De'Longhi Dedica Style KG521.M Coffee Grinder – Silve

Weight: 2.77 kg
Dimensions: 15.24 x 38124.05 x 38.1 cm; 2.77 Kilograms
Brand: De'Longhi
Model: KG 521.M
Colour: Stainless Steel
Colour: Stainless Steel

101 Responses

  1. Leah Vanderwerp says:


    Much better than my previous grinder which would get coffee all over the kitchen. The enclosed grinding is a great idea. Once you find the best settings for your coffee machine, it couldn’t be easier – no more guess work.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Pour ne plus que le rservoir se dsengage et stop le broyage , un bout de pte fixe contre le rservoir et le slecteur de taille de mouture . Ainsi aucune modification dommageable 😉
    Par contre bien sr cela peut tre gnant si vous modifiez rgulirement celle ci , ce qui n’est pas mon cas donc a passe !

    Astuce réservoir qui bouge

  3. Anonymous says:


    Aprs avoir achet la cafetire Delonghi Dedica EC685 M, je n’ai pas mis longtemps pour me convaincre de commander le moulin de la mme marque 521M. Je suis combl, c’est le combo parfait. Je redcouvre la joie d’un vrai caf fraichement moulu et aromatique. Les fonctions de la machine sont tout fait adaptes sa meilleure utilisation dont l’accessoire permettant de remplir directement le porte filtre. J’aurais d le commander en mme temps que la machine.
    NB: pour ceux dont la porte filtre ne serrait pas dtect: il suffit d’insrer l’accessoire + le porte filtre et bien pousser l’ensemble en faisant des petits mouvements latraux dans le logement prvu cet effet, une fois l’ensemble correctement insr il sera dtect par la machine (tmoin allum sur l’cran).

    Une merveille

  4. CoreyADXod says:


    This machine looks great and performs well too. I use it to grind beans for my Bialetti moka pot which makes it extremely fit for purpose. The burr mechanism means grinds are consistent, and has several fine adjustment features depending on the type of coffee you want to brew. I’d say the smallest grind size is slightly too large for perfect espresso purposes, but unless you’re paying $500+ for a grinder this is common. The interface is elegant, straight forward, and easy to use. Sound level is normal for a coffee grinder, and cleaning maintenance is easy. Bottom line: this is the best price vs performance vs looks on the market, so give it a go!

  5. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe die De’Longhi Dedica KG 521.M Kaffeemhle als Ergnzung zu meiner De’Longhi Dedica Espresso Maschine gekauft. Ich habe jetzt 4 Jahre lang fertig gemahlenen Espresso gekauft aber irgendwie fehlt mir immer der frische Kaffeegeruch.
    Jetzt mit der De’Longhi Dedica KG 521.M ist das ganz anders. Einfach frische Bohnen in den “Tank” einfllen und die bentigte Menge fr 1 oder 2 Tassen Espresso direkt in den Siebtrger mahlen. Noch mit einem Tamper verdichten und dann an die Espressomaschine. Frischer geht es nicht.
    An der Kaffeemhle kann der Mahlgrad eingestellt werden, die Menge 1 -14 Tassen (Voratsbehlter ist dabei) oder mit dem Siebtrgereinsatz direkt in den Siebtrgern gemahlen werden.
    Der Siebtrgereinsatz befindet sich brigens gut verstaut in der durchsichtigen Schublade am Gert.
    Super ist auch, dass man die Aromastrke whlen kann mild – normal – stark.
    Auch die Menge an Kaffeepulver fr den Siebtrger lsst sich programmieren. Das ist durchdacht, weil es unterschiedlich groe Siebtrger gibt und damit auch die Bentigte Kaffeemenge variiert.
    Grundstzlich lassen sich alles Arten von Kaffeebohnen mahlen, ob fr Espresso, Filterkaffee oder French Press.
    Das Design passt super zu den anderen De’Longhi Dedica Gerten,. Die Maschine ist wertig und absolut sauber verarbeitet.
    Die Reinigung ist einfach, da das Mahlwerk einfach demontiert werden kann.

    Ich bin echt froh, mir die Kaffeemhle gekauft zu haben.

  6. JulianLangford says:


    Die Einstellmglichkeiten sind perfekt.
    Die Feinheit des gemahlenen Kaffee entspricht meiner Erwartung.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    There is nothing like your own coffee machine, and the best compliment is grinding your own beans to make that brew.
    This is a good bean grinder, a tad noisy, but then your grinding beans!
    It literally is flawless and grinds perfectly for a portafliter of the machining coffee machine and has a filling cradle or pot.
    So far in the last two months it’s crunched up about 3 kg of beans without a hitch

  8. KristyMancini says:


    Schaut gut aus und der Kaffee bzw. der Espresso schmeckt eine Klasse besser.
    Entgegen der Empfehlung gab ich die losen Teile in die Sphlmaschine, was der Optik nicht gut getan hat. Nun ja, Bequemlichkeit wird eben … Ansonsten kann ich die Mhle vorbehaltlos empfehlen!

  9. AdelaideZNOT says:


    Ce broyeur est idal pour prparer du caf avec tous les types de machines (je ne l’ai utilis que pour moudre du grain trs fin (1<->4), la mouture est uniforme et fine. La machine est plutt bruyante, c’est un bruit aigu.
    L’accessoire qui permet de verser le caf moulu dans le porte-filtre directement est trs pratique, mais il laisse s’chapper une petit quantit de caf chaque fois, c’est dommage. Aussi, la quantit de caf moulu lorsqu’on appuie une fois sur le bouton n’est pas suffisante pour une tasse (a doit tre une question de rglages).
    J’ai remarqu que la torrfaction du caf joue beaucoup dans la consistance de la mouture (plus elle est sche, mieux c’est).

  10. Anonymous says:


    Wir trinken tglich sehr viel Kaffee bei uns zuhause und benutzen zur Zubereitung viele Unterschiede Methoden. Bei einem Siebtrger, einer Pourover, einem Espressokocher, Frenchpress und Filterkaffeemaschine, bleibt kaum ein Wunsch brig. Jedoch bentigt man fr all diese unterschiedlichen Zubereitungsmethoden auch unterschiedliche Mahlgrade. Mit unserer handbetriebenen Kaffeemhle, waren wir oft zu faul um den Kaffee selbst zu mahlen. Mit der elektronischen Kaffeemhle lsst sich der Mahlgrad wirklich sehr schnell und przise einstellen und man kommt jeden Tag in den Genuss von frisch gemahlenen Kaffee unabhngig von der Kaffeezubereitungsart. Wirklich sehr empfehlenswert!

