Amazon Basics Portable Security Case – Combination Lock, Large

Weight: | 1.36 kg |
Size: | Large |
Dimensions: | 24.13 x 16.51 x 4.57 cm; 1.36 Kilograms |
Model: | SW-SC01 |
Part: | SW-SC01 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Amazon Basics |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | Large |
A fairly strong metal box, cable is to be wrapped around a large or unmovable object, to prevent someone from just running off with it. Give anyone a couple minutes and they can break the box open. Not secure enough for a firearm in my opinion.
Lleg en el tiempo pactado. La caja viene con su cable de seguridad y dentro encuentras el manual de como cambiar la clave. Es prctica y segura, puedes guardar varias cosas y por el tamao puede ser guardada o empotrada en un lugar que consideres seguro y difcil de encontra
The product is nice and my family members like this very much.
Worth for the money.
To add more value to the product, manufacturer can think of providing an alarm also in case of force opening.
I bought this as a gift. I haven’t received any feedback. It seemed to be worthy of what I paid.
Compatta, prodotto robusto, comoda la serratura a combinazione. utile per la sicurezza di valori da trasportare.
Caja fuerte para cajn de mesa o viaje. No se le puede pedir ms. Es para casa u oficina.
La tuve que regresar ya que no caba lo que quera meter pero me pareci excelente. El material bien.
Useful mini-safe can be carried, secured by cable or drilled to a surface. Three digit lock could be improved with an extra couple of digits.
Caja muy fuerte, solida y buena relacin calidad-precio. La recomiendo
Ottimo oggetto…robusto e abbastanza protettivo solo se ancorato tramite cavo in dotazione ad un punto fisso. Ottimo oggetto per custodire oggetti o metterli fuori dalla vista.
Great little safe perfect for holidays and hiding it in the home
Comprato per mettere in sicurezza un oggetto dalle mani dei bimbi. Una 98 ci entra giusta giusta nella box taglia L. robusta, il meccanismo lo si sente solido e funzionale. Certo, con un cacciavite e sforzo si apre, ma per l’utilizzo che si cerca fa egregiamente il suo dovere!
For the money, it is very well made, stout and precise in its workings. It also comes with fitted foam, so that if you have a cell phone, it will be well padded.
I have only two knocks against it: 1) Four digits would make it harder to open than three, and cost negligibly more. (A determined person can probably cycle through the various combinations in a half hour or less); and 2) if there were four pieces of more thinly sliced foam, it would be easier to fit more in here.
Molto pratica e robusta. Facile da programmare la combinazione. Abbastanza capiente.
The box is a decent material and size but sometimes it doesn’t open properly and I have to force it ope
Cassetta di sicurezza di piccole dimensioni ma super utile e davvero ben fatta. Consigliata occhio solo alla dimensione
Honestly didn’t expect something so heavy for that price. AmazonBasics does it again! Very sturdy, strong and affordable.
Daughter,s got me this for Christmas , haven’t had a proper look , but all looks fine to me and delivered well in time
I have a conceal carry permit but I’m still reluctant to have a loaded weapon easily accessible on an average day. I saw this safe in a local gun range and thought it was perfect for my needs. It literally holds one handheld and one box of ammo. It is heavier than it appears and the lock is not a cheap visual aide but an actual lock that will safely store your pistol until needed. Perfect for under car seats or in a living room / bedroom setting. Love mine, get your own!
Caja fuerte porttil para acompaar en los viajes o ponerla en algn sitio escondida por su reducido tamao.
Tambin vienen dos agujeros en su interior para anclarla.
Evidentemente si sufre un fuerte apalancamiento terminara abriendo.
Me parece buena compra
Buscaba algo mejor pero al ver que articulos parecidos pagando mas no llevaba mas calidad.
No me decepciono al verlo pero tampoco es nada del otro mundo
E’ bella e robusta.
Di dimensioni contenute, ma utile.
L’unico difetto, che i numeri della combinazione, non si leggono affatto bene.
Consiglio di far risaltare i numeri con un colore bianco o nero.
Man kann Kleinigkeiten gut verstauen, das Problem ist, dass man es nicht berall mit dem beigefgten Stahlseil befestigen kann, aber die Sicherheitsbox erfllt sonst ihren Zweck.
