Honeycomb Aeronauticals Alpha Flight Controls are one of the most advanced yokes currently available for PC flight simulation. It was designed to fulfil the requirements of both flight simulation users and student or full-time pilots. The aerospace grade internal components feature realistic ergonomics for a true flying experience.
The high-quality mechanics offer a realistic full 180° turn radius with a self-centring mechanism with no dead zone to control the aileron. Lengthwise, the steel shaft allows for 15 cm of travel. The mechanism is all metal for extra durability.
The Yoke has a switch panel with master, alternator, avionics, and light switches. It is equipped with red LED backlight to be easily operable at night. Furthermore, it includes an ignition switch as can be found in piston engine aircrafts.
On the left handle you will find two buttons, two 2-way hat switches, and a push to talk button, while the right handle features two 2-way and an 8-way switch as well as a button.
Due to suitable mounting points and brackets, the Alpha Flight Controls are compatible with other Honeycomb and Saitek products.
The included driver and configuration software comes with individual profile settings for various aircrafts and is compatible with Windows and macOS.
· Aerospace grade internal components
· Realistic ergonomics
· 180° turn radius, self-centring
· Switch panel with backlight
· Numerous switches and buttons
· Durable construction
· Free lifetime support
· Mounting points and brackets for other Honeycomb and Saitek products
· Designed and developed in California by pilots and aerospace engineers
Stanco dei continui problemi di non centratura del mio saitek ho deciso di investire in questo prodotto, e ho fatto bene!
Materiali premium e facile da configurare, preciso e morbido nei movimenti, prezzo considerevole ma ne vale la pena
Super produit ! Un produit haut de gamme avec une trs bonne sensibilit. Rien voir avec les produits concurrents plus bas de gamme ! Je recommande sans hsitations !
If you are serious about your flight simulator. This set up is hard to beat. I have had the Saitek version for years. I would never go back to it. This yoke has real bearings! Not a Teflon collar. There is (almost) zero elivator sticking. It is well made and not a toy. It must be the most reslistic feeling or a real yoke. If you can afford the throttle quadrant. Leave work as it will get in the way of your flying!
Ich habe die Hardware jetzt schon gut ein Monat in Verwendung und bin absolut begeistert. Zuerst war es ungewohnt, weil ich jahrelang immer mit Joystick geflogen bin und mich an das neue Steuergefhl gewhnen musste, aber die Vorteile eines Steuerhorns haben schnell berwogen.
Ich finde die Verarbeitung sehr gut. Die Schalter haben ein schnes Klick-Gefhl und der Widerstand des Steuers ist meiner Meinung nach auch sehr gut.
Einziges kleines Problem gibt es beim FS2020 mit dem Motorstart-Dreh-Knopf an der Steuereinheit. Aus mir unverstndlichen Grnden funktioniert der weder bei diesem Gert, noch bei einem Schubregler von Thrustmaster, weshalb ich mittlerweile glaube, dass das Problem vom MS2020 kommt und vielleicht ja noch nachgepatcht wird. Ansonsten funktionieren alle anderen Knpfe wunderbar und sind auch schon richtig im FS hinterlegt. Ich habe lediglich die Schubregler und Trimmung neu zugeordnet, fliege aber sonst seither mit den Standard-Einstellungen und bin sehr zufrieden.
Best value for money at the moment. Very smooth action, roll axis is perfect I think, pitch is a little heavy due to the strength of the bungy cords but you can adjust the sensitivity in the sim. Very solid construction. Finish is excellent too. Plenty of switches (aimed at GA but easily reconfigured).
Yoke eccellente. Unico neo il prezzo (sebbene giustificabile considerata la qualit del prodotto). Un tantino complessa la configurazione e il download del relativo software. Ad ogni modo prodotto assolutamente valido.
Bisher habe ich einen Thrustmaster-Joystick fr ca. 50 im MSFS 2020 benutzt – war insgesamt ok, musste aber u.a. regelmig kalibriert werden, um die Flieger einigermaen in der Spur zu halten.
Es ist natrlich schon Luxus, 280 fr ein PC-Steuergert auszugeben. Insbesondere dann, wenn man nicht unbedingt, der Ultra-Sim-Flieger ist.
Aber: Das Teil macht definitiv den Unterschied aus. Die Verarbeitung des Gehuses als auch die Haptik des Yoke kommen absolut hochwertig daher. Die Befestigung lsst sich problemlos anbringen und sitzt anschlieend bombenfest. Da zieht man eher den Schreibtisch durchs Zimmer, als das sich der Yoke lst.
Whrend der TM-Joystick recht grobschlchtig reagiert, ist der Alpha-Yoke butterweich zu steuern. Somit kann ich z.B. Landungen wesentlich genauer (und einfacher) durchfhren. Auch scheint er mir eine wesentlich bessere Grund-Kalibrierung zu besitzen.
Ich habe mir von der Honeycomb-Seite direkt den neuesten Treiber runtergeladen. Die Tastenbelegung lsst sich problemlos im MSFS 2020 anpassen. Die Standardbelegung ist fr mich allerdings schon weitestgehend passend gewesen. Hier berlege ich allerdings, ob ich den ein oder anderen Kippschalter nicht noch “umbelege”. Mal abwarten.
Einziges Manko fr mich ist ein fehlender Schubregler oder eine Seitenrudersteuerung. War mir zwar vorm Kauf bekannt, wre trotzdem cool, wenn sowas noch am Gert vorhanden wre (so wie an dem TM-Joystick). Denn die Steuerung ber die Tastatur ist ziemlich lstig. Andererseits gbe es dann kaum noch einen Grund, Honeycombs Bravo-Throttle zu kaufen.
Fazit: Auf jeden Fall kaufenswert, wenn man a) den MSFS 2020 o.. regelmig nutzt und b) das ntige Kleingeld besitzt.
I bought this to upgrade from the popular Saitek yoke, which has served me well for a couple of years.
As soon as I unpacked the Honeycomb, it was obvious it was a much higher quality product.
There are hundreds of reviews of this item, so I won’t cover the same ground. What I will do is address a few areas where some reviewers perhaps have misunderstood the product, and to include information that isn’t immediately obvious.
Firstly, many people seem to be complaining about the ‘stiffness’ or ‘heaviness’ of the yoke in pitch compared with roll. Until recently I was undertaking my PPL, flying Piper Warriors, and I believe the Honeycomb yoke feels very realistic. The Warrior IS pretty heavy in pitch, but you use the trim wheel to take the weight of the controls out of your hands. When you make a pitch change, as soon as the desired speed and / or attitude is achieved, you immediately re-trim. The warrior is quite light in the roll axis and the Honeycomb reflects that, too.
I suspect that the majority of those complaining about the feel of the yoke are not using elevator trim appropriately. Trimming is one of the most important skills you learn IRL, and if you don’t do it correctly, you WILL find yourself fighting the yoke.