  11. MaritzaGrimwade says:

     United Kingdom

    Had it a week without issue so early days but good tasty results thus far . Easy to use and good looking unit .

    Yeah - pretty good

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The grinder is very high quality and easy to use. Took me a little while to program in the correct quantity for my portafilter though, but now it’s super easy as all I’ve got to press is one button to get the correct quantity every time.

    I understand the reviews stating that the grind isn’t fine enough for espresso. I’ve found on the finest setting it does work well with my machine as I’m using a pressurised filter which doesn’t need quite as fine grind. So if you have a Dedica espresso machine or similar (with pressurised filter) then this should work well. I love the ability to grind straight into the filter, it’s very quick and clean and I’m getting great tasting coffee which is a definite step up from using pre-ground coffee.

    I’ve given it 4/5 as the option to grind finer would be nice so that it’s more suitable for all espresso machines.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This machine is so easy to use. It’s a little noisy but no different to any other coffee grinder. Easy useable settings regarding how fine you like your coffee beans to be ground and you can change how many cups you would like. Very easy to clean and the container is very useful.

  14. MerissaFeldman says:


    This is the best grinder I’ve ever had. Ever. Pretty idiot-proof, doesn’t screw up, and just keeps going and going, great every time. I frequently use it with 1kg bags of coffee, filling the hopper just shy of half way.
    I had an off-brand grinder that looked promising at first, but was perhaps not as idiot proof as it needed to be. I left it unattended for a little too long, and it backed up ground coffee so far that the motor failed, and the damn thing died there and then.
    The offending product was named Bodum something or other. Avoid. This one is light years ahead.

  15. Julie Vadnal says:

     United Kingdom

    Game changer finally getting an electric grinder for my espresso machine. So easy to use.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Used it for a week now, love the general ease of use when grinding for Espresso, V60 and French press. I’m happy with the output so far.

    Two things that need improvement if there’s ever going to be a new model:

    1) The grinds container be made of materials that do not cause a layer of grinds to stick at the bottom of the container. Might be static or something else.

    2) Tighten the porta filter holder’s output area. Every time you grind, a significant amount of grinds will fly onto your table top. Wish there was a way to minimize waste when using the filter holder.

  17. PLoS Medicine Blog says:


    If you’re like me, and make your diary share of coffee, you want a decent grinder. I’m able to make my cold brew now effortlessly, and consistently, this is a solid machine and doesn’t seem to stress at all grinding beans. Easy to use and clea

  18. Rob Hunter says:


    Dies what it says on the tin. Not sure it needs the “strength” setting. Also, my fault for not checking, doesn’t fit commercial-size group handles.

  19. FayeYVFgzmqnwq says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProdotto ottimo ben costruito molto comoda la possibilit di inserire direttamente il filtro caff…unico neo il prezzo ma la qualit c’ tutta

  20. Anonymous says:


    Don’t get me wrong, this is a great grinder with programmable digital features and a good range of grind sizes – and perfect for pressurized 51mm portafilters and filtered coffees. However, it will not grind fine enough for a non-pressurized single walled portafilter – which IMHO is not really good enough for a semi-premium home grinder solution with a RRP of $300. (Though I paid nearly half that, so I’m ok with it since it works well with my EC685M Espresso Machine’s pressurized filters).

  21. Anonymous says:


    Comme le percolateur de la mme marque ce moulin est robuste, et fait un ensemble trs disign , par contre je ne le recommande pas pour une mouture directe dans le porte filtre ,on retrouve du caf tout autour car il a toujours tendance dlivrer plus qu’une tasse ou deux malgr tout les essais de rglages.
    autrement si on utilise le pot c’est parfait ce dernier est trs bien conu et parfaitement hermtique .

  22. eZ1dR9rJ6k says:


    Achet pour un usage professionnel.
    Entirement satisfaite de ce moulin qui est de la mme marque de ma cafetire expresso Dedica.
    L’adaptateur pour n’effectuer qu’une dose de caf est bien pratique.
    Le moulin s’arrte automatiquement de lui mme une fois la moulure souhaite.
    L’appareil se met en veille automatiquement.
    Je ne peux que conseiller ce produit.
    Compact et extrmement performant.
    Le bruit est raisonnable.

  23. CaroleChristoph says:


    Das ist meine zweite Kaffeemhle. Meine erste, ist eine einfache von Bosch. Da nach Meinung meiner Kaffeersterin die Mhle massiv auf das Aroma des Kaffees wirkt habe ich mich fr eine teure Mhle entschieden. Die Mhle kann von sehr fein bis grob eingestellt werden. Hier muss man vorsichtig sein, da der Hebel relativ instabil wirkt. Idealerweise beim Mahlen, damit der Kaffee nicht blockiert. Die Mhle macht feinen Espresso und ich bilde mir ein, dass die Aromaeinstellung an der Mhle tatschlich wirkt. Die grobe Einstellung fr Frenchpress habe ich auch genutzt, ist tatschlich besser als fein gemahlener Kaffee.
    Schn ist auch der Behlter fr gemahlenen Kaffee. Die Halterung fr den Siebtrger einer Espressomaschine des gleichen Herstellers funktioniert wunderbar. Ich kann die Mhle nur empfehlen. Toll wre noch eine Option fr eine weiteren Bohnenbehlter.

  24. Milbank Quarterly says:


    I had a blade grinder before this, the coffee is much more evenly ground, can pick how fine you wish it to be, how many cups quantities to grind, very happy with this produc

  25. Garrett Hulfish says:


    Sieht ganz nett aus, ja, es rieselt auch Kaffee daneben. Unschn ist, dass der Druck auf dem Einschaltknopf bereits nach einem Monat total abgewetzt ist. Noch unschner ist aber, dass sich der feinste Mahlgrad wirklich nur fr die doppelwandigen Siebe eignet.
    Kurz: eher eine Mhle fr Filterkaffee.

  26. CollinP68vkhof says:


    Regalata a mio figlio mi dice che perfetta abbinata alla sua de longhi EC685, dose esatta, macinatura perfetta.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Merci beaucoup, c’est un trs bon produit, rsistant et puissant!!

  28. Knit Purl Gurl says:


    Non capisco le recensioni dove dicono che la macinatura pi fine non vada bene per le macchine espresso.
    Io mi sto trovando benissimo e posso affermare che, oltre ad essere un bel prodotto che si abbina alla perfezione con la mia Delonghi Dedica, macina anche il caff perfettamente.