It worked well but did not hold my gun and 3 magazines. Had to return for a larger size
e arrivata nei tempi e ben imballata come sempre per le spedizioni amazon. l ho fissata sia con la vite che con il gancio in un luogo nascosto. fa il suo lavoro. ottima. consigliata
e arrivata nei tempi e ben imballata come sempre per le spedizioni amazon. l ho fissata sia con la vite che con il gancio in un luogo nascosto. fa il suo lavoro. ottima. consigliata
Wanted for mid-sized pistol storage in my truck console. I looped the cord around my drivers seat support and it was long enough to go up into my console to attach to the box. The combo numbers were facing me as I opened the box, as opposed to some reviews that said they faced away. No problem setting the code. I hope it works if a car burglar jerks it around, and if so I’ll upgrade my rating..
Unfortunately, the safety rope is difficult to fit into the box. The surface of the box is damaged. Other aspects are good
I upgraded my car but to my dismay, the glove box didn’t lock! Thought about what I could do and came up with a lock box. I have a portable GPS and solar sun charger and didn’t want anyone to be able to steal. I keep my RV keys in it too. I secure the cable around the metal seat adjuster under the passenger seat and slip it under the seat out of sight. Having a combo lock prevents you from loosing a key. It’s made for a gun but I took out the foam pads and I can put my things in it. Great solution!
Justo lo que buscaba a un buen precio. No tiene demasiada capacidad pero la justa para algunos objetos personales (cartera, movil, llaves…). Suficiente
Habe die Sicherheitsbox extra fr meinen Urlaub gekauft, damit Handy und Geld sicher verstaut waren. Auerdem kann die Sicherheitsbox irgendwo fest gebunden werden, an der Liege oder am Schirm, wenn er nicht rausziehbar ist.
Auch wenn nie wirklich viel los war, es gibt einem mehr das Gefhl, alles on Sicherheit zu haben. Durch das praktische Zahlenschloss muss auch kein lstiger Schlssel herumgetragen werden.
Zwei Handys, Geldbeutel, Uhr und Schlssel fanden so problemlos ihren Platz innerhalb der Box.
Die Sicherheitsbox hat natrlich auch ihr Gewicht, das sollte beim packen des Koffers beachtet werden!
Veramente comoda e sicura per la spiaggia, spaziosa quanto basta x portafogli, telefoni chiavi ecc, ottimo acquisto. Spedizione perfetta come sempre da parte di Amazo
Veramente comoda e sicura per la spiaggia, spaziosa quanto basta x portafogli, telefoni chiavi ecc, ottimo acquisto. Spedizione perfetta come sempre da parte di Amazo
La cassa ha una buona robustezza, aime la chiusura pecca di presunzione…
La uso per riporre nel trasporto una apx centurion, come dimensioni ci siamo alla grande perfetta ma la chiusura lenta, rimane leggermente aperta facilitando cos l’inserimento di un cacciavite, con la dovuta forza dubito che la serratura la quale ricorda “molto” quella della cassetta postale regga la forzatura, pessimo in sistema di ancoraggio, non entrava nel suo alloggio, niente che una lima non possa riparare.
Nel complesso visto il costo buonissima per alcune accortezze, anche aumentando il prezzo di pochi euro potevano migliorare di molto il prodotto.
Sicuramente smetter di usarla nel trasporto delle armi ma come cassetta di sicurezza veloce la ricomprerei sicuramente.
Perfecto por el precio, justo lo que buscaba para los billetes de 500 Euros, cabe mucha pasta
Fa il suo dovere. pratica ma leggermente pesante, diciamo che ci si accorge di averla in valigia. Ma fa quel che promette e anche bene. Molto semplice da impostare. Arrivata bei tempi prestabiliti.
Bought it for my son to hold his valuables, and this product meets the need. But the inside mechanism of the lock does take some storage room, by saying that, I should have bought one larger size. Overall it is a ok product.
Me han encantado, solo el peso ya da una sensacin de seguridad enorme.
La he comprado para el trabajo. Lo que ms me gusta es que incorporan un cable (bastante ms robusto de lo que parece) con el que asegurarla a cualquier sitio, en mi caso la estructura que soporta una mesa.
