AKASO Brave 7 Action Camera, IPX8 Waterproof Native 4K 20MP WiFi Cam with Touch Screen EIS 2.0 Zoom Support External Mic Voice Control Vlog Camera – Grey

Support External Microphone
This action camera supports an external microphone which helps you to capture sound from all directions with crisp details. Only buy an AKASO external mic (not included), as third-party external mics are not compatible.
Voice Control
You can control your AKASO Brave 7 action camera hands-free with voice commands like “AKASO Video Start” and “”AKASO Take photo””. Capturing photos and video recordings become easy with the voice commands.
UHD Image Quality
This action camera’s 40K/30fps video feature ensures your footage appears like the real moment while maintaining sharp and definite detail. Even at high-speeds, it enables you to capture fleeting beauty or the slightest facial expressions.
Upgraded AKASO GO App
The AKASO GO app allows you to shoot and edit videos, and you can share them on social media instantly. The app makes it possible to transfer footage to a smartphone without a computer needed.
Video | 4K30fps 2.7K30fps 1080P60fps 1080P30fps 720P120fps 720P60fps 720P30fps |
Photo | 20M 16M 12M 10M 8M 5M |
Angle | Super Wide/Wide/Medium/Narrow |
Waterproof Depth | 131FT/40M with waterproof housing |
EIS | Yes |
Wi-Fi | 2.4GHz supported |
Battery | 1350mAh rechargeable battery |
Water-Resistant | IPX8 |
Touch Screen | Yes |
Loop Recording | Yes |
Time Lapse | Yes |
Burst Photo | Yes |
Timed Photo | Yes |
Fast/Slow Motion | Yes |
Wind Nose | Yes |
Package Included | 1x AKASO Brave 7 Action Camera/ 1x Remote Control/ 2x 1350mAh Battery/ 1x Camera Frame/ 1x Battery Charger/ 1x Bicycle Stand/ 6x Mount/ 2x 2-sided tape/ 2x Helmet Mount/ 1x Bandages/ 5x Tethers/ 1 x Protective Backdoor/ 1x USB Cable/ 1x Lens Cloth/ 1x Quick Reference Guide |
Dimensions: | 7 x 12 x 23 cm; 700 Grams |
Model: | Brave 7 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | AKASO |
Dimensions: | 7 x 12 x 23 cm; 700 Grams |
Origin: | China |
The Bad: the only thing that needs to be improved are 1- field of view and 2- video quality. Compared to any other action camera the field of view is very narrow, it is advertised as 170, but it’s certainly not at least to me it is definitely not when I compare it against my DJI Action 2 that has 155 fov there is a massive difference and DJI has much more wider field of view. Specially when you turn the stabilization on the fov gets even smaller. The second issue is the video quality which I’m really sceptical if it is actually 4K, this is something that is hard to comment on, the resolution you get definitely says 4K but the video quality is not as good as other action cameras, I can’t image that the 4k is recorded at a high bit rate! Maybe that’s the issue. So going 4k gives me a video that is more comparable to my DJI Action 2 1080p. It’s a descent video quality but it’s not 4K for me. Finally, I noticed, when creating a new file it looses a little bit of the footage, although it’s not a consistent thing and seem to happen sometimes when switches to a new file.
Hopefully once some of these issues are fixed it would replace the GoPro thanks to it’s competitive price.
The Brave 7 was recommended to me by a guy who makes Youtube videos of his bike rides. Mine is mounted on the handlebars using a RAM mount to which I’ve fixed one of the ‘Gopro’ type quick release mounts so that I can easily remove the camera if I leave the bike.
My Bike is a Royal Enfield 500cc single, it doesn’t have a balance shaft so vibrates quite a lot, the image stabilisation copes quite well normally but can be caught out when accelerating or cornering – when ‘cruising’ it is fine. I think it does very well to cope with the bike’s vibes and would be much better on a smoother engined bike.
I am running the camera at 1080p 30fps and I’m very pleased with the results, I normally play the videos on my laptop but I have cast them to my TV and still find them good.
I’ve given battery life 5 stars although I now run the camera from the bike’s battery via a 12v to 5v usb converter. When I did run the camera from its own battery, I think I got around 90 minutes from a charge.
I haven’t used it for still photos – I didn’t buy it to take stills with.
If I have a complaint, its the audio, it doesn’t seem to be very loud compared to other action cameras I’ve had, this is not a big issue for me though, its the video I’m interested in. I do have an issue with wind noise, but that is something which I believe all action cameras have issues with – even the mighty GoPro.
All in all, I am very pleased with this camera, it feels good in the hand, it is quite heavy for it’s size and the build quality seems to be very good.
Had a few action cameras in my time, this one the best to date.
Have it mounted on a kayak, out at sea the image is stable despite the waves.
I have it mounted in the optional extra waterproof case, first trial I had the video running for an hour of capsize practice at sea, no water ingress, images just fabulous.
Bought this product to record our family ski activities, after losing my GoPro in a river! Couldn’t really justify the price of a new GP, so thought I’d give AKASO a try. Very happy with it. It’s a great entry level action camera at a much lower price to the GP. I’ll be sticking with them for the immediate future and look forward to the improvements AKASO make going forward…
Received very quickly very well packaged a very well made camera instantly see and feel how well its made
I’ve been looking at Go-Pro cameras , for a while now, to install on my bike to record my commutes to work and general riding about.
As the Go-Pro’s are slightly out of my price range, I read a review, on Expert Reviews, that listed the Akaso Brave 7 as a good alternative to the Go-Pro cameras.
I haven’t been disappointed – the image quality is really good, audio is ok for what I need it for and the price was excelle
Just got the camera and so far it looks great. It is easy to use and picture quality looks fine. Batteries last well, no issues with use underwate
Great for taking action shots of my dog and I can’t wait to bring it on holiday to Africa – it feels really good quality for the price and battery lasts a long time!
Bought for my daughter so she could record get horse riding, she had used this for hacks through the woods, jumping in the arena. She records on 1080p60, as this suits her needs, the videos have been great.
La cmara me parece de muy buena calidad relacin calidad precio, pero tiene un gran pero, relacionado con la batera, primera, Durn poco con suerte 45 minutos cada una y segundo pero, no hay recambios para la misma. Al menos yo no los he encontrado. Por lo que puede ser un handicap a medio largo plazo.
Surpris par cette camra sport qui s’avre tre trs ractive et permet d’avoir photos ou films de trs bonne qualit pour des activits sportives. La batterie se recharge rapidement. Content de cet achat que je recommande.
