Avantree Roadtrip Bluetooth Handsfree Car Speakerphone & Wireless FM Transmitter 2-in-1, 6W Speakers, Stream Cell Phone Audio to Car Stereo, Noise Reduction, Clear Calls, Auto On-Off, Multipoi
Excelente producto, se conecta automtico al abrir la puerta o acercarte al auto. Excelente sonido y sobre todo, te escuchan claramente. Recomendado al 100%
Compare to all the negative comments, this item was the best I own the past 10 yrs, works great, charges well, my car is only 1994, if it works, should work for any cars, thank you.
It was easy to install as the instructions were very clear and helpful.
It fits on the visor with no problem. It is easy to use and the speakers are good and the sound is clear.
Needed a speaker for when I’m in an older car that doesn’t have Bluetooth. I’m currently using a Samsung Galaxy S21+ mobile phone which doesn’t work with other older Bluetooth speakers, but it works easily and exceptionally well with the 2022 Avantree Roadtrip Bluetooth Speaker. Recommend.
Die Bedienung und Einrichtung der Freisprechanlage ist sehr einfach und schnell erledigt. Den Gesprchspartner am Telefon versteht man unterwegs, auch bei schneller Geschwindigkeit laut und deutlich. Also alles in allem stimmt das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis und ich bin absolut zufrieden.
This unit was exactly what I was looking/hoping for.
Great sound quality from the speakers when not attached to the vehicle.
Easy to use clip on feature with a slim design so as to make it unobtrusive.
Long battery life thus far – I expect it will remain and last. However, the ability to change batteries is an added bonus!
As for connecting to the bluetooth, it was a very easy process – no connections issues whatsoever.
When connected to the car stereo via FM transmission, it works as it promises. Sure, there will be times of interference or some static, but that is to be expected in a city that has practically every channel spoken for.
Overall – great product, easy to use, good quality sound, and a great value for the price.
My sister got a car that didn’t have any hands free Bluetooth system in it & I wanted her to drive safe & not be distracted !! I bought it as a surprise & she got today & was shocked I got it for her she had it hooked up 10 mins after she got it & went for a drive to call me the sound quality was amazing & when she was talked there was no background nose !! If your looking for a hands free Bluetooth system you have to get this !!!!!
Ottima qualit prezzo. Fa il suo dovere: collega 2 smartphone in contemporanea con bluetooth 5.0, molto pratico il tasto regolazione volume, stabilit della connessione
Fairly compact unit; love the analogue volume control! Very easy to dial in the FM frequency for sending your smartphone content to your vehicle sound system. Love the motion detection system that automatically syncs/acknowledges up to two cell phones. Haven’t had the unit long enough to see how long the battery life is with the unit left on constantly. Phone calls are clear; noise cancellation works well (even with windows open or when AC is on full blast). Wish there was a visual countdown type indication for remaining battery life.
Kit vivavoce superiore alle aspettative. Buona qualit audio grazie alle casse stereo ottime come vivavoce, sufficienti per ascoltare musica, buon microfono, semplice da usare, buona durata della batteria al litio tipo BL-5C (come il Nokia 3310) e soprattutto possibile collegarlo allo stereo dell’auto tramite il modulatore FM e permette la connessione di due telefoni contemporaneamente.
Il tasto a sinistra ricollega il telefono e durante la chiamata silenzia il microfono, mentre una pressione lunga connette un nuovo dispositivo.
A destra c’ un tasto ghiera. Su Android una pressione singola ferma e riprende la riproduzione della musica (il lettore musicale o le App come YouTube vanno avviate manualmente), una pressione lunga avvia l’assistente vocale google e una doppia pressione richiama l’ultimo numero. Durante una chiamata in entrata accetta o rifiuta la chiamata.
La ghiera serve a regolare il volume delle casse indipendente da quello del telefono; al contrario quando attivo il modulatore FM cambia in maniera rapida la frequenza di trasmissione da 88.1 a 107.9, visibile nel display per qualche secondo.
