Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit with Grow Light | Smart Garden for Home Kitchen Windowsill | Easier than Hydroponics Growing System | Vegetable Gardening Starter (3 Basil Pods included), Grey

Not a company, but a community of local growers

From Seoul to Alaska, our smart indoor garden provides the perfect needed to start growing your own fresh products and take control of how we feed us.

You’re what you eat.

Not a company, but a community of local growers

From Seoul to Alaska, our smart indoor garden provides the perfect needed to start growing your own fresh products and take control of how we feed us.

You’re what you eat.

Not a company, but a community of local growers

From Seoul to Alaska, our smart indoor garden provides the perfect needed to start growing your own fresh products and take control of how we feed us.

You’re what you eat.

Not a company, but a community of local growers

From Seoul to Alaska, our smart indoor garden provides the perfect needed to start growing your own fresh products and take control of how we feed us.

You’re what you eat.

Dimensions: 30 x 10 x 28 cm; 1.2 Kilograms
Model: SGS1UNI
Manufacture: Click and Grow

76 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Dlais de livraison respect.
    Article conforme aux descriptifs et mes attentes.
    Les graines mettent entre 3 et 4 semaines germer.
    Pour une croissance uniforme, pensez faire pivoter les pots.

    NB : les varits de plantes ont t achets sparment (la bote fournie ne comporte que du basilic).


  2. EusebiaSchaefer says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo smart garden per il compleanno di un amico e lui stato contentissiml! Il design elegante si adatta perfettamente al suo arredamento.
    La costruzione solida del dispositivo un segno di qualit.
    L’installazione stata semplice e veloce… Lui apprezza molto la comodit di avere le piante a portata di mano in casa sua. Il sistema di illuminazione integrato ha permesso alle piante di ricevere la quantit di luce di cui hanno bisogno per una crescita sana, e l’irrigazione automatica ha ridotto al minimo lo stress causato dall’irrigazione manuale.

    Ha coltivato con successo una vasta gamma di piantine, dalla lattuga alle erbe aromatiche, senza alcun problema. Fantastici anche i suggerimenti e le indicazioni fornite nell’app per assicurare la crescita ottimale delle piante.

    Quindi questo smart garden un prodotto fantastico per chiunque desideri coltivare piante in casa in modo facile e conveniente. La facilit d’uso, il design e la qualit dei materiali, le funzioni di illuminazione e irrigazione automatica e il supporto clienti professionale rendono questo prodotto un acquisto eccellente e lo consiglio vivamente.

  3. KayleneDarbyshi says:


    Got this for my wife for her birthday it’s a really good way to start growing stuff in the apartment. The basil is large and tastes really good.

  4. If Curves Could Talk Stefanie says:


    Does ‘what it says on the can’. Works very well.

  5. Megan Griffiths says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this product. So easy to use! Basil is flourishing in our light deficient room. The extendable arm with the light allows the plants to grow pretty high too! Really enjoying our fresh Basil on pizza.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Idea regalo molto carina, di design e non serve davvero occuparsi di nulla, dopo averlo installato fa tutto da solo, il basilico dopo 1 mese era gi al massimo dell’ altezza!

  7. Anonymous says:


    Best size and growing after 10 months & counting have jalapeos and tomatoes. I also have a larger one I used for 10 years that I used to early start tomatoes and bring outdoors. Big fan! This size is great in the kitchen cuz looks good!

  8. Anonymous says:


    Preso per un regalo, piaciuto tantissimo! Ha dentro anche la busta con la terra del basilico che ad oggi super rigoglioso!

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this because i was fed up of the supermarket pots dying 2 days later.
    Its super easy to set up and grow stuff and really interesting to watch to develop. These pictures show my parsley, basil and chilli plants after 3 weeks!
    Love it.

