Campart Travel Camping Cupboard Bordeaux is easily assembled and well designed for you to store all your camping accessories. There are three large storage compartments as well as additional side pockets. With generous dimensions of 60 x 48 x 81cm, this cupboard can store a large amount of items.
Store all your camping accessories easily in one place!
The Campart Travel Camping Cupboard Bordeaux enables you to store your possessions easily on your camping trips. The product is built with an aluminium frame and the top plate and inner plates are finished with a luxurious aluminium edge. The fabric of the camping cupboard is 600D polyester with is a very strong and resilient material and the back of the camping cupboard is made out of mesh which ventilates well, so no unwanted smells!
This cupboard is perfect for outdoor use.
Height adjustable legs
All four legs of the Campart Travel CU-0724 Camping Cupboard Bordeaux are height adjustable, making it ideal for use on uneven surfaces.
You will always have a level and stable camping kitchen, even on uneven surfaces!
Campart Travel CU-0724 Camping Cupboard Bordeaux
Quick and easy storage, anywhere
The total weight of the Campart Travel CU-0724 Camping Cupboard Bordeaux is just 4.5kg. The cupboard folds easily into the included carrier bag when not in use to a compact size of 57×47 x12cm. This cupboard can be easily transport to campsite, beach, park or festival.
Large camping cupboard
Three storage compartments with mesh back
4 height adjustable legs, stable on uneven surfaces
Strong and robust aluminium frame
Lightweight just 7.7kg
Folds easily to small and discrete size
Carrier handle included
Store all your camping accessories easily in one place
If you need a secured cupboard with shelves when camping for all your food items, tins, cups, plates, cutlery etc, then look no further than this cupboard! There is nothing to put together (honestly) you just pull up the top and folding sides and lock them into upright position for an instant cupboard with a good hard working surface on the top. This is so good I now have two of them for all my kitchen camping needs, which can be set up in UNDER A MINUTE!!!!! They are not cheap but worth every penny!
hese are never cheap but this is the best camping cupboard ive ever bought, so east to set up and very sturdy, we have our 40inch tv on top of it with no problem..
Expensive but the quality is good and it’s so easy to assemble.. very sturdy. Thjnk I should get many years of use out of this.
Plenty of storage space for cooking utensils
Feet are adjustable as well by up to an inch or so to help cater for uneven ground .
Definitely would recommend despite the cos
I love this product. Well made and an excellent design means that it simplicity itself to assemble… I am waiting for the larger version to come back in stock so that I can buy it.
I took this to Silverstone Classic and it held a myriad of food and drinks very securely. Feels solid and of high quality and folds and unfolds very easily.
OMG, how did i camp before i had this?
game changer for heavy weight family camping, premium yes, but worth every penny
Solid, useful surface and storage, folds up well too
We ordered this for extra storage in our Awning…It is superb quality for the money. It easily folds down when not in use and quite light. We use this now for our drinks cabinet in the awning our very own little bar with glass and bottle storage…….Great piece of camping gear 100% recommend it!
You get what you pay for and this versatile camping kitchen does not disappoint on any level. No complicated set up, no struggling with poles bags and velcro! Undo the two side clips and pull up, lock out the legs and ‘hey presto’ it’s up in less than a minute. Four large storage compartments and a great top preparation area. Fits perfectly in the rear of our VW camper.
I purchased this cupboard as we were going camping for 2weeks, this was ideal to store our clothes in. The clothes didn’t get damp or anything and there was lots of room to store everything. The cupboard was easy to put together and pack away.
Meine Kche habe ich noch nie so schnell aufgebaut, sollte ich mir wieder eins zulegen, werde ich dieses nehmen und hoffe auf Reisverschlsse auch auf der Rckseite, volle Punktzahl.
I bought this for my garden to use nxt to my bbq it’s great store everything in it folds down quick and easy for storage.
And it’s got mesh at back to stop any bugs but circulate air I love i
Bought this for our new tent as we needed something compact. It is extremely sturdy, far more so than we expected and the cupboard material is much thicker than our previous cupboard. Would have liked it to come with a storage bag included, but not a huge issue. Will probably purchase further items from the same company as the quality is impressive.
Delivery was prompt, the item was easy to assemble, we wanted it for extra storage for kitchen items including tins and other items that can be slightly heavy, the shelves had extra sheets to strengthen them, it can be used externally however we had a space reserved inside our motorhome it fitted perfectly and we are able to locate our microwave in top of it.
I will only be using this product during the summer months, but on arrival I assembled it in the lounge. The quality is excellent and I am pleased that I ordered it.
