Amazon Basics Cuddler Pet Bed – Small, Pink Polka Dots

AmazonBasics Cuddler Pet Bed
Give your pet a warm, cozy place to rest with this AmazonBasics Cuddler pet bed. Ideal for a cat or dog, the pet bed provides raised sides that offer added structure, a sense of security, and a pillow-like headrest. A low downward-sloping front edge makes it easier for a pet to get in and out, which can be especially useful for older pets.
- Pet bed provides a cozy sleeping place
- Ideal for a dog or cat
- Made of durable yet soft fabric
- Raised side walls for support
- Low front edge for easy in/out
- For indoor use
- Choice of size and style

Soft and Comfortable
Made with a soft sleeping surface and a durable oxford base, the plush pet bed provides exceptional comfort and long-lasting strength. Designed for indoor use, the bed works well in a bedroom, office, living room, or anywhere your pet likes to hang out.

Choice of Style and Size
Choose the bed that best accommodates your furry friend. The AmazonBasics pet bed comes in a variety of fashionable styles and sizes (each sold separately).
Weight: | 680 g |
Size: | Small |
Dimensions: | 46.99 x 36.83 x 17.02 cm; 680.39 Grams |
Model: | YF89024S |
Colour: | Polka Dots |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Colour: | Polka Dots |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Small |
J envisag dans acheter une autre pour l offrir trs contente
Lleg hace 2 das y no se despega de su nueva camita….
He likes it, it’s soft and cute and cheap. Can’t go wrong really.
I have two sausage dogs and they love them. One sausage dog fits perfectly in it. I got them one each. Not chew proof but never expected them to be… My one sausage loves chewing soft fluffy things so this in her opinion is the perfect chew toy I’d buy again…. Looks like I’m going yo have to
Perfetta per il mio cucciolo, molto pratica e facile da pulire
Es un excelente producto, tanto la calidad como el precio estan muy bien, no te arrepentiras en esta compra, para mi muy recomendable.
I didn’t expect Tyson to get so big as fast as he did. It must be his raw food diet. When he was tea cup tiny it was perfect but since he’s grown his limbs or head hang over but its snug like a hug now and hell keep it. I throw it in the wash dries quickly fluffy and soft and feels and looks good quality.
My cat loves this bed. At first I thought it would be small for her as she is big cat (6.5kg). But the size is perfect and it looks super cute!
Bought as a Christmas present for our little fur ball and since she has discovered it all her other previous beds have been forgotten – she absolutely loves her new bed. She does a lot of padding / purring when she first gets in until she goes in a circle and settles and then that is her for hours. So pleased with the purchase. A definite hit with our girl!
My cat love the bed is very soft and warm she love to sleep inside very much
Es una cama muy suave aparte de bonita.La compr para un gato y le encant, no sale de ella.
Un acierto tengo otras pero esta tiene una suavidad muy agradable
Gradevole da vedere, sembra comoda, perch il cane la appezza e ci sta volentieri all’interno. Imbottita a dovere, non ha odori n parti che potrebbero ferire il nostro animale domestico.
I bordi, pur non essendo rigidi, non si piegano eccessivamente quando il cane ci appoggia il musetto
Molto comoda, il mio gatto l’ha apprezzata fin da subito. Personalmente l’ho trovata pi bella dal vivo che in foto.
Unica pecca sono i bordi forse un po’ troppo molli, avrei preferito dessero pi sostegno se l’animale vi si appoggia.
La cuccia ottima, buona la fattura, resistente ai lavaggi , non perde pelo n colore , comoda e calda
Cuccia stupenda. Si lava in lavatrice (tutta o solo il cuscino) senza problemi (cosa principale!), grandezza ottima per un gatto di taglia media, morbidissima e perfetta per “impastare”. La mia gatta la apprezza tantissimo!
Yo lo cog en una oferta por 18.88 euros y esta genial, eso si para 26 euros… no se si la compraria, es bonita y muy comoda y caliente, pero para 26 euros ya me compro algo que me guste ms. Y cog la pequea y es mas grande de lo que parece.