  29. Ashleigh Macro says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersL’ho accoppiata con la De Longhi EC680 e sono molto soddisfatto.
    Il contenitore dei chicchi tiene circa 250 grammi e risulta di facile pulizia che viene effettuata circa ogni 20 giorni.
    Questo aspetto varia molto dai tipi di chicchi che usate; l’importante che il grasso che rilascia la macinatura e i chicchi stessi non rancidisca.
    Estremamente facile anche la pulizia delle macine, basta seguire le istruzioni in italiano o ricercare qualche video su youtube. In sostanza bisogna svuotare la macchina dai chicchi, togliere il contenitore, mettere le macine a 1 e sollevare il pezzo sopra. Con il pennellino in dotazione, spennellare le macine e con un’aspirapolvere pulire i residui. Lavare il contenitore dei chicchi con detersivo per piatti.
    Cosa molto importante, regolare la macchina sempre quando essa in funzione, onde evitare di sforzare il meccanismo (solo a vuoto si pu regolare).
    Per ottenere un’ottimo espresso come da video, uso questi settaggi:

    – Caff Illy
    – Macinacaff impostato a 1
    – Per un caff, 7,5 grammi di polvere pressato forte
    – Per due caff 12,5 grammi di polvere pressato poco

    E’ possibile utilizzare il braccetto della vostra macchina espresso da 51mm (ovviamente compatibile con la De Longhi EC680/85) per macinare direttamente in filtro.
    Opzione non considerata, in quanto non facile la programmazione di un caff.
    Lo si pu fare tenendo premuto il tasto di avvio e bisogna essere bravi a commutare in grammi i secondi impostati.
    Per semplificarmi la vita, con l’adattatore braccetto utilizzo una tazzina di media dimensione e l’ho programmata per 10 grammi.. quello in eccesso lo uso per la colazione.
    In dotazione anche un recipiente ermetico se si necessita di macinare grandi quantit.
    Ovviamente sempre meglio macinare al momento e quello in eccesso metterlo via per la colazione.
    Attenzione che la macchina non funziona se non inserito l’adattatore braccetto (spingete bene) o il barattolo ermetico e solo con quest’ultimo si possono regolare per quanti caff macinare.
    Considerate che modificando le impostazione di aroma e di macinatura, cambia la grammatura per ogni caff.

  30. PatrickNewhouse says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic – and surprisingly large – can fee grinder from a great manufacturer.

    Will satisfy all your needs for years.

  31. MichellJuan says:


    Die hohe Qualitt des Mahlwerks gewhrleistet ein aromaschonendes Mahlen der Kaffeebohnen. Der Mahlgrad ist ber einen sehr groen Bereich verstellbar. Das Mahlgut enthlt keinen staubfeinen Anteil.

  32. Nidhi Rawat says:


    Excellent . I was using a cheap model before . Never ground coffee right. This does it at a click of a button. Nice stainless finish and good holding container . Best home grinder I could find and have used

  33. David Anders says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIts not a very fancy grinder but it does the job and has completely changed our coffee at home. We were using a spice grinder before, so this is a massive upgrade. It is easy to clean and set up.

    Only thing is it took us ages to work out how to correctly put on the portafilter attachment (hint: you have to hear it click). Noise is to be expected, it is a grinder after all. Only thing is that it stopped grinding at a fine setting after a few months, but I followed the notes to take out the middle section for a quick clean and works perfectly again.

    Perfect for people who want an entree into having a grinder at home, but don’t want to spend heaps of money.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Not sure what “sheerness” means in this context! This is a good looking machine. A bit bigger then expected. Plenty of functions/ settings/ options. A good burr grinder. Easy to use.

  35. PLoSNTDs says:


    The grinder is nice and compact. It has a good selection of grinds with a clear digital display and the storage container is handy. I found seating the conical burr into the housing a bit of a fiddle but I think I just need to get used to it. Haven’t tried a single grind yet. Overall it was a good buy, really 4.5.

  36. KobyKxbzzx says:


    Have had this coffee grinder coming up to a year. It has been working well. Had one small issue with the scroll button for the amount of coffee cups you want stopped working for a while. Seem ok at he moment. But I don’t have to change it regularly! Grinds well, happy with product.

  37. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Perfect coffee grinder for my use
    Great quality. Good materials and simple to use

  38. Anonymous says:


    I have to do 1 cup twice to make up 2 cups. It grinds a bit too much for 1 cup. I have to take some off every time. A bit annoying.

  39. MandyRoyal says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersCommentaire de juin: 2 moulins de suite avec le mme dfaut… de srie ? Semblait parfait mais faudrait il qu’il fonctionne normalement.
    Commentaire de fin aout: Dfaut des 2 premiers moulins, la manette qui rgle la taille de la mouture avanait de petit grand toute seule pendant le broiement du caf. Amazon a remplac le premier et rembours le deuxime. Le SAV de Delonghi, contact, ne m’a pas sembl surpris par ma remarque. J’avais donc pens un problme de srie. J’ai attendu 2 mois et j’ai repass une nouvelle commande, tout se passe bien avec ce dernier modle et c’est pourquoi que j’attribue cette fois les 5 toiles mrites.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I recently got into the “home Barista” mode after missing my cappuccino from a local shop which is closed due to the lockdown. I had already purchased the Dedica Espresso Pump machine from Argos as they had a “bundle” deal containing, amongst other things, the DeLonghi KG49 Grinder. However, that grinder was just a “blade” which only chopped the coffee beans into something resembling wood chippings.
    So, after doing some research about grinding coffee beans I looked for a suitable grinder. I came across this DeLonghi KG521M and it is a perfect match for my Espresso machine.
    This grinder is a world away from the blade”chop ’em up” grinders, It has 18 different grind settings to choose from depending on how you are making the coffee i.e. Espresso, Drip-Pour Over, French Press. You can also set the strength of coffee.
    Setting up is simple – just put the beans in the top hopper and decide if you want the ground beans to go into the supplied resealable jar or the filter holder accessory which enables you to transfer the grounds straight to the espresso machine. Select your strength, number of cups (1-14) and press start.
    A point to note is if you use the filter holder accessory the machine defaults to 1 cup – you cannot change it to 2 or more. It is programmed to deliver enough coffee for 1 shot of espresso, but you can change the quantity. Simply hold down the grind button and release when your desired quantity of grounds has been reached. The machine then remembers that quantity for future use.
    The display is intuitive. It shows the beans hopper is in place, the resealable container or the filter holder accessory is in place and the number of cups selected. The display contrast is also changeable but what I like best is it’s flush with the body of the machine meaning there’s no little grooves for dust etc to settle in.
    I initially had some trouble inserting the filter holder accessory but soon mastered it. Just make sure it sits in both grooves on the underside and give it a firm push in until it clicks. If you don’t get the click the display will flash and you wont be able to grind.
    If you like trying different types of beans fill the hopper with just the amount of beans you wish to grind as you cannot remove the hopper with beans still in it. It’s all in the comprehensive, multilingual manual that comes with the machine.
    In conclusion I would state that for coffee bean/grinding novices like myself you cannot go wrong with this grinder. It really does make a huge difference to the taste of the coffee compared with the “blade” type.

