Furnish imaginations with this Barbie dollhouse playset that encourages young imaginations to move right in with Barbie doll and set up home just the way they like it!
Portable Playset Opens to Reveal Large, Transformative Space!
Barbie doll’s one-story dollhouse is a buyer’s dream with indoor and outdoor play areas, 10+ furnishings, accessories and fun features — like a pool that can be filled with water!
2-in-1 Dining Bar
Serve diners inside in the kitchen or outside by the pool at the kitchen island — two place settings and cookware are ingredients for fun!
Delightful Surprises and Working Features!
Fold the bed down in the bedroom — a blanket and pillow ensure sweet dreams for Barbie doll!
Handle Hidden in Roof for Easy, On-the-Go Fun!
Fold up the house for convenient storage or take on the go — the iconic pink roof doubles as a carrying handle.
Kids Can Design Barbie Doll’s World and Discover Their Own!
Collect other Barbie dolls, furniture and toys to add variety to her world and let kids explore theirs because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become!
So used to kids toys being a bit lacking and basic. This was a pleasant surprise. Some lovely features. The design of this product has been well thought about. My daughter loves it. Even better that it came with its own Barbie doll!
Ich habe das fr meine kleine Nichte zum Weinachten bestellt, aber leider Hermes hat versagt und musste ich ihr ein anderes Geschenk kaufen und diese Barby Haus kamm erst nach Feiertagen. Ich habe trotzdem das behalten weil die kleine Maus im Januar Geburtstag hat. Optisch bin ich sehr zufrieden. Ich habe das mit anderen Puppen Haus bei Real verglichen und habe Endschiedung getroffen das ich das behalte. Der Preis stimmt, aussehen auch.
Regalato a natale a mia nipote di 2 anni e mezzo, lei lo ha adorato, ci sono moltissimi accessori (attenzione che alcuni sono piccoli) il rapporto con il prezzo ottimo, lo pagato circa 20/30 euro in meno diun negozio.
Curato nei minimi particolari, pur nella sua semplicit. Si compone di poche “aree”, le pi essenziali di una casa, ma tutto curato nei minimi dettagli, comprese luci, sedie, fioriera… la Barbie in dotazione semplice, un modello “base”, ma completa il tutto soprattutto quando trattasi di regalo.
Unico neo, il prezzo molto alto per un giocattolo
Regalo di Natale arrivato con tempismo impeccabile. Articolo di marca quindi non ci sono molti commenti da fare, rispetto al prezzo medio in negozio sicuramente c’ stato un risparmio.
Casa de Barbie con nmerosos accesorios, muy prctica ya que se pliega y se puede transportar fcilmente. A mi sobrina le ha encantado y se lleva horas jugando. Como punto negativo indicar que la barbie debera de ser con articulaciones en brazos y piernas para poder disfrutar completamente de sus accesorios.
Ich habe es meiner Tochter zu Weihnachten geschenkt und sie ist begeistert.
Was mir so gut gefllt ist, dass es eine gnstige Alternative zum groen Barbiehaus ist. Schn ist auch das man es so zusammen klappen kann, damit man es berall mit hin nehmen kann.
Also absolute Kaufempfehlung
Fr 29,99 mit Puppe vom Preis her ok. Die Mdels haben Spa damit und durch das Zusammenklappen hat man das Ganze auch schnell verstaut.
Mit der Qualitt knnen mich die Barbie Sachen fr den Preis allerdings nicht berzeugen, aber ich muss ja auch nicht damit spielen 😉
Umfang ist Ok, Puppe dabei = Passt – fr 30 in Ordnung.
Bellissimo, arrivato in tempo.l’ho comprato per fare un regalo da mettere sotto l’albero per la mia bimba di 7anni,che dire,lei super felice… Il loft molto carino ha molti accessori e qualche adesivo per completare l’arredo della casetta,il loft comprende anche una Barbie,facile da montare e anche da trasportare
My 9 year old daughter is happy with this portable barbie house. It is quite big and sturdy for what I expected. Happy with my pick. She was happy to get this for Christmas.
prend vraiment peu de place dans une petite chambre je suis tres satisfaite mais tout de meme ils n auraient pas du mettre une petite fille sur l image vu quelle n est pas dans le coffre
Era un regalo para mi hija de 4 aos de Navidad y le ha encantado. Casa muy completa con mueca incluida. Se pasa el dia jugando. Es su primer regalo Barbie y esta encantada. Solo por ponerle un “pero”: las pegatinas estaban dobladas y al despegarlas se han quedado un poco mal.
Mia figlia impazzita appena lo ha visto. Il prodotto si presenta bene, la casa quando chiusa una specie di valigetta da portate dietro. Ci sono diversi accessori e una Barbie inclusa, ma per ovvi motivi di prezzo la Barbie quella in versione base, per intenderci, le gambe non si piegano all’altezza dei ginocchi. Cmq prodotto ben fatto e perfetto per giocare con mia figlia.
My 4-year-old daughter loves this Barbie house. It is easy to open out to display the kitchen/ diner, bedroom, bathroom and pool area and folds up neatly for storage. It comes with fold down table and bed as well as lots of accessories (plates, cutlery, tablet, brush etc), some stickers for the backgrounds and a Barbie.
However, as an expensive set I would’ve expected a bendable Barbie to enhance play as well as more thought into where to keep all the little accessories. It will likely delight Barbie fans but seems poor value for money.
Lleg en el tiempo estipulado.
Es una casa plegable muy bonita, incluye una mueca Barbie. Tiene muchos accesorios y muchos detalles.
Se cierra y se queda como un pequeo maletn, muy til para guardarla y transportarla.
A mis hijas les ha encantado y juegan mucho con ella.
En definitiva, muy buena compra por el precio que tiene.
Meine Tochter hat dieses Haus mit einigen anderen Barbie Sachen zum fnften Geburtstag bekommen und spielt sehr gerne und ausgiebig damit. Ich hatte erst Sorge, dass es ihr zu klein ist und sie nach einem ‘richtigen’ Barbie Haus fragt, aber das tat sie nie. Das Kleine platzsparende Modell ist vollkommen ausreichend, wird gerne bespielt und lsst sich super verstauen. Haben es im Angebot fr 19,90 gekauft, da kann man wirklich nicht meckern. Tolles Geschenk!
Product is really good..little costly I felt..but it worth the price. Good quality plastic and whole set up is up to the grade. One doll was there with the set.
Product is really good..little costly I felt..but it worth the price. Good quality plastic and whole set up is up to the grade. One doll was there with the set.
Great addition to Barbies world ! Contains a Barbie with her easily portable flat consisting of a kitchen bathroom and living area that is flat pack and folds away easily for storage and portability ! Lots of nice touches and all parts can transfer to other Barbie living areas! Great for imaginative play and enjoyed by my niece of 9 years !
Das Barbie Ferienhaus ist auseinander geklappt mehr als 60 cm breit. Der Innen und Auenbereich enthlt Kche, Schlafzimmer, Badezimmer und Pool. Das liebevoll ausgestattete Haus ist in freundlichen Farben gehalten. Die hbsche Barbie hat viele bewegliche Gelenke. Der Ferienalltag kann gut gespielt werden. Das Haus gefllt unserer Kleinen und ist zur Zeit der Mittelpunkt im Spielzimmer. Das Puppenhaus ist also sehr interessant und daher absolut sein Geld wert.
La peque est encantada con la casa plegable de Barbie.
Lo ms importante, es que cuando nos vamos a casa de mis suegros, ella puede llevarse las Barbies para jugar en su mochila especfica, y acompaarlo con esta otra maleta con forma de casa, que se despliega para albergar dentro una cocina completa con su barra, sillas, pequeos utensilios, un dormitorio con cama y ropa de cama con su armario y aseo, y lo completa con un jacuzzi.
Todo plegable, rpido de abrir y fcil de transportar.
Ahora, cuando vamos de viaje, la peque, solo tiene que llevar el maletn de Barbie y su otra mochila pequeita.
Se lo pasa genial y puede jugar en cualquier sitio.
A ella le gusta, y a nosotros, nos quita un peso de encima de cargar como antes, con varios juguetes de un sitio a otro, que dicho sea de paso, ocupaban, junto con los de su hermano, bastante espacio en el maletero del coche.
Si buscas un set (incluye Barbie con un vestido de flores sin mucha parafernalia) tremendamente portatil y con gran jugabilidad, esta es una buena opcin. Tambin sera un excelente regalo de cumpleaos o navidades.
Buen artculo, buena construccin y de momento, duradero.
Si nuestra hija nos pide la casa de Barbie, hay un modelo muy grande que ocupa mucho espacio, este en cambio es mucho ms recogido y una buena opcin si no tenemos en casa mucho espacio.
Ms que una casa en s, es un apartamento con varias estancias, por un lado est la cocina con su menaje del hogar, horno, mesa para comer, sillas etc.. Luego est el dormitorio con su cama, mesita, armario y ventana, junto al dormitorio est el bao, con su letrina y en la parte exterior est la piscina, que ms que una piscina parece una baera por su tamao pequeo.
No obstante para la imaginacin de un nio el apartamento de Barbie es perfecto, tiene todo lo necesario para jugar e imaginar mil aventuras.
Una vez terminado el juego, todo se pliega sobre si mismo y ocupa muy poco espacio. Me parece una idea genial para ahorrar espacio que todo quede recogido.
Das Barbie Ferienhaus ist viel Zubehr ausgestattet und kann dank des kompakten und faltbaren Designs auch schnell klein aufgerumt und sogar mitgenommen werden. Barbie hat in ihrem Ferienhaus alles, was man so braucht. Ein Bett, ein Bad, Kche mit Sitzgelegenheiten und sogar einen tollen Auenbereich mit Pool. Selbst eine Barbie ist im Lieferumfang enthalten, so dass man dies als separates (Starter-) Set verwenden kann.
Bei Barbie ist ab sofort Poolzeit angesagt! In diesem tollen Ferienhaus ist zu jeder Tageszeit Urlaub angesagt. Unser kleines Prinzessla hat ja schon jede Menge von Barbie, aber der Pool hat noch gefehlt so oft wie sie schwimmen geht muss sie ja schon Schwimmhute haben… Lach
Ok, ganz so schlimm ist es nicht. Aber man lsst sich fr Barbie schon immer immer tolle Sachen einfallen und es spielten schon einige Generationen mit…
Passt perfekt zur Barbiewelt und absolut zu empfehlen als Weihnachtsgeschenk
Como te puedes imaginar, con una casita para la barbie, el nivel de juego que le das a tu peque es infinito…es el tpico juguete que usan a diario por lo que la inversin de los 50 euritos es sper acertada, destacar que esta casita adems se pliega y se convierte en maletn para llevarlo a la calle, la envidia del parque jajaj. Es un pisito muy bonito con muchos detalles y estilo “muy barbie actual” material bastante resistente (sin ser irrompible) y colores muy alegres, lo nico que yo cambiaria sera aadir como un pequeo armario o bal donde guardar la ropita ya que el dibujo del armario con el perchero se me queda algo escaso pero es por ponerle un pero porque la verdad que me encanta.
So the key benefit of this set is the portability. Whether travelling or staying overnight with friends, this set has everything you need, including the kitchen sink actually :). It’s a well thought out set, with lots of bits and pieces. The downside is that these could get lost in your travels, as often happens with these things. The house is great because it opens out into quite a wide set, so a big play area. My concern with the house is the fragility of the plastic and whether it will break – it’s not overly strong. Now the set does include a Barbie, which may or may not be needed, which add to the cost of the product, and she not movable. If you sit her in one of the included chairs, her legs don’t bend, so stuck sticky straight out. Try getting 2 Barbies under that table and you’ll struggle a bit. If you ignore the portability side, this does make a good starter set for someone.
