Alesis Melody 61 Key Keyboard Piano with Built-In Speakers, Headphones, Microphone, Piano Stand, Music Rest and Stool

Start Playing Keys Today!

Introducing the Melody 61 MKII. With all accessories included to get you playing professional keys right out-the-box – plus 300 built in tones and even a recording feature – Melody 61 MKII is the ultimate all-in-one solution that lets you focus on what’s important – your keyboard playing!

  1. .

    Easy Setup and Flexibilty

    Setup Simplified! The Melody 61 MKII comes with an easy-to-assemble keyboard stand that ensures to keep your keyboard secure.

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    Private Practicing

    With Melody 61 MKII, practice your songs in privacy with your very own headphones.

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    Create Your Own Songs

    The 300 built-in accompaniment rhythms are the perfect tool to help you compose your own original songs. It lets you record your performances and includes a microphone to sing along!

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    Everything You Need

    The Melody 61 comes with an easy-to-assemble stand, a bench with 3 adjustable height settings, headphones that mute the speakers for private practice, music rest, and a microphone for singing along.

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    Includes 2-Months of TakeLessons | Live

    Start playing keys, and playing keys better, with FREE live video lessons from TakeLessons. You’ll learn faster with live classes with real, expert teachers. Raise your hand and ask questions.

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    3-Months of Skoove Premium Included

    Skoove is the easiest way to learn piano — in-depth online piano courses that adapt to you and give you feedback. Develop your repertoire on your own time, at your own pace.

Compare Alesis Keyboards





Built-in Tones



Play Along Demos


One Touch Song Mode


Bench & Stand

Built-In Speakers





Built-in Tones



Play Along Demos


One Touch Song Mode


Bench & Stand

Built-In Speakers





Built-in Tones



Play Along Demos


One Touch Song Mode


Bench & Stand

Built-In Speakers

Weight: 4.08 kg
Size: 61 keys
Dimensions: 43.18 x 27.69 x 101.6 cm; 4.08 Kilograms
Model: Melody61MKII
Origin: China
Size: 61 keys

126 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     Mexico 🇲🇽

    Es un buen teclado, excelente para practicar en casa ayuda mucho el que traiga audifonos aunque el volumen es un poco alto

  2. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Ce piano est pas mal pour dbuter ou plutt pour s’amuser, ne pas s’attendre un son super, il est un peu matallique, mais pour le prix c’est normal, les touches sont cependant troites, la prof de piano dit que la faon de placer ses doigts sera donc diffrente que sur un piano plus grand, je ne sais pas si c’est penalisant ou pas…

  3. ChristopherJeff says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Ensemble de qualit.
    Le sige est confortable, la table pour reposer le piano bien stable et le piano en lui mme prsente de multi fonctions et possde un son agrable.
    Le micro, le casque et les cours gratuits sont un plus fort apprciable.
    En rsum, cet achat a fait le bonheur de mon fils. Je me recommande fortement car le rapport qualit prix est excelle

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought it for my daughter for Xmas absolutely loves it.

  5. OHEPenelop says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Piano utiliser pour l’apprentissage. Bon rapport qualit/prix. Je le conseille pour ceux qui souhaitent s’initier au piano.
    Produit complet pour dbute

  6. Linette0794 says:


    Acquistato come materiale didattico per scuola secondaria di primo grado, come da indicazioni del professore di rifornimento. quella che costa meno tra quelle simili sul mercato e per l’uso di tipo scolastico a cui destinata la tastiera pi che soddisfacente il prodotto. Arrivato puntuale, completa di cavi e istruzioni.

  7. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Con l’acquisto di questa tastiera volevo riprendere lo studio della musica abbandonato molti anni fa ai tempi del liceo. Quindi non sono una grande esperta, ma trovo che il suono sia molto gradevole e sicuramente adatto alle mie esigenze. Devo ancora scoprire tutte le potenzialit di questo strumento, il libretto delle istruzioni non mi di grande aiuto, ma probabilmente dovrei essere guidata da una persona pi esperta. Per i miei primi esercizi senz’altro ottima.

