Bosch Professional Laser Measure GLM 40 (with Memory Function, Measuring Range: 0.15 – 40 m, 2 x 1.5 V Batteries, Protective Bag)

Laser measure

GLM 40 Professional

Due to its compact dimensions, the measuring tool is an extremely convenient tool that is suitable for everyday use and fits in every pocket. It delivers precise results up to a distance of 40 m to within 1.5 mm.


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    Continuous measurement function

    By means of the continuous measuring function, it is possible to move with the laser measuring tool and not only to measure distances but also to determine distances in rooms or on a wall.

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    Automatic area and volume calculation

    Not only lengths can be measured, but areas can be determined and volumes can also be calculated. The tool is ideal for use on the construction site and saves valuable time.

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    Setting the unit of measurement

    Select different units of measurement for your measurements. You have the choice between specifications in metres, feet or inches.

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    Storage of the last 10 measurements

    The memory function of the laser measure allows the last ten measurement results to be saved, thus preventing transmission errors.


Measurement capabilities

Length measurements, area determination and volume calculation can be carried out.



The GLM 40 Professional is a robust tool for construction site use with IP 54.


Measuring range

Measuring range between 0.15 m and 40 m.



Certification with ISO standard 16331-1.


Comparison table


GLM 40


GLM 30


GLM 50 C


GLM 120 C


GLm 250 VF

Indoors Indoors Indoors Outdoors Outdoors
Colour display
Li-ion battery
Up to 40 m Up to 30 m Up to 50 m 120 m 250 m
+/- 1,5 mm +/- 2 mm +/- 1,5 mm +/- 1,5 mm +/- 1 mm

The GLM 40 Professional

Items included


Weight: 90 g
Dimensions: 10.5 x 4.1 x 2.4 cm; 90 Grams
Model: GLM 40
Colour: Blue
Manufacture: Bosch Professional
Colour: Blue

181 Responses

  1. ZoraH45oek says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersProduto pequeno, leve, boa empunhadura com acabamento emborrachado, acompanha estojo de transporte que pode ser fixado ao cinto, fcil manuseio e com boas funes: medida fixa, medida contnua, clculo de rea, volume, Pitgoras simples (calcula o cateto oposto baseado nas medidas do cateto adjacente e da hipotenusa), memria das ltimas 10 aferies, tela iluminada e com excelente visualizao ao ar livre. Fiz vrios testes em minha casa, reas internas e externas, mveis, paredes, etc e notei uma grande preciso nas medidas (usei uma trena manual Starrett como referncia. Algumas vezes houve diferena de 0,5mm (isso mesmo: meio milmetro) e, no manual, est descrito erro de 1,5mm. Como todo produto eletrnico de preciso, delicado e deve ser manuseado com cuidado, evitando-se quedas ou apertes bruscos. O nico ponto negativo, mas j comprei sabendo disso, o fato de no se poder escolher de onde parte o incio da medida: base ou topo do produto. Sempre mede pela base, o que no chega a ser um problema. Recomendo sem ressalvas, principalmente se comparado aos concorrentes de marcas e qualidade duvidosas e com preos muito semelhantes.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent tool, saves me so much time in my line of work (window surveying?

  3. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Amei, estava a espera do produto pra chegar depois do dia 15/12 e chegou ontem dia 07/12. Maravilhoso, veio bem embalado, com todas as informaes e nota fiscal. Aprovado!

  4. Lisabelle Gonsalves Team iDiva says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Perfeito.Produto como anunciado. Veio tudo certinho. Comprei sbado a noite. Hoje tera a tarde j estava em casa. Entrega antes do previato

    Satisfeita demais

  5. Rob Hunter says:


    Como trabalho com medidas internas a trena de bastante utilidade. Produto bom, preciso nas medidas, armazena medidas em sua memria, clculo de rea Pitgoras simples. Altamente recomendvel!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Der Entfernungsmesser hat beim Aufma der Verlattung und anschlieend bei den Rigipsplatten wertvolle Dienste auf unserem Dachboden geleistet. Selbst anfallender Gipsstaub in der Luft und auf dem Gert beeintrchtigten die Messgenauigkeit nicht. Das Gert hat sich absolut bewhrt und gehrt ab jetzt als Standardausrstung mit in meinen Werkzeugkoffer. Als schnelle, einfache und leichte Alternative zum Zollstock bzw. Bandma einfach nur zu empfehlen.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent tool – nothing to complain about – i can only just recommend it as super easy to use and very good price also.
    It comes with battery. Thank you.