Cost wise, this is always going to be a big ticket item, as with a lot of the Barbie stuff, but it does seem to have dropped in price recently. At the time of writing it’s sub 50, which makes it better value. The only other thing I would say is that this is a lot of plastic and not very Eco friendly in this day and age.
Finde das Set super. Fr den aktuellen Preis von 37 bekommt man eine relativ groe Spielkulisse die man berall mit hinnehmen kann. An der Qualitt gibt es nicht zu meckern. Unsere Tochter findet das Set super und es wird auch nach lngerer Zeit noch bespielt.
Das Barbie-Haus wird in ansprechender Verpackung mit Sichtfenster fr die enthaltene Barbie geliefert. Das Haus ist fertig montiert und findet sich in zusammengeklappten Zustand in der Schachtel. Zahlreich zustzliche Kleinteile wie Geschirr, Pool, Tablett, Aufkleber etc. sind separat verpackt. Der Aufbau ist einfach und selbsterklrend. Unsere Nichts (8 J.) ist begeistert und kombiniert das neue Haus mit einem weiteren aus ihrem Vorbestand. Sehr praktisch ist der Griff zum Tragen (Dach). Das Haus wandert derzeit auf jeden Ausflug mit. Im Wartezimmer des Zahnarztes erfreuten sich schon gleich 5 Patientinnen an dem mitgebrachten Haus , und die Praxis wird nun ein solches Haus fr das Wartezimmer anschaffen…Gut gelungen , praktisch, viele Details, prima!!
Meine Nichte hatte sich immer schon ein Barbiehaus gewnscht, aber das ihr Kinderzimmer recht klein ist war dafr einfach kein Platz.
Mit diesem “Zusammenklappbaren Haus” ist das nun anders, denn es lsst sich auf ein berschaubares Ma von 29,5cm X 12,5cm X 42cm zusammenklappen, wobei smtliche Mbel inklusive der im Lieferumfang inbegriffenen Barbie im Innenraum Platz finden. Extrem praktisch finden wir auch den Tragegriff, so lsst sich das Haus unkompliziert von A nach B (und beispielsweise auch mal schnell zur Freundin) transportieren.
Aufgeklappt hat das Haus einiges zu bieten, vom Bett, ber den Minipool bis hin zur Toilette oder der Sitzecke, man hat tatschlich das Gefhl, nichts zu vermissen (sogar die Kleider lassen sich im Schrank verstauen).
Alles hat die bliche “Barbie-Kunststoff-Qualitt” (an deren Langlebigkeit ich so meine Zweifel hege), aber das Haus bietet zumindest fr Barbiebegeisterte Mdchen wie meine Nichte einen wunderbaren Kompromiss aus beeindruckendem und vielfltigem Haus in Kombination mit mglichst raumsparender Aufbewahrung (leuchtende Mdchenaugen inklusive…), insofern kann dieses Haus entsprechend auch weiterempfehlen.
die im Lieferumfang inbegriffene Barbie ist ein sehr einfaches Modell, welches beispielsweise die Knie nicht abwinkeln kann, dennoch macht sie das Set dadurch geschenktauglicher und einsteigergeeignet.
Das Barbie-Haus ist qualitativ ohne Tadel. Alles schliet eher zu fest als zu locker (gut gegen Abnutzung).
Das Haus ist auch ausreichend gro, sodass eine Barbie sehr gut reinpasst.
Die Rume sind klar erkennbar. So macht eine Ferienhaus Spa.
Die Barbie ist eine von den hbschen (finde ich) und ganz normal. Also Gelenke an Kopf, Schultern und Hfte. Kleid und Schuhe dazu. Fertig. Nichts zu meckern.
Meine Tochter spielt damit seit Tagen stundenlang und findet immer wieder neues was die Barbie mit unseren anderen Barbies machen kann.
Was ist zu bemngeln?
Schade finde ich, dass die Schrnke in der Kche nicht zu ffnen sind. So ist keinerlei Stauraum fr das Kleinzeug im Haus. Etwas schade.
Apropos Kleinzeug: das bentigt einen extra Beutel, wenn man zuklappt. Es wrde reinpassen aber es wrde unten durchfallen. (Siehe Fotos) daher ziehe ich auch einen Stern ab. Selbst wenn man das Kleinzeug irgendwo reinpackt, kann es nicht mit ins Haus. Somit hat man diesen Beutel extra dabei.
Im Groen und Ganzen ist das ein wirklich schnes 1-Raum-Haus in ordentlicher Gre und von guter Qualitt. Alles klappbare ist tendenziell eher zu fest und daher aber gut gegen Abnutzung. Lediglich fr den Transport braucht man eine extra Tte fr die Kleinigkeiten wie Teller usw.
Es una fantstica casa de muecas de Barbie que se abre y tiene todo lo que necesita una casa. Contiene una cocina, un dormitorio con cama y hasta un bao. Contiene una estupenda piscina para que Barbie y sus amigos puedan baarse con una tira de luces que se pone arriba. Tiene muchos accesorios para poder jugar infinidad de horas. En la habitacin la cama se puede desplegar o cerrar segn la situacin que queramos y un armario para guardar la ropita. Una verdadera casa de muecas que ser un gran regalo para los peques. Algunos utensilios los puede cojer con las manos la mueca para hacerlo mas realista. Pueden comer tanto en la cocina ya que viene con una barra como fuera de la casa en el patio donde est la piscina. Tambien viene con una mueca para que puedas adjuntar a tu coleccin de Barbie. Un saludo.
In Design und Material gut gelungen und auf dem blichen, Barbie-entsprechendem Niveau.
Mit diesem Set kann man direkt spielen. Es ist (erst mal) umfangreich genug. Fr ausreichenden Spielspa braucht man also nicht schon ein Barbie-Equipment oder muss noch (sofort) etwas hinzukaufen. Es taugt somit auch gut als erstes Barbie-Geschenk.
Das klappbare, transportierbare Haus suggeriert mehr praktisches Vermgen als es im Alltag hat und mindert auch etwas — ich nenne es mal — die Spielglcksgefhlsubstanz gegenber stationren Einrichtungen.
Solange die Kinder einfach nur Spa haben drfen und sich Pdagogen, Eltern, sonstige Meinungsmacher sowie selbsternannte Moral-, Gender- und Ethikprofessoren raushalten, kann man bei Barbie-spielenden Kindern, die, egal was man fr richtig hlt, meistens Mdchen sind, immer wieder einen deutlichen Spielspa erkennen. Ich traue auch jedem Kind zu, wenn nicht sofort, dann beizeiten eine differenzierte Sichtweise zu eventuellen Fehlbeeinflussungen durch Spielzeug zu bekommen. Das gelingt i.d.R. wesentlich einfacher als sich ber Fehlbeeinflussungen von Eltern und Gesellschaftsmeinung hinwegzusetzen. Also nur Mut, wenn man sich vegan ernhrt, darf es auch mal eine Barbie sein.
Spielmaterial: 4,3 Sterne.
Spielen: 3,8 Sterne.
Spielspa: 4 Sterne.
P/L bei rund 60 : 2,5/4,0 = 3,2 Sterne.
Macht gesamt 3,8 Sterne, also 4.
Das Barbiehaus fr meine Enkeltochter war der Hit! Sie liebt Barbies und nun gibt es noch dieses tolle Haus, das man bequem auch mitnehmen kann. Sehr einfach und leicht ist es aufgebaut und die Kinder knnen, da es ca 60cm in die Breite geht, auch toll miteinander spielen. Die verschiedenen Zimmer sind hbsch dargestellt, die Fantasie der Kinder kennt beim Umrumen und Umbauen keine Grenzen. Das Spielzeughaus ist wertig und robust, am Besten finde ich, es ist gro beim Spielen, aber schnell zusammen geklappt und nimmt dann wenig Platz weg. Klasse!
My granddaughter loves anything Barbie related and this superb doll, pool and dollhouse set is just thegift for her and I’m sure any Barbie fan would be thrilled to find this under the Christmas tree.
This set includes a full size Barbie doll in a cute outfit complete with floral dress and pink shoes, a Barbie sized pale blue pool plus a house which includes a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The house measures 46.4cm wide x 29.8cm in height x 13.3cm in depth and includes a door and various windows.
This set is fully interactive and has lots of playability. Each room has realistic background decals and accessories the kitchen has a sink and cooker hob and accessories including a saucepan, two plates and cutlery, a bedroom with fold down bed and closet, accessories include a sheet, pillow and coat hanger there is also a bathroom with a toilet including lid and shelf that can hold the soap bottle and brush.
The outside area includes a swimming pool that you can fill with water, a pot plant and a canopy with outdoor lights. There is an island bar which includes two cocktail glasses and two chairs.
As expectedall items are of a decent quality, pretty and very colourful. My granddaughter has been thoroughly enjoying herself playing with this Barbie and Dollhouse…it’s her new favourite toy…at the moment.
Price wise this set is a bit on the expensive side at 47.83 (price correct at the time of this review).
Meine Tochter liebt Barbie und hat schon alles mgliche. Das hat ihr noch gefehlt. Einfach aufbauen und schon kann sie losspielen. Sie kann das ganze Haus zu Oma mitnehmen und ist ganz hin und weg.
Ich persnlich halte das ganze fr berquerten plastikmll aber meine Tochter liebt es und wenn sie so was bekommt rastet sie vor Freude aus und dann sehe ich darber weg weil mir ihre leuchtenden Augen mehr wert is
Me ha gustado mucho la casita, es un juguete muy bien diseado que seguro encantara a todos los fans de Barbie.
Llega en una caja super chula, brillante y colorida con escenas de Barbie que ya captan la atencion y emocionan antes de tan siquiera abrirla.
La casita en si esta bien pensada y aprovechada, cuando la abrimos nos encontramos un cuarto con su cama plegable, una cocina completita y un bao, sin olvidarnos la pequea piscina donde Chelsea se recrea.
Incluye pegatinas para decorar y a la vez dar un toque de realismo en partes como el horno, el armario, la cafetera, tambien hay pegatinas de flores para el jardn de Barbie e incluso una gran planta en maceta. La atencin al detalle se agradece, alimenta la imaginacion de los peques que pueden tirarse largos ratos recreando sus historias inventadas.
Despus de su uso, se pliega facilmente quedandose en un bloque compacto de 43x30x13 cm , y tanto Barbie como todos los accesorios caben en su interior. Lo que parece ser el tejado si la vemos de frente hace las veces de asa de transporte.
Es un set genial, pero podrian haber incluido a una mueca articulada en brazos y rodillas, queda un poco mal una Barbie sentada en una silla con las piernas rectas en el aire.
If you are a Barbie fan, this is an awesome set. It is easy to put together and self-contained with a series of little props to play with. It is ok to carry around with (albeit without the original packaging which is quite large). The inclusion of the doll itself means that it is ready to go and will make a good Xmas gift for a child ages 5-9. It is not the sturdiest of things, but then again, these sets are not as good quality as playmobile and the like. Still, a good choice for a gift.
Molto carina e richiudibile cos la puoi portare in giro,fatta molto bene, come diceva un’altra signora quando apri gli accessori manca 1 forchetta hanno messo 3 coltelli, ma 1 sola forchetta, ma quello poco importa.
Mia figlia di 3 anni l’ha usata e le piaciuta
Fabulous barbie house. My daughter is having so muhh fun with the portable doll house and all the accessories that come with it. We’ll packaged and easy to set up. There’s hours of enjoyment here.
