Byjoy Pendant Necklace For Women 925 Sterling Silver With Brilliant Cut Colored Gemstone & Complimenting Cz Stones With 45 Cm Silver Chain

The Byjoy Story
Encased in three generations of gemstone expertise, Byjoy creates jewellery for women of discerning tastes. A family business fuelled by passion and a deep appreciation of things, Byjoy scours the planet for the fine, lustrous stones to use in their work. They pour fifty years worth of knowledge and skill into every piece to bring you something truly precious that will be treasured forever.
Mastery of The Craft
The in-house designs are made up of sparkling gemstones and precious metals. They adhere to high standards and ensure that their 925 hallmarked pieces are set in sterling silver and finished to a high-shine polish.

Spread a Little Joy
Specialising in earrings and pendants that feature gemstones such as sapphire, ruby and emerald, Byjoy lives up to its name: They take enormous joy in crafting quality jewellery that you’ll love forever. While the pieces are often considered the epitome of self-gifting, they naturally make good presents for birthdays and anniversaries of those who mean the most to you.
Every Byjoy piece arrives presented in its own gift box, ready to make someone’s day. What’s more, you’ll be gifted a sterling silver chain with every pendant purchased.

Spread a Little Joy
Specialising in earrings and pendants that feature gemstones such as sapphire, ruby and emerald, Byjoy lives up to its name: They take enormous joy in crafting quality jewellery that you’ll love forever. While the pieces are often considered the epitome of self-gifting, they naturally make good presents for birthdays and anniversaries of those who mean the most to you.
Every Byjoy piece arrives presented in its own gift box, ready to make someone’s day. What’s more, you’ll be gifted a sterling silver chain with every pendant purchased.

Spread a Little Joy
Specialising in earrings and pendants that feature gemstones such as sapphire, ruby and emerald, Byjoy lives up to its name: They take enormous joy in crafting quality jewellery that you’ll love forever. While the pieces are often considered the epitome of self-gifting, they naturally make good presents for birthdays and anniversaries of those who mean the most to you.
Every Byjoy piece arrives presented in its own gift box, ready to make someone’s day. What’s more, you’ll be gifted a sterling silver chain with every pendant purchased.

Heart Gemstones

Byjoy Studio

Sterling Silver Chain included
Shine Brighter
Gemstones have long-fascinated jewellers and jewellery fans alike. It’s not just their dazzle and the way they catch the light, but the spiritual meaning behind each one and the way they reflect the wearer’s character.
Find your gemstone:

Manufacture: | ByJoy |
Lovely gift for my granddaughter wedding something blue good price quick delivery would recommend
Eine tolle Kette!
Und ein super schner Stein.
Ist zwar klein, aber doch sehr ansehnlich.
Bought as a gift, quick delivery and beautiful piece of jewellery
Sieht super aus. Die Box ist super auch zum verschenken.
I think it’s a very good buy, nice look just the job
Beautiful gem, great quality item. This will make a beautiful gift!
Bought for a present absolutely delighted with the necklace beautiful highly recommend 5
A very beautiful piece of jewellery – purchased for my sister’s 40th Birthday as ruby is her birthstone and a memorable keepsake. The cubic zirconia complements well and as the stones are small do not outdo the ruby.
Ich persnlich finde sie super schn , aber ich hab sie der Freundin meines Bruders zu Weihnachten gekauft . Die Farbe des Steines ist wie auf dem Bild und die Lnge ist super , sie ist nicht zu lang oder zu kurz.
Ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich nicht ganz, wieso viele der bisherigen Rezensenten von “Modeschmuck” reden, immerhin handelt es sich bei der Kette und dem Anhnger um 925er-Echtsilber. Modeschmuck ist fr mich qualitativ schlechter, und das ist die Kette von Byjoy nicht.