    Expensive but worth i

  41. Anonymous says:


    Beautiful stainless burr grinder. The coffee maker doesnt matter, its in the bean and the grind, and this brand of grind is good. Very happy with my purchase.

  42. Michileen Martin says:


    Great so far!
    Love the smell of the freshly grinded beans, and it gives a nice and strong flavor.
    It’s a bit noisy but not annoying.
    Easy to use and clean, haven’t tried the programming feature yet.

  43. RoslynStreet says:


    Wir sind zufrieden! Sind aber nicht DIE Baristas und Kaffee-Sommeliers. Wir wollten einfach keinen gemahlenen Kaffee mehr verwenden und uns frischen Kaffee mahlen und ihn verschieden verwenden: Filterkaffee mit Automat und Hand gefiltert und fr French press verwenden. Viele Mahlgrade. Sehr gut alles einstellbar. Nur Auffangbehlter ist oft leicht elektrisch geladen. Gemahlener Kaffee bleibt leicht kleben. Ansonsten sehr zufrieden.

  44. AlvinPinedo says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOptisch, funktional und preislich eine sehr zu empfehlende Kaffeemhle. Einziges kleines Manko: Der gemahlene Kaffee bildet einen feinen Kaffestaub um die Mhle.

    Optisch, funktional und preislich eine sehr zu empfehlende Kaffeemühle.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt does do a good job of grinding and has multiple settings for almost any king of grind. A little noisy for early in the morning but I have’t really heard a quiet one yet so I guess this is the norm. Would have liked to be able to put my one cup coffee plunger under the hopper but this cannot be done for safety reasons so worth noting if you have this mind. Otherwise cant really complain. Recommended

  46. Anonymous says:


    Eine sehr gute Produkte bin damit sehr zufrieden es ist weiter zu empfehlen vielen lieben Dank und danke dafr mit freundliche Gre Falivena

  47. VBPFerminp says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersHabe diese Mhle zur Dedica Siebtrger Kaffeemaschine dazu gekauft und muss sagen, dass sie optisch eine absolut perfekte Ergnzung dazu ist. Das Mahlwerk mahlt meine Bhnchen ratzfatz durch, der Geruch und der Geschmack sind einfach nur toll. Der Display ist nett obgleich auch luxus. Da wren mir Glasbehlter f. Bohnen und Pulver anstatt des Kunststoffes schon lieber gewesen. In summe aber ist das Gert sehr wertig verarbeitet und liefert super Mahlergebnisse.

    olle Maschine, super Geschmack

  48. Anonymous says:


    I like the appearance and the functionality of the machine, it is easy to use and feels like a well-made piece of equipment. The settings allow me to grind the beans to suit my ‘french press’ coffee make

  49. CalvinTorode says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this product for my husband as he loves his coffee. Produces better tasting coffee as grinded just before brewing.

  50. Anonymous says:


    Einzig die etwas schwierige Einstellung der Menge fr den Siebtrger trben die sonst sehr gute Qualitt.

  51. KarenDarden says:


    Really happy with this purchase. A good variety of grinds, easy to use. I really like that I can grind enough for just one cup and keep my coffee fresh and full of flavour. The price was great compared to other machines at the time of purchase.

  52. Anonymous says:


    Schnelle Lieferung, schne Optik. Habe sie fr die passende Siebtrger-Maschine (DeLonghi ec 685m) gekauft. Ich bin super zufrieden, der Kaffee schmeckt. Fr mich ist der Mahlgrad fein genug, da gibt es ja immer die meiste Kritik. Ich habe aber auch keine Profi Ansprche. Fr den normalen Hausgebrauch aber auf jeden Fall super, wenn man kein privates Sterne-Caf erffnen will…Bedienung ist sehr einfach. Fr den Preis echt super, wer eine teurere Maschine hat, wird sich wahrscheinlich auch eher nach einer (noch) besseren Mhle umsehen, aber man kommt mit dieser echt schon ziemlich weit.

  53. Julie Ferguson says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for an at home barista. All you need to do is put her grip handle in the slot, let go and press the play button for it to grind your beans. Hands free.

  54. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Sehr gut gefallen hat uns, dass die Kaffeemhle so wie abgebildet und beschrieben geliefert wurde. Tolles Gert.

  55. Anonymous says:


    We bought this as a device for grinding spices.
    It’s quieter than our old coffee/spice grinder and only requires one pass through the grinder. The old grinder required several passes through.

    So far it has been working fine.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Wir sind sehr zufrieden. Frisch gemahlener Kaffee hat einfach mehr Geschmack. Toll ist dass man direkt in den Siebtrger mahlen kann.

  57. JoycelyTodd says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDie Kaffeemhle war ein Geschenk fr meinen Sohn. Er ist sehr zufrieden mit der Bedienung und dem Mahlergebnis.
    Er nutzt die Mhle fr die Zubereitung von Espresso mit einer Siebtrgermaschine.

    Das von anderen Rezensenten bemngelte Problem mit herumfliegenden Kaffeemehl kann er so nicht besttigen. Dass ein bisschen Kaffeemehl daneben fllt, ist doch bei Kaffeemhlen mit Siebtrgerhalterung normal. Es ist aber vielleicht auch eine Empfindungssache. Fr die/den eine(n) ist es viel, fr die/den andere(n) eben wenig.

    Mein Sohn jedenfalls ist sehr zufrieden und das ist die Hauptsache.

  58. WaynePakcys says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo macinacaff a macina conica. Perfetto complemento vicino a macchina de longhi. Devo ancora trovare la giusta miscela, comunque la macinatura ottima ed omogenea

  59. Anonymous says:


    Schnell geliefert, Artikel wie beschrieben. Funktion ist OK. Anleitung nicht optimal.