Quando non connesso ad alcun telefono va in standby e si riaccende tramite sensori di movimento. In caso di inutilizzo possibile spegnerlo dal selettore laterale.
I messaggi vocali in inglese di accensione, spegnimento, connessione e disconnessione non sono fastidiosi o riprodotti a volume troppo alto.
La clip di fissaggio all’aletta parasole fissa, ma possibile rimuoverla con una leggera pressione, cosa che ho fatto per posizionarlo col biadesivo tra cruscotto e console centrale.
Unico appunto: mancano i tasti per selezionare le canzoni durante la riproduzione musicale.
Llevo una semana con l y de momento estoy muy contento con l. La calidad de sonido es buena, el enlace es bueno y cuando lo conectas a la radio del coche, y por tanto a sus altavoces, es tambin muy buena. Las nicas pegas es que para escuchar bien en los altavoces tienes que subir no slo el volumen del coche sino tambin el del mvil, y para hablar por los altavoces del coche tambin hay que subir bastante el volumen de la radio. Pero supongo que eso es normal, no olvidemos que es un manos libres.
Die vollkommen unkomplizierte Installation lsst jeden Laien hoffen, auch mit dem lteren Handy kommuniziert das Gert, nimmt automatisch Kontakt auf und kommentiert das mit dem Begrungssatz, der dem Kunden erklrt, dass die Verbindung zustande gekommen ist. Unser Bulli, Baujahr 1990, verfgt somit ber modernste Kommunikation! Nie wieder Strafe zahlen, weil das Handy whrend der Fahret am Ohr gehalten wird und eine Gesprchsqualitt, die in Lautstrke, frei variierbar, und Klarheit brilliant ist. Dass ich auerdem die Musik, die ich auf dem Handy geladen habe oder via Internet empfangern kann, ber die beiden kleinen Lautsprecher des Gerts abspielen kann, ist eine fantastische Sache.
Prodotto top quello che cercavo ho risolto ogni mio problema con le chiamate in auto nonostante abbia il Bluetooth in auto pessimo per chiamate.
Vi consiglio di metterlo sul parasole lato guida l’audio delle chiamata si sente bene sia in entrata che in uscita.
I live in the city, but with a vacant station, the FM Transmitter could not be more clear! The speaker isn’t bad either!!! Fixed my issue of using my device in my older vehicles, just ordered another one today!!!
Perfetto vivavoce Bluetooth, accoppiamento veloce e facile, una voce ti dice che sei “connesso” con lo smartphone quando entri in macchina e si sgancia quando ti allontani dalla stessa, prodotto fatto con materiali solidi. Manopola che aumenta il volume che ho trovato fluido e senza interferenze. Che dire ….grazie di averti trovato
Meine Bewertung nach 3 tagen Benutzung. 1.Accu nach ca. 4 Std noch gut.
2.Spracherkennung befriedigend. 3.Klang aus den eingebauten Lautsprechen befriedigend.
4. bertragung zum Radio im Fahrzeug gut. 5.Klang dann im Pkw gut ohne rauschen. 6. Das Pairing
Wenn man einsteigt geht automatisch und funktioniert gut.
Ich denke das hier 4 Sterne angebracht sind und es eine gute Lsung fr Fahrzeuge ohne Freisprechung ist.
Highly recommended. Easy to set up, great sound quality, noise canceling microphones. Great value.
Absolutely no complaints. I have used it in my daughters 2008 Mini Cooper and it is clear and connects easily. Definitywould buy again.
Used as a bluetooth speaker for a scanner in my car. I love it.
I recommend this to anyone who likes to listen to podcasts while driving in an older car. Great upgrade!
Easy set up. Speakers work great during phone calls and apps.
Excelente producto, se conecta automtico al abrir la puerta o acercarte al auto. Excelente sonido y sobre todo, te escuchan claramente. Recomendado al 100%
Compare to all the negative comments, this item was the best I own the past 10 yrs, works great, charges well, my car is only 1994, if it works, should work for any cars, thank you.