Sie liegt angenehm auf der Haut, nicht zu schwer, die Lnge mit 45 cm ist fr meinen Hals optimal. Der Anhnger ist Geschmackssache, mir persnlich ist er ein bisschen zu gro bzw. lang, ich mag lieber dezentere kleinere Anhnger. Auf der anderen Seite ist er ein Eyecatcher und peppt so manches Outfit auf. Passt gut zu einem Alltags-Outfit im Bro & Co., kann aber auch abends zum edlen Abendkleid berzeugen. Der grne Stein ist bei meinem Exemplar leicht unsymmetrisch angebracht, also nicht genau mittig. Aber eigentlich gefllt mir gerade das ganz gut.
Die Verpackung mit dem Filz-Stoffkissen darin fand ich ehrlich gesagt nicht sehr schn, macht zumindest keinen hochwertigen Eindruck, wie ich finde. Aber immerhin sitzt die Kette darin schn sicher und fest, da man sie feststecken kann im Stoff.
… und so muss es sein.
das war (und ist immer noch) der Glcksbringer meiner Tochter fr’s Abi 2016.
(Mode-) Schmuck muss “anmachen”, muss auf den ersten Blick gefallen … sonst bleibt er liegen und das Geld war zum Fenster rausgeschmissen – und sind wir ehrlich, preislich befindet sich das Schmuckstck deutlich am oberen Ende der Skala (incl. 45cm Kette).
Aber: genau das hat das Schmuckstck auf Anhieb geschafft – es wird tglich getragen.
Der Stein ist fr die Preisklasse perfekt gemacht, die Fassung ist stabil, auch wenn sie dann im Detail zu sehr auffllt. Die “Dominanz” des bleuen Steins – wie auf der Abbildung zu sehen – verschwindet ssofort, wenn man das Schmuckstck an hat. So gro ist das alles nmlich gar nicht. Was bleibt ist ein aufflliges Schmuckstck. Einzig die Prportionen der Spange scheinen fr meinen ganz persnlichen Geschmack nicht zu stimmen. Die Spange ist mir zur Kette hin etwas zu lang und auch etwas zu klobig geraten – nicht viel aber etwas.
Die Kette ist von guter Qualitt, nix besonderes aber auch nix “lappriges” oder gar ein billig anmutendes Teil. Der Verschluss lt sich gut ertasten und bedienen.
Auf ein Detail will ich noch hinweisen: Das Schmuckstck ist rhodiniert – also mit einem silbernen Metall Oberflchen behandelt. Das mag verwirren ist aber heute blich. Jeder wei, dass Silber schnell oxidiert und unansehlich schwarz wird. Das wird durch Rhodinieren verhindert. So bleibt die silbrige Farbe immer “frisch”.
Doch, wer mit einer eher etwas khlen Kombination “Blau-Silber” was anfangen kann, dem sei das Schmuckstck durchaus empfohlen.
Gru, Rounder6
Eine wirklich hbsche Kette, ein Hauch (!) von Kette: ganz ganz zart. Der Anhnger sieht genau so hbsch und feminin aus wie auf dem Foto! Ich finde die Kette, bzw den Anhnger, ganz zauberhaft. Die Kette an sich hat mich berrascht, denn sie ist so zart und federleicht, dass ich dachte, sie geht sofort kaputt. Aber mitnichten: sie ist strapazierfhig und reit auch nicht bei normaler Belastung (ich habe einige Male deutlich daran gezogen).
Der hellgrne Stein ist kristallklar und strahlt, wenn Licht darauf fllt. Die kleinen klaren Zirkonia-Steine funkeln ebenfalls.
Fazit: ein wirklich hbsches Geschenk fr junge Frauen.
Achtung: die Kette ist nicht sehr lang! Man beachte also die Zentimeterangabe. Wer also eine eher kurze Kette sucht, liegt hier genau richtig.
Fr diesen Preis kann man glaube ich auch keine Perfektion oder echtes Handwerk erwarten, sondern hbschen, qualitativ zufriedenstellenden Modeschmuck.
Den bekommt man auch.
Die Kette geht in einer sehr hbschen, wei perlmuttschimmernden Schatulle mit Schaumstoffpolster auf die Reise. Das wirkt sehr wertig und edel.
Die Verarbeitung ist sauber, das Design zeitlos dezent.
Der Stein ist im Original weniger grn als auf meinem Monitor, aber da kann auch am Monitor liegen.