  60. News says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is a quality product, the grinding is absolutely perfect. Just 2 niggles otherwise would have been 5 / 5.
    1] well made but larger than it needed to be
    2] difficult to extract the beans if, for example, you wanted to remove caffeinated to replace with decaf. A faff

  61. VetaDoverxbmj says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBeen looking for a grinder for awhile now. Got a cheap one at first and not even made it to the first use broke down. BUT this one just keeps going! Really easy to use just spend a bit more money and get something reliable and you’ll thank yourself down the line!

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJe suis absolument conquis par ce broyeur, on peut ajuster parfaitement la mouture comme on le souhaite, il est mme trop sophistiqu, 15 degrs de mouture c’est presque trop. Le seul souci tant de choisir un caf en grain qui correspond ce que l’on aime sinon, c’est le top, je recommande vivement ce broyeur, en plus il est esthtique sur le plan de travail.

  63. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAppena arrivata ho cominciato a testare le varie funzioni, ho usato un caff ottimo acquistato su Amazon, devo dire che in due giorni mi ha dato ottime ritengo di aver fatto un buon acquisto. Il caff viene meglio che al bar e si beve la cremina fino all’ultima goccia..Amazon sempre preciso e puntuale nei tempi e nell’imballaggio,non ho nulla per ora da rimproverarmi, lo rifarei.

  64. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersProdotto di qualit anche se il macinino non fissato tanto bene si dovrebbe fare meglio per un marchio come Delonghi.

  65. Jacqui says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPour des cafs parfaits, ce matriel est fantastique et surtout indispensable. En effet les armes du caf moulu s’oxyde pass les 5 minutes et donc la qualit du caf en souffre si vous ne faite pas la mouture vous mme.
    le rservoir grain est de bonne capacit, l’adaptateur porte filtre parfait et les meules de bonne qualit.
    Nanmoins le rglage usine est lger, j’ai pes, avec l’adaptateur porte filtre, une mouture 7,5 gramme il faut donc pass par un rglage de la machine afin d’atteindre une valeur plus adapt au caf utilis (8,75g dans mon cas avec un caf pruvien en ce moment.) Bonne dgustatio

  66. AdelaDCZvsxu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGrinds well to all specific degrees of coarseness and finess. Not too loud, doesn’t take much room and looks great on my kitchen worktop paired with de’longhi dedica coffee maker. Very happy with the purchase

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe De Longhi Dedica coffee grinder is a marvellous machine…either as a stand alone or as a matching couple with the Dedica coffee maker. Very easy to use and maintain with user control over the amount and fineness of the grind. A provided attachment allows the setting of the desired amount of ground coffee to go directly in to the filter holder, making it very simple and easy. The biggest peeve is the reliance on pictograms for usage instructions, but a good phone customer service helps to overcome this. I for one, am very happy with this machine.

  68. Anonymous says:


    Tolle Robuste Mhle, Tut Ihren dienst einwandfrei.
    Kann es nur empfehlen.

  69. AkilahRoyal says:


    Good value coffee grinder. Not as noisy as I was expecting due to other reviews so all in all I’m happy:)

  70. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem ich mich lnger mit dem Thema Kaffeemhle beschftigt habe, bin ich rckblickend sehr froh, dass ich mich fr diese entschieden habe. Trotz miger Bewertungen hier bei Amazon. Die Kaffemhle wurde mir von italienischen Arbeitskollegen empfohlen. Sie mahlt nicht nur super Kaffee fr smtliche Zubereitungen, sondern ist auch noch sehr stylisch. Mittlerweile habe ich so eine Delonghi auch schon verschenkt und sie kam super an. Ich wrde sie immer wieder kaufen.

  71. Kim Wetzel says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDas Gert hat ein tolles klassisches und zugleich modernes Design. Die Einstellungen ber die entsprechenden Tasten in Zusammenhang mit dem Display sind sehr einfach. Das Ergebnis ist fein und ordentlich. Einziger Nachteil aus meiner Sicht: Viele Teile sind aus Kunststoff, sodass insbesondere der Kaffeebehlter meist statisch geladen ist und das Gert minderwertiger wirken lassen, als eigentlich ist. Dennoch ein tolles Gert. Wrde es weiterempfehlen!

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAmazing, I use it multiple times a day and never buy coffee out now! I also got the grinder too. Very fast delivery.

  73. LashondCapasso says:


    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce set, Moulin plus machine a caf, car La le gout du Caf et Vraiment dans votre bouche, ou tasse, Par rapport a ces capsules absolument …………. ! et surtout mauvaise pour la sant, et a un prix faisant revenir a propre tasse de caf a 12 fois plus cher (cela dpend bien sre de la quantit et le choix du Got de chacun..
    Comme vous pouvez le voir sur ma photo, j’ai tous rassembl l’un a cot de l’autre, et croyez moi a chaque fois un plaisir de prparer son caf…. ( Par-contre si vous tes plusieurs ? il vaut mieux une machine automatique.. Mais celle si bien plus fragile, et beaucoup plus cher.. ) Voila je suis satisfais de AMAZON seul chose que j’ai a lui reprocher, et qu’il n’intervient pas assez vite au sujet des envoie postaux des produits. je dois souvent faire bouger les choses Soit parce que le colis ce trouve je ne sais ou ? alors qu’il et inscrit livr sur le site. et que pour finir vous devez les contacter pour faire bouger les choses… Mais Bon ce n’est pas un reproche a AMAZON juste une constatation .. Hummm un bon Caf. Merci Amazon.

    Bon Matériel Moulin comme Machine a café

  74. MackenzGrout says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersOttima macina da caff, facile da usare e Bella esteticamente! Non la ho ancora usata tantissimo, ho macinato un po’ di caff ed uscito bello cremoso visto che ho la macchina da caff Illy che necessita di una macina molto fine

  75. MereditBurdge says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTrs satisfait de cet achat. Qualit Delonghi toujours au rendez vous. Mouture de caf parfaite en choisissant le qualibrage. Moulin trs rapide et fonctionnel.

  76. Anonymous says:


    Die Mhle funktioniert gut und sieht chic aus, trifft das Sieb aber nicht richtig. Dadurch muss man immer mit der Hand oder dem tamper nachstreichen bevor angedrckt werden kann. Das wundert mich, da ich den dazugehrigen Siebtrger verwende.

  77. Anonymous says:


    Gnial let moulin va parfaitement avec le look de la cafetire expresso et le caf eSt meilleur frachement moulu pour les fan de cafe

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It seems that if you like your coffee, at some point you’re going to end up getting something like this as there looks to be quite a push for them at the moment. It is quite expensive, no doubt, but it will also change the way you view coffee at home. The difference, being able to grind your own beans, is huge as far as flavour is concerned.