For reference, on a real Warrior, if you turn the trim wheel fully nose-down it takes all my strength to maintain straight-and-level flight by pulling back on the yoke. Far MORE effort than pulling the Honeycomb fully back, and I wouldn’t want to do it for more than the minute or so required by the lesson.
The only time the Honeycomb feels odd is when doing ‘full and free’ checks on the ground, because the bungees resist when IRL there is no airflow over the controls. You’d need Force Feedback for a truly realistic experience, and that’s about a thousand pounds more expensive. How many simulator pilots do Full and Frees?
Remember, this is a simulator-grade input device, not a toy. It’s designed to perform best when integrated into a simulator rig with full rudder and trim controls. You CAN clamp it to a desk, but you won’t get the best use from it that way. It’s designed BY pilots, FOR pilots. You need to apply real-world piloting skills to use it. Desktop aviators will find their weaknesses exposed, and then complain about it.
The yoke arrives with an oblong shroud on the front where you can attach a Saiteck mounting pod for switches, radio or Flight Information Panels. You can remove this shroud. It’s only held on with a couple of screws, and it makes the yoke a lot smaller if you want to integrate it into a full-size instrument panel. Rubber bungs are supplied with the yoke to fill the screw holes after you remove the shroud.
There is no provision to screw the yoke directly to a baseplate or rig stand. This is very odd, and something of an omission. However, you can drill holes in the supplied quick-release plate and screw that down. I have screwed my yoke’s quick-release plate permanently to my sim rig. The yoke is removeable, and I’ve made an adapter from plywood so my driving wheel fits on top of the yoke plate.
The switches supplied on the yoke have effectively made the old Saiteck switch panel redundant. To make the best use of the switches, I highly recommend third-party software.
This is an excellent yoke, and if used correctly is a massive upgrade over anything in a similar price range.
Sostituito un saitek, molto pi stabile la sensibilit dell alpha, driver eccellenti, il saitek ha ancora problemi di driver sostituir anche il throttle!
Much better quality and feel compared to other well know budget yokes. Really responsive and 90 degrees turn left and right makes it far more easier to control roll.
The Honeycomb Alpha is a superb piece of kit for the price – clearly not a cheap purchase, but not the sort of price that most of us would look at and say ‘no way!!’ This yoke was purchased to replace a still-working Saitek/Logitech flight yoke and throttle package. The Saitek yoke to be fair was still working ok, but the throttle quadrant element was very prone to axis inaccuracies and wobbles (to use a non technical term), and the throttle quadrant was not very robust.
By comparison, the Honeycomb product is very robust, with what feels like a slightly narrower flight yoke that actually has full 180 degree rotation. Most of the components are of good quality. The switches that are on the dash are straight configurations of a Cessna 172 and similar, but all are completely configurable within the flight sim you are using. X-Plane 11 and MSF2020 are two heavyweight flight sims that support this product.
The light switches underneath the Master Battery and Avionics switches are a little sharp and ‘plasticky’ which is the only area of slight concern. The magneto switch on the right hand side is perfect, but would like to have seen a second magneto switch fitted in somehow for twin aircraft. Be assured, all switches are completely programmable, but have to say that I’ve not really had to change the switches since assigning them the first time.
The real heart of the issue is control – is it better than the Saitek/Logitech? A resounding yes – the flight yoke is effortless, and very precise. Be warned though – you do have to adjust sensitivity settings in-sim. If left to the default sensitivity in-sim, you’ll break your aircraft like I did the first time I tried it…..Once adjusted, which really is no effort at all, the yoke is a dream.
It’s more expensive than the Saitek/Logitech, but quite a bit cheaper than more expensive rivals. It’s in significant demand in the flight sim world, and it’s not hard to see why.
Mounting the yoke on a desktop is again very easy with an extremely well designed clamping system with the option to use a sticky clamp free option if preferred. I believe wider bolts for clamping are available for wider desktops.
Thoroughly recommend the product – serious flight simmers will love it.
mechanisch ist der Controller klasse, was aber fehlt ist eine vernnftige GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG, hier bei mir fr den Microsoft Flight Simulator, nur ber You tube habe ich etwas gefunden. Das finde ich nicht als kundenfreundlich.
I’ve tried, twice, the Logitech flight yoke, both times had issues with it and spent hours trying to rectify the problems and ended up returning them , luckily Amazon’s returns policy is top notch, thanks Amazon.
I knew of this but was reluctant to fork out the cash, a few days ago I looked at it again and it was offering monthly payments, no brainer, ordered it, came today as promised.
Beautiful packaging that suggests quality straight off the bat, unpackaged the flight yoke and was instantly blown away with the quality and feel of the product. It gets better, connected the two cables and clamped the yoke to my desk with the pukka mounting plate, fired up MSFS2020 and the game found the Alpha with all buttons mapped perfectly, I didn’t have to remap a single button.
Selected the Cessna 172 JTA variant ( free on flightsim.to ) and my chosen departure and arrival points, cold and dark start from the parking apron. I love the alternator and battery buttons, avionics busses, plus all of your beacon, strobe, taxi and nav light switches, it gives it that extra immersion like you are actually in the left seat . As you flick the buttons on the animated buttons move to their respective positions, the avionics screens come in to life when you flick them on etc….the movement of the yoke is lovely and smooth with absolutely no lag whatsoever that I could feel or see.
I used the Thrustmaster T16000 throttle quadrant for power and rudder etc….need the add-on for this now that has the throttle levers, flap controls and gear switch etc…
This is a keeper and had made a huge difference already to how it feels to fly GA …not tried any airliners yet but I am very impressed so far.
You get what you pay for and this so far is worth every penny.
hatte bislang einen Steuerknppel, der echt nicht schlecht war. Aber gar kein Vergleich zu einem Yoke
Der von Honeycomb entspricht zu 100% dem, was ich mir erwartet habe. Sowohl von der Funktionalitt als auch von der Qualitt des Materials. Nicht wirklich billig, aber genau das Richtige fr SIM Piloten. Hier stimmt einfach alles.
I had to wait 4 months to take delivery due to the demand arising from the release of MSFS 2020. That already says something about the markets view of the unit.
It was worth the wait as I rate this product very highly. I also want to give credit to the retailer who didn’t opportunistically inflate the price.
It is odd that Amazon don’t ask for a star rating on “Sturdiness” as I think that is a very significant feature. The unit is heavy but I believe that is because it is a well made robust product. It is too early to be judging how robust the switches and column mechanism is, but the “feel and feedback” I get from the unit is that it will prove to be very robust. Unlike my Thrustmaster T.1600 joystick whose horizontal twist sensor (the rudder) failed within 6 months! A common fault apparently.
Schner kann man am PC nicht fliegen! Nachdem Honeycomb ber Monate nicht liefern konnte, war das Steuerhorn endlich wieder verfgbar, und das sogar reduziert. Auspacken, aufbauen, anschlieen und ready for takeoff”, naja beinahe. Ich habe bereits einen Flightstick mit separater Schubkontrolle. Diese ist nmlich nicht beim Honeycomb dabei und muss extra erworben werden, wenn man noch keine hat. Positiv: man muss nicht auf die teuere Honeycomb Schubkontrolle zurckgreifen, man kann im MS Flight Simulator fast alle auf dem Markt verfgbaren Steuerungen kombinieren, in meinem Fall die Logitech Pedale, die Hotas Schubkontrolle und das Honeycomb Steuerhorn.