Natrlich sieht man, dass es Modeschmuck ist, und Kein vom Goldschmiedemeister handgefertigtes Einzelstck mit Brillianten. Trotzdem wirkt sowohl Hnger als auch Kette hochwertig.
Was mir nicht gefllt und wofr ich einen Stern abziehe: fr mich ist die Proportion zwischen Kette und Anhnger misslungen. Der Anhnger ist gerade eben nicht mehr zart, so dass er auch in einem ppigen Dekollte nicht untergeht. Die Kette ist filigran und so zart, dass sie am Hals optisch fast verschwindet. Das strt mein Auge, ich htte mir zu einem solchen Anhnger eine krftigere Kette gewnscht.
Tragbar ist die Kette mit Anhnger in jedem Fall im Alltag, mit den passenden Ohrringen muss man sich aber auch nicht bei einem formelleren Anlass schmen.
Mnner, wenn Eure Frau mit grnen Augen gesegnet ist, dann drft ihr sie gerne mit diesem Kettchen beschenken, passende Ohrringe dazu und sie wird glcklich sein!
Die 45 cm lange Panzerkette mit Anhnger von Byjoy wird in einem 7 x 8 x 3 cm groen Schmucketui mit Banderole geliefert.
Der Anhnger und die Kette sind gut und sauber verarbeitet — ich konnte nirgends scharfe Kanten oder hnliches entdecken. Sowohl der Anhnger als auch die Kette tragen beiden einen Stempel, der angibt, dass sie aus 925 Sterling-Silber bestehen.
Der Anhnger wird durch zwei sen an der Oberseite eingefdelt. Er sieht aus wie einen um 90 gedrehtes stilisiertes Fischsymbol. Der Topas in der Farbe London Blue Topaz” – der Stein wirkt auf der Haut etwas dunkler als das Produktfoto vermuten lsst -, auf dem Anhnger, ist so geschliffen, dass sich darin das Licht fngt und der Stein bei jeder Bewegung leicht funkelt. Eine der nach oben gehenden Streben ist mit kleinen Steinchen besetzt. Der Anhnger wirkt, trotz seiner eher geringen Gre von 19 x 8 mm, sehr edel aber nicht berladen.
Bei der Kette handelt es sich um eine Panzerkette – sprich die Glieder sind je um 90 gedreht. Auch die Kette fngt das Licht schn ein und wertet so den Anhnger noch auf. Als etwas fummelig empfinde ich die Schliee der Kette. Es handelt sich um den blichen Federring Kettenverschluss doch leider ist dieser etwas kleiner, filigraner und zierlicher — Durchmesser ca. 4 mm – als die, die ich kenne aber er funktioniert tadellos.
Das Ensemble aus Anhnger und Panzerkette von Byjoy wirkt sehr harmonisch und edel. Der Anhnger fllt trotz seiner geringen Gre auf, wirkt aber nicht berladen und kann jeden Tag getragen werden.
Bought as a gift, very good value and looks lovely.
Product arrived very quickly and in good looking packaging.
To be honest, I was not sure what to expect due to the price. However, I didn’t need to worry as the quality looked to be great and a very pretty necklace indeed.
I bought it as a gift and it looks great on and the recipient loved it.
This is available in different colours but looks so much better in pink
Gave it to my wife on Valentine’s day, and she liked it Brownie points for me.
s jolie collier correspond a la photo je conseille cette article .La pierre est bleu comme sur la photo.livraison 4jrs
Stunning I bought this as a Xmas present for my daughter and she loved i
Very pleased with my purchase. Brought for a 70th birthday present, so have not had any feed back. I have almost kept it for my self it is so nice. Excellent value
I love this necklace great value and stunningly pretty very dainty
Exactly as described and my wife loved it. Can’t do better than that.
Beautiful necklace and exactly what I wanted. Disappointed in the chain – it snapped the first time I wore it. I now have to go shopping for a replacement chain.
Very pretty, although smaller than it looks on the pic. Great value for money.
Excellent product – perhaps needing more impressive packaging. But at price I got…….
