Beyerdynamic – DT 700 Pro X Studio Headphones

Trusted sound meets performance and flexibility
With the closed-back DT 700 PRO X, beyerdynamic presents a pair of cicumaural studio headphones that set no (spatial) limits to your creativity. The new PRO series is suitable for flexible use in the studio as well as on the road. The DT 700 PRO X is a must-have equipment for a creator who wants to work on his music always and everywhere and experience the best sound in studio quality.

Unique beyerdynamic sound in studio quality
The newly developed STELLAR.45 sound transducer enables the DT 700 PRO X to deliver unprecedented performance in the studio headphone class. The interaction of magnet, voice coil and speaker diaphram creates a driver system that can develop its full power on all playback devices. The natural frequency response ensures a consistently reliable sound without distortion, even at high sound pressure levels.
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Full flexibility – Wide range of applicationsNo limits to your creativity. Work with the best equipment. Anywhere and anytime – This is PRO X. With an impedance of 48 ohms and the newly developed STELLAR.45 driver loudly reproduces the best sound in studio quality without any distortion â with all playback devices. | Maximum wearing comfortThe grey ear pads of our PRO X headphones embody what our professional headphones have always been associated with: The highest level of wearing comfort – even during long sessions. A secure fit is ensured by the robust and durable spring steel bracket construction, which, together with the soft velour ear pads and memory foam headband, promise the very best experiece. If required, the headband and ear pads can be replaced. | Minimalist design and excellent workmanshipThe DT 700 PRO X: black, minimalist and reduced to the essentials. Thanks to the robust design and high-quality materials, the headphones are distinguishing by maximum durability. The metal headband, glass-fibre reinforced plastic parts, a robust mini-XLR connector and resistant cables equip you for every professional application. |

Sustainability – Made in Germany
Designed for daily use, the new PRO X series withstands challenging conditions. The headphones are handcrafted in Germany using high-quality materials. If required, almost all parts can be replaced. The DT 700 PRO X is a well spent investment for every creator, with a focus on durability.
DT 700 PRO X – Made in Germany

Weight: | 350 g |
Dimensions: | 16.9 x 10 x 19.5 cm; 350 Grams |
Brand: | Beyerdynamic |
Model: | 737704 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | beyerdynamic |
Colour: | Black |
Ok, I am very picky about headphones. I don’t like overpowering murky bass, I like it to be present but I need to hear detail in the low end. The bass in the Pro X goes very low, but it is very detailed and it is balanced with the Mids and the high end, it does not over power the other frequencies. I use tube gear, so I like very fast detailed headphones. Before I found the 900 Pro X I was using some planer headphones that cost way more, and they required a lot of power to run them. The Pro X can be used with just my phone, I have never heard a phone sound that good. The detail in these headphones is astonishing. They have a nice wide sound stage that allows space around all the different instruments, so nothing is cluttered. High energy music never gets congested, and quiet or slow songs never sound thin or lacking. They are an open design so you will hear everything going on in the room around you, as well as your music. For that reason they are not a great travelling headphone. They are a little bright and I can see some people thinking the Mids might be a bit too flat. But, if you run tube gear and you love a fast balanced sound you will love these cans.
Super buenls, transparentes, puedes mezclar en ellos super bien, muy cmodos. A lo mejor sientes que aprietan un poco la cabeza pero nada incmodo, Estos son de los mejores para mi, ya mas caros, siento que es puro lujo
Los uso para monitoreo al grabar, buen aislamiento, sonido ntido, buena respuesta. Lo nico malo es que no tienen un sonido tan plano como para mezclar, pero nada de que preocuparse.
If you’re looking for high end sound at a reasonable price look no further than these cans. You can’t go wrong with Beyer Dynamic as the sound is very similar to my $1300 cans. So at a fraction of the price you will get great bass, midrange and overall balanced sound.
Great sound from these headphones. Studio quality but be sure you want open headphones. Where Open Headphones have slightly better sound quality they do not block much sound out from around you. You will hear others speaking or a TV going and if someone is close enough they may hear some of your sound. If that is not an issue e.g. for editing sound or listening in a separate room or studio then they are perfect.
Did my research, and it paid off these are brilliant headphones and sound beautiful, would absolutely advise getting a pair of these. Got them as a gift, now I’m going to get a pair for myself.
The sound is unparalleled, the finest quality among my gear. My head is enormous so the clamping force is a little aggressive for my tastes. The earpads are so soft and lush, I wish I could trade out the pads for all my cans for these.
Ich benutze schon lange, und bin sehr zufrieden! Sehr bequem!
Wanted really flat, good reference headphones for recording, monitoring and mixing. I live in a condo so it’s challenging to mix home recording projects with external speakers. Researched all kinds of makes/models in the $300-$500 price range. From the moment I put these on and listened to some recent mixes, I knew I’d made the right choice. These sound like much more expensive headphones, and aside for some of the plastic, the overall build quality is excellent and they’re very comfortable on my ears, albeit just a tad bulky, but easy to manage. Would not hesitate to buy again.
This is the sound quality I was expecting from the Neumanns (manufactured by Sennheiser, and more expensive than I think is reasonable). The DT700 Pro X are a bargain, compared to those, and right in line pricewise with some of the other sets I own, like the Yamahas, and some versions of the Audio Technicas…
I’ll update this review after I’ve spent some time with these… Looks like I have new “go-to” pair for critical listening.
Very detailed sound, good construction, 2 cables + 6.5mm plug that meet the needs for home listening.
No noise cancellation available and no tested on gaming sessions.
Great for listening to streaming, CDs and vinyl.
Very detailed sound, good construction, 2 cables + 6.5mm plug that meet the needs for home listening.
No noise cancellation available and no tested on gaming sessions.
Great for listening to streaming, CDs and vinyl.
This Closer Back Headphone provides good blocking of external noises even without ANC function available.
Habe das Produkt vor einigen Monaten gekauft.
Ich mache es kurz: von der Qualitt des Tons oder des Produkts an sich, kann ich nur in hchsten Tnen schwrmen. Auch die Abschirmung nach auen ist super.
Leider habe ich ein Problem, dass wohl aber nur auf die wenigsten zutrifft, daher auch keine Abwertung: Bei mir in der Nhe ist eine groe Radiostation und leider ist das mitgelieferte Kabel nur (fr meine Situation) minderwertig abgeschirmt. Dies bedeutet fr mich leider, das ich ganz leise das Radioprogramm hren kann. Aber wie gesagt das liegt einfach an meiner Nhe zur Station.
(dieses Problem hatte ich auch mit meinem XLR Mikro, weshalb ich ein super teueres, extrem abgeschirmtes, neues Kabel brauchte)
Das Kopfpolster, welches im Vergleich zum Rest des Kopfhrers ziemlich billig verarbeitet ist, lste sich nach nicht mal 3 Monaten in seine Einzelteile auf und es gibt kein passendes Ersatzteil, auch nach direkter Anfrage bei beyerdynamic. Es gibt sogar ein Video darber wie man ein Ersatzpolster anbringt, aber nicht das Teil an sich? Und das nach ber einem halben Jahr nach Release? Nicht gerade das, was ich von beyerdynamic gewhnt bin.