Klasse Verarbeitung, keine strenden Gerche, qualitativ hochwertig und somit uneingeschrnkt zu empfehlen!
Pratico, maneggevole, la configurazione non per tutti.
A distanza di un anno di utilizzo posso confermare che buono a parte un difetto che uscito negli ultimi 3 mesi ma si risolve con semplicit “almeno nel mio caso”. Perdita di centratura dovuto a fili stagnati a freddo.
If you can get one and you fly flight sims, Buy it without question. Its the most responsive and accurate yoke I have used. Beats the Saitek and others hands down. Love this product so much I waited 6 months for the throttles they made too.
One of the best Yoke. It have some switch panel like Avoinic, Master, Lights and Magnetos panel. It feel smooth and like the real yoke.
Its well worth the price 100.
Really solid piece of kit
Using the suction pad on a glass surface desk, no problems with it moving. Which is good as the tension on the yoke is pretty strong. All the buttons feel like they will survive the years of use this price tag should justify.
As a private pilot and student commercial pilot I can say this is a very accurate and well built flight yoke. It’s very smooth and easy to set up and feels very realistic. The hat is the only part that I don’t like as it seems to jump the view around in the cockpit instead of having a smooth transition but the switches are easy to reach and easy to click either on or off and the trim buttons are smooth and deliberate allowing for fine tuning of aircraft trim. Definitely worth the money and can’t wait to compliment it with the Bravo Throttle.
Ottima Yoke per volare con flight simulator, prima di essa utilizzavo uno Joystik della Logitech modello Extreme 3D Pro, e da quanto sono passato a questa yoke tutta un’altra cosa!
Il controllo del velivolo molto pi realistico ed immersivo, la qualit dei materiali si sente a tatto e si vede a vista.
il feedback, nonostante non sia di tipo attivo ( una semplice cinghia elastica) eccezionale
Absolutely lovely.
Buttons and switches feel great. Worked out of box with ms flight sim 2020
Much easier to fly than with my old hotas
Fixes solidly to desk
Only (very) slight complaint, would have been nice to be able to adjust the pitch up/down tension as it is a little stiff, but better to be over stiff rather than unde
j utilise ce yoke avec X-plane 11 sus Windows10 Pro au branchement du yoke tout de suite reconnu. pensez a vous inscrire sur leur site et attendre leur invitation et suivre leur conseil et de bien lire pourquoi votre yoke a un clairage et a quoi il sert.il vaut bien son prix qui et justifier…!!!!
My first yoke. Went in with a big first purchase so I’ve no benchmark for comparison. But I think it’s great, well made and fun/easy to use.
It can be a little noisy perhaps and I think the finish on some parts may get grubby over time. But all in all, I’m really happy with the purchase
The feel of the material is great. I don’t know how to explain it except “the back of a sky remote”. Feels grippy and expensive. I am just surprised by the strength of everything on it. The pressure to push in/out, the amount of pressure to flip the switches on the yoke itself. I’m getting used to it, as I am sure you don’t want to ‘accidently’ press the buttons.
The only thing that was a hassle was the software side. I had conflicts with built in FSX defaults, even after I told the software to remove the defaults. I guess that didn’t work? After I went in and removed every controller command from FSX, things started working as expected. Now I just need to learn the list of all these “variables” are to control the aircraft.
Excellent build quality, plug and play, no issues, no dead zones. Highly recommended as one of the best yokes for a reasonable price and you won’t be disappointed.
The integration options and 90 degree rotation are excellent a massive improvement on other products that only do 45 degree rotations. Build quality and feel are impressive for a product at that price
Wonderful on the roll axis but the pitch is quite tough with resistance. Only reason it got 4 instead of 5. Otherwise. It’s great and I can’t wait for the bravo control setup soon.
You really can feel the quality of this product the moment you open the box. Extremely easy to set up, worked out of the box with Xplane 11. Personally I really like the mounting method as i have a glass desk, so the suction pad on the mounting plate is perfect. The control of the yoke when in flight is spot on. I will be getting the throttle quadrant as soon as it is available.
This has made the flight sim experience so much more enjoyable, especially for GA aircraft. I use it with X-Plane 11, and setup is simple plug n play. The build quality is really good. My only gripe is with the ignition switch that doesn’t kick back when released, and the light switches feel a bit cheap. However, I am nitpicking here. Can’t wait for the throttle quadrant to be released, given how good this yoke is.
I purchased this yoke in readiness for Microsoft flight sim 2020. So atm I’m using it on Microsoft FSX and it doesn’t disappoint. All the switches are very positive the yoke itself is a dream to use. The dash lites up red which is a nice touch. It can be a bit tricky to setup in FSX but YouTube is your friend
Super Yoke que je recommande, pas tonnant qu’il soit utilis en cole de pilotage tellement il est raliste, la finition est top et les switch suffisament nombreux pour se faire dj une bonne config de simu dans Xplane 11 que j’utilise, aucun souci avec car le Yoke est immdiatement reconnu et les drivers automatiquement install sous win10…
La partie suprieure tant plate est bien pratique pour poser un clavier dessus, et l’clairage des leds est sympa le soir mme si c’est un peu gadget, mais rien dire sur l’ensemble, il est solide, le montage sur le support de table est top avec au choix serrage par pinces pour dmontage rapide ou base autocollante 3M trs forte pour montage fixe, et un seul cble usb-c pour l’alimentation…
Il est plus cher que celui de logitech mais je pense que c’est pleinement justifi, le honeycomb est beaucoup plus costaud avec un gabarit plus raliste en terme de commande, piloter le cessna 172 sous x-plane11 avec ce yoke est un vrai bonheur et grisant de ralisme !
Pretty happy with this purchase.
Would have been 5 stars but there is a potential reliability issue with stress placed on the short curly ethernet plugs/sockets.
I changed to my own cable.
Very good quality product. Switches all work and the ergonomics are very welcoming. Only slight issue, slight dead zone on the roll axis, all seems to happen when you turn it a long way over. Elevator axis is quite a firm spring, took a while to get used too but replicates being out of trim quite well, this is where the trim switches come in very handy. Excellent product, best flight sim yoke out there at the mome
This is a fantastic yoke! I’d previously bought another which felt cheap and plastic. This however is top draw! It feels solid. No play or dead zone. You can configure all the buttons and switches inside FSX and/or the accompanying software where you can setup different profiles for different aircraft.
In short, don’t buy the others, you’ll be disappointed. This *should* be the default buy for anyone wanting to add some realism to the flight sim of their choice.