Just a little tip! Before you try to disassemble the product, make sure you return the top two shelves to the bottom layer so that all three shelves are together on the lowest tier. Otherwise you won’t be able to compact the product again into suitcase form.
Order one! You won’t regret it!
I will only be using this product during the summer months, but on arrival I assembled it in the lounge. The quality is excellent and I am pleased that I ordered it.
Just a little tip! Before you try to disassemble the product, make sure you return the top two shelves to the bottom layer so that all three shelves are together on the lowest tier. Otherwise you won’t be able to compact the product again into suitcase form.
Order one! You won’t regret it!
This is brilliant. We ordered it to take camping with us as we wanted to put our little stove on top and have somewhere to store all the little bits and pieces that you need access. Our tent doesn’t have lots of storage and this was ideal. IT’s easy to assemble and the solid shelf inserts made it very versatile. The build quality is excellent and I think for next year we will add to it with the bigger version so we have even more storage in the tent. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking at camping equipment. It might not have been the cheapest one around (and it’s by no means the most expensive) but it is incredible value for money and the very sturdy. We stored cartons of UHT milk, tins of food, plates, pans and all kinds of random kitchen stuff in it. We even spent the whole week cooking on top of it and not once did we worry about its stability or suitability.
Sehr gutes uns funktionelles Schrnkchen…. sehr leicht und schnell aufzubauen … leicht und gut zu reinigen… die mitgelieferten Einlegebden sind sehr passgenau und gut gefertigt,so das eine gute Standfestigkeit von Geschirr oder anderem gegeben ist … ein Nachteil,ist fr mich eine fehlende Transporthlle … sehr Schade denn man mchte ja beim Transport nicht unbedingt eine Beschdigung oder Verkratzen der Arbeitsflche in Kauf nehmen …. und bei einem Preis von etwa 120 Euro msste das eigentlich mit drin sein … eine Transporthlle … nun,hab mir eine fertigen lassen ,aus Resten von Markiesenstoff … etwa 50 Euro fr zwei Hllen …
Dieser Klappschrank beherbergt bei meinem Wohnmobil die Auenkche nebst Utensilien — der Stauraum ist fr meine Bedrfnisse ausreichend und obendrauf macht es sich ein Gaskocher mit zwei Flammen und Grillstation bequem. Zusammengefaltet ist der Schrank flacher als ein Tapeziertisch und lsst sich leicht verstauen. Der Aufbau lsst sich geschmeidig in einer guten Minute erledigen: “Dach” anheben, Gestell arretieren, Fachbden einlegen und das Ding steht stabil. Um unruhigen Untergrund auszugleichen verfgt der Schrank auerdem ber Schraubfe. Das verbaute Material (Alu, Kunststoff und Polyester) ist wertig, die Verarbeitung einschlielich der Zweiwege-Reiverschlsse tadellos. Auch nicht ganz unwichtig: Zur Zweckmigkeit gesellt sich ein ansprechendes Design – im Vergleich zu anderem Campingmobiliar erscheint dieses Modell vielleicht etwas teuer, aber dafr bekommt man auch was Ordentliches. Ich kann diesen Schrank bedenkenlos empfehlen. Gute Reise.
Viel Stauraum, der selbst kaum welchen benötigt - top!
es fenomena se monta y desmonta rapidisimo muy practica y resistente se la aconsejo al vaya de camping se monta y desmonta muy rpido y cuando se cierra es como una maleta
Love it. Sturdy folds flat, shelves robust. Excellent product. Delivered very promptlyLove it. Sturdy folds flat, shelves robust. Excellent product. Delivered very promptly
Lieferung innerhalb von 2 Tagen….super
Ansonsten schliee ich mich den positiven Meinungen der Vorbewertungen an…
In Sekunden aufgebaut…
sehr stabil…
viel Stauraum…
klein zu verstauen…
immer griffbereit…
und schick ohnehin…
ein toller Kchenschrank… nur zu empfehle
molto ben fatto strutturalmente solido, si apre con un gesto, e i materiali veramente di prima qualit, ne ho visti parecchi e si attesta sulle posizioni di nicchia. anche per via del peso che relativamente basso, lo uso per materiale camping camper. e simao veramente contenti.
Trs contente !
Malgr le prix plutt lev, a peut se comprendre car le meuble est bien fait, trs pratique, trs beau et de bonne qualit !
Il suffit juste de le dplier, c’est trs simple, pas de corve de montage et dmontage.
En cc c’est top car on peut l’utiliser trs facilement mme pour de trs courts sjours.
