Furnish imaginations with this Barbie dollhouse playset that encourages young imaginations to move right in with Barbie doll and set up home just the way they like it!
Portable Playset Opens to Reveal Large, Transformative Space!
Barbie doll’s one-story dollhouse is a buyer’s dream with indoor and outdoor play areas, 10+ furnishings, accessories and fun features — like a pool that can be filled with water!
2-in-1 Dining Bar
Serve diners inside in the kitchen or outside by the pool at the kitchen island — two place settings and cookware are ingredients for fun!
Delightful Surprises and Working Features!
Fold the bed down in the bedroom — a blanket and pillow ensure sweet dreams for Barbie doll!
Handle Hidden in Roof for Easy, On-the-Go Fun!
Fold up the house for convenient storage or take on the go — the iconic pink roof doubles as a carrying handle.
Kids Can Design Barbie Doll’s World and Discover Their Own!
Collect other Barbie dolls, furniture and toys to add variety to her world and let kids explore theirs because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become!
El repartidor tir la caja al suelo , la placa del vehculo q hizo esta accin D37BEM por favor tomar las medidas correspondientes para este tipo de hechos no se repitan , no he revisado el interior pero no es la manera
Habe das Barbiehaus fr meine Nichte (4J) zu Weihnachten gekauft. Und was soll ich sagen… Sie liebt es!!! Was ich und auch ihre Mama besonders toll findet ist, dass die Teller oder Glser in einen dafr vorgesehene Aussparung im Tisch gestellt werden. Somit fliegt nicht alles wie wild umeinander, wie z. B. Bei den Playmobil Spielsachen.
Minha filha ficou satisfeita com presente chegou rpido ,porm eu espera mais da casa bem compacta ! Pelo valor porm na Amazon foi o melhor valor encontrado !
Foi o presente de Natal que eu comprei para a minha afilhada de 3 anos e ela ficou encantada!!! Como eu sabia que a irm da Barbie e as roupinhas no estavam inclusas, comprei separado e ficou perfeito!! Ela vai aproveitar essa casa por muito tempo…
Casa di Barbie come da descrizione materiale buono,la casa richiudibile quindi si pu trasportare comodamente ovunque..mia figlia rimasta molto contenta del regalo..
imo presente! Minha sobrinha ficou fascinada! Muitos adereos, Barbie inclusa, prtico para montar, desmontar e guardar! Presente dado para criana de quatro anos!
Purchased for my daughter for Christmas. Ideal as it folds away and we have lots of doll houses as it is! Seems sturdy enough, great features and I know she will be happy on Christmas morning. It was on offer when I purchased so a great price too!
A casa mto bonita, porm a boneca Barbie no mais a mesma, a qualidade do plstico inferior. Zero p a pontualidade da entrega. Chegou depois do dia das crianas, mesmo pagando frete para chegar antes.
Muy bonito producto, tiene buen tamao, prctico para armar y desarmar rpidamente hacindolo muy cmodo para que los nios los trasladen y guarden, excelente regalo justo lo que buscaba el.precio es muy bueno en relacin a la calidad.
Our six year old granddaughter loved this Barbie house for her birthday. It has lots of details , which she delighted in showing us on FaceTime. We appreciate being able to order gifts from across the Atlantic Ocean , especially when we cannot travel to Germany now.
Das ist wirklich ein sehr schnes Ferienhaus. Es gibt etliche Mglichkeiten zum Bespielen. Fr kleine Mdchen wunderschn , auch das wahre Leben nachzuspielen. Nicht zwingend als Ferienhaus, dennoch beim Kochen, Baden, Duschen und vieles mehr. ber die Haltbarkeit knnen wir noch keine Meinung abgeben. 30 ist gerechtfertigt.
Bought as a present for my 4 year old, she loves it – obviously well known brand, it’s well built etc. There are ALOT of small pieces, so best to be mindful if you’ve any other small children in the house. Otherwise, good value for money vs. how much Barbie stuff tends to sell for, was cheaper vs. Argos, supermarkets etc.
The Barbie House is just perfect for any child who loves Barbies. It is mostly plastic and some portions of the house are just stickers but you do get a few accessories as well as a Barbie doll. The best part of the house is that it folds up in a very compact manner. I only gave it 4 stars because I do think the newer Barbie houses are coming out with less accessories and furniture. The Barbie House from a few years ago that was the same size as this one had a lot more accessories.
mia figlia voleva da un po’ una casa delle barbie ma avendo la casa proprio piccola non potevo prendergliela. Questa stata un’ottima soluzione. chiusa ci sta perfettamente sotto il letto, occupa pi o meno lo spazio di una cartella
Barbie Doll and Dollhouse, Portable 1-Story Playset with Pool and Accessories, for 3 to 7 Year Olds
Barbie doll’s portable dollhouse unfolds to reveal 2+ feet of indoor and outdoor storytelling fun — the one-story playset features a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and outdoor pool — and Barbie doll in a cute floral dress and matching shoes!