– Full 180 degree motion
– Smooth operation
– No discernable dead zone around centre of axis
– Good amount of resistance in the springs creating a more ‘natural’ feel than the Logitech alternative
– Good selection of switches on the yoke
– Easy to operate, robust desk clamps
– Comfortable feel to yoke
– Price
– More products in the range to follow (at time of writing this includes a throttle quadrant and mouse mat)
– I don’t use the switches on the main box. They don’t match up to the specific add ons I use. Whilst not a problem and the switches can be safely ignored if you so chose, there will have been a manufacturing cost passed on to the consumer that feels (to me) unnecessary.
– The red back light is a matter of taste. The intensity can be changed by pressing a small button to the rear of the unit, which includes the ability to switch off altogether.
– Switch labels are printed clearly but are not back lit.
– As a new product to market, durability is unknown (I have no specific concerns, though)
– Strongly recommended. As a relative newcomer to the market it is not known how durable these units are. The build quality “feels” very good and is a significant improvement on the Logitech (formerly Saitek) offering. The honeycomb yoke succeeds where Logitech has failed to improve upon the limitations of the Saitek pro flight yoke: whereupon the honeycomb yoke is smooth and expressive to operate, the Logitech has a tendency for signal spikes and false readings (especially if no dead zone is set – which in itself can be undesirable), limited motion and noticeable detent around the centre point – much of which worsen over time.
I can’t rate this highly enough. Firstly I attempted to get a yoke on budget and went with the Saitek Pro Yoke, however; as quickly as I set it up, I had it back in the box again. I believe this yoke is the ONLY value for money yoke on the market at a reasonable price that delivers great feedback and just feels premium. The product entirely feels like money well spent. I urge anyone to save a little more and choose this product over cheaper alternatives, you have been warned!
I had issues with my last yoke (not going to name it but I think you know already). I made one fairly good landing, perhaps by chance, out of every 20 attempts. OK, I did not really count it but I’m not sure I ever had a perfect landing. This bad/worst landings went on and on until I suspected I wasn’t the problem – it was the yoke with all its flaws. There were solutions on the internet on how to get it working well with rubber bands but I just didn’t buy it and thought it was time to look elsewhere. OK, for between 700 – 1000 bucks you’ll find something close to perfect but I wasn’t ready for that so I went for the Honeycomb Alpha flight control.
It took some time getting used to the new Honeycomb yoke – a transition from a bad yoke to a good yoke. I do record all my landings and watch it from different angles. The change is amazing – the success rate of my landings is 9/10. I deducted 1 for the first attempt on a new aircraft. Your landings may be way better but I’m not a pilot, neither I’m I a student so I’m quite satisfied with my results.
If you are thinking of getting a yoke for under 500 bucks, this is the best deal. I know for sure you will not regret it but, please get a good desk to mount it on and do it properly.
Ce yoke est de trs bonne facture . La qualit et son angle de rotation de 180 degrs est vraiment raliste et l’immersion y est , je recommande vivement , prparez vous pour le prochain Flight simulator 2020 , vous en reviendrez pas , 10/10 hormis le prix un peu plus cher que sur le site du constructeur , au moins vous le recevez rapidement dans un triple carto
As you can see even my partner whom has never flown on X-Plane 11 was able to control with ease the Aerobask Diamond and the honeycomb was research for many months before buying. As a Mid entry YOke it’s phenomenal, flying the Zibo 737 it feels superb, flick over to the TBM hot start and again it controls and feels amazing. The switches automatically assign so you may want to jump on this and add your own settings as I did but over all just buy it you won’t re great i
If you’re into Home Flight Simulation, then I’m sure that you have probably heard about the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke. Make no mistake, this is a fantastic piece of kit. At this price point, there is no other yoke that comes close to this.
This is a fantastic piece of kit, and probably the best value for money of any yoke out there currently. Notably it has a smooth action in both pitch and roll axes with no detent, but it does return fairly quickly back to the central position when released. The pitch axis gives a reasonable amount of resistance, and seems to have a slight increased resistance towards the extents of its range. The roll axis is noticeably less resistant and doesn’t seem to change throughout its range.
Testing through DIView showed a minimal dead-zone on both axes, probably 1 to 2 either side of central position for roll, and maybe half a centimetre total for pitch, to prevent unwanted movement when hands-off. I have seen reports that there is a ‘secret’ method to recalibrate the device for this deadzone, so hopefully Honeycomb Aeronautical gives users the option to customise the deadzone or remove it completely if they so wish in future.
I was a little disappointed that both axes are only 8-bit (256 positions), I was expecting 10-bit (1024) (my rudder pedal sensors are 12-bit (4096), for example), and was considering knocking off a star, but then after using it for a week or so I really can’t fault that choice too much in practice.
The desk clamp is simple but well designed, and makes the whole thing pretty quick and fairly effortless to setup and pack away in its original box. If you have a desk that isn’t able to make use of the clamps there is the option to unveil a sticky suction pad on the bottom, but I have not tried that to see how effective it is, or how easy it is to remove and re-apply.
Awsome flight experience! If you want to improve your simulation experience without going bankrupt, I highly recommend this yoke. One thousand times better than Saitek and very close to a yoko yoke!
Every part of this yoke is brilliant. There’s no noticeable deadzone at all, the bungee system rather than springs feel AMAZING and overall quality is beautiful.
The Logitech/Saitek Yoke truely has nothing close to this.
Having purchased this for use in X-Plane I connected the yoke to my PC, launched X-Plane and well everything was set up already as X-Plane has drivers for this yoke built in.
The response from the yoke is spot on, no dead zone which is a common problem with other yokes.
It may cost a little more than some other flight yokes but it’s worth every penny. Bring on the throttle quadrant, that will be a purchase for me without a doubt.
Perfekt, …. gefhl wie in einer original Cessna 152. Ich wrde sogar 10 Punkte geben.
Stanco dei continui problemi di non centratura del mio saitek ho deciso di investire in questo prodotto, e ho fatto bene!
Materiali premium e facile da configurare, preciso e morbido nei movimenti, prezzo considerevole ma ne vale la pena
Super produit ! Un produit haut de gamme avec une trs bonne sensibilit. Rien voir avec les produits concurrents plus bas de gamme ! Je recommande sans hsitations !
Waouw, a five star product, i’m coming from a logitech/saitek yoke… What a world of difference, is just day and nigh
If you are serious about your flight simulator. This set up is hard to beat. I have had the Saitek version for years. I would never go back to it. This yoke has real bearings! Not a Teflon collar. There is (almost) zero elivator sticking. It is well made and not a toy. It must be the most reslistic feeling or a real yoke. If you can afford the throttle quadrant. Leave work as it will get in the way of your flying!
Ich habe die Hardware jetzt schon gut ein Monat in Verwendung und bin absolut begeistert. Zuerst war es ungewohnt, weil ich jahrelang immer mit Joystick geflogen bin und mich an das neue Steuergefhl gewhnen musste, aber die Vorteile eines Steuerhorns haben schnell berwogen.