Nous avions prfre le prendre avec Amazon pour plus de tranquillit.
good sturdy cupboard, great for using to cook on. however a friend has another brand of camping cupboard which has pockets on the sides and that one is far more useful and well designed
good sturdy cupboard, great for using to cook on. however a friend has another brand of camping cupboard which has pockets on the sides and that one is far more useful and well designed
This is a great bit of kit and very well thought out. It is heavy but that only gives me the confidence that it will last. Very sturdy, a bit stiff to unlock initially but it pops up very well and only requires a little pressure to lock the four hinged framed corners in to place. Very sturdy shelving that is well made with edging in aluminium. Highly recommended.
I have looked at a lot of different quick to erect camping cupboards and the general problem with a lot of them is that they wobble. However this cupboard is one of the better ones and is a lot sturdier. Overall it is a fantastic bit of kit and well made. I am extremely happy with it, so much so I’ve just ordered another one.
If you need a secured cupboard with shelves when camping for all your food items, tins, cups, plates, cutlery etc, then look no further than this cupboard! There is nothing to put together (honestly) you just pull up the top and folding sides and lock them into upright position for an instant cupboard with a good hard working surface on the top. This is so good I now have two of them for all my kitchen camping needs, which can be set up in UNDER A MINUTE!!!!! They are not cheap but worth every penny!
hese are never cheap but this is the best camping cupboard ive ever bought, so east to set up and very sturdy, we have our 40inch tv on top of it with no problem..
Great product you can store loads of items in these and they are sturdy too. The feet adjust wich is a great freature, well worth the money.
Great bit of kit, easy to assemble and dissemble, looks great.
Very impressed with this camping Cupboard very sturdy and easy to assemble. Only disappointing thing is that it didn’t come with a storage bag
Diese Outdoor Kche, kann klein gemacht werden und passt sehr gut in jedes Staufach egal ob Wohnwagen, Camper oder Van. Es steht sehr stabil.
Expensive but the quality is good and it’s so easy to assemble.. very sturdy. Thjnk I should get many years of use out of this.
Plenty of storage space for cooking utensils
Feet are adjustable as well by up to an inch or so to help cater for uneven ground .
Definitely would recommend despite the cos
Easy to build, easy to use, this works very well, large enough for a prep table, plenty room for ‘stuff’ on each shelf.
Easy to build, easy to use, this works very well, large enough for a prep table, plenty room for ‘stuff’ on each shelf.
So glad we bought this! Perfect for extra storage when we go camping. Very easy and quick to put up, once up very sturdy.
So glad we bought this! Perfect for extra storage when we go camping. Very easy and quick to put up, once up very sturdy.
Needed a camper pod to be in van and use in awning great bit of kit and better value than anything else … Thank you
Needed a camper pod to be in van and use in awning great bit of kit and better value than anything else … Thank you
Perfect size to pack away in T5 and fits in gap between van and tent when connected.
Perfect size to pack away in T5 and fits in gap between van and tent when connected.
I love this product. Well made and an excellent design means that it simplicity itself to assemble… I am waiting for the larger version to come back in stock so that I can buy it.
I took this to Silverstone Classic and it held a myriad of food and drinks very securely. Feels solid and of high quality and folds and unfolds very easily.
OMG, how did i camp before i had this?
game changer for heavy weight family camping, premium yes, but worth every penny
Solid, useful surface and storage, folds up well too
obusta, ben dimensionata e soprattutto rapidissima da aprire e montare (non pi di 10 secondi)
We ordered this for extra storage in our Awning…It is superb quality for the money. It easily folds down when not in use and quite light. We use this now for our drinks cabinet in the awning our very own little bar with glass and bottle storage…….Great piece of camping gear 100% recommend it!
Used for a shoe cupboard and a larder in the awning
Fantastic product, easy to put up of take down, very strong, perfect for camping
Fantastic product, easy to put up of take down, very strong, perfect for camping
Used i awning plenty of storage and used top for tenpanyaki cooking fantastic produc
Great quality and very handy. Bit heavy but worth it.
You get what you pay for and this versatile camping kitchen does not disappoint on any level. No complicated set up, no struggling with poles bags and velcro! Undo the two side clips and pull up, lock out the legs and ‘hey presto’ it’s up in less than a minute. Four large storage compartments and a great top preparation area. Fits perfectly in the rear of our VW camper.
Great quality and very handy. Bit heavy but worth it.
Not used it as of yet, very easy to assemble and the shelves look sturdy enough for the purpose…..going to be used to store clothes.