El cdigo es muy fcil de modificar y abre y cierra sin problemas, aunque las ruedecillas para marcar el nmero giran con cierta dificultad.
El nico pero es que se marcan muy rpido los dedos, alomejor est previsto para detectar posibles ladrones jejeje.
Ich war auf einer Suche nach einem kleinen Tresor” wo ich bisschen Bargeld und meine wichtigen USB Stick’s vor meinen Kindern und Besuchern bunkern kann!
Mir war bewusst das es kein Produkt ist, das Einbrechers abschrecken wrde, sondern sie wrden eher mich auslachen was der Mist soll 😉
Aber dennoch erfllt es seinen Zweck und er schtzt vor neugierige Kindern und Ehefrauen!
Versand war wie Amazon typisch: PERFEKT!
Angekommen wunderte ich mich, wie schwer das Teil doch ist. Ausgepackt und gestaunt was fr eine Qualitt Amazon fr so ein gnstiges Teil hier raus ballert!
Super verarbeitet, schweres Gewicht und Bomben Qualitt. Bedienungsanleitung ist auch auf allen wichtigen Sprachen dabei.
Ich habe es in meine Schublade verbaut, dank vorgebohrten Lchern. So wackelt nichts rum und alles ist schn sauber verbaut.
Ich kann es jedem empfehlen der kleine Dinge verstauen mchte ohne das jemand das gleich in die Hnde bekommt.
Fr ein ntzlich wrde ich mich freuen 🙂 danke
I initially liked the lock box. The box itself is quite heavy and feels very secure. It seems like Amazon fixed the issue with the upside-down combination numbers. I definitely would have kept it but I originally bought it to put in a tight storage spot 2 inches wide but while the box is 1.80 inches tall, the knob adds some height and it won’t fit in anywhere smaller than 2.25 inches.
This was recommended by a friend and so glad I listened. Using an anchor bolt, it is attached to the back of my desk. With the cable, it easily looks like an uninteresting piece of electronic equipment when sitting on edge. I believe it would be very difficult to break into.
This box seems well made. It does have a problem with setting the code that won’t use the 9 but will a 0. Kinda weird but other wise it seems great.
The safe is very clean and padded on the inside but it doesn’t look that well, it may not close all the way
Exactly how I imagined, only a little heavier than I was expecting… 3 lbs empty. The steel is thicker than I expected. The lock works just fine and the hinges are not flimsy.
Por el precio que tiene no se puede pedir ms. Una caja fuerte acolchada con cdigo.
Very strong steel construction. Thicker gauge than expected and, as a result, heavier. Great for home or business use. Probably wouldn’t travel with it. Can be mounter. Excellent safe.
The XL didn’t fit an iPad so I returned it and got the XXL — so glad I did, very happy with it. The XL fits an iPad, two iPhones and 2 passports and wallets etc.
La cassetta fornita di combinazione uno strumento pratico per tenere le chiavi un po’ pi al sicuro nelle zone comuni dell’edificio. Anche il gancio di ancoraggio risulta comodo e agevole.
Bella, robusta mi piace ma la combinazione non mi piace molto perch leggermente ballerina. Per il resto ok cavo robusto in acciaio.
Its good but easy to open without the pin code.
No se cierra del todo, el cable de seguridad deja un espacio abierto y los dos agujeros del fondo slo le vienen bien a quien quiera fijarlo, pero no a quien no quiera. Por lo tanto, hay que proteger lo que se quiera guardar.
Por 20 y plano, que es lo que buscaba, est bien.
While my son was studying abroad, he was going to be living in a boarding house type of place with 20 young adults. The bedroom doors didn’t lock, so we purchased this so he could safely and securely lock up his wallet and passport when he didn’t need them. That made this mama feel better knowing his important documents were kept in a safe place.
Nice little lockbox for the money. I store my handgun in it when I travel. Works great and I like the tether cable that comes with it. My only complaint is when looking at the case the lock mechanism looks upside down. This doesn’t effect functionality and is more me being OCD than anything.
Einfach mit dem Stahlseil um ein Bettgestell, an der Liege, am Sitzgestell, etc. “anketten”, Wertsachen einschlieen und ohne Sorge Volleyballspielen, Schwimmen oder an die Bar gehen, oder einfach im Bus schlafen.