  8. ChristiXWC says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Otima trena, bem precisa e com conexo com o celular. Muito bom

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch habe lange nach einem Laser Entfernungsmesser geschaut. Allerdings haben mich hufig der Preis und die Przession von einem Kauf abgehalten. Ursprnglich wollte ich den GLM 50 haben, da dieser die gemessenen Raummae direkt in eine Software bertrgt. Allerdings habe ich hier immer wieder negative Rezessionen gelesen. Somit war mir der Aufschlag fr diese Funktion einfach zu hoch. Der Laser funktioniert einwandfrei und wirkt uerst robust. Die mitgelieferte Hlle schtzt das Gert, sofern es gerade nicht verwendet wird, sehr gut. Ich habe den Laser regelmig beruflich im Einsatz. Hier erfllt er smtliche Erwartungen. Auch die Akkulaufzeit finde ich bisher sehr gut. Im Freien muss man tatschlich aber etwas genauer hinschauen. Fr den Innenbereich allerdings sehr empfehlenswert. Da es bei mir nicht auf jeden Millimeter ankommt, kann ich nicht sagen, ob die Abweichungen mit denen von Bosch angegebenen Werten bereinstimmen. Fr meine Zwecke ist es genau genug.

  10. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    produto bom, mas o preo no condiz com a realidade, Muito fora dos padres, ainda mais um produto fabricado no BR.

  11. CorinaGillott says:

     United Kingdom

    Been using a Leica Disto up till now but it requires calibration which will cost almost 40. I decided instead to try this Bosch one instead which means a difference to me of 30.
    Right choice. This is more compact and initial checks have sown it to be spot on. My only gripe is the level of sound from the beep, it’s so quiet. It can only be heard about two inches from your ear.

    If you don’t really mind not hearing the beep then it’s an excellent choice.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Muy buen producto. Pero no mide pulgadas solas. Solamente centmetro, pieS, pies/pulgadas.
    Lo tuve que regresar ya que sin esa opcin no me era funcional.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersStrumento semplice da utilizzare, basta poggiare il metro e puntare il laser. Premendo l’unico pulsante sull’apparecchio si ottiene la misura precisissima. Corpo leggermente gommato per un ottimo grip.

    Ho effettuato diverse misure all’interno di edifici, test ripetuti non hanno dato scostamenti.

    Arriva completo di due batterie ed subito funzionante. Nella confezione troviamo anche il manuale di istruzioni ma inutile considerando quanto semplice da usare. Comprende la custodia con fibbia per attaccarlo alla cintura.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our UsersE sei que ela feita para uso interno, mas imaginei que pelo menos medidas pequenas ela conseguiria no claro. Nem mesmo 3 metros no sol ela consegue. No dou 5 estrelas pq a Bosch s fez uma para uso no sol a partir de 120 m. Que custa mais de 1000 reais. Totalmente fora de cogitao pra maioria das pessoas. Se eu mexo com reformas, pq eu compraria uma trena de 120 metros? Coloquem a tecnologia nas menores tambm.

  15. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    A trena agilizou muito o meu trabalho, com isso meus levantamentos que demandavam mais tempo, consegui reduzir pela metade, simples e fcil de usar. Obrigado!!

  16. ErvinZbbzibiz says:

     United Kingdom

    Just so handy when it comes to measuring room sizes, would be lost without, a bit like a Sat Nav,(think about it)

  17. Anonymous says:


    O produto muito fcil de usar, rapidamente voc aprende a usar as funes disponveis. bem construdo e resistente. Recomendo a todos.

  18. JoellenFincham says:

     United Kingdom

    20 meters is the max range on a white wall by day.

  19. SubiC23lifdads says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Produto de alta qualidade e preciso. Chegou antes da data prevista

    Trena se 40 m

  20. CharlesCharlest says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    chegou super rpido e de tima qualidade, pequena e vem com case para levar.

