beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO Studio Headphones

Difference from the DT 990 Edition Version
The DT 990 Edition headphones for the home and the DT 990 PRO studio headphones: Both are identical in sound. Identical sound transducers are used. However, the edition models have a slightly softer headband for music enjoyment at home while the Pro model sits somewhat tighter on the head, in order to stay in position with frequent movements during a studio session. In addition, the PRO version is delivered with a spiral cable and the edition version with a straight cable.
Weight: | 250 g |
Size: | 250 OHM |
Dimensions: | 22.1 x 11.94 x 23.11 cm; 250 Grams |
Model: | 459038 |
Colour: | Gray |
Colour: | Gray |
Dimensions: | 22.1 x 11.94 x 23.11 cm; 250 Grams |
Origin: | Germany |
Size: | 250 OHM |
The sound image is out in front of you in the room, all the instruments or performers in their position in the sound stage. Great for concerts or smaller venues. Unbelievable. (Being 250ohm they will probably need an amplifier for iPads or phones)
Took a while playing around with EQ to get the “right” (very subjective) sound, really needed to reign that treble in but soundstage and clarity. If you’re willing/able to put the work in to eq them, they’ll be great, not great for beginners or those who just want to plug in and use
At first I didn’t have an audio interface to plug it into, so I was just plugging it straight into my computer and I thought it wasn’t really worth the money. But once I bought a Scarlett Solo and plugged them in the audio quality was the best I have ever heard from a pair of headphones. If you buy these I definitely recommend also buying an audio interface to power them properly.
The length of these headphones are unbelievable
The soft comfort of each earphone is way better than the solid headphones I used to use
Many head size settings
Quality is outstanding
These headphones are meant for true audio reproduction and studio monitoring. Don’t buy them if you want enhanced bass and treble for uses such as gaming. I mix my own recordings with headphones and studio monitors. I wanted headphones that provide true reproduction of the audio coming from my audio interface, synthesisers and DAW. I’m very impressed with them in respect of sound quality, accuracy, build quality and vfm.
As far as i can tell these are the cheapest yet best sounding headphones available as in the ratio between sound quality and cost is very very good the sound profile of these are close to audiophile multi thousand pound/dollar sennheisers the high frequencys are a little sharp but with hours of use the sharpness will level out more should you use a pre amp? In my opinion no with a high end smart phone you’ll get close to perfect audio output though that depends on the chipset but most are great though the quality is great the output volume of most high end phones isn’t due to the headphones having a high impedance but i never find myself needing more then max volume from the phone if you want more volume try a pc with a highend motherboard windows 10 can support up to 192k sample rate at 32bit as well as isolated audio components keeping electrical interference low as for pre amps if you have the money ask a professional or use sennheisers recommended ones last thing due to the open back the noise cancelling basically doesn’t exist but i prefer it because if someone calls my name i can hear i
Best Headset I ever had. Amazing sound and you can still hear everything in the room so it’s not disorientating or you arent shouting when playing or listening to things. Only gripe is that the ear pieces aren’t that easy to replace (the fluffy part that covers your ears) If you work in a hot environment and are sweating a lot you need to wash them cause they get revolting after a while. I replaced mine with cheap 3rd party foam ones so I can wipe them down and keep everything clean and hygienic. Pretty much the only issue I had with them. Maybe a braided rope over the cables too so they don’t tangle if they making a new design maybe? just a thought. Try them out you will like them, i’d bet money on it.
Treble sensitive watch out. This is characteristic of the Beyer peaky treble. But there is a reason why the DT990s have survived the test of time.
Great soundstage, imaging and fantastic audio separation. Immersive experience even for video games.
This headset exceeded my expectations, highly recommended if you have a good amp for it.
Great audio profile but is quite flat ranged, would need an equaliser to get the best out of these.
Keeping this short and sweet… I’ve never heard audio quality like it.
These are not noise cancelling as they are open back, they really breath so no more sweaty ears, very comfy but grip nicely and do not fall off. Springy cord actually annoying though but does stop it getting tangled on things, sound quality is phenomenal for the price. Having a blast using the Neural plug ins!
Noise cancelling only occures in a private quiet area. With a proper sound device, every single sound is heart very clear. Easy to use, just plug and play.
I rate all features high, as I have adapted “environment, volume, noises” etc. and this product works exactly as it should.
I use for gaming and music and watching videos.
They have good sound quality but to use them for there full volume you would need an amplifier to help with editing music files.
I’m not a gamer so don’t know how they would be for that use but – I’m an audio pro & have been relying on these excellent headphones for many years now – an industry standard. These are open so if you’re looking for ‘phones that are quiet to use (i.e for singers to wear etc) go for the DT 770 Pro model – they’re closed.
Absolutely superb! German designed studio headphones for critical listening. I had read many reviews that said the top end is prominent or a little too bright. Not for me. The top end is smooth and incredibly detailed. Their response is flat and there is plenty of bass… not overblown. These are exactly what I expected from a brand like Beyerdynamic. Absolutely satisfied. Build quality is very good and I imagine these will last me many years.
Generally positive about these, and they are loud but not always detail clear. Well made and very comfortable. Being open back you end up sharing your music with others. Try the Beyerdynamic closed back versions.
Very nice, only problem is it tends to crackle every so ofte
Sound cancel is not great but sound quality is brillia
general sound quality
A little treble hash
Sub bass isn’t great (open back)
general sound quality
A little treble hash
Sub bass isn’t great (open back)
So I’ve gone through 3 pairs of headphones in the last months purely because of comfort The Arctic’s SteelSeries Pros , Astro A50s and now the DT 990s and of all of them these are by far the best for comfort they sit on your head and feel like nothing is there, so light weight and soft it’s great compared to the other two these have it going for them and the product quality is far better especially for gaming.
So I’ve gone through 3 pairs of headphones in the last months purely because of comfort The Arctic’s SteelSeries Pros , Astro A50s and now the DT 990s and of all of them these are by far the best for comfort they sit on your head and feel like nothing is there, so light weight and soft it’s great compared to the other two these have it going for them and the product quality is far better especially for gaming.
Sound Quality: Excellent for price, great sound separation when provided with a correct EQ.
Bass Ability: Dubstep Approved. (For headphones very good. Nothing beats a high powered active subwoofer though.)
Comfortable to wear: Yes.