Ich finde die Verarbeitung sehr gut. Die Schalter haben ein schnes Klick-Gefhl und der Widerstand des Steuers ist meiner Meinung nach auch sehr gut.
Einziges kleines Problem gibt es beim FS2020 mit dem Motorstart-Dreh-Knopf an der Steuereinheit. Aus mir unverstndlichen Grnden funktioniert der weder bei diesem Gert, noch bei einem Schubregler von Thrustmaster, weshalb ich mittlerweile glaube, dass das Problem vom MS2020 kommt und vielleicht ja noch nachgepatcht wird. Ansonsten funktionieren alle anderen Knpfe wunderbar und sind auch schon richtig im FS hinterlegt. Ich habe lediglich die Schubregler und Trimmung neu zugeordnet, fliege aber sonst seither mit den Standard-Einstellungen und bin sehr zufrieden.
Best value for money at the moment. Very smooth action, roll axis is perfect I think, pitch is a little heavy due to the strength of the bungy cords but you can adjust the sensitivity in the sim. Very solid construction. Finish is excellent too. Plenty of switches (aimed at GA but easily reconfigured).
Rien dire si ce n’est parfait. Je vous le recommande chaudement.
Yoke eccellente. Unico neo il prezzo (sebbene giustificabile considerata la qualit del prodotto). Un tantino complessa la configurazione e il download del relativo software. Ad ogni modo prodotto assolutamente valido.
Increible calidad precio. Lo malo, no tiene forcefeedback, pero totalmente recomendable. Es exquisito
Bisher habe ich einen Thrustmaster-Joystick fr ca. 50 im MSFS 2020 benutzt – war insgesamt ok, musste aber u.a. regelmig kalibriert werden, um die Flieger einigermaen in der Spur zu halten.
Es ist natrlich schon Luxus, 280 fr ein PC-Steuergert auszugeben. Insbesondere dann, wenn man nicht unbedingt, der Ultra-Sim-Flieger ist.
Aber: Das Teil macht definitiv den Unterschied aus. Die Verarbeitung des Gehuses als auch die Haptik des Yoke kommen absolut hochwertig daher. Die Befestigung lsst sich problemlos anbringen und sitzt anschlieend bombenfest. Da zieht man eher den Schreibtisch durchs Zimmer, als das sich der Yoke lst.
Whrend der TM-Joystick recht grobschlchtig reagiert, ist der Alpha-Yoke butterweich zu steuern. Somit kann ich z.B. Landungen wesentlich genauer (und einfacher) durchfhren. Auch scheint er mir eine wesentlich bessere Grund-Kalibrierung zu besitzen.
Ich habe mir von der Honeycomb-Seite direkt den neuesten Treiber runtergeladen. Die Tastenbelegung lsst sich problemlos im MSFS 2020 anpassen. Die Standardbelegung ist fr mich allerdings schon weitestgehend passend gewesen. Hier berlege ich allerdings, ob ich den ein oder anderen Kippschalter nicht noch “umbelege”. Mal abwarten.
Einziges Manko fr mich ist ein fehlender Schubregler oder eine Seitenrudersteuerung. War mir zwar vorm Kauf bekannt, wre trotzdem cool, wenn sowas noch am Gert vorhanden wre (so wie an dem TM-Joystick). Denn die Steuerung ber die Tastatur ist ziemlich lstig. Andererseits gbe es dann kaum noch einen Grund, Honeycombs Bravo-Throttle zu kaufen.
Fazit: Auf jeden Fall kaufenswert, wenn man a) den MSFS 2020 o.. regelmig nutzt und b) das ntige Kleingeld besitzt.
Live on the Isle of Man everything takes one or two days longer but this came within 3 days excellent and excellent produc
I bought this to upgrade from the popular Saitek yoke, which has served me well for a couple of years.
As soon as I unpacked the Honeycomb, it was obvious it was a much higher quality product.
There are hundreds of reviews of this item, so I won’t cover the same ground. What I will do is address a few areas where some reviewers perhaps have misunderstood the product, and to include information that isn’t immediately obvious.
Firstly, many people seem to be complaining about the ‘stiffness’ or ‘heaviness’ of the yoke in pitch compared with roll. Until recently I was undertaking my PPL, flying Piper Warriors, and I believe the Honeycomb yoke feels very realistic. The Warrior IS pretty heavy in pitch, but you use the trim wheel to take the weight of the controls out of your hands. When you make a pitch change, as soon as the desired speed and / or attitude is achieved, you immediately re-trim. The warrior is quite light in the roll axis and the Honeycomb reflects that, too.
I suspect that the majority of those complaining about the feel of the yoke are not using elevator trim appropriately. Trimming is one of the most important skills you learn IRL, and if you don’t do it correctly, you WILL find yourself fighting the yoke.
For reference, on a real Warrior, if you turn the trim wheel fully nose-down it takes all my strength to maintain straight-and-level flight by pulling back on the yoke. Far MORE effort than pulling the Honeycomb fully back, and I wouldn’t want to do it for more than the minute or so required by the lesson.
The only time the Honeycomb feels odd is when doing ‘full and free’ checks on the ground, because the bungees resist when IRL there is no airflow over the controls. You’d need Force Feedback for a truly realistic experience, and that’s about a thousand pounds more expensive. How many simulator pilots do Full and Frees?
Remember, this is a simulator-grade input device, not a toy. It’s designed to perform best when integrated into a simulator rig with full rudder and trim controls. You CAN clamp it to a desk, but you won’t get the best use from it that way. It’s designed BY pilots, FOR pilots. You need to apply real-world piloting skills to use it. Desktop aviators will find their weaknesses exposed, and then complain about it.
The yoke arrives with an oblong shroud on the front where you can attach a Saiteck mounting pod for switches, radio or Flight Information Panels. You can remove this shroud. It’s only held on with a couple of screws, and it makes the yoke a lot smaller if you want to integrate it into a full-size instrument panel. Rubber bungs are supplied with the yoke to fill the screw holes after you remove the shroud.
There is no provision to screw the yoke directly to a baseplate or rig stand. This is very odd, and something of an omission. However, you can drill holes in the supplied quick-release plate and screw that down. I have screwed my yoke’s quick-release plate permanently to my sim rig. The yoke is removeable, and I’ve made an adapter from plywood so my driving wheel fits on top of the yoke plate.
The switches supplied on the yoke have effectively made the old Saiteck switch panel redundant. To make the best use of the switches, I highly recommend third-party software.
This is an excellent yoke, and if used correctly is a massive upgrade over anything in a similar price range.
Sostituito un saitek, molto pi stabile la sensibilit dell alpha, driver eccellenti, il saitek ha ancora problemi di driver sostituir anche il throttle!
Much better quality and feel compared to other well know budget yokes. Really responsive and 90 degrees turn left and right makes it far more easier to control roll.