  21. MargotCastellan says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Fiz a compra da trena GLM 40, a qual j era meu desejo de aquisio h tempos e o produto atendeu perfeitamente minhas expectativas, alm da entrega na qual foi rpida, antes do prazo informado.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersComprei sabendo que era uma trena para medidas internas, e tima para arquitetos, ou quem trabalha com projetos, fazendo levantamentos, etc. J para obras no achei muito prtica, mesmo para medidas de paredes, a preciso em superfcies irregulares como em chapiscos, no das melhores. Tambm h uma certa dificuldade em ambientes ensolarados, como o caso da maioria das obras, tendo muitas vezes que fazer sombras, ou esperar uma hora mais propcia. Quanto funo pitgoras (para obter alturas), no nada prtica e praticamente impossvel obter alturas precisas com ela, devido a dificuldade de posicionar o laser na altura correta. Ainda me vejo utilizando a trena manual em 90% dos casos, mas ainda assim, til para medidas internas, em reas de grandes vos, ou grandes escavaes, que uma trena manual simples no teria alcance e eu precisaria de outra pessoa para fazer a medio. Ento se voc engenheiro de obras ou construtor, deve-se analisar com cuidado se realmente h necessidade, pois um investimento considervel.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEs lo que esperaba pero lo que no me agrada es que no maneja la unidad en cm y era lo que mas nesecitaba trabajo en centmetros porque fabrico muebles no uso metros y menos pulgadas y o pies por todo lo dems muy bien la presicion es muy buena en sta marca nada les costaba mover el punto 2 cifras y convertir los metros en centmetros

    No maneja centímetros como unidades

  24. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    A trena super fcil de usar, ajudando muito no meu trabalho.
    Quanto a entrega, s elogios. Comprei em uma sexta-feira a noite e chegou na 2a-feira. Fui contando com a sorte, pois precisava dela pra tera e deu Super recomendo.

  25. Anonymous says:


    A trena consegue fazer medies de vrias formas; tem memria; faz clculo. Mais do que eu esperava!

  26. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Produto bom, apesar de ser pequeno feito de um material bem resistente. Fcil de usar, o manual explica bem todas as funes e ele veio com duas pilhas na caixa.

  27. NathaniHigdon says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUse uno similar de otra marca por un tiempo, por lo que investigue y fue que eleg este producto que es ms compacto y preciso.

  28. Therese says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems like good quality, this a small unit and easy to use.

  29. Adam Poltrack says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersViene en una funda que se puede enganchar al cinturn y tiene unas medidas muy reducidas, as que es perfecto, ligero para llevarlo a todas partes. An no he podido hacer uso de todas sus funciones. El PERO, es que por el precio que tiene, debera de ir ms protegido. Tan solo lleva las 2 esquinas delanteras y superiores protegidas con refuerzos de caucho, y la parte de atrs est completamente desprotegida, por lo que intuyo que una simple cada, muy fcil cuando uno hace bricolaje y lleva cien mil cosas en las manos, puede acabar con un aparatito de casi 100 euros. Una pena, pero me lo quedo y procurar que su cada llegue en muchos aos.

  30. GonzaloGain says:


    Sono soddisfatto dell’acquisto. Nel mio caso il bosch GLM 40, risultato preciso e di facile utilizzo. Se devo trovarci un difetto direi che i tasti li avrei preferiti “tradizionali” quelli presenti sul prodotto non sembrano robusti e affidabili in caso di uso prolungato. Per un prodotto professionale mi sarei aspettato un aspetto pi solido.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersDafr werden nur zwei Tasten bentig. Einmal die Power- Taste, um das Gert einzuschalten und als nchstes die rote Pfeiltaste gedrckt und solange gehalten bis ein Ton die korrekte Messung besttigt.
    Diese Messung wird automatisch gespeichert und es knnen direkt bis zu 10 weitere Messwerte hinzugefgt werden.
    Die Messgenauigkeit von 1,5 mm auf Knopfdruck ist fr mich jedenfalls genauer wie mit jedem Gliedermastab. Die Maangabe ist fix, also das was auf dem Display steht ist von Wand zu Wand gemessen
    Im Innenbereich ist der rote Laserpunkt immer recht gut zu sehen, im Auenbereich bei Sonnenschein natrlich auch Entfernung entscheidend weniger oder gar nicht.
    Das Display des GLM 40 ist beim Messen beleuchtet und gut ablesbar mit integrierter Abschaltautomatik nach 5 Minuten.
    In der Schutztasche ist es immer gut geschtzt und bis zum nchsten Einsatz aufgehoben.
    Mir jedenfalls ist das kleine, handliche, einfach zu bedienende Bosch Professional GLM 40 Gert locker wert, denn mit einem Gliedermastab/Zollstock bekomme ich niemals ein Messergebnis schneller oder genauer hin.
    Dem einem gengt’s, dem anderen ist es vielleicht noch zu unprofessionell, muss halt jeder fr sich entscheiden.
    Ich jedenfalls messe damit und mir gefllt’s

    👍 Die selbsterklärende einfache Bedienung gefällt mir besonders gut 👍

  32. HesterKlug says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVersand lief super.

    Das Gert sitzt toll in der hand, das tschchen ist auch super und man kann es am grtel befestigen. Am Gert ist ein kleines loch fr ein band vorhanden wie man es von schlsselanhngern kennt.