    There are a multitude of settings so with a little bit of trial and error you can grind however many beans you want to exactly to your liking. It’s very simple to use, the LCD display is clear and the machine itself looks great, very stylish.

    It’s not perfect and may not help you produce coffee up to professional standard (especially the espresso) but for a small home machine it’ll certainly be good enough for most.

  79. neperlin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis Delonghi grinder is a superb addition to any coffee-lover’s kit – beautifully styled and built with a modern, quasi-industrial aesthetic, but occupying a relatively small space and made from high quality plastics and metal, the grinder looks fantastic. The sealable collection pot/bin is a great idea, allowing you put your ground beans where they’ll be handy. Grinding is by its nature a noisy job but this is a relatively quiet operator – not silent, but the grinder doesn’t impose itself like most others. Most importantly, the quality of the grind is truly great – consistent and quickly done with probably the best designed grinders available today – conical and removable for easy cleaning. I’m completely unconvinced that metal grinders will affect the taste of coffee – I’ve had ceramic grinders in the past and while they don’t heat up, metal grinders don’t heat up enough to affect coffee unless they’re significantly overused in a single session.

    I have a variety of coffee brewing options and the Delonghi offers perfectly good courseness for pour-over filters and Aeorpress and fineness for Bialetti stovepots.

    There are much cheaper grinders out there, but you do get what you pay for – here, you get a beautiful, high quality grinder that’s easy to look after and grinds very well. The thoughtful features, such as the digital display and sealable pot, really elevate this product to a class of its own for domestic use. Amazon often has certain colour options at a reasonable saving over RRP, so watch the item if you’re hoping to pay a bit less.

  80. EddyBurkitt says:

     United Kingdom

    Stylish, well-built coffee grinder that looks great and is easy to use. Large hopper at the top holds more than 500g of roasted beans, and it’s easy to choose the exact amount of coffee you want to grind, and how finely you want it.

    My only criticism relates to the fineness settings. There’s a rotator dial at the base of the hopper, allowing you to choose from more than a dozen ‘fineness’ settings – from super-fine ground (suitable for espresso machines and filters), right up to rougher grounds, notionally for a afetire. If you follow DeLonghi’s labelling, when you grind for a afetire, it is WAY too coarse – the grounds are simply too large to release all their flavour. Took me a couple of attempts to work out my ‘ideal’ setting, so anyone buying this should be prepared to do the same.

    Once you’ve worked around this, however, it’s blissfully quick and easy to use – and quieter to grind than other similar machines I’ve come across in the past. Highly recommended.

  81. JoeCTCyclxoylzz says:

     United Kingdom

    I never thought I’d bother with grinding my own coffee beans, but I’ve become more and more into coffee over the last couple of years and I think the simplicity of use and impressive results of this machine will convert me to a dedicated coffee grinder!

    The machine looks good – mostly steel and black plastic with a retro style – and I was surprised to find that it was less obtrusive and had a smaller footprint than I expected, though of course it is another item taking up counter space.

    It could not really be easier to use in my opinion. You operate it via dials (which work smoothly) and the LCD screen shows the options you’ve selected. You simply choose the amount of cups’ worth of beans you want grinding, the fineness of the grind and the strength of the aroma, and then the machine does its job. Being able to adapt so many settings means you get exactly what you want, from a very fine espresso to a coarse French press – there are eighteen levels and you can really see the differences between the results!

    Both the coffee holders for the beans above and the powder below are airtight so you can store the beans until you want them ground, and you can store and transport the powder too. The machine is easy to clean, you even get a little brush provided to help!

    This obviously isn’t cheap and it falls at the top end of consumer coffee grinders, suitable for those serious about their coffee, but if you don’t mind paying then to be honest I can’t imagine being disappointed with this, and I can’t think what else the machine could provide.

  82. CherylChery says:

     United Kingdom

    This Delonghi Dedica Coffee Grinder is a very easy way for any coffee-lover to turn their coffee beans into freshly-ground coffee powder. I have used simple manual coffee grinders for many years but this electric machine from Delonghi is in a completely different league altogether and gives results I could only have dreamed of previously! The grind settings are fully adjustable to suit your Espresso machine, filter coffee jug or French press and can be optimised to suit your individual needs or taste. I have used various Delonghi coffee-related products in the past, and the company really excels in this field, however this Dedica coffee grinder is by far the best Delonghi product I have used up to now. My old Delonghi coffee machine gave many years of good service before expiring recently and I am currently using a Gaggia model — the ground coffee from the Dedica grinder has really brought it to life. I have also had good results using a French press and a normal filter jug — you just need to practice getting the powder exactly right for each device. The Delonghi Dedica is at the top end of consumer coffee grinders and at around two hundred and twenty-five pounds currently from Amazon the price reflects this. However, this model is very well featured for a domestic product and the design and build quality are high; it is easy to use and simple to keep clean. If you have a bit of space on your counter-top near your coffee machine then this grinder will really look the business and you can enjoy the pleasures of freshly ground coffee every day — I love it. Wake up and smell the coffee!

  83. MUQCarlkowwk says:

     United Kingdom

    Before anything else, you need to decide whether you have the space for this in your kitchen/on your countertop. It is larger than I expected, but it looks great on the work surface, so I am happy to make space for it – but if you are already pushed for space, you might want to think about whether you have enough room for this as well.

    For those with the space, this look lovely with the brushed steel look and black – it looks very chic and for coffee lovers, it could be one of the centrepieces of their kitchen. We have a lovely red french press and I wish that this came in red as well so that they would match, but they don’t look bad alongside one another.

    It is very easy to use – you simply add beans into the hopper on the top of the grinder and make your selection of the numbers of cups you need to grind beans for (up to 14) and how fine a grind you want and set it in motion. There is a great deal of fun to be had from working out the best grind size for your personal preference and a real joy for any true coffee lover.

  84. EzekielMichels says:

     United Kingdom

    An impressive coffee grinder. This de Longi model has lots of settings and features allowing you to pick both the strength and grind that you want whether you like filter or French press coffee or a stronhg espresso. The number of variables does make it a little confusing. A plus point is that you can grind straight into the coffee dispenser if you only want to brew one or two cups of espresso, or into a sealable plastic container if you want more. It looks good but does take up a fair amount of room on the counter, only just fitting beneath our kitchen cupboards.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersI’m running this grinder alongside a decent bean-to-cup machine, and a filter coffee machine; the ground coffee from the grinder went into the filter machine, and also into a french press for comparison.