Other comments: Make sure you have a suitable amp to drive these headphones as they are 250 impedance.
Just received these this afternoon. I already own Amirons, DT 880s and DT 770s and Grado SR80s. I’m not a fan of Sennheiser, so anyone who is familiar with both Beyerdynamic and Sennheiser headphones will appreciate that this is a subjective review by someone who likes Beyerdynamic’s house sound. This review is my assessment of them purely for home use.
There are obviously loads of reviews of the 990s on the internet, and although very popular they obviously divide opinion. I shan’t make out that these are for everybody, but I’ll add my three pennies worth here which might cut through the superlative laden ayes and the damning nays and help some people to make up their minds on whether or not to buy a pair (I dithered for far too long).
When I was in my early twenties I might have found the Beyerdynamic sound too bright and analytical, but back then I could hear frequencies up to 20khz; not so now, at 63 my hearing tops out just under 14khz, so maybe this accounts for my later-in-life infatuation with the Beyerdynamic sound. Though I like most forms of music, the bulk of my collection veers towards acoustic music – classical, jazz etc – there’s also a fair bit of dub reggae, rock, EDM and so on (so, it’s basically Prince Far-I to Schubert, Aphex Twin to CSNY, Thelonious Monk to Joni Mitchell, Public Enermy to Spirit, Poppy Ackroyd to Bob Dylan – catholic, essentially).
I’ve only had a few hours to make comparisons (Bill Withers, Thelonious Monk, Radio 3, Bill Charlap, Heart of the Congos, Lana Del Rey), but I think this has given me adequate opportunity to make a pretty accurate judgement of the characteristics and comparative merits of the 990s. I’ve been listening to them mainly through a Little Dot Mk 2 with a combination of Novosibirsk and Mullard 8100 valves (sourcing from a Cyrus Cd and Cyrus 8 DAC amplifier).
I’m delighted with the 990s. They are neither shriekingly sibilant nor either lacking or over-endowed with bass. Compared to the other headphones that I own I would say that the 990s are nearest in sound to the 880s. Indeed, I think that they are very near sound-wise. The 880s are marginally more polished, but the difference (to my ears at least) is subtle rather than dramatic. I would suggest that the 990s are very good, cheaper alternatives to the 880s. The 880s clamp the head noticeably more lightly than the 990s, but the 990s are more secure on the head. Sound leakage is similar in both, so neither are good for listening to next to your sleeping partner (who hates going off to music and especially hates jazz) in bed unless you want a poke in the ribs. For this I have the 770s, which have a somewhat “fuller” or “fatter” sound than the other two. Leakage on the 770s is minimal at low to modest volumes.
The Amirons (Homes) are, to my mind, decidedly more “musical” or “liquid” sounding headphones, very enjoyable for extended listening and very revealing, in comparison with those I would describe the 990s and 880s as rather “analytical” sounding and the 770s are somewhat “dryer” (I hope describing their sound as both “dryer” and “fatter” doesn’t sound like a contradiction in terms but I can’t immediately think of a better words to describe the sound). However, they’re all good and all have what you might call a “house sound” (i.e. a Beyerdynamic sound), although the Amirons depart furthest from this sound (which isn’t really very far at all) while the others might all be considered even more typical. The Amirons have a fuller, certainly pleasant and, I would say, slightly coloured bass by comparison, the bass on the 880s and 990s is leaner and, as far as I am qualified to judge, seemingly more accurate. Some people say that they both lack bass, but I don’t think this it true, it is most certainly there when it’s there! It may be that those who think they lack bass are listening to these headphones without suitable amplification. As goes the 770s, I’d say that their bass – in terms of weight – lies in the middle here, it is perfectly good but it is neither as accurate as on the 880s and 990s nor as pleasurable as on the Amirons.
Sound stage is best, and very similar, on the 990s, 880s and Amirons. I wouldn’t say that there is any vastly significant difference here between these three headphones. The 770s, being closed-back, are noticeably more “closed-in” in terms of soundstage but, in terms of closed-back headphones per se they’re actually really rather good in this area; I’ve certainly not encountered a closed-back pair that are better (or indeed any other closed-back pair that I can actually bear – I personally much prefer open-back designs, for me the 770s are exceptions in this department). The 1770s may well be better, but I’m not about to fork out several hundred pounds more for those when I use closed-back headphones mostly for listening in bed via the headphone output of a Roberts radio.
As regards comparison with the Grado SR 80s, the 990s and 880s are decidedly superior sounding, with the Grados sounding rather rough and uncouth by comparison (though this isn’t helped by the Grados comfort levels which are simply not in the same league – half an hour with Grado SR80 ear pads is sheer torture; consequently I’ve replaced them with Sennheiser HD414 ear pads which improbably (as, apart from being yellow, they don’t seem materially that different from the Grado pads) improve matters a fair bit and don’t noticeably change the SR80s sound). The Grados do sound more bassy, but this is definitely a matter of quantity rather than quality. Build quality on the Grado SR80s is also markedly inferior to that of the Beyerdynamics. I would retire the Grados at this point, but their 32 Ohm impedance makes them useful. They’re good fun, but they’re not good for extended listening sessions.
The 990s and 880s with their 250 Ohm impedance definitely need amplification. I use a couple of Little Dot Mk 2s. The Amirons have the same impedance but are significantly more sensitive. For unamplified use I find the 770s a better match with their 80 Ohm impedance (they certainly work well with most Roberts radios of recent years, Roberts seem to have pretty good headphone circuits on their radios).
Summing up, I think that the 990s are fantastic value for money (the Amiron Homes, which I love, are perhaps a clear case of diminishing returns by comparison). If you’re thinking of buying a pair of Beyerdynamics, want open-backed headphones, fancy the 880s from all you’ve read, but feel that the 880s are a stretch for you financially, then I think you’d be missing very little with the 990s in terms of sound).
Originally, I had thought of purchasing Beyerdynamic’s new DT900 X headphones, but – reading the reviews, and knowing how much I already liked the sound of the 880s and 770s – I thought I’d save myself some money and get something that might not sound so hugely different for half the price and, beyond that, I actually prefer the look of the 990s. I don’t rule out considering the new series in future, but for now I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything that would be game-changing, although I admit I’m curious. As I have found repeatedly, however wild the superlatives I encounter in the reviews the actual differences between the last and the latest model of a particular piece of hifi is more often than not a matter of nuance.