The largest benefit of this Barbie house is its portability. To pack up, the house folds up, the accessories slide in and there’s a handle to make carrying it simple. This is a great benefit should your child like to take her Barbies with her. Beyond the house., the set includes a little pool and a couple of chairs to extend role play beyond the home. The house itself has a bed (detachable), a kitchen area and breakfast bar. Most importantly there is a toilet (the most utilised part of the house for us!).
There are few small utensils, with no place so store them – there are no cupboards or drawers which can be opened and closed. They can be stored in the toilet when all packed up, which should keep them safe, although I’d suggest the house is vertical when moved. I have a concern about the longevity of the plastic hooks which the outdoor lighting is attached too, which my depend on how they are treated. Also, I’m not a fan of having to sticker up the house, fortunately there were only a handful required.
I like this and so do my children. There’s good scope for role play and Barbie included can hold the utensils or tablet to increase options. The portability is key though, a winner and this satisfies an early price point Barbie house.
This is a lovely Barbie dollhouse set which includes one Barbie doll and multiple accessories even a small pool. Please note that despite the box art depicting five different dolls there is just the one doll included. I’m disappointed that box art keeps doing this as it makes things difficult for parents when their child asks where the other dolls are.
Ignoring the box art this is a lovely set and my Daughter absolutely adores it. I do think a jointed doll would have been better as like other reviewers have mentioned most children will immediately sit any doll onto a provided toilet seat and this doll looks a bit strange doing so with her legs stuck out.
I do love that the set can be nicely folded away which also makes it portable if wished and my Daughter loves the little pool and of course the loo. The doll comes with one outfit and a pair of shoes but most children if they are like my Daughter will have multiple dolls and outfits.
A nice set but a little more thought into the box art and doll included would have made this better however I have one happy Daughter who does love the set.
Contenido del paquete
– 1 barbie
– Un maletn que una vez abierto se convierte en una pared que incluye toda la casa de Barbie, este cerrado mide 25 centmetros de ancho y 10 centmetros de grosor, abierto tiene una longitud lineal de 60 centmetros.
– Barbie se parece a la mueca de todos los tiempos, simple pero nunca pasa de moda, usa un vestido floral simple impreso con una falda de 3/4, a los pies de simples bailarinas rosadas, el cabello est en el clsico rubio dorado, liso y largo, como siempre.
No faltan detalles de que la casa Mattel nunca falla en estos juegos:
– la cocina con estufa, fregadero, horno elctrico
– Mesa de centro estilo americano con 2 sillas.
– la cama
– el bao
– el armario
– la piscina al aire libre
La caja est llena de accesorios como luces de exterior, el jarrn con plantas, la maceta, los vasos con una pajita, los cubiertos completos para 2 personas, el marco de fotos, la percha, en resumen … Todo lo que necesitas en un hogar.
Sostener un juguete tan especial en mis manos hace que mi hija est muy feliz.
El precio es absolutamente asequible teniendo en cuenta lo que contiene esta caja, los materiales impecables, el nico defecto que contiene piezas pequeas que pueden ser peligrosas para los nios al jugar con l y, por lo tanto, no es adecuado para un nio con una edad promedio de menos de 3 aos.
Casa de Barbie, perfecta, con muchos complementos, con un tamao muy adecuado a la mueca, buenos materiales, tipo maletn.
Tener en cuenta que incluye una Barbie con un vestidito y calzada.
Os detallo lo que incluye y alguna caracterstica que creo que es importante:
– El tejado que hace de asa para el transporte (os dejo una fotografa)
– Zona de cocina, habitacin y bao con varios complementos de cada estancia: cubiertos, platos, jabn de manos, toalla, cazuela, una percha para colgar el vestido en el armario. Os dejo foto con todos los pequeos accesorios que estn incluidos
– Una piscina o baera azul, un poco transparente. La podemos llenar de agua y que se bae la mueca. Trae una planta para la zona del jardn.
– Se puede desplegar un tipo enrejado para que haga las veces de porche. Ah podemos colgar el detalle de guirnaldas moradas que viene incluido.
– Cosas que me gustan: la tapa del wter se abre, trae dos sillas con un bonito diseo, la cama tiene una mantita.
– La casa se abre y cierra fcilmente, solo hay que tirar de una pestaita hacia arriba (os dejo fotografa). Se puede cerrar la casa con todos los accesorios dentro, pero para transportarla las cosas pequeas se podrn caer, ser necesario que estn metidas en una bolsita de plstico o similar.
– Trae unas pegatinas para customizar la casa (interior o exterior)
– La mesa la trae plegada y es tipo barra americana. Perfecto detalle.
En rasgos generales el artculo est bien, est construido con materiales de calidad, bien rematado, es bastante resistente y es bonito y vistoso.
Tenis otro modelo un poco ms sencillo (FXG54) que viene sin mueca. Yo creo que por la diferencia de precio que hay entre los dos modelos es mejor coger este, ms completo, pero depende del precio que tenga en cada momento.
Os dejo muchas fotografas. Espero que os ayude
VER FOTOS La casa de Barbie es un clásico, siempre triunfará!
In terms of the basic idea, this is a really nice toy. An almost complete, all-in-one dolls’ house set that doesn’t take up too much space for storage, but opens out to a reasonably wide play space that can be played with alone, but is also large enough for children to play together. I like the fact that Mattel have started to bundle one (or more) dolls with their dolls houses, instead of just selling an empty house. This has not only a basic, stiff-limbed Barbie playdoll, but also a small set of homeware accessories to use with it, though doesn’t include any spare outfits or shoes. The set has a number of proper elements to it – a moulded kitchen sink and single hot plate burner, plus a couple of shelves for storage and a fold-down breakfast bar in the ‘kitchen’ area; an opening door; a hanging rail and a couple of shelf cubes for clothing and shoes; a fold-down bed; an opening toilet plus a couple of places to store toiletries in the ‘bathroom’; and a flip-up clothes line.
However, the build quality just doesn’t justify the RRP. It’s all quite a thin, plasticky affair. Much of the design of the house is achieved through preinstalled decal stickers rather than proper accessories. The much vaunted pool is decently made, in thicker plastic than some of the other elements, but is really more like a low-sided bath than a pool. At the RRP, I think a couple of basic outfits could have been included. Instead, the only fabric element part from the dress Barbie herself is wearing is a thin rectangle of fabric as a sheet for the bed (the ‘pillow’ is moulded plastic on the bed frame itself). The doll type used to accompany this is pretty much the most basic kind from Mattel’s play doll range – her knees don’t bend to allow her to sit down properly – so when sitting at the dining chairs she’s left with legs splayed out in front of her.
This set is ideal for little kids over 3 years old, it’s adorable, very good quality, nice colors, you get so many little accessories and a barbie. It’s very compact and portable when you finish playing just fold it away.
– Portable dollhouse ( doesn’t take much space)
– Includes Barbie doll, dollhouse, and themed accessories
– suitable for 3 years and up
– dimensions 13.3 x 29.8 x 46.4 cm
– easy clean-up
Estupenda casa porttil de Barbie, por tamao y por contenido.
Esta versin trae una mueca, preciosa, con un vestido azul, estampado con flores rosas y lilas. Lleva unos zapatos rosas con pulsera al tobillo. La melena es larga rubia y lisa.
Lo bueno es que al terminar de jugar, se mete todo dentro, se cierra y listo.
La casa tiene:
-Zona de cocina, con una mesa de barra y dos sillas, fregadero, fuegos y repisas. Tambin tiene una puerta para poder salir y entrar. De la cocinasale un techitop en el que podemos colgar las luces para hacer la zona de jardn, donde podemos poner la piscina.
-Zona de dormitorio, con una cama pequea, armario y repisas (todo lo dems viene en pegatinas).
-Zona de aseo, con repisa y WC.
Adems viene con unos cuantos accesorios:
-2 cucharas, 1 tenedores, 2 cuchillos
-2 platos
-1 tablet
-1 cepillo
-1 bote de jabn
-1 toalla
-1 percha
-1 guirnalda de luces
-1 planta
-2 sillas
El montaje es rpido y sencillo.
Buena relacin calidad precio.
Ambientazione davvero bella e completa.
La valigetta alta circa 25 cm e spessa una decina, una volta aperta la casa completa di tutto, persino una piscina da riempire e tanto accessori che in una casa “normale”.
La qualit delle plastiche non nulla d’eccezIonale ma la cura dei dettagli e i vari accoppiamenti sono fatti veramente a regola d’arte.
Se volete fare felice una bimba…questo il regalo giusto.
Bellissimo regalo da fare a una bambina, in quanto il set richiudibile diventando cos facilmente trasportatile durante le vacanze o quando non utilizzato. Il kit comprende una cucina, una camera da letto, un bagno e una piscina all’aperto, ed disponibile nella variante con o senza bambola.
Tanta l’attenzione ai dettagli, che rende anche i pi piccoli oggetti facilmente utilizzabili, in modo da consentire alla bimba che ci gioca piena fantasia mentre li usa. Insomma, un gioco ben fatto, ben realizzato e costruito con materiali solidi e sicuri. Visto che ci sono alcuni oggetti piccoli, raccomando comunque la supervisione di un adulto quando viene usato.
My niece loves dolls, pink things and dolls houses! (She does love cars too!)
Big plus is that this is a compact dolls house so when finished playing with it, just fold it away and it doesn’t take up lots of room.
The house is full of fun things to play with including a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and outdoor pool that you can actually fill up with water. My niece thinks it’s great that you can actually put the toilet lid up and down!
This set also included a Barbie doll; however, it’s the greatest one available as she doesn’t bend so she can’t even sit down, but it is a nice addition to have. A plus is also the large plant. This is a realistic toy that portrays a real house well, but I do think it’s slightly on the pricey side. Having said that, I found it is worth investing in as it does encourage imaginative play and keeps the 3.5 year old occupied for a good amount of time.
This is great. For the price you get so many little accessories. And you get a doll. I think it’s really good value. It’s easy to pack up and put away. My niece was extremely excited playing with this. Though she did ask why the toilet was right next to the bed!
My granddaughter, like generations before, is a firm Barbie fan, so she’s delighted with this playset. Although this set is aimed at four to nine year olds, our three year old was perfectly at home with it.
The set is based around a basic, stiff-limbed Barbie doll with a single dress; at the price, I would have expected bendy knees and underwear, at least.
The fold out carry box, which contains some accessories and furniture, turns into the dolls’ house. The house packs easily away into the box when finished, for stage, or take with you to friends.
What I like about the set is that it encourages fantasy play, either alone, or with friends and siblings. Other dolls, clothing and accessories from other sets can be brought in to enhance the play.
Quality good be better, but is perfectly adequate; value for money is average.
I live Barbie and I really wish it was acceptable for me as a forty year old to play with this, but I suppose it isn’t, so I’ll let my daughter enjoy it! She absolutely loves it! It’s a lovely set, which includes a bed, swimming pool which can be filled and an actual barbie! Mostly these sets don’t include a doll, so that’s quite pleasing. It also folds up into a little carry case, so you can take out and about with you. It is expensive- there’s no denying that and I do relate to other reviewers about this, but truth be told, the barbie dream house is more than 200, so this is actually a pretty good deal. It takes up less space and is adorable- recommended
Very well designed toy which will enchant younger girls and Barbie fans. It arrives in a bright and colourful Barbie box featuring living scenes bound to attract the attention of any young Barbie fan.
