CROSOFMI Digital Water Timer, Sprinkler Timer Programmable with Rain Delay, Garden Hose Timers for Watering with Large LCD Display, Manual Irrigation Mode, IPX5 Waterproof for Garden Lawn Patio Farm

irrigation system water timers for irrigation water timer automatic watering systemirrigation system water timers for irrigation water timer automatic watering systemirrigation system water timers for irrigation water timer automatic watering systemirrigation system water timers for irrigation water timer automatic watering system

Warm Tips

  • Before connecting the quick connector to the top faucet connector, make sure the rubber ring is in place to prevent water leaks.
  • When the battery power is low, please replace the battery in time to avoid interruption of normal operation; when replacing the battery, please ensure that the battery compartment is dry.
  • The product itself does not generate pressure, but utilizes the pressure of tap water; a tap or pressurized water source ensures that the irrigation timer is pumped correctly. (withstand the maximum water pressure: 10KG)
  • New upgraded aluminum alloy mesh filter prevents dirt particles and prolongs product life
  • The rubber ring is properly installed in the black connector to prevent water leakage.

Weight: 390 g
Dimensions: 12.6 x 4.78 x 9.78 cm; 390 Grams
Dimensions: 12.6 x 4.78 x 9.78 cm; 390 Grams

104 Responses

  1. Allizabeth Collins says:


    Prodotto conforme alla descrizione del venditore di ottima fattura, semplice da installare, manutenzione minima.

  2. Suann quotHoneybeequot Lundsberg says:


    semplice da programmare, intuitivo da modificare. Preso per un orto casalingo. Irrigazione a goccia (tubo lungo 20-25 mt) da cisterna sotto pompa a immersione, rubinetto aperto poco. Perfetto. Attenzione perch questo aggeggio, se non siete malati per l’orto, vi fa dimenticare di andare a controllare la produzione e rischiate di trovare cocomeri al posto delle zucchine !!! Da giugno a fine settembre batterie ancora al max. Perfetto

  3. VickiePurdy says:


    Ho utilizzato questo prodotto per 6 mesi con un impianto goccia a goccia nell’orlo. Non avuto alcun problema, funziona benissimo, non ha perdite di acqua o gocciolii e funziona alla perfezione. La batteria l’ho messa 6 mesi fa e ancora ha piena carica. Ne ho comprata una seconda unit. Consigliatissimo !

  4. RandolpMuncy says:


    Economico ma molto funzionale. Per ora ha retto per tutta la stagione calda senza alcuna perdita (a differenza di altri modelli anche di marca famosa). Consiglio comunque di staccarlo durante l’inverno se non si usa cos si proteggono le guarnizioni dal freddo. Ha anche molte funzioni tramite lo schermo digitale

  5. Anonymous says:


    Je m en sers pour irriguer mes tomates. a marche du tonnerre ! Par contre pensez acheter une pompe pour forcer un peu le dbit car en bout de course la pression de l eau sera trs faible. En mme temps c est un goter a got, pas un Karsher.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Semplice, performante ed economico. Le batterie sono durate 6 mesi. Ho atteso a scrivere un giudizio proprio per verificarne la durata e direi che, pur utilizzandolo anche in manuale ogni giorno (quindi aumentando i consumi), la resa risultata sufficiente. L’impermeabilit perfetta.

  7. The Kitchen Butterfly says:


    al momento funzione benissimo, facile da installare vediamo nel tempo se si meritato le 4 stelle

  8. KathaleRaymond says:


    Installation und Bedienung sind wirklich sehr einfach. Wer denn jetzt keine ausgefallenen Programmierwnsche hat, wird mit dem gelungenen Bedienungskonzept sehr zufrieden sein.

    Etwas unzufrieden bin ich mit dem Display. Dieses lsst sich aus bestimmten Winkeln nicht gut ablesen, schaltet sich zum Stromsparen stndig ab (andere Bewsserungscomputer tun das nicht und die Batterien halten ewig), und wenn es wirklich mal feucht wird, dann beschlgt es auch mal von innen. Von daher mache ich mir etwas Sorgen um die Haltbarkeit des Gertes. Bislang (ca. 2 Monate) habe ich allerdings auch aufgrund der schlanken Bauweise den Kauf nicht bereut.

