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Size | 1 Litre | 2 Litre | 1 Litre | 1 Litre |
Quantity | 1 Litre Spray Bottle With Spray Nozzle | 2 x 1 Litre Spray Bottles With Spray Nozzles | 1 Litre Spray Bottle With Spray Nozzle | 1 Litre Spray Bottle With Spray Nozzle |
Scent | Odourless And Non Staining | Odourless And Non Staining | Odourless And Non Staining | Odourless And Non Staining |
Use | Indoor And Outdoor Powerful Ready To Use Insecticidal Surface And Space Killing Spray | Indoor And Outdoor Powerful Ready To Use Insecticidal Surface And Space Killing Spray | Powerful Ready To Use Insecticidal Surface And Space Killing Spray | Powerful Ready To Use Insecticidal Surface And Space Killing Spray |
How Effective | Immediate Protection. Spray Disables And Controls Insects Fast And Effectively | Immediate Protection. Spray Disables And Controls Insects Fast And Effectively | Immediate Protection. Spray Disables And Controls Insects Fast And Effectively | Immediate Protection. Spray Disables And Controls Insects Fast And Effectively |
Long Term Protection | Yes – Includes A Built In Growth Regulator Which Stops Reproduction Giving Long Term Protection | Yes – Includes A Built In Growth Regulator Which Stops Reproduction Giving Long Term Protection | Yes – Includes A Built In Growth Regulator Which Stops Reproduction Giving Long Term Protection | Yes – Includes A Built In Growth Regulator Which Stops Reproduction Giving Long Term Protection |
Target Use | Ants – Approved For Use On Ants Nests. Suitable For Indoor And Outdoor Use | Ants – Approved For Use On Ants Nests. Suitable For Indoor And Outdoor Use | Clothes Moths – Stop Moths Ruining Your Carpet, Curtains And Clothes | Bed Bugs – Approved For Use On Mattresses, Carpets And Hard Surfaces |
Works well does exactly what it’s supposed to.
Use in well ventilated rooms if using inside.
Decent sized bottle but very expensive.
Recommend. Thank you
+ Easier to use than the powder ones
+ Death on contact and also near full elimination afterwards (for about a week or two)
+ No strong odour
+ Large, robust bottle
Not so good
– A bit expensive at 15 per bottle
Every year we have a problem with ants in the summer months. But not this year! This stuff is brilliant and did the job. No nests and ant lines everywhere. Highly recommend this product!
Every summer we get ants finding one way or another into our house, but this year I’ve decided to take a preemptive strike and treat their known entry points ahead of time. Hopefully it’ll keep them away.
I have used it to poke down the holes between the paving stones, and releasing a goodly dose down each hole, so that the liquid circulates underground.
The product seems to work quickly and efficiently. I’m hoping I have applied enough this time coz I haven’t seen any ants come back – – I didn’t need to follow-up.
And this product doesn’t have any unpleasant smell, but if I use it indoors , i do make sure to open all windows for a while after spraying to let the smell subside.
I would recommend this to anyone with a problem with ants.
Spray on ants = dead ants
spray on nest = dead ants… maybe dead nest?
its a little hard to tell if it works i guess it depends on weather and where the nest is but it certainly killed most of them
In my garden most years I have ant’s and have struggled to find a solution that get’s rid of them. Following the instructions on the bottle; which are clear and easy to understand, I sprayed the solution on the affected area. I left it two day’s before I went to check the affected area and there were no ant’s at all. The bottle holds 1 litre of ant spray and can be used outdoors and indoors. I would say that this spray is very good at the job and is very good value for money for a solution that works.
Definitely recommend fast delivery and dose the job well, got rid of ants ect fas
AMAZING STUFF! This ant spray is absolutely amazing stuff! I’ve never seen ant killer kill ants sooooo fast!
We have a huge ant problem in our house they pop up randomly and this stuff was a god send. I bought it after reading a review on here so hopefully my review will prompt someone else to buy it! Honestly though I’ve not had any problems since using this!
Best Buy ever! 100/100!!!
This Aviro Ant Killer (1 Litre) offers a large quantity of liquid for a good price (15 at time of review). I especially liked the container it comes in being well made with a good nozzle and spraying mechanism (though I always use gloves and take other precautions when handling things like this). It also came in a sealed plastic bag – even better.
We’re had an initial use of it, on a small incursion of ants, so far. It’s been effective, but the weather is not at the height yet so it’s not fully trialled. Nevertheless it’s worked so far.
I sprayed this Aviro Ant Killer (1 Litre) – Fast Acting Ant Killer Spray on some ants and it seems to work well. After getting the spray the ants crawl around, then start struggling and eventually curl up and stop moving – within a few minutes.
Noticed that when using the spray it sometimes leaks down to the handle which is annoying, although this is not an isolated issue with this specific product so I can’t moan too much. It would be best to wear a rubber glove just to ensure that your hand doesn’t get covered in it.
We try, as much as possible, to avoid using chemicals but we have learnt from experience that sometimes the only way forward is to reach for a product that has been specifically developed to solve a problem.