The ‘house’ itself is well thought out in the way it opens up to create a series of rooms with fold down bed and breakfast bar adding features to the rooms. The ‘hob’ has recesses to hold the pan secure, the breakfast bar has similar for securing plates and drinks. Other accessories have discreet clips to they can be secured the Barbie’s hands so she can use them and it is up to date including even a Barbie ‘tablet’ so she can surf the net and do her emails. Supplied stickers add a further touch of realism eg identifying the oven, showing cupboard contents, creating a coffee maker and there are flower stickers for Barbie’s garden and even a large potted plant. The attention to detail is impressive, superficially at least. After use it folds neatly into a compact 43x30x13cm when not in use for storage or travel and the accessories, along with Barbie herself, fit inside. It has its own carrying handle built into the design, and with its ease of carrying is ideal for keeping a child amused while on holiday.
Its components and attractive design with usable accessories, fold-down bed and breakfast bar and lifting toilet lid encourage a lot of imaginative play among young girls/children. However, to really make the most of it, an additional doll from the Barbie range would add to the experience and could encourage its owner to invite a Barbie-owning friend to join her for play sessions which also encourages children to play together. The house set includes probably the right balance of pink along with other colours including blue and white.
Build quality is good for use with a careful child and I fear its various clips, fold-down items and lugs might not withstand rougher treatment for a less-gentle child.
I have a few other niggles:
* Some items are clearly not to scale and this was noted very quickly by a 7 year old who observed that the cutlery is almost the same length as the sink and that forks and spoons were supplied but not knives.
* Although the attention to detail is mostly impressive, providing spoons and forks seems an odd combination rather than knives and forks.
* My 7 year old safety-conscious tester also noticed that the pan handles either overhang the hob or block access to the door, all of which create a safety hazard (take note Mattel: some Barbie fans may be taking their Brownie ‘Baking’ badge….)
It would have been so much better if a bendy Barbie was included, especially given the high price (currently 60) so she could sit on her chairs and toilet (the first thing my 7 year old tester tried) without her legs sticking out at a right angle which looks unrealistic and uncomfortable and spoils the effect.
Despite my niggles, this is an attractive toy for young girls and Barbie fans, encourages imaginative play either alone or with friends and is compact to store when not in use so is a toy I would recommend.
Well designed and attractive house encouraging imaginative play for Barbie fans
Imaginative play house for barbie fans with pool. To be fair pool is quite small so safer to say paddling pool prob suitable for barbies little sister. Carry handle on roof and closes for easy transportation but a lot of fiddly bits which I put in a bag for fear of losing them as no bottom on playhouse. Space saving item if going away and want something to occupy kids when away but not the sturdiest feeling item. Some adult help needed to assemble initially and with stickers but should provide hours of fun.
The Barbie apartment/house is presented Inside a colourful box with photographs of various Barbie dolls. This set includes one stiff limbed doll; A plastic bed with pillow imprinted on it; A shallow bath/pool; 2 plastic dining chairs; 2 silver coloured plastic spoons; 2 forks and 2 knives; 2 plates; 2 plastic sundae glasses; 1 saucepan; 1 hairbrush; 1 soap dispenser and one nylon cloth that represents a bedspread.
My granddaughter was disappointed that the Barbie on the photograph isn’t the same as the one that comes with the set, she wanted a Barbie that could sit and with her hair in a bun. However, once over her initial disappointment she brought out the rest of her Barbie dolls and enjoyed playing with this set.
The best thing about this one is that it packs away very quickly and isn’t too bulky to place on top of the wardrobe when she isn’t playing with it. The other dissapointing feature is that there are clothes depicted on the box and they aren’t provided either, it is only a picture stuck inside the cupboard. The doll only has the dress that she stands in and no underwear. The bed clips into position on the wall with tiny lugs and you have to careful not to break them. The door swings outward; the table folds down and a patio roof swings into place so that the string of lanterns can hang. It is dissapointing that the oven doesn’t open and no other pans are included. The toilet seat lifts up and down and there are nice pictures on the front and side of the apartment. There are stickers to attach to objects around the apartment and a sheet of instructions are included to show where they belong. A large house plant in a pot is also included in this set.
Despite her disappointment at the lack of additional clothes and the stiff limbed Barbie, my granddaughter and her friends played happily with the set for hours and what child doesn’t enjoy the iconic Barbie doll. The set is light enough for children to carry around and is easy to fold away and store. The house is made of sturdy plastic and a full picture of the included items is on the side of the box but I doubt many children will look at that first and not the pictures on the front of the box believing that that is what the box contains.
This is brilliant for all fans of Barbie. My Grandaughter is just getting into Barbie, she already has the camper van, which she loves playing with and now she has this too and she adores it! It is ideal if you’re going out visiting and need to keep your child occupied, it folds down and is portable. It’s easy to construct and comes with lots of extra bits to make the ‘home’ complete. Brilliant idea and quite good value for money.
Nostra figlia di quasi 3 anni non manca un solo giorno l’appuntamento con le Barbie, ci coinvolge sempre e con la fantasia fa fare loro cose inimmaginabili!
Quando mi capitata la possibilit di testare questa casa mi sono lasciato subito entusiasmare e la cosa che mi ha convinto a prenderla stata lo spazio.
La casa di Barbie di mia sorella di 40 anni fa era molto grande, occupava molto spazio, mentre adesso la Mattel ha tirato fuori dal cilindro il “loft”, quindi non pi il villone a 3 piani e le sue varie versioni ma un unico livello con pi ambienti che si pu richiudere e portare come una valigetta. Le dimensioni da chiuso sono 13x30x46 e da aperto la lunghezza arriva a circa 60 cm.
Come dicevo gli ambienti in cui si pu ambientare una storia sono vari, c’ una cucina, una camera da letto, un bagno e un’area piscina all’esterno con tanto arancio carico di frutti, barbecue e tavolino per l’aperitivo.
Nella confezione, oltre ad essere inclusa una bambola Barbie, ci sono degli adesivi per decorare i vari ambienti e per ogni diverso ambiente vi inoltre una serie di accessori quali sedie, posate, piatti, padella, grucce, dispenser di sapone, coperta ed altri..
I particolari sono curati con attenzione, c’ addirittura la tavoletta del wc che si alza e abbassa, insomma davvero fatta bene, un ottimo spunto per far volare la fantasia delle nostre bimbe, la vecchia intramontabile casa di Barbie rivisitata in stile moderno per restare al passo coi tempi.
Eccomi oggi a recensire il playset Loft di Barbie con bambola inclusa, una delle tantissime versioni della casa di questa famosissima bambola di casa Mattel, notissimo brand tra i produttori di giocattoli sin dalla sua fondazione nel 1945, quando produceva solamente accessori per le casa delle bambole, oggi una delle pi importanti del mondo e annovera tra i suoi prodotti pi celebri Big Jim, Hot Wheels e il celebre gioco di carte Uno, oltre appunto a Barbie che da 60 anni fa sognare bimbe di ogni et.
La mia bimba di 4 anni un’amante delle Barbie e di tutti i suoi accessori ,ma per questioni di spazio abbiamo scelto di provare questo playset invece che la classica ed enorme casa.
Questo “Loft” davvero grazioso e pur avendo dimensioni molto contenute, infatti misura 29,8×46,4×13,3 , veramente completo e ben arredato e si suddivide in 4 diverse aree gioco che si sviluppano in circa 60 cm lineari.
Si suddivide in cucina-ingresso dove presente un tavolo penisola con due sedie, angolo cottura e la porta di ingresso, stanza da letto con il letto a scomparsa e l’armadio dei vestiti, il bagno con il wc con il coperchio che si alza per davvero e la zona esterna con la piscina.
All’interno troviamo anche una bambola Barbie con un delizioso vestito a fiori e scarpette rosa oltre che tanti accessori tipo i piatti, le posate e un pentolino per la cucina, un coperta, una gruccia e un tablet per la stanza da letto, una spazzola e un dispenser di sapone per il bagno e una piantina e delle lucine per addobbare la zona esterna.
Tutti i dettagli, sia all’interno che all’esterno, sono davvero molto curati e veritieri, tanto che all’interno della confezione sono presenti gli adesivi che servono per abbellire sia per l’interno che la facciata della casetta .
Uno dei grandi pregi di questo playset, che nasce proprio dalle ridotte dimensione, la possibilit una volta richiusa, di portarla ovunque tu voglia (penso che noi la porteremo in vacanza con noi) grazie alla forma a triangolo del tetto che diventa maniglia.
In conclusione posso decisamente consiglialo poich ha una pi che discreta qualit costruttiva, dettagli e accessori molto curati, ma soprattutto per le sue piccole dimensioni pur non sacrificando il realismo e la bellezza della casetta stessa.
Se la vostra bimba vuole la casa di Barbie ma non avete grandi spazi questo il prodotto adatto a voi.
The doll house is pretty cute and big!
It closes up for easy storage and the doll included is really pretty!
The doll with the flower dress came with the set,the other barbie is not included.
This doll house is for 4k but i got it at discount for 2.8k!
Also 1-3 dolls can also be stored in the house while not in use.
Mi ricordo che quando ero piccola desideravo disperatamente una casa di Barbie, che non ho mai ricevuto (non pensiate per che abbia avuto un’infanzia triste, tutt’altro!) credo per due motivi: forse il costo e indubbiamente per ragioni di spazio. Due sorelle vicine di casa invece avevano il mio oggetto dei desideri che troneggiava nella loro stanza, rendendo difficile l’accesso alla finestra tanto era ingombrante… Immagino che se i miei genitori avessero visto questa casa non avrebbero esitato a comprarmela. Il prezzo infatti “ragionevole” e, anche se forse le plastiche non sono della massima qualit, comunque sufficientemente solida per durare nel tempo e regalare ore di gioco infinite. Inoltre, aspetto degno di nota, occupa veramente poco spazio pur essendo accessoriata di tutto punto.
In uno spazio ampio poco pi di 60 cm. (le dimensioni sono 13,3 x 29,8 x 46,4 cm.) sono raggruppati infatti 4 diversi ambienti di gioco: una cucina con tanto di tavolino, sedie, porta che si apre e vari accessori, la camera da letto con letto a scomparsa e lenzuolo, il bagno con water, spazzola e dispenser per il sapone e la zona esterna con “piscina”, lucine appese e una pianta in vaso. Il tutto viene completato da una Barbie (dimensioni standard) con vestitino fiorato estivo e scarpe rosa e alcuni altri accessori carinissimi fra cui le posate per due persone, un tablet, due drink con tanto di cannuccia… ci sono poi alcuni adesivi che completano l’arredamento. Le mura della parte esterna sono anch’esse decorate con disegni carini che aprono altre prospettive di gioco: un barbecue, un albero da frutto, alcune mensole…
La casa, che io non definirei tanto un loft, ma un bilocale, molto veritiera e offre veramente la possibilit di giochi di ruolo importanti per la crescita. Inoltre c’ “spazio” per poter inserire altri elementi che ogni bambina gi potrebbe avere (altre Barbie, Ken, oggetti…), potendo ancor pi arricchire il gioco di situazioni.
La casa si apre e chiude con estrema facilit attraverso un gancio e anche una bimba piccola lo pu fare, avendo inoltre una fondamentale maniglia “nascosta” nel tetto per poterla trasportare. Una volta chiusa tutti gli arredi possono essere alloggiati dentro la casa stessa, contribuendo ulteriormente a preservare ordine e spazio. fabbricata in Cina. Un set bello e intelligente!
Questo casa sarebbe stata la mia gioia quando ero una bimba!
This is a decent Barbie playset. The plastic isn’t very thick and it does take some work to get it set up and standing b/c it’s not super sturdy. The colors are great and the size is just right for Barbie. It folds up fairly well for storing. This is a good alternative to a larger house if you’re short on space. Overall, my daughter likes it, but not sure it will stand up to lots of wear and tear.