  9. says:


    Ottimo prodotto.facile da installare.Ha bisogno di pile.resiste al calore

  10. TrishaOBryan says:


    Dommage qu’on a pas accs distance.
    On peut le programmer ou l’activer seulement si on est la maison connect au wifi

    Attention au coup de blier. Il faut placer un flexible sur l’arrive d’eau avant me robine

  11. CarrolEllison says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Je mets 5 toiles parce que programmateur fonctionne parfaitement.
    Mais l’usage, j’aurais du prendre un modle plusieurs sorties pour arroser des coins plus que d’autres.
    Peut-tre rachterai-je le mme modle pour crer 2 zones d’arrosage.
    Mais j’aurais du y penser avant et prendre 1 seul programmateur plusieurs sorties.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Buon prodotto, facile da installare uso ottimo per irrigazione casalinga

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Nach 2 Wochen schon undicht, haben aber schnell ein neues Produkt geschickt. Diesmal kein Problem

  14. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Der 4er Verteiler hatte nur einen Schlauchanschluss! Ich musste 3 (5) nachbestellen.

  15. AmberChuter says:


    Le produit est simple d’utilisation mais attention au niveau du raccord avec le robinet, il faut bien mettre quelques tours de bande de tflon sinon cela fuit (comme indiqu dans un des prcdents commentaires) le filetage du robinet est bien “tflon” pas de fuite. Mon programmateur est install depuis 2 mois et jusque l cela tient.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very handy at summer times when you are going places and you need to water your garde

  17. DinahMeehan says:


    L’irrigatore molto semplice da programmare. Provato su di un periodo pari a un mese non ha mai mostrato malfunzionamenti. Non ho ancora testato eventuali anomalie in caso di batterie scariche. L’irrigatore ha soddisfatto pienamente le mie aspettative.

  18. Lisa says:


    Aggiornamento: contattato dal venditore per cercare di risolvere il problema. Molto disponibile a trovare una soluzione. Quindi se avete un problema potere contattarli in modo da risolvere la questione.
    Pessimo prodotto: non blocca completamente l’acqua quando spento ( quindi continua a gocciolare anche se non vi erogazione) vi segnaler che le pile sono sempre scariche (provato sia con pile ricaricabili che con pile appena comprare non ricaricabili) con la conseguenza che ogni giorno andr in spegnimento completo (e l’irrigazione non avviene). Mentre il secondo giorno dopo aver cambiato (per la quarta volta) le pile il ciclo partito ma non si mai interrotto (nonostante avessi impostato una erogazione di 3 minuti). Direi un completo disastro.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Semplice da installare e programmare, accessoriato e sembra anche robusto. Vedremo quest’Inverno se le basse temperature possono provocare problemi, in special modo alla tenuta all’acqua

  20. SusannaDunrossi says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Fa bene il suo lavoro. Due zone distinte e di facile programmazione.. consiglio.

  21. Anna Gensini says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gut und einfach zu handhaben, erfllt seine Sache. Einziges Manko, das bewegliche Gelenk ist leider nicht dicht zu bekomme

  22. tjohnson says:


    Fa il suo dovere perfettamente e va bene anche per un piccolo orto. Consente un solo programma ma questo pi che sufficiente per la maggior parte degli usi. L’unica nota negativa che soffre molto il sole diretto. La valvola si “incolla” letteralmente e non funziona pi finch non si abbassa la temperatura.

  23. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    ottimo funzione benissimo , installato ormai da mesi e non ha creato nessun problema

  24. Gannon Burgett says:


    Si inseriscono le pile , si collega all’impianto e funziona. Comoda la funzione manuale, che consente di impostare un tempo di utilizzo ed il sensore pioggia. Se solo lo avessero creato con l’attacco da 1′ e relativo adattatore da 3/4, sarebbe (per me) stato perfetto.

  25. ClairCorin says:


    Acquistato per l’innaffiamento di una decina di vasi da balcone.
    Semplice da montare.
    Configurazione veloce e intuitiva.
    Ci sono comunque le istruzioni in Italiano.
    Ha tre programmazioni in cui se pu configurare:
    – Ora di apertura acqua
    – Durata di innaffiamento
    – Ogni quanto ripetere innaffiamento

    C’ inoltre il sensore pioggia per evitare di innaffiare piante a cui non serve acqua.
    Questa funzione ancora non ho potuto verificarla in quanto non ha mai piovuto.

    Unico neo che non mi fa dare le 5 stelle: il display non retroilluminato ed quindi difficoltosa la lettura se c’ molto sole.

    Per il resto direi che veramente un ottimo acquisto.

