Ottimo prodotto, funziona benissimo e rispetta perfettamente la descrizione, sono soddisfatto. Ripple pi basso e costante della media nonostante sia un alimentatore switching
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Ottimo,fedele alla descrizione e arrivato in due giorni.Lo uso per far andare i miei Trapani auto costruiti e recuperati da vecchi utensili oltre a ricaricare contemporaneamente il mio cellulare.
Hatte das Gert einige Monate original verpackt im Keller liegen gehabt. Dann ausgepackt, und beim ersten benutzen rauchte es wortwrtlich ab. Ein Kollege der Elektroniker ist, meinte irgendwas mit der Spule und untypisches verhalten – Produktionsfehler?
TSMART kontaktiert -> kurz Gegenfragen und Antworten ausgetauscht und sie haben dann anstandslos ein neues Gert kostenfrei mir zugesendet. Dauerte keine Woche alles zusammen. Dabei waren sie uerst hfflich.
Sie erwhnten, dass so etwas bisher nicht vorkam und das glaube ich ihnen. Aber, Produktionsfehler knnen immer passieren und man steckt nun mal nicht in den Bauteilen – erst Recht nicht, wenn sie zugekauft werden, was gang und gebe und somit normal ist.
Das Gert entspricht in allem wie hier beschrieben, ist wirklich gut. Ohne Kritik geht es dann nicht – die Bedienungsanleitung ist sehr unzureichend und mager. Allerdings schafft Google schnell Hilfe. Ein YouTube Video erklrt wichtige Besonderheiten zum Einstellen des Gertes – das man sich ansehen sollte, wenn jemand noch neu im Bereich Elektronik ist.
Wer jeden Tag damit umgehen muss wird die trge Anzeige als nervend empfinden. Die Zeitkonstante ist zu langsam eingestellt. Der Lfter kommt nur zeitweise, ist aber eigentlich zu laut. Da kann man noch was verbessern. Die Anzeige von Strom, Spannung, Leistung ist erstaunlich genau.
Gert soweit in Ordnung, machte was es soll. Leider heute 21.11. 2020 mit einem lauten Knall verabschiedet. Spannungstabilitat ist im Rahmen. Leider sind die mitgelieferten Kabel etwas unterdimensioniert. Diese erwrmen sich. Die eingestellte Spannung wurde mit kalibrieren Multimeter geprft und passt auch.
Schade das es in so kurzer Zeit kaputt ging.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
Non sono un elettrotecnico ma per quello che ci devo fare io, cio alimentare piccoli progetti e riparazioni, ottimo. Non ho provato il picco di erogazione di amperaggio. L’uscita facilmente impostabile con una seconda manopola di regolazione fine. Esteticamente gradevole con ampi display e led, leggero, silenzioso per me ottimo acquisto.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
La prima impressione quella di un alimentatore da banco alquanto robusto nonostante sia leggero.
La possibilit di variare la tensione da 0 a 30Vcc e la corrente da 0 a 10A lo rende utile per una infinit di applicazioni.
Dotato di display con indicatore a 4 cifre per il voltaggio, l’amperaggio e l’assorbimento in watt.
L’alimentatore dotato anche di porta USB che eroga 5v con assorbimento massimo di 2A.
In dotazione viene dato un cavo con spinotti e connettore a coccodrillo per usalto nella maggior parte dei lavori.
Ci sono anche dei puntali da tester (sul mio tester vanno benissimo) che per essere utilizzati eventualmente nell’alimentatore richiedono di svitare le boccole di alimentazione.
Ho notato delle piccole differenze tra la tensione mostrata sul display e quella misurata con un tester, con una regolazione tra 0 e 5v la discrepanza di 0,1v mentre dai 5 ai 10v la differenza sale fino a 0,3v.
Regolato alla massima tensione il display mi mostra 32,04v mentre da tester mi risulta 31,07.
La regolazione della tensione avviene quasi istantaneamente e il regolatore “fine” permette di avere valori molto precisi.
L’alimentatore dotato di una ventola che si avvia per un istante all’accensione e poi entra in funzione solo nel caso di un uso intensivo con assorbimenti importanti.
A parte le piccole differenze di voltaggio non ho trovato nessun lato negativo.
Visto il prezzo sicuramente consigliato per il proprio laboratorio domestico.
Pour un bricoleur une alimentation est tjr la bienvenue
( un jeu de cble non compatible avec plots de sortie appareil, il faut couper la protection des deux fiches )
Lo comprato solo per uso obbystico e ancora non ho avuto modo di usarlo per bene ma in prima impressione non sembra male per adesso devo dire che mi piace, ho messo 4 stelle per adesso
J’ai achet cette alimentation il y a environ 9 mois.
Bon produit, qui fait le job, mais elle est tombe en panne.
La tension n’tait plus stabilise, a marchait, a ne marchait plus.
Je l’ai achet chez TSMART.