Prodotto all’altezza delle mie richieste con ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo
Calls are crystal clear on both ends even on a highway with a small, noisy car. Music sounds ok on FM.
It was easy to install as the instructions were very clear and helpful.
It fits on the visor with no problem. It is easy to use and the speakers are good and the sound is clear.
Needed a speaker for when I’m in an older car that doesn’t have Bluetooth. I’m currently using a Samsung Galaxy S21+ mobile phone which doesn’t work with other older Bluetooth speakers, but it works easily and exceptionally well with the 2022 Avantree Roadtrip Bluetooth Speaker. Recommend.
Die Verbindung, Lautstrke und Bedienung sind sehr gut. Kein Rauschen oder hnliches, Klare Verbindung
Je suis satisfaite de mon achat.
Le son est parfait.
Trs facile a utiliser.
Garantie de 2 ans applicable en ligne
Il prodotto risulta come stato descritto, arrivato un giorno prima.
Easy to use and install. Sound is clear and loud.
Only problem is my phone screen won’t stay on more than 30 minutes and needs to be to take calls.
Die Bedienung und Einrichtung der Freisprechanlage ist sehr einfach und schnell erledigt. Den Gesprchspartner am Telefon versteht man unterwegs, auch bei schneller Geschwindigkeit laut und deutlich. Also alles in allem stimmt das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis und ich bin absolut zufrieden.
Great sound quality from the speakers when not attached to the vehicle.
Easy to use clip on feature with a slim design so as to make it unobtrusive.
Long battery life thus far – I expect it will remain and last. However, the ability to change batteries is an added bonus!
As for connecting to the bluetooth, it was a very easy process – no connections issues whatsoever.
When connected to the car stereo via FM transmission, it works as it promises. Sure, there will be times of interference or some static, but that is to be expected in a city that has practically every channel spoken for.
Overall – great product, easy to use, good quality sound, and a great value for the price.
Highly recommend!
This is ideal for an older vehicle with no built in Bluetooth. It’s not as good as built in but works very well.
Mani libere, Audio perfetto, Si connette, automaticamente anche a 2 telefoni.
Ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative
My sister got a car that didn’t have any hands free Bluetooth system in it & I wanted her to drive safe & not be distracted !! I bought it as a surprise & she got today & was shocked I got it for her she had it hooked up 10 mins after she got it & went for a drive to call me the sound quality was amazing & when she was talked there was no background nose !! If your looking for a hands free Bluetooth system you have to get this !!!!!
I use it for the car with the FM transmitter and as a Bluetooth speaker.
It works perfectly in both functions.
Calls and music sound great.
Ottima qualit prezzo. Fa il suo dovere: collega 2 smartphone in contemporanea con bluetooth 5.0, molto pratico il tasto regolazione volume, stabilit della connessione
Fairly compact unit; love the analogue volume control! Very easy to dial in the FM frequency for sending your smartphone content to your vehicle sound system. Love the motion detection system that automatically syncs/acknowledges up to two cell phones. Haven’t had the unit long enough to see how long the battery life is with the unit left on constantly. Phone calls are clear; noise cancellation works well (even with windows open or when AC is on full blast). Wish there was a visual countdown type indication for remaining battery life.
Kit vivavoce superiore alle aspettative. Buona qualit audio grazie alle casse stereo ottime come vivavoce, sufficienti per ascoltare musica, buon microfono, semplice da usare, buona durata della batteria al litio tipo BL-5C (come il Nokia 3310) e soprattutto possibile collegarlo allo stereo dell’auto tramite il modulatore FM e permette la connessione di due telefoni contemporaneamente.
Il tasto a sinistra ricollega il telefono e durante la chiamata silenzia il microfono, mentre una pressione lunga connette un nuovo dispositivo.
A destra c’ un tasto ghiera. Su Android una pressione singola ferma e riprende la riproduzione della musica (il lettore musicale o le App come YouTube vanno avviate manualmente), una pressione lunga avvia l’assistente vocale google e una doppia pressione richiama l’ultimo numero. Durante una chiamata in entrata accetta o rifiuta la chiamata.
