BRIO 33512 Travel Switching Train Set for Kids Age 3 Years Up – Compatible with all BRIO Railway Sets & Accessories, Multicoloured


Model: ABR33512
Material: Wood
Colour: Multicoloured
Pack Quantity: 42
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: No
Age: 3 years and up
Assembly: No
Colour: Multicoloured
Material: Wood
Quantity: 42

58 Responses

  1. Albert Quackenbush says:

     United Kingdom

    The wood tracks were of good quality and safe for kids, although some parts were missing the first time when I received and then a new set of toys was replaced .kids really enjoyed

    4.0 out of 5 stars Kids like i

  2. LucianaHatfield says:

     United Kingdom

    A wonderful addition to our Brio set, our Daughter absolutely loves it, a great set to at heights and ramps with the bridges, the trains are great too with lots of passengers to transport around, would highly recommend

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Kids will have hours playing with this toy, it’s very well made.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ein toller Einstieg in die Modellbahn fr unseren 5-jhrigen Enkel. Es hat ihm super gut gefallen, und ich denke dass weitere Ergnzungspackungen fllig werden. In ein paar Jahren hoffe ich auf Mrklin bzw. LGB umsteigen zu knnen, sofern das Interesse anhlt.
    Wenn beide Zge einen Motor htten, wre es natrlich noch viel besser gewesen. Eine fr mich unverstndliche Sparmassnahme.

  5. PaigeILBvusiom says:


    Dieses Set hat mein Sohn zu seinen 3 Geburtstag bekommen. Er liebt es 🙂 leider ist die elektrische Eisenbahn nicht funktionstchtig. Das tut dem Spielspa aber keinen Abbruch.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Sehr schnes Set! Fr sich allein wenig variabel. Man bentigt definitiv Erweiterungen. Figuren knnten schner gemacht sein.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    My grandson is a big train fan!!! Getting a brio set was a big deal. He loves it!!!

  8. nessel says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Un giocattolo unico e piacevole da giocare mio figlio ci gioca tutto il giorno

  9. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    un prodotto veramente bello, curato nei minimi particolari e facile da montare. I treni si legano col sistema delle calamite e non escono fuori dai binari. Gli scambi funzionano bene

  10. GlennQ54qerlblu says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a Christmas gift for my great grandson an he was very happy with it. Its a nice sturdy set which is exactly what I would expect from Brio.

  11. MelvinLight says:


    Unser erstes Brio – Spielzeug. Wir haben diese Eisenbahn gekauft, da jeder von den tollen Brio Spielzeugen schwrmt. Meine Bewertung fllt hier zweigeteilt aus. Zum einen die Schienen/Gebude etc. zum anderen die Bahn.

    Erst zu den Schienen. Die Verarbeitung der Schienen ist top. Alles passt sehr gut zusammen und ist schnell aufgebaut. Meiner Meinung nach erkennt man auch die Qualitt der Farben/Lacke, so dass man keine Bedenken hat wenn die Kinder damit spielen. Hierfr ein klares Lob.

    Leider ist die Bahn an sich meiner Meinung nach nicht ausgereift. Steigungen schafft die Bahn mit Figuren nicht zuverlssig. Der Lokfhrer ist in das Fhrerhaus gequetscht und sieht nicht wirklich so aus als wrde er da hin gehren. Zwar ist die Qualitt der Kunststoffteile etc. gut, aber das gesamte Konzept ist nicht ganz so gut gelungen.

    Nichtsdestotrotz kann man dennoch gut damit spielen, jedoch sollte die Bahn auch mal ein paar Runden fahren ohne dass das Kind an Steigungen “anstupsen” muss. Schade.

  12. Nick Roman says:

     United Kingdom

    his s xmas present for our grand daughter so its still unused,but we have similiar for our oter grandkids

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good quality and very easy to play with! kids loving it!

  14. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Regalato ad un bimbo di 4 anni appassionato di treni e set di questo tipo, questa scatola contiene due treni, di cui uno a batterie. Molto semplice da montare e molto robusto, unica pecca mancano le istruzioni cartacee in questo set ma comunque facilmente reperibili nel web. Contenti genitori e bambino.