Natrlich nicht 100% einbruchsicher, aber Dinge knnen nicht einfach ohne Gewalt und Aufsehen entwendet werden!
Hat mir auf meiner Sdindien – Reise uerst wertvolle Dienste geleistet,
verwende ich gerne wieder und kann ich absolut empfehlen!!
molto comoda e robusta, l interno presenta della spugna che se rimossa aumenta notevolmente lo spazio, l esterno robusto l unica cosa che un po scomoda il perno in rilievo che serve ad aprire ,ottimo come funzione, ma nasconderla in posti stretti viene scomodo a causa della sua sporgenza, non stagna quindi non possibile immergerla in acqua ma comunque un ottimo prodotto, lo consiglio
Exactly as advertised. Sturdy and very secure. Used as cable tethered room safe on vacation. I recommend. Will likely use secured in my pickup.
Nicht jedes Hotelzimmer hat einen funktionierenden Safe, nicht jeder hat immer eine sichere Aufbewahrung von Geld u.a.. Dieser kleine Safe hat Zahlenschloss, einfach zu bedienen, Er macht einen soliden stabilen Eindruck. Man kann ein beigefgtes solides Stahlseil einhaken (sicher) um den Safe an einen stabilen Punkt fest zu halten, man knnte ihn sonst zu leicht “mitnehmen”. Nicht die hundertprozentigen Sicherheit – gibt es die? – aber immer besser als gar keine Sicherheit. Man schlft ruhiger !
Doesn’t look like it could really protect a theft if with the help of other objects .
But still for car it’s amazing
Number lock is a little flimsy
With the leash that comes with it becomes secure .
Kept in car
Is definitely useful.
My recommendation:-
Buy it .
This does what it needs to do. It complies with the requirements of the law. It would not be very hard to break it open but I guess nothing does if you’re determined.
Oh my goodness. I love this safe. I brought it to a water park and all my mom friends and I put our phones and credit cards in there, then looped the cable around our wagon and attached it to a table. It gives you such peace of mind to leave your belongings in a public area. Easy to open and close. I like to take the padding out to fit more items inside.
Me gusta bastante y se ve que es muy resistente la pega que le pongo es que le hace falta otro dgito para la combinacin por eso no le pongo 5 estrellas por lo dems todo perfecto
Cassetta di sicurezza ottima per contenere contanti o documenti!!!ottimo prodotto per qualit prezzo…
Optisch wesentlich ansprechender als eine Kleingeldkassette und auch wesentlich stabiler verarbeitet als eine mit dnnen Blechwnden.
Der Schaumstoff innen kann einfach heraus genommen und angepasst werden, sollte was greres reinmssen.
(Unterseite Schaumstoff entfernen und man kommt an die Bohrlcher)
Auf dem Bild sieht man einen Briefumschlag, allerdings passt ein Brief leider nicht komplett in die XL Box (zu lang, Verschluss im Weg), was etwas schade ist, denn somit passt auch kein gefalteter Brief / ein gefaltetes Dokument hinein.
Ich habe mich fr die Version mit Zahlenschloss entschieden, auch wenn ich 1000 mgliche Kombinationen als etwas wenig empfinde (mit etwas Geduld ist man dann doch Recht schnell durch), hatte ich keine Lust den Schlssel jedesmal suchen zu mssen.
Fr den Preis von etwa 15 Euro von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
Optisch wesentlich ansprechender als eine Kleingeldkassette und auch wesentlich stabiler verarbeitet als eine mit dnnen Blechwnden.
Der Schaumstoff innen kann einfach heraus genommen und angepasst werden, sollte was greres reinmssen.
(Unterseite Schaumstoff entfernen und man kommt an die Bohrlcher)
Auf dem Bild sieht man einen Briefumschlag, allerdings passt ein Brief leider nicht komplett in die XL Box (zu lang, Verschluss im Weg), was etwas schade ist, denn somit passt auch kein gefalteter Brief / ein gefaltetes Dokument hinein.
Ich habe mich fr die Version mit Zahlenschloss entschieden, auch wenn ich 1000 mgliche Kombinationen als etwas wenig empfinde (mit etwas Geduld ist man dann doch Recht schnell durch), hatte ich keine Lust den Schlssel jedesmal suchen zu mssen.