J’utilise cette camra pour filmer mes sessions de pche en rivire avec un harnais achet part. Je suis content des fonctionnalits de cette dernire. Je n’utilise pas la tlcommande. Seul hic j’ai remarqu que la commande vocale ne fonctionne pas trs bien… Autrement rien dire. A voir sur la dure
Bin sehr zufrieden mit der Kamera, Men ist schnell zu bedienen. Einstellungen kann man auch nach kurzer Eingewhnung gut vornehmen.
Es gibt einiges an Zubehr mit der Kamera, was man bei den teuren Kameras immer extra bezahlen muss. Hier bekommt man z.B . 2 Akkus und ein Ladegert dazu. Der Akku hlt auch gefhlt wesentlich lnger. Die Kamera speichert die Einstellungen wenn man den Akku wechselt (Datum Uhrzeit).
Das Gehuse macht auch einen stabilen Eindruck, ob sie ohne speziellen Wassergehuse wasserdicht ist, will ich nicht ausprobieren.
Ich hatte schon davor eine dreimal teurere Marken Kamera. Aber alles beachtet bin ich mit dieser mehr zufrieden.
Per il prezzo va bene, ma la qualit romane buona nulla di speciale, purtroppo per chi vuole deve spendere…..
La cmara no est mal, pero el mando no es resistente al agua, la pantalla tctil falla mucho, cuando elijes una opcin no responde, entonces tienes que apagar la cmara y encenderla de nuevo para que funcione, y adems no se puede invertir la pantalla.
Eine sehr gute Alternative zum lang etablierten namhaften Hersteller.
Empfehle den Einsatz eines externen Mikrofons, da das integrierte bei Fahrgeruschen stark verzerrt.
Sonst von den Funktionen her, voll zufriedenstellend.
La opcin es quitarlo y para evitar que el polvo entre, usar la cmara con la carcasa sumergible (que hay que comprar aparte)
Otro problema importante es que no hay opcin de comprar bateras extras. Ped las que aparecen aqu en Amazon, pero no valen para esta cmara. Tienen un tamao mayor y no entran en la cmara.
Tras contactar con el servicio de atencin al cliente de la marca, me dicen que, de momento, no venden bateras sueltas (tampoco las encuentro compatibles). Que est atento por si las ponen a la venta en un futuro
Si no te quieres gastar un dineral, es la opcin idnea para tener lo imprescindible en una cmara de accin: Estabilizador de imagen decente y resolucin 4k. Adems, incluye multitud de accesorios muy tiles como el mando a distancia o la batera adicional. Tena preocupacin por la calidad del sonido, pero al menos en interiores el audio es adecuado. Cuando lo pruebe en exteriores aportar ms informacin al respecto.
Comme je n’ai jamais eu d’autre camra, difficile de pouvoir comparer la qualit avec une Gopro ou une Dji.
Pour mon utilisation (voyage), elle fera parfaitement l’affaire. Juste la prise de son qui ne sera pas exceptionnelle et j’avoue que je ne souhaite pas mettre 25 de plus pour le micro externe. Autre dfaut, les boutons de zoom sont trop durs et donc, inutilisable pendant que l’on filme. Dans l’ensemble, les accessoires fournis avec la Brave 7 sont dj pas mal. Il y a par contre un gros manque, le botier tanche (23). Il semble difficile de trouver les accessoires propres la Brave 7 sans passer par Akaso. J’aimerais acheter deux batteries supplmentaires, mais impossible de les trouver (les rfrences sur Amazon sont pour la Brave 7 LE). Pour rsumer, voir l’usage si le choix de vouloir voyager “lger” est mieux que l’achat d’un camscope.
I had an issue with this product, but the aftercare service was very good and they replaced the Brave 7. This product has its limitations but at this price – does the job I wanted it to do.
Despus de mucho mirar y devolver otra cmara, esta me da la sensacin de que es relacin calidad precio muy buena, me he decidido por ella por la pantalla delantera y el control de voz. Espero explorarla mas y poder sacar ms conclusiones.
Bought this when looking at GoPro however chose this Akaso and I am not disappointed for the travels I do.
My Go pro 7 suddenly stopped working, to be fair it had been well abused these past years, did not really want to spend 350 on a new go pro, so took a gamble on reviews and got this. Only used it on a ski trip and a bit of mountain biking, comparing to my GP6 footage I would say its a fair bit better, especially the sharpness and stabilisation, have not used it underwater yet and cannot compare to the more recent GP’s, but for the money its great, I was really impressed. Photos are good, crisp and sharp, especially in good light. Easy to use and takes some great footage, easy to download onto Mac and edit too. All in all a no brainer for this price. Great little camera.
I have used this Brave 7 to record on my motorbike. I mounted the camera on the bike handle bars. This was very easy to set up using the supplied mounts.
The sound recording on the bike while it was moving, was dreadful, so I bought the external mic.
Setting up the mic was quick, and I safely mounted it to the camera, and threaded the lead through the handlebars, along and between the fuel tank and fairing, and sat the mic under the bike seat. This improved sound quality considerably.
The downside to this mic, is the external port you connect to, is under a flap, that means when it is open, the camera no longer waterproof.
Stability of the picture is excellent with very little vibration picked up through recording. I did use the stability funtion on the video settings.
The quality of the video is brilliant, all though the 4K recording is great, it drains the battery very quickily so records about 45 minutes tops on 1 battery, and uses loads of memory up. The setting I used was the 1080p quality, and with the 2 supplied batteries, I managed to get just over 2 hours of qood quality filming. I have uploaded a small snippit of the video that I recorded.
There is no supplied micro SD memory card so you need to use a high speed one. I bought a 64 GB one, not expensive.
On the whole, this is an absolute great value for money video camera, even if you buy a memory card and also an external mic, with these, when you consider the cost of the GoPro’s, this Brave 7 still offers a great value for money action camera.
Trs bonne camra qui fais bien sont travail,
Avec des options super gnial,
Comme le wdr et le anti tremblement qui marche merveille.
Et le service aprs vente au top.
Car la premire camra avais un problme d’image, et il pu trouver une solution qui permis de rsoudre se problme.
Mes reste plus cas filmer et faire des nouveaux montage vido.