The Honeycomb Alpha is a superb piece of kit for the price – clearly not a cheap purchase, but not the sort of price that most of us would look at and say ‘no way!!’ This yoke was purchased to replace a still-working Saitek/Logitech flight yoke and throttle package. The Saitek yoke to be fair was still working ok, but the throttle quadrant element was very prone to axis inaccuracies and wobbles (to use a non technical term), and the throttle quadrant was not very robust.
By comparison, the Honeycomb product is very robust, with what feels like a slightly narrower flight yoke that actually has full 180 degree rotation. Most of the components are of good quality. The switches that are on the dash are straight configurations of a Cessna 172 and similar, but all are completely configurable within the flight sim you are using. X-Plane 11 and MSF2020 are two heavyweight flight sims that support this product.
The light switches underneath the Master Battery and Avionics switches are a little sharp and ‘plasticky’ which is the only area of slight concern. The magneto switch on the right hand side is perfect, but would like to have seen a second magneto switch fitted in somehow for twin aircraft. Be assured, all switches are completely programmable, but have to say that I’ve not really had to change the switches since assigning them the first time.
The real heart of the issue is control – is it better than the Saitek/Logitech? A resounding yes – the flight yoke is effortless, and very precise. Be warned though – you do have to adjust sensitivity settings in-sim. If left to the default sensitivity in-sim, you’ll break your aircraft like I did the first time I tried it…..Once adjusted, which really is no effort at all, the yoke is a dream.
It’s more expensive than the Saitek/Logitech, but quite a bit cheaper than more expensive rivals. It’s in significant demand in the flight sim world, and it’s not hard to see why.
Mounting the yoke on a desktop is again very easy with an extremely well designed clamping system with the option to use a sticky clamp free option if preferred. I believe wider bolts for clamping are available for wider desktops.
Thoroughly recommend the product – serious flight simmers will love it.
mechanisch ist der Controller klasse, was aber fehlt ist eine vernnftige GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG, hier bei mir fr den Microsoft Flight Simulator, nur ber You tube habe ich etwas gefunden. Das finde ich nicht als kundenfreundlich.
Verwendet getestet mit: P3D V4.5 in Verbindung mit der Boeing 737/6/7/8/9 Reihe von PMDG.
I use this for the flight simulator and it feels very real.
I’ve tried, twice, the Logitech flight yoke, both times had issues with it and spent hours trying to rectify the problems and ended up returning them , luckily Amazon’s returns policy is top notch, thanks Amazon.
I knew of this but was reluctant to fork out the cash, a few days ago I looked at it again and it was offering monthly payments, no brainer, ordered it, came today as promised.
Beautiful packaging that suggests quality straight off the bat, unpackaged the flight yoke and was instantly blown away with the quality and feel of the product. It gets better, connected the two cables and clamped the yoke to my desk with the pukka mounting plate, fired up MSFS2020 and the game found the Alpha with all buttons mapped perfectly, I didn’t have to remap a single button.
Selected the Cessna 172 JTA variant ( free on flightsim.to ) and my chosen departure and arrival points, cold and dark start from the parking apron. I love the alternator and battery buttons, avionics busses, plus all of your beacon, strobe, taxi and nav light switches, it gives it that extra immersion like you are actually in the left seat . As you flick the buttons on the animated buttons move to their respective positions, the avionics screens come in to life when you flick them on etc….the movement of the yoke is lovely and smooth with absolutely no lag whatsoever that I could feel or see.
I used the Thrustmaster T16000 throttle quadrant for power and rudder etc….need the add-on for this now that has the throttle levers, flap controls and gear switch etc…
This is a keeper and had made a huge difference already to how it feels to fly GA …not tried any airliners yet but I am very impressed so far.
You get what you pay for and this so far is worth every penny.
Highly recommended, thank you Honeycomb.
hatte bislang einen Steuerknppel, der echt nicht schlecht war. Aber gar kein Vergleich zu einem Yoke
Der von Honeycomb entspricht zu 100% dem, was ich mir erwartet habe. Sowohl von der Funktionalitt als auch von der Qualitt des Materials. Nicht wirklich billig, aber genau das Richtige fr SIM Piloten. Hier stimmt einfach alles.
I had to wait 4 months to take delivery due to the demand arising from the release of MSFS 2020. That already says something about the markets view of the unit.
It was worth the wait as I rate this product very highly. I also want to give credit to the retailer who didn’t opportunistically inflate the price.
It is odd that Amazon don’t ask for a star rating on “Sturdiness” as I think that is a very significant feature. The unit is heavy but I believe that is because it is a well made robust product. It is too early to be judging how robust the switches and column mechanism is, but the “feel and feedback” I get from the unit is that it will prove to be very robust. Unlike my Thrustmaster T.1600 joystick whose horizontal twist sensor (the rudder) failed within 6 months! A common fault apparently.
Un producto fabuloso, es el momento en el que el simulador deja de ser un juguete…
Schner kann man am PC nicht fliegen! Nachdem Honeycomb ber Monate nicht liefern konnte, war das Steuerhorn endlich wieder verfgbar, und das sogar reduziert. Auspacken, aufbauen, anschlieen und ready for takeoff”, naja beinahe. Ich habe bereits einen Flightstick mit separater Schubkontrolle. Diese ist nmlich nicht beim Honeycomb dabei und muss extra erworben werden, wenn man noch keine hat. Positiv: man muss nicht auf die teuere Honeycomb Schubkontrolle zurckgreifen, man kann im MS Flight Simulator fast alle auf dem Markt verfgbaren Steuerungen kombinieren, in meinem Fall die Logitech Pedale, die Hotas Schubkontrolle und das Honeycomb Steuerhorn.
Klasse Verarbeitung, keine strenden Gerche, qualitativ hochwertig und somit uneingeschrnkt zu empfehlen!
Pratico, maneggevole, la configurazione non per tutti.
A distanza di un anno di utilizzo posso confermare che buono a parte un difetto che uscito negli ultimi 3 mesi ma si risolve con semplicit “almeno nel mio caso”. Perdita di centratura dovuto a fili stagnati a freddo.
If you can get one and you fly flight sims, Buy it without question. Its the most responsive and accurate yoke I have used. Beats the Saitek and others hands down. Love this product so much I waited 6 months for the throttles they made too.
The best home flight simulator yoke I have every owned. Feels just like the real thing in a Cessna 172! : )
Rien dire sur la qualit et la finesse du honeycomb le prix pique mais quel ralisme.
Je recommande fortement et vivement lla dispo du throtle
The yoie operates and feels good. Has enough pressure lets you know you are working it. All of the switches and buttons are reprogramable.
One of the best Yoke. It have some switch panel like Avoinic, Master, Lights and Magnetos panel. It feel smooth and like the real yoke.
Its well worth the price 100.
Really solid piece of kit
Using the suction pad on a glass surface desk, no problems with it moving. Which is good as the tension on the yoke is pretty strong. All the buttons feel like they will survive the years of use this price tag should justify.
Very well packaged and extremely well made. Well worth the money
Controls are really smooth and has great build quality! More mercive for flight simulator game.