Fill the pool with water to really make a splash — Barbie doll will have so much fun “swimming” beneath the colorful patio lights that can hang from the fold-out patio cover!
Pull the two chairs up to the island bar for indoor or outdoor dining!
This was a good Barbie doll hose for niece. The folding portable carrying is very much nice as we visit places for vacation and family. For niece this was good for imaginary play and have her work on certain skills while having fun. I like the pool and using the water to play as well. This was a fun cute and nice gift for her and I’m happy she loved it.
Ottimo prodotto ed ottimo venditore! Fa molto piacere di collaborare con lui! Consegna arrivata anche un giorno prima del previsto (alla domenica!). Le mie bambine di 7 e 4 anni erano felicissime, non so, come ringraziare! Raccomando al 100%!
Brought this for my daughters 4th birthday. She really into barbers t the moment and wanted a house. This looked perfect as I didn’t want to get anything to big that would take up a lot of room. She absolutely loves it, plays with it all the time. Very sturdy, well made and easy to move around. Lots of lovely details and extras.
Certo c’ tanta plastica e ci sono tanti adesivi ma per una bambina uno splendido gioco. La fantasia supplisce a ci che manca e mia figlia sta imparando a giocarci per ore anche da sola. Poi si chiude tutto e si mette via in uno spazio piccolo piccolo 🙂
Unsere Tochter wnschte sich ein Barbie Haus, genau dieses. Sie liebt es, sie konnte es alleine aufbauen und bekleben, also alles kindgerecht gemacht. Wir sind sehr zufriede
Adorable petite maison de barbie avec son mobilier, qui fait le bonheur de ma fille depuis que le pre nol le lui a offert.
Maintenant, il me faut simplement bien veiller ce qu’elle n’parpille pas le petit mobilier de barbie partout dans la maison !
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo anche se l’ho trovata con lo stesso prezzo ribassato al supermercato, comunque un ottimo acquisto. Facile da aprire e chiudere per essere riposta, occupa poco spazio.
Got this for my 5 year old girl for Xmas 2019 she loves it so much and the fact that it is portable a bonus as it can go anywhere with her, very please with this barbie house for the price.
La casetta molto carina e mia figlia di 2 anni e mezzo ci gioca volentieri, l’unica pecca che le posate dovevano essere 6 (due a pezzo) e invece ne sono arrivate 3. In generale pero’ sono soddisfatta
Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist okay. Meine Tochter hat es auf Weihnachten bekommen und spielt jeden Tag damit. Lsst sich super schnell zusammenklappen.
Das einzige was meine Tochter schade findet ist, dass die Babies nicht auf der Toilette allein sitzen bleiben.
My kids (age 5 and 2) love playing with this! It was definitely a fave over Christmas. I didn’t want to spend too much money in case they weren’t bothered and because they don’t care if it’s the actual dream house or not yet. I did have to remove some of the small pieces because of the littlest child but it has not stopped their fun and whenever we have visitors they go straight for this toy. Really pleased! And it packs away so neatly too!
Tolles Barbiehaus mit viel Zubehr und Puppe. Da man es zusammenklappen kann, wird es nach dem Spielen praktisch verstaut und nimmt nicht viel Platz weg. Alle Sachen passen rein und knnen mitgenommen werden, wenn man das Swimmingpool als Boden verwendet. Man muss es dazu umdrehen, dann passt es perfekt auf die Bodenkanten des Hauses. Meine Tochter liebt das Haus sehr und fr ca. 33 Euro ist es ein absolutes Schnppchen! 5 Sterne verdient!
Llego tal cual indicaron en tiempo y forma. Protegida por otra caja, y perfectamente hermosa. La recomiendo mucho, solo trae accesorios como las cucharas muy chiquititas, para estar al pendiente de que no se las vallan a comer. Pero en general, vale mucho la pena.
Comoda perch facilmente richiudibile, quindi si pu trasportare e occupa poco spazio. Il loft carino, funzionale, in generale i prezzi per i prodotti barbie sono troppo elevati, ma molto pi bassi che al negozio. Complessivamente soddisfatta.