– Nachtrag Juni 2022 –
Das Ersatzteil fr das Kopfband/-polster ist inzwischen auf der beyerdynamic Webseite verfgbar. Leider weiterhin mit der gleichen, recht fragwrdigen Verarbeitung. Ich wrde dem Kopfhrer gern die maximale Punktzahl geben, denn jeder andere Aspekt ist fr mich persnlich fantastisch, aber leider nicht so 😉
Ich liebe die Dinger… habe die Kopfhrer an das Motu M2 Audiointerface .. schn laut und trotzdem deutlich. Der Bass ist gut und ber drhnt nicht den Rest. Benutze diese fr Apex Legends, und hre seid dem auch viel mehr heraus.
La qualit del suono davvero eccellente cos come il comfort.
Ich habe mir die DT 900 Pro X frs Gaming besorgt.
Fr mich ein absoluter Preis Leistung Sieger, sehr ausgewogener linearer Klang. Vertigungsqualitt Beyerdynamic typisch, sehr gut.
Ich verwende diesen Kopfhrer mit einem Antlion Funk Micro, dadurch ist fr mich die offene Bauweise (zwecks Verstndlichkeit der eigenen Stimme) perfekt. Als htte man keinen Kopfhrer auf.
OK, headphone experts probably rate these as marginally average.
But, I’ve never spent this much on headphones before.
So, if you are like me, these will probably be the best by far, you’ve ever bought.
I already have a decent pair of closed backs, for microphone use, in monitoring recording sessions..
But these open back models, extend the sound experience beyond those few inches from your ears.
Room sized openess! But, two things to take into account.
1.) Your listening environment needs to be quiet.
2.) The earcups do not contain the music from leaking into the room. Others may be able to hear sound from the outside of the earcups. That is why I use these headphones in lieu of studio monitor speakers, to mix music with. They will not be used near microphones, due to sound leakage.
When my wife listened to music from these phones, for the first time, she wanted a pair, also.
Despus de trastear con muchos auriculares y de tener sobre mi cabeza audfonos de 4000 5000, en una feria de auriculares, he de decir que estos Beyerdinamic son la bomba…., con un sonido subjetivamente perfecto…., bajos presenciales, subbajos con cuerpo y con medios y agudos muy presentes……, teniendo en cuenta que los agudos no fatigan…., la verdad despus de tener esto mi bsqueda del auricular perfecto ha acabado….
Mit groem Abstand das beste Mikrofon, was ich je hatte. Warm, rund und weich in den Tiefen, ohne zu grummeln oder ploppen. Extrem detailreich in den Hhen, was einen sehr schnen, angenehm wirkenden Sound ergibt.
I’ve been doing my research and shopping around for what I find to be the best sounding headphone/headset/IEMs specially for gaming. I started out with Astro a50 and quickly swapped to Steel series artics pro wireless. I then swapped to Coarsair Virtuosos in attempt to do a slight upgrade due to the hi-fi audio they provided.
After messing around with those headsets, I took a huge step up the price wagon and purchased Sennheiser HD800S due to them behind highly recommended within the audiophile world specially for gaming. Yessss they sound absolutely amazing in every way possible, I felt that I was missing something. The sound stage was very wide which made it hard to pinpoint minor details that were a lot closer to you.
I then messed around with different audio applications/programs to discover that RedScape Audio is by far the best bang for your buck for spatial audio. Far superior to DTX and Dolby. Even with this change, I still felt like I didn’t have the sound I was looking for.
My search continued until I came across a YouTuber who has been on the same journey as myself. He highly recommend the DT 900 Pro X and I see why! These bad boys sound amazing! The sound stage isn’t to wide, you can pinpoint minor details while a lot of noises are going on, and Redscape spatial audio just yea! People had complaints about the strong clamping force but I didn’t find that to be an issue at all. The headset is well built that fit perfectly to me head.
If you are a gamer who is looking for a top notch headphone, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one! Price point is perfect for what you are actually getting out then them. Like I said, I purchased the HD800S and I will pick these over them any day of the week.
Ich hatte vorher den Kopfhrer DT 990, der nach vielen Jahren leider kaputt war. Die Anstimmung des DT 900 PRO X ist ausgewogener, Mitten und Bass sind besser zu hren als beim DT 990 (600 Ohm), der die Hhen zu stark betonte. Insgesamt ist die Abstimmung aus meiner Sicht gelungen, die Instrumente sind klar zu orten und rumlich baut der Kopfhrer eine Bhne auf, der der des DT 990 nichts nachsteht. Die Impedanz von 48 Ohm hilft auch bei schwcheren Verstrkern, die man beispielsweise in Laptops oder Tablets findet. Hier ist der DT 900 PRO X ebenfalls gut zu gebrauchen und bietet einen ansprechenden Sound. Ich persnlich bin mit dem Kpfhrer zufrieden, ein Allroundkopfhrer fr verschiedene Zwecke, der sich gegenber dem DT 990 deutlich ausgewogener zeigt. Der Wechsel vom DT 990 (600 Ohm) zum 900 PRO X hat sich aus meiner Sicht gelohnt. Der 900 PRO X sitzt allerdings strammer auf den Ohren, da haben andere Rezessionen recht, fr breite Kpfe wird das ganz zweifellos auf Dauer unangenehm (ich komme damit zurecht), hier war der DT 990 angenehmer.
The 700 has a fairly neutral tonality overall, which is to be expected for a set geared towards music production. But that doesn’t mean they’re lean or boring sounding. You get excellent bass extension and slam, and an overall punchy and nimble bass presentation. Highs have good air and extension but don’t get sibilant. Mids have good presence, though I’d prefer them to be a touch more forward.
Soundstage is very good, with good side to side and dimensional placement of the instruments. Separation is good as well, allowing good identification of different conflicting or overlapping frequencies. Overall resolution is good, but not great. I didn’t feel I was missing anything, but at the same time other headphones better resolve and isolate sounds for inspection. But the differences aren’t major, IMO.
Being low impedance, the 700 is very easy to power. They scale a bit with good amplification, but it’s not absolutely necessary, unless you’re chasing maximum sound quality. And they’re as easy to wear as they are to power. These are some comfy headphones! The velour material is even softer and more supple than the older DT 770/880/990 pads, which were mighty comfy on their own. Clamping force is a bit high out of the box but dissipates after a week or so of use. If you’re really bothered by it, when you get them, leave them clamped onto a shoebox or something slightly wider than your head at night for a week or two. That will help break in the metal headband tension, and ease the clamp force.
Overall the 700 is a very well balanced sounding headphone in an easy to drive and wear package. Nothing stands out as offensive, which is excellent. Headphones usually have something sonically that stands out negatively, but these don’t. They’re not perfect, and might not match your preferences well, but I don’t perceive any major frequency response flaws. In comparison the older DT 770 is brighter, more sibilant, with much more recessed mids, and boomy bass. All notable flaws, IMO.