    Quasi perfetto

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Value for money way to irrigate my garden. Very easy to install and program. Potted plants are thriving since I installed this system. Highly recommended.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    used in a greenhouse so haven’t been able to test the rain sensing part of it , will probably buy another for the outside beds next year.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very easy to set up, good quality product. Works well watering ground level pots as well as high hanging baskets.
    Timing modes easy to set up and change. Good on/off function.

  29. ChristalBolling says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Je voulais pouvoir arroser mon jardin pendant les congs sans rien avoir demander personne car chaque fois on se retrouve avec des lgumes ou fleurs crams. Coupl un tuyau microporeux au pied de mes plantes, ce programmateur fait son boulot pendant 1 mois d’absence.
    Facile d’utilisation et apparemment solide.
    Je continue de l’utiliser mme maintenant que je suis revenu, c’est tellement pratique.

  30. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ottimo, rispetta orari e tempi di irrigazione. Anche per il selettore manuale senza problemi. Per il momento non ho nulla da dire.

  31. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ho installato da circa due settimane il programmatore per irrigazione e il mio primo riscontro molto positivo. Le istruzioni allegate sono chiare ed esaustive anche se molto intuitivo l’utilizzo e la programmazione. L’installazione richiede un po’ di manualit (consiglio l’utilizzo di nastro di teflon sulle filettature per garantire una buona tenuta) ma nulla di impossibile per chiunque. I tre programmi configurabili sono semplici da impostare e modificare. presente la funzionalit “bypass”: cio possibile innaffiare anche in modalit manuale senza programmazione. Utile anche il sensore pioggia (che per non ho potuto testare poich installato in luogo coperto non esposto alle intemperie). La costruzione e i materiali sono di buona qualit. Servono 2 pile stilo NON incluse nella confezione. Per il momento lo consiglio!!!

  32. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Consegna veloce, montaggio e programmazione semplice.
    Il primo giorno non partito, il secondo giorno non si fermato
    Contatto con venditore ed altri clienti, ora va benissimo. Grazie a tutti per le risposte alla mia domanda

  33. lqh89521465 says:


    All’inizio non ero convinto se acquistarlo perch molti lamentavano che non chiudeva il rubinetto. Dopo pi di un mese di prova con tutti e sei i programmi giornalieri attivati, posso dire che sembra funzionare bene. Tranne una marcata chiusura, all’atto della prima prova prima di montarlo, dopo ha sempre funzionato bene e puntuale
    senza farmi mai rimanere il rubinetto aperto, cosa molto importante. Per ora sono pi che soddisfano avendo visto in giro prodotti con meno caratteristiche e con prezzi maggiori.

  34. OMSVidafbenbp says:

     United Kingdom

    I set up a watering system for tomato plants in my greenhouse in early June as I was away from time to time on holiday. The system continues to work perfectly. Plants are watered each evening ie on the 1 day setting. Initially I tried to set up system from a water barrel but pressure was insufficient for the system to function. It function works very well from the water mains. Very pleased with this timer.

    Water timer works perfectly for my requirements!

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great product, made from chunky plastic that feels tough. and it works out of the box, well, add batteries first. Easy to connect and very simple to program

  36. KeishaRoark says:

     United Kingdom

    Timer has worked well, easy to program and it has a useful display. Need to use an extra washer in the tap fitting to stop it leaking at the top joint but thank fully I had one handy at home.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The product works well. At first I thought I had a faulty one, but read on a review that it needs 1.5v batteries (most AA batteries are 1.2v). I got some rechargeable 1.5v batteries and it is working as it should.

  38. Kaitlyn Gilles says:

     United Kingdom

    We just had a lawn delivered but we’re going on holiday so installed this little beauty and came back to a lush and established lawn as this does what it says on the box! It watered it well in conjunction with a sprinkler system!

  39. mtbgreg1 says:


    J’tais trs contente de ce programmateur, simple et efficace mais voila 1 an d’utilisation seulement et il ne marche plus ! Pourtant il a toujours t l’abri et je ne l’utilise pas l’hiver en rsum il a march l’t dernier et 1 mois cette anne. Trs due car il tait simple d’utilisation :/

