Amazon Basics Automatic Stainless Steel Dustbin – For Narrow Spaces, 50L

Weight: | 3.92 kg |
Dimensions: | 37.8 x 27.51 x 70.21 cm; 3.92 Kilograms |
Brand: | Amazon Basics |
Model: | 0102189 |
Weight: | 3.92 kg |
Dimensions: | 37.8 x 27.51 x 70.21 cm; 3.92 Kilograms |
Brand: | Amazon Basics |
Model: | 0102189 |
I have never managed to have a large bin in my small kitchen as there is no space so dealing with my refuse all this time has been a laborious task. I came across this one and when I saw that it said slimline, I thought I’d give it a go. I had no idea that these one’s even existed before now! Delivery was quick, arrived in perfect condition and was simple to set up – just pop in the supplied batteries, deodoriser (if using,) and bin liner and it’s good to go. It does fit perfectly in my kitchen, I’m so glad I bought it. This bin may be slimline but it holds a lot. There is only myself and my Son in my household and have only had to empty it today after it arrived last Friday, (that’s four days ago now.) The sensor on the bin is very sensitive but the bin sits by the back door where we pass through regularly. I am used to it now but I have the option to switch it off should I want to which is a great feature. I love how it’s automatic because it means no contact with the bin itself. The only ‘fault’ I can find is that I would have liked it if the lid stayed open for a longer period of time but this isn’t a deal-breaker because if your hand is there, the lid won’t go any further and it is soft closing. You can also set it to manual opening and closing too if you wish. Overall, this bin is great and I thoroughly recommend it.
Er kam heute und das ist nicht mein erster sensor Mlleimer. Bis jetzt passt alles , toll auch das Batterien mitgeliefert werden. Schne Optik, tut was er soll und wer sagt er wre beim zugehen zu laut, der hat einen knall. Jeder Treteimer ist lauter als diese Klappe die sich soft schliet. Fr das Geld super. Sollte aber was sein in kurzer Zeit wrde ich ihn auch reklamieren, klar. ber Haltbarkeit und Robustheit kann ich noch keine Angaben mache. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
Love the rectangular built.
Hate the red flash light, think I am crossing an aeroplane!
Amazing how many times small pieces of rubbish are discarded properly when one this bin is in room. Mine is in kitchen and superb for simple items especially like toast ends so that the swish open mechanism enables quick disposal. Great.
Sehr gutes Ding! Bin sehr glcklich mit dem schliemechanismus. Geht schnell auf, ist dann fr circa 5 Sekunden offen und schliet sanft. Das ganze lsst sich auch per Knopfdruck machen, dann bleibt die Klappe offen bis man sie wieder per Knopfdruck schliet. Fr den Preis absolut super.
We needed a slimline waste bin for our new kitchen! Great value and does the job!
We needed a narrow bin for a small space in the kitchen and this was perfect. It’s tall and fits in very well with a big capacity. You can put the bin bag over the top of the it, add the removable rim and lid and it keeps it secure. The motion sensor lid took a bit of getting used to but it’s great. It works well and means no sticky finger prints on the bin. It didn’t come dented – it was in perfect condition and looks very good. I just think it’s a little pricey.
sehr gutes kompaktes Gert. Einfach zu handhaben. Batterieverbrauch moderat. Allerdings sind keine Ersatzteile zu bekommen. Bricht oder fehlt z. B der Plastikhaltering fr die Mlltten, dann ist dieser nicht nachkaufbar. Das ist nicht gut gelst.
Lo tengo hace unas dos semanas y funciona muy bien. La idea de fabricarlo estrecho, me ha resultado magnfica pues mi cubo lo tengo en una zona de paso. Tiene mucha capacidad. Le he puesto dos bolsas de basura -una al lado de la otra- y las dos quedan bien sujetas. As, ya no necesito dos cubos y puedo poner lo orgnico en una bolsa y los envases en otra.
Estoy muy contento con este producto pero… seria genial que la puerta se mantenga abierta mas tiempo o mientras te detecte cercas .