    The grinder itself is quite lovely. It’s got a brushed steel effect housing, and looks stylish on the counter. It’s not something you’ll be ashamed to have visible in the kitchen. The mixture of that steel finish with the LCD screens works very well aesthetically.

    The hopper at the top is a bit plastic, but works well enough. It seems to hold about 300g worth of beans in one go, so you can go a while between top ups. It seals well, meaning that beans left in the hopper should stay fresh. It’s worth noting that the grinder is a burr type, supposedly producing a better result than blade-type grinders. When the grinder runs, it’s noisy, but the appliance itself is extremly stable. I’m *fairly* confident that even a persistent cat on a worktop couldn’t knock it over, for example.

    The LCD display is clearly legible, and provides a reasonable amount of information, including the fine-ness of grind selected, and the number of cups. The grinder will only grind the number of cups you set it to, which means you don’t have to use all your beans at once, which is rather handy. In this context, ‘cups’ as a measure seems to be the equivalent of espresso cups. I was grinding 2-4 cups worth of beans to generate two standard sized mugs of coffee.

    The number of options for grind are impressive, with eighteen gradations, inside broad categories like ‘Espresso’ and ‘French Press’. I’m not sure this degree of fine control is strictly necessary, but it does mean you can get your beans ground pretty much exactly as you like them. Working out how you actually like your grind is a bit more of a trial and error process though!

    Both the amount of beans to be ground (cup selector) and the grind fine-ness selector are analogue wheels, and feel sturdy; I’m always worried that a touch screen or other digital interface will break and stop a machie working, so its nice to see that bullet dodged.

    Beneath the grinder housing is a space for a jar to colelct the ground coffee. The provided jar is plastic, with a rubber seal. I’ve already managed to drop it once, and it bounced, which was a relief. The jar appears to hold about as much ground coffee as the hopper does beans, and the seal is snug; tipping it upside-down didn’t lead to coffee all over the floor! The jar is easily portabe, if you need somewhere to store your ground coffee – for example if you’re taking it into work.

    There’s a little accessories draw behind the storage jar; this stuck when I first tried it, but eventually pulled out. I’m pretty confiident I’ll never put anything in it, but i imagine if you have a favourite measuring spoon, you might want to store it away behind the grinder.

    The actual ground output is solid – there’s a discernable difference between the types of grind I tried (Filter, French Press), and both created some top class coffee drinking experiences.

    If you’re looking for a grinder, this is obviously a high end model, but the degree of control and the consistently excellent quality of the results may make it worthwhile.

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt was very easy to understand and operate as the controls are obvious and user friendly. All you have to do is: place beans in the top container, set the number of cups required, set the strength of coffee and then press the on-off button to grind the beans. The ground coffee drops into a container which can then be sealed for freshness.

    It’s noisy but it’s very quick to complete the job so it’s a brief burst of noise.

    It’s a lovely looking piece of kitchen equipment. It would suit any type of kitchen dcor.

    Overall a very efficient machine.

  87. IveyShropshire says:

     United Kingdom

    As other reviewers have already commented, this is a high end coffee grinder. I’m a coffee lover/addict and this is the first time I have ever tried to grind my own coffee and what an experience it has been! It’s bean (geddit?) a complete privilege to try out this machine and as a total newb I hope you can appreciate my observations. DeLonghi is a trusted quality brand when it comes to kitchen appliances so I was in no doubt that I would expect to receive a quality product and I wasn’t disappointed. My only grip has been that the instruction manual and instructions in general are very lacking with this product. (I also spotted a typo in the manual) I found the instructions incredibly difficult to follow and it took me several attempts to get the machine working and then finally get my ground coffee. A LOT of coffee was consumed as a result of the testing. Not a huge problem.
    So taking the machine out of the box. It’s heavy and feels sturdy and well made. It takes up very little space on the work surface but needs some height taking the coffee beans container into consideration. It can be removed for cleaning and storage. It’s not easy to use from the outset. I had to read and re-read the instructions and I still ultimately do not understand certain elements. I have been unable to determine how the quantity of coffee corresponds to the number of cups. I have it set to ‘max’ and used one half bag of store bought coffee beans in the container. With the aroma regulation set to max and grounds set to smallest. There is a lot of trial and error with this machine.
    My first mistake was not realising (or being able to) sufficiently screw the container on. You do need to turn it until it ‘clicks’ into place. So my first few attempts at grinding the beans were thwarted by the container constantly being loose and the machine stopping. I kept holding the container in place which was kinda pointless and I thought it was broken! Anyway once that’s sorted and you’re happy with the settings. Press the bean grinding button and off it goes. Such a pleasure to watch. Very satisfying and the smell is amazing. I love that it’s so efficient at grinding the beans and the clever mechanism means that not one single bean is missed. It also means it’s very easy to clean. Only the small accessories can be washed. Every other part must only be washed with a damp cloth including the container. The grinder must be kept dry and it comes with a handy little plastic bristle brush for cleaning the grinder itself.
    The machine comes with it’s own collection pot which serves both as collecting the grounds and for storage later. It has a rubber seal in the lid. I did actually grind more coffee than the ‘max’ allowed and it wasn’t a problem. But I did find that coffee grounds are very static and it’s quite infuriating trying to clean it up. The machine also likes quite messy after little use and the brushed chrome needs to be wipe and polished regularly to keep it looking nice. So far I’ve only used one brand of beans which we have enjoyed in plenty but I look forward to experimenting with more artisan brands in the future.

    DeLonghi is a trusted quality brand when it comes to kitchen appliances so I was in no doubt that I would expect to receive a quality product and I wasn't disappointed. My only grip has been that the instruction ...

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very smart-looking coffee grinder that also performs very well (it would need to do at its price point). What you are paying for is a more sophisticated burr grinding system compared with whizzing beans around in a mill. This machine allows a high degree of control over the grind quality so that it is suitable for whichever method of coffee making you are using (espresso machine, drip filter or cafetiere). Although it looks daunting at first, the machine is actually very simple to use. There is a lever just underneath the bean hopper than adjusts the grind, a dial on the side that adjusts the quantity and a small button on the front next to the on/off button which controls the strength. You can see what is going on via a small electronic panel on the top of the machine.

    I see other reviewers have commented on the size of the unit – I actually thought it was smaller than expected. It has a footprint of about 17cm wide and 23cm deep s for me it sits fairly unobtrusively on the worktop. I like its stylish good looks. It isn’t particularly noisy in use compared with previous coffee grinders I have had. There is a holder so that you can insert the coffee holder from an espresso coffeemaker under the grinder and grind straight into it. It doesn’t fit my espresso filter and may perhaps only fit a De Longhi filter.