Produit bien conforme a la description il est tout doux et assez epai. Prt a accueillir mon chiot Spitz
piuttosto piccola, ma calda e confortevole. Forse costa un po’, ma sembra di buona qualit. Vedremo nel tempo.
I bought this for one of my female cats. Unfortunately her considerably larger brother has stolen it.
Muy sorprendida con la camita para mi Diana y mas aun si a ella la ha encantado. Es muy suave, bien calentita y buen reyeno, para lavarla tener cuidado, lavarla sola no con mas ropa porque es muy delicada este tipo de tela, pero vamos cuando se saca vuelve no pierde ni forma ni color ni textura.
Feliz por la compra y mas a mi perrita que la ha encantado. 😀
Sehr schn und kuschelig, riecht nicht nach Chemie. Fr kleine Hunde sehr gut geeignet, unsere Zwergudelhndin liebt es
We love this dog bed are puppy is a cavapoo and it fits as she’s a puppy but we will have to get a bigger one when she gets bigger she loves this bed it’s so comfy she loves snuggling up and Bering things in it. A great bead and a great price too
Cuccia molto bella e molto confortevole. Fatta molto bene. Ho acquistato 5 mesi fa ed ancora uguale. Consiglio vivamente.
Lovely cosy dog bed, easy to wash. It’s not very cheap proof though
When it arrived – she got in it and went to sleep – she loves i
My chihuahua loves her bed. It’s soft and squishy and she fits perfectly in it.
Well made, very soft, removable pillow bottom. Easy to get in and out of, our 17 year old cat took to it right away.
molto carina, non l’ho ancora lavata ma sicuramente ci vuole un trattamento delicato per non rovinarla.
My little dogs love these soft and comfy easy to wash
Molto carina e morbidissima!!!… appena arrivata,spero resista cos anche ai lavaggi
11 week old Pippin, JR puppy, loves her little night time bed. Sleeps soundly. Not washed yet as she shares the other 3 dogs beds during the day.
Perfect for my rabbit! Very soft and she loved it straight away ! very happy bunny 🙂
Lovely and soft for my puppy. Cushion has already been washed numerous times and keeps its shape.
How adorable is this! My puppy loves her new bed. Not only is is so cute with its polka dots, but very soft and snuggly. She hops in and just closes her eyes. Very durable! This is one purchase I’m so glad I made.
Oggetto molto bello ed apprezzato dalla sua padroncina. molto morbido
Molto morbido, ideale bei mesi pi freddi. Bello e comodo per cuccioli e piccoli animali
My little very unspoiled 10 pound dog loves this bed. She has 2 others from which to choose and this is by far her favorite. I would buy it again.
Molto bella e ben fatta, il fondo impermeabile coperto da un cuscinetto supermorbido e lavabile, consiglio l’acquisto.
Bella cuccetta per il tuo pelosetto, la misura per un cane di piccola taglia
This bed is so soft. I bought the bed to place in a doggy stroller. You can also take out the cushion and use it as a pillow. I also purchased the matching blanket.
Bella esteticamente, super morbida acquistata per una nuova cucciola in famiglia….
Su cuna favorita, suave y fcil de limpiar,
Cuando lo lavo en la lavadora aguanta bien el material
This is super soft and fluffy. The pillow is separate so you can clean/vacuum inside easily. It fits my 12 pound cat perfectly. He loves it!
Unglaublich niedliches Bett. Hab schon lnger berlegt es zu bestellen und bin froh das ich es gemacht habe. Mit der Pflege wei ich allerdings nicht wie es sich in der Waschmaschine machen wird das wird die Zeit dann zeigen.
Molto comodo e impermeabile hai cani piace molto per secondo me va messa dentro un’altra cuccia di quelle di plastica
Molto consigliata
Cuccia super morbida e pratica, il cuscino interno si separa dalla cuccia, facilmente lavabile e resistente!!
La felicit del mio cagnolino!!
It’s so cute and soft my little dog princess loves it!
All’inizio non la consideravano nemmeno un po’, poi l’ho messa sul tavolino di fianco al divano, usandola spesso come porta telecomando: diventata uno dei loro posti preferiti per concedersi lunghi pisolini! Ora le gatte hanno 5 mesi, vedremo se crescendo sar necessario acquistarne un’altra!