Ich habe eine gnstige Action Cam gesucht fr die Rennstrecke. (Auto) Fr das reicht die Kamera. Die Videos sind gut, mehr brauche ich nicht. Ich filme nur am Tag
great video and photo quality and customer support. Thank you AKASO
Bought this as I was disappointed with the sound quality of the Akaso brave 7le as it rattles in its waterproof case when used on the handlebars of my motorcycle. But I was very pleased with this Brave 7 especially as the price dropped! It fits snugly into its clip frame and used on my single cylinder motorcycle records the engine and exhaust sound very well. It’s behind a windscreen so I don’t get any wind noise. Video quality is excellent and battery life acceptable at around 75 minutes. Image stabilisation is very effective – as is the 7LE which if it had a decent clip fitting like the 7 would be fine and wouldn’t rattle around causing a degraded sound quality.
Well, a Go Pro? I wish, no way I can justify the price! However I saw the Akaso Action Cam 7 (get 7, not 7 LE – LE doesn’t have the wrist controller), well, lets give it a shot.
I am a computer engineer so I quickly realised what the poor reviews were talking about and all of them are incorrect (I’m used to listening to rubbish about tech). The hardware is better than most in build quality, a bit of practice is good, to get used to the buttons and voice control, please read the instructions, there’s not too much text to read, it’s worth it, put it this way, the guy who said the mic doesn’t work underwater, it’s not supposed to when in the diving case!!
Practice with the metering modes, remember it’s all about light!! more light, better pictures!!
Wifi is typical in speed, make sure you get a memory card which is appropriate (that too will save the camera getting poor reviews). I did research and bought a Lexar Silver professional 1066x 256GB micro SD, card. It’s a shame they don’t supply this or tell you that’s what you need, as it happens when cruising their website I noticed that they recommend the card I bought, so happy days!
Has loads of great features, so far have only used it a little and it took a bit of learning but seems sturdy, is definitely water proof and battery is lasting well.
Fr meine Zwecke und diesen Preis zufriedenstellend.
Das interne Mikrofon knistert bei Wind. Die Fernbedienung knnte etwas grere Reichweite haben.
Fotos und Filmaufnahmen befriedigend/gut. Die App zur Filmbearbeitung funktioniert, ich verwende aber eine andere.
Zubehr ist reichlich und gut. Akkus halten lange.
Wie kann ich meine Videos oder Bilder auf meinem Pc ansehen oder speichern,
Keine Beschreibung dabei.
MfG Kunstmann Heinrich
Mail [email protected]
Bitte trotzdem dran denken (wer sie wie wir Unterwasser nutzen mchte) kauft euch ein wasserdichtes- Case fr die Kamera dazu.
I purchased this camera for my new wild-swimming hobby and would certainly recommend. Having never owned a waterproof action camera before, I
have no other action camera to compared this one to, but I can safely say I’m very impressed! Great battery life, really clear pictures/videos, easy to use and download the footage. It took really clear photos of the fish swimming near me in the river ( I had popped the camera underwater in front of me as an experiment to see what was there!). It’s also useful not to have to place the camera in a separate waterproof case. I’m still trying to work out what all the attachments are for that were included!
This is a budget camera for beginners. Waterproof and easy to use. 4K no problems picture quality good.
Bin echt berrascht ber das Produkt, finde sie bis jetzt Klasse. Leider hat sich beim ffnen des Batteriefachs das Plastik gelst, lie sich jedoch ohne Probleme wieder an bringen. Ob sie jetzt noch Wasserdicht ist? Das einzige Manko … die Akkus, mssen leider sehr schnell getauscht werden. Ansonsten eine Tolle Kamera.
Not had this camera long but it seams to be good quality good picture and video quality just that the battery life is only an hour all the extra you get with the camera is excelle
Im Vergleich zur GoPro ein Schnppchen, zur Wasserdichtigkeit ohne Gehuse kann ich nicht viel sagen da ich sie im Wasser nur mit diesem nutze, allerdings ist die Bildqualitt des videos Unterwasser echt gut und brauchbar, auch die Fotos knnen sich fr den Preis echt sehen lassen. Natrlich bekommt man hier nicht das Optimum an verarbeitungsqualitt und Bildqualitt aber wahrscheinlich deutlich mehr als man denk
Je l’utilise surtout pour enregistrer mes sorties vlo et en moto. Elle est fournie avec beaucoup accessoires pour tout type de fixation, 2 batteries, chargeur de piles etc.. vraiment trs pratique pour diffrentes utilisations. j’ai pas eu du mal transfrer mes images vers mon smartphone.
J’ai vraiment hte de la tester pour mes prochaines vacances la mer.
Pour le moment pas du de mon achat.
– Ottime foto, ben dettagliate e calibrate
– video veramente fantastici (soprattutto la modalit notturna)
– Stabilizazzione ottima
– molto utile la possibilit di regolare l’angolo di visuale
– il telecomando stato rivoluzionato rispetto al modello precendete ed ora comodissimo da usare
– il doppio schermo un plus super vincente e comodissimo
– il men interno della cam ben leggibile e fatto molto bene
– la modalit scarsa luminosit incredibile (la migliore che io abbia mai visto su una cam)
– l’app fatta molto bene, inoltre si possono gi fare delle modifiche ai nostri filmati o alle nostre foto tramite l’app (come per esempio creare un mini filmato di presentazione)
– bella l’idea di inserire i comandi vocali per impartire azioni alla cam senza dover usare il telecomando, per nel mio caso non funzionano, inoltre non s neanche quanto siano utili se vi trovate in mezzo al traffico o alla gente (meglio il telecomando)
– ogni tanto il telecomando non funziona bene
– il microfono interno non lavora benissimo e soprattutto in condizioni di traffico o di vento f molta fatica a captare la voce
– c la possiblit di poter usare un microfono esterno, ma non presente in confezione ed reperibile solo sullo store akaso
– l’ingresso della scheda sd in una posizione scomoda
– non presente l’attacco per la vite da 1/4 per poter avviatare la cam ad un treppiede o ad un selfie-stick (per me su tutte le cam sopra i 100 dovrebbe esserecene uno)
– per chi possiede un’iphone come me, una volta che avr fatto i video e deve scaricarli sul device, dovr prima convertirli da mp4 a mov perch altrimenti l’iphone non riuscir a riprodurli
In sintesi ve la consiglio perch la miglior cam che io abbia mai provato
La prise en main est simple. Le paramtrage est facile et l’cran tactile ragit bien.
Deux batteries fournies avec un double chargeur et une tlcommande, ce qui est vraiment trs pratique.
Au niveau de la qualit de l’image, de la stabilit, rien dire, elle remplie sa fonction. Pour ceux qui ne veulent pas mettre un prix indcent sur certaines marques, celle-ci fait trs bien l’affaire.