Fr den Preis von etwa 15 Euro von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
La contrasea es fcil de cambiar y el cable de seguridad evita que alguien la pueda llevar en un descuido.
Por supuesto no es inexpugnable, pero por menos de 20 euros ofrece seguridad ante cacos que no sean grandes profesionales del delito.
This is heavy gauge steel with a strong cable. Looks like it would be very hard, without cutting tools, to yank this box free and run off with it. 3 digit combination – easy to remember and the inside mechanism is also heavy gauge metal. For this price, this is a very good deal. The same quality safe purchased at a gun store would cost $40 to $50 and on ebay one that looks exactly same one costs $30.50.
Bought this for my daughter for college to keep cash in, we took out the padding that was inside to give more room shes not keeping anything inside but money so no need for it. Don’t have to worry about a battery operated safe or losing keys to open just 3 number combo lock. Very happy with item. Also has thick metal cord to secure to any item you want just loop it around.
Perfect! I used this for travel. I used this ad my safe because you can’t trust the hotel safes. Yes, the hotels offers a safe, but the managers and employees have access to it. I used this for extra security. They some have access to my passport and be able to know how money I brought with me on vacation. This a pretty sturdy safe. You can even use of your CCW. Its easy to conceal in your car or bedroom. This is a great product.
I used this to lock up my Security 9 in my work vehicle. It takes most the fear out of someone in the areas we work in from easily getting to and stealing my pistol from my trunk. Looped the cable thru a large body structure of the car. The case is large enough to hold the pistol, with it’s slide locked back. While I can’t store my magazine in the case per state law, it would definitely hold it as well. The foam keeps everything secure.
This is a very nice and sturdy box to keep a handgun (pistol) in. It is made of sturdy steel and has a nice foam covering in the box. The large size is big enough to hold my M&P 9 M2.0 4.25″ pistol and a 17-rd magazine (2 if one is loaded into the gun). one star taken away for the combination numbers being upside down AND somewhat difficult to read and turn.
This small and compact security box is ideal for keeping small valuables and personal documents of the go such as your passport, cash, etc. It is very strong and sturdy, and feels very safe- a lot more so than the price would have led me to believe. It is made from metal and has a good weight to it. It has a number lock and comes complete with a wire lock for extra security within your home so it is not easy for burglars to take the case (which wouldn’t be much good as it would be difficult to open anyway). I am using this and keep it secured for a few minor valuables, putting as many obstacles in the path of any intruders (should I be so unfortunate). I wouldn’t keep anything too valuable and wouldn’t invest in a proper safe- although this is a good deterrent and ideal for portability.
I think the important thing to bear in mind about any safe is that it’s ultimately just a deterrent. With enough time, a person can break in to just about any lockable box you can buy. So with that in mind, and especially at this price, I think this safe represents good value for money. It’ll deter a crime of opportunity, but don’t stick any nuclear launch codes in it.
If you want to picture this, imagine an A4 pack of copier paper, but a bit smaller, hollow and made of fairly sturdy metal. It’s hefty, but it’s not too heavy, so you could definitely travel with it. There’s a notch in the side to which you can attach the included security cable, so you can fix it to a pipe or something, and a simple but robust combination lock. I think a little while with a crowbar would get it open wide enough for you to extract the contents – the design invites you to store relatively small objects such as jewellery or documents – but that’s probably enough to stop anybody casually making off with your valuables from a safe-less hotel room or after breaking in to your car. It is probably going to be enough to make someone skip it in a simple home break-in.
It’s certainly not elegant, but I like it. The foam lining is very simple, but it’s dense enough to stop the contents bumping around and getting scratched up by the sides, and not so dense as to squash the contents or use up too much room. The lock’s smooth enough, the numbers are in an ugly font that’s pretty easy to read, and it’s pretty easy to set to your own combination. If you need to stash something important out of the way, at home and definitely on the road, this is well worth the price.
I will say, for goodness sake, don’t use this to store firearms. The product description which they’ve copied from the Amazon US site is not accurate in the UK.
The case seems sturdy. I didn’t try breaking into it so who’s to say. I used it in a rental can in New Zealand to protect my passport and wallet when stopping at hiking parking lots. Which are always a concern. Car never got broken into so it was never tested.
