Bee Friendly Wildflower Seeds 26 Different Wildflower Meadow Plants and Flowers UK Native Seeds Only Perfect for Attracting Bees and Butterflies or Butterfly Species to Your Garden 1 Pack

Attract A Variety Of Insects To Your Garden
The UK has a wide variety of insects and they need your help. A lot of the insect populations are in decline with constant building on land that homed them. They are happy to move to pastures new but they need a source of food and a place to stay safe. Having even a small area of flowers in your garden or balcony will help to attract many insects of a wide variety to your outdoor space. Having insects is good for pollenating plants but it also encourages birds and other wildlife to your garden.
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 8 x 0.7 cm; 20 Grams |
Manufacture: | Garden Locker |
I wish I could write a useful review about these and wax lyrical about the beautiful flowers – unfortunately the b****** slugs in my garden are having a feast on the seedlings and devouring them as soon as they poke their heads out the ground.
Easy to scatter just can’t wait to see the finish results in my garde
Bought these as a helping hand for the bee’s, I planted them straight outside and there is signs of growth already hence the 5 stars. But I was quite bemused at the very little amount that were in the pack, very expensive really for a tiny amount.
So I live very near forest, and used these seeds to improve fauna in there. I hope so in summer time I will be able to see much more flowers in there!
Finally sprinkled this in our garden bed. Just waiting for it to grow. Hoping this will produce lots of wild flowers.
I will update this if the flowers to actually survived the changing weather.
There’s not many seeds in the pack but I’ve planted them and then pretty much forgot until I noticed they had sprouted so that’s pretty good
Looks like a good selection of wildflower seeds, although it is too early to say what will grow. I have planted mine in huge planters and hopefully they will start to seed soon.
I think this pack is great value for money but I was disappointed in the leaky packaging. The tiny seeds inside the packet are not in an inner pouch. Therefore, when my young daughter enthusiastically shook the packet, plenty of tiny seeds escaped! This is disappointing as usually seeds are in an inner envelope to prevent leakages.
The design on the packet is eye-catching that will appeal to children: you could make this as part of a mini-gardening gift.
The seeds are supposed to bloom May-October but there are no details on the outer pack about how to sow and what is actually being grown. This is on the inside on a separate card (or the Amazon product listing) but I think there was an opportunity to add an educational element — for adults and children alike.
This is a great idea and a fantastic way of encouraging bees and butterflies into your garden. I have sown similar packs in the past with plenty of success and I am looking forward to what this pack will create. It is an easy way to attract bees and butterflies that even a novice gardener can achieve.
I have started growing wildflowers on spare areas in our garden and on our allotment to encourage wildlife. Two things I look for when buying a wildflower mix is that it is not bulked out with grasses and that the varieties are native. This packet ticks both the boxes. There’s also a good amount of information on the packet. It’s good value at under 3 quid. After I broadcast them, I lay fine net over the top just until they start to germinate to prevent the birds eating them.
This seed packet contains 26 different types of wild flower seeds. Its March now and the seeds have been sprinkled in various bit of the garden, so all there is to do now is wait and see what flowers start to grow. Hopefully most of them will germinate are give a bit of the garden plenty of colour. I will update this review in a couple of months time possibly with a photo of the flowers that have grown. The flower are all meant to be bee friendly which is good and the pack costs less than three pounds.
A lovely idea having a variety of seeds in one pack
No idea how these may look as too early to show you.
However I wanted the seeds for my garden and to look attractive
I love nature and look forward to seeing all living insects coming over the flowers due to the bright colours.
My husband and I are having a Pagan renewal of vows in the summer in a nature garden with wild flowers, so having our own nature garden, will be a lovely area to chill and remind us of our special day.
Everything intact and looking forward to seeing them flourish.
Thank you to the seller
I hope my review helps you
It’s a little too early to sew these seeds as yet, I’m waiting for the end of any possible frosts.
But I’m excited to see how they come up.
There is 2g of seeds which feels an ample amount and apparently there are 26 species of plant.
I shall be happy if there are poppies as I love those,
I will update this review later in the summer when something is growing, but for now:
The pack is well presented with a charming bee picture on the front and a promise of the pleasures to come!
This mix consists of 100% native British wildflower seeds with 26 varieties which are beneficial for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The seeds arrive packed in a sealed paper packet. The seeds are loose inside the packet so it is best to take some care when opening the packet.
There is a small card inside the packet with a list of all the flower species that are included in the mix: Agrimony Hemp, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Clover Red, Clover White, Foxglove, Knapweed, Marjoram, Musk Mallow, Oxeye Daisy, Poppy, Sainfoin, Scabious Field, Scabious Small, Vetch Kidney, Viper’s Bugloss, Corncockle, Meadow Cranesbill, Ragged Robin, Purple Loosestrife, Borage, Teasel, Knapweed Common, Cornflower, Goatsbeard, Wild Clary and Yellow Rattle.
Most of these flowers are familiar to me, some of them I have already grown in my garden, but others are new to me so it will be a surprise to find out how they will look and which pollinating insects they will attract. There is a good mix of annuals and perennials which should return every year as well as Foxgloves which flower in the second year of sowing.
The card also includes instructions on how and when to sow the seeds, which is helpful especially for anyone who has not tried to grow wildflowers before. Although it does not specify in the instructions if it is possible to grow these flowers in a pot, I am planning to create ‘wildflower meadow pockets’ throughout the garden by growing them in larger pots and window boxes.