There’s strong competition in this market segment though. The two headphones that stand out to me are the Austrian Audio Hi-X15 and the AKG K371. Both are significantly cheaper and rival the 700 in sound quality. Let’s compare, shall we?
Austrian Audio Hi-X15 – Tuning is a bit brighter, with a leaner presentation overall. The X15 is slightly more resolving, with a more dynamic response. Bass has more potential extension, and seems more responsive under duress. Treble and upper mids can be a bit intense at times though, especially right out of the box. The X15 needs a good 20-50 hours of run time to settle down. The driver is a high excursion type with a stiff suspension that IMO needs some hours to hit it’s optimum operational range. I thought they were pretty bad the first 5 hours or so, but now they’re a staple in my lineup. In comparison, the DT 700 Pro X is a bit darker, or less lean, if you will. Upper range extension and presence is more tame. Bass is slower and less nimble and responsive. Overall resolution is a bit less. The 700 sounds SLIGHTLY hazy in comparison. Also the X15 has more dynamic range, it can reproduce more nuance between high and low volume elements within the playback. But these differences are not huge, mind you. Do I feel I’m missing anything with the 700? Nope. I do prefer the slightly more punchy, though leaner X15 bass response, but the 700 doesn’t disappoint.
AKG K371 – Tuning is very similar, with a nice even frequency response top to bottom. Like the 700, nothing about the 371’s response stands out as problematic. So why spend more for the 700 over the 371? The 700 is built much better, is more comfy, and is clearer and more resolving than the 371. Bass on the 371 can get a touch boomy and indistinct compared to the 700. Also the overall sound from the 371 is slightly hazier than the 700. I think of the 371 as the poor man’s 700. Very very similar overall, with the 700 just being a bit better.
If you twisted my arm and made me pick only one of the three, I’d take the 700 as it’s the most even sounding of the bunch. I like the X15’s higher dynamic range, it’s quite impressive in such an affordable headphone, but the lean tuning is a bit annoying to me.
Beyerdynamic hit it out of the park with the DT 700 Pro X. As a longtime fan it’s good to see such a great legacy company as Beyer revamp their sound to more modern standards, and do it so well. For fans like myself who soured on the older lineup with their fatiguing brightness, the 700 is a breath of fresh air.
Great for video calls, but might get hot for summe
Sehr angenehmer Tragekomfort . Gute Tonqualitt , der Bass kommt ebenfalls gut rber . Betreibe sie an meinem Yamaha Stereoreceiver und am iPad mini . Auengerusche werden sehr gut isoliert .
Sono delle cuffie fantastiche e sin dal primo momento sono rimasto subito soddisfatto, partendo dalla qualit costruttiva, dai materiali e dall’indossabilit. Personalmente mi calzano come un guanto, e i cuscinetti in velluto sembrano morbidi come nuvole. Secondo me, il suono risulta essere un upgrade rispetto alle 990, perch hanno ammorbidito il treble che poteva risultare sibilante e fastidioso a molti. Il risultato un suono pi caldo e pi mitigato ma comunque cristallino e ricco di dettagli, nonostante il sub bass sia pi presente. La conseguenza di ci che la cuffia risulta accessibile a molti gusti e preferenze, inoltre intrattiene molto nell’ascolto. Inoltre, essendo gli ohm molto bassi, possono essere pilotate su qualsiasi dispositivo senza bisogno di amplificatori. Magari se volete potete abbinare un DAC per “pulire” il segnale da possibili interferenze.
Must admit took a little getting used to. Have owned these for a month. Base reproduction is superb. Fast, tight and without embellishments. Midrange, especially the upper midrange can be a little absent without tweaking. Highs are incredibly detailed if not overly bright. Overall the detail and sound reproduction is excellent. One last thing. It has taken nearly the entire month, perhaps longer to break in theses headphones. At first they were a little screachy but that has since developed into a nice warm sound while retaining superb detail. Was a little unsure at first but now I’m a convert.
Head strap was a bit tight got used to it in a few months.
The headphones had came with 2 cables, however one of the cables had short circuit issues straight from the box and pretty much unusable and the second cable had the same problems after a few weeks.
J’tais dj quip d’un DT 990, le 900 PRO X est encore un cran au-dessus, dans une gamme de prix abordable ( tout le moins selon mon rfrentiel).
Je suis enchant.
Prior headphones: AKG mkii k240, Seinnheiser HD 300 pro
These are far superior to the Sennheiser’s. No roll off on the bass, not too much highs. Build quality is quite excellent. The comfort is beyond expectation. Angels sitting on your ears. When you produce with these, the content sounds great on all devices. Clamping force is perfect and I have a big head.
The first thing I noticed was the build quality. They feel very premium and durable. The ear pads, headband pad, and cable are all replaceable and I believe more parts can be replaced as well. The packaging was also nice, everything was cardboard and paper and nothing was plastic. It comes with 2 nice cables, one about 6ft and the other about 10ft, as well as 6.35 mm (1/4 Inch) adapters for each cable.
The next thing I noticed was the comfort. The pads are super soft and plush, but the clamping force of the headphones is surprisingly strong. I could see some people thinking it’s too strong, but I personally think it’s fine. It’s either loosened up or if just gotten used to it, but it’s still noticeable. It doesn’t really bother me personally though but it’s worth mentioning.
When I first started listening to these I was immediately blown away by them. I also have the Philips SHP9500 and the Tribit Xfree Tune. Both of those are decent headphones but these were an obvious improvement over both in my opinion. I’m not great at describing sound, but these seem to be fairly neutral with a slight emphasis on the low end. That’s not to say they lack bass though. If the song itself has some bass to it, that will absolutely come through on these, just in a very clean way that doesn’t detract from the mids or the highs. So with that being said if all you want is bass and as much of it as possible these probably aren’t for you. To me they’ve sounded great for every genre I’ve tried, but I generally listen to a wide range of rock music. They’re also good for movies although I haven’t used them much for that. I also really like them for gaming. Being detailed and somewhat neutral I find it easy to pinpoint where things like footsteps are coming from. They also can be powered from anything. I’ve used a usb dongle dac, a vintage stereo, and an Xbox One controller and it sounded great through all of them. I love the sound of theses, they’re absolutely just going to replace my existing headphones for literally every use case.
If I had any complaints, it would be the clamping force even though as I said above it doesn’t really bother me. I’d still prefer if it wasn’t as tight and I could see it being a problem for some people. I may update this review later on if they loosen up some more.
My only other complaint is with the cables. The connector is kind of long sticking out if the headphones, it’s enough that it can touch my shoulder sometimes. It’s especially noticeable if I’m wearing a hoodie.
Overall I really like these headphones. They’re maybe a bit too expensive, but I think they sound fantastic and by the looks of them they should outlive me so I’m very happy with I got here.