Hat alles was ein Barbiehaus braucht und ist auch noch klein zusammenklappbar – Einfach Spitze- ein Traum fr alle Mdels die Barbie liebe
Pacco arrivato puntuale come sempre, prodotto come da descrizione. Molto curati i particolari
El repartidor tir la caja al suelo , la placa del vehculo q hizo esta accin D37BEM por favor tomar las medidas correspondientes para este tipo de hechos no se repitan , no he revisado el interior pero no es la manera
La casa di Barbie sempre un ottimo regalo per le bambine!
Spedizione puntuale come sempre.
l’he regalat a una nena que li agraden. diu que si.
Mia figlia la adora. La cosa bella che si chiude e si pu portare praticamente ovunque. Molto dettagliata e resistente
Minha filha ficou satisfeita com presente chegou rpido ,porm eu espera mais da casa bem compacta ! Pelo valor porm na Amazon foi o melhor valor encontrado !
gostei bastante e minha filha adorou, foi presente do papai noel e ela ficou bem feliz
My daughter loved it. Although i feel it is bit overpriced, also has small accessories like spoon, fork etc which need to be taken care of
Das Barbiehaus hat eine typische Barbie-Qualitt und ld zum Spielen ein. Als Geschenk macht es viel her und ist fr den Preis wirklich ok.
Foi o presente de Natal que eu comprei para a minha afilhada de 3 anos e ela ficou encantada!!! Como eu sabia que a irm da Barbie e as roupinhas no estavam inclusas, comprei separado e ficou perfeito!! Ela vai aproveitar essa casa por muito tempo…
Casa di Barbie come da descrizione materiale buono,la casa richiudibile quindi si pu trasportare comodamente ovunque..mia figlia rimasta molto contenta del regalo..
This doll house is very pretty!You can also arrange it as your wish.
The doll is so beautiful.
Loved it.
Casa veramente fatta bene , un unico pezzo pieghevole quindi molto pratico per i bimbi e una volta chiuso a valigetta non occupa spazio
imo presente! Minha sobrinha ficou fascinada! Muitos adereos, Barbie inclusa, prtico para montar, desmontar e guardar! Presente dado para criana de quatro anos!
Bellissima, nella confezione compresa anche la barbie, arrivata in anticipo. Mia figlia felicissima
Purchased for my daughter for Christmas. Ideal as it folds away and we have lots of doll houses as it is! Seems sturdy enough, great features and I know she will be happy on Christmas morning. It was on offer when I purchased so a great price too!
a coisa mais linda! Nao resisti e abri antes de dar o presente
Non me l’aspettavo cos bello, una qualit ottima, mi son emozionata pi io a vederlo che mia sorella quando lo aprir.
Fantastic barbie house my girls love it its perfect for pretend play it has a very lovely set up of toilet bed and kitchen would highly recommend
Ottimo imballo, consegna puntualissimo e c era anche una sorpresina!
Very nice quality…..but price seems bit high…..otherwise good product nfd my daughter loved it.
O produto de boa qualidade, lindo para a brincadeira da crianada. A durabilidade depende de quem brinca e cuida. Poderiam vir mais acessrios.
Regalata alla mia bimba di 7 anni… Ne rimasta entusiasta!!! Grazie il gioco fatto bene e ben rifinito!!
Regalo bien aceptado para una nia de 5 aos, todo correcto.
Hat meine nichte zum Geburtstag gewnscht und kam gut a
Coolest doll house ever… My daughter love it… And it’s value for money…. Thank you amazon…
Chegou em 2 dias , e minha neta amou. Chegou perfeito e super certinho e alem de ter um preo bem justo.
A casa mto bonita, porm a boneca Barbie no mais a mesma, a qualidade do plstico inferior. Zero p a pontualidade da entrega. Chegou depois do dia das crianas, mesmo pagando frete para chegar antes.
Todo perfecto lleg en doble caja para proteger el juguete.
O produto maravilhoso. Muito bonito e delicado. Minha filha amou!
Produto em perfeito estado e entregue antes do prazo. Minha filha amou ganhar de dia das crianas. Bom custo benefcio!
Wonderful gift to my daughter, she is very happy!
Indeed worth to buy & a nice product too. Smooth and fast delivery as well.
Muy bonito producto, tiene buen tamao, prctico para armar y desarmar rpidamente hacindolo muy cmodo para que los nios los trasladen y guarden, excelente regalo justo lo que buscaba el.precio es muy bueno en relacin a la calidad.
Esta bien pero tiene poco vestidor para colgra los vestidos
Our six year old granddaughter loved this Barbie house for her birthday. It has lots of details , which she delighted in showing us on FaceTime. We appreciate being able to order gifts from across the Atlantic Ocean , especially when we cannot travel to Germany now.
Muy buena calidad precio. Casa desplegable que no ocupa mucho espacio. Mi sobrina est encantada.