  8. Roberto Nieves says:

     United Kingdom

    Great tool for kids to start learning music.
    Has quality sound, it looks and feels well made.

  9. ShavonnKirke says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Beautiful sound!

  10. RobertOKJysz says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    He has learned a lot from this piano and plays songs he taught himself. Recommend!

  11. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo prodotto per iniziare a suonare, molto leggera e facile da spostare. Il suono non bellissimo ma comunque fa il suo lavoro.

  12. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Informations pour la connaissance du piano fourni par le vendeur ainsi que des aides coller sur les touches.

  13. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Article parfaitement conforme l annonce, mon enfant passe beaucoup de temps en jouer, rien redire pour le mome

  14. Renee Hartwick says:

     France 🇫🇷

    correspond bien se que nous recherchions. rien a redire nous recommanderons si besoin dans le future

  15. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo da portare anche a scuola con una borsa. Piccola, ottima e pratica

  16. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Per la scuola di mio figlio, consigliata dall’insegnante. Tutto ok , prezzo pi economico del web

  17. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    s bon instrument facile d’adaptation mme pour un dbutant. le porte partition quant lui est un peu moyen pour maintenir une feuille de petite taille, l’ajout d’une petit planche peu paisse rsout ce petit soucis et peut donner un aspect esthtique sympa…

    qualité du son des divers instruments bien restituée

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this for my kids 5 & 3 as a low risk entry into music, it works well for learning the notes and simple songs. I really like that if my kids leave it on, it goes into a like sleep mode where the power is on, but the display goes off and pressing a key reactivates it. I dinged a star because the frame and keys are a bit too “plasticy”, no real solid design on any aspect of it.

  19. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    La tastiera corrisponde alle aspettative, un ottimo prodotto, ci che ho ritenuto fuorviante la pubblicit ad un’app che, diversamente da quanto descritto, non gratuita per tre mesi.E’ gratuita solo la lezione dimostrativa, tutto il pacchetto a pagamento.
    Pubblicit ingannevole.

  20. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Sauf la qualit du son qui sorte des hp sont pas terrible, mais sinon trs bon produi

  21. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    J ai fait du piano il y a longtemps et j ai trs envie de m y remettre

  22. Emily Schiola says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ritirata per mio figlio che frequenta la prima media come strumento da primo approccio per la scuola, molto completa anche di accessori, consegna in tempi brevissimi, ottimo imballaggio. Molto soddisfatto.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Surprisingly good sound at this price point. Headphones are great for parent sanity as kids learn to play. Sturdy stand and seat. Keyboard is lightweight and I worried it would be really “cheap” quality, but so far so good.

  24. Maggie Koerth-Baker says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Non mi dilungo sulle specifiche, ma posso dire che i tasti sono veramente belli (migliori di quelli della mia Akai Synthstation!!), le possibilit tante, un vero e proprio
    l arranger da capacit sorprendentinper questo prezzo. Unico neo gli speaker non sono un granch, il suono un po’ inscatolato, ma so di altri strumenti di facia superiore e di altre marche che suonano molto peggio. Presa per mia figlia che va alle medie, nonostante le dimensioni, la porta benissimo. Anzi, vero difetto, l’assenza di una custodia (non disponibile su Amazon), l’ho dovuta prendere da un negozio di strumenti (spesa 16 euro). La consiglio, sia per scuola che per chi vuole anche solo avvicinarsi, ovviamente non aspettatevi cose incredibili.