    Super easy

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great way to grow plants indoors all year round, but for what it is I believe it is a bit overpriced.
    The only electric part is the light, the rest is basically a tub of water (which works well, but is a reason why it should not be 80 at least).
    Also just to let anyone know the light is very bright so if you intends to keep it on at night be aware of that.
    The main reason I did buy this though was due to its good build quality and it does what it is supposed to do very well

  11. GaleAlexander says:


    Sono soddisfattissima del mio acquisto. Il basilico stupendo profumato e saporito, dal 3 dicembre che l’ho messa in funzione ho gi potato e messo in freeze

    Acquisto pazzesco

  12. GeniaWaters says:


    Great product, bit pricy though. Simple to use, however the mobile application is crap.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Bon a pousse, a demande beaucoup d’eau… j’ai achet a principalement pour avoir de la menthe pour les mojitoos ; j’ai un soucis avec la taille (dimension) des feuilles… sinon le basilic a pousse trs bie

  14. Anonymous says:


    Aprs plus d’un an d’utilisation.

    Les + :
    – trs bonne qualit
    – trs simple utiliser et fiable
    – permet d’avoir un large choix d’aromates

    Les – :
    – le prix des recharges (je vous conseille d’ailleurs de les prendre directement sur leur site, c’est beaucoup moins cher et vous aurez plus de choix)
    – il n’y a pas d’interrupteur pour couper la lampe en cas de besoin

    Je recommande ce produit de trs bonne qualit !

  15. JoesphBancroft says:


    Funciona! La planta crece en poqusimo tiempo, es una pasada.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Ottima idea regalo per amici a cui piace cucinare, comodo, utile e divertente. Non richiede molta manutenzione e attenzione: una maniera semplice per crescere il proprio giardino di spezie e fiori.

  17. AngelinKinsella says:


    Not sure why 1 pod grows and produce seedling so slow. There’s 1-2 seeds not growing in that middle pod. Wish someone can advise though it’s likely just the seed issue. Hope it grows well soon. Need to keep turning or switching the pods for plants to get light evenly.

    Other than that, 2 other basil pods are growing fine. Looking to increase light height n harvest in 2 more weeks..

    The quality of the pods can be subjective

  18. SvenWhitaker says:


    It works! Lights are very bright though. Now that the basil plants have grown, the lights don’t bother me as much.
    It’s compact and quite pretty. Happy with purchase.

    Simple and it works

  19. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersSehr zu empfehlen fr alle die fter unterwegs sind! Wir sind aus beruflichen Grnden leider nur am Wochenende zuhause daher knnten wir ein normales” Beet gar nicht bewirtschaften. Das Click&Grow ist hier ideal, durch das bewsserungssystem gibt es keine Probleme und so hat man trotz allem seinen eigenen kleinen Krutergarten”
    Der Preis ist etwas hoch, da es sich eigentlich um ein recht einfaches System handelt jedoch kann man ihn fr diese Erfindung verkraften. Wir knnen das Produkt nur weiterempfehlen!

  20. HarlanPatnode says:

     United Kingdom

    Received this item as a gift in Ireland yesterday. Sent to me from a friend in England. Got held in Irish customs, the seed pods were removed by the Department Of Food and Agriculture. Brexit maybe???

  21. author says:


    Funziona veramente.
    Le piantine crescono rigogliose in un paio di settimane e poi possono essere invasate.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Fr alle Leute ohne Garten und Balkon eine super Sache.

    Mein Basilikum wchst mittlerweile seit ber 3 Monaten 🙂

    Auerdem ist das Ding auch ein netter Eyecatcher in der Kche!

  23. Anonymous says:


    Sehr guter Aufzuchtkasten. Nach vier Monaten sind die Lampen defekt und der Verkufer hat ohne Probleme eine neuen Lampenarm geschickt.

  24. LuciaLeony says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEasy to grow things ,love the size it’s good for small spaces , I enjoyed growing plants in mine , nothing to really dislike , worth the expense, good for first time gardeners, I’ve just bought my second smart garden just put petunias and cornflower seeds in this one

    Enjoyable to grow in lovely size garde

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic indoor grower thta keeps away the flies that are in plant soil.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Muy contenta con mi Click and Grow! Inici mi plantitas hace unos 20 das y ya estn tan grandes!

    Me encanta

  27. Anonymous says:


    Toutes mes plantes ont pousses correctement. Fonctionnement automatique, tiens peu de place. Trs bonne exprience.

