ACTIVEWEIGHT Foldable Adjustable Weight Bench | 90 Degree, Incline, Decline, Flat | Pre Assembled | Weights Set Compatible | Home Gym Benches | Full Body Workout Exercise | *FREE RESISTANT BANDS*

weights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbellweights women set men home multi gym equipment weight bench press weight bench set dumbbell barbell
  • Pre-Assembled Bench
  • Installation pack
  • Instructions
  • Optional Headrest
  • Resistance bands
  • Welcome note


Designed for anyone looking to improve their strength and fitness at home or outdoors, ACTIVEWEIGHT can be your training partner dedicated to helping and motivating you to surpass your goals. The ACTIVEWEIGHT AW-0012 weight bench comes with complimentary resistance bands and resistance cables. You are able to undertake various exercises targeting all muscle groups with the help of these complimentary additional items.

Dimensions: 106 x 35 x 82 cm; 11.2 Kilograms
Model: AW-0012
Colour: Black/Papaya
Batteries Included: No
Colour: Black/Papaya
Dimensions: 106 x 35 x 82 cm; 11.2 Kilograms

77 Responses

  1. TerenceLahr says:

     United Kingdom

    It doesn’t bother me to have this bench folded flat lent against the wall ignored. There’s nowhere to hang my clothes on it. When I choose to use it it’s out erected in 30 seconds it’s comfortable enough. I’m 6 foot 6 inches my head is always supported with the extension piece it’s a great bench. I weigh 110kg, I train with up to 30kg dumbbells, I feel supported with its continued use.

    No it’s not the quality you’re going to find in commercial gyms but for what it costs for what it delivers Pound 4 Pound it’s the best deal I’ve had

  2. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto, conforme alla descrizione. La panca si presenta bene, eccellente lo stile e il design. La solidit migliorabile, cos come la qualit costruttiva. Comunque buono il rapporto qualit prezzo

  3. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Il prodotto buono. Gi premontato all’80 per cento. Non aspettate per di trovare cavi o fasce di resistenza o set di pesi. Ho contattato il venditore che non mi ha risposto.

  4. RebekahSterling says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to put up and store away just what I was looking for good price

  5. Anonymous says:


    Arrive manque dans le carton station de curl de jambe.

    Arrivée manque accessoires station de curl de jambes et tendeu

  6. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Arrivato oggi, perfettamente imballato, prodotto integro e facile da montare ma…. senza fasce resistenti ne vogatori o simili; sarebbe il caso di modificare la descrizione dell’offerta.

  7. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Me gusta el banco de pesas, lo que no me gusta, no venan las bandas elsticas, que venan gratis con el banco de pesas. Como puedo reclamar para que me las enves.

  8. GingerWilley says:


    Par contre les lastiques offertes ne sont pas prsentes dans le colis.

  9. KerrieRawson says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    ottima, non balla, stabile, unica piccola minuscola pecca, la seduta si regola con un pin ma in modo non molto facile, sarebbe stato preferibile un sistema come lo schienale… Per il resto ottima… Ancora da testare con i pesi (che mi stanno arrivando)

    Ottimo prodotto, non do 5 stelle solo per via della seduta

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As an 83-year-old woman [torn glute] I was delighted at the ease and simplicity of getting this bench ready for use. Could not have been better!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For its price, this fits the purpose perfectly. It’s easy to put together, light weight and on the whole does the job. It isn’t as heavy as more expensive benches but I’m nearly 6 ft and 14 stones and it is comfortable and I don’t feel it’s not coping with me and the weights I’m lifting. You could wait for a second hand bench from gumtree that’s more solid but this honestly is perfect for a small home gym (like mine) and those that are just wanting to get in shape but not compete for Mr/Miss Universe.

  12. volisader says:

     United Kingdom

    Assembly couldn’t be simpler. Resistance bands a pleasant and useful addition. Best Buy!

  13. MargheritaMargo says:


    Muy buen Baco ms que satisfecho, se entrena muy bie

    Buena calidad

  14. JosieHenderson says:

     United States

    This weight bench is decent for the price point. The seat seems to be cracking and giving out slowly, already. It’s a high integrity plastic. Eventually I’ll have to remove the seat, get a steel plate, drill holes for bolts and modify the design for long term use, but for the price point that’s fine. The cushion material and sewn joints have decent integrity and aren’t wearing with regular short term use. The bench remains stable when I have 60 pounds held, in hand, out from one side and not the other, which was my primary worry. I hoped it would not wobble, which could cause shoulder injury.

    I debated a 3 star rating since the seat needs modification, but I’m going with four, since the stability and manufacture of the padding is good.