Whatever way you cut it, comparing the 990s with the highly regarded and (to me) very similar sounding 880s and the more refined, more relaxed, but four or five times more expensive Amiron Homes, they are still very good sounding headphones and first class value for money – assuming, like me, you like the Beyerdynamic sound. If you’re a Sennheiser fan you’d probably be barking up the wrong tree (but you know that already) and, if you’re a Beats fan, then presumably you’re already stone deaf. And then again, as goes highly regarded budget headphones, I reckon they knock the Grado SR80s into a cocked hat. But not everyone would agree with me.
Anyway, I hope all that helps.
Update, 28/1/22. I’ve now spent some more time listening to the 990s on a Little Dot Mk 2 with a combination of Novosibirsk and Radio Technique valves (sourcing from a Naim CD5 via a Rega Elex R). The Radio Technique valves are very similar to the Mullard 8100s I used at the top of this piece. Continued close listening has only confirmed my sense of how good these headphones are. On further consideration, with this set up, I’d say their sound signature lies between that of the 880s and the Amirons. I’d say they sound slightly “weightier” than the 880s and that the Amirons are a bit more so, but the differences here are more subtle than seismic. On careful comparison, after a few hours of listening, my overwhelming sense at this point is that, if you like open-backed headphones, like the Beyerdynamic sound and have a hankering for a pair of Amirons but either can’t afford them or can’t justify the expense, then you really wouldn’t be missing very much at all by just settling for a pair of 990s. By comparison they are a real bargain and, I think, in absolute terms they are quite simply one of the best bargains there is on the headphone market.
One further point, on comfort, although the 990s have more clamping force on the head, I actually find them more comfortable than the Amirons as they fit my head better.
Finally, as anyone who has read this far has already probably figured out, it has cost me quite a lot to reach my conclusions here. I think I have a reasonable sense of humour, but if you’re an audiophile sceptic then I guess I can understand why you may feel you’re getting the last laugh! I’m glad I own the Amirons, they are very nice headphones, but if I could only have one pair I must admit that I’d very happily settle for the 990s.
Postscript, 31/1/22. On further reflection, it’s very good having several headphones all sharing a general character that I like, but each a little different from the others. Different music works best on certain headphones (for instance, listening to Beatrice Rana’s performance of the Goldberg Variations this morning I much prefer the rendition of her piano’s sound through the Amirons to that of the 770s (the piano sounding decidedly more lifelike through the Amirons), whereas with Thelonious Monk’s It’s Monk’s Time the difference is less obvious and, if anything, I’d say I actually prefer the 770s with their greater attack. But, different music is not all: different recordings, different source equipment, different mood of the listener … however, it’s very quick and easy to change between modestly priced headphones during a listening session in order to optimise your listening experience (something you can’t readily do with expensive speakers, amplifiers, cartridges and so on).
The Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro is a pair of studio-quality open-back headphones designed and manufactured specifically for music producers.
I’ve been producing my own electronic music since late August 2020 and I felt like I needed a top-notch pair of headphones to make up for a lack of studio monitor speakers. And I’m very pleased with the DT 990 Pro!
Not only are these pair of headphones comfortable to wear and easy to adjust, but they also provide a vast frequency response from bass to treble, thus delivering top-notch quality sound to your ears. This allows you to hear all the little details in music and sound which is necessary for efficient music producing.
The main drawbacks to these headphones are that, beside they’re open-back, they’re not good for noise cancellation or vocal recording. If you wear these headphones while recording your own vocals, there’s a good chance that your microphone will pick up the sound coming out of these headphones through their open backs. Therefore, when you want to record your own vocals, you’re better off using either closed-back headphones or noise cancellation earphones.
All in all, the Beyerdynamic DT 990 are a pair of comfortable, studio-quality headphones that are ideal for music producing but not for vocal recording.
Using it for a year – love it.
My version is 250 Ohm and it really makes the difference.
Sound is clear and high impedance adds a lot of details into sound.
Open construction make it easy to wear for long hours.
However it will be noisy for people around. So it for more like ambient listenning by the evening.
Coiled cord very convinient for use with laptop or player.
Manufactured by “the germans”.. meaning it has quality build and does not dissolve anywhere soon after purchase.
Just great headphones wich will not force you to sell an arm and leg to have it.
If you towards audiophile type of listener, you just have to have it.
I love these but I recommend buying a DAC for using them
Great headphones hit better alternatives remember these are open back headphones so do not have noise cancellation. If you want noise cancellation consider the 770s or 880s
I bought these headphones a year ago and I have had no issues since. They work perfectly, sound amazing, and feel really comfortable, even after a year of use. When playing music, or playing a game online, with high audio settings, you can’t hear anything around you outside of the game. They are insanely comfortable and sound amazing. I have played games for 8+ hours straight without a break, having no irritation, or annoyance. Amazing headphones, well worth the price tag.
Best headphones I’ve owned to date. I’ve been through many different pairs but I always went for something cheaper than this… Didn’t realise what I was missing out on.
I can’t speak of their longevity as I’ve only had them a few days but id definitely recommend them so far.
I bought these headphones a year ago and I have had no issues since. They work perfectly, sound amazing, and feel really comfortable, even after a year of use. When playing music, or playing a game online, with high audio settings, you can’t hear anything around you outside of the game. They are insanely comfortable and sound amazing. I have played games for 8+ hours straight without a break, having no irritation, or annoyance. Amazing headphones, well worth the price tag.
High resistance so you will need it amplified if you plan to play at slightly higher volumes. Nice open sound, you can hear your surroundings somewhat if you need that, comfortable over extended use. Plenty of sound spillage due to open design: intended for indoor use.
High resistance so you will need it amplified if you plan to play at slightly higher volumes. Nice open sound, you can hear your surroundings somewhat if you need that, comfortable over extended use. Plenty of sound spillage due to open design: intended for indoor use.
Awesome sound quality, build quality and so comfortable on the ears.
Sound quality is neutral, which I assume is the intention. Not bassy. I like the coiled lead, so you can have a long lead which allows you to move about, without the lead getting tangled up. Quite comfortable for a closed design, although not as comfortable as open headphones. They have a velvety material which is soft. No problem with low volume although I listen through a mixer so could be cranked up if required.