Contact pris avec eux via AMAZON, il m’ont tout de suite propos une nouvelle sans que j’ai retourner l’ancienne.
J’ai reu la nouvelle et elle fonctionne trs bien.
Ottimo prodottocompatto,leggero,potente….risponde appieno a quanto dichiarato nelle specifiche; i controlli della tensione e corrente funzionano molto bene cos come la ventola che interviene solo quando necessario e non rumorosa….unico neo (ma soloper me) il cavo di alimentazione che entra da dietro ,ed abbastanza voluminoso e rigido rubando di fatto oltre 10 cm di profondit…tenetelo in conto se avete spazi ridotti;io ho ovviato facendo entrare un cavo pi piccolo e morbido collegandolo direttamente dietro la spina a pannello ed ho risolto il problema;nell’aprire il coperchio per fare il lavoro ho visto un installazione pulita,ben organizzata e con ottime saldature.
Mi si era guastato il vecchio alimentatore pesante e ho comprato questo. La prima cosa che mi ha colpito la leggerezza (oggigiorno le cose sono cambiate!). Ottimo. 3 bei display oltre la tensione e la corrente, pure la potenza in pi una generosa presa usb da 2 A (vedi foto). Protetto contro il corto circuito ( testato anche a bassa tensione ) con doppio regolatore grosso e fine per tensione e amperaggio . si dichiarano 10 A , questo non l’ho ancora verificato , per la tensione nessun problema. In dotazione 2 cavi rosso-nero uno con i puntali e l’altro con gli ottimi coccodrilli. Quindi:
Pro : leggero, protezione contro i c.c. 3 display, doppi cavi , presa usb 2A
Contro : al momento nulla
Altamente consigliato
Manque un poil de prcision mais on y arrive avec les 2 rglages, la valeur affiche est un peu diffrente du contrle avec un voltmtre mais cela reste dans le domaine de l’acceptable.
Les pointes de touches fournies sont correctes, l’autre cble moins .
Je ne sais pas quel est le bruit rsiduel de cette alim mais pour mon utilisation (montages lectroniques audio) elle fait pour l’instant le job, on verra bien dans le temps ….
La lettura della corrente erogata e della potenza erogata abbastanza precisa…. Il ripple accettabile .Nel complesso il prodotto pi che accettabile per la fascia di prezzo.
Non sono un tecnico elettronico, quindi la mia valutazione limitata agli usi che ne faccio.
Ho acquistato questo alimentatore per sfizio, per eseguire test su lampadine per auto e altri accessori e per avere una fonte di alimentazione stabilizzata pronta all’uso per provare varie apparecchiature.
Devo dire che questo apparecchio svolge egregiamente il suo compito, con precisione e accuratezza, sia nelle regolazioni che nelle indicazioni dei display.
Non posso spingemi oltre nel giudizio perch non sfrutto sicuramente tutte le potenzialit di questo alimentatore.
Alimentatore da banco onesto, uscita di tensione stabile. Abbastanza facile da regolare. Indicatore della potenza in uscita comodo per verificare se il carico alimentato assorbe la potenza corretta. Regolazione in corrente facile da utilizzare. Unica pecca sono i potenziometri di regolazione che vanno mossi lentamente poich poco sensibili. Nel complesso ottimo prodotto per uso hobbistico.
Premetto che non sono un’esperto di alimentatori ma l’o scelto per le sue caratteristiche e dall’ottimo prezzo.
Per quel poco che l’o usato e provato credo che va bene. In dotazione ci sono un cavo rosso/nero con delle pinzette e dei puntali da tester, a cui darei una piccola nota negativa e cio (premetto che i puntali sono di buona qualit) per poter usare o svitare e togliere le borchie stringicavo dell’alimentatore o tagliare la protezione dalle spine per poterli innestare.
Liefert Spannung und Strom wie beschrieben. Mit der USB-Buchse ist allerdings Vorsicht geboten: Gerte und Nutzer, die 5,0V erwarten, werden ber die 6,8V berrascht sein, die das Gert liefert. Ist aber vielleicht zum Schnelladen gedacht, wer wei?
Dass auf dem Gert immer noch 220V steht (230V seit 1987) und der Hinweis auf den Nennstrom der Sicherung fehlt, strt wahrscheinlich nur CE-Experten.
Der Preis ist aber unschlagbar und auf meine erste Rezension hin bekam ich sogar 10 zurck!
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
Ben imballato, ben realizzato. Serviva un alimentatore che fosse in grado di erogare 10A a varie tensioni, non era fondamentale che fosse precisissimo (ma sembra lo sia), piccolo e bellino con il suo aspetto professionale fa parte del nostro laboratorio di assistenza.
Einfach nur zufrieden! Preis-Leistungsverhltnis wirklich sehr gut. Netzteil ist wertig, Klemmen sollte man aber austauschen.