  15. ConnieDominguez says:

     United Kingdom

    Relatively easy to assemble and very good for saving space when folded away. The Sturdiness seems okay for now, comfortability is ok, I find that the space between the seat and the back is a little wide which can be uncomfortable, but minor issue to be fair. All round a good product so far.

  16. Politics on the Hudson says:


    Trs facile a monter, une fois replier il ne prends pas beaucoup de place, nanmoins il supporte peu de poids mais suffisamment pour les dbutant et jeunes intermdiaires !

  17. StepanieClick says:


    Le matriel l’air de bonne qualit mais pas non plus haut de gamme. L’assise est trs large mais le dossier est assez fin surtout au niveau de resserrement.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Scrivo questa recensione ad 1 mese circa dall’acquisto
    Imballaggio ok

    Il montaggio stato semplicissimo e rapido, in meno di 5 minuti la panca pronta per l’utilizzo
    La panca molto stabile e comoda, non sono molto grande ma la trovo abbastanza spaziosa
    Mi piace il fatto che se hai bisogno di spostarla veramente leggera, la si pu spostare anche con una mano sola, e pur essendo leggera stabile negli esercizi.

    Sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto, con meno di 100 euro mi ritrovo nella camera una panca NECESSARIA per fare esercizi come in una palestra

  19. ZenaidaGagner says:


    Appuis-tte manque d’ajustement non stable manque deux trous pour coller appuis-tte au dossie

  20. IndiaDenney says:


    Bank ist schnell aufgebaut und haltet auch 180kg aus
    Nur die Zugkraft der Bnder sind fr mich zu leicht da spielt mein Sohn dami

  21. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Lo mejor es que incluye bandas elsticas y que en relacin calidad-precio est bien. El problema es que el respaldo me ha venido ligeramente inclinado hacia la izquierda, adems de que se mueve un poco, incluso con los tacos de goma que trae. Se compensa con el peso del cuerpo al tumbarse, aunque no es demasiado estable. Ms all de esto, su principal carencia es que no trae ngulo declinado, slo se puede apoyar directamente tocando el suelo y el ngulo es as excesivo. Por tanto, es cmodo siempre que se cargue peso suficiente para estabilizarlo y se trabaje con cuidado

  22. ShaniHrgjwynco says:


    Lo mejor es que incluye bandas elsticas y que en relacin calidad-precio est bien. El problema es que el respaldo me ha venido ligeramente inclinado hacia la izquierda, adems de que se mueve un poco, incluso con los tacos de goma que trae. Se compensa con el peso del cuerpo al tumbarse, aunque no es demasiado estable. Ms all de esto, su principal carencia es que no trae ngulo declinado, slo se puede apoyar directamente tocando el suelo y el ngulo es as excesivo. Por tanto, es cmodo siempre que se cargue peso suficiente para estabilizarlo y se trabaje con cuidado

  23. Rati says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersho una discreta esperienza con pesi e bilancieri, mi alleno regolarmente e sono riuscito a costruirmi una piccola homegym in garage che mi ha consentito di continuare ad allenarmi anche durante questo periodo, ho quindi testato questa panca in modo preciso e approfondito provandola ad utilizzare durante lo svolgimento di diversi esercizi come panca piana, panca inclinata, rematore a 1 braccio, spinte sopra la testa, curl con i manubri ecc. ho cos trovato sia pregi che difetti, adesso vi racconto.


    1. Schienale molto lungo, si riesce ad appoggiare la testa in esercizi da seduto
    2. la seduta comoda
    3. esteticamente bella, fa venir voglia di allenarsi
    4. molto leggera, facilmente trasportabile
    5. arriva praticamente gi montata, in 2 minuti gi operativa al 100%
    6. la seduta si pu regolare su 4 angolazioni
    7. lo schienale si pu regolare su 6 inclinazioni
    8. si pu piegare per risparmiare spazio quando non si utilizza
    9. apertura e chiusura molto veloce e semplice.
    10. molto semplice regolare l’ inclinazione dello schienale
    11. elastici inclusi


    1. non stabilissima, leggera ed i piedini laterali sono corti
    2. per questa ragione adatta per utilizzi con pesi medio/bassi.
    3. lo schienale non si pu regolare a 90 gradi ma solo a circa 85 / 87 e la differenza si sente seppur minima.
    4. la seduta un filino bassa rispetto ad altri modelli
    5. il poggia testa e la staffa per regolare l’ inclinazione dello schienale hanno un po’ di gioco.
    6. la staffa per bloccare lo schienale mi sembra troppo leggera ed ha un po’ di gioco.

    sia chiaro, una panca economica pensata per un utilizzo relativamente tranquillo o meglio indirizzata a persone che usano carichi medio / bassi durante gli allenamenti e che non hanno la necessit di doversi affidare ad una panca iper stabile e che sia in grado di sorreggere grossi carichi.