  28. Tristan Bruns says:

     United Kingdom

    Received this as a Christmas present and I must say it works brilliantly. Simple to use. Easy to follow instructions and it’s modern style and size allows for a small yet highly effective indoor garden. Not only do the pods come in so many variations but they also supply empty pods so you can put what ever seeds you want in. Worth the investment and highly recommend!


  29. Anonymous says:


    Lo enchufamos el dia de reyes, y las plantas ya han crecido. Da lo que promete.
    Buena calidad de acabados, facil utilizacio

  30. StacieBagwell says:


    Non c’ nulla di pi bello che vedere la natura crescere sotto i propri occhi.Esperienza da consigliare

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love these things and have now given 2 for gifts.
    When you get it it’s easy to set up and comes in nice packaging, so far all of the plant pods that I’ve gotten have grown amazingly. My only complaint is that it is a little bit over priced and when you but the plant pods they come in a lot of non recyclable packaging.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Regalo molto apprezzato. Bello il design. Utile per avere piante aromatiche anche in inverno. Le luci soni un poco fastidiose di notte.

  33. TrevorGopinko says:

     United Kingdom

    Great quality product. Easy to set up. Kids loved watching the plants grow. Looking forward to adding other plants in the future.
    It isn’t cheap but you get what you pay for.

  34. CleoLongtiynmbq says:

     United Kingdom

    The garden is great for replenishing the water and looks the part.

    I gave only been growing Basil or as my son says baysil. Great flavours.

  35. RNLBrittny says:


    Il prodotto un po’ troppo costoso rispetto alla qualit dei materiali utilizzati

  36. Anonymous says:


    Non potevo scegliere regalo migliore. Il rapporto qualit prezzo molto soddisfacente. Le piantine sono cresciute velocemente e il regalo stato molto apprezzato.

  37. Tina Butler says:


    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersEinfach nur zu empfehlen. Wer keinen grnen Daumen hat und trotzdem frische Tomaten, Basilikum usw. haben mchte, fr den ist Click and Grow perfekt.
    Gerade wachsen bei mir Tomaten, Petersilie und Basilikum. Der Geschmack ist der Wahnsinn, enthlt wichtige bitterstoffe!!

  38. Avery Hartmans says:


    Bel design, facile da usare, un p piccolino in rapporto al prezzo, ma nel complesso una bella idea regalo!

  39. Anonymous says:


    Penso sia la migliore mini serra in assoluto. Costa un po’, vero.. ma i materiali sono ottimi e talmente belli che sta benone anche in salotto! Bianco lucido, bellissima!

  40. Anonymous says:


    Il prodotto carino esteticamente ma l’importo eccessivo. Effettivamente i semini crescono davvero velocemente, ma gli unici prodotti coltivabili in una piccola vaschetta sono le erbe aromatiche, basilico, prezzemolo, ed altro. Ho speso 90 per coltivare una piantina di basilico del valore 1.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I decided to treat myself to a click and grow. I have the 3 section 30cm and it sits well in my kitchen. I love the design which is very simple and clean. I bought additional pods to the basil supplied. All are doing well, and I cut my first lettuce leaves this week which tasted great. I have peas and basil, which are also doing well. I love the idea of always having fresh basil, lettuce, peas and tomatoes especially in the winter and all in my kitchen. Great gift for any garden or budding gardener.

    It fits perfectly on my counte

  42. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto. Bello esteticamente e funziona veramente. Un po scettico prima dell’acquisto ma dopo un anno di utilizzo mi ritengo pi che soddisfatto. Ottima idea regalo sopratutto nella versione pi piccola a tre piantine. Ottimo soprattutto il basilico che dura circa 6 mesi.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is a great product and does exactly what it says, grows herbs with the minimum effort. Mine came with the included basil so I assume that was an issue with a particular batch. For those who day the light is too bright – it is artificially providing light to replace the intense energy that plants get from the sun, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this recently but the sun is pretty bright!

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI got it as a present for a friend and when i saw it i immediately wanted one for myself.