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Our old Hozelock one died. Replacement >90. This does the job better for less money. Really like the battery life indictor which lets you know when to change the batteries. Will have to see how long the batteries last as only AA batteries rather then C batteries.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for automatic garden watering whilst I am on holiday. It is a little difficult to install onto a tap, which in my case needed some PTFE wrapped around the tap first to stop any leak. It is also quite a stiff fit but this is good as it cannot work lose. The timer programming is also a little complicated until you have done it several times and got used to it, although this may be my age as I find some things on computers and phones difficult to understand at first. However, once it is installed and setup it works brilliantly. I have had it installed for over 2 months now and within that time it has worked fautlessly every day. I went away on 2 holidays and came back to wonderful healthy plants in the garden due to the regular watering. It has made me very lazy too as I have left it set up every day since so that I don’t have to go out with a watering can every evening.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A nice, functional and easy to use product. As with any piece of kit containing an LED screen without backlighting, it is impossible to distinguish what is on the screen in the sunlight. I realise that if they backlit the screen it would eat batteries, but I find I have to take it off the tap and take it indoors to adjust the various parameters, and also try to remember the sequence for manual watering, because (plainly) that cannot be done when the timer is off the water supply.

  43. Anonymous says:


    Aprs 3 semaines d’utilisation je peux dire que cela fonctionne bien. Il n’y a pas de rtro-clairage du coup il est parfois difficile de lire ou modifier la programmation. Choix srement fait pour preserver les piles. En revanche quand les piles seront vides et en admettant que le robinet soit ouvert…. J’espere que le produit est suffisamment intelligent pour ne pas ouvrir si la pile ne garantit pas sufisement de puissance pour refermer.

  44. Makeda Saggau-Sackey says:


    La centralina rispetta le caratteristiche dichiarate. Semplice da programmare. Acquisto consigliato.
    Aggiornamento, dopo 10 gg la centralina ha manifestato un problema che la rende inutilizzabile. Anche da spenta e senza programmazione attiva, consente il passaggio di acqua. In altre parole irrigazione perpetua. Ho chiesto il reso. probabilmente si tratta di un difetto di giovent.

    Aggiornamento: Sono stato contattato dal servizio clienti della CROSOFMI. Dispiaciuti per l’evento, hanno organizzato la spedizione di una nuova centralina. Ho molto apprezzato la cura posta alla soddisfazione del cliente. Per la soluzione messa in campo, consiglio il venditore.

  45. WalterBolin says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect in every respect other than setting up for timing. Would be good, and deserve 5 star, if could be set for specific required times (say 6am and 9pm) instead of only fixed intervals between watering.

  46. FranciscoGandon says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    like it better & easier to work than Hozelock one we’ve had a few years

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A very reliable product. I am using it to water over 30 containers twice daily and its is reliable and does an excellent job.

  48. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    premire impression trs positive , une question cependant je ne suis pas certain d’avoir bien compris l’utilisation des 3 programmes
    si je programme 2 ou 3 programmes sont ils slectionns en squence (automatiquement fonction de la programmation des programmes ce qui, me semble logique ), ou est il ncessaire de slectionner manuellement le programme utiliser

    Michel A 16/05/2022

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWe have previously used the ‘household name’ of gardening watering implements. But after failure of the third in around 3 years I decided to try something different. This device was roughly half the price, has a digital display which makes setting up very easy, and does the job perfectly, turning on the water supply to my wife’s precious plant pots for 5 minutes in the morning and another 5 minutes in the evening!

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to set up and program – no issues so fa

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    After trying and returning a different make found this one to be simpler to set up and clearer to read. Over a 10 day break it proved to be reliable.

  52. Ali Lewis says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersIch habe diesen Bewsserungscomputer wegen seiner flexiblen Dosierung- und Zyklus-Einstellungen gekauft. Wir bewssern Pflanzen in Tpfen auf einer Dachterrasse. Hier muss man oft aber dafr wenig bewssern (z.B. alle 3 Stunden 15 Sekunden). Das knnen nicht alle Bewsserungscomputer. Die Bedienung ist einfach. Bei Regen kann man einen Zyklus durch Drcken einer Taste berspringen was sehr praktisch ist. Das Verbindungsstck zum Wasserhahn ist aus recht weichem Plastik, so dass man hier sehr vorsichtig sein muss um das Gewinde nicht zu zerstren (deswegen ein Stern Abzug bei Langlebigkeit). Bei mir hat ein wenig Silikonspray geholfen. Ich habe die Bewsserungscomputer mit einem Tuch abgedeckt um direkte Sonneneinstrahlung zu vermeiden. Erfahrung mit dem Gert ca. 6 Monate.