    Das Teil macht was es soll, einfache benutzung, przise messung. Man kann gleich die flche und das volumen eines raums damit berechnen.

    Wer es aber im nanometerbereich wissen muss der sollte eventuell mehr geld ausgeben. Auch da hat Bosch natrlich gute produkte fr uns. Mir hat es dieses hier angetan, bin zufrieden!

    Man muss nicht immer viel geld ausgeben um eine gute qualitt zu bekommen – Bosch hat hier ein super angebot fr uns!

    Danke! Empfehle ich als innenarchitekt weiter!

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersAfter nearly causing a divorce, I have realised a tape measure and a spouse really don’t mix. Wives seem to be accurate to within an inch or two, depending on concentration and competence levels. ‘Hold it to the end’, followed by ‘right to the end’ to get three different readings for one length of one wall prompted me to either find a new partner, or a new measuring device. The Bosch GLM30 is not the cheapest digital measure, but still cheaper than a divorce and subscription to I’m not convinced after a divorce and courting the replacement would be any more accurate, so I plumped for the Bosch GLM30!

    It is not the cheapest digital measure, especially as it is quite basic in its capabilities, it doesn’t do area and can’t download the measurements via Bluetooth as some others can. However, it is very easy to use and very consistent in its measurements. I saw cheaper and would question their consistent accuracy. After a house move I had nine vertical blinds to order, three measurements for each for height and drop, it took seconds to measure the recesses absolutely spot on, With a tape, wife’s help or not, it would be a lot longer and unreliable. Also used for measuring rooms for skirting boards and coving, and planning the new kitchen. Wish Id invested in one years ago. Used outdoors is ok in shady conditions to 8-9 metres, in sunlight the beam is invisible. There are more complicated measures around, but I prefer the quality of Bosch and the simplicity of using this measure. I certainly don’t regret buying this model, it does what it was designed to do simply and moreover accurately.

  34. GeorgiaPhipps says:

     Mexico 🇲🇽

    Muy prctico, cabe en la bolsa del pantaln, y con las funciones bsicas. Lo malo es de pilas.

  35. Lizzie Cox says:


    ima ferramenta, leve, compacta e precisa, em alguns momentos talvez voc vai precisar da trena normal mas essa ajuda muito e torna seu trabalho mais profissional.
    Bem construdo, vem com capa para proteo no transporte e armazenamento.
    Se for usar em ar livre talvez seja deva considerar a de laser verde mais cara mas aparece mais as marcas eu talvez migre para o laser verde porque em alguns momentos o laser vermelho apaga ento uso o espelho que vem com ele ou uma folha de papel branco.

  36. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersOrdinato per errore, ho dovuto restituirlo. Ho letto la recensione di un altro distanziometro che mi ha fatto credere avesse il mirino ottico, in realt era difficile lo avesse per quel prezzo. L’articolo comunque molto piccolo e maneggevole, uso molto semplice ed intuitivo, fornito di custodia molto ben fatta e protettiva che si pu agganciare in cinta. Viene fornito di batterie. Procedura reso Amazon sempre ottima, rimborsato il giorno stesso della spedizione.

  37. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Amei a trena. Super prtica e quebra um galho gigantesco, comparada com a trena convencional. Super recomendo.
    Amazon est de parabns. Produto chegou em perfeito estado e antes do prazo.

  38. Anonymous says:


    A very handy, useful, accurate and sturdy product. Makes measuring a fun thing. Got addicted to it the moment I got delivery of the product. So addictive that I had to order the second one after I lost the first piece a couple of months after I bought it.
    Do buy along with the pouch to avoid the chances of misplacing it.
    You would need a tape to measure length less than 15cm though.

  39. AnneBivins says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Excelente produto. S tenha cuidado com muita exposio a luz. Pode gerar interferncia no laser da trena.

  40. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Gostei bastante dessa trena, pois fcil de manusear e com uma preciso muito boa.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It does exactly as describes, as you would expect from Bosch and is easy to use. Very accurate.

  42. Nick Hastings says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Adorei. Tudo que precisava. Ela tira volume, rea, medida dinmica. Tudo! Bem pequena e eficiente. Amei.

  43. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Excelente produto! Pesquisei suas caractersticas antes da compra e conclui que atenderia s minhas necessidades, o que provou ser verdadeiro. O preo foi o menor que encontrei. Recomendo.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Small ,accurate , and does what it says on the tin. excellent buy

  45. Anonymous says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    muito prtica e boa preciso nas medies, timas funcionalidades de recursos

  46. Jacinto02Q says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent tool, made my life easier and it’s spot on accurate.