Innerhalb von 24 hrs geliefert! Schnell und zuverlssig! Ausgepackt, angeschlossen und funktioniert gut. Ich als Modellbauer bin damit zufrieden.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
I purchased this to use as a variable power supply for a very large Hot Wire Foam Cutter I am building. When i tested it I was impressed with the voltage measurement when compared with the digital readout with the difference of only 0.01v at several voltages between 3v and 30v. This unit compares very favourably with my much more expensive lab power supply. Well worth the money.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
The first unit I was sent was faulty but Dr Meter sent me a replacement which works very well.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs.
Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
Habe schon lange ein Labornetzteil in meiner Mnnerhhle vermisst. Zum initialen Laden eines Akkus war es dann soweit. Tut was es soll und macht einen guten Eindruck. Nur die Kroko”klemmchen” und das zugehrige Kabel sind definitiv nicht fr 10A ausgelegt. Da werde ich wohl den Querschnitt und die Klemmen selbst noch anpassen mssen.
Per correttezza lascer la recensione precendente infondo a questo aggiornamento.
Subito dopo avere efettuato il reso l’azienda mi ha contattato per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti al malfunzionamento del proddotto.
Si sono subito mossi di loro spontanea volont,inviandomi un secondo prodotto.
Il secondo prodotto arrivato in tempi brevi e funzionante,rispecchia la fascia di prezzo, le regolazioni sono precise e a differrenza di molti prodotti dotato di una presa USB 2A.
Da eleogiare comunque il venditore che si dimostrato rammaricato del mancato funzionamento del prodotto precedentemente aquistato.
Consiglio come prodotto.
Segue la mia recensione precedente del prodotto.
**Arrivato in anticipo il prodotto si presentava bene per la fascia di prezzo,collegato all’impianto di casa seguendo le istruzioni il prodotto letteralmente esploso, con l’emissione di scintille e con la conseguente attivazione dei sistemi di protezione della rete domestica.
Effettuato subito il reso,sconsiglio**
Ammetto di non intendermene molto di alimentatori di questo genere ma, almeno per ora, il giudizio a caldo e’ assolutamente positivo. L’alimentatore arriva con due cavi che terminano con dei morsetti a coccodrillo e anche con dei puntali identici a quelli che utilizzo sul mio tester. Il prodotto e’ di buona fattura, ben rifinito, relativamente leggero. Presenta 4 manopole che servono per la regolazione “grezza” e “fine” dei parametri di voltaggio e amperaggio. Non ho avuto modo di spingerlo piu’ di tanto per il momento ma, appena colleghero’ qualcosa di piu’ impegnativo, aggiornero’ la recensione. Al momento ho alimentato una pompa per impianto a liquido, dando 12 V di tensione. Con un uso accorto, questo alimentatore puo’ ricaricare anche delle batterie al piombo e alimentare quasi qualunque cosa nel range di 30 V e 10 A. Personalmente l’ho acquistato per elettrogalvanica, ma sono sicuro che mi sara’ utile per infinite altre applicazioni. Nell’uso a bassa potenza non scalda per nulla e la ventola e’ ferma, anche se sembra essere presenta una temporizzazione, ovvero la ventola si accende per qualche secondo dopo un certo numero di minuti, per poi spegnersi di nuovo. Ad alte potenze immagino che la ventola restera’ accesa e devo dire che e’ abbastanza rumorosa. La scheda elettronica interna sembra realizzata molto bene e anche i cavi sono ordinati. Da l’idea di essere un prodotto davvero ben curato. Comodissima la maniglia per il trasporto, motivo che mi ha spinto ad optare per questo modello piuttosto che per altri della stessa fascia di prezzo e con le stesse caratteristiche tecniche. Non me ne intendo, ma suppongo che su questa fascia di prezzo i prodotti siano piu’ o meno tutti equivalenti. Un’altra cosa da segnalare, non presente su altri alimentatori da laboratorio, e’ la presenza del valore di watt sullo schermo in tempo reale, ottenuto dal semplice prodotto tra volt e ampere. In certe circostanze puo’ tornare utile. Se proprio devo trovargli un difetto direi che ne ha uno: la ventola posteriore e’ coperta da una griglia metallica (per evitare di ferirsi) ma purtroppo non ha un filtro antipolvere. E’ una mancanza a cui si puo’ porre rimedio facilmente e vi consiglio di farlo, in modo da non dover aprire l’alimentatore per rimuovere la polvere, specialmente se intendete usare qualcosa del genere in un garage o altri luoghi dove la polvere abbonda.
Unpacked it, switched it on – it worked as promised. In the lower range the voltage output is very accurate but in the 30V area there is 0.5 Volt deviation according to my volt meter. For the price this is okay.