So used to kids toys being a bit lacking and basic. This was a pleasant surprise. Some lovely features. The design of this product has been well thought about. My daughter loves it. Even better that it came with its own Barbie doll!
My niece does not stop playing with this! She is 7 years old and loves it. Thank you!
I bought this dollhouse as a Christmas gift to my two and a half old girl, and she was very happy. It is one of the favourite her toys now.
Regalato a natale a mia nipote di 2 anni e mezzo, lei lo ha adorato, ci sono moltissimi accessori (attenzione che alcuni sono piccoli) il rapporto con il prezzo ottimo, lo pagato circa 20/30 euro in meno diun negozio.
Curato nei minimi particolari, pur nella sua semplicit. Si compone di poche “aree”, le pi essenziali di una casa, ma tutto curato nei minimi dettagli, comprese luci, sedie, fioriera… la Barbie in dotazione semplice, un modello “base”, ma completa il tutto soprattutto quando trattasi di regalo.
Unico neo, il prezzo molto alto per un giocattolo
meiner Tochter gefllt es sehr gut. geht auch sehr einfach zusammen zuklappen um es schnell mal zu verstauen. wer nicht viel Platz hat ist es perfekt.
Regalo di Natale arrivato con tempismo impeccabile. Articolo di marca quindi non ci sono molti commenti da fare, rispetto al prezzo medio in negozio sicuramente c’ stato un risparmio.
Ich habe es meiner Tochter zu Weihnachten geschenkt und sie ist begeistert.
Was mir so gut gefllt ist, dass es eine gnstige Alternative zum groen Barbiehaus ist. Schn ist auch das man es so zusammen klappen kann, damit man es berall mit hin nehmen kann.
Also absolute Kaufempfehlung
Fr 29,99 mit Puppe vom Preis her ok. Die Mdels haben Spa damit und durch das Zusammenklappen hat man das Ganze auch schnell verstaut.
Mit der Qualitt knnen mich die Barbie Sachen fr den Preis allerdings nicht berzeugen, aber ich muss ja auch nicht damit spielen 😉
Umfang ist Ok, Puppe dabei = Passt – fr 30 in Ordnung.
Purchased as a Xmas present, was fantastic, my daughter loves i
Daughter loves this and so much better than expected. Brilliant value for what you get.
Comprado como regalo de Navidad para una nia de 4 aos. Rpida recepcin.
Super cadeau pour une fille. Succs garanti.
Juste le prix encore un peu lev pour l ensemble malgr la promo de Nol
perfekt! vorallem: zusammenklappbar
Kche, Bett und Badezimmer. alles vorhanden. und das alles auf relativ kleinem Raum. spitze!
Best present for my grand daughter for Christmas
Barbie us about style and Imagination
Good looks
My 9 year old daughter is happy with this portable barbie house. It is quite big and sturdy for what I expected. Happy with my pick. She was happy to get this for Christmas.
Mia figlia impazzita appena lo ha visto. Il prodotto si presenta bene, la casa quando chiusa una specie di valigetta da portate dietro. Ci sono diversi accessori e una Barbie inclusa, ma per ovvi motivi di prezzo la Barbie quella in versione base, per intenderci, le gambe non si piegano all’altezza dei ginocchi. Cmq prodotto ben fatto e perfetto per giocare con mia figlia.
super produit pour ma fille de 5 ans.se pli facilement au bou de 2-3 fois elle le teplie elle mem
Consegnata oggi alla mia nipotina per Natale. Pazza di gioia.
Las nias no paran de jugar! Fcil de llevar a otros sitios porque es un maletn! La calidad del producto bueno
My 4-year-old daughter loves this Barbie house. It is easy to open out to display the kitchen/ diner, bedroom, bathroom and pool area and folds up neatly for storage. It comes with fold down table and bed as well as lots of accessories (plates, cutlery, tablet, brush etc), some stickers for the backgrounds and a Barbie.
However, as an expensive set I would’ve expected a bendable Barbie to enhance play as well as more thought into where to keep all the little accessories. It will likely delight Barbie fans but seems poor value for money.
Artiekel war schnell da sieht sehr gut aus fr kids supe
Es para reyes, para mi sobri.. Pero la caja est genial
Unsere Prinzessin ist begeistert.alle Teile sind robust und schn .
un regalo per mia nipote!
La casa ben fatta e c’ anche una Barbie nella confezione!
Veramente un bel regalo!
Es una casa plegable muy bonita, incluye una mueca Barbie. Tiene muchos accesorios y muchos detalles.
Se cierra y se queda como un pequeo maletn, muy til para guardarla y transportarla.
A mis hijas les ha encantado y juegan mucho con ella.
En definitiva, muy buena compra por el precio que tiene.
Christmas present for my daughter so haven’t opened yet but it looks perfect. Arrived quickly to!
Meine Tochter hat dieses Haus mit einigen anderen Barbie Sachen zum fnften Geburtstag bekommen und spielt sehr gerne und ausgiebig damit. Ich hatte erst Sorge, dass es ihr zu klein ist und sie nach einem ‘richtigen’ Barbie Haus fragt, aber das tat sie nie. Das Kleine platzsparende Modell ist vollkommen ausreichend, wird gerne bespielt und lsst sich super verstauen. Haben es im Angebot fr 19,90 gekauft, da kann man wirklich nicht meckern. Tolles Geschenk!
Got it for 50% off on amazon
The box was well packaged and the stuff is great for little girls who love barbie
I got this for my daughter’s birthday a surprise gift. She loved it a lot and daily plays with it.
Got this for 16 such a bargain especially as it includes a doll it’s put away for Christmas but I am sure my barbie mad daughter will love i
Great addition to Barbies world ! Contains a Barbie with her easily portable flat consisting of a kitchen bathroom and living area that is flat pack and folds away easily for storage and portability ! Lots of nice touches and all parts can transfer to other Barbie living areas! Great for imaginative play and enjoyed by my niece of 9 years !
Perfektes Geschenk fr Mdchen.
Super Platzsparend und schn zum spielen.
Das Barbie Ferienhaus ist auseinander geklappt mehr als 60 cm breit. Der Innen und Auenbereich enthlt Kche, Schlafzimmer, Badezimmer und Pool. Das liebevoll ausgestattete Haus ist in freundlichen Farben gehalten. Die hbsche Barbie hat viele bewegliche Gelenke. Der Ferienalltag kann gut gespielt werden. Das Haus gefllt unserer Kleinen und ist zur Zeit der Mittelpunkt im Spielzimmer. Das Puppenhaus ist also sehr interessant und daher absolut sein Geld wert.
Very good product. My daughters just loved playing with this se
Trs chouette petite maison facile replier pratique ma fille adore.
Product is very nice my grand daughter plays with it n she is very happy
Very good product. Very good Amazon service.highly recommended for purchase. And good selle
La peque est encantada con la casa plegable de Barbie.
Lo ms importante, es que cuando nos vamos a casa de mis suegros, ella puede llevarse las Barbies para jugar en su mochila especfica, y acompaarlo con esta otra maleta con forma de casa, que se despliega para albergar dentro una cocina completa con su barra, sillas, pequeos utensilios, un dormitorio con cama y ropa de cama con su armario y aseo, y lo completa con un jacuzzi.
Todo plegable, rpido de abrir y fcil de transportar.
Ahora, cuando vamos de viaje, la peque, solo tiene que llevar el maletn de Barbie y su otra mochila pequeita.
Se lo pasa genial y puede jugar en cualquier sitio.
A ella le gusta, y a nosotros, nos quita un peso de encima de cargar como antes, con varios juguetes de un sitio a otro, que dicho sea de paso, ocupaban, junto con los de su hermano, bastante espacio en el maletero del coche.
Si buscas un set (incluye Barbie con un vestido de flores sin mucha parafernalia) tremendamente portatil y con gran jugabilidad, esta es una buena opcin. Tambin sera un excelente regalo de cumpleaos o navidades.
Buen artculo, buena construccin y de momento, duradero.
Si nuestra hija nos pide la casa de Barbie, hay un modelo muy grande que ocupa mucho espacio, este en cambio es mucho ms recogido y una buena opcin si no tenemos en casa mucho espacio.
Ms que una casa en s, es un apartamento con varias estancias, por un lado est la cocina con su menaje del hogar, horno, mesa para comer, sillas etc.. Luego est el dormitorio con su cama, mesita, armario y ventana, junto al dormitorio est el bao, con su letrina y en la parte exterior est la piscina, que ms que una piscina parece una baera por su tamao pequeo.
No obstante para la imaginacin de un nio el apartamento de Barbie es perfecto, tiene todo lo necesario para jugar e imaginar mil aventuras.
Una vez terminado el juego, todo se pliega sobre si mismo y ocupa muy poco espacio. Me parece una idea genial para ahorrar espacio que todo quede recogido.
Das Barbie Ferienhaus ist viel Zubehr ausgestattet und kann dank des kompakten und faltbaren Designs auch schnell klein aufgerumt und sogar mitgenommen werden. Barbie hat in ihrem Ferienhaus alles, was man so braucht. Ein Bett, ein Bad, Kche mit Sitzgelegenheiten und sogar einen tollen Auenbereich mit Pool. Selbst eine Barbie ist im Lieferumfang enthalten, so dass man dies als separates (Starter-) Set verwenden kann.
Das Geschenk hat meiner Enkelin sehr gefallen und wurde sofort bespielt”!
Very nice product, amazed to get such nice product with minimum cost, my daughter became so happy to get this.
Bei Barbie ist ab sofort Poolzeit angesagt! In diesem tollen Ferienhaus ist zu jeder Tageszeit Urlaub angesagt. Unser kleines Prinzessla hat ja schon jede Menge von Barbie, aber der Pool hat noch gefehlt so oft wie sie schwimmen geht muss sie ja schon Schwimmhute haben… Lach
Ok, ganz so schlimm ist es nicht. Aber man lsst sich fr Barbie schon immer immer tolle Sachen einfallen und es spielten schon einige Generationen mit…
Passt perfekt zur Barbiewelt und absolut zu empfehlen als Weihnachtsgeschenk
Top Geschenk, schneller Versand, top Qualitt und viele freudige Stunden damit.
Como te puedes imaginar, con una casita para la barbie, el nivel de juego que le das a tu peque es infinito…es el tpico juguete que usan a diario por lo que la inversin de los 50 euritos es sper acertada, destacar que esta casita adems se pliega y se convierte en maletn para llevarlo a la calle, la envidia del parque jajaj. Es un pisito muy bonito con muchos detalles y estilo “muy barbie actual” material bastante resistente (sin ser irrompible) y colores muy alegres, lo nico que yo cambiaria sera aadir como un pequeo armario o bal donde guardar la ropita ya que el dibujo del armario con el perchero se me queda algo escaso pero es por ponerle un pero porque la verdad que me encanta.
Fantastic doll house
It is totally foldable
This is a must have
So the key benefit of this set is the portability. Whether travelling or staying overnight with friends, this set has everything you need, including the kitchen sink actually :). It’s a well thought out set, with lots of bits and pieces. The downside is that these could get lost in your travels, as often happens with these things. The house is great because it opens out into quite a wide set, so a big play area. My concern with the house is the fragility of the plastic and whether it will break – it’s not overly strong. Now the set does include a Barbie, which may or may not be needed, which add to the cost of the product, and she not movable. If you sit her in one of the included chairs, her legs don’t bend, so stuck sticky straight out. Try getting 2 Barbies under that table and you’ll struggle a bit. If you ignore the portability side, this does make a good starter set for someone.