  25. BrandiWalters says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Questa minuscola tastiera mi ha veramente sorpreso, pu funzionare sia batterie che con l’alimentatore di qualsiasi telefono in +1 vantaggio legato alla porta USB possibile sfruttare la connessione USB e quindi utilizzarla come tastiera controller per i pi blasonati software musicali e sequenzer. Acquistata per la scuola di mio figlio e ho scoperto con estremo piacere che inizia dilettarsi con primi componimenti musicali sul multi traccia utilizzando logic semplicemente con l’ausilio di questa tastiera. La consiglio vivamente per il prezzo decisamente basso e la molteplicit di utilizzi che pu avere, L’audio vi ricordo che stereofonico e non Mont fonico come altre tastiere di pari classe Il suono ricco e i suoni gravi sono abbastanza profondi.

  26. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersA mio avviso la Alesis Melody 32 va un oltre il solito giocattolo sia in termini di funzioni che come suoni.
    I tasti sono sicuramente pi equilibrati e pi larghi, suoni pi che accettabili sia per la scuola (quasta era la priorit) che per lo studio/divertimento a casa.

    Offre l’uscita cuffie che non tutte hanno, la possibilit di essere alimentata sia a batterie che con un caricatore esterno che purtroppo non incluso (ma abbiamo il cavo USB), ha il metronomo per lo studio, si puo collegare al PC col cavo in dotazione mer il MIDI (non l’ho ancora testata ma dichiarano che si pu).

    La consiglio vivamente a chi cerca un prodotto che non pi il solito giocattolo, e che ha almeno un p di qualit (Alesis ne ha).

    Se collegata alla corrente rimuovete le batterie!

    L’unica pecca non trovare nelle istruzioni il tipo di caricatore da usare e quindi andare per tentativi rischiando magari di compromettere il corretto funzionamento dello stesso, esempio… Ho un vecchi carivatore 5V 1.5 Ampere e uno recente da 5V 3 Ampere quindi OK il voltaggio, ma vorrei essere anche sicuro dell’amperaggio che realmente vorrebbe la tastiera!

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVery good for money. But there’s a couple of keys out when you press two C’s together. You get a odd electronic sound that skews the noise.
    Great but for this

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Amazing piano and with the added subscription it is really easy to get use to and learn o

  29. JesseMundy says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for a beginner like myself. Although there is 3 or for keys that sound horrible and not in tune. Completely throws me off when trying to play something. Very annoying

  30. [email protected] Rob Langheim and Anne Vars Kurt Salmon says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    My grand daughter is making great noise for her parents & neighbours!

    Lovin’ it!

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The keyboard sits wonky, I think the stand is be

  32. Clarita7746 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good quality item all round performance, brilliant for beginners, would recommend.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Grandson loved it, whilst he’s learning to play a guitar he was interested in playing another instrument.

  34. Chris Barraclough says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Purchased for my daughter for Xmas, she loves it.. plays it everyday and is getting quite good.

    Side note. The keys are not weighted (which i wasn’t sure of when I got it) and the mic and headphones are a bit poor but they work OK. So we purchased some slightly better ones.

    But the piano works great does exactly what I wanted.. thanks

  35. Justin Jaffe says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 52 From Our UsersReu parfaitement bien emball et protg.

    Point positifs :
    – fourni avec stand et tabourets casque et micro
    – joli son, mais surtout dans le casque je trouve (dans la vido c’est d’ailleurs le son du casque , j’ai plac un micro cravate contre mon oreille dans le casque pour m’enregistrer la nuit)
    – le “tone” n0 par dfaut lorsque l’on allume le piano et trs mauvais je trouve. Je mets toujours le numro 1 qui reproduit bien mieux le son d’un vrai piano.
    – touche agrable jouer
    – stand facile monter et tabouret facile installer
    -le tabouret a l’air de bonne facture, bien stable et bien rembourr. Cela dit aprs quelques heures on a quand mme mal aux fesses

    Points ngatifs :
    – le son minimum est trop fort, attention aux voisins (je mets le “tones” sur le n139 a joue moins fort pr s’entraner sans le casque )
    – bruit de fond dans le casque un peu dsagrable, et un bruit de faux contact (d’ailleurs je reviens prciser que depuis le casque ne fonctionne plus)
    – le casque et le micro font trs jouet
    – le micro ne fonctionne que quand on a la bouche littralement dessus
    – les touches sont agrables appuyer par contre ds que l’on appuie trs lgrement a produit le son, j’aurais prfr que a le produise lorsqu’on appuie vraiment jusqu’au bout sur la touche. On sent bien que c’est de l’lectronique.
    – Pas de port USB on ne peut pas le connecter un ordinateur.
    Il y a seulement le port d’alimentation le port du micro et le port du casque.