Only thing I don’t like is it’s hard to read numbers unless lits of light. Car light was very difficult.
More importantly, the dial is dull grey while the numbers are black, making it very difficult to read even in full light. There’s no reason for this – the numbers should be easier to read in full light, let alone dark light. TSA locks, for example, are black with white numbers and easy to see.
Other than that it is a good case with plenty of padding and otherwise well designed.
I bought this for my nephew for Christmas. He is career Air Force and has guns. He’s traveled a lot so I thought this might be a practical gift. It came in quickly and well packaged. It seems to be as advertised but I don’t have working knowledge of it.
Seems every bit as effective as the more expensive version I bought at Sportsman’s warehouse. Fits my 9mm Glock w/extra magazine, also my .45 Glock w/extra magazine (not both guns together!). It is cushioned so there is no damage to guns. Easy to set lock code. Convenient for travel. Could have many other uses, this is just what I personally use it for.
On its own this safe box would seem to be about as useful as a chocolate tea pot – the first thing any respecting burglar would stash in his swag bag to drill into at leisure, safe in the knowledge that it must contain something valuable. Unless you used it as a decoy!
However, when combined with the accompanying ‘1700 pounds-tested steel cable’, which can be looped round an immovable object it becomes more secure and useful – particularly when travelling.
Better still, it can be screwed to the floor, making it more impregnable to anyone not armed with a claw hammer.
Then it becomes a fairly low cost, secure safe.
This is perfect for some scenario’s.
Hotel security. Yes, the hotel safe is always there but in case you are concerned that they are generally steal-able if required (15kg’s most of them … you can actually walk off with that and most hotels they are on a shelf not bolted down) So this is good if you want to secure it to something solid.
REMEMBER this is only as secure as whatever you attach it to … also if someone does decide it’s worrth something because it’s a special safe then they will simply take large bolt croppers to the wire and run off with it.
Home Security
For me this is probably the simplest solution.
Passports and other important data and documents should go in here and again…. secure it to something that cannot be easily removed.
Lastly …. The car.
My Car has anchor points in the boot and this would be idea for securing something in the boot. Not sure what… but it would be best there.
This is one of the Amazon Basics range and it certainly is somewhat basic in its style and functions. But having said that, it does an important job at a decent price which is the main thing. It’s a box roughly around slightly larger than A5 size i.e. 5.5 x7.5 inches. Made in 0.5 mm thick steel it’s perfectly adequate for the needs of most home owners.
It has a 3-digit combination lock and like any such lock it’s imperative you don’t forget the code as you;ll have a tough time breaking into it to rescue your possessions. Unlike a digital lock there’s no other way of cracking the code.
Inside it contains two foam padded sections each around 1/2 inch deep (1.3 cm) – similar in type & depth to that found with a new hard drive. With an overall depth of 4 cm I think it leaves a rough gap between the 2 layers of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch so a reasonable amount of room for most valuable jewellery. Only type I’d be careful with would be larger real pearls which might not do well if compressed for long periods.
It comes with an equally strong cable tie but my review copy was so stiff I couldn’t decide whether it was meant to be fixed at the diameter it had which wouldn’t go round more than a 1 inch metal pole. It’s certainly no use if you’ve limited hand dexterity so maybe something others can verify its usage better than I could.
In general though this is a great and handy little safe and while it’s certainly not going to deter the more determined thief it might do so with some lesser ones who won’t want the hassle of trying to break into it. Only let down marginally by the cable hook.
This is a particularly well made portable Safe Box fitted with a three digit combination lock. The finish is a smart matt black and all edges are rounded. The box’s two halves each contain a pad of high density foam which protect any valuables placed inside. If more space is required, one or both foam pads can be removed. Size is aprox. 24cm x 16.5cm x 4.5cm
When first handled it proved to be a little confusing because the lock and opening knob is on the short side with the hinge at the opposite end. Nothing strange there except if you hold the box with the opening edge towards you, the combination lock digits are upside down ! Place the lock to the top and the box opens with the lid towards you…just a little odd.
