Corsair VIRTUOSO RGB WIRELESS High-Fidelity Gaming Headset (50mm High-Density Neodymium Speakers, 60ft Signal Range, Omni-Directional High-Bandwidth Microphone) Pearl CA-9011224-EU

  1. Uncompromising Sound Quality

    From the lightest footstep to the deepest bass tone, you’ll hear more with the VIRTUOSO RGB Wireless. Precisely tuned 50mm high-density neodymium drivers boast a frequency range of 20Hz-40,000Hz

  2. Comfort Is King

    Premium memory foam earpads that conform to the shape of your head, along with a lightweight headband, deliver pillow-soft, long-lasting comfort, enabling you to play for hours on end.

  3. Premium Lightweight Construction

    Machined aluminum construction means VIRTUOSO RGB Wireless offers the perfect blend of lightweight design, strong durability and maximum comfort.

Broadcast-Grade Detachable Microphone

It’s simply one of the best microphones ever put on a headset. The high-bandwidth omni-directional microphone of the VIRTUOSO RGB Wireless provides wide range and superb vocal clarity rivaling that of standalone microphones, fully detachable with an RGB LED ring to indicate live or mute status.

  1. Hyper-fast wireless connection with up to 60ft of range, using Intelligent Frequency Shift (IFS).

  2. High-fidelity, 24bit/96kHz audio for the ultimate listening experience with compatible recordings.

  3. Universal connection for listening to a wide variety of devices.

1 Slipstream Wireless 2 USB Wired 3 3.5mm Wired

Discord Certified

Communicate in confidence with the millions of users in the Discord community, knowing that your microphone and audio drivers have been tested and evaluated for crystal-clear communication and outstanding sound.

Weight: 370 g
Size: One size
Dimensions: 17 x 10 x 19.5 cm; 370 Grams
Model: CA-9011224-EU
Colour: Pearl
Batteries Included: 1 A batteries required. (included)
Colour: Pearl
Size: One size

27 Responses

  1. FelixAshburn says:


    Cascos muy comodos, con buen sonido y duracion de bateria

  2. Anonymous says:


    Das Headset meldet sich schon selbst wenn du es laden musst und ist an sich sehr bequem. Sieht auch gut aus, am Anfang ist es nur sehr ungewohnt, aber man gewhnt sich an das Headset 🙂 Der Sound ist auch sehr gut, man hat viele verschiedene Equalizer Mglichkeiten, und ingame ist es auch gut, wenn man dieses fps ding beim Equalizer benutzt, die anderen haben fr Games zu viel bass. Die Reichweite reicht bei mir durch die ganze Wohnung, also es geht echt weit. Mikrofon benutz ich nicht, weil ich mein HyperX quadcast in Wei benutze dazu, passt auch echt gut zusammen. Bereue es kein Stck es gekauft zu haben. Endlich weg von dem Razer Headset in pink, wo das Kabel sich immer einrollt. Und endlich hre ich steps ingame, mit dem Razer hrt man im Gegensatz zu diesem gar nichts. Und man hat die Mglichkeit den Sound zu verndern durch den Equalizer.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Das Headset hat eine Super Ausstattung, top Qualitt, Wireless ist auch super nur das einzig Schade ist, das der Bass fehlt.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great headset! I’ve honestly never had one this good before, you really do pay for what you get.

    Must buy

  5. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Also optisch sowieso dank der schnen Farben super. Aber auch die Klangqualitt berzeugt
    Sehr empfehlenswe

  6. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Avendo gi acquistato cuffie wireless Corsair in passato ho optato per questo modello dal design gradevole e moderno. Le cuffie sono comode, leggere e si adattano bene indossandole. Sinceramente sono un p delusa dal suono, che dopo vari tentativi sono riuscita a rendere pi profondo e immersivo grazie al software anche se non soddisfatta totalmente. Si avverte un effetto metallico che pu deludere. Ingame rende bene per quanto riguarda gli effetti ambientali che aiutano molto il giocatore. Testate su Elden Ring:) e in effetti crea una bella atmosfera. Durata batterie non lunghissima ma certo dipende dall’uso che se ne fa. Consiglio comunque l’acquisto sperando in un ritocco al ribasso del prezzo.