    Attention certaines personnes se sont plaintes qu’au bout de quelques jours les touches du ct gauche du piano ne fonctionnaient plus. a m’est arriv aussi mais parce que j’avais appuy par inadvertance sur le bouton “fingered chord” gauche de l’cran. Si on rappui dessus a se met en off et les touches de basse fonctionnent nouveau.

    Globalement pour des dbutants c’est pas mal du tout, et pour un cadeau pour enfant c’est top. Dommage pour l’absence de pdale sustain et pour les touches qui ne sont pas lestes

    Pas mal pour debute

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bought for my niece’s kids, they loved it, and the microphone is a bonus

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for our daughter who is starting piano lessons and it had been a brilliant item to have. Comes with everything you need and is brilliant value for money. Very sturdy keyboard and so many settings

  38. Laurie says:

     United Kingdom

    can’t comment on the above as this is a Christmas present – so haven’t even looked inside!!!

  39. Mark Willams says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall I liked it, but the screws to mount the piano stand didn’t come. So I don’t know where and when I’ll be able to use it and I’m sad because of it. I was so excited with this order.


  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my daughter, she loves it. Chair literally pops up. Stand has four screws to attach the feet. Only thing for me, the mic doesn’t have anywhere to put it so you can’t play & sing at the same time. Overall great value for money.

  41. AntonioK77 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis keyboard was SO cheap. Everything I looked it was getting cheaper i bought this for around 69 and 10 minutes later it had gone down to 54 SO unfair but all said and done I LOVE it. I paid nearly 200 for my last one and this one is the same quality as that one was and extras, microphone, headphones. That’s so good for that price and it is full size. Keep up the great work amazon you have such amazing bargains. I shop all the time with you and won’t change after lockdown is ove

  42. GeorgianaQ50 says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for a gift for my sister. She loves i

  43. polly says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat value and easy to put together but quality isn’t great as not broken as speakers and key’s faulty

  44. Prakhar Khanna says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought it on the thought the 300 tonebank was going to be interesting but really a lot of it sounds rather bland. I do like the synth sounds though and the beats are nice too. Overall it is excellent for beginners/children and I would strongly recommend it if you’re trying to get it for your kid.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Cercavo un prodotto per far iniziare i miei figli.
    Ho cercato di fare quanti pi confronti possibili e per chi come me alle prime armi non facile. Alla fine ho scelto di rimanere su questa fascia di prezzo e, complessivamente valutando questo un buon prodotto vedendo anche su youtube diverse tastiere a confronto, ho deciso di scegliere questo perch aggiunge anche il supporto per la tastiera e lo sgabellino.
    Come sempre mi giunto tutto nei tempi previsti da Amazon e come detto nel titolo il prodotto si presenta veramente bene e pieno di funzionalit. Una nota che aggiungerei che l’immagine qui messa non riporta sotto i tasti i diversi suoni di percussioni che pu fare, a differenza delle immagini e video che troverete in giro: il prodotto che mi hanno consegnato invece ce li ha.
    Penso quindi di aver fatto la scelta giusta anche perche questi accessori si sono rilevati da subito molto utili (meglio che poggiare la tastiera dove capita e come capita, visto che questi sono regolabili in altezza, utilissimo per i bambini) e costano non poco se avessi dovuto acquistarle a parte della fattura, comunque buona, come queste.
    Leggere le altre recensioni mi stato utile perch c’ scritto tutto quello che serve sapere e quindi a non incorrere in sorprese. Tasti, attacchi, suoni, ecc sono quelli pensati per un prodotto di fascia principiante ma posso dirvi che si presenta proprio bene e i tasti sembrano di pianoforte (anche se senza tutte le caratteristiche funzionali).
    Unica pecca pi evidente forse a prima vista il supporto per il leggo che un po minimale visto che un tubicino di ferro che si inserisce molto velocemente. Se doveste pensare di utilizzare libricini piccoli o tablet inferiori ai 10″, senza altri artifici non si appoggerebbero (ovviamente, telefoni compresi). Dovrete aggiungere un supporto rigido che vada a coprire il buco centrale appoggiandosi ai lati del ferretto e il problema presto risolto.