Lo recomiendo
Der Mlleimer sieht gut aus und passt mit seiner schlanken Form super in meine Kche. Die ffnung ist schn gro, so da man beim Mll reinschmeissen keine Proleme hat. Was mich etwas strt, wenn ich am Mlleimer vorbei laufe geht er regelmig auf. Wenn ich was reinschmeissen will muss ich hingegen immer wieder mal mehrfach ber den Sensor fahren. Daran knnte also noch verbessert werden. Aber insgesamt bin ich zufrieden damit. Ist wirklich eine saubere Sache wenn man den Mlleimer nicht mehr berhren muss.
Preis: akzeptabel
Design: Mlleimer halt
Qualitt: kann man mal machen
Vier Sterne weil: einen Mlleimer fr ber 50 cken wird nicht jeder total geil finden… Wenn die Batterien ein Jahr durch halten erhhe ich gerne auf fnf Sterne fr den Amazon Himmel.
Lo compramos de oferta. Viene con dos bateras que no se mencionan en la descripcin del producto. Tiene un sensor que abre automticamente la puerta. A veces pasando demasiado cerca de la basura se abre el contenedor, pero podemos decidir que somos satisfechos del producto.
Muy cmoda para tirar cosas , coje un montn y al ser alta y estrecha no te tienes que agachar nada , compra perfecta
Fits in BC a snug little space, but holds a lot. Perfect fir our use.
so easy to remove full bag.Better than round or square
Buena relacin calidad-precio, tiene un bonito diseo con acabado en acero, el sensor para la apertura y cierre va muy bien, toca ver cunto durarn las pilas, por lo dems genial.
Estamos muy contentos tanto con la capacidad como con el mecanismo automtico nos parece algo muy prctico. Adems, parece que el material es resistente y slido.
Excellent bin! This bin works perfectly. It stays open long enough to clear a plate so no problem. I’ve read some reviews moaning about it using 4 C type batteries and I don’t understand the problem. The batteries come with it so where’s the issue? It’s a great bin that just works! Isn’t that the point?
Great for kitchen refuse if recycle most things and so don’t have too much to throw away.
Used in the kitchen, easy to use ,value for money and speedy delivery.Only problem not yet found bin liners to fit all too narrow any suggestions.
Me encanta. Tamao ideal y cmodo.Buena relacin calidad precio
Great product I purchased when it was on offer. I love it fits lovely in my bathroom. Good motion detection.
Perfect for narrow spaces. Motion auto open feature is great to touch the bin . I am happy with this purchase.
Great value, fits perfectly in my bathroom, would definitely recommend.
With soooo many different items to sort for recycling these days, got 3 for general waste, recycling and glass. Nice and slim so the 3 don’t take up that much room.
Just love this we bin. Opens and closes by itself.
Working well, motions detection is good and easy to clea
Auspacken und Zusammenbau das reinste Vergngen. Mlltte (bei uns gelber Sack) rein, Batterien rein, Deckel drauf und fertig! Funktioniert einwandfrei und sieht auch ganz gut aus, bei uns ideal fr den gelben Sack.
Love my bin and it’s the perfect size for my bathroom..lovely colour too
I absolutely love this bin….its got a large contents capacity…much better than the tall slim ones.
Great quality bin. Automatic lid with manual override is excellent.
This item was as expected, it’s a kitchen bin that opens up by just running your hand across it, just a nice size, and I’m very happy with i
Adequately sized and well made. The motion detection works well.
Love this bin, I use it in the bathroom…it’s a great size for bathroom or composting bin.
Gefllt mir sehr gut. Das Ausschlaggebende fr mein Kauf war , das unser gelber Sack gut passt und gut zu fllen ist.
I thought the batteries would die after a month but they are still going strong! Be aware that this does have a manual override which is handy for when you are clearing plates. I didnt realise this until after a couple of weeks using it. Easy to clean and very practical.
As described, no fuss, perfect size for food waste bin.
Good size. Hygienic as automated lid. Batteries don’t last lo g though. Quite expensive for what it is.