  47. Jonathan Terrasi says:


    Chegou em 2 dias!!! Normalmente as entregas demoram mais de 10 dias para chegar.
    A trena fcil de usar. Cumpre o que promete.
    No incio desconfiei pelo tamanho dele que bem
    menor que eu pensava mas faz tudo que precisamos com
    agilidade e rapidez. Recomendo a todos.

  48. Anonymous says:


    S no vou dar 5 estrelas, porque ela tem dificuldade de aferir a distncia em locais muito claros, expostos ao sol. Ento dependendo do horrio a medio vai dar erro. Tirando isso, a trena muito boa.

  49. AundreaPhilipp says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersSuper compacta, cabe no bolso, apesar de vir com um case personalizado da Bosch. A medidas so precisas, e a funo tringulo de Pitgoras te d medidas de alturas de pontos onde voc no consegue medir alturas. Excelente aquisio. Fao muitos trabalhos de levantamento arquitetnico, onde, com a trena a lazer, fica tudo mais rpido e preciso. Consegui diminuir em 50% o tempo que levava para medir uma casa com uma trena comum. Muito satisfeito.

  50. TressaBaecker says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVenho na metade do tempo calculado. A trena vem com capinha e duas pilhas, completinho. timo produto, j usei bastante e no tive problema nem um. Indico!

    Ótimo produto

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Husband very pleased with his present amazed at the accuracy and calculationd

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was a gift to a family member who is very pleased with it.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This turned an a hour long measuring job into something that took only a few minutes. Not having to move furniture and other things out of the way to get an accurate measurement of a room saves so much time. It’s pretty straightforward to use, although i think having a second button would have helped out a bit, trying to change units is a faff, but the actual measurement process (press once to get the laser on so you can target it, then again to take a reading) is very smooth.

    For bonus points you can use it to annoy a cat.

  54. TGNDireGaming says:


    Golden Review Award: 34 From Our UsersJ conhecia o produto por terceiros e utilizava a trena da empresa. Mesmo tendo outras mais baratas no mercado, a qualidade da Bosch faz valer o investimento. Por experincia prpria, a trena cai na obra, suja…. e ela continua firme e forte! O tamanho dela timo para guardar na bolsa e estar sempre em mo quando precisamos. Recomendo!
    E sobre a entrega da Amazon, foi tima. Fiz o pedido no dia 14/06 (sexta) e acrescentei entrega expressa, com previso para entrega no dia 19/06 (quarta); chegou na segunda dia (17/06) bem embalada e protegida. Estou feliz e satisfeita.

    Excelente produto! Entrega expressa chegou antes do previsto. :)

  55. CNET Writers says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple to use and so much more efficient! Great product!

  56. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersBonsoir,
    Un petit retour sur ce tlmtre laser de la marque Bosch Professionnal.
    Je l’utilise rgulirement dans mon travail et je peux affirmer qu’il est juste +/- 1~2mm (test avec un mettre sur une longueur de 5 mtres.)
    Fonctionne ds 15cm jusqu’ 40 mtres.
    Il y a plusieurs fonctions comme la mesure directe, l’addition et/ou soustraction de mesure, calcul automatique de surface, volume des pices, fonction Pythagore…
    Un excellent produit, je vous le conseil les yeux ferms !!!

    Excellent et Utile

  57. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUn piccolo metro laser molto comodo per le dimensioni direi tascabile ma con potenzialit elevate, l’ho testato in distanze non oltre i 3 mt e praticamente l’errore nullo, penso che fino a 20 metri rimanga ancora molto preciso, a 40 sicuramente perder qualcosa ma i 40 sono il suo limite massimo, se serve misurare quelle distanze ci sono modelli superiori a costo maggiore

  58. NoellaScheffel says:

     Brazil 🇧🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEsta trena laser da Bosch o melhor custo-benefcio do mercado.
    Possui bons recursos de medio e altssima preciso!
    Com ela voc no ter mais problemas em efetuar medies sozinho!

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Use this regularly for work. Easy to use and very accurate.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was brought for my 19th birthday, one of the best additions to the tool kit, would completely recommend

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersLa prcision est trs bonne, je suis menuisier, je m’en sert rgulirement et il est fiable.
    C’est la version la plus simple et finalement a me convient bien.
    J’ai fait le choix des piles pour pouvoir les changer rapidement car la batterie rechargeable peut tomber en panne au plus mauvais moment: si vous n’avez pas le chargeur et une prise de courant sous la main c’est embtant. L’inconvnient sera le changement des piles tout les 6 mois environ.
    Pour une utilisation trs intensive (des dizaines de fois par jour) je recommanderai la version batterie rechargeable. Pour une utilisation moins intensive je recommande celui-ci.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality product made light work of measuring window recesses for new shutters. Great as only need on pair of hands unlike tradition.