    per principianti e ragazze va bene, gi se siete intermedi vi sta un po’ stretto questo modello.

    comunque la caratteristica che mi ha maggiormente soddisfatto lo schienale molto lungo grazie al poggia testa che consente appunto di appoggiare il capo durante esercizi dove si seduti come curl per bicipiti, spinte sopra la testa e french press singolo da seduto con manubrio per i tricipiti.
    questo accorgimento rende pi comodo lo svolgimento dell’ esercizio, pu aiutare a concentrarsi maggiormente sull’ attivazione muscolare ma pu anche dimostrasi utile per evitare di iper-estendere la cervicale durante gli sforzi cosa che alla lunga potrebbe creare dei problemi al collo.

    la seduta piuttosto comoda e l’ imbottitura equilibrata, c’ da dire per che un filino pi bassa rispetto ad altri modelli infatti confrontandola con la panca che gi possedevo questo articolo risulta pi basso di 3 cm e personalmente ho notato al volo questa differenza, non che causi problemi per era giusto menzionare questo fatto.

    lo schienale purtroppo non si riesce a mettere a 90 gradi e questo per me un difetto importante in quanto a volte per fare curl o spinte sopra la testa con pesi che riesco a gestire mi piace stare seduto con la schiena perfettamente perpendicolare al pavimento per attivare meglio bicipiti e spalle e in quest’ ultimo caso avere questa postura disattiva i fasci alti del petto per cui si ha un maggior isolamento dei deltoidi.

    il blocca gambe si regola su 3 posizioni, lo schienale su 6 e la seduta su 4.
    altra cosa che mi ha fatto un po’ storcere il naso che la staffa per regolare l’ inclinazione della seduta ha un po’ di gioco e avrei preferito che fosse molto pi stabile, oltre a questo risulta decisamente leggera e anche qui essendo che questo un componente fondamentale per la sicurezza avrei preferito che il metallo fosse pi spesso per essere sicuri della sua capacit di sorreggere senza problemi pesi di discreta entit per esempio durante lo svolgimento di una panca inclinata.
    anche il poggia testa presenta del gioco ed una cosa un pochino fastidiosa.

    la panca molto leggera e questo pu essere un vantaggio se la si deve piegare ed aprire spesso ma chiaramente uno svantaggio se si ricerca molta stabilit, i piedini laterali sono anche piuttosto corti quindi appunto occorre avere un discreto controllo dei pesi se utilizziamo carichi di entit medio / alta.

    — — PREZZO — —

    il prezzo attuale (luglio 2021) di 95.00 euro ci sta ma comunque un filino altino considerando che con 20 / 30 euro in pi si trovano panche con una struttura di qualit decisamente superiore, un prezzo pi giusto dovrebbe stare intorno ai 70 / 80 euro

    — — CONCLUSIONI — —

    concludendo, una discreta panca entry level adatta a carichi medio / bassi.
    voto 3.5, metto 4 stelle con la speranza che il prezzo possa un po’ abbassarsi oppure che migliorino gli aspetti pi carenti.

    Discreta Panca Entry level, ha sia pro che contro

  24. Anonymous says:


    Durante l’allenamento casalingo, oltre ai classici esercizi a corpo libero, con un’opportuna attrezzatura, potremo potenziare la muscolatura dei pettorali, delle braccia e di tutto il resto del corpo solamente con l’ausilio di qualche coppia di manubri di dimensioni differenti e di una buona panca.
    Una panca come quella presentata in questa recensione magari e messa in vendita da Activeweight attraverso il portale di Amazon.
    Io che ho avuto modo di richiederla per testarla, sono qui ora a parlarvene fornendovi le mie prime impressioni a riguardo.
    All’interno della confezione inviata da Amazon e costituita dall’imballo di Activeweight, ho trovato la panca gia’ preassemblata e con una manciata di componenti disposti all’interno della scatola senza un ordine preciso.
    Purtroppo, questo “disordine”, ha portato al danneggiamento dell’imbottitura dello schienale della panca ( Come potete osservare in una delle immagini allegate ) che era a diretto contatto con un altro componente.
    Una volta estratta la panca dalla scatola, occorrera’ solamente estenderla ed utilizzare le spine di bloccaggio in dotazione per bloccare la panca in posizione estesa e per bloccare la seduta nell’angolazione desiderata.
    Per quanto riguarda lo schienale invece, e’ previsto un sistema di bloccaggio indipendente e di semplice utilizzo che permette una regolazione veloce e pratica.
    Il resto del bundle e’ costituito da :

    – Set di elastici per l’esecuzione di esercizi per le gambe
    – Coppia di elastici per l’esecuzione di esercizi per le braccia
    – Poggiatesta e supporto per il bloccaggio dei piedi

    Cos’altro dire…
    Durante una prima fase di test dove ho eseguito estensioni per il petto ed esercizi per le braccia, la panca si e’ comportata bene risultando solamente un po’ troppo rigida e quindi non del tutto confortevole.
    In ogni caso, la ritengo molto stabile e semplice nell’utilizzo delle regolazioni.
    Nel momento di questa recensione, la panca di Activeweight e’ in vendita attraverso il portale di Amazon per 95 che e’ una cifra decisamente buona e competitiva in considerazione di quanto gia’ detto.