Es una verdadera maravilla yo a da de hoy lo encuentro una de las cosas ms maravillosas que han sacado tirar la basura con esta comodidad es todo un lujazo de hecho yo no comprar jams un cubo de basura que no est esta altura lo volver a comprar una y 1000 veces
Vorher hatte ich 2 Runde, nun, in dieser hheren aber schmaleren Form, passen sogar 3 dahin, gefllt mir !
Zudem ist die ffnung grer und es kleckert weniger drauf, gefllt mir super.
War dies ntzlich fr dich ?
Es perfecta, los sacos plsticos de 50 l entran perfectamente y son fciles de retirar, ellos se llenan hasta arriba. Y te envan las pilas gratis.
Leider habe ich keinen Kellerraum, an dem ich so ein hssliches Plastikgestell aufstellen kann, daher war ich
auf der Suche nach einem passenden Mlleimer, den ich bedenkenlos in der Kche aufstellen kann und der nicht viel Platz wegnimmt.
Ich bin so begeistert, dass ich gleich einen zweiten fr den normalen Hausmll bestellt habe.
Sensor reagiert schnell und problemlos.
Quite a cool gadget especially if you can get this on the offer for 13
Enough wide as 60l bag easily came off even fully filled.
Works perfectly. Arrived in Dublin within 2 days. Thank you Amazon!
Very pleased with the quality of the packaging, the bin is well made and looks great in our kitchen. Easy to set up and use !
Great size and shape for fitting in a compact space.
Love this bin.. so handy. Fits exactly in a narrow space. Holds allot of waste and it’s easy to empty. The sensor is so useful and hygienic as you don’t have to touch the bin lid each time you use it. – I’ve not had to replace the battery yet and I’ve been using it for 7 months. Definitely recommend it.
Simply excellent. Great price, great quality, perfect for narrow spaces.
We bought two of these to replace our 30 litre bins. They seem to cover the same kitchen floor real estate, whilst providing significantly more capacity.
This bin is an ideal size for me as I don’t need a great big bin. It is easy to clean and I really like that bin bag can be held in place.
Am Dienstag kam nun dieser. Wow, absolut seris verpackt, mit regelrechten Stodmpfern ausgestattet. Ein sehr schnes Design und der Sensor funktioniert einwandfrei und auch so, dass ihn meine kleinen Hunde zumindest nicht auslsen knnen. Er ffnet zuverlssig und schliet schn leise. Ich kann mich gar nicht erinnern, wann ich das letzte Mal so zufrieden mit einem Kauf war. Zusammen mit den 60L Stretschmllbeuteln von swirl eine echte Freude.
Great little bin, slightly on the short side to our last bin but at the same time a black bag fits perfectly and is about the right amount of room. Good size opening, a little slow of the sensor side, and shuts quicker than it should, by about 2 /3 seconds. Good overall and would suit being under a worktop I guess but fits snug next to our fridge, almost need a second for recycling stuff but not the room for it. See how long this one lasts, most brand’s snap on the motor teeth after a year maybe two. We use it loads with 5 kids so time will tell
Love the colour & the bin bag tucks in nicely so it doesn’t show on the outside. Pleased with purchase.
Waited an age for this they’d run out of stock. It needed to fit a specific space. It does, looks really good but it’s the robotic open sesame. You wave a hand, insert rubbish and it silently closes. It’s a bit eerie but brilliant. It can get confused by other things triggering it and I have no idea how long the batteries last. But make no mistake this is a wonderful bin. Who knew..
We were replacing a pair of Brabantia bins. These have a greater capacity but with a smaller footprint. The electric opening device means the bin is more hygenic and easier to keep clean. Works very well. Would buy again.
Looked for a small neat kitchen bin and this ticks all the boxes for me, don’t be deceived holds plenty of rubbish .
A good product. It’d be nice if it was a tad narrower though.
Very pleased , The best kitchen bin I have ever bough
I bought this kitchen bin because it was just the right size for a space in my kitchen, I am very pleased with it.
Funktioniert alles zuverlssig wie immer. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Expensive! Arrived well packed and with no damage at all. Seems to work well and is well made and reliable. I like this item and would recommend it! Dropped one star because of the price! AND IT DOES COME WITH BATTERIES!