Bought for granddaughter’s 7th birthday and she absolutely loved it.
Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Meine Tochter (3 Jahre alt) hat sich sehr gefreut und spielt gerne dami
Ho regalato questa stupenda casa di barbie ad una bambina di 4 anni e devo dire che da quel giorno non se ne pi staccata… Consiglio vivamente!!!
Ich habe es meiner Tochter zum Geburtstag geschenkt und es kam super an. Fr den Preis von nichtmal 30 fr Haus und Barby finde ich das super!
Brought it for my 5year nieces birthday .she loved it,as she start to collect barbies.
Man kann es gut zusammen klappen und schnell wieder aufbauen ohne das ganze Puppenhaus mitzunehme
Che dire, mia figlia se ne innamorata e non la lascia pi! E’ completa di tutto!
Das ist wirklich ein sehr schnes Ferienhaus. Es gibt etliche Mglichkeiten zum Bespielen. Fr kleine Mdchen wunderschn , auch das wahre Leben nachzuspielen. Nicht zwingend als Ferienhaus, dennoch beim Kochen, Baden, Duschen und vieles mehr. ber die Haltbarkeit knnen wir noch keine Meinung abgeben. 30 ist gerechtfertigt.
It is worth the prize. It is portable too.
I think you can go for it.
Great barbie house. Nice and compact when closed and big enough when opened out. Would recommend.
Je l’ai achete pour ma petite fille qui a t ravie. Elle se replie facilement et ne prend pas de place.
Il giusto prezzo per il prodotto. Si pu chiudere facilmente facile da portare in giro. Rimane comunque un gioco di plastica senza troppi dettagli…
My daughter love it. She doesn’t want to watch her tablet anyone. Her sister called her, sister Barbie. Thank you
Cadeau a ma petite fille pour clbrer la fin de sa maternelle pendant cette priode de COVID 19
Bella casetta, ideale per iniziare … dimensioni giuste, comoda da portare in giro…
Its a Barbie..what else is there! folds away nicely when play is ove
Bought as a present for my 4 year old, she loves it – obviously well known brand, it’s well built etc. There are ALOT of small pieces, so best to be mindful if you’ve any other small children in the house. Otherwise, good value for money vs. how much Barbie stuff tends to sell for, was cheaper vs. Argos, supermarkets etc.
Carina. Anche se in fondo piuttosto cara visto che solo un pezzo di plastica. Comunque la mia nipotina di sette anni stata contentissima del regalo.
Really good and the quality is so nice and can keep you busy for a long time and easy to set up and put awau
Mia figlia (2 anni) ha subito iniziato ad usarla senza molte difficolt. Naturalmente sotto la nostra supervisione essendoci comunque pezzi piccoli
Product is genuine from Barbie, doll house is same as per size mentioned. Good quality, suggest to buy.
L’oggetto corrisponde alla descrizione del venditore. Ottimo, anche il prezzo buono. Consiglio l’acquisto.
It is such a beautiful doll house set.
The Barbie doll that come with it is so pretty
Super cool
Ma fille est contante
La.maison est bien et solide
Facile pour transpo
My daughter was super excited to see the dollhouse. It was of good quality and easy to assemble.
It’s best of all the toy houses that i have bought till date.
My kid uses it for peppa pig, bheem family , n of course Barbie.
Mia figlia molto soddisfatta contenta e pratica da portare via e usare
mia figlia voleva da un po’ una casa delle barbie ma avendo la casa proprio piccola non potevo prendergliela. Questa stata un’ottima soluzione. chiusa ci sta perfettamente sotto il letto, occupa pi o meno lo spazio di una cartella
Barbie Doll and Dollhouse, Portable 1-Story Playset with Pool and Accessories, for 3 to 7 Year Olds
Barbie doll’s portable dollhouse unfolds to reveal 2+ feet of indoor and outdoor storytelling fun — the one-story playset features a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and outdoor pool — and Barbie doll in a cute floral dress and matching shoes!
Fill the pool with water to really make a splash — Barbie doll will have so much fun “swimming” beneath the colorful patio lights that can hang from the fold-out patio cover!
Pull the two chairs up to the island bar for indoor or outdoor dining!
This was a good Barbie doll hose for niece. The folding portable carrying is very much nice as we visit places for vacation and family. For niece this was good for imaginary play and have her work on certain skills while having fun. I like the pool and using the water to play as well. This was a fun cute and nice gift for her and I’m happy she loved it.