Really like this product, bought it for my baby daughter as sapphires are her birth stone but the pink was really pretty. Turned up in plenty of time, keeping it for when she turns 18.
The necklace arrived in good time. And the necklace is lovely, the stone is a little darker than the photo but that is better for me.
La taille est relle au descriptif ainsi que la couleur. La chane est belle.
Dommage qu’il n’y a pas de bracelet propos avec!
My wife was over the moon it is beautiful thank you.
Even more beautiful than it looks on the screen and the service and delivery excellent.
I bought this as a Christmas present for my wife. She had a sneak preview and was delighted with the item. Understated, elegant and great value for money.
My friend is very happy with the necklace, it came in goog time, sparsely wrapped but in a protective and secure way, very happy with my purchase
Unfortunately the courier lost the first parcel, but Amazon staff quickly resolved this and the item arrived today, in plenty of time for Christmas. It’s absolutely gorgeous and the perfect gift. Thank you, my relative will be very happy on Christmas Day.
Looks amazing, box is neat and very stylish, just an outstanding item!
prompt delivery beautiful piece for the money and nicely presented in a sturdy box
Really pretty necklace. Part of a lightening deal so extremely pleased with value for money, but would happily pay full price.
Nice colours from the stone and a nice little necklace for money. Great value and very pleased.
This is the third piece of jewellery from this range I have reviewed.
As before it is small delicate and understated and not what I would describe as jewellery to make a statement with.
The pendant is pink oval stone set in silver with added clear inset stones on the leading face. The chain is approximately 45cm long and setting are make of Sterling Silver.
My daughter thinks it very pretty.
I’d not consider a purchase if I had to pay the full RRP, but the significantly reduced offer price is reasonably value.
This is a very pretty necklace. It’s not big but it is bigger than I expected because I assumed it would be tiny. My mother wears it now and she loves it. It’s probably suitable for all ages. Discreet and tasteful.
Part of a range of different coloured studs and pendants, all with sterling silver settings. This is a pretty little pendant that makes a perfect set with the matching studs, should you choose to buy them.
As with the studs, the pendant is well made ( for the money) and nice to wear.
Light in weight, bright and colourful, with some pretty details, this would be perfect for a young teenager at a party, school prom or everyday wear for older women.
With Christmas on its way, this makes a lovely little gift! Team it with the matching studs for extra effect.
This pendant is lovely, it’s not too in your face and has a very tasteful level to it. The picture on the website doesn’t do it justice, it is more elegant in person. The central emerald isn’t massive, but it’s big enough for people to notice and will make a plain outfit shine. You can also remove the chain that comes with it and replace with a longer chain if you fancy.
The supplied box is good, it doesn’t let the presentation down and the overall item is great for a gift.
This is our third Byjoy piece of jewellery and, as usual, we’re over-the-moon with it’s quality and design as well as it’s packaging.
The pendant is a quite striking blue sapphire held in place on a silver elongated frame containing complimentary zirconia stones which add to the sparkle.
The chain, whilst only 18″, is a fine and well made box link and compliments the pendant perfectly.
This has got to be one of my favourites of my wife’s jewellery. Highly, highly recommended
The stone is a beautiful vibrant green and perfectly catches and sparkles in the light. It’s surrounded by fake diamonds but they are subtle and not too ‘bling’. I wore the necklace for the first time with a black v-neck top and black trousers and it looked really simple and elegant, adding a splash a colour to my outfit. The chain clasp can be a little bit tricky to open and close as it’s very small but the length was perfect, sitting nicely on the breastbone and not hanging too low.
The necklace comes in a padded off-white box gift box. I believe, for the price on offer, the necklace looks a lot more high-end and expensive. I had several compliments when wearing it. It’s much nicer in real life than in the pictures and I would highly recommend this piece if you are looking for a little treat for a treat or friend/partner.
Beautifully simple design that really brings the sapphire to life. A thickened silver band holds some beautifully bright and shiny zirconia which really set off the gem. The chain is quite fine but the clasp seems very strong and durable.
This pendant is a really lovely design. Made from sterling silver with a pink sapphire oval set cleanly. There row of zircona adds some pretty sparkle. It looks exactly like the pictures that show off this pendant and is a good size that you could wear this during the day or the evening. The silver chain it comes on is fine and whilst looks delicate is quite strong with a good clasp.