It works & do’s the job to assist me in sorting rubbish
va muy bien y es muy comodo, sin palanca de pie ni usar las manos
de momento perfecto
We have two of these in our office and they are ideal in the COVID times to reduce hand contact as much as possible.
This bin replaces a similar one which was 13 years old and on which the lid has just broken.
We love the automatic opening and the size. We have two such bins placed side by side for different forms of waste and were very pleased to be able to buy a similar one to the old one.
With this bin there is no contact when disposing of waste and there is a large capacity.
Lo cosa es que los olores lo prctico la limpieza todo ,… es fantstico de hecho lo han comprado ya 3 conocidos por vrmelo y estn muy contentos, yo solo digo que os va a gustar la verdad. Yo estaba harta de lo chorreones de los nios ( familia numerosa) en la tapa nunca bien cerrada etc etc as que muy feliz
This is the best bin I have ever owned. The sensor works perfect. The design is sturdy. The bag is hidden behind a ring so from the outside it looks perfect.
Does everything it says on the package. Only difficulty was in opening the battery compartment but that was because i wasnt pressing it in the right place.
Slim enough to fit in a small width area
Great product and on the whole and pleased with it. Only downside is that the lid seems to keep opening every time you walk past it.
Update November 2020
I had to contact customer service as the lid mechanism broke down, so impresses, the have issued a order replacement. Very happy as I didn’t wanna throw thw bin away, really lie it. 5* customer service Amazon.
Although the automatic opening and closing wasn’t my reason for buying this product I do find it brilliant to use. I hope the long term durability lives up to it’s early use.
Have now been using for over 6 months and not needed to change the batteries. Still impressed.
Estamos encantados con este cubo de basura, sobre todo porque no necesitas abrirlo para tirar basura ya que detecta la presencia y lo hace automticamente.
Volvera a comprarlo
Really pleased with the bin. Fits lots in it and is easy to keep clean. The automatic door works well, glad we went for that one.
Love this bin its amazing, very quiet when open and close. The depth is very good and very wide opening so you wont spill any food on the side. Really happy with this produc
Amazing little bin,I needed a small bin for my kitchen,I have a very small space and this one fits the bill perfectly,the lid is sensitive but I don’t mind,it open when it needs to open and that keeps everything clean and tidy
loved the colour and size, I use it in my kitchen a larger one before but it was bulky and my husband didn’t like it.This is just right.
Thrilled with the bin. Grandchildren love the fact you wave your hand and it opens then closes automatically.
. L infra rouge fonctionne trs bien pour le moment je ne l ai que de depuis deux jours pour le moment ras
This is a 50 litre stainless steel bin from Amazon. It is a slim design which meaures
37.8 x 27.5 x 70.2 cm.
The bin looks very smart and appears to be well made. It is made from a very slim layer of stainless steel (which makes it fairly light weight), which seems that it could dent very easily however mine still looks as good as new.
One attractive feature of this bin is that the lid opens and closes with motion sensors – meaning no need to touch a dirty bin lid. It operates using two type D batteries (included). Not sure how long these will last under normal use however after 3 months it’s still going strong. There are also open/close buttons on the front of the lid if you want it opener for longer.
Overall, this is a very nice bin, which I would recommend.
If you want the lid to stay open, then you need to press the manual “open” button and then the “close” button in order for it to close again.
The bin takes four D batteries. Two of our smaller supermarkets in the area did not stock them – we had to go to a larger supermarket in order to find them.
The automatic hand-waving motion sensor makes this a useful bin. However, I’m deducting one star because of a couple of minor dents in the bin that you can see from the photos that I uploaded. The bin arrived in a thick cardboard box, which was then packaged in an exterior Amazon box. However, the bin was still damaged – perhaps by the delivery driver. The metal of the bin is quite thin and can dent easily.
This isn’t a problem for us as the damage is very minor. However, if you want a bin that is perfect and it would bother you, then you may have to check your bin on arrival and possibly send it back if it is damaged.