico’s Security Key is the quintessential FIDO2 key. It is an amazingly secure device and it’s simple to use! I currently use it to complement my Yubikey 4 for my daily authentication needs.
Since the key needs no configuration, the device works out of the box with Google, Microsoft and many more!
Im angehngten Bild ist der Stick zu sehen, wie er aussieht, wenn er auf Interaktion wartet.