Bellissima…. la mia bimba ci gioca tanto. fatta bene ed veramente carina
Ottimo prodotto ed ottimo venditore! Fa molto piacere di collaborare con lui! Consegna arrivata anche un giorno prima del previsto (alla domenica!). Le mie bambine di 7 e 4 anni erano felicissime, non so, come ringraziare! Raccomando al 100%!
En enva a sido muy rpido y es tal y como se dice. Muchas gracias
Brought this for my daughters 4th birthday. She really into barbers t the moment and wanted a house. This looked perfect as I didn’t want to get anything to big that would take up a lot of room. She absolutely loves it, plays with it all the time. Very sturdy, well made and easy to move around. Lots of lovely details and extras.
Nettes Spielzeug aber sehr viel Plastik und Papprckwand, aber meine Tochter ist begeistert.
Unsere Tochter wnschte sich ein Barbie Haus, genau dieses. Sie liebt es, sie konnte es alleine aufbauen und bekleben, also alles kindgerecht gemacht. Wir sind sehr zufriede
Adorable petite maison de barbie avec son mobilier, qui fait le bonheur de ma fille depuis que le pre nol le lui a offert.
Maintenant, il me faut simplement bien veiller ce qu’elle n’parpille pas le petit mobilier de barbie partout dans la maison !
Meine kleine Schwester ist fast jeden Tag damit am spielen.
Von daher 5 von 5 Sterne
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo anche se l’ho trovata con lo stesso prezzo ribassato al supermercato, comunque un ottimo acquisto. Facile da aprire e chiudere per essere riposta, occupa poco spazio.
L’ho comprata per mia nipote, lei ci gioca spesso e la casa regge bene. Bella, piena di accessori e comoda da portare fuori perch si chiude.
a mia figlia piace moltissimo, grazie! prodotto perfetto, consegna perfetta!
Got this for my 5 year old girl for Xmas 2019 she loves it so much and the fact that it is portable a bonus as it can go anywhere with her, very please with this barbie house for the price.
Genial va con l a todas partes es muy ligero,se entretiene muchsimo
Preis-Leistungsverhltnis ist okay. Meine Tochter hat es auf Weihnachten bekommen und spielt jeden Tag damit. Lsst sich super schnell zusammenklappen.
Das einzige was meine Tochter schade findet ist, dass die Babies nicht auf der Toilette allein sitzen bleiben.
Bellissima la mia bambina l ha adorata perfetta da portare anche in vacanza
3yr old granddaughter loves to play with this and it all packs away so that’s a plus poi
Todo perfecto. Pero ojo , no funciona como maletn, si cierras la casa, las cosas de dentro no se pueden transportar, se caen.
L’ho presa per mia figlia per Natale. Ne entusiasta. All’interno della confezione c’ anche una Barbie.
Excelente compra. Mi hija juega todos los das con ella
I gifted this to my daughter
She just loved it. Thank you Amazo
Fantastic value for money my little girl loves this little barbie apartment.
Ist halt alles aus Kunststoff und quietscherosa – aber wenn das Herz des Enkeltchterchen damit hher schlgt, sind Oma und Opa machtlos!!!!
My kids (age 5 and 2) love playing with this! It was definitely a fave over Christmas. I didn’t want to spend too much money in case they weren’t bothered and because they don’t care if it’s the actual dream house or not yet. I did have to remove some of the small pieces because of the littlest child but it has not stopped their fun and whenever we have visitors they go straight for this toy. Really pleased! And it packs away so neatly too!
Schnes Huschen, sieht genauso wie auf die Fotos. Gut verarbeitet. Meine Tochter ist sehr glcklich mit ihrem Barbie Haus.
It was a fast delivery good but everything should be also fast remind this but good
Tolles Barbiehaus mit viel Zubehr und Puppe. Da man es zusammenklappen kann, wird es nach dem Spielen praktisch verstaut und nimmt nicht viel Platz weg. Alle Sachen passen rein und knnen mitgenommen werden, wenn man das Swimmingpool als Boden verwendet. Man muss es dazu umdrehen, dann passt es perfekt auf die Bodenkanten des Hauses. Meine Tochter liebt das Haus sehr und fr ca. 33 Euro ist es ein absolutes Schnppchen! 5 Sterne verdient!
Llego tal cual indicaron en tiempo y forma. Protegida por otra caja, y perfectamente hermosa. La recomiendo mucho, solo trae accesorios como las cucharas muy chiquititas, para estar al pendiente de que no se las vallan a comer. Pero en general, vale mucho la pena.
Comoda perch facilmente richiudibile, quindi si pu trasportare e occupa poco spazio. Il loft carino, funzionale, in generale i prezzi per i prodotti barbie sono troppo elevati, ma molto pi bassi che al negozio. Complessivamente soddisfatta.