AirTag Keyring Case 4 Pack, woednx Silicone Airtag Case Tracker Holder for Apple Airtags, Air Tag Holder Waterproof Anti-Scratch Airtag Accessories for Kids Keys Luggage Wallet Dog Colla

Dimensions: | 17.3 x 9.19 x 1.4 cm; 68 Grams |
Manufacture: | woednx |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | BPGG-4 |
sebbene il timore di perdere un airtag sia una contraddizione in termini perch facilmente ritrovavabile per sua natura, resta il fatto che necessario che resti al suo posto per ritrovare ci a cui l’ho collegato. Questi holder rendono praticamente impossibile che i due si separino e questo il maggior pregio di questo prodotto.
cosa mi piaciuto di pi
– il guscio protegge il tag e un fermo lo tiene in posizione. Molto efficace.
– ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo a meno di dodici euro
– diversi colori
– moschettoni robusti
– tutto da idea di solidit e affidabilit
– semplici ed ingegnosi
cosa mi piaciuto di meno
– l’odore all’apertura della scatolina
– moschettoni un p duri da aprire
une bonne boite d’tuis airtags, ils rentrent parfaitement et permettent de les changer ou de les distinguer.
Lot de 4 tuis pour AirTag en silicone de plusieurs couleurs. On peut les assortir comme on le souhaite tant donn que la partie en forme de croix se met une fois que l’AirTag est l’intrieur, donc on choisit la couleur. Ils sont interchangeables ! Ils me semblent tre de qualits, les mousquetons noirs en mtal galement, j’avais un peu peur que a s’ouvre facilement, en tout cas comme a la main non, voir avec le temps. Ils sont censs tre tanches, je ne vais pas tester mais a me semble bien protg le contenu contre les rayures, les chocs…
Par contre petit dtail mais qui me choque chaque fois, la description est vraiment mauvaise, la traduction a t vraiment mal ralis ! Pas super srieux.
Bon produit, 12,99 les quatre pices.
Lot de 4 tuis pour airtag,
A personnaliser comme vous le dsirez, soit vous mettez les tuis simplement comme a ou bien alors si vous voulez le recouvrir totalement vous rajoutez l’tui supplmentaire en forme de croix.
Par contre pour installer l’airtag c’est trs difficile.
Bon rapport qualit prix.
Ho un paio di AirTag nuovi e uno dei due gi graffiato. Poi ho ricevuto queste custodie in prova grazie al programma Amazon Vine e le cose sono cambiate.
La confezione bianca non ha tanti riferimenti, solo una scritta sotto al codice a barre dell’etichetta incollata sopra.
All’interno non ci sono istruzioni, soltanto le custodie, i 4 accessori che possono avvolgerli e i 4 gancetti neri.
La gomma molto morbida e per inserirli all’interno va allargata e pure tanto.
Come noterete nel filmato, ho avuto un po’ di difficolt ad inserirli all’interno e uno dei due mi volato via con l’effetto fionda.
Si pu scegliere se coprire completamente l’AirTag o lasciare intravedere soltanto il logo della Apple.
Nonostante non siano eleganti come altri in pelle li trovo ottimi perch proteggono efficacemente gli AirTag, che dovrebbero essere “nascosti” per adempiere al loro scopo.
La mia valutazione al momento massima perch ad un prezzo molto conveniente ho gli AirTag completamente protetti!
Ho da poco ricevuto in regalo un AirTag per, essendo piccolo, ho pensato di accompagnarlo con una custodia per non perderlo.
Cos, appena ho avuto l’occasione, ho testato questo prodotto davvero molto utile.
Packaging e spedizione
Il prodotto arriva senza ritardo come sempre grazie al servizio di Amazon, nulla di negativo da segnalare.
Viene consegnato con un packaging molto semplice.
Si tratta di 4 custodie per Apple AirTag in silicone disponibili in varie colorazioni.
Per la precisione, si tratta di portachiavi con custodie che rendono molto semplice la conservazione e la protezione dell’ AirTag.
Il materiale morbido al tatto e leggero, tipico delle custodie per cellulari realizzate sempre in silicone.
Sono impermeabili anche se fortunatamente il mio AirTag non si mai bagnato quindi non ho avuto alcun problema.