Sound quality is neutral, which I assume is the intention. Not bassy. I like the coiled lead, so you can have a long lead which allows you to move about, without the lead getting tangled up. Quite comfortable for a closed design, although not as comfortable as open headphones. They have a velvety material which is soft. No problem with low volume although I listen through a mixer so could be cranked up if required.
I really like these headphones, I’m running it through a Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen without any trouble.
Things to note:
– The headset is comfy but the cups might be a little small for some people, I do find it resting slightly on my ear at times rather than over but I also have big ears which might cause some discomfort for people.
– There is very little bass, almost to the point of it being quite “sharp” but you can fix this by following steps on Reddit, search for “Oratory1990’s list of EQ presets” on Reddit, following this made the headset sound significantly better for me. (Personal preference, of course but it’s good to know there are options!)
– The cable is excellent! It’s a very long cable but it’s coiled so it’s not draped across the floor like my old headphones, genuinely one of the best UX changes.
– They are open-back so sound will leak from them, others in the room will be able to hear what you’re listening to.
– The only thing that worries me is that the cable is not detachable from the headphones.
– The packaging wasn’t great, the box was already open when I got it and the way the inside of the box was packed feels kinda messy but that might be an issue with how my particular box was handled.
I really like these headphones, I’m running it through a Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen without any trouble.
Things to note:
– The headset is comfy but the cups might be a little small for some people, I do find it resting slightly on my ear at times rather than over but I also have big ears which might cause some discomfort for people.
– There is very little bass, almost to the point of it being quite “sharp” but you can fix this by following steps on Reddit, search for “Oratory1990’s list of EQ presets” on Reddit, following this made the headset sound significantly better for me. (Personal preference, of course but it’s good to know there are options!)
– The cable is excellent! It’s a very long cable but it’s coiled so it’s not draped across the floor like my old headphones, genuinely one of the best UX changes.
– They are open-back so sound will leak from them, others in the room will be able to hear what you’re listening to.
– The only thing that worries me is that the cable is not detachable from the headphones.
– The packaging wasn’t great, the box was already open when I got it and the way the inside of the box was packed feels kinda messy but that might be an issue with how my particular box was handled.
Bought for my sons birthday, just what he wanted, very Happy with product, highly reccomend.
I bought these to simply connect to use as a general headset, connect them to my pc and xbox controler. Don’t get me wrong, there brilliant… Its missing a bit of bass. If you like your bass more than treble. Be prepared for a cheeky shock. Sound is 10/10 it’s just that one flaw for me. I suppose you could always purchase a DAC to upscale the bass. Cheap well built and affordable headphones. Very pleased.
I bought these to simply connect to use as a general headset, connect them to my pc and xbox controler. Don’t get me wrong, there brilliant… Its missing a bit of bass. If you like your bass more than treble. Be prepared for a cheeky shock. Sound is 10/10 it’s just that one flaw for me. I suppose you could always purchase a DAC to upscale the bass. Cheap well built and affordable headphones. Very pleased.
These are hands down the best headphones that I’ve ever used. The soundstage is enormous, the clarity next level, I’ve paired them with a Fiio BTR5 and used both Spotify and tidal from my phone and they sound gorgeous whatever music you’re feeding them. The treble is sharp, too sharp for some, but for me it just feels so natural, a big crash cymbal is supposed to be a jarring sound, and here it almost is. The bass is less pronounced than other headphones that I’ve used, but still absolutely crystal clear all the way down to the super low bass. You can’t expect monstrous bass from open back headphones, but I’ve heard that the 770 pros ( which are essentially the same headphones underneath, just closed back) are absolute bass beasts so if that’s what you’re looking for then they may be a better fit. Obviously these headphones bleed sound like buggery and have about as much noise cancelation as a thin pillowcase, but as previously stated, this is a product of the open back design, so if it’s an issue then 770’s should solve that!
These are quite tough headphones to run when in their 250ohm guise as my set is, which is why an amp/dac is required for these to sound any good. For me, that’s the Fiio BTR5, which I’ve also reviewed on amazon (spoiler alert, it’s very good.) but there are many options when it comes to amp/dacs so do a bit of research before you buy if you’re unsure. On the other hand, there is an 80ohm version available, but the quality and soundstage takes a very slight hit so try to accommodate the 250ohm’s if at all possible, you won’t regret it!
I have also started using these for gaming, for which they are faultless. In shooters I feel as if I’m in the battlefield, and I can place exactly where the sounds are coming from. Combine these with a decent modmic and you’ve got the best gaming headset you’ll ever need, for not much money (compared to high end gaming headsets which sound like s*** anyway).
Overall, without spending your whole salary on audiophile gear, these are probably the best headphones for critical listening. No they’re not good for a busy train, or walking the dog, but for sitting in a quiet room, enjoying some fine music, nothing comes close for this money. I would recommend that everyone tries some high end headphones at some point in their lives, It changed how I saw music when I did, and I believe that these are some of the cheapest ways into that world. However, they may only be 110, but they’re so good that it may start you down a very expensive path in the future, so be warned.
11/10 You’d be dumb not to get them.
You won’t get any noise cancellation with these as they are open back. Great for gaming, sound is incredible. Runs perfectly fine from my GoXLR mini.
Build Quality: Pretty good as long as you remember you are only dipping your toe into the high quality headphone segment. They are solid enough if a little plasticky.
Sound Quality: Very good, with a nice wide soundstage. Bass is a little weak but that is probably understandable given the open back nature of these headphones. Unless you are a bass junkie I doubt you would be disappointed.
Comfort: Very good. These are quite light headphones and the velour covered earpieces are a joy to wear. You will be able to wear these for many hours without feeling uncomfortable.
Isolation: These are open back headphones, there is very little in the way of isolation. You can hear people speak to you or your phone ringing without any problems whatsoever. You didn’t plan on using these on the train did you? In a work or home setting being able to hear what’s going on around you, and engage in a conversation is a bonus. People sat close to you will hear what you are listening to, people in the next room will not.
Other Features: Pretty much every part of these headphones is available to buy as a spare part. That means you should be set for many many years of service from these headphones.
Driving the Headphones: If you plan on plugging these into a phone or a laptop/tablet then get the 32 ohm version, those devices don’t really have the grunt to drive these headphones. I bought the 250 ohm version and have tried them on three devices…
FiiO Olympus 2 DAC – Normal volume obtained at volume level 4, level 8 would be ear splitting. Easily capable of driving these headphones.