    – Buon rapporto qualita’/prezzo
    – Bundle ricco
    – Arriva a domicilio praticamente gia’ assemblata
    – Di bell’aspetto
    – Schienale e seduta Inclinabili/Reclinabili
    – Imbottitura rigida…


    – …forse troppo rigida
    – Componenti disposti nella scatola in maniera disordinata

    5 stelle e come per le altre recensioni da me effettuate, mi riservo di modificare la suddetta nel caso dovessi riscontrare problematiche relative a questo prodotto.

    Pratica ma poco confortevole

  25. CharisBbiefpicu says:



    Dauert ca. 10 – 15 Minuten, ist vllig unkompliziert.
    Eine Anleitung ist im Paket enthalten und die erklrt den Aufbau wirklich gut.
    Spezialisten Wergzeug etc. wird fr den Aufbau nicht bentigt


    Die Hantelbank ist sehr stabil, also es wackelt nicht und sie steht fest.
    Auch bei. Training mit mehr Gewichten hllt alles.

    Die Hantelbank lsst sich in mehren Winkeln verstellen, dies geht schnell und einfach.
    Man muss einfach nur die Rckenlehne in eine beliebige Stelle hinter der Bank einhaken.

    Optisch und farblich sehr ansprechend.
    Eine gutes und gemtliches Liegegefhl dank der Rckenlehne.
    Ein toller Nebeneffekt , dass man die Hantelbank auch platzsparend verstauen kann.


    Durch die vielen verstellbaren Postion, lsst sich die Hantelbank fr mehrere Variationen des Trainings einspannen.
    Man kann z.B. Bankdrcken oder Postiv / Negativ Bankdrcken machen.
    Dadurch werden den Muskeln verschiedene Reize gesetzt.

    Mein Fazit:

    Eine Qualitativ sehr gute, stabile und schne Hantelbank mit vielen Trainingmglichkeiten.

  26. Lindsey Davis says:


    Ho acquistato questa panca per l’ allenamento a casa nei periodi di noia o lockdown.
    Le dimensioni sono 105 x 35 x 82cm con un peso di circa 12 kg.

    La panca molto leggera ma stabile e resistente. semplicissima da montare e si pu ripiegare cos da riporla in un attimo in uno spazio minimo. Ha un buon grip sul terreno con un’ ottima stabilit.
    All’ interno della confezione sono inclusi anche un poggiatesta smontabile, 2 chiavi inglesi, 2 elastici, un poggiagambe rivestito in gommapiuma.

    L’ imbottitura non di certo tonica e avvolgente come quella delle panche professionali che si trovano in palestra, ma rigida quanto basta per sostenere senza apparire troppo dura.

    Sono presenti 6 inclinazioni possibili per lo schienale posteriore che permettono alla panca di essere piana, reclinata o verticale; anche la parte di seduta pu essere reclinata.

    Ad un prezzo di 95, il rapporto qualit-prezzo per una panca casalinga buono.

    Spero di esservi stato utile

    Quasi come in palestra 💣

  27. KandisJohann says:

     United Kingdom

    Really impressed, have been using 2-3 times a week for 4 months, excellent and I’m 6’1″ and it’s plenty long enough for me to benchpress with head being supported

  28. Anonymous says:


    Facile ranger, ne prend pas trop de place et de bonne qualit.

  29. Kevin Coughlin says:


    Je suis totalement ravi de ce produit, car je m’entraine dans mon bureau qui manque de place et grce ce banc, je peux pratiquer la musculation sur banc dans mon bureau qui ne dpasse pas les 7 mtres carrs.
    Le banc arrive dj prmont.
    Il suffit de monter d’insrer deux petites barres et de visser vite deux trois supports et c’est parti.
    Le banc est super facile plier, dplier et il se range bien dans u coin aprs utilisation.
    Il supporte bien mon poids ainsi que celui des haltres.
    Je l’utilise tous les jours depuis plusieurs semaines et je n’ai pas eu de problme jusque l.
    Je recommande si on a peu de place chez soi.

  30. AshleyLayh says:

     United Kingdom

    The bench is easy to fold and open, unfortunately when opened no matter how you adjust it there is a gap of about three inches between the seat and back pad ,this is where the base of your back goes and makes the bench impossible to use unless you do what I did and made a pad to fit in the gap. Now fitted with the pad it is fine .