La camra est bien prsente dans son emballage,
Il faut tlcharger la notice qui est claire. Le paramtrage est facile et l’cran tactile ragit bien.
Parmi les nombreux accessoires fournis dont je ne sais pas quoi certains peuvent servir (quelques indications auraient t bien venues) j’apprcie particulirement les 2 batteries, le double chargeur et la tlcommande.
La stabilit et la qualit de l’image est au RDV.
Cette camra va tre idale pour mes sorties vlo, moto et rando.
Very happy with this very cheap alternative to the much more expensive Go-Pros out there!
My mic is ok.. Maybe new version with mic.
I like this action camera.
Bought this to function as helmet camera for my commutes to work. Came with a whole collection of accessorries so i didn’t need to worry about buying extras for mounting to the helmet.
You will just need to sort thropugh the various options to get the one you want so the camera points in the right direction for where you have mounted it.
I ride in all weathers so will have to see if my hour commute in the British winter weather posing any problems, i will update if required.
Bought a 128Gb SanDisk Extreme sd card to go with it and it recognised that straight away and formatted it easily.
Above a copuple of test pics, the first is a still with the standard settings, 20M, and the short video is at 1080p, which is what i will be using on a daily basis.
Image stabilisation seems pretty good, although only from the point of walking round so far but it definitely makes a big difference in the results.
Connected the camera to a USB3 socket on my PC to download the video and pic, selected USB storage option on the camera and it connected quickly and downloaded the files fine. I initially connected through a passthrough port on my keyboard which it didn’t seem to like but direct to a USB3 port was fine.
Doesn’t come with a manual in the box but there is a card with QR codes to go download one, which i actually prefer.
Tried the camera as a webcam but the quality didn’t look great with the native windows camera app. When i tried to cahnge the resolution of the camera in windows camera app the app stopped responding and the picture disappeared, which i suspect is an issue with the app rather than the camera.
I will be taking ther camera diving in a pool in October so here’s hoping the 10m waterproofing is as stated.
Overall, very pleased with the purchase. Good price, comes with all the connection options i need to either hard mount to the bike or to my helmet. Happy days.
First impressions were good, the packaging is high quality and very similar to my first GoPro Hero 960 a long time back. The clip the camera was attached to had a very clever accessory which consisted of a rubber bung with a hoop to attach to any accessory screw, the bung prevents the release tabs on the clip being squeezed together ensuring the clip can’t be undone accidentally. It’s a very simple idea, but also works perfectly.
The camera comes packaged with a decent number of accessories. Having used GoPro’s and other action cams in the past I already own most of these accessories but it’s nice to have them included, Yi/Xaiomi for example haven’t supplied any accessories when I’ve bought their cams in the past.
One major criticism is that the camera doesn’t have a tripod thread in the camera, which means you can only use GoPro-style accessories for mounting. For me a tripod thread should be mandatory on any camera of any type. It’s not a deal-breaker, but given the camera is waterproof without using a case, a tripod thread would be a bonus.
The camera itself feels sturdy and weighty, parts of the body feel like they might be metal alloy, but the battery/connector doors definitely do not. The Yi cameras I own are absolutely plastic-y, whereas the Akaso feels more rugged. On the other hand the Akaso seems a little heavier, meaning my Hohem gimbal will cope with it, but vibrates at times showing that the gimbal motors are being overwhelmed. I might need to set up the gimbal to deal with the camera.
The camera boots up to some fairly acceptable stock settings, although I will always tweak these. Turning on EIS, 50hz mains (because I’m in the UK), distortion correction and 140 FOV are all musts for me, but that’s just my preferences. The rear screen is the default, the front “selfie” screen seems to only be available by using the down key on the side of the camera. I’ve never owned an action cam with a selfie screen, but I thought the selfie screen would be available simultaneously with the main screen. It’s not a big issue though.
I’ve tried a few shots with the Brave 7 so far and the output looks great. I plan on using this as my main action camera over the coming months, and it seems to be good value so far. I’m curious as to whether the screw-off lens cover will allow for different lenses or accessories, but at this stage I can’t see any available. Being able to attach different lenses or even filters would transform this camera though.
Overall it seems to be a quality bit of kit to me, I’d very much recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to splash the cash on the D*I or GoP*o alternatives.
The Akaso Brave 7 is a well made quality camera.
I was pleasantly surprised that the sound issue i had seen in YouTube videos has been sorted out.
The onboard Audio is Good and Clear!!
The camera came with the firmware upto date and ready to use out of the box!!
This records in 4k with Good results!!
They are plenty of accessories in the box for most use.
The bad points..
The only downside is with the camera casing on, you can not open the side door for USB C charging by external power bank or use driving mode!!
As stated in a reply e-mail from Akaso the side door does Not open with the frame on.
To use in car mode as stated in the manual you need to attach a USB c cable to your car 12v socket.
You can’t do that if you can not open the cover to the USB socket!!
You need the frame on to attach to Attachments!!
The camera when used in a car window is generally used upside down and although the camera shows the correct view it does in Fact record upside down!!
The Older Brave 7le does have the upside down function!!
So if your not bothered about those things then this is an ok 4k camera.
Not good in cloudy or low light!!
Multi-Kamera-Mode fr drum-covers auf meinem youtube-Kanal: perfekte Bildqualitt. Und im Urlaub kann ich diese dann auch noch nutzen. Mit Gehuse absolut Wasserdicht (ohne Gehuse habe ich nicht getestet, ist mir zu riskant. Man hat aber mit IPX8 dennoch ein sicheres Gefhl, falls die Kamera auch ohne Gehuse mal Wasser abbekommt z.B. in den Pool fllt.
At first I thought it was alright but then I went on holiday and did some watersports and it took some great videos. Did some swimming in the sea as well and again some awesome shots. Only one small problem which was the mic making strange noises in water or wind but wasn’t a big issue as the video was great anyway.
Fantastic little camera and impressed at the quality for the price. Microphone pickup could be better as a little quiet but works great for what I need it to.
Great camera, easy to use and very good quality videos. Let down by the poor sound quality from the built in microphone, if they could fix that would be nearly perfect. Official plug in microphone is cheap enough though and sound greatly improved.
Inclusion of the remote control and ease of control with the app are both great too.
I bought this camera mostly for mountain biking and bikepacking tours, and it’s been doing a great job so far. The video / picture quality is brilliant, and image stabilization does a perfectly good job as well (although it falls slightly short of my friend’s GoPro 9). It comes with a range of different mounts, I use the handlebar mount, and the stick on mount for a helmet (which I have secured with an included strap for extra security). Audio quality is ok, it works very well in a quiet environment, even if there is some wind or background noise, it’s still ok (I had quite low expectations from youtube reviews though 🙂 ).