  46. HeleneFossey says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for 9 year old granddaughters birthday a month ago. She has mastered the keyboard very well and has not stopped playing at every spare moment. The only drawback would be if you wanted to use battery power rather than mains – takes a huge amount of batteries

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I think I pick the right item and the price. It was for me to learn as a beginner and also help me with therapy to get me through the lockdown.thank for your help delivery and price.

    Fantastic item well worth the monye

  48. Carrie Mihalcik says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my first keyboard and I am a novice. But I love it. It sounds good, seems to be in tune and I play it almost everyday. The head phones also fit my head very well and keep my practice private

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for a kids to play. Not the best one for a key board sounds ( there’s no piano like sound, but I guess it is good enough for a value of money) the only minus is that the iPad/notes holder is absolutely rubbish. It can hold only a very big book or note pad. As there is nothing inside to stop from falling. It’s like a wire u shape ( which is quite big) and that’s it. So if you have a small tablet, or using app and want to rotate your big tablet to keep it horizontal- it won’t hold.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is fantastic for beginners it really helps those that are starting out on using a keyboard,

    I definitely recommend this to anyone.

    Michael McGowa

    Fantastic for beginners, Excellent To Play.

  51. Nick Perry says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely product. Great for beginners. Earphones and microphone are not great quality but still a good price anyway

  52. VictorinaRoten says:

     United Kingdom

    Great 54-key keyboard for beginners, came with a small microphone, a stand for music sheets, and a UK/EU(?) power adapter. For the price its a great value, lightweight keyboard.

    Great value beginner keyboard

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersIt took me ages to chose a keyboard but I finally settled on this Alesis 61 MKII. It all came in the one box. There was the keyboard, the stand, the stool, a microphone, headphones and a music stand. The microphone looks like a child’s toy and is made of brittle plastic (see photo). There is no on/off switch or any other control, just plug and play. Having said that it works great! The music stand is only of use if you are using a large music book because there is no back to stop the smaller books from falling through. I actually put a plastic bag over it which works great. I also had to put a length of BlueTac (see photo) in front of it as the little ledge on the keyboard is totally inadequate for holding the music in place. The headphones has no independent volume control, you control it from the master volume on the keyboard. It also doesn’t matter how you put them on as there is no left and right stereo. The headphones are padded so are comfortable and the sound that comes through them is fine. I think as a starter keyboard for beginners and children, this keyboard ticks the boxes. You get 3 months free lessons from Skoove and they are definitely worth having. I was playing tunes on one hand at the end of my first few lessons. I really like the way they teach. Gone are the days of the hard-nosed music teacher who would rap your knuckles with a ruler for making the slightest mistake. Now it’s all fun while learning. After 3 nights lessons I’m on lesson 10. I can play with two hand and I can read the music! Now that’s what I call achievement! The lessons allow you to keep repeating parts that you are having difficulty with and the program won’t progress unless it is happy with your ability to play the part you’ve just learned. I recommend that you don’t rush ahead with your playing but practise and repractise each part until you feel confident about your playing. I’m just a Granny who always wanted to be able to play the piano and I’m getting there and Im thrilled about it. Whatever your reasons are this is a really good place to start.