The fact that this mix includes a large proportion of seeds that are recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society’s list of plants that are classified as perfect for pollinators assures that this seed mix will deliver what it promises. The price also seems reasonable for what you get. Highly recommendable.
This is a lovely, bright and cheerful packet of seeds with a huge variety of pretty wild flowers included perfect for attracting bees and butterflies to your garden and help them thrive.
These are easy and low maintenance flowers, they like poor quality soil, don’t require fertiliser or care, other than a bit of weeding before you plant them. Some of these only take a few weeks to grow so i’m looking forward to results.
I recommend everyone gets at least one packet of wildflower seeds as it will greatly improve the insect population!
A nice little packet of seeds from Garden Locker. This contains 26 different wildflower seeds native to the UK and states that they are 100% bee and butterfly friendly. There appears to be a good amount of seeds in the packet. Listed in the product description is a list of the different types of seeds and there does seem to be a good mix. The packaging is very attractive and I thought it was aimed at children with the bee character. I cannot really comment on the seeds as I have yet to sow them but will add to my review when I have done this. The price is probably comparable with other brands of seeds.
These will be great to scatter in a more wild part of my garden.
UK species, which is just what is needed.
This is a sachet of wild flowers some of them perennial. They are loose in the sachet so shake the sachet to get them to settle before opening! All you need to do is sprinkle in a raked area, then they should start to grow it a few weeks. I’ve used these before so I’m looking forward to seeing these as they grow. I’ll post a photo once they grow.
Very attractive pack
You don’t get a lot for the price point 2.69
About 1-2 sq meters.
Very easy to sow loved getting the kids involved we are just wanting for the results
…I will return to report on the outcome later on in the year!
…Looking GOOD (dated) images below refer.
~ ‘Sow in March/April or September: Sowing rate: 2g/m
100% UK PROVENANCE: Our seeds are grown here in the UK and are ALL 100% native seeds’
~ Contains 26 native British Wildflower Seeds (NO GRASSES!)
The current stock images above show the key detail.
Not individually identified, the mixed seeds in varying sizes, come loose inside a paper packet measuring around 8 cm x 13 cm. Care needs to be taken with the sticky top as the seeds stick to it; the tiny ones reluctant to come off, in my experience.
Also inside is a little information leaflet (images below refer) with, on one side:
~’How to Sow your Wildflower Seeds’ (magnifying glass may be required!)
On the reverse is the % of seeds + the varieties:
~ ‘Our Garden Locker Bee & Butterfly mix contains 26 native British wildflower species to create a permanent area of abundant and vibrant wildflowers with “no grasses”.
This mix is made up of 100% flower seeds. Please see what’s included and the ratio of the mix below:
Agrimony Hemp, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Clover Red, Clover White, Foxglove, Knapweed, Marjoram, Musk Mallow, Oxeye Daisy, Poppy, Sainfoin, Scabious Field, Scabious Small, Vetch Kidney, Viper’s Bugloss, Corncockle, Meadow Cranesbill, Ragged Robin, Purple Loosetrife, Borage, Teasel, Knapweed Common, Cornflower, Goatsbeard, Wild Clary & Yellow Rattle’
10 images attached
There’s not a lot that I can say about these right now, as they’ve only just been sown and results won’t be around for a few weeks. But, looking at the seeds, they’re plump and whole, not with empty husks as you sometimes get with mixes of flowers, and they should come up well. I like that they’re British wildflower seeds, not imported varieties that don’t always do well – last year’s meadow mix turned out to be foxgloves that flopped, so I am looking forward to more of a mix.
Price wise, they’re on a par with Big Brand Names such as Suttons. One thing to watch out for is that seeds fall out of the sealed pack, so I’d decant these into a container, with a plate underneath to catch them.
Love these seeds
Quick and easy simply scatter and sprinkle a light layer of compost on top
Gives a lovely display 26 variety of British wildflowers
Perfect for attracting butterflies and bees
Very pleased
Would highly recommend
Lovely packaging, would make them really appealing to children so would make ideal first packet of seeds, fantastic that they will attract bees and butterflies, will flower right through summer into October and all the seeds are grown in the UK, at 2.49 they are excellent value for money i am looking forward to them germinating and enjoying the flowers and insects etc they will attrac
Wild Bee Seeds 26 Different Wildflower Meadow Plants and Flowers.
One packet with all the seeds mixed together. It does contain a list of the plants which you can expect to grow.
Suitable to sprinkle out onto prepared ground, add to pots or seeds trays.
A good variety of seed and all UK varieties. At 2.49 this makes this an affordable item. Could be used as a small gift.
I am always keen to grow wildflowers in my garden and have recently acquired an allotment which I plan to sow these in too. Wildflowers are great for providing natural environment and food for insects in the UK and with the increasing trend of astro turf and non-wildlife friendly gardening techniques, I love that there’s easy options such as this mix to provide pollinators with a food source – which is also going to be great for attracting pollinators to my vegetable plot for an increased yield hopefully! There’s 26 different flowers in this mix and include some great plants, especially for height (such as taller growing foxgloves). They’ll make a great wild patch or border for my garden.
My neighbour done this last year, what a stunning display
I’ll need to update with progress..
Can’t wait..
I did purchase 2 more lol
Despite hunting through all the packaging this pack of seeds was no where to be found. However I like the idea so much that I have now purchased another. Update, the seeds have arrived, lots of seeds in the package which is decorated with bees and I look forward to putting them in the garden.