Battery life is better than for many other comparable cameras (about 80-90 mins of video recording time per battery when you record with 4k30 frames/s).
Overall, a great action camera with all the functions you need.
Good quality images. Image stabilisation works well, which is important for me as I’m using it on a bike. Sound quality isn’t important for me so I haven’t assessed that – others report it’s not so good. For me it’s a good alternative to the much more expensive GoPro cameras for those like me who can’t justify the extra cost of GoPro. By the way the video clips on this site don’t do justice to real life video quality so don’t be put off by that.
Watched many YouTube videos on this camera used it for a little bit till battery died so charging them up.
It’s very good quality and cheap I have bought this mainly for my motorbike but all so I’ll use it as a dash cam in my car. And I may make YouTube vids on my bike. Very happy with the quality and the price.
This Action camera is fantastic, i fancied an update from my Akaso ek7000 which i have have used over the last 4 years, but this new Brave 7 is a totally different level, so wish i had upgraded before, the video and picture quality is spot on for what i need, with so many other options including a fantastic remote control
good price for a fantastic piece of kit.
The camera is goodthe photo or video quality are all good. It is suitable for people who want a easy- carry camera
Great product for kite surfing, clear images and very durable and will be a great addition at disney next yea
I’m really pleased with this action camera. I was going to get gopro however reviews weren’t that good for the price you pay. I decided to get something more budget friendly but before purchase i watched numbers of reviews on YouTube. So far I’m really of my choice. Using it mainly for horse riding
Update : after using it 5 times I noticed that I always have kind a mist on videos (i made sure lens is clear). It will start occurring with longer than 10 min videos. It is very disappointing because I lost a lot of amazing videos due to this cosmetic issue. It is very bad you literally cant use the video. I’ll return the camera
Terrific value for money when compared to the more expensive competition out there, but because it’s lean on price, don’t expect the Akaso Brave 7 to fall short on features, it’s doesn’t. It’s a quality piece of kit, solidly constructed and has everything in the way of features that most people would need. Highly Recommended.
The AKASO Brave 7 is a brilliant quality action camera that also takes great photo’s, what you get for the price is fantastic, I have found the voice recognition feature very useful for taking pictures.
Build quality is great with no issues, I purchased the external microphone as seen on another review which has transformed the sound quality, its amazing on play back what it picks up even with the road noise. Whilst riding I have the camera set up on a handlebar extension with the housing supplied as pictures attached, and it is rock solid and smooth.
Very well packaged with everything you need, looking forward to using on the next holiday.
Used this camera for the first time last week to record some mountain biking. This is my first action camera, so I don’t have anything to compare it too, but I’m really pleased with the image quality. I mounted the camera on my handlebars first with the included mount, and then I attached it to the underside of my QuadLock mount. The included remote was also strapped to my handlebar meaning that starting and stopping recordings was very easy.
Audio quality is poor, but I’d read that in other review, so was not surprised, and I wasn’t really planning on keeping the audio anyway so this was fine, but if you are looking for an action camera with good audio this probably isn’t for you. I didn’t use the mic accessory which may improve audio.
Overall very please with this camera – and for a great price too.
Improved EIS would be a welcome addition in future versions.
I was looking for a camera to go trekking – since it’s not a thing that I do usually, I wanted a product that could deliver quality without being super overpriced. The front-screen is amazing since it gives you the vlog vibe with an action camera.
Akaso Brave 7 really came through – it’s light, can easily be attached my tripod and the colors are actually quite good.
Going to give it a try next month on the ocean while snorkeling. 5/5 so far.
I’m still getting used to this, and I am new to action cams, but that said, first impressions are good quality video. Good image stabilisation. Rather poor sound.
The remote seemed to work well. The voice activation failed completely for me. It was turned on, but did not respond to my voice. I don’t know why, but that will be something to investigate.
In the test images you’ll see that colours and reproduction look good in bright sunlight. Indoor shots on the shady side of the house were less impressive, but adequate.
Trying to film a hover fly right up close demonstrated that macro focus is not the strong point of the camera, but I suspect it’s not intended to be.
Likewise it felt as though there were a slight delay between taking a photo and the ‘click’ sound. Will be interesting to see whether that makes it difficult to get shots of moving subects. Perhaps the answer there will be ‘burst’ shooting.
Transferring the data over to a Mac seemed very straightforward. Menus and settings seem fairly easy to use.
So far I’m fairly impressed with the package. I was expecting there to be a waterproof casing in addition to the IPX8. There isn’t. Perhaps it isn’t needed. I guess I’ll find out when I take the camera to the beach in a few days time. I’ll try and update this after further testing. But for the moment I feel that I’ve dropped a reasonably large amount of money on something that is good value and just below the top of the range (with equally top of the range prices).
This camera looks solid and displays the quality.Front screen allows you to record selfies.Another feature that I like is that it can be mounted on car and can be used as dash cam. You would need to open the side cover for this and attach the power cable to camera and other end to usb charger.Camera won’t be waterproof once you open this side cover (as seen on the picture) and therfore, can only be used inside the car.
Another useful addition is the remote which can be wrapped around your arm using the supplied straps and you can use this to start and stop recording or to take photos.
In summary what I like in this camera is that it comes with 2 batteries and a dual battery charger,remote control for recording video and taking photos,lot of accessories and mounts,camera itself is waterproof, Quality of images and stabilisation,Ability to use as a dash cam, Touch screen function,Dual screen for vlogging,most of all …it is very affordable
I like this camera and waiting to go out and get more amazing shots on my motorbike.
A brilliant camera at its price, Hardy and excellent video quality! Plenty of accessories come standard, really nice touch!
This is my second water proof camera I use for swimming and I am really pleased with it. It arrived on a second day after ordered. I have had it for a month and it works perfectly, so I was able to give my old camera to a friend. I do not drive a lot but I am sure I will use it as a dash camera soon. I do not write reviews very often but I am really happy with this cam.