  7. WilliamsTCOP says:


    Ce qui est dommage ces qu il est fonctionne pas sur Xbox

  8. Sarah McDermott says:

     United Kingdom

    This headset would be perfect If it didn’t have two major faults.
    – The sound quality is at maximum acceptable, it lacks clarity, and, besides being a closed-back, it sounds quite distant, I definitely don’t recommend if you play highly competitive games that the sound clarity matters. Also, I had to make my custom equalizer setup, since the preset ones are quite bad.
    – I miss a little more sound isolation, it feels like a semi-open headphone, not a closed-back.

    Besides these two problems, they made a nice job on this headset. The design is so pretty, the option to use wired, USB, and wireless is quite handy and the mute button with the indicator led is a nice addition.
    The mic sound in the RGB version is just amazing considering the other brands (better than the SE version). The quality of the gooseneck material is ok, it doesn’t feel it will lose its strength over time. The headset doesn’t feel cheap by any means, besides being so lightweight, (they could even increase the weight in order to increase the sound isolation, I wouldn’t mind.) and the sound volume is quite enough.
    I definitely recommend this, unless you play highly competitive fps that require critical listening.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really good-looking headset with a few issues.
    The headset is tight around the ears, so your ears start aching after 2 hours or so of use, which isn’t ideal.
    The mic sticks straight out in front of you, so you can’t really place it near your mouth or move it away.
    Also for some reason, had a strange issue where others in discord calls can’t hear me sometimes as the mic goes all muffled and weird when they hear loud sounds in games or on a series you’re watching when you share screens.
    Good points however are that you can adjust the sound in quite a few different ways, it’s really good-looking & the build quality does feel really good. The mic quality overall is also quite good for a built-in.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Super, le seul problme c’est qu’il ne tiens pas trop la charge

  11. ZaneYWVoevc says:


    Ich bin nur Laie aber mir gefallen die Kopfhrer sehr. Design echt toll. Mikro fr mein Verstndis grandios. Die Polsterung ist rund, das wird bestimmt nicht jeden passen. Wrde mir eine genauere Angabe vom Akku wnschen. Gibt nur Abstufung von voll, Mittel und muss geladen werden.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The people I speak to online have all commented on how clear the microphone is. Plus they’re comfy and fed very good quality

  13. Vera says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThough you would expect it for the price. These are incredibly good. The 50mm drivers are clean and crisp delivering really good bass and high notes at even low volume. Mic is clean and detachable. 3 different ways to connect make it super versatile too. Arrived long before expected.


    So I managed to get a replacement and the 2nd one that arrived has given me endless issues with regards to the sound starting to crackle and pop while gaming. Volume is around 65% and I have no other sound programs controlling it.
    I use the 7.1 surround, audio repositioning that is within the ICUE app on a generic equilizer. I took all settings back to default and closed ICUE to try solve this issue but nothing seems to work. The only thing that works to revert the “rice crispies in a tin can” sound is to switch it to USB mode and back to wireless whilst gaming, this disconnects my sound (obviously not great when playing competitive games) and go into settings and reselect it as my audio device. It gives me another 15 minutes or so before it does it again. I’m not impressed and yes, it still does this while plugged directly into the pc. The pc and all ports, drives and settings are up to date and don’t give me these issues with other wireless headsets.

    Hope this helps.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Casque au top ! Super bien insonoris, qualit de son au rendez-vous.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Beau produit. Confortable porter mme longtemps, trs facile d’utilisation et mettre en route.
    Je recommande pour le prix et la marque

  16. Anonymous says:


    Ich finds sehr gut, die soundqualitt und das Aussehen sind wirklich prima, ebenfalls macht das kabellose tragen so vieles einfacher! Man hngt nirgends fest und kann sich mal schnell whrend der Wartezeit was zu essen holen und trotzdem zuhren. Ebenfalls ist das bedienen sehr leicht und die Akku Laufzeit ist auch mehr als akzeptabel!

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAs I have mentioned in the title, they are really good and I was impressed by not having any issues with the notorious iCUE software. They do offer the wireless option via a dongle and honestly I couldnt tell the difference in sound myself nor did people notice the quality of my mic change. I do use them with Nvidia’s Broadcast software. The battery seems to last a long time, I haven’t really timed it or anything but we used to have 9-10+ hour gaming sessions and I haven’t depleted the charge on them while having the RGB lightning on.

    The only reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 was because the headband is a bit tight for me and it puts some pressure on top of my head so it kind of starts to hurt a bit after a longer gaming session. A bit surprising since I have a small head but it wouldnt be a dealbreaker for me, the overall performance is really good.