    Great for beginners and childre

  54. tyler.king says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy 7yr old was playing playing a tune with the one key function straight away. This little gimmick got the little lad interested in trying to lea

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a really good product. I bought it because i wanted something that wouldn’t take much space so i could get back into playing. Has so many cool features. Recommend it is fantastic.

  56. Eric Mack says:

     United Kingdom

    A perfect instrument for children to learn and develop their musical skills. The fact that it comes with headphones is an added bonus!

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this as a Christmas present for the kids and has been a great hit, used by all every day. Sounds great, plenty of different sounds. Probably haven’t tried out all the functions yet. Came with a handy footstool, headphones and microphone. Easy to put together. Would recommend

  58. CleoLongtiynmbq says:

     United Kingdom

    We purchased this keyboard for my daughter for Christmas as it came with 3 month Skoove subscription so she could practise and learn to play her new keyboard… however, after purchasing, we are very disappointed to learn that there is no USB slot so that we can link it up to her laptop to play.
    Really disappointed with this and I feel it was missold.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good value for money, good begginers board, good speakers and a sturdy uni

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Loved this for my 9 year old daughter as a start up, I play myself and this is a great machine to play and for her to learn o

  61. NicoleDunckley says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great little keyboard for beginners like my 9 yr old daughter who was very happy with it and excited to start the 3 month free keyboard lessons program that came with it. We were both extremely disappointed to discover that the app only works on an iPhone or iPad not android and therefore she cant use it. Nevertheless she loves the keyboard and it was definitely good value for the price

  62. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersDonc le piano, le son raisonne bien. Le rapport qualit/prix est bon aussi. Les touches sont bien corrects. Par contre, il faut appuyer un peu plus longuement pour faire raisonner plus longtemps la note dsir. J’apprend trs vite avec le piano, donc c’est bien fait pour les dbutants/intermdiaire. Le tabouret est confortable et facile installer. Par contre les instructions pour installer le piano n’tait pas vraiment clair, mais on y arrive quand mme. Parler dans le micro, sa rsonne bien. Le casque d’couteur par contre , c’est pas super. C’est cheap, donc j’ai utilis mes propres couteurs. Le support pour tenir les feuilles est un peu bizzare. Il tient mon ipad et les feuilles mais rien d’autres et j’ai peur chaque fois que sa tombe dans le trou au milieu. Sinon tout va bienn j’aime bien ca 🙂 p-s j’ai coll moi mme les post it pour m’aider avec les touches du piano.


  63. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersI purchased this unit as it came with a 3 month music lesson program, Skoove, unfortunately after I received and set up the keyboard discovered the keyboard doesn’t have a MIDI/USB connection that Skoove wants nor does Skoove have an app for android tablets/phones only IPads so for me the free music lessons are basically useless. The keyboard is great and look forward to finding a learning program so I can get started.

  64. Sharyn04Psknti says:

     United Kingdom

    I brought this keyboard for my daughter’s birthday. She loves it and practices everyday. The keyboard is very good however, the microphone is crappy and doesn’t work and headphones are that great either.

  65. "computer discounts" - Google News says:

     United Kingdom

    Good for beginners – it is a low quality keyboard sound ( due to bad quality speakers )

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My 7 year old daughter decided she wanted to learn how to play keyboard. I decided I did not want to put a lot of money into her new hobby as I did not know how long her interest would last. This keyboard arrived and she loved it instantly! It is very practical with the seat, headphones and stand for her tablet.