It comes in a smart gold and white presentation box which is great if you are giving this as a gift. In the box there are holes for earrings that go with this to be added which would make a very nice gift set.
I’m very pleased with this pendant and would buy more from this range.
The ByJoy Pink Sapphire necklace is absolutely stunning and I have to say, looks even better in real life than it does in the photos. From the images online, the chain looked a bit chunky but it’s actually a lot more delicate. It’s still quite a sturdy chain though and defined when it’s on my neck. The pendant too is lovely at just over 1.5cm in length, the white zirconias catch the light but not quite big enough to dazzle in the way the pink sapphire does. I would say though from the photo it looks more of a solid pink colour whereas it looks a more solid pink around the edges and lighter or darker in the centre of the stone depending on what it’s sitting on as it’s not encased. The cut of the stone picks up quite a few colours but mainly oranges and some blues or it just reflects the light on the facets. One thing I’m not so keen on is the spring ring claps just because they can be really fiddly but it fits in well with the overall design. The box it came in is a little disappointing as it’s quite plain compared to its contents — just a plain beige box with white foam insert and a matching cardboard sleeve with BYJOY embossed in a copper colour. I would highly recommend this one as a gift for someone special.
Beautifully presented in a pearlescent cream box with white felt lining, the necklace has a lovely cubic linked chain which catches the light and sparkles, with the pendant itself absolutely stunning!
About 18mm long in total, it features a crossover ‘wish-bone’ effect at the top, one half of which is set with crystals, and then the pink crystal itself is held between the lower cusps of the two halves.
The pink crystal has a lovely rise pink hue to it, oval in shape and measuring about 8×6 mm.
Looks really beautiful on, and with the lovely presentation box would make a great present.
This looks gorgeous. The gem has a wonderful shine while also being see through. The gems along the silver add a nice sparkle and gives the appearance of a much higher priced piece of jewellery.
This is a quite lovely piece of Byjoy jewellery, and at the time of writing (October 2015), Amazon are offering it for 37.50, a whopping 70% off the normal retail price. The small Blue Topaz gem is understated, but is nicely cut and its facets catch the light alluringly. It does lend itself to everyday use, and maybe lacks a ‘wow’ factor that you may require for evening wear, but it’s a quietly attractive piece of neckwear all the same. Good value for money
This beautiful Byjoy 925 Sterling Silver Oval Shape Pendant is absolutely lovely. It comes on a 45cm curb chain, and is a blue topaz with cubic zirconia surround. Topaz is the birthstone for November, and in my opinion, this would make a lovely gift for a special someone, something to treasure. I love the elegance of this piece, the beautiful colour of the topaz, and the clarity of the stone. The chain is delicate and quite fragile looking, and the necklace is presented in a nice cream box inside a cream sleeve. For me, this is a special, personal treat. I am very happy with this pretty piece of jewellery, and happily recommend it.
I see other reviewers have talked about a sparkly silver box — mine came in a beige box inside a cardboard sleeve, so just to mention that it appears the box may vary. To be honest, the quality of my box doesn’t quite match up to the quality of the pendant, so if I were giving it as a gift I might swap it into a better one.
Very pleased with this! It’s small and restrained enough for day-wear to the office, but has enough sparkle to wear on a night out. And now I have the perfect excuse to look for some London Blue earrings…
This is a very sweet little necklace. It’s small but perfectly formed and the colour is lovely. The clasp is a little fiddly as also small but it’s very secure once on. I’m very pleased with this for every day wear. Comes in a bit of a funny coloured box, sort of off-White rather than cream but is displayed nicely in there.
This is a really lovely piece of jewellery. It’s very simple but so pretty! The pendant is quite small but very 3d and really stands out. The gem is a beautiful colour and multi faceted so it catches the light. The chain that it comes on is of good quality and is squared off, which makes it much harder to get int a tangle! When on, this sits a few inches down from my neck and is perfectly placed for most necklines. The necklace comes in a presentation box, so this would make a really nice gift.