FiiO X3 Gen 2 media player – Normal volume obtained around volume level 75. This player is just about capable of driving these headphones but with little in reserve.
Denon RCB-M40DAB Receiver – Normal volume obtained around volume level 20. Easily driving these headphones and could probably drive the 600 ohm version if required.
Build Quality: Pretty good as long as you remember you are only dipping your toe into the high quality headphone segment. They are solid enough if a little plasticky.
Sound Quality: Very good, with a nice wide soundstage. Bass is a little weak but that is probably understandable given the open back nature of these headphones. Unless you are a bass junkie I doubt you would be disappointed.
Comfort: Very good. These are quite light headphones and the velour covered earpieces are a joy to wear. You will be able to wear these for many hours without feeling uncomfortable.
Isolation: These are open back headphones, there is very little in the way of isolation. You can hear people speak to you or your phone ringing without any problems whatsoever. You didn’t plan on using these on the train did you? In a work or home setting being able to hear what’s going on around you, and engage in a conversation is a bonus. People sat close to you will hear what you are listening to, people in the next room will not.
Other Features: Pretty much every part of these headphones is available to buy as a spare part. That means you should be set for many many years of service from these headphones.
Driving the Headphones: If you plan on plugging these into a phone or a laptop/tablet then get the 32 ohm version, those devices don’t really have the grunt to drive these headphones. I bought the 250 ohm version and have tried them on three devices…
FiiO Olympus 2 DAC – Normal volume obtained at volume level 4, level 8 would be ear splitting. Easily capable of driving these headphones.
FiiO X3 Gen 2 media player – Normal volume obtained around volume level 75. This player is just about capable of driving these headphones but with little in reserve.
Denon RCB-M40DAB Receiver – Normal volume obtained around volume level 20. Easily driving these headphones and could probably drive the 600 ohm version if required.
Fantastic headphones with great sound quality and comfort. I predominantly make electronic music and these headphones in conjunction with sonar works have a very flat frequency range giving a true sound in your mixes.
Amazon have asked me to give a star rating on noise cancellation in which I’ve given 1 star. These are open back headphones there is no noise cancellation and there doesn’t need to be as it defeats the object of the type of headphone.
I have several pairs of ear phones of various type. I was intrigued by the ambivalence of reviews and decided to try a pair. Whilst my comments are subjective I could find no justification for the “excessive sibilance”criticisms these headphones sometimes attract. I do use high quality playback equipment including a dedicated headphone amp. I would also add that I am no longer a teenager and that my abilities to detect higher frequencies are not as good as they were. For the money these headphones offer excellent value and compare favourably to some of my other headphones costing four times the price. Recommended
Very high fidelity sound, a little low on bass which is to be expected with open back headphones. My main issue is the coiled cord, becomes knotted and confused after a few months of use like old telephone wires!
I bought this for my husband, a music man, he wanted a decent set of head phones for his iPad and some other things – I love music, but have no idea about the technical things you need to make the experience better. He loves them – I just wish I had known to buy the amp too – but it has been a brilliant gift for him. Arrived promptly and beautifully packaged …. No idea what I can get him next year!
These things are unbelievable. I spent around 6 hours researching what headphones to get and I chose these. Unbelievable.
Listening to old tracks brings them to life, as long as they’re at least 320kbps Mp3s. You really can tell the difference. Best with WAV or equivalent.
Perfect for music production, EQing, mastering, everything like that. Really spreads the sound and presents each sample in full detail.
You’ll need a headphone amplifier to make the most if these because of the higher ohm rating. Once you’re set these things are absolute bliss.
Really comfortable even after hours of use super long cable which makes them easy to use the sound quality is excellent for the price but they do not cancel noise very well which is great for gaming as you can hear yourself but not too loud.
These are only the greatest studio headphones money can buy. Fantastic build quality, sound reproduction is immaculate….. A real audiophiles dream.
Absolutely lovely headphones.
Soundstage is wide and they resolve details that other headphones at this price struggle to handle. They can feed you bass too, and that’s unusual on an open back pair of cans.
If I’m listening to glitch hop or psytrance with these I find myself mentally wandering through the soundscapes and have been known to sometimes fall asleep as I totally zen out.
This is my second pair, and the first ones lasted about 10 years with a couple of pad changes (they only died as my attempt at repairing them was unfortunate)
I bought a pair of 1990’s too, but after A-B testing them both I sent the 1990’s back. I was a little disappointed as I was hoping they would be an upgrade
I play a lot of the division 2, and these are perfect for gaming. The soundstage they offer along with imaging really helps locate the baddies.
For reference, I listen to electronic, rock, folk, and indie music, and everything in between. I have dabbled with DAWs for years and so understand sound. I own KRK monitors and a few pairs of headphones from beyerdynamic and a pair of M50x for the commute.
The beyerdynamic Dt990 are in my opinion an absolute bargain, and I would buy them again in an instant.
OK, they don’t look cool, but I’m not interested in that, I just want my eardrums to be bombarded with wonderful sound waves, and these do that job very well.
For the 100 pounds I paid for these, they’re excellent. The sound range, quality and comfort is unmatched for 300 pound headphones nevermind the ones that are in the same price category.
The only issue with these is that you do truly need a good amp to use these well. Now, this is an issue with any 250 ohm headphones, and certainly ones above it. Just be prepared to spend the same amount if not more on a good amp. For reference, I have the Schiit Magni Heresy, and it only just powers it well enough.
Absolutely lovely headphones.
Soundstage is wide and they resolve details that other headphones at this price struggle to handle. They can feed you bass too, and that’s unusual on an open back pair of cans.
If I’m listening to glitch hop or psytrance with these I find myself mentally wandering through the soundscapes and have been known to sometimes fall asleep as I totally zen out.
This is my second pair, and the first ones lasted about 10 years with a couple of pad changes (they only died as my attempt at repairing them was unfortunate)
I bought a pair of 1990’s too, but after A-B testing them both I sent the 1990’s back. I was a little disappointed as I was hoping they would be an upgrade
I play a lot of the division 2, and these are perfect for gaming. The soundstage they offer along with imaging really helps locate the baddies.
For reference, I listen to electronic, rock, folk, and indie music, and everything in between. I have dabbled with DAWs for years and so understand sound. I own KRK monitors and a few pairs of headphones from beyerdynamic and a pair of M50x for the commute.