  67. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersLove love love this set. Price was perfect and came with added music lessons for 2 n 3 months. Keyboard feels super nice keys have a nice resistance when playing. Volume goes back to full when turning on but that’s ok I dont mind it. I’ll know when my grandkids touch it. Hehe. The seat is real nice, feels sturdy and strong. The keyboard stand is super nice added protection of strap attaching to keyboard. Lots of tones and melodies

    Love love love this set. Price was perfect and came with added music lessons for 2 n 3 months. Keyboard feels super nice keys have a nice resistance when playing. Volume goes back to full when turning on but that's ok I dont mind it. I'll know when my grandkids touch it. Hehe. The seat is real nice, feels sturdy and strong. The keyboard stand is super nice added protection of strap attaching to keyboard. Lots of tones and melodies

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I ca,nt believe how good the keyboard is
    I ca,nt believe the price
    Comfortable seat great stand
    Nice keys to play the sounds are phenominal
    I,m only a beginner at keyboards aged 72 I ca,nt leave it alone
    Only to play my guitars

    sounds grea

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good value for money. Bought for my partner and he loves it.

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy kids love this and fortunately their ears don’t seem bothered by the plasticy sounds and lack of velocity. Don’t get me wrong, for the money this keyboard is excellent value especially with the seat and stand packaged in. If the kids stick with it for more than a few weeks then I’ll get them something with more realistic sounding instruments, but I didn’t want to fork out on a five minute wonder.

  71. RenaDoverdrfl says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It is very easy to set up and all the accessories are great! One downside is the sound – I haven’t tried all the different settings but it is quite a sharp artificial sound from the ones I have used; and the volume settings don’t provide much range. Nevertheless it is great value for money and great for beginners too, with guidance notes on chords and notes. Definitely would recommend!

  72. AltaCritchfield says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersGood for what it is. The microphone is unusable for us as it has no volume and is LOUD. However the keyboard is good for the price. Your going to get what you pays for it however. Sound quality etc would be just beginner material. I purchased it for my 5 yr old and we have 2 cats that sit on it often. It is still holding up against them.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My 8 years old girl loves it. Nice set with a sit and play the piano. So many different setting to apply and make music. Loving this gift. I might also give a try and learn to play.

  74. Noel Murray says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The product is good for the amount you pay for it however the sound isn’t the best quality but is plausible.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIt is what I was looking for. I cheap but good keyboard so I can practice. It sounds almost like a piano.

  76. Milton09Kr says:

     United Kingdom

    Good for beginners. My daughter loves it and is off to a good start learning to play.

  77. Elizabeth Rivelli says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as Xmas present for my daughter she loves i

  78. dispersionpr says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 41 From Our UsersWaow !! A C’EST UN BON SYNTHTISEUR !! Bonne qualit , beau sons , beau look et la banque de sons est gnial. Merci Alexis et merci Amazon pour le service incroyable . 5 stars


  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks good and great quality. Teenager’s birthday present. Kids love it!

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great present for my teenage son, who has taught himself to play well!

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant. My son is just learning and loves it. Easy to put together and seems good quality.

  82. JadeFaerber says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersThis was for my 7 year old, who has only just started with the keyboard and potentially will have lessons. I wanted something she could practise on that was cheap enough for me to not be totally dissapointed if she wasn’t interested! This did the job.

    It’s a bargain, comes with stand, mic and headphones!!

    She absolutely loves it and hasn’t stopped on it since Christmas day.

    Now I’m a bit of a player, I like to have a go but by no means a novice. However, I noticed this is quite out of key. Around 11 keys in, the tune from one key to the next is very different in sound, it’s not a natural key tone change, however, my little girl doesn’t notice it, and for the proce I shouldn’t really complain!

    This is by no means for an adult to practise nor someone who knows how to play, I’d say for children starting out only!

  83. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI think for the price, this was a steal. We purchased this for our 5 year old who LOVES it. Considering what you are paying, the quality is certainly there. This is not something I would ever buy for someone older actually playing piano on a serious level. I almost didn’t buy this because of the negative reviews about the quality, but I have to now assume those people had extremely unrealistic expectations for he quality based on price. The stool is well built and sturdy and the keyboard is great too, IF you are purchasing this for a child!