As a private pilot and student commercial pilot I can say this is a very accurate and well built flight yoke. It’s very smooth and easy to set up and feels very realistic. The hat is the only part that I don’t like as it seems to jump the view around in the cockpit instead of having a smooth transition but the switches are easy to reach and easy to click either on or off and the trim buttons are smooth and deliberate allowing for fine tuning of aircraft trim. Definitely worth the money and can’t wait to compliment it with the Bravo Throttle.
Great design & build quality. Blows away other yokes in the same price range.
Ottimo, funziona perfettamente, molto preciso. Piaciuto molto la quantit dei tasti, e le sensazioni tattili quando do si impugna.
Ottima Yoke per volare con flight simulator, prima di essa utilizzavo uno Joystik della Logitech modello Extreme 3D Pro, e da quanto sono passato a questa yoke tutta un’altra cosa!
Il controllo del velivolo molto pi realistico ed immersivo, la qualit dei materiali si sente a tatto e si vede a vista.
il feedback, nonostante non sia di tipo attivo ( una semplice cinghia elastica) eccezionale
Consigliata caldamente!
Absolutely lovely.
Buttons and switches feel great. Worked out of box with ms flight sim 2020
Much easier to fly than with my old hotas
Fixes solidly to desk
Only (very) slight complaint, would have been nice to be able to adjust the pitch up/down tension as it is a little stiff, but better to be over stiff rather than unde
j utilise ce yoke avec X-plane 11 sus Windows10 Pro au branchement du yoke tout de suite reconnu. pensez a vous inscrire sur leur site et attendre leur invitation et suivre leur conseil et de bien lire pourquoi votre yoke a un clairage et a quoi il sert.il vaut bien son prix qui et justifier…!!!!
Despite some troubling reviews, I have luckily not experienced any problems.
My first yoke. Went in with a big first purchase so I’ve no benchmark for comparison. But I think it’s great, well made and fun/easy to use.
It can be a little noisy perhaps and I think the finish on some parts may get grubby over time. But all in all, I’m really happy with the purchase
Well Built, great quality, nice subtlety to the touch. Showed up immediately in X-Plane 11 and MSFS2020. No issues at all.
Highly recommended
Pricey – but you get what you pay for. Hands down the best yoke on the market.
Feels real, great manufacturing, and easy to use.
s bon yoke d’une super qualit un peut chre mes vous ne serais pas du je recommande
Utilis avec FS2020, excellent ressentie et une finesse de pilotage incomparable pour moi. Je viens d’un X52 saitek
I like the yoke very much and it works well. But I feel it is a little expensive for what it is.
The feel of the material is great. I don’t know how to explain it except “the back of a sky remote”. Feels grippy and expensive. I am just surprised by the strength of everything on it. The pressure to push in/out, the amount of pressure to flip the switches on the yoke itself. I’m getting used to it, as I am sure you don’t want to ‘accidently’ press the buttons.
The only thing that was a hassle was the software side. I had conflicts with built in FSX defaults, even after I told the software to remove the defaults. I guess that didn’t work? After I went in and removed every controller command from FSX, things started working as expected. Now I just need to learn the list of all these “variables” are to control the aircraft.
Having watched a lot of reviews, I was expecting high build quality & switches.
I haven’t used this enough to give a full review (that will follow) but the switches and the roll are areas of concern at this early stage.
Otherwise, premium build, great design & probably the best Budget Yoke available in 2020.
The product is amazing, premium materials, works and feels great. Highly recommended.
Excellent build quality, plug and play, no issues, no dead zones. Highly recommended as one of the best yokes for a reasonable price and you won’t be disappointed.
This is a well engineered yoke which I would highly recommend.
The integration options and 90 degree rotation are excellent a massive improvement on other products that only do 45 degree rotations. Build quality and feel are impressive for a product at that price
Oh wow.. I have had a few different yolks over the years. But this thing is Great! Love it. It’s worth the money.
Wonderful on the roll axis but the pitch is quite tough with resistance. Only reason it got 4 instead of 5. Otherwise. It’s great and I can’t wait for the bravo control setup soon.
You really can feel the quality of this product the moment you open the box. Extremely easy to set up, worked out of the box with Xplane 11. Personally I really like the mounting method as i have a glass desk, so the suction pad on the mounting plate is perfect. The control of the yoke when in flight is spot on. I will be getting the throttle quadrant as soon as it is available.
un magnifique yoke!! reconnu automatiquement par xplane 11. un superbe accessoire, prt pour flight simulator 2020!!
Just wow, blown away by this yoke, best I have used by far, worked straight out of the box in X-Plane, a must for the enthusias
This has made the flight sim experience so much more enjoyable, especially for GA aircraft. I use it with X-Plane 11, and setup is simple plug n play. The build quality is really good. My only gripe is with the ignition switch that doesn’t kick back when released, and the light switches feel a bit cheap. However, I am nitpicking here. Can’t wait for the throttle quadrant to be released, given how good this yoke is.
I purchased this yoke in readiness for Microsoft flight sim 2020. So atm I’m using it on Microsoft FSX and it doesn’t disappoint. All the switches are very positive the yoke itself is a dream to use. The dash lites up red which is a nice touch. It can be a bit tricky to setup in FSX but YouTube is your friend
Super Yoke que je recommande, pas tonnant qu’il soit utilis en cole de pilotage tellement il est raliste, la finition est top et les switch suffisament nombreux pour se faire dj une bonne config de simu dans Xplane 11 que j’utilise, aucun souci avec car le Yoke est immdiatement reconnu et les drivers automatiquement install sous win10…
La partie suprieure tant plate est bien pratique pour poser un clavier dessus, et l’clairage des leds est sympa le soir mme si c’est un peu gadget, mais rien dire sur l’ensemble, il est solide, le montage sur le support de table est top avec au choix serrage par pinces pour dmontage rapide ou base autocollante 3M trs forte pour montage fixe, et un seul cble usb-c pour l’alimentation…
Il est plus cher que celui de logitech mais je pense que c’est pleinement justifi, le honeycomb est beaucoup plus costaud avec un gabarit plus raliste en terme de commande, piloter le cessna 172 sous x-plane11 avec ce yoke est un vrai bonheur et grisant de ralisme !
Pretty happy with this purchase.
Would have been 5 stars but there is a potential reliability issue with stress placed on the short curly ethernet plugs/sockets.
I changed to my own cable.
Very good quality product. Switches all work and the ergonomics are very welcoming. Only slight issue, slight dead zone on the roll axis, all seems to happen when you turn it a long way over. Elevator axis is quite a firm spring, took a while to get used too but replicates being out of trim quite well, this is where the trim switches come in very handy. Excellent product, best flight sim yoke out there at the mome
excellent flight control The best by far I have owned…
This is a fantastic yoke! I’d previously bought another which felt cheap and plastic. This however is top draw! It feels solid. No play or dead zone. You can configure all the buttons and switches inside FSX and/or the accompanying software where you can setup different profiles for different aircraft.