Cost wise, this is always going to be a big ticket item, as with a lot of the Barbie stuff, but it does seem to have dropped in price recently. At the time of writing it’s sub 50, which makes it better value. The only other thing I would say is that this is a lot of plastic and not very Eco friendly in this day and age.
Finde das Set super. Fr den aktuellen Preis von 37 bekommt man eine relativ groe Spielkulisse die man berall mit hinnehmen kann. An der Qualitt gibt es nicht zu meckern. Unsere Tochter findet das Set super und es wird auch nach lngerer Zeit noch bespielt.
Das Barbie-Haus wird in ansprechender Verpackung mit Sichtfenster fr die enthaltene Barbie geliefert. Das Haus ist fertig montiert und findet sich in zusammengeklappten Zustand in der Schachtel. Zahlreich zustzliche Kleinteile wie Geschirr, Pool, Tablett, Aufkleber etc. sind separat verpackt. Der Aufbau ist einfach und selbsterklrend. Unsere Nichts (8 J.) ist begeistert und kombiniert das neue Haus mit einem weiteren aus ihrem Vorbestand. Sehr praktisch ist der Griff zum Tragen (Dach). Das Haus wandert derzeit auf jeden Ausflug mit. Im Wartezimmer des Zahnarztes erfreuten sich schon gleich 5 Patientinnen an dem mitgebrachten Haus , und die Praxis wird nun ein solches Haus fr das Wartezimmer anschaffen…Gut gelungen , praktisch, viele Details, prima!!
Meine Nichte hatte sich immer schon ein Barbiehaus gewnscht, aber das ihr Kinderzimmer recht klein ist war dafr einfach kein Platz.
Mit diesem “Zusammenklappbaren Haus” ist das nun anders, denn es lsst sich auf ein berschaubares Ma von 29,5cm X 12,5cm X 42cm zusammenklappen, wobei smtliche Mbel inklusive der im Lieferumfang inbegriffenen Barbie im Innenraum Platz finden. Extrem praktisch finden wir auch den Tragegriff, so lsst sich das Haus unkompliziert von A nach B (und beispielsweise auch mal schnell zur Freundin) transportieren.
Aufgeklappt hat das Haus einiges zu bieten, vom Bett, ber den Minipool bis hin zur Toilette oder der Sitzecke, man hat tatschlich das Gefhl, nichts zu vermissen (sogar die Kleider lassen sich im Schrank verstauen).
Alles hat die bliche “Barbie-Kunststoff-Qualitt” (an deren Langlebigkeit ich so meine Zweifel hege), aber das Haus bietet zumindest fr Barbiebegeisterte Mdchen wie meine Nichte einen wunderbaren Kompromiss aus beeindruckendem und vielfltigem Haus in Kombination mit mglichst raumsparender Aufbewahrung (leuchtende Mdchenaugen inklusive…), insofern kann dieses Haus entsprechend auch weiterempfehlen.
die im Lieferumfang inbegriffene Barbie ist ein sehr einfaches Modell, welches beispielsweise die Knie nicht abwinkeln kann, dennoch macht sie das Set dadurch geschenktauglicher und einsteigergeeignet.
Das Haus ist auch ausreichend gro, sodass eine Barbie sehr gut reinpasst.
Die Rume sind klar erkennbar. So macht eine Ferienhaus Spa.
Die Barbie ist eine von den hbschen (finde ich) und ganz normal. Also Gelenke an Kopf, Schultern und Hfte. Kleid und Schuhe dazu. Fertig. Nichts zu meckern.
Meine Tochter spielt damit seit Tagen stundenlang und findet immer wieder neues was die Barbie mit unseren anderen Barbies machen kann.
Was ist zu bemngeln?
Schade finde ich, dass die Schrnke in der Kche nicht zu ffnen sind. So ist keinerlei Stauraum fr das Kleinzeug im Haus. Etwas schade.
Apropos Kleinzeug: das bentigt einen extra Beutel, wenn man zuklappt. Es wrde reinpassen aber es wrde unten durchfallen. (Siehe Fotos) daher ziehe ich auch einen Stern ab. Selbst wenn man das Kleinzeug irgendwo reinpackt, kann es nicht mit ins Haus. Somit hat man diesen Beutel extra dabei.
Im Groen und Ganzen ist das ein wirklich schnes 1-Raum-Haus in ordentlicher Gre und von guter Qualitt. Alles klappbare ist tendenziell eher zu fest und daher aber gut gegen Abnutzung. Lediglich fr den Transport braucht man eine extra Tte fr die Kleinigkeiten wie Teller usw.
Es una fantstica casa de muecas de Barbie que se abre y tiene todo lo que necesita una casa. Contiene una cocina, un dormitorio con cama y hasta un bao. Contiene una estupenda piscina para que Barbie y sus amigos puedan baarse con una tira de luces que se pone arriba. Tiene muchos accesorios para poder jugar infinidad de horas. En la habitacin la cama se puede desplegar o cerrar segn la situacin que queramos y un armario para guardar la ropita. Una verdadera casa de muecas que ser un gran regalo para los peques. Algunos utensilios los puede cojer con las manos la mueca para hacerlo mas realista. Pueden comer tanto en la cocina ya que viene con una barra como fuera de la casa en el patio donde est la piscina. Tambien viene con una mueca para que puedas adjuntar a tu coleccin de Barbie. Un saludo.
In Design und Material gut gelungen und auf dem blichen, Barbie-entsprechendem Niveau.
Mit diesem Set kann man direkt spielen. Es ist (erst mal) umfangreich genug. Fr ausreichenden Spielspa braucht man also nicht schon ein Barbie-Equipment oder muss noch (sofort) etwas hinzukaufen. Es taugt somit auch gut als erstes Barbie-Geschenk.
Das klappbare, transportierbare Haus suggeriert mehr praktisches Vermgen als es im Alltag hat und mindert auch etwas — ich nenne es mal — die Spielglcksgefhlsubstanz gegenber stationren Einrichtungen.
Solange die Kinder einfach nur Spa haben drfen und sich Pdagogen, Eltern, sonstige Meinungsmacher sowie selbsternannte Moral-, Gender- und Ethikprofessoren raushalten, kann man bei Barbie-spielenden Kindern, die, egal was man fr richtig hlt, meistens Mdchen sind, immer wieder einen deutlichen Spielspa erkennen. Ich traue auch jedem Kind zu, wenn nicht sofort, dann beizeiten eine differenzierte Sichtweise zu eventuellen Fehlbeeinflussungen durch Spielzeug zu bekommen. Das gelingt i.d.R. wesentlich einfacher als sich ber Fehlbeeinflussungen von Eltern und Gesellschaftsmeinung hinwegzusetzen. Also nur Mut, wenn man sich vegan ernhrt, darf es auch mal eine Barbie sein.
Spielmaterial: 4,3 Sterne.
Spielen: 3,8 Sterne.
Spielspa: 4 Sterne.
P/L bei rund 60 : 2,5/4,0 = 3,2 Sterne.
Macht gesamt 3,8 Sterne, also 4.
Das Barbiehaus fr meine Enkeltochter war der Hit! Sie liebt Barbies und nun gibt es noch dieses tolle Haus, das man bequem auch mitnehmen kann. Sehr einfach und leicht ist es aufgebaut und die Kinder knnen, da es ca 60cm in die Breite geht, auch toll miteinander spielen. Die verschiedenen Zimmer sind hbsch dargestellt, die Fantasie der Kinder kennt beim Umrumen und Umbauen keine Grenzen. Das Spielzeughaus ist wertig und robust, am Besten finde ich, es ist gro beim Spielen, aber schnell zusammen geklappt und nimmt dann wenig Platz weg. Klasse!
My granddaughter loves anything Barbie related and this superb doll, pool and dollhouse set is just thegift for her and I’m sure any Barbie fan would be thrilled to find this under the Christmas tree.
This set includes a full size Barbie doll in a cute outfit complete with floral dress and pink shoes, a Barbie sized pale blue pool plus a house which includes a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The house measures 46.4cm wide x 29.8cm in height x 13.3cm in depth and includes a door and various windows.
This set is fully interactive and has lots of playability. Each room has realistic background decals and accessories the kitchen has a sink and cooker hob and accessories including a saucepan, two plates and cutlery, a bedroom with fold down bed and closet, accessories include a sheet, pillow and coat hanger there is also a bathroom with a toilet including lid and shelf that can hold the soap bottle and brush.
The outside area includes a swimming pool that you can fill with water, a pot plant and a canopy with outdoor lights. There is an island bar which includes two cocktail glasses and two chairs.
As expectedall items are of a decent quality, pretty and very colourful. My granddaughter has been thoroughly enjoying herself playing with this Barbie and Dollhouse…it’s her new favourite toy…at the moment.
Price wise this set is a bit on the expensive side at 47.83 (price correct at the time of this review).
Meine Tochter liebt Barbie und hat schon alles mgliche. Das hat ihr noch gefehlt. Einfach aufbauen und schon kann sie losspielen. Sie kann das ganze Haus zu Oma mitnehmen und ist ganz hin und weg.
Ich persnlich halte das ganze fr berquerten plastikmll aber meine Tochter liebt es und wenn sie so was bekommt rastet sie vor Freude aus und dann sehe ich darber weg weil mir ihre leuchtenden Augen mehr wert is
Llega en una caja super chula, brillante y colorida con escenas de Barbie que ya captan la atencion y emocionan antes de tan siquiera abrirla.
La casita en si esta bien pensada y aprovechada, cuando la abrimos nos encontramos un cuarto con su cama plegable, una cocina completita y un bao, sin olvidarnos la pequea piscina donde Chelsea se recrea.
Incluye pegatinas para decorar y a la vez dar un toque de realismo en partes como el horno, el armario, la cafetera, tambien hay pegatinas de flores para el jardn de Barbie e incluso una gran planta en maceta. La atencin al detalle se agradece, alimenta la imaginacion de los peques que pueden tirarse largos ratos recreando sus historias inventadas.
Despus de su uso, se pliega facilmente quedandose en un bloque compacto de 43x30x13 cm , y tanto Barbie como todos los accesorios caben en su interior. Lo que parece ser el tejado si la vemos de frente hace las veces de asa de transporte.
Es un set genial, pero podrian haber incluido a una mueca articulada en brazos y rodillas, queda un poco mal una Barbie sentada en una silla con las piernas rectas en el aire.
If you are a Barbie fan, this is an awesome set. It is easy to put together and self-contained with a series of little props to play with. It is ok to carry around with (albeit without the original packaging which is quite large). The inclusion of the doll itself means that it is ready to go and will make a good Xmas gift for a child ages 5-9. It is not the sturdiest of things, but then again, these sets are not as good quality as playmobile and the like. Still, a good choice for a gift.
Mia figlia di 3 anni l’ha usata e le piaciuta
Fabulous barbie house. My daughter is having so muhh fun with the portable doll house and all the accessories that come with it. We’ll packaged and easy to set up. There’s hours of enjoyment here.
The largest benefit of this Barbie house is its portability. To pack up, the house folds up, the accessories slide in and there’s a handle to make carrying it simple. This is a great benefit should your child like to take her Barbies with her. Beyond the house., the set includes a little pool and a couple of chairs to extend role play beyond the home. The house itself has a bed (detachable), a kitchen area and breakfast bar. Most importantly there is a toilet (the most utilised part of the house for us!).
There are few small utensils, with no place so store them – there are no cupboards or drawers which can be opened and closed. They can be stored in the toilet when all packed up, which should keep them safe, although I’d suggest the house is vertical when moved. I have a concern about the longevity of the plastic hooks which the outdoor lighting is attached too, which my depend on how they are treated. Also, I’m not a fan of having to sticker up the house, fortunately there were only a handful required.