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looked at a fair few other makes and models and decided to choose this one on the reviews. Very impressed for the price, build quality and flexibility of the design to allow a full body workout. I weigh 14st and it holds well during my training session. Great Buy.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Die Lieferung war schnell und es war sicher und geschtzt verpackt.
    Die Qualitt ist super und auch die Verarbeitung ist top.
    Der Aufbau war relativ schnell, einfach und wurde innerhalb von ca. 15 Minuten erledigt.
    Das Produkt macht erstmal einen guten Eindruck, wirkt sehr stabil. Man kann definitiv damit arbeiten.
    Preis- Leistung ist gut.

    ACTIVEWEIGHT® Klappbare, Verstellbare Hantelbank | 90 Grad, Schrägbank, Flachbank

  33. Network N says:


    Questa panca per gli addominali ( riduttivo pensare che serva solo a questo) sicuramente migliore di altre panche simili che ho avuto modo di provare grazie al programma Vine di Amazon per cui ricevo gratuitamente dei prodotti in cambio di una recensione vera, sincera ed esprimendo il mio parere su cosa va, cosa potrebbe andare meglio o cosa non mi piaciuto affatto.

    Innanzitutto, la panca di ottima qualit costruttiva come gi accennato nelle righe precedenti. La struttura in metallo robusta, ben verniciata (salvo qualche punto) e con delle saldature resistenti (potevano essere rifinite un po’ meglio in qualche punto). Non ho ravvisato punti di ruggine o di muffa, quindi tutto ok.

    Le imbottiture sono di ottima qualit e alla fine si traduce in una seduta comoda e comfortevole.

    La base molto stabile e non ravviso pericoli di ribaltamento con tutti i tipi di esercizi classici.
    Il sistema di regolazione dell’inclinazione della panca semplice e funzionale: potete portarla a 90 oppure a 180 e addirittura qualche grado in negativo (aspetto non proprio scontato per questo tipo di panche economiche made in China).

    Perfetti gli agganci per gli elastici che si trovano in una posizione tale da poter allenare le braccia (deltoidi in primis) e il petto. Certo, non che ci fate la sessione di allenamento per il petto, ma sicuramente potete farci un ottimo riscaldamento.

    Si pu richiudere completamente e a quel punto possibile riporla anche nell’armadio o sotto il letto. Gli ingombri da chiusa non sono eccessivi.

    Il prezzo in linea con quello di prodotti simili e con caratteristiche pi o meno uguali (parliamo di 85 a luglio 2021). Incluse delle bande elastiche di discreta qualit.

    Ve la consiglio? Tra tutte quelle made in China viste finora vi confermo che questo prodotto migliore di altri che ho testato, sicuramente valido.

    Spero di esservi stato utile.

  34. GingerYffacbott says:


    Also direkt zu Anfang: nix fr Leute die schon stark sind Bzw. Gut im Training. Als Sttze und fr ein paar bungen absolut okay aber wer 90Kg wiegt wie mein Freund und 60Kg drcken will wird hier schon Probleme haben, denn die Qualitt ist zwar fr den Preis absolut okay jedoch nicht fr so ein hohes Gewicht ausgelegt. Wir wollten es drauf ankommen lassen und haben es fast zerstrt. Ansonsten finde ich den Preis fr die Leistung nicht schlecht.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Le banc est livr pr mont. Il reste visser l’appuie tte, les rouleaux pour les pieds et bloquer la charnire du milieu. Ensuite on choisit l’inclinaison du sige et du dossier.

    Il me manquait la fixation pour bloquer les rouleaux des pieds. Je l’ai remplac par un crou.

    Le revtement est en simili cuir noir et papaye (orange). a change du rouge. Les coutures sont bien ralises sur mon modle.

    Les changements d’inclinaison sont pratiques. Il y a une poigne pour dplacer l’ensemble ce qui est super pratique.

    Le poids max est de 150kg ce qui pour moi est suffisant.
    Le point ngatif est le grand espace entre le sige et le dossier. Bon, logiquement les lombaires n’appuient pas ce niveau. On peut combler ce vide comme certains l’ont fait.
    En ce qui concerne le pliage de rangement j’ai pas du comprendre le principe et j’ai l’impression qu’il faudrait tout dmonter.
    A voir a l’usage.

  36. Ben Jones says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVoici le banc de musculation de la marque ACTIVEWEIGHT, coloris noir et orange.