La ghiera serve a regolare il volume delle casse indipendente da quello del telefono; al contrario quando attivo il modulatore FM cambia in maniera rapida la frequenza di trasmissione da 88.1 a 107.9, visibile nel display per qualche secondo.
Quando non connesso ad alcun telefono va in standby e si riaccende tramite sensori di movimento. In caso di inutilizzo possibile spegnerlo dal selettore laterale.
I messaggi vocali in inglese di accensione, spegnimento, connessione e disconnessione non sono fastidiosi o riprodotti a volume troppo alto.
La clip di fissaggio all’aletta parasole fissa, ma possibile rimuoverla con una leggera pressione, cosa che ho fatto per posizionarlo col biadesivo tra cruscotto e console centrale.
Unico appunto: mancano i tasti per selezionare le canzoni durante la riproduzione musicale.
Llevo una semana con l y de momento estoy muy contento con l. La calidad de sonido es buena, el enlace es bueno y cuando lo conectas a la radio del coche, y por tanto a sus altavoces, es tambin muy buena. Las nicas pegas es que para escuchar bien en los altavoces tienes que subir no slo el volumen del coche sino tambin el del mvil, y para hablar por los altavoces del coche tambin hay que subir bastante el volumen de la radio. Pero supongo que eso es normal, no olvidemos que es un manos libres.
Really great product .well made .. easy to use . Would highly recommend !
Die vollkommen unkomplizierte Installation lsst jeden Laien hoffen, auch mit dem lteren Handy kommuniziert das Gert, nimmt automatisch Kontakt auf und kommentiert das mit dem Begrungssatz, der dem Kunden erklrt, dass die Verbindung zustande gekommen ist. Unser Bulli, Baujahr 1990, verfgt somit ber modernste Kommunikation! Nie wieder Strafe zahlen, weil das Handy whrend der Fahret am Ohr gehalten wird und eine Gesprchsqualitt, die in Lautstrke, frei variierbar, und Klarheit brilliant ist. Dass ich auerdem die Musik, die ich auf dem Handy geladen habe oder via Internet empfangern kann, ber die beiden kleinen Lautsprecher des Gerts abspielen kann, ist eine fantastische Sache.
Open box put in van boom connect with no messing around
Tried several because I’m a little hard of hearing, this one is the loudest and clearest of all that I tried.
Good. However the FM frequency could be better. Very static when I hook up radio with the device
Prodotto top quello che cercavo ho risolto ogni mio problema con le chiamate in auto nonostante abbia il Bluetooth in auto pessimo per chiamate.
Vi consiglio di metterlo sul parasole lato guida l’audio delle chiamata si sente bene sia in entrata che in uscita.
I live in the city, but with a vacant station, the FM Transmitter could not be more clear! The speaker isn’t bad either!!! Fixed my issue of using my device in my older vehicles, just ordered another one today!!!
funziona perfettamente, l’audio ottimo sia in entrata che in uscita, lo consiglio
Perfetto vivavoce Bluetooth, accoppiamento veloce e facile, una voce ti dice che sei “connesso” con lo smartphone quando entri in macchina e si sgancia quando ti allontani dalla stessa, prodotto fatto con materiali solidi. Manopola che aumenta il volume che ho trovato fluido e senza interferenze. Che dire ….grazie di averti trovato
Meine Bewertung nach 3 tagen Benutzung. 1.Accu nach ca. 4 Std noch gut.
2.Spracherkennung befriedigend. 3.Klang aus den eingebauten Lautsprechen befriedigend.
4. bertragung zum Radio im Fahrzeug gut. 5.Klang dann im Pkw gut ohne rauschen. 6. Das Pairing
Wenn man einsteigt geht automatisch und funktioniert gut.
Ich denke das hier 4 Sterne angebracht sind und es eine gute Lsung fr Fahrzeuge ohne Freisprechung ist.