Super cute, soft and perfect for my little Havanese. However, I don’t think you are supposed to put it in the washer and that’s the only flaw.
Nos ha encantado y ms a nuestra perrita adoptada Nala que es muy feliz y duerme calentita en su nueva camita
veramente bella, morbida, marchio “Amazon basics” (etichetta cucita sul davanti della cuccia), l’ho presa per il mio Pomerania che pesa circa 1,8 kg.
Per dare un’idea della grandezza (ho misurato l’interno, circa 30 cmx 27 cm), possono stare comodamente due Pomerania.
La parte esterna misura circa 45 cmx 35 cm. La parte dove pu salire il cagnolino alta circa 10.5 cm, mentre lateralmente e dietro alta circa 18. Misure non prese con precisione ovviamente, ma tanto per dare un’idea.
L’ho immediatamente fatta provare al mio piccolo e la apprezza, il cuscino morbidissimo (un lato peluche bianco, un lato peluche rosa a pallini colorati come l’esterno) e lui si sente sicuro, perch appoggia la testa sul lato pi alto sentendosi protetto.
Il fondo in materiale all’apparenza resistente tipo impermeabile (ma non so se lo sia) colore nero, senza quei fastidiosi pallini minuscoli (che di solito mettono per fare attrito con il pavimento credo) che a lungo andare si staccano e finiscono ovunque.
Ho visto che va lavata a 30 gradi in lavatrice, speriamo resti cos bella e morbida anche dopo i lavaggi.
Se posso trovare una pecca: il prezzo.
Per una cuccia cos piccolina 26,00 euro mi sembrano troppo, pur confermando quanto sia ben fatta. A mio parere il prezzo corretto potrebbe essere (sto parlando della misura S) intorno ai 18,00 euro.
Das Bettchen ist den Preis wert! Ich war erst etwas mit mir am Hadern ob ich nicht lieber ein einfaches Kissen holen soll, bin jetzt aber sehr glcklich mit meiner Entscheidung. Die Katzen mgen es beide sehr gern, es ist kuschelig, rutscht nicht und sieht gut aus
Me gusto el tamao, Perfecto para cachorrillo, es suave y resistente. A Mi perrita le encant, es muy calientita.
Lovely cosy bed for new puppy, she got straight in and slept the whole night. Not tried washing it yet but the insert comes out for washing and there’s a waterproof lining underneath. Great little bed for the money.
Morbido d poco ingombrante . Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo ! La mia gatta sta al caldo !
Solo lo usa cuando se queda solita. La base debera ser ms fuerte, pero con el cojn y una mantita de ms se queda genial, es muy bonito, cmodo y calentito con los bordes tan suaves
Cuccetta molto carina fatta bene, arrivata puntuale e ben confezionata
I have bought two so far! My babies loved them!
Lovely strong well made very soft and pretty little dog loves her warm cosy soft bed. Well priced too.
Questa cuccia un tesoro!
Stramorbidissima, soffice, piacevole al tatto e sopratutto comodissima.
Di certo non sar ideale durante il periodo estivo perch risulta molto calda ma per il resto dell’anno va benissimo.
La cuccia ha il fondo che si pu togliere ma in generale pu essere lavata in lavatrice intera senza problemi.
A mis perritos les encant. Yo ped la chica y cabe a la perfeccin un perro chihuahua, dos bien apretados.
My puppy loves it! Its’s very soft and cozy. If it comes in a larger size I will purchase another one when she gets bigger.
Hermosaaa!!! Lstima que mi Yorkie prefiere usarla para esconder sus tesoros
Es muy bonita, el color rosa est muy lindo.
Es tal cual se ve en la foto.
Nada dura, por si tienes un cachorro muy activo, se vere guapo pero no le va a durar mucho.
Compre la chiquita, pero es ms para un cachorrito.
It’s really not a bed. Very cute & vibrant colors. The pad in the center of the bed is reversible. One side white and fuzzy and the other side matches the exterior of the bed. It’s not really fluffy like how I wanted it, but it’s still padded, not flat at all. My only dislike is the weird logo in the center of the bed. It’s like a burger or something.