Ogni custodia composta da due parti: una principale e una chiamata “cappotto” , quindi risulta un po’ difficile inserire o togliere l’ AirTag.
Di sicuro una volta inserito nella custodia non si pu pi staccare o perdere.
Grazie al gancio possibile posizionare l’AirTag ovunque, legandolo anche ad una borsa o ad uno zaino.
Personalmente cerco sempre di stare attento perch ho comunque paura di perderlo e quindi evito di lasciarlo in bella vista.
Per devo dire che le custodie sono molto utili in quanto mi consentono di stare pi tranquillo.
Cos, si evita anche che l’AirTag subisca graffi o urti.
La cosa sfiziosa che ogni parte ha un colore diverso, quindi possibile avere custodie colorate e sempre diverse, perch i pezzi sono interscambiabili.
Il prodotto buono, le custodie sono resistenti e mantengono fermo l’AirTag.
A circa 13 potete, infatti, avere a disposizioni 4 custodie con portachiavi, direi quindi che il prezzo davvero conveniente!
Este es un pack de cuatro llaveros para poner las airtags dentro. Vienen cuatro “fundas” para los airtags con otros cuatro fundas en forma de X que se encajan con las circulares. Puedes hacer diferentes combinaciones de color y est bastante bien. Tambin vienen cuatro mosquetones, lo que es muy prctico para ponerlos en maletas, bolsos o lo que quieras.
Poner el airtag dentro no es muy fcil, tengo que decirlo. Me daba un poco de miedo de estropear el airtag al principio. Entiendo el porqu, porque as no es fcil que se salga de dentro. Adems, con la funda en forma de X, estn ms seguros y tampoco se puede ver que llevar una airtag dentro.
Creo que es un pack muy interesante si tienes varias airtags. Tanto para protegerlos como para que estn sujetas a diferentes cosas.
Buen pack de fundas para los airtag, ojo, no son los airtag como tal SI NO FUNDAS.
Lo mejor es que quedan ocultos dentro de la funda y no sabes lo que es hasta que le quitas la funda superior que entonces queda al descubierto la marca como podeis ver en las fotos, los colores son combinables entre si.
Es un poco dificil meterlos dentro de la funda por que queda muy ajustada, pero con ayuda de por ejemplo una cuchara puedes perfectamente merlos dentro.
Lo mejor creo yo es que ademas de protegerlos por que la silicona es bastante gruesa, es que ademas no sabes lo que es, es perfecto para ponerlos en la mochila de los nios, las mascotas, el coche incluso y tenerlos localizados en caso de urgencia.
Ces tuis en silicone protgent bien les air tags mais sont de finition assez grossires. Ils sont pratiques mais pas vraiment esthtiques. Ceci dit, pour le prix (12 euros les 4), on ne peut pas s’attendre un produit plus haut de gamme non plus…
These air tags holders does a good job in keeping the tags secure. These are made of silicone and I had found that you have to force the tag in but this is expected so that it keeps the tags snug!
I like the colours too. The clip is much more practical than the key ring type I was using before.
Highly recommend
Ever since owning my airtags I’ve wanted a cover that fully covers them. The whimsy face is a poor design and scratches far too easily. I’ve looked previously and could find any full protection ones so was excited to finally get these
They provide great protection and also look nice. It’s really cool that the colours can be mixed and matched to your preferences. It adds a fun element of testing some together to see what matches up. The only thing I’m not a fan of is how difficult it is to get an airtag in. It’s not going to be find when it’s comes to changing the battery. I know it’s done to be secure and avoid the risk of and airtag falling out, but in my opinion the opening could be a very tiny bit bigger. The included spring loaded clips aren’t too bad and feel fairly strong
Overall I love these and they’re the only ones over seen to provide full protection.price isn’t too bad considering how many you get Recommended!
C’est un lot de 4 tuis pour airtag, composs de diffrentes couleurs. 4 portes cl sont fournis galement.
Les tuis sont fournis avec des “caches” qui permettent de protger entirement les airtag.
Les couleurs des caches sont interchangeables. Top pour personnaliser selon notre envie.
Les tuis sont de diffrentes couleurs : Noir + Rose + Vert + Gris; les caches galement: jaune + turquoise + bleu + gris.
Ils sont en silicone doux.
En revanche, pour installer l’airtag c’est assez difficile je trouve.