  15. NIIJacqueline says:

     United Kingdom

    The Brio train-set for kids is an excellent gift for boys, even when two years old !! They love it.

  16. makeup artist Eman says:

     United Kingdom

    Paid 40 in June on Prime day, just gifted it the other day and the instructions were missing and the top of box looked like it had been opened before. Disappointing, and the instructions on Brio weren’t correct. I wouldn’t pay full price, Brio quality has gone downhill, many pieces had rough wood, I can gently sandpaper when I have time. One train need batteries the other is manual. You get more in this set compared to some others. The lift is difficult for my 4 year old to work by himself because they can easily fall out, the space to stand the figure is small. The lift should have a barrier to keep the person in.
    The top platform only holds 3 people, should’ve been a bit bigger. Brio often overlooks these things that small hands need. All made in China now. Prices on Amazon go up and down so much, shop around.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely set. One train is battery operated and the other isn’t which I didn’t notice when buying. Expensive but then Brio does last.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really nice train set, well made an excellent first train set thoroughly recommended

  19. Happy Baby Happy Mama says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBeautiful set and exceptional quality considering I was able to nab this for 47 while stalking amazon Black Friday deals . My LO loves it and takes the train where ever he goes

    The only thing that I find irritating is the the battery powered train is so slooooooow and no pulling power…but I suppose this set isn’t made for me

  20. FredYDPNekkq says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersDas Produkt wurde schnell geliefert und war so verpackt, dass keine Schden entstanden sind. Alles war vollstndig da und ist sauber verarbeitet.

    Aufgebaut ist die Bahn sehr schell und wenn man nicht groartig daran herum ruckelt, dann steht sie recht stabil.

    Zum Set gehrt neben einer Schiebelok, auch eine elektrische, die eine Zeit nach dem Knopfdruck allein vorwrts der rckwrts fhrt. Nach einer Zeit stoppt sie allein.
    Die Lok ist allerdings etwas schwach motorisiert und hat Mhe, den Berg hoch zu kommen.

    Die Figuren sind nicht gerade schn und die ausladenden Arme sorgen, wenn die Figuren nicht ganz korrekt im Wagen sitzen, dafr, dass der Zug sptestens an der Brcke hngen bleibt.

    Alles in allem ein gutes Produkt, aber aufgrund der schwach motorisierten Lok und der merkwrdig konstruierten Figuren, ist es kein herausragendes Produkt, aber sein Geld dennoch wert und hat 4 Sterne verdient.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Myself & my boy love this – keeps him occupied for hours

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is very good lots of fun a tough easy to make into many different styles

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was a Christmas present for my grandson who is nearly 3. He loved it, especially the little train carriages. He enjoyed putting the little passengers in and out. Brio is a brilliant product and was bought for my own children when they were younger.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy 2-year old is a big Brio train fan and this set delighted him. The switches, the station platform with the elevator, the battery driven train and the little passengers. Of course, some things are a bit fiddly and challenging for him (like placing a passenger in the elevator and avoiding knocking the bridge over) but I suppose a bit of frustration is character building.

    Good build quality from what I can tell, especially the train wagons are much better than with non-Brio sets.

  25. Enda Mullen says:

     United Kingdom

    Brought many sets but this is a great large se

  26. Dan Graziano says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHours Of endless fun to be had! My 3 Year old loves it and there are so many more bits you can get for it. There are much cheaper alternatives though that are just as good so worth looking at these too before you buy

  27. CarmeloHartwick says:


    My grandson loved this train set especially the battery operated train.

  28. Sarah-Louise Bailey says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Le produit est globalement est trs bien, et compatible avec les autres marques que nous avions. Cela fait 7 mois qu’il est utilis sans problmes signaler. Bemols: la locomotive manque de peps (il ne faut pas charger le train) et la porte saute tout le temps (un adulte peut la remettre facilement mais bon pour le prix…). Les personages ne sont pas du tout adapts (la valise est aussi grande que les personnages et donc ncssite un wagon entier… et les bras des personnages sortent du train donc ca bloque au niveau du pont… du coup les bonhommes restent en gare 😉

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good layout. we purchased more track to make it more interesting.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A great kit, i bought some extra bits to add on and more track. The electric train is noisy though, it may be faulty.