  53. Anonymous says:

     Canada 🇨🇦

    Easy to set up. Put it on for the summer and it worked like a charm. I didn’t have to worry about it at all. Has a sensor so does not go off if it is raining. Very impressed by product. Didn’t have to replace battery at all this summer. can set up 2 different programs so can water during the day or night. Had another last summer but this one worked great.

  54. LannyProuty says:

     United Kingdom

    I waited to give a review so that I could test it in service.
    It is easy to use and has proved to be reliable. Worth the price paid.

  55. KittyRouse says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersOn all accounts appears a good timer but is a sod to set up. May be me but to set for twice per day requires much attention and I still don’t think I have got it right! Will persevere until I am happy!

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have tried numerous timers in the past, most have been more expensive than this one.
    So far, this one has been amazing. It keeps time well, is easy to set up or override. Hope it lasts the winter.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersI like this as it is easy to install and set up. Been working now watering the flower baskets twice a day without fail for 2 months. I’m going to buy a second unit soon to water another part of the garden.

  58. AlannahHxm says:

     United Kingdom

    I haven’t had this timer in use for more than a couple of weeks yet. But at this point I can say that it was very easy to set up and use. As for longevity, only time will tell.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersA bargain. Coupled this with an 8 irrigation kit, also from Amazon. Didn’t use the supplied washer at first and had water spilling out all over the place. Once I figured this out it was all good. Very simple to set up, I have it running for 5 minutes a day to water my greenhouse pots and grow bags whilst I’m away. Easily overridden to water manually. Great bit of kit.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Timer instructions could be improved, easy to install and works faultlessly

  61. Maegan says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works perfectly with no leaks and very easy to setup.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’m really happy with this item. I expected programming it to be a faff and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it is very straightforward. You simply press the button and then the menu takes you through, step by step. Could not be easier.
    The tap manifold is a quality item and does not leak or drip and there are plenty of fittings included so as to make it compatible with all sorts of set-ups.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I set it up in less than 5 minutes. Very straight forward. I tried different watering timers, and this one so far is the best.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Programming very easy until l try to change program. Used it when I went away and it watered my plants.Recommend


  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Fantastic product. Easy to set up and work. Great product.

  66. Neil Watton (neil363) says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 58 From Our UsersHave been using this timer to control a drip irrigation system for about a month now and it works exactly as described. Very easy to programme and no sign of any leaks. Feel quite confident in leaving it to control watering of hanging baskets and pot plants while I’m away on holiday.

  67. Josh Rotter says:

     United Kingdom

    With a summer break coming up, patio pots grouped together, timer set to give a spray twice a day for a fortnight, worked perfectly

  68. RaleighBellino says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 39 From Our UsersHad to return the first timer with a battery problem but the replacement works extremely well and is very easy to program and use. The variations in the programming make this a good choice for a wide variety of uses.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought this to set up a watering system in the greenhouse. Batteries didnt last more than a couple of hours. Company have informed me they have solved this issue with manufacturer so should be ok now.

  70. DeniseLindsey says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersI have bought cheap timers almost every year. This is a bit more expensive but feels more robust and easy to read. The display ‘sleeps’ when you have set it up, thereby wasting less battery, but re-appears if you push a button. The battery container seems waterproof and holds a couple of AA batteries, which should last longer than the usual AAA. It is easy and intuitive to set up. So far so good.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 50 From Our UsersI’ve always bought Hozelock timers in the past but when my current one broke I decided to take a chance on this. So glad I did, really impressed with it and it was much cheaper too. Seems well built, runs off a couple of AA batteries (much more convenient than C cells). It was also an absolute doddle to set up and has a really clear, easy to follow LCD display. It’s also virtually silent too – no more grinding cogs when the water is turned on and off. Would definitely buy again.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 39 From Our UsersI know it is in the instructions but I have put four stars because it would be a good idea to mark which is in and which is out clearly on the timer itself. Very easy to setup and so far very reliable. It looks good quality.

  73. Gaston4316 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Surprisingly easy to set up, attach to the tap and hose and forget.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So easy to set up I’m tempted to reset it and challenge my 3 year old ! It takes its self through the process you just answer the questions, took total 30 seconds

  75. ChauKHMYhsosocf says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an amazing product ams means we do not worry about our plants drying out when we are away from home. Superb service from seller who has been able to resolve all our questions.

  76. EzequieOakes says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersUPDATE, STILL GOING STRONG!

    I have tried quite alot of watering timers and this is by far the best I have used, especially given the price.
    I have used big brands at twice the price and they dont come close, intuitive and easy to use, just hope it lasts.