    It comes with 2 height extensions for the light ( at the picture we are already using 1 out of 2 )
    It’s very easy to use and the picture is less than 1 month after we set it up.

    Still waiting on the strawberries

    I would suggest it to more people if it had UV lights along with LEDs.

    Overall it’s a nice experience to own one of these.

    Great gif

  45. CarrolVdvsv says:

     United Kingdom

    We are in lockdown and I suppose watching plants grow is on a par with watching paint dry. However, this has been fun from day one. The seedS germinated after 24 hours. Day 2 we were watching the leaves start to grow. The kit is sleek, cheap to run and in the end we have an edible crop of herbs. I have already bought the next set of seeds. Our indoor farm is fun, the grandkids love it. Grandpa loves it. Best thing of all it looks after itself. Yes it’s expensive, but I’ve bought two more for presents. This product is excellent.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is amazing. I was sceptical until I saw the first shoots on day 3. Now in week 3 and my Basil is shooting up! Haven’t given a taste rating yet as I haven’t eaten any!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Simply amazing

  47. EricaGarret says:

     United Kingdom

    We are very happy with it, basil grew so fast!!

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersAmazing! Herbs are growing in under two weeks! Can’t comment on flavour yet but am deeply impressed with this cracking gadget! Really fun watching the plants grow every day. Definitely worth the money.

    Edit: after 25 days I have delicious herbs! Excellent!


  49. LidiaStawell says:


    Click and Grow has two major advantages over other urban gardening systems:
    1. It looks very nice, compact, and streamlined that it can be used as a display
    2. Very low maintenance required and is perfect for individuals who travel a lot or are away most of the time

    I planted the basil that came with the set, read a little about it and in 3 weeks I was already able to harvest from it.

    Really nice set-up

  50. Nida8316vh says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to set up. I’ve got Basil in it at the moment. Only just put it in so not had anything from it yet. But it seems very simple and easy to do for someone who is brand new to growing anything. (I normally kill anything green so will see how it goes!)


    I’m amazed at this product! My Basil is sprouting so quickly! So pleased!!!!!

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So easy to use. Plug and play, grew tomatoes which taste so good

  52. CorinneF06 says:


    La spedizione Amazon stata come sempre celere. Il vaso bello esteticamente e molto “intelligente” ma le capsule originali costano troppo. Io utilizzo nelle cialde semi comuni e terriccio e crescono ugualmente. Ci vuole solo un po’ pi di tempo. Ha un problema con il timer. Ogni tanto va resettato.

  53. Anonymous says:


    Per adesso molto soddisfatto, bello da vedere e da tenere in mostra, dopo neanche quattro giorni il basilico come in foto e cresce a vista d occhio.


  54. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto utile e simpatico
    Funziona molto bene
    Regalato per Natale, stato molto apprezzato

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product. Received as a gift – just harvested my first basil after around 3 weeks. Extremely easy to use and looks great.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Las albahacas han germinado sper pronto, es fantstico, estamos muy contentos.

  57. Jay says:

     United Kingdom

    Product works and everything is explained well. The app that you can use with it is bad but that’s optional and it works great without it anyway.

  58. ShayPWZUapood says:


    Le piantine crescono in fretta. Il prezzo un po alto per un irrigatore e una luce… pensavo che fosse piu tecnologico con un app che si connette direttamente all irrigatore invece no

  59. LavonneKirkcald says:

     United Kingdom

    I got this as a gift from my husband for Christmas but it has been a gift for the whole family. My children have loved watching the seeds become seedlings and then plants. They grow so fast that it has kept their attention better than some of their own presents.

    We have started with basil and coriander and my boys are already planning what they want to grow next.

  60. Ellen Cannon says:


    Prodotto di ottima qualit, perfetti i tempi di spedizione. Facile l’utilizzo e splendide foto subacquee. Superconsigliato

  61. Anonymous says:


    A nifty little gadget. My daughter loves watching the seeds sprout.