In short, don’t buy the others, you’ll be disappointed. This *should* be the default buy for anyone wanting to add some realism to the flight sim of their choice.
An excellent unit that offers real aviation feel and response! Best unit I ever acquired!
– Full 180 degree motion
– Smooth operation
– No discernable dead zone around centre of axis
– Good amount of resistance in the springs creating a more ‘natural’ feel than the Logitech alternative
– Good selection of switches on the yoke
– Easy to operate, robust desk clamps
– Comfortable feel to yoke
– Price
– More products in the range to follow (at time of writing this includes a throttle quadrant and mouse mat)
– I don’t use the switches on the main box. They don’t match up to the specific add ons I use. Whilst not a problem and the switches can be safely ignored if you so chose, there will have been a manufacturing cost passed on to the consumer that feels (to me) unnecessary.
– The red back light is a matter of taste. The intensity can be changed by pressing a small button to the rear of the unit, which includes the ability to switch off altogether.
– Switch labels are printed clearly but are not back lit.
– As a new product to market, durability is unknown (I have no specific concerns, though)
– Strongly recommended. As a relative newcomer to the market it is not known how durable these units are. The build quality “feels” very good and is a significant improvement on the Logitech (formerly Saitek) offering. The honeycomb yoke succeeds where Logitech has failed to improve upon the limitations of the Saitek pro flight yoke: whereupon the honeycomb yoke is smooth and expressive to operate, the Logitech has a tendency for signal spikes and false readings (especially if no dead zone is set – which in itself can be undesirable), limited motion and noticeable detent around the centre point – much of which worsen over time.
I can’t rate this highly enough. Firstly I attempted to get a yoke on budget and went with the Saitek Pro Yoke, however; as quickly as I set it up, I had it back in the box again. I believe this yoke is the ONLY value for money yoke on the market at a reasonable price that delivers great feedback and just feels premium. The product entirely feels like money well spent. I urge anyone to save a little more and choose this product over cheaper alternatives, you have been warned!
I had issues with my last yoke (not going to name it but I think you know already). I made one fairly good landing, perhaps by chance, out of every 20 attempts. OK, I did not really count it but I’m not sure I ever had a perfect landing. This bad/worst landings went on and on until I suspected I wasn’t the problem – it was the yoke with all its flaws. There were solutions on the internet on how to get it working well with rubber bands but I just didn’t buy it and thought it was time to look elsewhere. OK, for between 700 – 1000 bucks you’ll find something close to perfect but I wasn’t ready for that so I went for the Honeycomb Alpha flight control.
It took some time getting used to the new Honeycomb yoke – a transition from a bad yoke to a good yoke. I do record all my landings and watch it from different angles. The change is amazing – the success rate of my landings is 9/10. I deducted 1 for the first attempt on a new aircraft. Your landings may be way better but I’m not a pilot, neither I’m I a student so I’m quite satisfied with my results.
If you are thinking of getting a yoke for under 500 bucks, this is the best deal. I know for sure you will not regret it but, please get a good desk to mount it on and do it properly.
Bought as an upgrade from my saitek yoke and the difference is like night and day.
The yoke has almost no dead zone, is beautifully made and looks great.
The front panel works perfectly and the buttons and hat switches feel good.
A worthy upgrade and exceptional value
Ce yoke est de trs bonne facture . La qualit et son angle de rotation de 180 degrs est vraiment raliste et l’immersion y est , je recommande vivement , prparez vous pour le prochain Flight simulator 2020 , vous en reviendrez pas , 10/10 hormis le prix un peu plus cher que sur le site du constructeur , au moins vous le recevez rapidement dans un triple carto
This is epic!!! I have 30 plus years of sim flying and this is the best yoke for the money, PEEIOD.
Do not hesitate to buy it, you will not be disappointed!!
As you can see even my partner whom has never flown on X-Plane 11 was able to control with ease the Aerobask Diamond and the honeycomb was research for many months before buying. As a Mid entry YOke it’s phenomenal, flying the Zibo 737 it feels superb, flick over to the TBM hot start and again it controls and feels amazing. The switches automatically assign so you may want to jump on this and add your own settings as I did but over all just buy it you won’t re great i
If you’re into Home Flight Simulation, then I’m sure that you have probably heard about the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke. Make no mistake, this is a fantastic piece of kit. At this price point, there is no other yoke that comes close to this.
This is a fantastic piece of kit, and probably the best value for money of any yoke out there currently. Notably it has a smooth action in both pitch and roll axes with no detent, but it does return fairly quickly back to the central position when released. The pitch axis gives a reasonable amount of resistance, and seems to have a slight increased resistance towards the extents of its range. The roll axis is noticeably less resistant and doesn’t seem to change throughout its range.
Testing through DIView showed a minimal dead-zone on both axes, probably 1 to 2 either side of central position for roll, and maybe half a centimetre total for pitch, to prevent unwanted movement when hands-off. I have seen reports that there is a ‘secret’ method to recalibrate the device for this deadzone, so hopefully Honeycomb Aeronautical gives users the option to customise the deadzone or remove it completely if they so wish in future.
I was a little disappointed that both axes are only 8-bit (256 positions), I was expecting 10-bit (1024) (my rudder pedal sensors are 12-bit (4096), for example), and was considering knocking off a star, but then after using it for a week or so I really can’t fault that choice too much in practice.
The desk clamp is simple but well designed, and makes the whole thing pretty quick and fairly effortless to setup and pack away in its original box. If you have a desk that isn’t able to make use of the clamps there is the option to unveil a sticky suction pad on the bottom, but I have not tried that to see how effective it is, or how easy it is to remove and re-apply.
Best quality Yoke for sim >ever< ... dont even think about it, just buy it - cant wait for the throttle to be available!
Fantastic, saw this at Flightsim 2019. Ordered on Amazon when released, looking forward to Honeycombe throttle quadrant.
Brilliant piece of kit. Feels premium and a great great product. 100% recommend
There’s no noticeable deadzone at all. I highly recommend this yoke. It’s better than Saitek yoke.
Awsome flight experience! If you want to improve your simulation experience without going bankrupt, I highly recommend this yoke. One thousand times better than Saitek and very close to a yoko yoke!
Every part of this yoke is brilliant. There’s no noticeable deadzone at all, the bungee system rather than springs feel AMAZING and overall quality is beautiful.
The Logitech/Saitek Yoke truely has nothing close to this.
This yoke is apsolutely ground breaking nearly perfect in every area, it’s honestly worth double the price!
If you are even just considering getting this yoke, I’d advise you to just go for it, one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.
THANK YOU Honeycomb Aeronautical!!
Having purchased this for use in X-Plane I connected the yoke to my PC, launched X-Plane and well everything was set up already as X-Plane has drivers for this yoke built in.
The response from the yoke is spot on, no dead zone which is a common problem with other yokes.
It may cost a little more than some other flight yokes but it’s worth every penny. Bring on the throttle quadrant, that will be a purchase for me without a doubt.
I connected it and after 5 min was flying. Great feeling of high quality equipme