The beyerdynamic Dt990 are in my opinion an absolute bargain, and I would buy them again in an instant.
OK, they don’t look cool, but I’m not interested in that, I just want my eardrums to be bombarded with wonderful sound waves, and these do that job very well.
These came in the post today, ahead of expected delivery which was great.
Opened the parcel to find that the packaging of the headphones had not been sealed properly. The tabs had not been inserted into the slits, which looked to me as if the headphones had been opened already / pre-owned.
The sound quality is awesome, I have them plugged into a Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 Computer Audio Interface. The only issue that when I open a video in Youtube or from my file explorer, the right ear cup makes 1 or 2 very brief static ticking sound, then when closing the window, it makes the same noise. Trying to figure out what is causing this but yeah, starting to “tick” me off now.
These came in the post today, ahead of expected delivery which was great.
Opened the parcel to find that the packaging of the headphones had not been sealed properly. The tabs had not been inserted into the slits, which looked to me as if the headphones had been opened already / pre-owned.
The sound quality is awesome, I have them plugged into a Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 Computer Audio Interface. The only issue that when I open a video in Youtube or from my file explorer, the right ear cup makes 1 or 2 very brief static ticking sound, then when closing the window, it makes the same noise. Trying to figure out what is causing this but yeah, starting to “tick” me off now.
The best headphones I have found for mixing music. These are my second pair of Beyerdynamic DT990.. My first pair wore out after many years of abuse
I have a pair of Beyerdynamic dt770s already so I expected good quality headphones and these are delivering the standard that they offer at a reasonable price. At present I’m Using these for mixing whilst off the studio monitors and they no doubt help with great reference which I’m combining the use of the waves plug-in “Nx Ocean Way Nashville.” This is a marriage that I feel studio engineers or producers etc should invest in as already my mixes sound more defined, clearer and sounding how I want the music to become. Your closer to the mix than you’d expect.
A great investment and some people do say they’re sharp on the high end but that can be tweaked (when mixing) , yet I haven’t noticed it. Bass response are not so boomy as the 770s as these I feel are more accurate with that extra detail.
They are light, comfortable and easy on the ears whilst constantly listening to mixes for long periods.
I believe it’s how you hear your mix and how your ears are accustomed to headphones as much as monitors.
I have a pair of Beyerdynamic dt770s already so I expected good quality headphones and these are delivering the standard that they offer at a reasonable price. At present I’m Using these for mixing whilst off the studio monitors and they no doubt help with great reference which I’m combining the use of the waves plug-in “Nx Ocean Way Nashville.” This is a marriage that I feel studio engineers or producers etc should invest in as already my mixes sound more defined, clearer and sounding how I want the music to become. Your closer to the mix than you’d expect.
A great investment and some people do say they’re sharp on the high end but that can be tweaked (when mixing) , yet I haven’t noticed it. Bass response are not so boomy as the 770s as these I feel are more accurate with that extra detail.
They are light, comfortable and easy on the ears whilst constantly listening to mixes for long periods.
I believe it’s how you hear your mix and how your ears are accustomed to headphones as much as monitors.
Really good quality and arrived ahead of time. I would highly recommend
Excellent Sounding Hphone with good built.
However save your money and just buy DT770 Pro. The differences between the two is so negligible.
Bought from a list of ideas for Christmas for 24yr old. All feedback so far mumbled back is positive as an excellent pair of headphones.
Just putting these on made me fall in love with them so comfortable and when i put some music on i realised i had purchased the right headphones the sound quality was insane. Overall very good headphones would definitely recommend to buy
Truly pleased with these headphones. I’ve used so many headphones over the years in studios and personal hifi listening, but strangely I’ve never tried Beyers, even having sold them in the past.
I was extremely surprised and over the moon with the way these sounded, not to mention how comfortable they are. Purchased for use when I needed to rough out a mix late at night and not wanting to disturb neighbours, and flesh out the rest on monitors later. But now I use them for hifi listening, also.
I thought the bass was a bit heavy-handed at first. I’m not a big proponent of long break-in time, but I did think they did start to flatten out after maybe 5 hours or so of non-consecutive use.
My favourite headphones in my arsenal.
Much better than Sennheiser hd800 which cost 8 times more than these headphones, highs, lows, meds are the best with with these dt990 pro.. while all you get is a muddy sound with literally any sennheiser headsets.. Sennheisers and other brands which try to sell you 1k $+ headphones are simply a boutique overpriced products, just like Gucci t-shirts for 800 pounds. Just make sure to use good headphone dac/amplifier and make sure you know and understand what you want to achieve from them!!! If its for gaming look for 7.1 amp/dacs, if its not music production a different one will be required!!!! Personally I use asus xonar essence II – 7.1 which were hard to get but music sounds there amazing with those insane presets.. and games/movies became so immersive..
These are studio quality headphones with very accurate sound reproduction, don’t expect over enhanced gimmicky bass, instead enjoy your music the way the creator intended it to be.
I don’t think you will get a better set of headphones in this price range.
They are also as comfortable as strapping a pair of plush pillows to your ears and still comfortable even after hours of use.
Sublime sound quality. You will hear things in music or games you’ve never heard before. I can’t explain how good these are. They work well from a phone which is an unexpected bonus, but plug them into a little USB sound card or amp to unleash them.
used with my hi fi system, the impedance may catch some out at 900ohms, so people may prefer the non pro versio
The sound and comfort were great however after just 2 days the cable became loose and started making a loud cracking sound inside the headphones when they were moved
These headphones are fantastic, really comfortable, super soft I could game in these beauts all day!
This is the 2nd pair I’ve bought, I was that impressed with my boys set that I absolutely had to have them.
The only bad point is for cable management purposes, I had to order a cable extension as the lead wasn’t quite long enough.
Make sure your gear can drive the 250 Ohm version, mine couldn’t, so whilst they sounded great and fit well, they were very quiet. I sold them on as they weren’t right for my set up.
As a man that’s gamed for going on almost 20 years, the sound quality is superb. The stretch cable is fantastic and the noise cancelling is impressive. My only gripe is the weight of the set. After just an hour and a half, I found if I didn’t wear it *just* right, head aches would ensue. HOWEVER – They are superb and I wear mine with a baseball cap now (seems to sort the issue). Well worth the money considering the quality.