I love paddleboarding and I carry my phone on a water proof bag to take photos, which is not ideal. My friend bought the Brave 7 LE (launch edition) a few days ago and I was impressed. I then found out there was this newer model, which is fully waterproof without a case, has better stabilization and the option to add an external microphone. It comes with two batteries, a remote control with a display to take photos and videos without holding the camera and plenty of adapters. It does not come with an SD card, though. I really like that it has a front display as well, which none of the GoPro cameras have except the top of the range hero 9 that costs a fortune. So for this price, a waterproof camera with dual display, great stabilization, two batteries and remote control is perfect for me. Only negatives are the lack of an SD card, although I have plenty around the house and the picture quality is not going to be as good as one taken from my phone, but when I am in the water, I don’t feel like taking my phone out of the waterproof bag in case I drop it, so this Brave7 is fantastic for what I need. I am giving four stars, but if we take the price into consideration, it probably should be 5 stars. I do not think there is a better camera at this price range out there. You would have to move into the 200- 300 range for that.
good action camera for the price . easy to use touch screen plus the remote makes life easy as well. did take black and white picture as well as colour setting are easy to understand and the case and accessories are quite good. the only thing i find odd is that you do have to have the case on to use the accessories as no mount for tripod on the camera itself but also no big deal as you get enough accessories with it.
i would recommend this camera if you are starting out as it is a lot cheaper than most other action cameras and it does give you quite a lot for your money
This is my first action cam so I’m no expert but I wanted one that was easy to use, didn’t cost an arm and a leg and worked well – and this is certainly that!
Straight out of the box it was easy to use and set up (and I don’t have a techie brain!) got it straight on the bike and took it out for a spin.
Time lapse was great fun to film a cross country cycle and a few jumps in slow motion looked fantastic!!!
I’m sure it can do a lot more and I can’t wait to keep playing with it and learning more about it.
Fab bit of kit!!
This is a very worthwhile purchase. I bought it for capturing some of the routes that I ride through a heath close to where I live. It has big man-made jumps as well. It has two screens – a front for selfies and the back which shows the standard view looking out. The touch screen functionality on the screen works very well as well. It is water resistant and super durable. The captured footage is amazing. The camera does a great job of capturing stabilised footage as well. Videos can be viewed in 4k resolution at 30 FPS and photos comes with an impressive 20MP resolution.
Another impressive feature is the app. It is called AKASO Go and it gives a means of being able to share content on social media and also edit the footage. It works really well. The quality is superb overall.
Having used a different action camera from Akaso before, and needing a second one for upcoming holidays I decided to give this camera a try. And I can say that it does not disappoint. It is a significant upgrade from my other camera while remaining just as easy and familiar to use.
I really like that this camera is waterproof out of the box, which negates the need for a case around it. The added mounting frame is sturdy albeit it took a bit of fiddling to remove it the first time, but now that I am used to it, it is easy.
It comes with a variety of mounts, straps, remote, two batteries and the charger. The remote feels good in the hand and makes it so much easier to start/stop recording without having to fiddle with the camera itself.
So far I am really impressed with this camera and would recommend it 100%.
I just got the camera and been playing with it. Image quality is great for the price range.
I had a gopro 3 black, and an akaso v50 elite.
Not sure against the new gopros, but I don’t miss anything about my previous action cams.
I place it on a similar level than my friends GoPro HERO 8.
No need to use a cumbersome case for normal use (the case it comes with is so you can attach the mounts), it is waterproof up to 10m and the texture of the camera is rubbery, so it will not slip on wet hands.
It comes with a lot of accesories and two batteries and a handy dual charger (or can charge the battery in the camera)
The camera itself has a usb-c connector, the charger a micro-usb.
The cam can be used as a webcam as well, on top of the normal file transfer and so on.
It has a front screen (press the down button for a couple of secconds to change to front screen) so you can take selfies. Screen is ok, although in a really bright day can be difficult to see, altough not impossible (same level than my phone, I mean, it can be brighter, but it is enough for the size and use)
It has slow motion (1080p 90fps, 720p 120fps), image stabilitation, wdr…
Image quality is pretty good on good light and usable on night time (attached video (the day portion, I had the camera upside down, so had to rotate it, is the only edit in the video))
The menus are easy to navigate.
The remote control is a nice addition, together with the voice control. Voice control is ok, although I prefer the remote control, as if it is noisy, the voice could sometimes not be heard.
The phone app works prety well, although everytime you change something it takes a couple of seconds to apply, so it is slow going (maybe an “apply” button would be better)
It has timelapse mode, and a driving mode, that let’s you use it as a dashcam, will turn on and start recording as soon as power is provided.
Still photos are pretty ok, giving you self-timer, burst mode, timelapse, and long exposure, and can configure some (ammount of pictures, etc) Best thing is the distortion calibration, removing the usual fish eye.
Very nice quality action camera. Cannot to use it as l have lots of plans coming up. Delivery by Amazon was first class. AKASO you have just made me a YouTuber!,,,
I also love the accessories that come with the action camera. Awesome kit and love it!!!!
Came across this brand and this particular model and after using it I have come to the conclusion that it was a good decision to purchase it.
To go into the details:
What you get?
The camera(main unit), a remote control, a strap for that remote, 2 batteries, 1 charger and some mounts. The cool thing is you can charge the batteries at the same time, the charger has 2 slots.
Build quality?
It is actually nice, straight from the pack the camera has a hard case which is made from plastic/ rubber and keeps the camera safe. The design is easy to understand, I mean where the buttons are placed and what these do. There is a screen at the back and front that can be turned off in the settings.
The rest of the accessories?
The adaptors are just regular solid plastic, not that much to talk about, what is interesting here is the remote control which for my type of work is a good ad on to this camera.
I can control some functions of the camera using the remote, in my case the most important is record and stop record which I use the most.
Video quality?
You cannot expect for some unreal unbelievable considering the paid price but, there is but here, i would say daylight it performs quite well, night, so so but overall good video quality.
At 4k 30fps the quality is good and with stabilisation on is even better. In editing you can change quite a lot but mind the files are not raw.
Picture quality?
Good, the dynamic range makes a good balance between darks and highlights, size of the camera for pics is 20mp so quite large size.
Colours of the videos and pictures?
Vibrant, clear separation, bright! Now, considering that the footage comes quite sharp the balance between colors highlights and contrast is good.
The build in microphone?
I dont use so not that much to say about it. MIND though, you can add an external mic if wanted.
Waterproof? Yes, the user manual says 10m depth without a case, I didnt try that but I filmed the effect when I pour liquid on top of it and yes, everything is ok.
Battery life?
I cannot tell precisely how long a fully charged battery lasts because I use the camera to film 10 min, then again 10 min so no constant video.
MIND you will need a micro SD card to make this work, comes without. Mine is 128gb and there is plenty of room
Overall experience with this camera so far?