1 Month Update:
Just an update after using these for a month. I still really love them. The clamping force is still tight, although it’s either loosened up or I’m just a lot more used to them now, but I find them to be more comfortable now
Lovely quality as you would expect from Beyer Dynamic. They really live up to their name and the manufacturer’s descriptio
Even without an AMP/DAC/AMPDAC combo, these sound amazing.
Audio without any tweaking is pretty flat but you can use software to tweak that.
Noise cancellation is great, someone could probably get stabbed in the next room and you wouldn’t hear it if they can’t scream loud enough.
This is a ‘good’ pair of headphones, but severely lacks in details. I would recommend if you make music but simply listening to music… no. The best Beyerdynamic headphone I own is the 1990 Pro’s. Yes, they are more money and have the best imaging of any headphone under $1K. My HD 660s are right behind them. If you’re looking at purchasing around the $300 price range, my recommendation would be to snag the HD 650 or spend a little more and snag the 1990’s. Again, these are a ‘good’ pair of headphones. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing until they dip below $200.
Was soll man gro sagen? Sind einfach mega gut, wie man es von Beyerdynamic gewohnt ist. Sehr schner Tragekomfort auch nach Stunden zocken oder Musik hren. Der Sound ist einfach geil und durch das abnehmbare mini Xlr Kabel ist man sehr flexibel und Mobil. Fr dem Preis super. 😉
Overall a very good pair of headphones. Just wish the clamping force was looser.
It’s more detailed than the 770 Pro to my ears, with much higher quality bass. The 770 has MORE base, but it muddies the sound, while the 700 stays clean and crisp. I also don’t get the nasty treble spike that I hear in the 770. The soundstage and imaging is similar, which is why I think this (and the 770) are good for gaming.
The 700 Pro X is probably the most comfortably pair of headphones I’ve worn. The 770 is comfortable as well, but the pads aren’t as soft, and the headband pinched my hair on the top of my head.
I’d say the DT 900 beats HD6XX easily. They are generally warmer and doesn’t lose on the sound stage or detaild.
Bought these for my son fir christmas but he had already bought a pair. He is doing a music tech and sound engineering degree. And he really rates these. He is pretty fussy when it comes to audio and the fact that he hasnt complianed speaks volumes (excuse pun).
These headphones are very high-quality, and have excellent sound.
The seller provided prompt shipping, and very well packaged.
I have used DT 770 pro 32ohm and have just received the DT 700 PRO X and i must say all the cons of 770 have been rectified. No sibliance, no more of that infamous beyer peak. Pretty much of an neutral audiophile grade headphone.
Bass is tight and does not bleed into mids.
Mids are well balanced and treble is extended but not overly bright. Ear pad cushion is very comfortable and could wear them all day without any discomfort. Overall beyerdynamics DT 700 PRO X is a definite upgrade over DT 770 PRO.
Bought these for my son because he is always in the computer gaming with other people from around the world. They are well made and the sound quality is fantastic. I would recommend these to anyone. They are expensive but worth it if you want quality.
Construccin: Fsicamente es en su mayora plstico pero de muy buena calidad lo que significa que resistir muchos aos.
Sonido: excelente, es muy divertido para escuchar msica, muy buen bajo ( sin exagerar ) agudos muy agradables, y la separacin de sonido es muy limpia.
PC Gaming: otro motivo por el cual me decid por estos es porque le muy buenas reseas, pas de utilizar unos audfonos HD 600 a estos, y en gaming los Dt 900 pro X se lo llevan de calle para juegos tipo FPS, es muy fcil distinguir si un enemigo viene por izquierda, derecha, enfrente, atrs, arriba, abajo, pero no solo eso, espacialmente puedes ubicarlos perfectamente gracias al soundstage y el Imaging que ofrece, 10-10 para jugar. Antes prob unos Astro A40 TR y estos a pesar de tener un soundstage ms amplio, estos tienen mal Imaging ( sabes que viene el enemigo pero no puedes tener un buen nivel de posicionamiento como el que ofrecen los DT 900 pro X) los astro en calidad auditiva ni comparar no son rival.
Resumen: los DT 900 pro X, cumplen Perfectamente a mi gusto lo que vale, obtienes un producto de buena calidad, buenos materiales, comodidad, y lo recomendara para personas no tan exigentes en audio pero tampoco a los que quieren quedarse en lo bsico.
Die Kopfhrer sind perfekt um detaillierte Sounds rauszuhren und beim Gaming speziell fr dir Ortung perfekt, selbst ohne Soundcard einfach nur ber den Controller angeschlossen!
A very comfortable and durable headphone that also comes with cable replacements for now. Down the road, there should be replacements for the earpads and headbands. The small problem is that the earpads are made from a very plush material that heats up very quickly. The only headphone that I have tried that I like better than this for gaming is the Sennheiser 800s $1500.
Update 4/23: Still no available accessories (headband and earpads) but the price has dropped $20 ($279) for it. The 560s on the other hand has been slowly dropping and is now at $60 ($140-150). Personally without the replaceable parts its hard to even consider a 2x cost over the 560s.
Die Kopfhrer hren sich sehr gut an. Die Ohr Polster sind weich und bequem. Preis ist zwar hoch aber fr den Bereich normal.
So far I have amped them on a tube amp with a solid DAC with hi-res audio from my computer. I’m currently listening on a bluetooth, portable DAC/Amp streaming from my iPad and this sounds almost as good. I would accept this sound in a heartbeat! They are also very forgiving headphones. Songs I’ve auditioned that I know to be poorly recorded fared very well by comparison. I probably have said enough but I will close with this.
These are great headphones! I suspect that as they have a couple of weeks to find their groove they will only improve in tone and smoothness. I’m particularly sensitive to overly “bright” sound and I have not heard any of the stridency I’ve seen reported in other reviews. I’m not easily impressed. These stunned me! At this price point, they are an unequivocal WIN-WIN! I originally bought them out of curiosity just to see how they were or maybe gift them to someone or simply return them to Amazon. I’m keeping these for myself! ‘Nuff said!
Sonorit trs bon sur les aigus et les basses.
L’isolation est trs bonne meilleure que le dt770 alors qu’il tait dj trs bien.
Le confort est trs diffrent du dt770 pro mais ce n’est pas mauvais.
Il exerce plus de pression et le poids peut se faire sentir aprs plusieurs heures (>4 heures pour moi). Le bandeau est aussi diffrent du dt770 mais il n’est pas trop inconfortable (contrairement au Audio-Technica ATH-M40x qui est juste pouvantable ce sujet).
Les coussinets sont trs doux et sont d’une exprience unique.
Mais de mon avis, le dt770 pro est le plus confortable juste pour le bandeau.
Mais je prfre le DT 700 pro X pour sa modularit pour le cble dtachable standard mini XLR femelle vers 3.5 mle et son bandeau changeable. Le cble reliant l’oreillette gauche et l’oreillette droite est mieux protg (sur le DT 770 pro, ce cble peut s’endommager au remplacement de bandeau car il est expos). Il est clair que pour la longvit, ce casque est vraiment au top.