A trail of ants from our dining room and into our kitchen definitely fitted into this category. Ants in the garden are one thing but when they want to share our indoor space we need to act fast, and the ants MUST go the quickest way possible!
I sent for this Aviro Ant killer because it is described as professional strength and because it can be used both indoors and out. By spraying along the usual line of travel and around our window and door frame we know that this will kill any ants that decide to come inside but because the effects are long lasting hopefully it should deter them in future. I read on the label of the bottle that it stops reproduction but I presume that I would need to locate the ant’s nest to apply the spray there for that effect? Don’t know.
Our problem is ants but I did find it interesting to read that this spray would be equally effective against a whole range of crawling and flying insects including beetles, mites, cockroaches, wasps, mosquitoes, fleas, moths and bed bugs. We don’t plan to use it on our carpets or mattresses but the manufacturers say it can be used on hard and soft furnishings with the proviso that it should not be used on pet bedding.
We find it quite comforting to know that we have a strong solution for when the need arises and at a price of around 12.99 for a litre this seems reasonable value for a product that will go a long way so a bug free 5 stars from me. We can’t honestly say how effective this product will prove to be because so far there haven’t been many ants this year… but as sure as eggs are ant eggs, they will be back and I’ll be at ’em with the AVIRO!
By the way, should the product not be as effective as we are hopinh I will update this review as soon as possible.
Easy to use, has spray or stream options to suit your needs, clear instructions on the bottle and doesn’t leave any chemically smells or stains anywhere which is fab!
Ok so you get supplied with quite a lot of product for the price and I do say a little goes a long way so this will last many moons.
In every house we have lived in we have always seemed to get this ant problem as soon as the sunshine starts to show it’s face.
As these little ants decided to take over our kitchen one year and eat all our food we thought it is time to fight back.
So we used this as we have tried lemon, borax and more and this is helping straight away.
We have suddenly seen a decrease in the number of ants and as long as we keep using it I reckon we will have totally rid within another weeks time.
Do read the labels though as to be careful, one big question though I cannot seem to find is using along with dogs running around?
I am not sure but as I do use it I tend to keep it clear where my fur babies go.
So so far so good!
This huge bottle is helping us tool up and make a preemptive strike at our ant invaders. Our garden and old conservatory get more and more each year. Talc, boiling water and powders have not yet dealt with it so we need a more targeted spray. Bingo with this. Just screw on the spray head and blast away. The first few early troops have been heavily discouraged with extreme prejudice thanks to this. As I wrecked a patch of grass or two with boiling water last year this huge bottle will zap them away more carefully. Win. Glad we trialled this ant spray.
Occasionally I have a pretty large ant infestation in my property where the ants seem to gain access through the kitchen floor/wall from the outside patio.
I sprayed some of this product where the patio has sunk slightly away from the property leaving a crack, and the results are practically instant. Within minutes I could see no activity outside, and once I sprayed inside as well all activity there had vanished within a few hours. Ants do not like this product.
The product does not smell anything like any other sprays I have used indoors, having much less odour. This makes it very suitable for indoors, but keep it away from pets.
A very good product that is fuss free and just gets rid of the Ants.
Can say its a good spray from ants.
I use it at the front door, as trought it ants was coming inside my house.
I use it twice and wow!, no more ants.
So I definetly can recommend it to all.
Its worth to buy it.
My room leads directly out to the garden and I’ve had the occasional ant infiltration if the door isn’t shut all day. I previously used a good ant powder to kill them, but with summer coming I wanted something that wouldn’t leave a residue on my clean laundry if I dropped them whilst bringing the clothes in. I spray everywhere inside and outside once a week and haven’t noticed any invasions despite leaving door open. I’ve also noticed less spiders which was a huge problem for me.
Aviro Ant Killer (1 Litre)
This is probably the only ant killer spray you will ever need. What I particularly like about this spray it can be used both in and outdoors. The benefit of the spray being usable indoors, means there’s no overpowering smell. Another plus point is the spray kills on contact.
We get lots of ants on our patio so I ordered this. I normally use the powder but that is unsightly and looks quite messy. I’ve seen where the ants are and given a couple of squirts of this. It seems to work but only time will tell. You get sent a big bottle so hopefully this will last a while.
This came at the perfect time as I noticed my entire greenhouse was full of ants, all over my plants, they’ve been living in the cracks in our paving slabs and the whole places is crawling with them so i’ve already used a quarter of this and I can see a noticeable improvement already. I usually use powder but I find that a little messy and hatd to direct so this is much better and i’ll be used daily in the cracks until I can’t see them anymore.
I did notice when spraying a couple of spiders running out so be careful that it is just ants that are getting sprayed. It sprayed easily and with a strong spray, you can also turn the nozzle when in storage to prevent any coming out when sprayed which is useful too.
Recommended, easy to use, precise spray and gets in those cracks!
You need to be careful around bees with this spray, so don’t spray it where they usually land. I concentrated on the join between the house walls and the patio, as well as any ants I saw running around. They didn’t like this spray touching them, some of them seemed to be jumping, creepy. I’m all itchy now thinking about those creepy things. The spray is easy to use and goes a long way, hopefully this will sort out our ant problem once and for all.