  18. Cody Perez says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAll in all a really good wireless headset, especially if you’ve already tried others and had problems with muffled microphone (Ps4/Pc) just have to remember to keep the microphone a little further away or even pointed away from your mouth, and then turn up microphone on the Ps4/Pc itself. If you’re in the same boat as me and have just tried 2 different turtle beach stealth 600 gen 2’s (and others) then this headset is your saviour. I didn’t really need to tune the headset on the ICUE program (Pc) but any problems you’ll see from other reviews can basically be fixed there. My only real problem with the headset is that it doesn’t last anywhere near the advertised battery time, the advertised battery life is only achievable by turning the RGB LED’s off, which shouldn’t really bother anyone as the wearer can not see the lights anyway. One issue brought up by others is the matter of comfort. This headset is fairly comfortable if you are used to headset with circular pads, however the pads on this headset are extremely soft and have a lot of give so they don’t do a whole lot of padding. It’s a strange thing to describe but they weren’t really uncomfortable for me. Another concern of mine is that the headset feels delicate even though it has really good solid build quality and materials, this may just be because of swivelly parts and my fear of damaging a really expensive headset. All-in-all good headset but it’s a really really good headset if you were having problems with the turtle beach and other similar muffled microphones.

    Much better than the Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis must be the best headset I have bought so far. 7.1 works wonders when in-game and really helps when differentiating from where sounds cone from. Love the RGB integration with iCue and works well with my setup. Really easy to use and lightweight; was basically plug and play. Make sure you give it a good charge before using it though.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLove this headset. The mic is clearer than my blue yeti snowball by far. The quality is great, it sounds good and switching between wired and wireless is pretty easy. The wire is good quality too and hasn’t degraded at all since I bought it.

    There are a couple of downsides. If you install the iCue software it reacts weirdly with discord. Had to uninstall the software.

    The LED lights are left on if you’re charging the device overnight and they are quite bright which can be irritating if you’re sleeping in the same room.

  21. Anonymous says:


    J’ai pris ce casque pour son esthtique tomber, mais n’avais jamais eu de produit Corsair avant celui ci.
    Le son est top, la configuration avec le logiciel pas hyper intuitive, niveau confort a fait 3 semaines que je le porte plusieurs heures par jour et il me fait toujours mal au dessus la tte, srement qu’il n’est pas encore assez adapt ma tte.
    Un peu du du ct confort du coup, surtout vu son prix.
    Quelques soucis son parfois entre le changement filiaire non filaire, mais rapidement rglable.

    Jolie mais pas hyper confortable

  22. WilmerHarper says:


    Ich hatte mir das Headset vor rund 2 Monaten geholt und bin sehr zufrieden, dass einzige was mir Probleme bereitete, war die Soundeinstellung. Ich habe lange gebraucht um gute Einstellung fr gaming zu finden, da die vorgegeben nicht das wahre sind.
    Desweiteren hatte mein Freund, welcher etwas abstehende Ohren hat, das Problem das seine Ohren nach der Zeit weh tun. Sonst hatte ich bis jetzt keine negativen Erfahrungen gemacht.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Ich liebe dieses Headset ist auch richtig schn verarbeitet und die Batterie hlt lnger als ich gedacht htte

  24. Anonymous says:


    Il suono non dei pi forti.. Con quei soldi mi sarei aspettato di pi.
    Bella invece la comodit.

  25. Runners World says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAfter biting the bullet to spend quite a lot on a pc headset, I am so glad I did. These are very well built, sound great and work straight out of the box instead of the problems I had with Bluetooth headphones.

    I did switch off the LED to make the battery last longer but as I can’t see that when I’m wearing them it is fine.

    Really impressed with these would highly recommend.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’ve tried a few different headsets including the turtle beach stealth 700 and the corsair void pro but this one blew both clean out the water.
    The sound quality (if installed properly and showing 8 channels) is amazing when tested with a proper surround sound audio/video is absolutely immense. It’s great for gaming and the comfort is awesome and my ears are on the larger side but no issues.
    It has pretty reasonable range considering it is only USB powered

    I would absolutely buy another of these if needed, its just a shame it only gets 7.1 surround on PC as it would be a great console based headset (cable can connect to Xbox/PS but its limited to stereo)

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBrought for my son for christmas and so far all good