This is perfect for music production. You can hear everything in the mix. A little bit snug but not too bad
They are very good headphones. Coming from the original Audio technica m50s, the build quality is better. Also, the sound is realy good. I use these for gaming and they sound good in games like League of Legends. They have more bass then my m50s and I think that it is well balanced. I listen to alot of rock and they sound amazing even plugged directly on my laptop/computer. They are plenty loud.. I get enough volume at 25% with the built in sound card on my laptop.
Viele Jahre war ich beim Gaming mit meinen Razer Kraken Headsets zufrieden. Diese sind aber schon sehr bassbetont (muss man mgen). Ich habe mir dann die Beyerdynamic MMX 150 bestellt. Diese allein sind schon ein meilenweiter Unterschied, die Bhne ist viel breiter. Man hrt neben Bass auch Mitten und Hhen. Sehr angenehm und tragen sich super. Knnten fr meinen Geschmack aber noch mehr Druck vertragen. Getestet an iMac und PS5 per SoundblasterX G6.
Habe mir dann zum Vergleich die DT 700 Pro X bestellt und was soll ich sagen … ich habe nach den ersten Sekunden Musik das Lcheln nicht mehr aus dem Gesicht bekommen. Wahnsinn! Viel Druck aber immer przise. Nie bertrieben (klar man kann die Soundblaster ordentlich verstellen wenn man will) … so etwas habe ich noch nie gehrt in meinem Leben. Ich kriege die Soundblaster niemals voll aufgedreht, da ist sehr viel Reserve (wer es laut mag).
Im Wechsel zum MMX 150 merkt man den Preis- und Klangunterschied dann doch extrem. Die Verarbeitung ist ber absolut jeden Zweifel erhaben. Die Kopfhrer tragen sich, als wrde man seine Ohren in Watte betten. Unvorstellbar.
Die MMX 150 gingen zurck, die DT 700 Pro X bleiben fr viele Jahre bei mir. Einfach bestellen und ausprobieren, ihr werdet nicht enttuscht.
Bin mit dem Kopfhrer bestens zufrieden, kann den Kauf auch empfehlen.
Der Beyerdynamic DT900 Pro X tut genau das was ich erwartet habe. Er gibt Soundquellen przise und sehr lebhaft wieder. Verarbeitung und Design sind Top, nur fr Mobile nutzung sollte man entsprechendes Zusatzequipment habe
Der DT 700 Pro X sitzt angenehm und verrutscht nicht bei Kopfbewegungen. Die Polster sind kuschelig und warm auch bei lngerem tragen immer noch sehr angenehm.
Das Kabel ist abnehmbar mittels mini XLR Anschluss, also leicht austauschbar.
Der Klang ist erstaunlich detailliert, facettenreich und trotzdem ausgewogenen.
Der Bassbereich ist sehr detailliert und knackig drhnt auch bei hohen Pegeln nicht. Die Mitten sind angenehm und jedes Instrument ist sehr gut herauszuhren. Die Hhen sind sehr klar und przise.
Messtechnisch speilt der KH ziemlich Linear. (Siehe Messdiagramm)
Der Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X ist fr alle denkbaren Musikstile geeignet. Auch direkt am Smartphone ohne extra Verstrker mglich.
Ich betreibe ihn aber mit dem ifi XDSD am Smartphone.
Update 01.Mrz:
Leider habe ich einen Wackelkontakt, immer wenn ich Kopf auch nur leicht bewege setzt der Ton aus. Schade. Habe kontakt mit dem Kundendienst aufgenommen, mal sehen was passiert.
Der Kundendienst will einen erst mal von Amazon weglocken um mich aufzufordern auf der Homepage von Beyerdynamik einen “Reperaturauftrag” auszufllen.
02.3. Update:
Habe nun eine Reklamationsnummer “Beantragt”, es wird einem Via Amazon-Nachricht die Rechnung zugeschicht die man dort dann wieder anhngen soll. Jetzt wird erst mal geprft ob ich berhaupt reklamieren “darf”
06.03. Update:
Noch keine antwort von Beyerdynamik.
08.03. Update
Anwort von beyerdynamik, mit Retourenschein zur Reparatur. Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht.
30.03. Kopfhrer ist wieder Zurck, Klingt wieder wie er soll.
1 Stern Abzug fr 4 Wochen ohne Kopfhrer und das ganze hick hack.
Ich hatte den DT 900 Pro X bestellt, weil ich aufgrund der angegebenen technischen Weiterentwicklung (STELLAR.45 Treiber usw.) eine Klangverbesserung vermutete. Ich besitze einen DT 990, mit dem ich sehr (!) zufrieden bin. Meine Hoffnung auf eine Klangsteigerung wurde leider nicht erfllt – dazu ist der DT 990 zu gut. Ich denke, die niedrige Impedanz (48 Ohm) wre etwas fr “Mobilhrer”. Ich brauche das jedoch nicht, weil ich meinen Kopfhrer (mit 250 Ohm) ausschlielich an einem Verstrker betreibe.
Mir gefllt am DT 900 Pro X das, was mir auch an meinem alten DT 911 gefallen hat, der druckvolle energiegeladene Klang. Die Hhen sind da, aber nicht berpointiert. Der Bass ist ebenfalls saftig und tief, aber er dominiert nicht das Klanggeschehen. Stimmen kommen wunderbar natrlich. Gerade wenn ich Opern hre, ist das enorm wichtig. Die feinen Details werden fr einen Kopfhrer der 250 Klasse gut aufgelst. Es ist auf jeden Fall ein Fortschritt zu meinem DT 911, der aber weiterhin bei mir “tnen” darf. Alles in allem TOP.
Comfort: These are comfy headphones, I own a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 which are pretty much the comfiest headphones out there so I knew they would be a step down, but I was surprised. Ear cups are very soft and comfy, the cups fit over my ears just fine and I have quite big ears. There is a little bit of clamping pressure in front of my ears which isn’t that bad but I think would become noticeable after a few hours usage, the headphones are very light so doesn’t hurt the top of my head – 4.5/5
Build Quality: They are very well built, love the easily replaceable parts, no issues with creaking or flexing. Also love that the audio cable has a 1.5 inch and 3.5mm jack in one – 5/5
Sound Quality: This probably goes without saying, but you really have to be in a quiet setting to appreciate these headphones. Coming from consumer headphones to studio headphones I realise why they are a niche product. They are very flat – there are no defining characteristics, highs are sparkly, lows are deep and warm (when they need to be) and mids ever so slightly less present but it is hard to notice. To the average person they might not be able to fully appreciate how good the sound is because they are so flat. Isolation is good, but for 200 you’re not getting the top of the line, it is however much better than the Sonys. Interesting to adjust the EQ on songs – whatever sound you’re looking for can be produced e.g. if I raise the bass it makes no noticeable difference to mids and highs (I don’t have any equipment to measure this but its not noticeable to the untrained ear anyway). I have noticed that when there are lots of instrumentals playing loudly and singing over the top the sound starts to crumble away which I’m sure is because I don’t have an amplifier – they are only 48 ohms but to get their full potential I would recommend getting an amp.