  31. ShirleeIvory says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought it for my kids 3rd birthday, he is now nearly 4 and still playing. It is probably the longest played toy.
    Track is quite good to build different alignment.
    When the drivers is sitting in the train, moving train under the bridge can get difficult and annoying. Tip: You have to bend the driver in brace position.
    The train’s roof comes off easily and but can be put back and hasnt worn out in the last 10 months.
    Few interesting features such as lift in the station, switching the track and bridge.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely set although I did expect it to be a lot bigger for the price. Also it would have been nice if both trains were battery operated, not just the blue set. The red set is manual.
    As for packaging it was all packed very well so that was good.
    My son is having a lovely time with it, even with the bridges falling apart every time he knocks it!

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Our 3 years little boy was overjoyed! The train set supports little one’s creativity and problem solving through play time. Product itself is very well design with decent materials. Very pleased with this purchase.

  34. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNo tengo conflicto de intereses ( declaro que he comprado este juguete para mi hijo, no recibo ningn beneficio por esta valoracion).

    Muy buena calidad de los componentes. No piezas pequeas suscpetibles de atragantamiento. La locomotora que va con pilas tiene poca fuerza (tal y como comentan otros usuarios) pero no impide el normal desarrollo del juego. Compatible con el resto de marcas habituales (aunque las de brio se ven de mejor calidad… mejor pulidas y encajan a la perfecccion). Respecto a la edad recomendada creo que es ideal de 3 a 5. Los ms pequeos van a necesitar ayuda para montar, pero no para jugar. El precio para mi es un poco elevado (80 euros) pero dado el resultado y la calidad no le pongo peros. Los nios se lo pasan realmente bien que es lo ms importante!! Lo que ha jugado mi hijo con este juguete no lo ha hecho con ningun otro (comentario subjetivo).

    Conclusion: Muy recomemdado por calidad de construccion y por estilo de juego (no violento, favorece el autoentretenimiento). Algo caro.

  35. Cori says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersMy son loved this toys, however not all the trains are battery operated which is a real shame considering the price, hence 3 stars.
    My son does love playing with this train set and is indestructible for little boys.

  36. aly7 says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent set and generally the quality you expect from Brio but two comments –

    The box is very large and impressive but when you open it you realise there is a divider inside and the actual contents are packed in a space about 2/3 of the main box – clearly a crafty ploy by the makers to help justify the not inconsiderable price of the set!

    One train engine is battery-operated and after a short while the “off” setting stopped engaging so you could not stop the unit running – requested a replacement and Amazon with their usual excellent customer service sent a whole new set out within one day, and we returned this with just the faulty engine substituted.

  37. Mike Lowe says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Il gioco ha soddisfatto completamente le aspettative. I binari sono ben fatti, solidi e si incastrano bene; i personaggi risultano divertenti; la stazione con l’ascensore aumenta la dinamicit del gioco. I bambini (6 e 7 anni) sono molto contenti e ci giocano volentieri. La costruzione del percorso come suggerito sulla scatola permette di avere due scambi e un incrocio realizzando una pista abbastanza dinamica e occupando poco spazio. Purtroppo non si riescono a creare molti percorsi alternativi, a meno di accettare che siano pi semplici o che rimangano “aperti”. Per costruire percorsi pi accattivanti necessario acquistare le espansioni.
    Due elementi potrebbero essere migliorabili: 1) solo un trenino va a batterie, l’altro va spinto a mano e 2) i supporti per i binari sopraelevati non hanno un meccanismo di fermo o di incastro e quindi bisogna fare attenzione a non urtarli perch altrimenti i binari tendono a cadere.

  38. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersgood design, well made, adds a new dimension to a wooden track layout; the included battery powered passenger engine can usually make it up the hill to the upper level of the station (but very slowly – young engineers can give it a boost by hand); add the big red freight engine if you want a bit more hill climbing powe

  39. Nicole Raney says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Lati positivi:
    – set molto bello con parecchi pezzi, tutti di ottima qualit
    – personaggi robusti e ben rifiniti
    – binari di legno compatibili con altre marche
    – due treni (uno a spinta e uno a pile)
    – stazione robusta e provvista di ascensore manuale per inserire personaggio
    – a mio figlio piaciuto moltissimo e ci gioca per ore