    – Tous les lments sont bien fournis, rien ne manque son montage.
    – La notice est prsente et bien que trs succincte, elle s’avre suffisante.
    – Le montage est relativement simple et plutt intuitif en fait : le banc arrive pr-mont pour certains lments.
    Reste quelques assemblages faire via 2 vis et quelques goupilles mettre en place.
    – 2 cls sont fournies afin de positionner les vis en question (cf photo).
    – Le banc est bien stable une fois mont et en place.
    – Il parait de bonne qualit, pas de dfaut visible de conception ou de finitions.
    – Sa surface est en simili cuir sur laquelle on peut facilement passer une ponge si besoin.
    – Le dossier est rglable selon 7 positions (7 inclinaisons possibles) : cf photo.
    – Les pieds peuvent galement tre ajusts selon 4 positions.
    – Le banc est pliable afin de rduire son encombrement une fois les exercices finis (idal dans un appartement).

    – Le banc est livr avec un ensemble de bandes de rsistance (5, de difficults croissantes) : cf photo.
    – Il est aussi livr avec 2 lastiques permettant de travailler le haut du corps, fixer sur le pied arrire du banc.

    – L’appui tte n’est pas rglable, du coup, n’tant pas trs grande (1m60) ma tte ne repose pas dessus.
    – Manque un livret d’exercices qui aurait montr les diverses faon de se servir de ce banc de musculation.

    AU FINAL : Un banc de musculation correct en terme de qualit un prix abordable (85) qui pourra permettre de s’entrainer/s’entretenir la maison. Il s’avre confortable, maintenant parfaitement le dos une fois install dessus. Il supporte galement bien la charge : mon mari pse plus de 100kg et le banc n’a pas “bronch”. Son rglage est simple et son cot pliable s’avre tre un argument supplmentaire son acquisition en cas d’espace restreint (petite maison, petit appartement).
    A voir dans le temps si ce banc “tient le choc” mais une premire bonne impression tout de mme.

    Banc de muscu très correct pour débuter/commence

  37. Laura says:


    Habe mir die Bank als Erweiterung frs Homegym bestellt, da die Fitnessstudios coronabedingt so lange geschlossen sind.
    Da ich zu Hause ohnehin nicht so viel Gewicht habe (bis 20kg), reicht die maximale Belastbarkeit locker aus.
    Sie ist super schnell zusammengebaut und lsst sich im Handumdrehen (drei Sicherheitsstifte ziehen) klein zusammenfalten – optimal fr Leute wie mich, die kein extra Homegym-Zimmer haben, sondern nach dem Training alles immer wieder wegrumen mssen bzw. auch mal zum trainieren rausgehen.
    Toll ist die verstellbare Rckenlehne, so lsst sich durch einen anderen Winkel nochmal ein neuer Trainingsreiz setzen, sogar ins Negative, also fr den Heimgebrauch mehr als genug Mglichkeiten.
    Die Bank steht stabil und wackelt nicht, sie ist gut verarbeitet und ein anfnglicher Kunstleder-Geruch, der das einzige war, was mir erstmal Sorgen machte, war nach einem Tag verflogen. Gratis Fitnessbnder sind ein nettes Extra.
    Also eine klare Kaufempfehlung, eine super Bank fr kleines Geld.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Took 5 minutes to assemble, sturdy bench but light so easy to move around

  39. AngelesMorey says:

     United Kingdom

    Took 5 minutes to assemble, sturdy bench but light so easy to move around

  40. ErickKuester says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great item the only thing I thought was a bit figile for heavier people

  41. ShelleyCheatham says:

     United Kingdom

    Great item the only thing I thought was a bit figile for heavier people

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The privided screw cap does not fit on the leg brace support thread

  43. Ciannah Gin says:

     United Kingdom

    The privided screw cap does not fit on the leg brace support thread

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to install
    Can be folded easily
    Quick customer response.
    Light weight

    Little bit wobbly from the center when you do back excercise.
    Foot rest is not so comfortable.
    Head rest is also wobbly and not comfortable.

  45. LucilleMcgrath says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to install
    Can be folded easily
    Quick customer response.
    Light weight

    Little bit wobbly from the center when you do back excercise.
    Foot rest is not so comfortable.
    Head rest is also wobbly and not comfortable.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Its really easy to put up out the box. Its a very well padded seat and back rest, although they dont quite sit level with each as if ever so slightly twisted on the frame. Seems solid enough and is wide so i dont constantly have a shoulder blade off the back rest, a real issue with my previous bench. Folds away quite well with a quick removal of the pi

  47. Elsibe says:

     United Kingdom

    Its really easy to put up out the box. Its a very well padded seat and back rest, although they dont quite sit level with each as if ever so slightly twisted on the frame. Seems solid enough and is wide so i dont constantly have a shoulder blade off the back rest, a real issue with my previous bench. Folds away quite well with a quick removal of the pi