Mein erster Eindruck nach dem auspacken war, das es sehr leicht ist und den typischen Geruch von Chinaware hat. uerlich ist es erstaunlich gut verarbeitet. Die Anzeigen lassen sich gut ablesen und die Potis fr die Grob- und Feineinstellung arbeiten gut. Habe als erstes mit einem kalibrierten Multimeter die Spannungen in 5 Volt Schritten verglichen. Die Abweichungen sind wirklich extrem gering und somit vernachlssigbar. Das einzige Manko sind die verbauten Steckbuchsen am Gert. Sie funktionieren zwar, machen aber eher einen minderwertigen Eindruck. Die mitgelieferten Messleitungen (4mm Buchse auf Kroko) sind Schrott. Normale 4mm Bananenstecker halten aber gut in den Buchsen. Alles in allem ein gutes Gert fr diese Preisklasse.
Si l’afficheur ne donne pas la mme valeur que votre multimtre prfr sachez que vous pourrez toujours corriger les valeurs affiches sur l’alim grce des petites rsistances variables l’arrire du panneau d’affichage mais il faudra ouvrir le botier , cela prends 5 mn, par contre j’ai t oblig de gratter la peinture du botier l’intrieur sous les cosses de mise la terre car elle faisait isolant donc pas de terre sur la tle du botier et pas de terre sur la prise centrale en faade,donc vrifiez la continuit de votre terre sur votre alim .
la rgulation en tension ainsi que la limitation en courant fonctionne bien et est simple mettre en uvre.
Et pour finir la ventilation du botier est thermo rgule du coup la plupart du temps elle ne tourne pas ce qui est bien 😉
– leistungsstarkes Gert mit Konstantspannungs- und Konstantstrombetrieb, hohe Ausgangsleistung (30V * 10A)
– sehr gut ablesbare, groe LED-Anzeigen, Signalisierung von CV bzw. CC-Betrieb
– kleines Bauformat, hat fast berall Platz
– adaptiv geregelter Lfter: macht nur Lrm, wenn es ntig ist
– schlechte Funkentstrung des Schaltnetzteils (benachbarte Radios werden gestrt, selbst auf UKW), daher nicht fr Analogschaltungen geeignet
– Ausgangsbuchsen sind sehr zart und klein geraten, 4mm-Bschelstecker von Laborschnren passen nur beding
E’ un bel prodotto fa quello che promette, commuta da regolazione in tensione a corrente costante in base al carico . Ua ventola discreta che parte secondo la necessit , sotto stress (10A x 24V ) si comportato bene.
Unica cosa a colpo d’occhio non si capisce la posizione della manopola , risolto con un puntino fatto con il pennarello.
Habe mir diesen Labornetzgert gekauft um Platinen zu berprfen.
Es funktioniert einwandfrei man kann Spannung sowohl auch Strom grob und fein einstellen.
Lfter geht kurz nachm einschalten ein und aus sowie ein Selbsttest.
Sprich der Lfter ist temp geregelt man braucht wirklich Stunden bis der Lfter an geht.
Deutsche Beschreibung ist genauso dabei.
Als Zubehr gibt es zwei kurze Krokodil” Strippen und 2 Messspitzen.
Gert kam nach ca. 24h. Lieferung optimal.
Im Lieferumfang ist das Stromkabekel, ein Kabel mit zwei Bananenstecker (fr die Buchsen) und zwei Klemmen. Zustzlich gibt es zwei Testkabel, die man z.B. an ein Multimeter anschlieen kann. Das Multimeter ist nicht dabei, braucht man auch nicht, da die Spannung, der Strom und sogar die Leistung (U*I) angezeigt werden.
Man kann die Spannung ber zwei Drehregler (grob/fein) von 0V bis ca. 32V feinfhlig einstellen.
Der max. Strom kann ebenfalls ber zwei Drehregler (grob/fein) zwischen null und 10A fein eingestellt werden. Hierzu schliet man einfach den Ausgang kurz und stellt den Kurzschlussstrom ein. Danach Kurzschluss entfernen und gewnschte Spannung, z.B. 13V bei 12V Batterie einstellen. Die Batterie wird dann mit dem max. eingestellten Strom geladen, wenn der Innenwiderstand der Batterie nicht zu hoch ist.
Man kann die Spannung und den Strom natrlich nicht unabhngig von einander einstellen, sondern nur den max. flieenden Strom bei der eingestellten Spannung. Das Gert zeigt ber LED’s an, ob man gerade im Spannungs- oder Strommodus (automatisch) ist.
Das Gert ist sehr leise, nur bei hherer Belastung luft ein Ventilator an.
Als Bonus gibt es noch einen USB-Anschluss zum Aufladen von Gerten.
Das Gert ist in der Tat sehr leicht und relativ klein.
Alles in Allem, ein sehr gelungenes Produkt. Wie es sich im Dauereinsatz schlgt, werde ich sehen, bin aber sehr optimistisch.
