Barbie Doll, House, Furniture and Accessories

Dimensions: 13.5 x 53.5 x 32 cm; 2.3 Kilograms
Model: GWY84

221 Responses

  1. Diego Arguello says:


    Sehr schnes Barbiehaus. Meine Enkelin und ich spielen sehr gerne damit.

  2. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Kann ich nur empfehlen. Meine Tochter hatte es zu Weihnachten bekommen.

  3. TrevorStonge says:


    Mia nipote stata contenta di questo regalo, tuttora ci gioca e sembra che tiene bene. Qualit e prezzo buoni.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Questo loft molto carino, facile da montare, e curato nei dettagli
    Forse da portare in giro non molto comoda perch ci sono molte aperture che causerebbero la perdita degli accessori pi piccoli
    Ma comunque la consiglio m, la mia bambina di 4 anni ha gradito molto

  5. ChesterMckenney says:


    Fue un regalo y gusto mucho, lo mejor la posibilidad de poder recogerlo

  6. Jerome1959 says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter wanted a barbie house for Christmas and this was just perfect for her. We looked at the huge barbie one but it was far too big for her bedroom and the great thing about this one is she can take it with her when she goes to the grandparents house. She was very happy with it.

  7. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    In mancanza di spazio per una casa classica questo Loft perfetto. Ben accessoriato ottimo per giocare con le barbie. Dopo si richiude facilmente in una comoda valigetta salvaspazio. Spedizione puntuale e imballaggio adeguato.

  8. LynneShepherdso says:


    J’ai achet cette petite maison de poupe Barbie pour l’une de mes petites nices et elle a eu l’air ravie. A recommander !

  9. Anonymous says:


    Best toy for little girls. My grandchildren are very happy, and enjoyed!!!

  10. CortezBSGn says:


    Tal cual a las fotos de referencia, muy buena calidad 100% recomendado

  11. deeemdee says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersCasa amueblada plegable muy bonita, que incluye cocina, dormitorio y lavabo, adems de una mueca Barbie de color de pelo rubio.

    Viene con muchos accesorios y detalles, y se presenta en forma de un pequeo maletn que se puede cerrar, muy prctico para guardar y llevar a cualquier sitio.


    Se puede utilizar con otras tres Barbies.

    Incluye pegatinas decorativas.

    No hay edad para jugar con las Barbies (para m son ya una coleccin)

    Facilidad de montaje.

    Relacin calidad-precio.

    Adaptable a distintos espacios.

    Buen empaquetado.

    CONTRAS (o lo que no me ha gustado tanto)

    Si desde hace aos eres fan de las Barbies, tal vez notars que ha bajado de calidad de los materiales de construccin.


    Si te he aportado algo PULSA en “TIL”. Muchas gracias

    ✅ CASITA BARBIE PLEGABLE que incluye MUÑECA RUBIA 🏠 ➕ 👱‍♀️ 💯

  12. Vivian5162 says:


    Ho trovato questa fantastica casa ad un mini prezzo e senza pensarci troppo l’ho acquistata. La regaler a mia figlia per Natale. Ben fatta, confezionata in doppia scatola si presente davvero bene. Super soddisfatta!

  13. MeghanIUPL says:


    Prodotto come da immagine.. Ho preso la confezione economica risparmiando 10euro.. Interamente la stessa cosa

  14. Clare Duffy, CNN Business says:

     France 🇫🇷

    J avais besoin d un cadeau d anniversaire en urgence. Je l ai recu tres rapidement en 2 jours. Le carton du jouet etais emballer dans un autre carton. Le prix est imbattable

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely brilliant toy. My daughter is thrilled with this. It is very sturdy and easy to move between rooms and to take on sleepovers at nanny and grandad’s. Lots of lovely imaginative play as a result of buying this.

  16. LynwoodWeiss says:


    Meiner Tochter hat dieses Puppenhaus zu Ostern bekommen und das Puppenhaus ist immer noch der Hit: sie bespielt es mit Barbies, Playmobil Figuren, Kuscheltieren, etc. Und super ist auch: es nimmt nicht viel Platz ein und kann berall mit genommen werden.

  17. RandolphAldridg says:


    Juguete de buena calidad, completo y con bastantes accesorios (adems de la mueca…). A mi hija de 6 le ha encantando.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Meine kleine Schwester liebt es. Sie spielt nur noch mit ihrem neuen Barbie Haus.

  19. Alfred35Upj says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Cadeau surprise pour la fille qui tait fan.
    Pratique emporter et ranger.
    Trs bon acha

  20. MarianaPhillips says:


    Das war ein Geschenk fr ne Freundin meiner Tchter Alle sind begeistert! Danke seh

  21. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My daughter (5-years) asked for a “Barbie dream house”. I explained that there were two problems: 1) Barbie dream houses are too expensive and 2) Barbie dream houses take up too much space. This Portable 1-Story Playset solves both problems. It is affordable and can be clasped to fit in a toy box or under her bed. We now store her barbie stuff in her barbie camper and then fold this up and store it under the camper. When she plays barbies she brings it all out to form a really great play-set. Additional bonus, she took it out of the box and set it up herself.