Conclusion – Best 200 I ever spent on a pair of headphones, the value is absolutely insane – I was hoping for an enjoyable listening experience and thats definitely what I got. Will be buying an amp to get 100% potential but definitely worth the money.
Casque confortable que j’ai test sur pc fixe et portable.
Polyvalent, il me permet de jouer des fps, couter Spotify etc
Il sera durable car les coussinets sont remplaables donc je recommande. Cette marque est une rfrence, c’est un choix sr^^
Lange habe ich berlegt meine guten alten DT770 Pro Kopfhrer durch die neue bessere X Version zu ersetzen.
Ich muss ehrlich sagen JA! Das haben sie auf alle Flle.
Natrlich muss man dazu sagen das BEIDE Kopfhrer 1A spitze sind nur diese hier geben den extra Schliff.
Mehr Bass, klarerer Sound, sehr weiche Ohrpolster, mir gefllt der Bgel + Bgelpolster um einiges besser.
Fr solche Kopfhrer ist der Preis mehr als super.
Die Ortung ist der Wahnsinn – ich hoffe diese Kopfhrer werde ich noch sehr lange tragen.
Wer gute Kopfhrer sucht wird hier nicht enttusch
Trs bon casque ouvert polyvalent. Assez ouvert pour entendre sa voix mais assez insonoris pour ne pas entendre les autres autour de soi pendant l’utilisation.
Le casque est confortable avec des pads en velour. Mini XLR sur l’oreillette de gauche, a change du prcdent et du DT880 pro.
Concernant la qualit de fabrication, c’est tout en aluminium avec du cuir pour le couvre tete. a serre assez sans tre trop. Pas trop chaud aux oreilles mme aprs quelques heures d’utilisations.
Deux cable dans la boite, un court et un long. Une housse de transport et des stickers. Concernant la sortie jack male 6.35mm elle se dvisse pour laisser apparaitre une sortie jack male 3.5mm.
Pour le son, il reste neutre, bien spatialis, lgrement chaud avec quelques basses prsentes sans tre trop, le son est clair et large. Pas d’aigues et de medium sifflants. Difficile de se faire une ide par crit et je n’ai sans doute pas le vocabulaire adapte.
Il fonctionne aussi bien sur un smartphone que sur une interface audio.
Rather than write majestic prose at length, I’ll stick to a list of comparisons with the DT 1990 Pros, and possibly also the 1770 Pros.
The 900 Pro X don’t have a small sound stage, but I would call it intimate, and especially so when A/B tested against the 1990 Pros. This isn’t a bad thing, and has it’s advantages. Do you like your instruments closer or farther away? Imagine is excellent is either case.
Bass is more emphasised with the 900 Pro X. It’s more present without EQ, though not quite to the level of the 770s or 1770 Pros (I haven’t heard how the 700 Pro X compare). This makes the headphone a rather fun listen.
Mids and highs aren’t as glorious as with the 1990 Pros, but if you didn’t know any better you wouldn’t miss it, and even if you did know better, the fun of the headphone more than makes up for it. These are the sorts of fine, oh so very fine differences between female vocals sounding more or less natural. The 1990 Pros win technically, but I still find myself lost in the 900 Pro X for hours.
The combination of emphasised bass, sound stage and imagine make the 900 Pro X superb for gaming, and even more so than the 1990 Pro (to my ears). And, they’re more portable and less dear to one’s wallet.
For my head comfort is great, and I haven’t had any issues with clamping force after extended listening. The included cables are decent, but the ones with the 1990 Pro are better. The earpads are great, but you only get the one pair. They’ve got the Beyer shape, so you know what you’re getting if you’ve tried any other Beyer headphone.
They’re semish open back. Noise gets in and out, but that’s just a fact of open back headphones.
I will say, however, that they look worse in person than they do in pictures. The plastic is well done, there’s just something about it that looks odds. The 1990 win the aesthetic contest no problem.
And, while the treble peak is muted, this is still a Beyer headphone. Personally, the peak has never bothered me outside of that one song by Sleigh Bells.
I like them. I’m going to keep them for gaming and where I need portability, or a bit of fun for a change against the technical grace of the 1990s. Well worth it, in my view.
I bought them because I love my Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80ohm, but the non detacheable 3 METER cable drives me nuts when I wanna take them outside.
Now the actual review.
The sound quality is insanely good. It’s Beyerdynamic, so what do you expect.
The headphones feel really sturdy and a million times better quality wise then the DT770 Pro. The Velour Ear Cushions are the most fluffy and soft thing my ears ever touched. Comfort is exceptional.
For the sound. They sound very similar to the DT770 Pro. The Bass and Treble is less punchy, making them closer to reference. If you insist on that “punch” the DT770 Pro have, dont get them. They still sound brilliant, but you get disappointed for the first time trying them since they don’t sound as great as the DT770 Pro out of the box. After giving them more time, I have to say, I like DT700 Pro X more now. If you insist on the “punch” just use an EQ
The cables it comes with are great, i will get myself a braided short cable tho for on the go, since it’s rubberised cables can get stuck on clothes easily.
If you wanna spend the +200 euros, you definitely get some bloody great headphones. Just don’t expect 1:1 Sound with the DT770 Pro
Ich bin langjhriger Nutzer der beyerdynamic MMX 300 Headsets gewesen, seit meinem Umstieg auf ein Standmikrofon war fr mich aber klar als nchstes kommen reine Kopfhrer und kein Headset mehr. Bitte auch nicht falsch verstehen, meine beiden MMX 300 Headsets funktionieren noch tadellos. Ich wollte nur was anderes von beyerdynamic probieren, der (fr mich) berraschende Release der Pro X Reihe kam also genau richtig.
Materialien und Verarbeitung sind wie nicht anders zu erwarten erstklassig, die DT 700 Pro X sind sehr schn anzusehen. Doch der alles entscheidende Punkt ist natrlich der Sound. Meine Ohren waren seit vielen Jahren auf den Sound der MMX 300 geeicht, demzufolge war ich besonders gespannt was mich erwartet. Und was soll ich sagen? Nach etwas ber einem Monat Nutzungszeit bin ich absolut begeistert. Eine Umgewhnung musste ich definitiv durchmachen, denn die MMX 300 sind absolute Bassmonster. Die DT 700 Pro X schalten dazu im Vergleich einen Gang zurck. Der Bass ist keineswegs unterprsent, schwach oder blechern, er ist nur nicht so enorm dominant wie beim MMX 300.
Dafr hatte ich beim Musikhren mit den DT 700 Pro X wegen einem anderen Grund mehrere Aha-Momente – den Hhen! Die DT 700 Pro X liefern wundervoll klare und przise Hhen, ich habe das inzwischen sehr zu schtzen gelernt. Was mit dem MMX 300 nur schwach oder angedeutet hrbar war, ist nun so was von deutlich und klar zu hren … super schn!