Sono molto contento dell’acquisto, il prodotto si presenta esteticamente accattivante, ben rifinito e la qualit dei materiali complessivamente buona.
Anche la scheda elettronica interna ordinata e ben curata, l’alimentatore funziona bene.
Sia la tensione che la corrente superano i valori di targa, arrivando rispettivamente a circa 32 volt e circa 11 amper (presi singolarmente, non l’ho testato con un carico da 32 Volt, 11 Amper).
La tensione in uscita si mantiene stabile nel tempo, anche a distanza di ore di funzionamento (variazione totale inferiore a 50 mV).
Il funzionamento della ventola molto curato: si accende predittivamente per assorbimenti importanti e/o di tanto in tanto (per qualche decina di secondi) se l’alimentatore viene lasciato acceso per molte ore.
Complessivamente l’alimentatore ha un ottimo rapporto qualit-prestazioni (30V 10A) / prezzo ( 66,00).
Molto apprezzate sia le 2 cifre decimali dopo la virgola (sia per la tensione che per la corrente) sia la porta USB da 2 Amper.
Considerato il prezzo non posso che dare 5 stelle al prodotto
Se proprio devo esprimere delle critiche ne ho trovata solo 1:
i valori di Tensione, Corrente e Potenza visualizzati sul display sembrano provenire da un filtro che fa la media degli ultimi valori ricevuti, rallentandone notevolmente l’aggiornamento: in pratica se metto in corto l’uscita il valore di tensione impiega 3-4 secondi per arrivare al valore finale (intorno a 0 volt).
Tale filtro rende abbastanza scomodo e difficoltoso regolare la tensione/corrente in uscita poich ruotando le manopole i valori si aggiornano con lo stesso ritardo.
Se avr tempo far dei tentativi per eliminare o perlomeno modificare il funzionamento di tale filtro.
Altra piccolissima scomodit che sulle manopole di regolazione non c’ un segno di riconoscimento che permette di capire la posizione della manopola in quell’istante: ad esempio non si ha nemmeno un’idea di massima della corrente massima impostata a meno di non mettere in corto i puntali.
Tale mancanza colmabile velocemente con un pennarello indelebile (come ho gi fatto).
Ho l’alimentatore solo da qualche giorno, non ho avuto tempo e modo di fare test pi accurati sulla qualit della tensione in uscita in termini di stabilit, risposta ai transienti, ripple, etc., quindi non mi esprimo in tal senso
Les tensions sembles correctes (compares avec un multimtre).
L’affichage est un peu trop lumineux et peu devenir gnant la longue, dommage que l’on ne puisse pas le rgler.
Le ventilateur n’est par contre pas silencieux, quand il se dclenche on est bien conscient qu’il n’est pas en panne 😉
Ottimo prodotto, funziona benissimo e rispetta perfettamente la descrizione, sono soddisfatto. Ripple pi basso e costante della media nonostante sia un alimentatore switching
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Only got it yesterday, use it for bench repairs for ham radio repairs, seems very stable easy to adjust very quiet fan.
Looks to be a good power supply.
Price for this supply was excellent so far we’ll impressed with it.
Ottimo,fedele alla descrizione e arrivato in due giorni.Lo uso per far andare i miei Trapani auto costruiti e recuperati da vecchi utensili oltre a ricaricare contemporaneamente il mio cellulare.
Fino ad ora l’ ho usato poco e non sembra avere difetti.
TSMART kontaktiert -> kurz Gegenfragen und Antworten ausgetauscht und sie haben dann anstandslos ein neues Gert kostenfrei mir zugesendet. Dauerte keine Woche alles zusammen. Dabei waren sie uerst hfflich.
Sie erwhnten, dass so etwas bisher nicht vorkam und das glaube ich ihnen. Aber, Produktionsfehler knnen immer passieren und man steckt nun mal nicht in den Bauteilen – erst Recht nicht, wenn sie zugekauft werden, was gang und gebe und somit normal ist.
Das Gert entspricht in allem wie hier beschrieben, ist wirklich gut. Ohne Kritik geht es dann nicht – die Bedienungsanleitung ist sehr unzureichend und mager. Allerdings schafft Google schnell Hilfe. Ein YouTube Video erklrt wichtige Besonderheiten zum Einstellen des Gertes – das man sich ansehen sollte, wenn jemand noch neu im Bereich Elektronik ist.
Also; klare Kaufempfehlung!
Trs bon systme mais surtout un support client au top (aide pour rglage)
Concernant l’intensit adapte pour les rglages d’intensit assez forte.
Schade das es in so kurzer Zeit kaputt ging.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
It works as advertised, is quest and precise (if I am to trust my multimeter). Slight nitpick, I would prefer if the voltage and current control modes were switched by a separate button – it’s really hard to set the current limit in advance, since nothing shows up on the screen until such current is already drawn.