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The quality of the bench is top notch especially for this price . I benched over 100kg and I 100kg my self. I went a bit over the limit but was confident in the sturdiness of the bench. Great for storage as well so easy to assemble and store away. Literally have to remove two pins and store anywhere

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great quality

  49. brumley says:

     United Kingdom

    The quality of the bench is top notch especially for this price . I benched over 100kg and I 100kg my self. I went a bit over the limit but was confident in the sturdiness of the bench. Great for storage as well so easy to assemble and store away. Literally have to remove two pins and store anywhere

    Great quality

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to assemble, very sturdy and great quality, a thick base for increased comfort.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEasy to assemble out the box. Very sturdy and durable

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersYep, this is easy to set up however I’m not convinced on the actual quality of the products finish to be honest… if you see the 2 photos of the central hinge, its seems out of line and I think this is what contributes to the alignment of the back rest and the seat, shown in the 3rd photo, you can see its not truly straight, which is a shame really as other than that it seems like a decent bench, I’m hoping to get another sent to replace this and then I can review my 1-5 star rating.
    EDITED: I Received my replacement bench so I am changing my rating, not only because the replacement is in full working order, but also for the customer service provided by TRHAYDERS LIMITED. They fully engaged with my issue and kept fully in touch, even following up when my replacement was received without being prompted by myself, which is really refreshing.
    The only reason that I have not rated 5 is because of having to replace the original and right first time is a big thing for me.
    I cannot give half scores but would give 4.5 but it’ll have to be 4 on the rating stars.

  53. Lilia29Hlja says:

     United Kingdom

    Yep, this is easy to set up however I’m not convinced on the actual quality of the products finish to be honest… if you see the 2 photos of the central hinge, its seems out of line and I think this is what contributes to the alignment of the back rest and the seat, shown in the 3rd photo, you can see its not truly straight, which is a shame really as other than that it seems like a decent bench, I’m hoping to get another sent to replace this and then I can review my 1-5 star rating.
    EDITED: I Received my replacement bench so I am changing my rating, not only because the replacement is in full working order, but also for the customer service provided by TRHAYDERS LIMITED. They fully engaged with my issue and kept fully in touch, even following up when my replacement was received without being prompted by myself, which is really refreshing.
    The only reason that I have not rated 5 is because of having to replace the original and right first time is a big thing for me.
    I cannot give half scores but would give 4.5 but it’ll have to be 4 on the rating stars.

  54. Trey Paul says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersGreat customer service, had an issue and was resolved extremely quick, happy with the product, looking forward to using it to the max.

  55. BeulahKnudson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is great, very happy with the purchase. This is good because it does not feel cheap, also you can adjust the angle of two seats (cheaper bench only adjusts 1 back seat)

  56. TonyJacobson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersGreat customer service, had an issue and was resolved extremely quick, happy with the product, looking forward to using it to the max.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis product was so easy to set up as it was pre assembled, after using it for a couple of days it is amazing as it save a lot of space when storing away as well as being very sturdy and robust. Would highly recommend!!!

    Amazing product!

  58. Casey Seiler Capitol bureau chief says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersCouldn’t be better, exactly as described. Highly recommended, very sturdy and robust. Looks pretty in the eye. Based on value for money there isn’t any other bench I saw offering as much. Resistance bands, cable pull, extra optional headrest for my taller brother.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant bench!

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersCouldn’t be better, exactly as described. Highly recommended, very sturdy and robust. Looks pretty in the eye. Based on value for money there isn’t any other bench I saw offering as much. Resistance bands, cable pull, extra optional headrest for my taller brother.

    Brilliant bench!

  60. KayleneBurley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis weight bench is amazing. It’s a great high quality product that is sturdy and can handle a lot of weight. It has been a superb addition to my home gym. Prior to purchasing this bench, I had got a ‘best selling’ weight bench from Amazon and the quality was so poor I had to return it. Upon comparing both benches, I can whole heartedly say; THIS IS THE BEST WEIGHT BENCH ON AMAZON. I am 90 KG and I can easily bench 100kg on this ACTIVEWEIGHT bench. The bench is comfortable and rigid, and is all pretty well padded. I will definitely continue using this, even after lockdown.

    Fantastic bench!

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThis weight bench is amazing. It’s a great high quality product that is sturdy and can handle a lot of weight. It has been a superb addition to my home gym. Prior to purchasing this bench, I had got a ‘best selling’ weight bench from Amazon and the quality was so poor I had to return it. Upon comparing both benches, I can whole heartedly say; THIS IS THE BEST WEIGHT BENCH ON AMAZON. I am 90 KG and I can easily bench 100kg on this ACTIVEWEIGHT bench. The bench is comfortable and rigid, and is all pretty well padded. I will definitely continue using this, even after lockdown.

    Fantastic bench!