  63. WardBuckner says:

     United Kingdom

    Very happy with this product
    And the speed of Delivery

  64. Pat93Jstiklb says:

     United Kingdom

    I have held back from buying this type of distance measure. This one is compact, easy to use and has a nice clear screen. I suspect that i wont use it often enough to remember all of the functionality so important to keep manual handy.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch habe einige Zeit berlegt, ob ich mir das Lasermessgert von Bosch blau oder grn bzw. die einfache Version (nur Lngenmessung) oder die Luxusversion” mit Flchen- und Volumenmessung, sowie App Untersttzung kaufen soll.

    Ich habe mich letztendlich fr den GLM 30 entschieden, also die einfache Version von Bosch Professional. Entscheidend fr die Wahl war die beworbene Messgenauigkeit und die Tatsache, dass man sich den Mehrpreis fr Flchen- und Volumenberechnung getrost sparen kann, da man zwei bis drei Messwerte auch problemlos im Handy oder gar im Kopf multiplizieren kann. Dafr muss man nicht den doppelten Preis ausgeben (zumindest nicht als Heimwerker, der damit kein Geld verdient).

    Diese Entscheidung habe ich nicht bereut. Die Messungen mit dem GLM 30 sind wirklich extrem genau. Ich habe zu Testzwecken mehrfach identische Distanzen gemessen. Die Messwerte des Gerts waren in allen Fllen jeweils identisch (maximale Abweichung der Werte 1mm). Die Messwerte habe ich spter manuell nochmal nachgemessen und konnte die Werte in allen Fllen besttigen. Die Messungen sind absolut przise und genauer als mit einem Zollstock. Selbst auf unebenen Untergrnden wie Rauhfasertapeten liefert das Gert przise Ergebnisse.
    Das Messgert ist dabei absolut einfach zu bedienen. Das Gert wird mit einem einzigen Knopf ein- und ausgeschaltet und auch aktiviert. Eine Fehlbedienung ist nahezu unmglich. Der Laserpunkt, der das Ziel der Messung markiert, ist dabei ordentlich hell und auch in hellen Rumen deutlich zu erkennen.
    Wer zum Beispiel ein Haus renoviert, der wird mit diesem Gert (im Vergleich zum Zollstock) jede Menge Zeit einsparen.

    Warum ich einen Stern abziehe ich die Tatsache, dass der Preis von knapp 70 Euro fr einen einfachen Distanzmesser schon recht happig ist. Hier zahlt man vermutlich noch ordentlich fr den Namen drauf. Wer aber eine hohe Genauigkeit der Messungen bentigt, der ist hier durchaus gut bedient. Die Genauigkeit der billigen NoName Gerte ist nach meinen Erfahrungen doch deutlich schlechter.

    Solides Gert mit hoher Genauigkeit. Wer eine hohe Messgenauigkeit bentigt, der sollte sich so ein hochwertigeres Gert gnnen. Wer nur grob abschtzen mchte, wieviel Quadratmeter Laminat er fr die Renovierung bentigt, der kann auch ein billiges NoName Gert kaufen und Geld sparen.

  66. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersIl prodotto assolutamente accurato e con misure precise e ripetibili al millimetro. Per le misure in interno lo spot rosso del laser visibile in ogni condizione. Per le misure in esterno c’ qualche difficolt ad individuare il punto quando c’ molta luce ma occorre dire che “vedere” lo spot non sempre necessario per la misura: la misura della distanza fino ad una parete uniforme ugualmente accurata anche se il punto rosso non visibile a occhio nudo ed in altri casi si ottiene la misura con l’accuratezza necessaria mediando pi misure (se ne possono memorizzare fino a 10) oppure prendendo la misura pi bassa o la pi alta, a seconda dei casi. E’ sufficientemente piccolo da stare in tasca ed “rustico” e robusto per l’utilizzo in cantiere. Ha una bella custodia che si pu applicare alla cintura dei pantaloni ma il velcro della chiusura non granch, quindi a tenerlo in quel modo si rischia di perderlo.