  84. QXNIsabell says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersGood:
    Impressive product for the price, it’s a perfect keyboard for beginners like me, it’s the first time I ever played but I know how to play other instruments.
    The stand and seat seems sturdy and I’m not worried about it breaking or falling over if I sit on it.

    This isn’t a complaint since I kind of expected
    A lot worse for the price but the mic and headset is VERY cheaply made and there’s one or two keys that sound slightly off but not enough to make a song sound bad, it wouldn’t be noticed by the general population. The seat also hurts my back slightly but I already have a back injury so it’s probably not worth mentioning since it will be different for everybody!

    Overall I would buy it again and it is something you could actually play to family and friends at a party or something!

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI bought this for my granddaughter who is teaching herself how to play and doing so well. She loves this. It looks great in her room too. This has been a brilliant buy. I thought she’d get bored but she sits for hours with her brother enjoying making music.

    Would recommend.

  86. ChristiYRII says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems good but not had much time to try it ye

  87. TriciaNYAF says:

     United Kingdom

    As learning to play the piano and learning the keys etc,very good product indeed,very well pleased,good price,quick service in delivery,very well packed when received,and I love the keyboard.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent product
    Quick delivery
    Easy to assemble and use.
    Not too bulky either, fitted in a corner of the living room really well.

  89. DVSTanesha says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m really impressed with this keyboard. Got for my 6 yr old as 1st keyboard but wanted something big enough for me to also play and reteach myself having played to grade 8 many moons ago. For the price it’s good quality. It’s not the perfect sound but again given the price I’m really pleased with i

  90. WileySegal says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter loves it …. not very great in terms of quality of sounds

  91. ElliottMontanez says:

     United Kingdom

    Great peace of kit for the price would definitely recomend i

  92. NatishaSamples says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my daughter to learn the keyboard its the perfect size and shes learning quickly on it good quality for the price

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a brilliant present for my son hasn’t stopped playing it great keyboard

  94. Healthy Review Guru says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis was a gift for my granddaughter. She loves it and all the features which at 4 and a half she is already mastering. Full size keyboard so will be suitable for her if she chooses to have piano lessons. But not too large for her bedroom and seat and stand fold for storage if necessary

  95. Rahul Srinivas says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBought this for my daughter as she’s recently started to have piano lessons and we don’t have room for a piano! She loves it! Best part is the headphones so she can practice away and not subject us to the same tunes over and over. Without headphones = great sounds.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat product my 10 year old loved it.she is now getting lessons.great for the price what you get.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought this for my son he is 13 and learning piano. He wanted extra lessons at home. Appears to be an excellent product and brilliant value for money.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought it for my daughter . She was delighted. Thank for quick delivery too.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our Userswebsites and instruction manual say “You can even record your own songs using the “Record” mode!” Mine would not play back my singing voice – it did playback the music. The After-Sales Advisor told me it only records and playsback music but NOT YOUR SINGING VOICE..

  100. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Golden Review Award: 54 From Our UsersWe bought this for our 2 kids that are learning piano. This is an excellent beginner or intermediate keyboard. It is not a full keyboard and the buttons and keys feel appropriate for the price paid but definitely not the highest quality.
    The volume reverts to maximum when the keyboard is turned on, the microphone has poor pickup and is mostly a throw away item. The headphones that come with the unit are serviceable, but as the keyboard reverts to full volume every time, I replaced them with volume limited kids headphones so their hearing wouldn’t be damaged if they forgot to adjust the volume before playing. The speakers have decent sound and there are a lot of features… most of which I’m sure we’ll never use.
    Some reviewers have expressed disappointment in the quality of this keyboard. However, for me given the price paid and what I intended to use it for, I feel that I received exactly what I expected.
    Provided that you understand that this unit has been built to meet a price point and does so while providing a lot of extras for the price, then I think you will be satisfied with this keyboard.