  62. unknown says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersRecieved one of the gardens for my birthday and the basil was growing within a week

  63. MichealWLK says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Usersla main verte n’existe pas, par contre pas assez de lumire, trop d’eau, oubli d’arroser, trop de soleil oui cela fait partie de nos soucis avec les plantes, c’est la premire fois que j’ai du basilic en continu depuis 6 mois, la lumire automatique peu dranger, mais il faut mettre l’appareil dans la cuisine, ou dans une pice ou la lumire ne drange pas.

  64. Anonymous says:


    c’etait pour offrir mais a ma surprise il n’y avait pas les capsules de basilics

  65. RefugioX71 says:


    Qualche dubbio quando ho pensato di comprarlo ma poi mi ha stupito,semplice da usare e risultati ottenuti

  66. Anonymous says:


    ottimo articolo, i germogli sono nati tutti subito, il basilico per dopo un po si ferma, non fa una foresta come in foto. Do 4 stelle e non 5 perche un po costoso x essere solo un vaso alla fine, con 3 lampadine leds, nulla di tecnologico.. non mi aspettavo i livelli di linfa della robonica ma almeno un aereatore o una pompa di movimento potevano concepirlo

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 47 From Our UsersI have to be honest and say that we bought this as a bit of fun but from the moment of setting it up, we are hooked. Our trip into the kitchen is always via our new addition now to see how they are getting on.
    It makes a lovely focal point and looks very modern and techy. I’m a sucker for a gadget so was easily sold.

    A gadget it maybe and yes you could achieve the same results in a green-house but they are fun and look great. Our plants in the pic are Tomato and Basil and have grown like this in just 1 week. We can’t comment on the taste yet but I’m sure they will be perfect. They have perfect soil, water, light and conversation so surely they are going to be good.

    I bought when on offer at 60 but would probably not have paid the original 100 price tag. They come in various sizes but the 3 plant option was big enough for us.

    You literally can plant and leave. I haven’t had to top up the water reservoir since setting up but assume they might use more once they are established. Watering is very simple and uses a gauge to tell you when to water. The LED lighting is bright so you will need to set the time correctly for it going into sleep mode. This is done based on when you power the unit on giving you 16 hours of light. You can switch off and on at anytime to adjust the timer.

    The product is really good quality as you would expect for the price.

    Looking forward to the taste test!

    Family Loves I

  68. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersRespect des dlais de livraison.
    Produit conforme la photo.
    Prise en main rapide.
    Les plants sont magnifiques.
    Pratique pour le jardinage d’hiver ou pour les personnes n’ayant pas d’extrieur.
    Je suis toujours en possession de ce produit bientt 2 ans.
    Je recommande ce produi

  69. Gina says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersGrows very fast. I used the basil that it comes with and have made pesto with it. Only downside is the light is very bright.

  70. JungKorthtq says:


    Ottimo prodotto, le piantine crescono bene ed esteticamente un prodotto di arredo.

  71. Anonymous says:


    Utile se non si ha il “pollice verde”
    Crescono in fretta e per ora sembra funzionare mettere 3 tipi di pinte differenti

  72. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPour cultiver des herbes aromatiques en hiver et cela pousse rapidement.

  73. JulietaMoreland says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersun bel germinatore che arreda.
    Ho comprato il germinatore per mostrare ai bimbi come si sviluppano le piante, oltre che per avere basilico e salvia freschi anche d’inverno.
    Comodo il recipiente per l’acqua e la luce temporizzata.
    Bello il design e ottimi i materiali.

  74. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOffert pour Nol ma femme, rsultat nous en sommes trs satisfait ! Nous avons du Basilic frais porter de main pour nos tomates mozza, nos risotto et autres pasta ! Trs apprciable. Certes la lumire est forte mais je pense que cela est ncessaire notamment en hiver.
    De plus l’objet en lui mme est design et jolie.

  75. Anonymous says:


    per la prima volta sono riuscito a non far morire delle piantine. fa tutto lui ed perfetto! quando le piantine crescono consigliabile travasarle perch troppo ammassate.

  76. CynthiaMilam says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersJolie serre d’agrment. Design et lumineuse. Mon basilic commenc pousser en peine 8 jours. Les tomates pointent le bout de leur nez galement. Bravo cette jeune Start up pour cette ingnieuse invention.