Good, specially having the remote control which is helpful.
If this helped you in any way, please click on the helpful button below. Thank you
Fantastic little action camera. About the same size as a GoPro, and in-fact it’s comparable to the earlier GoPro’s such as the GoPro 6 with the EIOS image stabiliser and the touch screen.
The native 4K resolution paired with the high quality lens gives fantastic image and video quality. I’ve uploaded two time-lapse videos to this review, but the quality is crystal clear. I used a 120GB Class 10 MicroSD memory card and it worked fine with plenty of space left after a 3 day time-lapse video at 1 x 4K pic every 60 seconds for 72 hours. The colours are bright and vivid, the image is sharp and clear when zoomed in. Would make a good dash cam.
Camera is easy to use, comes with two batteries and can be powered or charged via the USB-C port. Only thing i have a problem with is that if the plugged in and the camera is recording; if you unplug or turn off the power supply, the camera will automatically power off too, even though the battery is fully charged. Makes doing a time lapse using a powerbank difficult, so I connected it straight to a USB wall plug and it ran fine for 3 days straight to do the grass growing video. There’s no setting to change this, maybe in a future firmware update.
Otherwise the build quality is great, video quality is brilliant, touch screen is useful and easy enough to navigate around the camera and it’s settings. Front screen is useful for selfies. Overall great camera and I love it, perfect for what I purchased it for.
So far so good out of the box. The quality is fantastic and beyond expectations for the cost. Set up was easy and functionality is brilliant. Will update age first use but first impressions are great.
Great action cam purchased to capture road rides remote control is useful for stills, the touch screen is responsive easy to setup and easy to use
For me, the main plus is the watertight (IPx8) camera enclosure eliminates the clear plastic dive housing. That restricted access and usually had an awkward and tight lock mechanism. However, the plastic camera frame supplied is insufficiently rigid and close fitting. It rattles on many road surfaces. The resulting clatter drowns out ambient sound and blurs the image. (The video audio demonstrates this though image pixellation is due to amazon’s compression).
The USB door is accessible in the cage for attaching an external powerpack. I have not seen an aftermarket replacement rainwater shield to use the USB port with an external power bank (as with a GoPro).
The OSD is clear and uncluttered. The user interface is quite intuitive and easily accessed. The touch screen is responsive and more than sufficient for camera adjustment.
Overall, the external finish is good but could be improved. The sliding waterproof doors lack a positive feel of closure and are initially stiff and fiddly. Like other cameras, long fingernails are required to insert/extract the microSD card. I have had no issues using a 128Gb SanDisk Class 10. Also, there is no tripod female screw mount.
A small minus point is there is no invert image option in the Settings. A common location is underslung beneath an out-front bike computer mount. It would be a useful addition (inverting in VLC is simple but leaves the timestamp upside down).
The second battery and dual battery charger saves that additional after-purchase expense. There was a generous supply of accessories though I probably will not use most. The remote control is a great bonus to start/stop recording away from the camera.
A useful unpromoted feature is the camera emits a loud alarm around 5 minutes before the battery expires. 1hr30-45min of 2.7k30 footage from each battery at 11degC is decent.
Overall a worthwhile purchase though, for bike use, a sturdier cage is essential. It saved an expensive upgrade to a DGI Osmo or Hero 9 that, for me, would not have been worthwhile.
AKASO Brave 7 Review The Brave 7 has the appearance of a nice action camera. Out of the box the unit feels good quality, The action camera has dual-color screens its great for having when recording with the lens facing you. The touch screen and voice control means that it is easier and quicker to use. The photo and 4k video are of great quality. waterproof without the need for a additional case. The image stabilisation is good and phone app is easy to use also. . there was no need to buy accessories and attachments it comes with it in the box and also the action Camera comes with a wireless Remote Control as well which is nice a nice Touch from Akaso. All in all an excellent action camera, going to be great on my fishing trips, glad I bought it. Great value for money. i would highly recommend this action camera.
Great action camera with a lots of features. Really good video quality with up to 4k video (at 30 frame per sec).
With package you will receive a lots of accessories to attach the camera and remote control! Additionally you will get touch screen, Great battery life (and two batteries included) and waterproof
Great value for $
I received this camera a few days ago and since using it found it to be a brilliant bit of kit for under half the price of a gopro.well worth the money
I got this camera to replace a previous model (EK7000). The big advantage with this camera is that it is fully waterproof without the need of an additional case. Although the sound quality is not fantastic it is certainly an improvement on my previous model (when in waterproof case), however, this can be improved by the addition of an external mic.
The addition of a front screen is also a nice touch meaning framing us easier for selfies.
Updated remote is also good, showing some useful information regarding camera status. Only downside is that it has a micro-usb connection as opposed to usb-c on the main body, but that’s just being picky.
All in all a nice action camera.
For the normal person this is brilliant bit of kit. Very user friendly and good quality. In my opinion the Brave 7 out plays any of the big brands at a fraction of the cost.
This is my 4th to add to my current collection and will definitely not be my last.
Another epic camera by Akaso.
Really great action cam. Really sturdy build quality, good quality footage. Comes with tons of accessories and mounts. Brilliant value for money. Very impressed. Like the fact it is waterproof without the case. Works well with the app. Looks really smart. We already had a lower spec version which we bought last year for our son and were super impressed with that so wanted a higher spec version for ourselves- for sailing and MTB footage. This has not disappointed.
I like how it feels like an expensive camera, the video and photo quality is really good with lots of different settings, but more importantly easy to use.
It comes with lots of free accessories which you can mount on bicycles for example – that’s a great add on!
The screen is visible under direct sunlight, and you can use the free remote control provided in the package as well.
Overall I would recommend this to anyone thats looking to capture action memories on a bike or parachuting for example!
I’m really pleased with this purchase, it’s another great addition to my akaso collection!
I’d appreciate it if you found this review useful and gave it a thumbs up! 🙂
Great product so far. I have used over the weekend and I really enjoying this little action camera. The video quality is superb, very userfriendly interface with a lot of settings to choose from a main screen, plus more from camera settings. In addition you get crazy amount of accessories.
Recommended produc
I was after action camera which offers dual display, front and back , gives better idea what in which angle captured. Got this one which has dual display and in same time it has 4K capability.
It’s dual display both colourful, front display bit smaller than back display, however still very visible what capturing. Ideal when doing selfie or recording video .
Resolution max can set up for 4K on 30 frames per second, perfect clear footage just bear in mind that perfect quality footage but in same time it takes bit more storage so need bigger memory card.