    Lati negativi:
    – in assoluto il prezzo, elevato per un giocattolo, seppur inferiore a quello visto nei negozi.
    Dopo l’acquisto per ho trovato alcune marche, anche in un discount, con qualit un p minore ma prezzo fortemente inferiore.
    – i binari sopraelevati, una volta montati sono instabili e cadono facilmente
    – i personaggi inseriti nei treni fanno un p fatica a passare sotto il ponte sporgendo con testa e mani
    – assenza di istruzioni di montaggio della pista (si deduce guardando l’immagine sulla scatola)
    – con eccessiva pressione, si stacca troppo facilmente il portellino di apertura dei treni per inserire i personaggi (si rimette comunque senza problemi e senza rompersi)

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Another great product at a great price. Bought as a present, many hours of fun has been and will continue to be had with this.

  41. JeseniaCurrey says:

     United Kingdom

    A great gift for my grandson (and his dad). It has kept the 2 of them entertained for hours

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really well made product. Gave hours of fun on Christmas Day with children and adults alike! What’s more this can be added to over the years so really a worthwhile buy

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s Brio and we’ll worth the price difference from the cheaper sets. We have a couple of cheaper sets we picked up during the year but this was for Christmas and it all fits together with the Thomas wooden railway stuff and the basic stuff you get in toy shops etc. My little one is very happy with it. 🙂

  44. VeronicPak says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent addition to existing track etc.
    Although battery opperated train very slow when going up hill which frustrated my grandso

  45. Christine Persaud says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a Christmas present and probably in daily use since then. We may get him a bus replacement set for use at Easter to add authenticity to playtime.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Such good value for money. My son loves this set. (Age 3)

  47. MildredClifford says:

     United Kingdom

    A great set. Hours of fun for my three year old.

  48. ChandraMoten says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent bit of kit by Brio and can join it up to a smaller track that I already had for my three year old grandson who loves it, if both carriages had been battery run would have given it five stars.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My 5 year old son loves it, nice addition to his Brio empire which he plays with endlessly.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very well received but would be good to include batteries

  51. Cheryl Pasquier says:

     United Kingdom

    A quality product even if expensive. My son loves the battery train part and leaves it to run for hours going round and round the track(very quiet train)

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis set is excellent. My only comment which is not against the product but more against me is that we found for our 2 and a bit year old, this was a little advanced for his first brio set (it is marked for 3+). The main issue has been with the elevated section and our son not knowing where is feet and are continually knocking it over. Now he has been using it for a couple of weeks he is getting used it it. We have since bought some more track and more basic trains to get him going with it.
    As a product though, I can see that he will love it!!!

  53. SubiC23lifdads says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Users3 year old granddaughter had requested a wooden train set so was a bit unsure if she would really play with it but she and her sister and friends love playing with it. As expected an excellent product from Brio. Did get impression however that the set had been opened before we got to it because items inside didn’t appear to be where the packaging suggested they should be but everything present and covered in cellophane etc.

  54. TrentLucier says:

     United Kingdom

    My grandsons have had loads of fun with Brio wooden train set and keeps buying accessories all the time Would certainly recommend

  55. ArleneUMLM says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my grandson’s 3rd birthday and he loved it. He can now add this to all the other brio he has and totally cover the floor!

  56. RogelioEasterli says:

     United Kingdom

    very good idea to provide manageable switch; building high track is not so easy for children, but that’s good 🙂

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The Set is an excellent gift for a kid. The wooden rails are very good and the easily assembled. The negative is the power of the machine of the train which gives it very slow speed and the quantity of the machines…
    The set advertises 2 trains (one red and one blue), but the red one does not contain machine…
    The only thing that clarifies this is that the set says 1 battery needed… 1 battery for 2 trains??? But I did realised it opening the set when it was too late. Generallly excellent buy

  58. Jo says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBattery operated train is great fun. It is not particularly powerful so works better when just pulling two carriages. The people stick out of the trains slightly so they can get stuck if using this set with other brio bridges (eg hump back bridge). The lids of the trains come off very easily too. Overall though my two and four year old love this addition to their brio set (with all the elevated track, station and extras) and the adults love it too. Don’t think you could buy all the parts seperately for the same money.