Non sono un elettrotecnico ma per quello che ci devo fare io, cio alimentare piccoli progetti e riparazioni, ottimo. Non ho provato il picco di erogazione di amperaggio. L’uscita facilmente impostabile con una seconda manopola di regolazione fine. Esteticamente gradevole con ampi display e led, leggero, silenzioso per me ottimo acquisto.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
Used this to replace my trusty Farnell LS 30-10 which failed after many years. Both voltage and current read outs are spot on accurate. Would have given 5 stars if it had an output switch and allowed setting of current limit before allying load.
La prima impressione quella di un alimentatore da banco alquanto robusto nonostante sia leggero.
La possibilit di variare la tensione da 0 a 30Vcc e la corrente da 0 a 10A lo rende utile per una infinit di applicazioni.
Dotato di display con indicatore a 4 cifre per il voltaggio, l’amperaggio e l’assorbimento in watt.
L’alimentatore dotato anche di porta USB che eroga 5v con assorbimento massimo di 2A.
In dotazione viene dato un cavo con spinotti e connettore a coccodrillo per usalto nella maggior parte dei lavori.
Ci sono anche dei puntali da tester (sul mio tester vanno benissimo) che per essere utilizzati eventualmente nell’alimentatore richiedono di svitare le boccole di alimentazione.
Ho notato delle piccole differenze tra la tensione mostrata sul display e quella misurata con un tester, con una regolazione tra 0 e 5v la discrepanza di 0,1v mentre dai 5 ai 10v la differenza sale fino a 0,3v.
Regolato alla massima tensione il display mi mostra 32,04v mentre da tester mi risulta 31,07.
La regolazione della tensione avviene quasi istantaneamente e il regolatore “fine” permette di avere valori molto precisi.
L’alimentatore dotato di una ventola che si avvia per un istante all’accensione e poi entra in funzione solo nel caso di un uso intensivo con assorbimenti importanti.
A parte le piccole differenze di voltaggio non ho trovato nessun lato negativo.
Visto il prezzo sicuramente consigliato per il proprio laboratorio domestico.
Une super alimentation pour l’atelier.
Je recommande le produit et le vendeur 😉
Pour un bricoleur une alimentation est tjr la bienvenue
( un jeu de cble non compatible avec plots de sortie appareil, il faut couper la protection des deux fiches )
Lo comprato solo per uso obbystico e ancora non ho avuto modo di usarlo per bene ma in prima impressione non sembra male per adesso devo dire che mi piace, ho messo 4 stelle per adesso
Bon produit, qui fait le job, mais elle est tombe en panne.
La tension n’tait plus stabilise, a marchait, a ne marchait plus.
Je l’ai achet chez TSMART.
Contact pris avec eux via AMAZON, il m’ont tout de suite propos une nouvelle sans que j’ai retourner l’ancienne.
J’ai reu la nouvelle et elle fonctionne trs bien.
Ottimo prodottocompatto,leggero,potente….risponde appieno a quanto dichiarato nelle specifiche; i controlli della tensione e corrente funzionano molto bene cos come la ventola che interviene solo quando necessario e non rumorosa….unico neo (ma soloper me) il cavo di alimentazione che entra da dietro ,ed abbastanza voluminoso e rigido rubando di fatto oltre 10 cm di profondit…tenetelo in conto se avete spazi ridotti;io ho ovviato facendo entrare un cavo pi piccolo e morbido collegandolo direttamente dietro la spina a pannello ed ho risolto il problema;nell’aprire il coperchio per fare il lavoro ho visto un installazione pulita,ben organizzata e con ottime saldature.
Pro : leggero, protezione contro i c.c. 3 display, doppi cavi , presa usb 2A
Contro : al momento nulla
Altamente consigliato
Les pointes de touches fournies sont correctes, l’autre cble moins .
Je ne sais pas quel est le bruit rsiduel de cette alim mais pour mon utilisation (montages lectroniques audio) elle fait pour l’instant le job, on verra bien dans le temps ….
La lettura della corrente erogata e della potenza erogata abbastanza precisa…. Il ripple accettabile .Nel complesso il prodotto pi che accettabile per la fascia di prezzo.
Non sono un tecnico elettronico, quindi la mia valutazione limitata agli usi che ne faccio.
Ho acquistato questo alimentatore per sfizio, per eseguire test su lampadine per auto e altri accessori e per avere una fonte di alimentazione stabilizzata pronta all’uso per provare varie apparecchiature.
Devo dire che questo apparecchio svolge egregiamente il suo compito, con precisione e accuratezza, sia nelle regolazioni che nelle indicazioni dei display.
Non posso spingemi oltre nel giudizio perch non sfrutto sicuramente tutte le potenzialit di questo alimentatore.
Alimentatore da banco onesto, uscita di tensione stabile. Abbastanza facile da regolare. Indicatore della potenza in uscita comodo per verificare se il carico alimentato assorbe la potenza corretta. Regolazione in corrente facile da utilizzare. Unica pecca sono i potenziometri di regolazione che vanno mossi lentamente poich poco sensibili. Nel complesso ottimo prodotto per uso hobbistico.