Also came with many standard holders and waterproof under water case. Two batteries and battery charger which can charge 2 batteries in once.
Remote control comes similar to watch, with easy control style.
Overall very easy to use and high resolution action camera, just need to get memory card with fast writing speed to get best result.
I wanted a camera that provided good quality still images as well as top quality recordings but also had to be easy to use with a good battery life.
This camera arrived with 2 batteries and a great accessory pack that includes some great universal mounts. You can mount this on almost anything, bike, helmet, chest strap etc.
Set up is an absolute doddle, I inserted a 32GB micro SD Card for my recordings which is plenty.
The front screen is great for when you are taking selfie images and video so you can now see you are getting the shot you need. The touch screen is very responsive and nice and bright.
Overall I have been pleasantly surprised by this camera and for the following reasons I have decided to rate it 5 stars:
Easy to set up
Easy to use
Excellent quality
Great pictures and videos
Excellent battery life
Amazing accessories
Nice addition of a remote
Image quality is excellent on this little action cam, build quality seems strong and with the added case all buttons are accessible including charging point and sd card slot. The range of accessories supplied with the camera should be enough for any situation and user.
Only drawback I can find to this package is that no charging lead is supplied for the remote controller, as it is not a c type like the battery charger, but overall this is an excellent package and more than compares to other cameras at 3x the price.
I own branded one so for me it easy to compare. Basically it’s juts a little bit worse in pic quality and the stabilisation software but for literally half price is jut amazing. In the box there’s a lot of additional bits and very good remote with the display to control the camera remotely. What impressed me the most was the metal lens case and changeable lens cover. Excellent camera for the price to be hones
Since I was nearly killed by a mad bus driver recently I thought I’ve got to have a good action camera ready. Compared to an old model (I have EK7000) this one is a huge improvement. Easy to operate on touch screen, mp4 file, EIS, waterproof (only tested in rainy day, not submerged in water yet), everything I needed for my purpose, and good value. Its audio quarity is pretty dissapponting but in the end, I decided to use it for my bike journey purpose.I attached the camera at the rucksack strap and compared with and without EIS.
A couple of minor issues
Occasional sudden static noise when playback
Video is cut every 6:39
Got to use my AKASO Brave for a few days now, definitely impressed!
I must start with the stabilization results of the video footage is so seamless. It’s surprising how well it produces results electronically. I’m such a big fan of this stabilization technology. It keeps its small form factor without needing a bulky gimbal to pack around. It just works.
The next feature, which is a big upgrade from the old Action Camera has a screen. A very large screen for that matter. Not only does it have a screen, but it also has a second screen in the front of the camera that you can switch to. Pretty ideal for vloggers and taking selfies, but there are tons of scenarios where that front screen will come in handy for you to monitor what’s in frame wherever you’re mounting this thing.
Listing some other features that I like, a variety of frame rates, this thing records up to 30fps at 4K and 120fps at 720P allowing you to do some incredible slow-motion video. With all of its capabilities, I can really see how people can find more opportunities to use a device like this.
Overall, the far camera has good quality. The battery life for video is better than other action cameras I have bought. I love this camera and it helps frame my video perfectly.
Excited to take this along on a trip. Have fun with this awesome piece of technology!
I love the product, it’s so easy to use, has a remote control & voice control, but especially the fact it’s waterproof & has sound. The sound play back isn’t great but don’t worry on your computer it’s great. Sound range isn’t as good as you’d expect with a camcorder but for the closer more intimate setting which I think this is for it’s perfect. It’s just great to have some sound for the water outdoor sports as a silent video has no atmosphere! Being waterproof means you can mount on your paddle board with not worries & capture the sound, pop it underwater to capture sights & sounds so excited!
Excellent build quality, great selection of extras, two batteries, easy to use, great footage but the best thing about it is the remote control.
The AKASO Brave 7 for about 155 on Amazon gives plenty of features.
You get a waterproof camera with up to 4K video (at 30 Frames per Sec) and still pictures up to 20M pixels.
It comes with 2 batteries, an external charger, a remote control and a host of mounts.
You do need your own mains USB adapter, but this is the same as used with mobile phones.
The camera has a back touch screen for control of the camera and the option to switch to a front screen if you are in selfie mode (but this is not a touch screen)
The remote control is great for taking video and photos when the camera is on a mount, for example on a bike or helmet.
You need to provide a MicroSD card to store the images, but a 64GByte size can be bought for about 10
There is a WiFi connection that can be used to connect to the AKASO GO App on an Android or Apple phone, which lets you control the camera and also download the images to the phone.
For transfer to a computer you can remove the card to a card reader or you can also connect the camera to the computer using the USB lead which lets you transfer directly and with the USB lead connected to the computer you can also use it as a WebCam.
There are lots of video features, including Time Lapse and Slow Motion. Make sure you read the instruction manual to find all the options.
Not had a chance to try the camera yet for water sports – needs warmer weather!
So overall a great value camera for the price, maybe not up to the quality of some of the major brand competition, but they can be three times the price!
The features on it means that we can use the camera with ease compared with our previous action camera. The touch screen and voice control means that it is easier and quicker to use rather than clicking through each function or setting.
The main game changer is the camera is waterproof since our previous camera had a waterproof case which was fiddly. This camera is fully sealed (we did the glass of water test) and means we could handle it without care. We can clean any dirt with ease and not worry about the usb sockets etc.
The phone app is great since we previously had to load it to a laptop and meant we only transferred videos occasionally. This is no longer the case and means that we will use it more. The clarity of the recording is great and means when we transfer and zoom into pictures, the detail is still clear.
This is a great new addition to the Akaso range. The camera is small but doesn’t feel fragile, it is easy to use and intuitive and the fact that it is waterproof without the need for a case, is game changer in terms of ease of use when at the beach.
The image stabilisation is great and overall picture quality is great as well.
I genuinely can’t fault this product and in my opinion is easily comparable to the much more expensive big brand names.
Well done Akaso, another great product.
i was really looking forward to getting this action cam, I wasn`t disappointed, its fantastic, video camera quality is brilliant, photo quality is brilliant, the only thing thats bad is the sound quality, as im not going to be using the audio its not an issue for me, im using it to record footage and do a voice over if needed, comes packaged well and the box is loaded with extras, they`ve thought of everything, slow mo, time lapse, waterproof, dash cam etc.
price is great, its definately worth buying.
This is a great little all action camara
The photo and 4k video are of great quality
This is a go anywhere camara
The phone app is easy to use and an aground great camara