  67. AlexisCase says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWhat a revelation. Accurate to the millimeter! Got a 20 pound laser meter with great reviews from Amazon, but it was utter crap. 10 mm off on shorter distances. This one is super light, quick to measure, but most importantly, accurate! The only slight criticism would be that the laser can be hard to see on a bright day. But it’s a compromise in favour of battery lifetime. Vorsprung durch Laser. Get one.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this measurer! Saves so much time on big jobs. I am in the carpet business. Big areas can be measured and planned out in a fraction of the time. Incredibly accurate.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this measurer! Saves so much time on big jobs. I am in the carpet business. Big areas can be measured and planned out in a fraction of the time. Incredibly accurate.

  70. BettieLaney says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic device, still getting used to it and double checking with tape but it works a treat, as long as light levels are not too bright it works outside over 5 metre range no problem.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic device, still getting used to it and double checking with tape but it works a treat, as long as light levels are not too bright it works outside over 5 metre range no problem.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Was dubious about purchasing this digital measuring devise…but it is so accurate and versitile. Must have for any toolbox

  73. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHabe mir das Gert gekauft, da ich viel in der Hhe messen mu, wo es immer umstndlich ist mit einem Maband zu hantieren.
    Bis jetzt hat mich das Gert berzeugt und liefert verlssliche Messergebnisse. Ich arbeite eher im grberen Bereich wo es nicht auf den M ankommt, daher ist die Genauigkeit auf den Millimeter fr mich nicht soooo extrem wichtig und wurde daher auch nicht verglichen oder berprft.
    Die weiteren Funktionen wie z.B. Quadratmeter oder Kubikmeter ausmessen finde ich sehr gut und erleichtern doch so einiges.
    Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung!

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic quality from Bosch, another addition to my bosch collection.

  75. GloryWaidnkc says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVery good if you need to take measurements and cannot reach above things, it will be very useful but sometines you cannot beat a tape measure as the laser has to have a point to ‘hit’ It will be a good supplement though. Not sorry I purchased it.

  76. LeathaBurleson says:

     United Kingdom

    Great size. I can put in in any pocket. A simple measure tool but very well built.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A lot smaller than some other makes and models, so it fits in the pocket nicely and is simple to use

  78. UdaipurTimes Team says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant distance measuring device from a trusted brand, accurate readings and incorporates room square meterage function. Includes AA batteries. A 5 star product.

  79. RamonitaLaufer says:

     United Kingdom

    Small, quick and does what it says on the tin (If it was in a tin).

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought this device would be more complicated to set up than it was. Bought for my archery club to measure target distances and even some of our older less tech savvy members were able to pick it up and use it with ease

  81. MillieBehrens says:

     United Kingdom

    I thought this device would be more complicated to set up than it was. Bought for my archery club to measure target distances and even some of our older less tech savvy members were able to pick it up and use it with ease

  82. ClaribeNewquist says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersThis is one of these things that once you’ve got it, you realise you should have got one a long time ago. I’d considered the Leica, but couldn’t stomach the price, and I’ve always had a good experience with blue Bosch things. It has a variety of useful features, which I find I can’t remember how to work when I get on site, so I basically use it as a tape measure. It seems fantastically accurate – I’m usually measuring between 3 and 10m, and it agrees with my Stanley tapes over these distances to the millimeter. Compared to using a tape, measuring an 8m wide wall to find the centre is crazy fast and an absolute doddle with this. The little red laser dot is highly visible, and shows exactly where your measuring, which is a great help. For anything over 3m, this is now my go to measuring device.
    Battery life seems great, it’s absolutely tiny so you can stick it in a coat pocket, and it’s supplied with a nice quality nylon belt holster if you prefer that.

  83. FredQqelsdxe says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAusgehend von vielen positiven Bewertungen habe ich mich fr die etwas teurere blaue Variante von Bosch entschieden.
    Ich habe es nicht bereut.
    Der Abschied vom Zollstock ist zwar nicht 100%ig aber doch in vielen Dingen endgltig.
    Das Gert nutzte ich zum Vermessen eines Fundamentes und brauche es dann auch noch zum Aufbau des Carports. ber eine Entfernung von etwa 7 – 8 Meter im Freien bei hellem Tageslicht absolut super. Der Laserpunkt ist sehr gut erkennbar und die Messwerte sind sehr genau.
    Bei wiederholten Messungen von ein und derselben Entfernung gab es nur ein einziges Mal knapp einen Millimeter Abweichung.
    Fr mich wird dieses Gert sowohl bei kurzen als auch bei langen Abstandsmessungen jedenfalls nicht mehr weg zu denken sein.

  84. GlennQ54qerlblu says:

     United Kingdom

    As it says in the title,it’s professional!very accurate measurement,good weight and easy to handle.I recommend it!