I like this and so do my children. There’s good scope for role play and Barbie included can hold the utensils or tablet to increase options. The portability is key though, a winner and this satisfies an early price point Barbie house.
This is a lovely Barbie dollhouse set which includes one Barbie doll and multiple accessories even a small pool. Please note that despite the box art depicting five different dolls there is just the one doll included. I’m disappointed that box art keeps doing this as it makes things difficult for parents when their child asks where the other dolls are.
Ignoring the box art this is a lovely set and my Daughter absolutely adores it. I do think a jointed doll would have been better as like other reviewers have mentioned most children will immediately sit any doll onto a provided toilet seat and this doll looks a bit strange doing so with her legs stuck out.
I do love that the set can be nicely folded away which also makes it portable if wished and my Daughter loves the little pool and of course the loo. The doll comes with one outfit and a pair of shoes but most children if they are like my Daughter will have multiple dolls and outfits.
A nice set but a little more thought into the box art and doll included would have made this better however I have one happy Daughter who does love the set.
– 1 barbie
– Un maletn que una vez abierto se convierte en una pared que incluye toda la casa de Barbie, este cerrado mide 25 centmetros de ancho y 10 centmetros de grosor, abierto tiene una longitud lineal de 60 centmetros.
– Barbie se parece a la mueca de todos los tiempos, simple pero nunca pasa de moda, usa un vestido floral simple impreso con una falda de 3/4, a los pies de simples bailarinas rosadas, el cabello est en el clsico rubio dorado, liso y largo, como siempre.
No faltan detalles de que la casa Mattel nunca falla en estos juegos:
– la cocina con estufa, fregadero, horno elctrico
– Mesa de centro estilo americano con 2 sillas.
– la cama
– el bao
– el armario
– la piscina al aire libre
La caja est llena de accesorios como luces de exterior, el jarrn con plantas, la maceta, los vasos con una pajita, los cubiertos completos para 2 personas, el marco de fotos, la percha, en resumen … Todo lo que necesitas en un hogar.
Sostener un juguete tan especial en mis manos hace que mi hija est muy feliz.
El precio es absolutamente asequible teniendo en cuenta lo que contiene esta caja, los materiales impecables, el nico defecto que contiene piezas pequeas que pueden ser peligrosas para los nios al jugar con l y, por lo tanto, no es adecuado para un nio con una edad promedio de menos de 3 aos.
Muy recomendable
Das war ein Geschenk fr meine enkeltochter. Sie spielt sehr gerne mit Barbies und das Haus passt zu den anderen sache
Tener en cuenta que incluye una Barbie con un vestidito y calzada.
Os detallo lo que incluye y alguna caracterstica que creo que es importante:
– El tejado que hace de asa para el transporte (os dejo una fotografa)
– Zona de cocina, habitacin y bao con varios complementos de cada estancia: cubiertos, platos, jabn de manos, toalla, cazuela, una percha para colgar el vestido en el armario. Os dejo foto con todos los pequeos accesorios que estn incluidos
– Una piscina o baera azul, un poco transparente. La podemos llenar de agua y que se bae la mueca. Trae una planta para la zona del jardn.
– Se puede desplegar un tipo enrejado para que haga las veces de porche. Ah podemos colgar el detalle de guirnaldas moradas que viene incluido.
– Cosas que me gustan: la tapa del wter se abre, trae dos sillas con un bonito diseo, la cama tiene una mantita.
– La casa se abre y cierra fcilmente, solo hay que tirar de una pestaita hacia arriba (os dejo fotografa). Se puede cerrar la casa con todos los accesorios dentro, pero para transportarla las cosas pequeas se podrn caer, ser necesario que estn metidas en una bolsita de plstico o similar.
– Trae unas pegatinas para customizar la casa (interior o exterior)
– La mesa la trae plegada y es tipo barra americana. Perfecto detalle.
En rasgos generales el artculo est bien, est construido con materiales de calidad, bien rematado, es bastante resistente y es bonito y vistoso.
Tenis otro modelo un poco ms sencillo (FXG54) que viene sin mueca. Yo creo que por la diferencia de precio que hay entre los dos modelos es mejor coger este, ms completo, pero depende del precio que tenga en cada momento.
Os dejo muchas fotografas. Espero que os ayude
In terms of the basic idea, this is a really nice toy. An almost complete, all-in-one dolls’ house set that doesn’t take up too much space for storage, but opens out to a reasonably wide play space that can be played with alone, but is also large enough for children to play together. I like the fact that Mattel have started to bundle one (or more) dolls with their dolls houses, instead of just selling an empty house. This has not only a basic, stiff-limbed Barbie playdoll, but also a small set of homeware accessories to use with it, though doesn’t include any spare outfits or shoes. The set has a number of proper elements to it – a moulded kitchen sink and single hot plate burner, plus a couple of shelves for storage and a fold-down breakfast bar in the ‘kitchen’ area; an opening door; a hanging rail and a couple of shelf cubes for clothing and shoes; a fold-down bed; an opening toilet plus a couple of places to store toiletries in the ‘bathroom’; and a flip-up clothes line.
However, the build quality just doesn’t justify the RRP. It’s all quite a thin, plasticky affair. Much of the design of the house is achieved through preinstalled decal stickers rather than proper accessories. The much vaunted pool is decently made, in thicker plastic than some of the other elements, but is really more like a low-sided bath than a pool. At the RRP, I think a couple of basic outfits could have been included. Instead, the only fabric element part from the dress Barbie herself is wearing is a thin rectangle of fabric as a sheet for the bed (the ‘pillow’ is moulded plastic on the bed frame itself). The doll type used to accompany this is pretty much the most basic kind from Mattel’s play doll range – her knees don’t bend to allow her to sit down properly – so when sitting at the dining chairs she’s left with legs splayed out in front of her.
This set is ideal for little kids over 3 years old, it’s adorable, very good quality, nice colors, you get so many little accessories and a barbie. It’s very compact and portable when you finish playing just fold it away.
– Portable dollhouse ( doesn’t take much space)
– Includes Barbie doll, dollhouse, and themed accessories
– suitable for 3 years and up
– dimensions 13.3 x 29.8 x 46.4 cm
– easy clean-up
Estupenda casa porttil de Barbie, por tamao y por contenido.
Esta versin trae una mueca, preciosa, con un vestido azul, estampado con flores rosas y lilas. Lleva unos zapatos rosas con pulsera al tobillo. La melena es larga rubia y lisa.
Lo bueno es que al terminar de jugar, se mete todo dentro, se cierra y listo.
La casa tiene:
-Zona de cocina, con una mesa de barra y dos sillas, fregadero, fuegos y repisas. Tambin tiene una puerta para poder salir y entrar. De la cocinasale un techitop en el que podemos colgar las luces para hacer la zona de jardn, donde podemos poner la piscina.
-Zona de dormitorio, con una cama pequea, armario y repisas (todo lo dems viene en pegatinas).
-Zona de aseo, con repisa y WC.
Adems viene con unos cuantos accesorios:
-2 cucharas, 1 tenedores, 2 cuchillos
-2 platos
-1 tablet
-1 cepillo
-1 bote de jabn
-1 toalla
-1 percha
-1 guirnalda de luces
-1 planta
-2 sillas
El montaje es rpido y sencillo.
Buena relacin calidad precio.
Ambientazione davvero bella e completa.
La valigetta alta circa 25 cm e spessa una decina, una volta aperta la casa completa di tutto, persino una piscina da riempire e tanto accessori che in una casa “normale”.
La qualit delle plastiche non nulla d’eccezIonale ma la cura dei dettagli e i vari accoppiamenti sono fatti veramente a regola d’arte.
Se volete fare felice una bimba…questo il regalo giusto.
Bellissimo regalo da fare a una bambina, in quanto il set richiudibile diventando cos facilmente trasportatile durante le vacanze o quando non utilizzato. Il kit comprende una cucina, una camera da letto, un bagno e una piscina all’aperto, ed disponibile nella variante con o senza bambola.
Tanta l’attenzione ai dettagli, che rende anche i pi piccoli oggetti facilmente utilizzabili, in modo da consentire alla bimba che ci gioca piena fantasia mentre li usa. Insomma, un gioco ben fatto, ben realizzato e costruito con materiali solidi e sicuri. Visto che ci sono alcuni oggetti piccoli, raccomando comunque la supervisione di un adulto quando viene usato.
My niece loves dolls, pink things and dolls houses! (She does love cars too!)
Big plus is that this is a compact dolls house so when finished playing with it, just fold it away and it doesn’t take up lots of room.
The house is full of fun things to play with including a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and outdoor pool that you can actually fill up with water. My niece thinks it’s great that you can actually put the toilet lid up and down!
This set also included a Barbie doll; however, it’s the greatest one available as she doesn’t bend so she can’t even sit down, but it is a nice addition to have. A plus is also the large plant. This is a realistic toy that portrays a real house well, but I do think it’s slightly on the pricey side. Having said that, I found it is worth investing in as it does encourage imaginative play and keeps the 3.5 year old occupied for a good amount of time.
This is great. For the price you get so many little accessories. And you get a doll. I think it’s really good value. It’s easy to pack up and put away. My niece was extremely excited playing with this. Though she did ask why the toilet was right next to the bed!
My granddaughter, like generations before, is a firm Barbie fan, so she’s delighted with this playset. Although this set is aimed at four to nine year olds, our three year old was perfectly at home with it.
The set is based around a basic, stiff-limbed Barbie doll with a single dress; at the price, I would have expected bendy knees and underwear, at least.
The fold out carry box, which contains some accessories and furniture, turns into the dolls’ house. The house packs easily away into the box when finished, for stage, or take with you to friends.
What I like about the set is that it encourages fantasy play, either alone, or with friends and siblings. Other dolls, clothing and accessories from other sets can be brought in to enhance the play.
Quality good be better, but is perfectly adequate; value for money is average.
I live Barbie and I really wish it was acceptable for me as a forty year old to play with this, but I suppose it isn’t, so I’ll let my daughter enjoy it! She absolutely loves it! It’s a lovely set, which includes a bed, swimming pool which can be filled and an actual barbie! Mostly these sets don’t include a doll, so that’s quite pleasing. It also folds up into a little carry case, so you can take out and about with you. It is expensive- there’s no denying that and I do relate to other reviewers about this, but truth be told, the barbie dream house is more than 200, so this is actually a pretty good deal. It takes up less space and is adorable- recommended
The ‘house’ itself is well thought out in the way it opens up to create a series of rooms with fold down bed and breakfast bar adding features to the rooms. The ‘hob’ has recesses to hold the pan secure, the breakfast bar has similar for securing plates and drinks. Other accessories have discreet clips to they can be secured the Barbie’s hands so she can use them and it is up to date including even a Barbie ‘tablet’ so she can surf the net and do her emails. Supplied stickers add a further touch of realism eg identifying the oven, showing cupboard contents, creating a coffee maker and there are flower stickers for Barbie’s garden and even a large potted plant. The attention to detail is impressive, superficially at least. After use it folds neatly into a compact 43x30x13cm when not in use for storage or travel and the accessories, along with Barbie herself, fit inside. It has its own carrying handle built into the design, and with its ease of carrying is ideal for keeping a child amused while on holiday.
Its components and attractive design with usable accessories, fold-down bed and breakfast bar and lifting toilet lid encourage a lot of imaginative play among young girls/children. However, to really make the most of it, an additional doll from the Barbie range would add to the experience and could encourage its owner to invite a Barbie-owning friend to join her for play sessions which also encourages children to play together. The house set includes probably the right balance of pink along with other colours including blue and white.