Mais cela protge entirement l’airtag des rayures/chutes…
L’tui est tanche.
A modern stylish design with a very easy to fit apple tag which is the most safe case ive come across as the last airtag case i bought the airtag would always fall out, but this is far more reliable and effective for multifunctional purposes & its not too clunky and ideal for allsorts of needs.
So the key ring is strong and offers good support also. Therefore I highly recommend this bundle as it ticks all
The relevant boxes overall
Aus meiner Sicht die besten Airtag Hllen – allein schon, weil der Airtag (der gerne schnell zerkratzt) gut geschtzt wird! Die meisten anderen Hllen sind an einer Seite mindestens offen, sodass die Oberflche keinen Schutz hat. Das tut dem GPS Signal auch keinen Abbruch. Man kann die Komponenten kombinieren wie man mchte, was ich sehr cool finde. Den Airtag in die Hlle zu bekommen ist etwas friemelig und erfordert Fingerspitzengefhl. Alles in Allem definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung!
I like these are Air tag cases because not only are they stylish, but they also contain an additional cross shape silicone cover/band to ensure that they are totally secure. This means that unlike some your tag is not going to fall out easily.
This particular set comes in a range of really cool contemporary colours.
They also have a good quality tag. I’m very happy with these and would recommend.
I got these after reading other reviews and they have worked great for us. Not sure about the water proof but they seem sturdy. When traveling I use them in my bags and on the kids. Perfect for our needs and the colors help to match my phone. Only if we could share location with other phones, but that’s an apple problem
Livr 4 tuis combiner avec 4 porte cls. Les couleurs sont trs pops et on peut utiliser avec ou sans la croix. Personnellement j’aime bien avec la croix pour couvrir l’airtag entirement contre le choc et les rayures, et surtout c’est plus discret, et a peut porter comme une porte-cl quelconque.
L’installation sur l’airtag est assez difficile, il faut bien entrer, mais heureusement on l’enlvera que lors de changement de la pile.
J’ai pu essayer plusieurs sortes de porte-cls pour l’airtag, et ce modle est un vrai rapport qualit prix en plus de son design original. (13 euros de base, et il y a 20 % de remise pour le moment, c’est imbattable pour un lot de 4)!
I like the thick silicon of these holders and the fact you can add the second sleeve to protect the device completely. The clip is durable and easy to use and the loop of silicon looks strong and will take a lot of abuse.
The only thing I didn’t like is how fiddly it was to get the AirTag inside the thing! Aside from that, these are are great looking tag holders and good value for money.
En mi caso llevo un AirTag en las llaves, pero no me gustaba el soporte donde lo llevaba ya que las haca algo aparatosas y no era muy cmodo cogerlas. Este llavero me ha sorprendido muy gratamente.
Clip genial para ocupar poco y no molestar en la anilla donde van las llaves.
No se ve en absoluto el AirTag, lo que lo hace muy discreto ante posibles hurtos.
Total seguridad en que el AirTag no se va a salir de forma accidental.
Gama de colores que no se adapta a todos los gustos.
Cuesta muchsimo meterlo o sacarlo, no es problema si no vas a cambiarlo a menudo.
Te dejo unas fotos para hacerte idea del tamao.
These are probably among the better AirTag holders. They’re easy to use, secure, conceal the AirTag and offer good protection. The double clips are easier to use than most keyring-types too. There seems to be a little signal loss but not so much that it’s likely to matter. At 9.99 for 4, the set makes a good buy, assuming you like the appearance of the holders.
I got my son an Apple AirTag as he was forever losing his keys. These came in a box of four and you can choose the colour combinations that you want. The AirTag fits in securely and X makes sure it stays in place and also hides what the product is if you’re worried about it being stolen. It does muffle the sound a bit.
It can be quite fiddly getting the AirTag into the case and back out if you want to change colours, but this does mean that it’s not going to fall out. So far he’s been able to find his mislaid keys every time, which has helped his stress levels… and mine! 🙂
Each holder in this set of four consists of a two-stage silicone cover and double clip. The inner silicone cover fits closely over an AirTag. It can be used alone, as it encloses most of the tag and has a loop allowing it to be attached to things such as a bag, key ring or animal. The outer silicon cover provides additional security, protection and choice of colours.