Ich nutze die DT 700 Pro X am PC wo sie von einem FiiO K5 Pro USB DAC angetrieben werden. Dabei ist mir noch ein Unterschied zum MMX 300 aufgefallen: die Lautstrke. Die DT 700 Pro X werden laut, richtig unfassbar laut! Die alten Einstellungen konnte ich nicht weiter nutzen, es wrde mir das Trommelfell zerreien. Das soll keinesfalls eine Kritik sein sondern nur eine Anmerkung am Rande.
Abschlieend kann ich allen Interessenten diese Kopfhrer uneingeschrnkt empfehlen, sofern die Bereitschaft vorhanden ist 249,00 EUR auszugeben. Der Preis ist keinesfalls niedrig, doch dafr bekommt richtig was auf die Ohren und hrt zu jeder Sekunde wofr man Geld ausgegeben hat. Ich bin jedenfalls hin und weg, vielen Dank an beyerdynamic fr diese tollen Kopfhrer. Ihr steht erneut fr euren Namen und habt erstklassige Arbeit geleistet! Einmal beyerdynamic, immer beyerdynamic!
En lisant les autres avis qui disaient que le 900 Pro X et le 700 Pro X n’avaient aucunes diffrences par rapport au 990 pro et 770 pro, j’y ai pas cru, j’ai dcid de test par moi mme, rien qu’au niveau du style le casque est mieux, les basses sont vraiment hardcore, les aigus prononc (a vous de tout rgler) le surround est beaucoup mieux, tout est beaucoup mieux qu’un 990 pro ou un 770 pro en passant du style aux performances.
Casque 900 Pro X = Casque Fait pour Gamer exigeant qui souhaite s’entendre parler un minimum.
Casque 700 Pro X = Casque fait pour une personne qui souhaite avoir une coute isole, tout en restant focalis sur son travail.
(Le casque tant isol vous n’entendrez pas votre voix, du moins peine)
Merci d’avoir lu
Give them a week or 2 to break in and its like you don’t even notice you have them on. And sound quality is amazing.
The solution for me was so get a 3rd party cable and that has worked flawlessly for me, Just be warned that until they address the loose cables that come with these headphones…Your either gonna be replacing the cables adding to the cost or dealing with the loose cables and the issues they bring.
These Headphones are incredible. The sound is phenomenal at this price point. I use them in my streaming/gaming setup.
I have a pair of the 990 Pros so I was already in love with the product. The 700 Pros are the perfect complement to the 990’s.
I very much enjoy my new headphones. Sound way better then the AudioTechnica ones i had before.
Its a very good set of headphones I ever own.
Excellent for monitoring and editing audio, good for listening too.
My main issue was the size it was very tight as delivered, I had to physically bend the metal strip for each ear to get a comfortable enough fit to wear for long time periods.
Da ich Elektronische Musik Liebe ist mir auch direkt aufgefallen, wie Przise der KH ist, das ist ja mal ein Himmelweiter Unterschied zu den HD-681. Vorallem da wo feine Nuancen in Tracks vllig untergangen waren bei den HD-681, sind die nun zu hren. Ich bin echt begeistert von dem Teil.
Auf der anderen Seite zeigen die Beyerdynamic 700 X Pro Gnadenlos wo Spotify gepatzt hat beim umkodieren, hier hat dann Tidal HiFi wieder die Nase vorn und macht sich bezahlt.
Bei “Xavier Naidoo – Ich kenne nichts” boah alter gnsehaut pur bei den KH.
Die Kopfhrer sind den Preis wirklich wert! Auch der neue Treiber ist eine Revolution, weil man so problemlos die 48ohm Impedanz an Smartphone oder Laptop laut genug powern kann.
Das einzige was mich ein wenig strt ist der Bass, ein wenig zu heftig (was bei manchen Liedern nicht verkehrt ist ), aber das kann man alles noch einstellen !
Hut ab beyerdynamic fr dieses gelungene Produkt, (riesen Pluspunkt das man jahrelang Ersatzteile nachbekommt, welcher Hersteller kann das heutzutage noch von sich behaupten ) ihr habt jetzt einen Stammkunden mehr 😀 so genug gelobt, Ton ab
I am not going to pretend I am an audiophile, all I can say is they sound better than my Philips X1s which I always though were a little heavy in the Bass department and my AKG K731s which I use for work, the DT 900s have a more exciting sound, this is likely mainly because I prefer open-back than the K371s closed-back. I will say I would class the DT900s as more of a semi-open back headphone, they do block out more sound than other open-backs I have tried.
I like that the headband padding, Ear pads and cable are all replaceable. Getting two cables is good, I would have preferred the shorter one was a coiled cable. Also the drawstring bag seems nice quality.
I marked them down one star as I feel they are probably 50 too expensive (I paid 220). The DT880/990s can be had for quite a bit cheaper.
Beyerdynamic sent me a new cable and it works perfectly. The connection is secure enough. I’ve been using more than a month now but still no problem. Customer service was really good. I sent only one email to get the new cable. Overall I am pretty happy with sound quality and customer service.
Er hat einfach alles, was ein guter geschlossener (Studio-)Kopfhrer braucht!
Kein einziger Sound geht unter und die Rumlichkeit des Klangs ist exzellent.
Auch fr Gaming geeignet, wobei ich da ber einen einfachen Equalizer etwas extra Bass reingebe und etwas Hhe rausnehme.
Beyerdynamic ist bekannt fr seine krassen Hhen, die intensiv aber nicht kratzig sind. Ich persnlich nehme da gerne ein/zwei Dezibel raus.
Die Kopfhrer kommen mit solchen Umstellungen hervorragend zurecht.
Im Grunde gibt es nicht allzu viel zu sagen, meiner Meinung nach macht der DT 700 Pro X alles einen Tick besser als der DT 770 Pro, ob einem die 100 Euro mehr es wert sind, muss jeder fr sich selbst entscheiden.
Ich schtze gerade wenn man noch keinen Kopfhrer hat, dann knnte man direkt den DT 700 Pro X whlen, da ist er eine gute Wahl.
Ich hatte ihn allerdings hier gegen den DT 900 Pro X verglichen und ich muss sagen, das mir das luftige bei den offenen Kopfhrern deutlich mehr zugesagt hat. Der DT 700 Pro X hat zwar sicher die leicht fetteren Bsse bzw. einen anderen Tiefgang aufgrund der geschlossenen Ohrmuscheln allerdings kann ich es nicht mehr lange aushalten wenn man komplett von der Auenwelt abgekapselt ist, es entsteht eine Art Druck auf den Ohren.
Ansonsten sind sie aber sehr bequem zu tragen, Kunden mit groen Ohren sollten aber schauen ob sie auch gengend Platz finden, die Ohrmuscheln sind jetzt nicht zu riesig und vor allem rund und nicht oval. Bei mir passte das zwar aber aufgrund des Vergleichs gegen den DT 900 Pro X, musste ich ihn leider zurck schicken.
Ein Vorteil haben die neuen beiden Modelle allerdings auch noch gegen die alten, durch die 48 Ohm kann man sie auch gut an mobilen Gerten bzw. am Rechner auch ohne extra Verstrker gut nutzen. Mein Fiio K3 kann sie jedenfalls problemlos antreiben.