Premetto che non sono un’esperto di alimentatori ma l’o scelto per le sue caratteristiche e dall’ottimo prezzo.
Per quel poco che l’o usato e provato credo che va bene. In dotazione ci sono un cavo rosso/nero con delle pinzette e dei puntali da tester, a cui darei una piccola nota negativa e cio (premetto che i puntali sono di buona qualit) per poter usare o svitare e togliere le borchie stringicavo dell’alimentatore o tagliare la protezione dalle spine per poterli innestare.
Dass auf dem Gert immer noch 220V steht (230V seit 1987) und der Hinweis auf den Nennstrom der Sicherung fehlt, strt wahrscheinlich nur CE-Experten.
Der Preis ist aber unschlagbar und auf meine erste Rezension hin bekam ich sogar 10 zurck!
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
The output displayed was very close to multimeter – within 10mA and Voltage within 0.05V
When using to charge batteries could set a consistent charge rate that was maintained for 8 hours. Fan only kicks in when needed and hardly ever when charging at 100mA
Ben imballato, ben realizzato. Serviva un alimentatore che fosse in grado di erogare 10A a varie tensioni, non era fondamentale che fosse precisissimo (ma sembra lo sia), piccolo e bellino con il suo aspetto professionale fa parte del nostro laboratorio di assistenza.
Einfach nur zufrieden! Preis-Leistungsverhltnis wirklich sehr gut. Netzteil ist wertig, Klemmen sollte man aber austauschen.
Innerhalb von 24 hrs geliefert! Schnell und zuverlssig! Ausgepackt, angeschlossen und funktioniert gut. Ich als Modellbauer bin damit zufrieden.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
I have tested this both at relatively low currents (1-2A) and high currents (up to 9A). The PSU gives a stable and very accurate output voltage and the case remained very cool in use, although I have only driven it at just over 30 Watts. It is a beefy supply!
The ripple remained in spec at <= 20mV. I noted a fair bit of switching noise at about 70KHz and the amount of noise increased with output current. I guess this is normal for a SMPS. It was less than some other reviews of similar PSUs I have seen but was a bit more than I was expecting. Not a big issue for me as I never planned to use it with sensitive circuits and I don't think its really meant for that. It is probably worth updating the croc lead cable for higher currents. The fan works well switching in and out automatically at higher outputs. Overall this unit is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation recommending it.
J’ai rceptionn aprs 3 jours. Super bien emball bien protg contre les chocs assez robustes. Je vous le recommande
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Everything was as described and delivered in a timely manner.
Per correttezza lascer la recensione precendente infondo a questo aggiornamento.
Subito dopo avere efettuato il reso l’azienda mi ha contattato per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti al malfunzionamento del proddotto.
Si sono subito mossi di loro spontanea volont,inviandomi un secondo prodotto.
Il secondo prodotto arrivato in tempi brevi e funzionante,rispecchia la fascia di prezzo, le regolazioni sono precise e a differrenza di molti prodotti dotato di una presa USB 2A.
Da eleogiare comunque il venditore che si dimostrato rammaricato del mancato funzionamento del prodotto precedentemente aquistato.
Consiglio come prodotto.
Segue la mia recensione precedente del prodotto.
**Arrivato in anticipo il prodotto si presentava bene per la fascia di prezzo,collegato all’impianto di casa seguendo le istruzioni il prodotto letteralmente esploso, con l’emissione di scintille e con la conseguente attivazione dei sistemi di protezione della rete domestica.
Effettuato subito il reso,sconsiglio**
Unpacked it, switched it on – it worked as promised. In the lower range the voltage output is very accurate but in the 30V area there is 0.5 Volt deviation according to my volt meter. For the price this is okay.
la rgulation en tension ainsi que la limitation en courant fonctionne bien et est simple mettre en uvre.
Et pour finir la ventilation du botier est thermo rgule du coup la plupart du temps elle ne tourne pas ce qui est bien 😉
– leistungsstarkes Gert mit Konstantspannungs- und Konstantstrombetrieb, hohe Ausgangsleistung (30V * 10A)
– sehr gut ablesbare, groe LED-Anzeigen, Signalisierung von CV bzw. CC-Betrieb
– kleines Bauformat, hat fast berall Platz
– adaptiv geregelter Lfter: macht nur Lrm, wenn es ntig ist
– schlechte Funkentstrung des Schaltnetzteils (benachbarte Radios werden gestrt, selbst auf UKW), daher nicht fr Analogschaltungen geeignet
– Ausgangsbuchsen sind sehr zart und klein geraten, 4mm-Bschelstecker von Laborschnren passen nur beding
Unica cosa a colpo d’occhio non si capisce la posizione della manopola , risolto con un puntino fatto con il pennarello.