Build quality is good for use with a careful child and I fear its various clips, fold-down items and lugs might not withstand rougher treatment for a less-gentle child.
I have a few other niggles:
* Some items are clearly not to scale and this was noted very quickly by a 7 year old who observed that the cutlery is almost the same length as the sink and that forks and spoons were supplied but not knives.
* Although the attention to detail is mostly impressive, providing spoons and forks seems an odd combination rather than knives and forks.
* My 7 year old safety-conscious tester also noticed that the pan handles either overhang the hob or block access to the door, all of which create a safety hazard (take note Mattel: some Barbie fans may be taking their Brownie ‘Baking’ badge….)
It would have been so much better if a bendy Barbie was included, especially given the high price (currently 60) so she could sit on her chairs and toilet (the first thing my 7 year old tester tried) without her legs sticking out at a right angle which looks unrealistic and uncomfortable and spoils the effect.
Despite my niggles, this is an attractive toy for young girls and Barbie fans, encourages imaginative play either alone or with friends and is compact to store when not in use so is a toy I would recommend.
Daughter loves it and plays with it all the time. Folds away easily.
Imaginative play house for barbie fans with pool. To be fair pool is quite small so safer to say paddling pool prob suitable for barbies little sister. Carry handle on roof and closes for easy transportation but a lot of fiddly bits which I put in a bag for fear of losing them as no bottom on playhouse. Space saving item if going away and want something to occupy kids when away but not the sturdiest feeling item. Some adult help needed to assemble initially and with stickers but should provide hours of fun.
The Barbie apartment/house is presented Inside a colourful box with photographs of various Barbie dolls. This set includes one stiff limbed doll; A plastic bed with pillow imprinted on it; A shallow bath/pool; 2 plastic dining chairs; 2 silver coloured plastic spoons; 2 forks and 2 knives; 2 plates; 2 plastic sundae glasses; 1 saucepan; 1 hairbrush; 1 soap dispenser and one nylon cloth that represents a bedspread.
My granddaughter was disappointed that the Barbie on the photograph isn’t the same as the one that comes with the set, she wanted a Barbie that could sit and with her hair in a bun. However, once over her initial disappointment she brought out the rest of her Barbie dolls and enjoyed playing with this set.
The best thing about this one is that it packs away very quickly and isn’t too bulky to place on top of the wardrobe when she isn’t playing with it. The other dissapointing feature is that there are clothes depicted on the box and they aren’t provided either, it is only a picture stuck inside the cupboard. The doll only has the dress that she stands in and no underwear. The bed clips into position on the wall with tiny lugs and you have to careful not to break them. The door swings outward; the table folds down and a patio roof swings into place so that the string of lanterns can hang. It is dissapointing that the oven doesn’t open and no other pans are included. The toilet seat lifts up and down and there are nice pictures on the front and side of the apartment. There are stickers to attach to objects around the apartment and a sheet of instructions are included to show where they belong. A large house plant in a pot is also included in this set.
Despite her disappointment at the lack of additional clothes and the stiff limbed Barbie, my granddaughter and her friends played happily with the set for hours and what child doesn’t enjoy the iconic Barbie doll. The set is light enough for children to carry around and is easy to fold away and store. The house is made of sturdy plastic and a full picture of the included items is on the side of the box but I doubt many children will look at that first and not the pictures on the front of the box believing that that is what the box contains.
This is brilliant for all fans of Barbie. My Grandaughter is just getting into Barbie, she already has the camper van, which she loves playing with and now she has this too and she adores it! It is ideal if you’re going out visiting and need to keep your child occupied, it folds down and is portable. It’s easy to construct and comes with lots of extra bits to make the ‘home’ complete. Brilliant idea and quite good value for money.
Nostra figlia di quasi 3 anni non manca un solo giorno l’appuntamento con le Barbie, ci coinvolge sempre e con la fantasia fa fare loro cose inimmaginabili!
Quando mi capitata la possibilit di testare questa casa mi sono lasciato subito entusiasmare e la cosa che mi ha convinto a prenderla stata lo spazio.
La casa di Barbie di mia sorella di 40 anni fa era molto grande, occupava molto spazio, mentre adesso la Mattel ha tirato fuori dal cilindro il “loft”, quindi non pi il villone a 3 piani e le sue varie versioni ma un unico livello con pi ambienti che si pu richiudere e portare come una valigetta. Le dimensioni da chiuso sono 13x30x46 e da aperto la lunghezza arriva a circa 60 cm.
Come dicevo gli ambienti in cui si pu ambientare una storia sono vari, c’ una cucina, una camera da letto, un bagno e un’area piscina all’esterno con tanto arancio carico di frutti, barbecue e tavolino per l’aperitivo.
Nella confezione, oltre ad essere inclusa una bambola Barbie, ci sono degli adesivi per decorare i vari ambienti e per ogni diverso ambiente vi inoltre una serie di accessori quali sedie, posate, piatti, padella, grucce, dispenser di sapone, coperta ed altri..
I particolari sono curati con attenzione, c’ addirittura la tavoletta del wc che si alza e abbassa, insomma davvero fatta bene, un ottimo spunto per far volare la fantasia delle nostre bimbe, la vecchia intramontabile casa di Barbie rivisitata in stile moderno per restare al passo coi tempi.
Unica cosa che non capisco perch la versione senza Barbie costi 55 mentre quella con la Barbie costa 56, quindi solo un euro in pi (vale lo stesso per quest’altra casa pieghevole Mattel pi economica https://www.amazon.it/Barbie-Casa-Componibile-Bambola-DVV48/dp/B01K7JC9CK/ref=sr_1_16?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=casa+delle+bambole&qid=1564002311&s=gateway&sr=8-16), una politica che non capisco, perch tenere alto il prezzo della sola casa?? mah!
Ritengo che 55 solo per la casa sia un po’ troppo mentre 56 con una bambola Barbie (che costa non meno di 14) sia fattibile, si fa un regalo completo spendendo il giusto.
Consiglio quindi assolutamente la versione con bambola inclusa.
Eccomi oggi a recensire il playset Loft di Barbie con bambola inclusa, una delle tantissime versioni della casa di questa famosissima bambola di casa Mattel, notissimo brand tra i produttori di giocattoli sin dalla sua fondazione nel 1945, quando produceva solamente accessori per le casa delle bambole, oggi una delle pi importanti del mondo e annovera tra i suoi prodotti pi celebri Big Jim, Hot Wheels e il celebre gioco di carte Uno, oltre appunto a Barbie che da 60 anni fa sognare bimbe di ogni et.
La mia bimba di 4 anni un’amante delle Barbie e di tutti i suoi accessori ,ma per questioni di spazio abbiamo scelto di provare questo playset invece che la classica ed enorme casa.
Questo “Loft” davvero grazioso e pur avendo dimensioni molto contenute, infatti misura 29,8×46,4×13,3 , veramente completo e ben arredato e si suddivide in 4 diverse aree gioco che si sviluppano in circa 60 cm lineari.
Si suddivide in cucina-ingresso dove presente un tavolo penisola con due sedie, angolo cottura e la porta di ingresso, stanza da letto con il letto a scomparsa e l’armadio dei vestiti, il bagno con il wc con il coperchio che si alza per davvero e la zona esterna con la piscina.
All’interno troviamo anche una bambola Barbie con un delizioso vestito a fiori e scarpette rosa oltre che tanti accessori tipo i piatti, le posate e un pentolino per la cucina, un coperta, una gruccia e un tablet per la stanza da letto, una spazzola e un dispenser di sapone per il bagno e una piantina e delle lucine per addobbare la zona esterna.
Tutti i dettagli, sia all’interno che all’esterno, sono davvero molto curati e veritieri, tanto che all’interno della confezione sono presenti gli adesivi che servono per abbellire sia per l’interno che la facciata della casetta .
Uno dei grandi pregi di questo playset, che nasce proprio dalle ridotte dimensione, la possibilit una volta richiusa, di portarla ovunque tu voglia (penso che noi la porteremo in vacanza con noi) grazie alla forma a triangolo del tetto che diventa maniglia.
In conclusione posso decisamente consiglialo poich ha una pi che discreta qualit costruttiva, dettagli e accessori molto curati, ma soprattutto per le sue piccole dimensioni pur non sacrificando il realismo e la bellezza della casetta stessa.
Se la vostra bimba vuole la casa di Barbie ma non avete grandi spazi questo il prodotto adatto a voi.
It closes up for easy storage and the doll included is really pretty!
The doll with the flower dress came with the set,the other barbie is not included.
This doll house is for 4k but i got it at discount for 2.8k!
Also 1-3 dolls can also be stored in the house while not in use.
Bye! Hopefully this helps! :>
Mi ricordo che quando ero piccola desideravo disperatamente una casa di Barbie, che non ho mai ricevuto (non pensiate per che abbia avuto un’infanzia triste, tutt’altro!) credo per due motivi: forse il costo e indubbiamente per ragioni di spazio. Due sorelle vicine di casa invece avevano il mio oggetto dei desideri che troneggiava nella loro stanza, rendendo difficile l’accesso alla finestra tanto era ingombrante… Immagino che se i miei genitori avessero visto questa casa non avrebbero esitato a comprarmela. Il prezzo infatti “ragionevole” e, anche se forse le plastiche non sono della massima qualit, comunque sufficientemente solida per durare nel tempo e regalare ore di gioco infinite. Inoltre, aspetto degno di nota, occupa veramente poco spazio pur essendo accessoriata di tutto punto.
In uno spazio ampio poco pi di 60 cm. (le dimensioni sono 13,3 x 29,8 x 46,4 cm.) sono raggruppati infatti 4 diversi ambienti di gioco: una cucina con tanto di tavolino, sedie, porta che si apre e vari accessori, la camera da letto con letto a scomparsa e lenzuolo, il bagno con water, spazzola e dispenser per il sapone e la zona esterna con “piscina”, lucine appese e una pianta in vaso. Il tutto viene completato da una Barbie (dimensioni standard) con vestitino fiorato estivo e scarpe rosa e alcuni altri accessori carinissimi fra cui le posate per due persone, un tablet, due drink con tanto di cannuccia… ci sono poi alcuni adesivi che completano l’arredamento. Le mura della parte esterna sono anch’esse decorate con disegni carini che aprono altre prospettive di gioco: un barbecue, un albero da frutto, alcune mensole…
La casa, che io non definirei tanto un loft, ma un bilocale, molto veritiera e offre veramente la possibilit di giochi di ruolo importanti per la crescita. Inoltre c’ “spazio” per poter inserire altri elementi che ogni bambina gi potrebbe avere (altre Barbie, Ken, oggetti…), potendo ancor pi arricchire il gioco di situazioni.
La casa si apre e chiude con estrema facilit attraverso un gancio e anche una bimba piccola lo pu fare, avendo inoltre una fondamentale maniglia “nascosta” nel tetto per poterla trasportare. Una volta chiusa tutti gli arredi possono essere alloggiati dentro la casa stessa, contribuendo ulteriormente a preservare ordine e spazio. fabbricata in Cina. Un set bello e intelligente!
Plastica economica (in linea coi tempi). Ma la pupa ci gioca con gran piacere. Finch dura fa verdura (se dura nel tempo sar un affare).
Bella casetta, completa di accessori, forse un po’ cara anche se con Barbie inclusa (pagata 56 euro)
Omg it was so good!
This is a decent Barbie playset. The plastic isn’t very thick and it does take some work to get it set up and standing b/c it’s not super sturdy. The colors are great and the size is just right for Barbie. It folds up fairly well for storing. This is a good alternative to a larger house if you’re short on space. Overall, my daughter likes it, but not sure it will stand up to lots of wear and tear.