  77. ShellyA42cvck says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 36 From Our UsersThis is my second timer I have purchased, very easy to programme, and several useful features, such as rain delay and child lock. I did have a problem with it but returned it to Amazon for a refund, and bought a replacement Would definitely recommend i

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSeems a decent timer, but did not work with our water butt due to the minimum required water pressure

  79. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 37 From Our UsersSo far seems much better than others on the market such as the disasterous Hozelock where 5 of their models over the years have let me down and stopped functioning. So this Crosofmi is a great relief.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersSimple to use and works perfectly, unfortunately it’s not possible to alternate the watering duration in a cycle. E.G. watering duration 30mins every 6 hours – grand. but not possible to program the unit with say 30 mins then 10 then 30 then 10

  81. Helen Figge says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great value for money. Very easy to set up and does exactly what I want it to do.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersOnly been fitted for a month but works perfectly and very accurate
    I have tried a few different ones over the years and this one is definitely the bes

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersDead easy to set up and program. Massively recommend this

  84. Joseph Green says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 42 From Our UsersExcellent product does what it is supposed to do easy to set up feel confident to go on holiday knowing timer will work highly recommend

  85. NicholeValdez says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 52 From Our UsersWent on holiday for 3 weeks and set this up to water my flower pots twice a day during summer, I was so happy to see my plant alive and bigger than when I left. The timer is really a great investment as I travel a lot and saves watering the garden everyday myself now.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 41 From Our UsersOverly complicated could be made to be more user friendly but overall no a bad device

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersReliable, Clear instructions for setting up and operation.
    Modest price for a fully functional irrigation time

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 35 From Our UsersFits the 3/4″ tap and connects to a Hoselock or equivalent hose connector. Easy to programme and it just works!

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersPerfect timer for watering your garden, easy to install and very easy to program.

  90. CandaceMcCants says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersBRILLIANT I have used the hose lock timers in the past and these are far superior. There are far more selections as to how you water your plants e.g. how often you water and how much water you you give your plants. The rain delay button is very useful, just press it to delay watering on a wet day.

  91. MarianoZJX says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersEasy to use watering system, hooked this up to our micro drop system and a hose via a splitter. Can set up regular watering and use for manual override

  92. crapmamma says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 48 From Our UsersThis is an excellent product – good value, simple to use, and thus far reliable. Of all the water timers I have used it is the best. I currently have three different ones in use and this is the obvious choice for any that need replacing.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersIt is a very nice item. The system is easy to set up and the connectors fit very well. It needs to be careful to avoid direct sunlight to avoid malfunction on the LCD display. In overall it does value the price. Good product.

  94. EricaRFGzzwkjhw says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThis really is as easy to use and effective as suggested by the description. Only in use for 3 weeks but so far very happy.

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersFor the price this is a very good unit, it is very easy to program, and it has a very clear display screen. I used it to control the watering of my front garden.

  96. JeffereyShumway says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersDelivery was quick and the unit is easy to set up. Seems of decent robust quality for the price and has a large clear display.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 52 From Our UsersSo good i got 3. Easy to setup and use. Does what you need it to do. The rain delay button should be a sensor but overall very good.

  98. Jared DiPane says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersAt last. A water timer where the settings (current time, start time, frequency, duraion) are easy to set and review. No more guessing if the clock is right or trying to remember what start time you set.
    Too early to judge durability, but seems solid.

    – Easy to set: quick, logical controls
    – Can see/review settings, all on one screen, no scrolling etc required
    – Big screen, can read without my reading glasses
    – Fully rainproof, as far as I’m aware: IP65 rated.
    – Can defer next watering if it’s raining.
    – Manual “on” setting (adjustable duration).
    – Needs only 2 AA batteries.
    – Easy to change batteries – no tools required.
    – Good value compared to many others.

    – Instructions advise avoiding direct sunlight (presumably due to the LCD screen), so may need shading.
    – Batteries not included.

  99. Mark Jansen says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 52 From Our UsersI have had a number of auto watering gadgets over the years and all have been hard to use and impossible to set-up easily and quickly. Some with such complex set-up that its difficult to remember from one season to the next how to do it.

    But this Watering Timer is EXCELLENT, simplicity itself and clear. You don’t need instructions, it’s so obvious. I have bought 2 more for my other garden in France.

  100. Heather Davis says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersWorks as expected, however whould be great to set a real daily schedulle, but device support only intervals.