Perfect size for our 3 pound puppy. She loves sleeping in i
Compre en tamao chico y le quedo perfecto a mi Chihuahua.
Diseo a la moda; suave, elegante y bonito
Lovely soft little bed, easy to clean, cannot fault i
A mi beb le encant Me lleg muy rpido!! La ped chica y mi perrita es chihuahua y le quedo perfecto
Daughter picked this for our new kittens. Nice quality and very soft. Kittens were unsure at first- but got comfortable pretty quickly.
I barely had this put down and 5 minutes later my very picky Lily was fast asleep. Definitely a winner in my house
I have a small Scottish Terrier and he LOVES this bed. It is plush and warm and he adopted it immediately. The center cushion comes out and can be laundered separately.
A m Chihuahua le encanto, la verdad est muy bonita, y suavecita, eleg el tamao pequeo y le qued perfecto.
Come in foto. Molto carino. La mia cagnolina era molto felice del regalo. Morbido. Funzionale. Esteticamente molto fashion.
The much prettier in person! Not made with memory foam but still very soft and cuddly. My pet lives it!
Perfect color and super soft. Suggest to buy the same pattern pet blanket too, I put on the bottom for extra fluffy!!
I got this bed for my 11 year old poodle . It’s made well . The cushion is removable . It’s a really good deal for the price .
My puppy loved this bed from day one. It’s so cute. Sturdy! Because she pulls the pillow out and swings it around. But no problems. But she’s only 4 lbs.
It is absolutely perfect for my little 4.5# Yorkie; she loves i
Love this very plush little bed. My little dog loves it and looks so cozy in it. The reversible pillow in the bottom is great.
Je lui avais achet un panier rond et elle aimait bien le squatter. Ce lit/panier est bien plus joli (encore plus beau que sur les photos). La matire est extrmement douce et plaisante au toucher.
C’est une chatte craintive donc elle a quand mme mis 2 bonnes heures avant de l’adopter dfinitivement. Depuis, elle ne le quitte quasiment plus. Elle semble apprcier son confort et les coins lgrement arrondis et molletonns.
Le lit est plutt petit, donc parfait pour un chat. En revanche, pour un chien assez gros, la taille risque d’tre un peu trop juste (l’animal se sentira certainement l’troit).
Je joins des photos de Noira dans son panier. Elle est ravie.
Perfect little pink and fluffy bed for the cat or dog or any other small pet.
As you can see from the picture she looks very comfortable. It was a tad too small for my medium sized Yorkie. He could sit in it, but there was no room really to lie down, bare that in mind when buying. This bed will only accommodate a small cat or a small dog.
Man stelle sich einen blutrnstigen Pitbullrde vor, der auf den Namen Hansi hrt und sich in solch ein Bettchen kuschelt^^
Das komfortable und kuschlige Pltzchen ist direkt nutzbar; warum ich das erwhne, weil ich erwartet htte, dass es ein paar Tage chemisch duftet, hat es aber zu meinem Erstaunen nach nicht.
Klein Sansa hat die erste Woche einen groen Bogen darum gemacht, doch eines morgens hab ich sie dabei erwischt, wie sie dort geschlummert hat. Seitdem, ich wei nicht den genauen Grund, doch nun liebt sie es. Waschbar ist es auch, was ein weiterer Pluspunkt dafr ist.
Man mag von Amazon halten was man mag, doch wenn sie was machen, dann machen sie es meist richtig. Amazon Basics macht klasse Produkte. Punkt.
Nothing in the written description mentions laundering it. I looked at the tags, today, and see it says ‘do not wash’!?! I would never have purchased a pet bed that couldn’t be laundered!
There’s some sort of a ‘limited warranty’—I’d have preferred being able to keep it clean regularly, for my baby Westie girl!
I love the pink with polka dots and it is perfect size for my little pom, So soft! She loves the softness and has tried it out once or twice. Thumbs up for us!
This has got to be the softest pet bed I have ever had!
My little 8 pound dog loves it.
Pink with polka dots, very sweet.
Raised sides, the cushion is removable.
Laundered nicely, used cold water on gentle cycle.
I have even caught my cats snoozing in this little bed.
Well made and reasonably priced.