Es funktioniert einwandfrei man kann Spannung sowohl auch Strom grob und fein einstellen.
Lfter geht kurz nachm einschalten ein und aus sowie ein Selbsttest.
Sprich der Lfter ist temp geregelt man braucht wirklich Stunden bis der Lfter an geht.
Deutsche Beschreibung ist genauso dabei.
Als Zubehr gibt es zwei kurze Krokodil” Strippen und 2 Messspitzen.
Wrde es empfehle
Das Gert macht was es soll. Einstellungen sind etwas “fummelig” aber mit etwas Geduld geht das ganz Ordentlich.
Im Lieferumfang ist das Stromkabekel, ein Kabel mit zwei Bananenstecker (fr die Buchsen) und zwei Klemmen. Zustzlich gibt es zwei Testkabel, die man z.B. an ein Multimeter anschlieen kann. Das Multimeter ist nicht dabei, braucht man auch nicht, da die Spannung, der Strom und sogar die Leistung (U*I) angezeigt werden.
Man kann die Spannung ber zwei Drehregler (grob/fein) von 0V bis ca. 32V feinfhlig einstellen.
Der max. Strom kann ebenfalls ber zwei Drehregler (grob/fein) zwischen null und 10A fein eingestellt werden. Hierzu schliet man einfach den Ausgang kurz und stellt den Kurzschlussstrom ein. Danach Kurzschluss entfernen und gewnschte Spannung, z.B. 13V bei 12V Batterie einstellen. Die Batterie wird dann mit dem max. eingestellten Strom geladen, wenn der Innenwiderstand der Batterie nicht zu hoch ist.
Man kann die Spannung und den Strom natrlich nicht unabhngig von einander einstellen, sondern nur den max. flieenden Strom bei der eingestellten Spannung. Das Gert zeigt ber LED’s an, ob man gerade im Spannungs- oder Strommodus (automatisch) ist.
Das Gert ist sehr leise, nur bei hherer Belastung luft ein Ventilator an.
Als Bonus gibt es noch einen USB-Anschluss zum Aufladen von Gerten.
Das Gert ist in der Tat sehr leicht und relativ klein.
Alles in Allem, ein sehr gelungenes Produkt. Wie es sich im Dauereinsatz schlgt, werde ich sehen, bin aber sehr optimistisch.
Anche la scheda elettronica interna ordinata e ben curata, l’alimentatore funziona bene.
Sia la tensione che la corrente superano i valori di targa, arrivando rispettivamente a circa 32 volt e circa 11 amper (presi singolarmente, non l’ho testato con un carico da 32 Volt, 11 Amper).
La tensione in uscita si mantiene stabile nel tempo, anche a distanza di ore di funzionamento (variazione totale inferiore a 50 mV).
Il funzionamento della ventola molto curato: si accende predittivamente per assorbimenti importanti e/o di tanto in tanto (per qualche decina di secondi) se l’alimentatore viene lasciato acceso per molte ore.
Complessivamente l’alimentatore ha un ottimo rapporto qualit-prestazioni (30V 10A) / prezzo ( 66,00).
Molto apprezzate sia le 2 cifre decimali dopo la virgola (sia per la tensione che per la corrente) sia la porta USB da 2 Amper.
Considerato il prezzo non posso che dare 5 stelle al prodotto
Se proprio devo esprimere delle critiche ne ho trovata solo 1:
i valori di Tensione, Corrente e Potenza visualizzati sul display sembrano provenire da un filtro che fa la media degli ultimi valori ricevuti, rallentandone notevolmente l’aggiornamento: in pratica se metto in corto l’uscita il valore di tensione impiega 3-4 secondi per arrivare al valore finale (intorno a 0 volt).
Tale filtro rende abbastanza scomodo e difficoltoso regolare la tensione/corrente in uscita poich ruotando le manopole i valori si aggiornano con lo stesso ritardo.
Se avr tempo far dei tentativi per eliminare o perlomeno modificare il funzionamento di tale filtro.
Altra piccolissima scomodit che sulle manopole di regolazione non c’ un segno di riconoscimento che permette di capire la posizione della manopola in quell’istante: ad esempio non si ha nemmeno un’idea di massima della corrente massima impostata a meno di non mettere in corto i puntali.
Tale mancanza colmabile velocemente con un pennarello indelebile (come ho gi fatto).
Ho l’alimentatore solo da qualche giorno, non ho avuto tempo e modo di fare test pi accurati sulla qualit della tensione in uscita in termini di stabilit, risposta ai transienti, ripple, etc., quindi non mi esprimo in tal senso
L’affichage est un peu trop lumineux et peu devenir gnant la longue, dommage que l’on ne puisse pas le rgler.
Le ventilateur n’est par contre pas silencieux, quand il se dclenche on est bien conscient qu’il n’est pas en panne 😉