Das Beyerdynamic DT 900 Pro X sitzt etwas fester am Kopf. Ist aber kein Problem da die Ohren genug Platz in der Ohrmuschel der Kopfhrer haben. Bass ist gut und man hrt alles klar und jedes kleinste Detail.
Zum Zocken sehr geeignet. Gegner sind sehr gut zum Orten.
Betreibe die Kopfhrer mit einem Elgato Wave XLR. Durch die niedrige Ohm sind die Kopfhrer leichter zu befeuern als meine alten DT 990 Limted Edition mit 250Ohm.
Sehr gut zu empfehlen.
Sind den Preis wert. Sehr gut verarbeitet.
Am Ende hat sich fr mich der Wechsel eher nicht so dramatisch gelohnt wie ich es erwartet htte.
Ob einem der Mehrwert gg. dem DT 990 das doppelte an Geld wert ist, muss jeder fr sich selbst entscheiden.
Zwei steckbare Mini-XLR Kabel (kurz/lang), neuer Stellar.45 Treiber, komfortableres und schneres Design, fr alle Endgerte geeignet (Stichwort Impendanz)
Meiner Meinung nach ja!
Es ist fast so als ob Bayer mit Sennheiser geheiratet htten was die Mitten Darstellung und Bhne angeht.
Die Tiefen wurden in Vergleich zum DT990 sehr erweitert.
Allgemein wei der Treiber in den Tiefen und Mitten sehr zu berzeugen.
Er ist schnell , knackig zugleich Tiefspielend.
Die Mitten sind im Vergleich Authentischer.
Besonders Gesang und Akustische Instrumente kommen sehr gut zur Geltung .
Eine E Gitarre klingt ach wie eine .
Schlagzeug sehr Authentisch.
Der Bekannte BayerPeak um 6-8khz ist in meinen Ohren nicht mehr vorhanden.
Die Hhen wirken Richtiger / Authentischer.
Nicht so berspitzt wie beim Vorgnger.
Schlechte Aufnahmen klingen besser / Gengsamer.
Im Groen und ganzen ist der DT900 ProX ein sehr gelungenes Model.
Spielt meiner Meinung weit aus besser als es sein Preis Vermuten lassen wrde.
Die Bhne ist etwas kleiner als beim DT990 und der Kopfhrer ist nicht so Offen im Vergleich.
Was allerdings dazu fhrt das Instrumente besser Platziert wirken, nicht so weit auseinander wie beim DT990.
Bis jetzt bin ich Begeistert und sehe den neuen Bayer klar vorne und fr den Aufgerufenen Preis!
Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir aus.
-Well balanced tuning with a slight V curve in the lows and upper mids/highs but nothing crazy as compared to the DT 990 Pro which has a very obvious V curve and washed out mids. The mids on the 900 pro x are clear, slightly forward and seem to help while playing FPS games to amplify things such as foot steps and gunshots. The lows are punchy and precise with some bonus sub bass which is hard to find in this price range without the lows muddying up the mids and highs.
Sound stage – The sound stage to me is perfect, not too wide, not too closed in. In comparison the the DT 990 pro the sound stage is similar but seems a bit more closed in because the mids are more forward and not as recessed to my ears. In games like Tarkov I can feel immersed without feeling like things are spaced out too far, to me it sounds perfect for gaming. For music the soundstage is just right, again a little more closed in than the DT 990 pro and the HD560s but for me it helps me to get immersed in music vs feeling like I am in the back of the crowd at the concert.
Imaging – The imaging is fantastic for the price you pay for these headphones. Instrument separation is great and I can easily hear the different instruments in music without any muddying up or meshing of the tones the instruments make. In games the ability to tell which direction enemies are is fantastic, even better than the HD 560s and the 58x both vertically and horizontally. The DT 990 pro does a good job of imaging but the mids are so recessed that it hinders the imaging by muddying up the tones of instruments to my ears.
Cables – The cables are high quality and the headphones come with two lengths of cables which are detachable. I am not sure how this could get any better. The cables are mini xlr and come with a gold plated adapter to connect to either a 3.5mm jack (most mobile devices and computer sound boards) or a 1/4 inch plug to connect to dac/amps etc. The cables are soft rubber and very flexible. I am currently using the shorter cable to plug into the Fio K5 pro and I have a dead silent sound floor with a perfect length cable. If you turn your head a lot the cable may rub on your shoulder but for me it’s a non issue.
Build – The build quality of these headphones is great in my opinion. You get a mix of high quality plastic around the ear cups attached to a very sturdy metal band holding the earcups to the headband which is made out plastic and what seems to be a leatherette headband cushion. The wires are tucked neatly and do not interfere with wearing them. The velour ear cups are well made and look like they will last quite a while. The inner ear cups have a high quality material protecting the driver which is a step up from the thin foam you see on most headphones. Overall I give the build quality a 8.5/10.
Comfort – These are not the most comfortable headphone for extended listening (8 hours+) but for me they are perfect because I do not use them for that long. The ear cups are slightly stiff at first but seem to be softening each time I use them. The headphones are slightly heavy on my had as compared to the HD58x and the HD560s which may cause quicker fatigue for longer listening session. One bonus is the ear cups and headband cushion are all replaceable to help extend the life of the headphones.
Design – Some might say that these are not the most attractive headphones and appear very basic in design. I myself am not so vain but I know that some people make a living off of being in front of the camera with headphones on (streamers) who may prefer a more attractive headphone design. Again, not a con to me but I can see how it would be a con to others.
Price – 300 dollars is a lot of money to most people so having to fork up 300 dollars may be a con to some people. I personally believe that you get what you pay for with these headphones especially with the added bonus of two cables and a quality carrying bag but I can see how some people may see 300 dollars as a bit steep. The HD560s retails for 200 dollars and is not far behind in sound quality from these but for me, the extra 100 dollars is well worth it for slightly more clarity in the mids and highs with punchier bass and sub bass as compared to the HD 560s.
The highs – The highs of the dt 900 pro x are somewhat your classic Beyerdynamic signature with elevated, clear and slightly sibilant highs. Sibilance does not affect me as much as others but I will say it is still there but toned down a bit as compared to the DT 990 Pros. If you can tolerate some sibilance you will love how the highs sound.
Conclusion: I believe that headphones have a diminishing return above the 200 dollar mark and when you pay an extra 100 dollars you get an ever so slight increase in sound quality. I believe that at the current price these are worth the extra 100 dollars vs lets say the DT990 pro because you are getting better mids, less sibilant highs, a more neatly put together sound stage and better imaging. The build quality is higher on these compared to the DT 990 pros which creaked right out of the box for me. I love the detachable cable design and the fact that you get two cables and a high quality carrying bag is an added bonus. These are also 48 ohms so you could drive them without an external amp/sound card which is great for most people. If you have a budget for these and are looking for a headphone which makes listening to music fun and playing games more immersive I would give these a shot, worse case scenario you don’t like them and utilize Amazon’s awesome return policy!