Airtags in these covers are well protected for use in more vigorous activities.
I love AirTags and have them on keys, wallets and bags. The only downside is that they are expensive and the Apple holders add substantially to the cost. I have tried a number of after market holders and most do not hold the tags securely. Recently found some that were good but these are bomb proof although not the most discrete looking.
The case comes in two parts and getting the tag in the main part is quite difficult as the tag has to go through the hole in the side of the case and it is hard to stretch it enough to get the tg through. That is really good news as if I struggle to get it through the hole going in it is just nasty hard to open up the hole to get it out. Having tried to get one out it is really hard. if the was not enough, once the tag is in the case a second section in the shop of a cross is stretched across and that is quite hard to do as well.
Once the tags are in they seem to be 100% secure but I did wonder if having a case totally surrounding the tag would affect the sound they make to locate them. The sound is rather quite anyway and it may be inhibiting it a little but I still had no trouble hearing it when I got reasonably close.
The little double ended carabiners to attach to keys etc. do the job as well. Much neater than the large round rings on some of the tag holders.
To avoid being too enthusiastic I must comment on the rather naff collection of colours though. Some may love them but I would prefer a lot more black and grey then pink and orange.
Ces porte-cls sont trs proches de ceux vendus par Apple, tant en termes de couleur que de rendu. Le pack de 4 cote moins cher qu’un seul chez Apple, donc cela permet de changer souvent de couleur. Belles finitions du plastique et des parties mtalliques (effet bross).
En revanche, le silicone est peut tre un peu plus lger que celui d’Apple.
De mme, rien ne protge les Airtags, qui se rayent trs facilement. Un petit protection transparente aurait t bienvenue. Mais ce prix, rien redire.
J’actualiserai mon avis s’il se dgrade plus vite que prvu.
Tout ce qu’il me faut : petit, lger, pratique, sobre et color.
Ces porte-clefs sont en effet de taille restreinte, ce qui permet d’viter de s’encombrer les poches. Ils sont trs trs lgers, car en silicone mou. Pratiques avec le petit clip permettant d’installer trs facilement les clefs, bien plus facilement qu’avec l’anneau traditionnel (et le clip est suffisamment robuste pour que l’on n’ait pas craindre qu’il s’ouvre trop facilement de manire inattendue). Enfin, sobre par sa forme arrondie et sa petite taille.
Quatre couleurs sont proposes, accompagnes de quatre autres couleurs pour les petits croisillons associer selon son libre choix et au gr de ses envies ou humeurs. C’est le ct sympathique.
On ne peut pas dire qu’il s’agisse de porte-clefs particulirement beaux, mais pour l’usage que j’en attends et pour le prix peu lev de l’ensemble, cela me va.
Good quality holders.
Tag fits securely and these fits keys or anything securely
Plein de combinaisons bicolores pour ces protge-AirTags, qui peuvent se fixer en porte-cls sans soucis (avec ou sans les mousquetons fournis.
J’aime beaucoup le fait que l’AirTag soit entirement invisible dans la coque. Il faut un peu forcer pour l’y rentrer (en faisant attention ne pas le faire tomber), mais on est sr qu’il s’chappera pas.
Ce sont les meilleurs protge-AirTags que j’ai pu tester jusqu’ prsent.
These are much better than the last keyring AirTag holders we got.
They are very tight fitting and I very much doubt they will ever fall out.
These are quite difficult to get the AirTag in place but once its in it is definitely not going anywhere.
If you have engraving you can leave off the extra protector and you can see the centre of the AirTag.
It is a good way to disguise it so that it’s not visible at all.
You get a selection of four different colour cases and four different colour outer coats that enclose the AirTags completely. The cases can be used without the outer coats but they add an extra colour and also ensure that there is no way that the AirTag could slip out. They also come with a sturdy keychain that allow the AirTag to be attached to a keyring, case etc. It takes some force to get the AirTag into the case but once it is in it will stay in. A novel and protective case system.
By far the best protection for Apple AirTags. The thick silicone material protects from bumps and scratches while also keeping out dust, pocket lint, and even some moisture. I’ve replaced all of my other AirTag covers with these.
Waterproof. Air tag is also well protected against shock, and drops to the ground. A little difficult to get the air tag inside and to apply the outer rubber cover but works great after it’s put togethe