Not used it as of yet, very easy to assemble and the shelves look sturdy enough for the purpose…..going to be used to store clothes.
I purchased this cupboard as we were going camping for 2weeks, this was ideal to store our clothes in. The clothes didn’t get damp or anything and there was lots of room to store everything. The cupboard was easy to put together and pack away.
Meine Kche habe ich noch nie so schnell aufgebaut, sollte ich mir wieder eins zulegen, werde ich dieses nehmen und hoffe auf Reisverschlsse auch auf der Rckseite, volle Punktzahl.
I bought this for my garden to use nxt to my bbq it’s great store everything in it folds down quick and easy for storage.
And it’s got mesh at back to stop any bugs but circulate air I love i
Its really easy and quick to put up and take down and is relatively compact when folded considering its size.
The weight is around 10KG, not insignificant but expected considering the size and quality of construction.
Its the nicest camping storage unit we have at a great price. This was 30% cheaper than a similar quality unit we looked at.
Klasse Teil fr die Outdoor Kche. Schnell und sparsam zu verstauen und stylische Desig
Delivery was prompt, the item was easy to assemble, we wanted it for extra storage for kitchen items including tins and other items that can be slightly heavy, the shelves had extra sheets to strengthen them, it can be used externally however we had a space reserved inside our motorhome it fitted perfectly and we are able to locate our microwave in top of it.
I will only be using this product during the summer months, but on arrival I assembled it in the lounge. The quality is excellent and I am pleased that I ordered it.
Just a little tip! Before you try to disassemble the product, make sure you return the top two shelves to the bottom layer so that all three shelves are together on the lowest tier. Otherwise you won’t be able to compact the product again into suitcase form.
Order one! You won’t regret it!
I will only be using this product during the summer months, but on arrival I assembled it in the lounge. The quality is excellent and I am pleased that I ordered it.
Just a little tip! Before you try to disassemble the product, make sure you return the top two shelves to the bottom layer so that all three shelves are together on the lowest tier. Otherwise you won’t be able to compact the product again into suitcase form.
Order one! You won’t regret it!
Produkt hat den ersten “Stresstest” gemeistert. Das Einfgen der Bretter ist ein wenig gewhnungsbedrftig, aber am Ende recht simpel.
Perfect, very easy to use, sturdy and a good size.
Perfect, very easy to use, sturdy and a good size.
Simple to erect, lightweight, lots of storage space, great piece of kit.
Simple to erect, lightweight, lots of storage space, great piece of kit.
Ideal para camping. No ocupa demasiado plegado y abierto es de buen tamao.
Stupefatto dalla semplicit e praticit di questo mobiletto da campeggio, nonostante il costo vale la pena spendere i $
es fenomena se monta y desmonta rapidisimo muy practica y resistente se la aconsejo al vaya de camping se monta y desmonta muy rpido y cuando se cierra es como una maleta
Really like this cupboard goes up and folds down easily and seems real sturdy
Really like this cupboard goes up and folds down easily and seems real sturdy
Eine Kche zum mitnehmen schnell aufgebaut und genau so schnell abgebaut lst sich gut im Wohbmobill verstauen und ist stabil .
Ansonsten schliee ich mich den positiven Meinungen der Vorbewertungen an…
In Sekunden aufgebaut…
sehr stabil…
viel Stauraum…
klein zu verstauen…
immer griffbereit…
und schick ohnehin…
ein toller Kchenschrank… nur zu empfehle
Super, sehr einfache Handhabung. Einfach auf- und abgebaut. Die Praxis im Sommer wird zeigen, wie gut die Campingkche wirklich ist….
Malgr le prix plutt lev, a peut se comprendre car le meuble est bien fait, trs pratique, trs beau et de bonne qualit !
Il suffit juste de le dplier, c’est trs simple, pas de corve de montage et dmontage.
En cc c’est top car on peut l’utiliser trs facilement mme pour de trs courts sjours.
Nous avions prfre le prendre avec Amazon pour plus de tranquillit.
Great Qualty Cupboard . Looks smart and built very well . Collapses nicely for easy packing in the car .
Great Qualty Cupboard . Looks smart and built very well . Collapses nicely for easy packing in the car .
good sturdy cupboard, great for using to cook on. however a friend has another brand of camping cupboard which has pockets on the sides and that one is far more useful and well designed
good sturdy cupboard, great for using to cook on. however a friend has another brand of camping cupboard which has pockets on the sides and that one is far more useful and well designed
Great purchase, well worth the money, I would definitely recommend
Great purchase, well worth the money, I would definitely recommend