  62. MaurineSymonds says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersEasy to assemble is an understatement. The bench is delivered “folded” so all you have to do is open it up, insert the locking pin to secure it in place, then adjust the seat and insert the locking pin for that. All that then remains is to attach the foot support, headrest and cables. Job done! Literally within minutes. A good sturdy bench that is perfect for what we need. The resistance bands are an added bonus.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersEasy to assemble is an understatement. The bench is delivered “folded” so all you have to do is open it up, insert the locking pin to secure it in place, then adjust the seat and insert the locking pin for that. All that then remains is to attach the foot support, headrest and cables. Job done! Literally within minutes. A good sturdy bench that is perfect for what we need. The resistance bands are an added bonus.

  64. LeonardoCoy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersAfter spending days looking at all the different benches on the market and reading so many mixed reviews, finally ordered this one yesterday, didn’t have thousands of reviews but looked good enough when comparing it to others, just arrived and unboxed, it unfolds and is practically assembled apart from the headrest (which fits perfectly) and a couple of retainer bolts to lock the seat and backrest. For what I was looking for it seems perfect, stable on my carpet and feels safe while lifting weights. No wobbles or rattles, hopefully it will last me for several years.

  65. gcguy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersAfter spending days looking at all the different benches on the market and reading so many mixed reviews, finally ordered this one yesterday, didn’t have thousands of reviews but looked good enough when comparing it to others, just arrived and unboxed, it unfolds and is practically assembled apart from the headrest (which fits perfectly) and a couple of retainer bolts to lock the seat and backrest. For what I was looking for it seems perfect, stable on my carpet and feels safe while lifting weights. No wobbles or rattles, hopefully it will last me for several years.

  66. CheriForeman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSon loves it . Just missed the full product guide so had to scratch our heads a bit longer . (Page missing ) .

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersSon loves it . Just missed the full product guide so had to scratch our heads a bit longer . (Page missing ) .

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersSo I received my product and everything was easy to assemble. The first thing I do was the test the weight limit( I weight 95kg) and benched 100kg on flat and 85 on incline, the bench handled this great, then I shoulder pressed 70kg and again excellent, not a single noise from the bench. Would definitely recommend. Only downside maybe is if the headrest could move up or down.

  69. SerenaMorey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersSo I received my product and everything was easy to assemble. The first thing I do was the test the weight limit( I weight 95kg) and benched 100kg on flat and 85 on incline, the bench handled this great, then I shoulder pressed 70kg and again excellent, not a single noise from the bench. Would definitely recommend. Only downside maybe is if the headrest could move up or down.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersReally happy with this product and how easy it is to set up from the box.. it literally is just 2 pins you need to to insert to make it ready to use. Great addition to a small space as it folds easily too. The accessories are a great addition too!

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersReally happy with this product and how easy it is to set up from the box.. it literally is just 2 pins you need to to insert to make it ready to use. Great addition to a small space as it folds easily too. The accessories are a great addition too!

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersAfter careful consideration I decided to go with this bench over all the others returned in a search. The bench is strong and well built, I weigh roughly 120KG and it doesn’t even creak when I’m using it. It folds up perfectly for storage and is rather light to carry. Happy to support a new company in these trying times

  73. CierraBlalock says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersAfter careful consideration I decided to go with this bench over all the others returned in a search. The bench is strong and well built, I weigh roughly 120KG and it doesn’t even creak when I’m using it. It folds up perfectly for storage and is rather light to carry. Happy to support a new company in these trying times

  74. DebbieG83sjpa says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersGreat company to deal with. I had a few questions about the bench so I contacted the seller & they were very quick to respond & answered all my questions. I purchased the bench, delivery was super quick to Ireland & the bench was everything as described in the ad. I am very happy with my purchase and would 100% recommend. The seller is very helpful & I would definitely buy from again.

  75. BlairMFVhugm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersGreat company to deal with. I had a few questions about the bench so I contacted the seller & they were very quick to respond & answered all my questions. I purchased the bench, delivery was super quick to Ireland & the bench was everything as described in the ad. I am very happy with my purchase and would 100% recommend. The seller is very helpful & I would definitely buy from again.

  76. Vanessa9955 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI never usually order benches off Amazon, but I have used this bench for over 6 months now and it is one of the best ones I’ve come across. It is incredibly sturdy on various floor surfaces and extremely easy to setup/packup. There’s also 5 resistance bands included which come in great use.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Premium quality bench, highly recommended!

  77. JoyceA13xv says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersI never usually order benches off Amazon, but I have used this bench for over 6 months now and it is one of the best ones I’ve come across. It is incredibly sturdy on various floor surfaces and extremely easy to setup/packup. There’s also 5 resistance bands included which come in great use.

    Premium quality bench, highly recommended!