The default combination is 000 and is easily reset to your own figure — just follow the very simple instructions. The box is quite heavy and has a really secure “feel” however it is worth stressing that it is only secure when attached to something that cannot be moved. The box comes with a plastic covered steel cable (1 metre x 6mm) that has a secured loop (4cm) at one end and a lug at the other (15mm head). Attach by threading the loop end around something fixed (permanently) and then the lug end though the cable’s own loop. The lug end is then positioned inside the open box in the slot provided and then the box closed and locked. It is NOT a secure safe box if someone can walk away with it ! It is not a safe for your hotel room UNLESS the cable is properly attached to something suitable and even then I would not advertise it as a safe as someone could easily come back with boltcutters to cut through the cable. It is certainly not a safe if left in a drawer.
As an example in use, I looped the cable around the seat stanchion in my car, threaded it back through the cable loop and then attached the lug to the box. This arrangement now stays in the car hidden under the seat. Unfortunately, these days it does not pay to walk around with valuables in view and a secure place in the car allows me to leave items with some confidence. A trip to the beach and the phones go in the box together with cash etc. The cable is really only strong enough to deter the casual thief as anyone who comes with boltcutters will be able to cut the cable and walk away with the box. Hence I keep it hidden from casual view.
When carrying photographic gear in my car, my insurance company thinks everyone should drive a saloon as they say everything must be locked in the boot otherwise “no cover”. This presents a problem to the estate car or 4 x 4 driver who has no boot however it is something they will not budge on. My solution is to use a hard, tamper proof case which is literally chained to the car, high security padlock and then keeping the case covered from view. Overkill ? Not if it keeps my gear safe and likewise with this safe box, secure it to a fixed point and then hide it.
This then is a handy size, well made safe box but it has to be used correctly to be secure otherwise it is just an advert for where your valuables are.
This is a tough piece of equipment for locking things on the go or, using the included wire, locking it to something.
Very simple to use and change the code and feels like it can withstand a nuclear attack! No-one is getting in to the case in a hurry.
The inside of the case has foam padding so you can put in jewellery etc without it rolling around.
A fairly low price for a useful piece of security equipme
I think perhaps some of the disappointment with this product expressed by other reviewers has to do with considering this a safe, even a gun safe, which its not, at least its not what I thought prior to and upon being supplied with it. Instead of some sort of heavy duty safe think more of those metal petty cash boxes that you get, they are not invincible or a silver bullet if you are dealing with serious security challenges but they have some utility where that issue is less pronounced.
That said, this product is a quality build of strong materials, both the strong box itself and the flex cable, the metal fastening and how it slots into the strong box, the combination lock and twist lever. I’m sure it would not withstand blows from a sledge hammer or something similar, being driven over by a car etc. but those would be issues for most other sorts of lock boxes or petty cash boxes too, the tether is good too, it would require a better cutting device, its not going to invincible either but perhaps its going to be a deterrent to some sorts of opportunistic criminal.
It is small enough to fit in most sorts of smaller luggage, including hand luggage and it is relatively light too (again, think petty cash tin rather than wall or floor safe here), so I could see it being a security solution for some travellers using Air BnB or who are using accomodation which lacks a good room safe (although you are going to have to think about what you tether the strong box to). Also it is likely to be a good idea for Air BnB renters who want to leave keys for prospective lodgers who can be texted the combination (I have seen other purpose built locks of this sort), this would be large enough to accomodate keys, card keys, booklets or instructions of other sorts too).
A large portable security case that can be fixed to an anchor point or mounted on something. The instructions are easy for changing the dialed security number but comes preset at 000 in order for you to open it. I originally thought the foam inside was padding to keep the anchor cable safe then realised this was for the items inside which then greatly reduced the storage space. You could however remove them if what you are storing isn’t delicate as in say jewelry. It opens up at the front where there dial is to reveal a long metal box of 24 cm. The opening to secure the anchor point before locking is on the bottom left hand side; there are also two holes on the bottom if you’ve got screws of your open you can then mount it. It isn’t going to stop anyone taking it if found but might well slow someone down. So you could still use the hotel safe and have this inside; it’ll keep your items private and stop it being obvious what you want to be kept safe. Liked the item and has good uses for us as a family especially when my eldest son needs to carry an assortment of batteries and tools around with him when we’re away on holiday for his bone anchored hearing device.