These are reference headphones, studio monitor. They provide a flat true sound of the audio you’re working on. The 80 ohm version has more bass, these have less. Because they are reference monitors you can get fatigue from listening for long periods. But the headphones are great, well made and will last for years.
I bought them specifically for gaming and to use it with my PC. For this use case they work out perfectly, however remember that they require more power than typical headphones so I bought an additional DAC/AMP for that purpose. However, my colleague bought the same after checking mine out and uses them directly from motherboard and says that it still works ok. Overall great purchase for me!
Literally, I use this for movies, gaming, youtube videos, etc. Never disappointed me plus it is extremely comfy. I have had them for over 2 years and I won’t be replacing them anytime soon.
Excellent Bass for a open-headphone very tuneful but not bass heavy at all
– however the vocals and higher frequencies feel a little closed in and not that clear as i hoped for, the vocals sounded a touch thick in the upper bass
– however for the price the Sound quality is a bit above average for what you get with the DT990pro studio
… i compared these to my Amiron headphones and so this is maybe a little unfair to the DT 990 pro as there under 1/4 the price of the Amiron
… ‘however’ the DT990 pro studio had a clearly superior Bass which surprised me
i found the DT990prp very Comfortable to wea
Had wanted these for awhile and after listening to them for 9 months now can confidently reccomend them.
Things I personally like:
The earcups, If you wear glasses of a thin metal style their great can’t speak for thicker frames.
But they are comfortable after very long listening hours (I have worn them for over 14 before)
Plus easily cleanable given their material.
The general frame&band, It’s a good metallic style that sits comfortably and is well adjustable
It doesn’t at any point for me feel like their pinching on your head.
The cord is a good length, springy enough to let you move about but not too much that it would pull a quartcher inch jack out which leads me to the next point of the cord. At the end is a 3.5mm but it comes with a screw on Quarter Inch jack and that much appreciated of a little feature.
Sound, for me after listening to more expensive headphones in the past through different setups I can confidently say that for their price they do punch above their weight if I had a particular point in their sound to make it’d be that on a flat EQ they are little less bassy than I’d like but then again these headphones can be adjusted to your preference easily aslong as you provide the right setup for them.
They are semi-open back headphones as well so do make note of that, They’re not so open back that the person next to you can tell exactly what your listening to but you can very much hear them still without it feeling intrusive.
The single thing I don’t like:
The way the cord is attatched to the headphones.
It’s an odd style I wish that they’d just provide a locking quarter inch out from the cups withe cable we get instead or atleast very much change the method how the cable is fixed inside.
The reason for this overtime for me they have developed a rattle where that cable attaches and I’ll probably end up modifying the headphones because of this eventually as you’ll hear a sharp tick as it moves back and fourth when you turn your head and so on.
Great headphones couldn’t say to a person who’s looking at them to not get them if it fits the type of headphones they’re looking for.
Had wanted these for awhile and after listening to them for 9 months now can confidently reccomend them.
Things I personally like:
The earcups, If you wear glasses of a thin metal style their great can’t speak for thicker frames.
But they are comfortable after very long listening hours (I have worn them for over 14 before)
Plus easily cleanable given their material.
The general frame&band, It’s a good metallic style that sits comfortably and is well adjustable
It doesn’t at any point for me feel like their pinching on your head.
The cord is a good length, springy enough to let you move about but not too much that it would pull a quartcher inch jack out which leads me to the next point of the cord. At the end is a 3.5mm but it comes with a screw on Quarter Inch jack and that much appreciated of a little feature.
Sound, for me after listening to more expensive headphones in the past through different setups I can confidently say that for their price they do punch above their weight if I had a particular point in their sound to make it’d be that on a flat EQ they are little less bassy than I’d like but then again these headphones can be adjusted to your preference easily aslong as you provide the right setup for them.
They are semi-open back headphones as well so do make note of that, They’re not so open back that the person next to you can tell exactly what your listening to but you can very much hear them still without it feeling intrusive.
The single thing I don’t like:
The way the cord is attatched to the headphones.
It’s an odd style I wish that they’d just provide a locking quarter inch out from the cups withe cable we get instead or atleast very much change the method how the cable is fixed inside.
The reason for this overtime for me they have developed a rattle where that cable attaches and I’ll probably end up modifying the headphones because of this eventually as you’ll hear a sharp tick as it moves back and fourth when you turn your head and so on.
Great headphones couldn’t say to a person who’s looking at them to not get them if it fits the type of headphones they’re looking for.
I had heard DT 990s, amp/dac and modmic was the go to set up for PC gaming. In my mind these headphones were going to be the second coming and I’d become a Counter Strike god.
In reality the headphones are kind of uncomfortable and after a month of use haven’t really moulded to my head as I’ve read in other reviews. The treble in my opinion makes for uncomfortable listening, some reviews say it is too much and some say it is just right. In my opinion if there is a treble heavy sound it feels like I’m getting stabbed in my ears, if somebody sniffles on Discord I will hear it in my soul. It’s gross. I don’t feel these are much above the 45 pair of Corsair headphones in terms of sound quality but maybe I need a better amp to get the full experience so I haven’t judged these too harshly.
If I could buy a pair all over again I have no idea what I would get – I liked the look of AKGs but the sound stage is bad for gaming according to reviews. I don’t feel the DT990s are the end goal for gaming but I don’t know what else there is.
I got the black edition because the standard was out of stock – is it worth another 25ish for black ear cups? Nah not really.
For reference I am using a Sound Blaster X3 to run these – It is very possible I need a separate amp to run these.
The sound quality is amazing on these it’s so clear but if you want to get 100% out of them you will need and amp don’t use them with a playstation or xbox controller cause they’ll be too low but for a PC or laptop they work perfectly
Before getting this I used Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Closed Back Headphones and while they do sound great and true to sound after 1 hour it was getting uncomfortable, my ears would start feel sweaty and hot and I had to take 10-15 min breaks to be able to use it.
I have to say this Beyerdynamics feel A LOT more comfortable I’ve been using them well over 2 months now and even after 4-5 hours of use they still feel comfortable
This isy first open back headphones and at first I wasn’t sure about it but now I’m happy I went for this option rather than closed back – unless you are recording vocals or instruments, open back feels a lot more natural in terms of sound as its not fully isolated between a headphone and your air and also back to comfortable part, I guess because of airflow from outside makes them extra comfortable as you don’t get fatigue or ears tired.