  85. Fernando M. Pinguelo says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent piece of kit, easy to use, very accurate and you can carry it with you all the time because of its small size.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    good compact, easy to use. Little short on range but ok for purpose

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    easy to use and very handful product, great price, cheers

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI already have a lower end model from Bosch model PLR 15 that works a treat, my only problem was that I need to measure distances greater than the 15M. The GLM 30 is even better with a reach to 30M, I can also switch between M and Ft easily (Check that you get this version 3 601 K72 570 as the other one also having the model designation GLM 30 is locked to M only)

    The display is very clear to see in bright light (better than the PLR 15) and is also back lit if using in poor light conditions. Apart from the measuring units option compared to the PLR 15 this unit requires that you press the button to switch on, then press again to measure, when the distance is calculated it turns the laser off where the PLR 15 has a constant measure feature till you turn it off. I guess this is handy to save the battery by not leaving the laser on.

    A test measuring a 5M distance with both PLR 15 and this GLM 30 they both read exactly the same measurement that aligns with a tape measure perfectly.

    This item is also ISO 16331-1 approved. The following link provides more information for this standard if you are bored and want something to send you to sleep:

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDoes what it is supposed to do but the instructions need to be a little bit clearer. It took a while to realise to take a measurement I had to press the green button again once the laser was on target. It is also difficult to use in the garden in bright sunlight.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersXmas present for my husband, he loves it and can’t believe he has not got one sooner. Very small and compact with a protective pouch too. Definitely worth spending more’ don’t settle for a cheap version.

  91. JadeTipping says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersGeliefert wird der GLM40 inkl. einer passgenauen blauen Grteltasche aus robustem Material. so kann man das handliche Gert immer dabei haben.

    Zunchst war ich , flschlicherweise der Meinung, dass die Bedienung etwas umstndlich sei, da ich die Messtaste immer zweimal drcken musste. Beim ersten Drcken schaltet sich der Laser ein und beim Zweiten Drcken wieder aus – dann inkl. der Messung. Wie sich herausstellte war das aber mein Fehler. Wenn man das Gert nmlich nicht mit der Einschalttaste startet sondern direkt mit der Messtaste, ist der Laser dadurch bereits aktiv und man muss nur einmal Drcken, um zu messen.

    Die Messergebnisse sind genau, aber das Gert eignet sich eigentlich nur zum Messen von Zwischenrumen und langen Wnden/Entfernungen. Wer meint, dass so ein Laser-Messgert den Zollstock ersetzt, der irrt sich leider gewaltig. Um z.B. die Lnge eines Brettes abzumessen, ist der Laser-Entfernungsmesser absolut ungeeignet. Aber, um z.B. die Gre einer Wand auszumessen, unschlagbar.

    Funktionen, wie die Addition mehrerer Messungen und Flchenberechnung sind natrlich mit an Bord. Was aber fehlt, ist die Mglichkeit ab Vorderkante des Gerts zu messen. Die Messung erfolgt aktuell immer und grundstzlich ab Hinterkante.

    Ich selbst habe das Gert verwendet, um den Abstand zwischen zwei Wnden zum passgenauen Einbau einer Garderobe zu messen, und diesen Zweck hat es voll erfllt.

    Aber auch hier muss man sehr genau, gerade auf Rauhfasertapete, auf die Ausrichtung achten. Ein “Huckel”, der dazu fhrt, dass das Messgert nicht im rechten Winkel zur Wand steht, und die ganze Messung ist “dahin”. Am Besten misst der GLM40 wenn man ihn flach auf eine Wand oder hnliches auflegen kann und die entfernte Wand glatt und eben ist.

    genaues Messgerät mit Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung

  92. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a really nice small compact unit. *****Caution this unit only does metric NOT imperial * if you want the Bosch GLM30 that does both metric and imperial check the other one currently listed with the product code 3601K72570

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBrilliant. Easy to use. And makes measuring up my work super fast. No need for my tape measure.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does exactly what it says on the box. Perfect man-gift!

  95. Luke Edwards says:

     United Kingdom

    The most useful tool I have ever purchased, no more waste.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWorks perfectly. I use it for my surveying and pricing jobs. Its also tiny, much smaller than you expect which is perfect.

  97. LinwoodQ36 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersCould be easier to use but overall very very handy for all DIY work, from painting to woodwork.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good professional bit of kit. Works well although long distances are difficult without someone ‘spotting’ the laser for you 50 metres away.

  99. ChristaMcCaughe says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, does what it should . Well packed an delivered on time at a price that was comparable

  100. Chris Lockwood says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersArrived on time, as described. Absolutely brilliant bit of kit, very compact.