They are very light, cushions feel super smooth and soft (you’ll know what I mean the moment you’ll put this on) and metal parts make headphones feel super sturdy and high quality.
Well… 10/10 especially for this price range!
These are without a doubt, the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever worn. I have them on for 5 to 6 hours at a time and there is absolutely no discomfort. The sound quality is excellent, they’re not entirely flat but if you’re reference mixing, the compensation in any top end brightness is negated as you’ll be referencing a “brightened” sound anyway. I’m using alongside a FiiO e10k headphone amp. Without it, the sounds are very quiet (this is for the 250ohm version) and you’re not getting the full benefit of the high impedance features. Check the rating on your soundcard first before considering a headphone amp.
My setup is iFI ZEN DAC/Headphone amp with hi-res streaming on iMAC. I’m very impressed on the clarity, detail and overall presentation from this headphone. They are big and bulky as you would expect from a pro equipment but once put on, it is easy to forget even for long music sessions. Tried so called ‘hifi’ headphones upto 600 range, but they all disappoint. . Hence the move to pro-gear and I can say I’m satisfied with it’s sound and build quality. to get the best from these headphones, I would suggest to listen to high quality music such as 24bit or studio masters which is easily available from qubuz or tidal.
Great headphones. You will need a good amp to get the best out of them. Very comfy for long listening sessions. Solid build quality. But hey these are tried & tested over many years. In happy thank you. Ps I can’t comment for gaming as I’m not a gamer.
The headphones are really comfy to wear and sound amazing. I can not fault the build quality what so ever it feels really premium. I use a Sound Blaster G6 amp to drive these headphones. Bear in mind these are open back headphones so they do little to non noise canceling.
I wasn’t satisfied with the 770s handling low end bass so went for these and so glad i did. The sound is much better overall with less distortion, clearer bass and treble.
You’ll need a good soundcard to drive this 250 ohm version. My focusrite scarlett 2i4 drives them perfectly at more than enough volume but it’s even better connected to my new jds Atom amp. They’re not perfect but i think you’d be hard pushed to find better at this price.
Bought for my son who produces music. He loves them. Very comfortable
This thing is hearing killer.
You will need amplifier for 250Ohm variant as device only will not be enough to push enough power for these.
After you get an amp for these be careful and keep your sound bellow 50% as these can get deadly loud.
Sound quality is very good but still can be a bit unbalanced as higher pitch tones are amplified on these and will sound weird if listened on higher volume. Bass side is just perfect and will give you deep and rich sound.
Comfort with these is medium to high and can be used for longer period as thick memory foam is added.
Long, stretchy, thick and durable wire with 3.5mm jack with adaptor for 6.35mm audio jack gives these headphones another + on top.
I have been looking for a pair of studio recording headphones and i am very pleased with my purchase.
Was recommended beyerdynamics by a colleague and I can’t blame them, they’re fantastic! Incredibly comfy, sound quality is amazing for music, gaming and films. Using the beyerdynamic dt 990 pro 250 ohm with Creative Audigy FX works grea
Been using these for music producing, listening and gaming for a few months and compared to the audio technica m50x they are less curved on the EQ. But the sound is fantastic and hands down these are the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever worn. You forget you’re wearing them. Open back is great.
Finally, after a couple months or so one ear suddenly stopped working. I took great care over treating these cans well, and explained that to the seller who sent me a full refund in under 2 weeks.
These things are… AMAZING. Super comfy for when you have long gaming sessions and the 7.1 surround sound is great. No different then the astro’s I paid 279 for previously a few years ago.
The open back design means that they are light and comfy during long hour sessions, there isn’t really any ear fatigue that I get after say 4/5+ hours. I also love the fact the head strap can be removed and replaced!!! This is what all headphones should be.
Overall, really comfy, long coiled cable, stylish, great sound. Only side notes are that you will need an AMP or shadow power to power them (unless you’re using a macbook pro, works with my 2019 16″ macbook pro plugged straight in)
Thing is, EQ can be adjusted to account for the amount of high treble/sibilance these headphones have, but what you can’t do is make any other headphone as comfortable as these.
So buy these and tweak the master EQ when mixing/mastering, job done.
With the 250 Ohm impedance, I can’t make music go uncomfortably loud even if I crank my Scarlett Solo interface, which is probably a good thing. The aforementioned harsh sibilance is only uncomfortable when you roll off the volume.
At the other end of the frequency spectrum, the bass is present and balanced, which is probably not what you want if you’re a hip-hop producer that’s mixing for face-melted and club-shattering bass. In which case, you want the 770s which are apparently identical to the 990s but for having stronger bass from the closed-back construction.
Wow what can i say the DT990’s are amazing well have been up until today, For some unknown reason out of the blue the right headphone has literally just stopped working mid game. Purchased less than a year ago in Aug 2019 i make sure i look after my headphones so issues like this don’t happen. All being said they are truly brilliant and im sure if i reach out to Beyerdynamic they will offer to help.
hese are quite ridiculously good for 100.00. I have spent 2000.00 on headphones and amps and these are maybe 5% less quality than spending all that hard earned cash. Its all about whether or not you like the Beyer sound signature, which for me is absolutely spot on .BUY THESE WITH ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE!!!! I will be doing a full review as time permits . Thank you beyerdynamic . you do need a good amp though !!! a must im using a chord mojo for my portable setup absolutely sublime!!!!!!!
Came a day early which is always nice.
These are a staple of amazing sound, build quality doesn’t get much better than these for what you pay for.
Frequency response is almost perfect and blow any other phones out of the water at this price point.
Excellent sound quality and fantastic clarity. I can see why these are great for analytics. For me though, the highs were too strong for everyday listening. I found they were pretty good for gaming though. Got the 770 pro instead and they are very similiar, just a little more bassy with less harsh highs. Overall, great headphones and recommended if you need that high level of detail.
I went from my HyperX Cloud 2 to these DT 990’s and WOW what an upgrade. I’ve been using these for 3 weeks now and they sound absolutely fantastic, i use the mostly for gaming and the sound quality is out of this world, you hear every little detail and everything sounds so realistic. I know some find the Treble piercing but i honestly find it ok, doesn’t bother me at all. As for comfort i did find the clamping force a bit tight at first but it is starting to break in now and feels really comfortable. Also the build quality is really good and nothing feels cheap or like it would break easily.
My BF also brought a pair as he loved the sound of them.