  89. Michelle Naranjo says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOh yes.

    This is the mother of all domestic coffee grinders and I love it.

    The best things are

    The coffee is ground to 19 different settings from espresso to French press
    The coffee has a really great flavour as the grind is very consistent
    The container that collects the ground coffee has an airtight seal so you can store any coffee left over properly
    It is very easy to use
    It is a lovely design, fitting in to a kitchen with stainless steel highlights
    It is robust, and beautifully made

    The images show the burr grinder and the way the two grinder surfaces deal with the bean, some very fine machining here, to create the perfect grind.

    If you love coffee
    If you have a number of coffee making gadgets
    If you weigh the coffee to get the perfect brew

    Then this one is for you…

    For the serious coffee head, superb grind to 19 different settings with great engineering on the burr grinder...

  90. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersDedica Coffee grinder.
    A electric coffee grander which allows you to grind beans to suit the coffee you are making.
    This has 18 grind sizes, ranging from very fine and powdery for the perfect espresso at number 1 to the much courser grinds for a french press at 18.
    Ease of use
    It couldn’t really get much simpler, the machine switches on, you fill the bean holder on the top, turn the dial on the side to the amount of cups you are grinding for (1 to 14),turn the dial to the grind size ( which is conveniently marked up not only with the grind size, but also with what this size is best for), select the strength by pressing the little bean button on the control panel and press the arrow button to start the grinding.
    The control p[panel keeps you informed of what is going on, if you run out of beans it stops and flashes the symbol that means the bean holder is light, if you remove the grind catcher it , once again flashes the relevant symbol and lets you know what the problem is.

    Build quality
    Build quality is excellent, this is a pretty expensive piece of coffee making kit and Delonghi have invested in the quality of their components to justify the price.
    The machine is impressively shiny and attractive, it looks the part shall we say.
    The pieces go together perfectly and are engineered to be tightly fitting to keep the grind and the beans as fresh as possible.
    Buttons and dials are smooth in both appearance and use, the control panel is easy to read and responsive to commands, as a result you are aware of exactly what the machine is doing at a glance.
    The removable parts were easy to clean in a little warm, soapy water, a little brush is provided to keep the grinding cogs clean too.
    The shiny outside of the machine did show every fingerprint, but these soon polished off with a soft cloth.
    Having the correct size of grinds made a big difference to the coffee it produced.
    My espresso was strong and punchy with a rich and bitter kick.
    The filter pot was smooth and flavoursome.
    My french press for the first time did not leave grinds in the bottom of my cup.

    I would absolutely recommend this machine for someone who enjoys their coffee and takes it seriously.
    I have previously used a coffee/spice grinder to grind my coffee beans ( though I only ever used it for coffee beans) and this was not really able to produce different grind sizes, in fact the only way to vary the grind size with this type of grinder is to grind for shorter/longer periods of time and this made minimal difference to the end result, using this Delonghi has opened my eyes to how useless this little grinder really was.

    A grind for every occasio

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a pretty impressive piece of kit for any discerning coffee lover. I was impressed that it dealt with the whole spectrum of coffee grinds – from fine (perfect for espresso) up to fairly coarse (ideal for French presses). The instructions are clearly detailed on the back of the box and set up was simple. I liked the resealable container, which can be stored in the fridge if you’re planning to do a bulk grind.

    I made a cafietiere of coffee using the #16 coarse grind and it yielded great results. Although it takes up a fair amount of counter space, it’s a fantastic gadget and flipping well should be at that price!

  92. JanetteLarson says:

     United Kingdom

    I discovered the difference fresh ground beans made to the taste of coffee years ago and have been committed to use beans rather than pre-ground when ever I can ever since. I do own a bean to cup Delonghi which has given good service for years, but I do make French press and filter coffee for which I have used a hand burr grinder. That is fine for a cup or two, but not so great if you are in a hurry and want a large pot.

    This Dedica grinder is the perfect answer. It is a high end domestic product which offers a lot of control in terms of the grade of the grind (the top end French press is very coarse and the expresso is very fine). It takes up a fair amount of space, but would look great next to the Dedica coffee maker and I would seriously consider this combination over a straight bean to cup. It is possible to grind straight into the coffee holder if you have a Dedica filter holder. Unfortunately I have a gaggia machine which for which the holder is slightly larger.

    This is easy to set up and use. You basically dial in how many cups you are making and the strength and set the grind for the type of coffee you are making. Press start and a few seconds later you have all you need. With a bit of trial and error you can just grind the exact amount you need — thus keeping it fresh, but the air seal on the canister is effective if you want to do a days worth in one go.

    In summary, this is a lovely grinder and it should give you many years of service. It costs a lot, but I always think about how much coffee costs at starbucks and how much enjoyment having a decent cup at home gives me and suddenly this seems justifiable.

  93. Renai LeMay says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI like this grinder because the design is actually really well thought through. It’s easy to use and all the parameters you need to consider when setting up a grinder are featured.

    First off, I used to own a high quality coffee shop. I have nearly three years worth of experience using some of the very best gear available. I used twin professional grinders: the kind of hefty machines that are super precise, super stable/heavy and super accurate. I would set them each up every day manually and the results were superb.

    This DeLonghi Dedica is not a competitor in the same market clearly, so I am absolutely not comparing it to them! I also had a couple of similar priced models that I used for filter coffee, i.e. drip (Chemex, V60) and French Press. These I will compare. At home I have the cheaper Delonghi KG79 which usually sells for 40-60 depending on offers. So I’ve three price points to draw on, around 40, 200 and 1000, and I think I have a lot of experience around grinders at these points.

    This is a strictly a higher end consumer model. What you want from it is accuracy of grind, adaptability for different grinds, consistency and ease of adjustment, ease of cleaning and all round ‘it’s obvious how to use it’, so not lots of manual stuff. I’d rate the Dedica high on most of these. It’ll run from espresso (many consumer grinders don’t do well at such fine grinds) through filter to very coarse French Press (too coarse in my opinion, but you don’t have to use the coarser adjustment). The espresso grind is a tiny bit inconsistent, but this a 240 grinder, not a pro 1000 one. I’d say it’s acceptable. Filter also works well.

    Packaging is fine. It comes well protected in the standard kind of polystyrene enclosure and a study card box. Instructions are easy to understand. Appearance wise, It’s OK with a stainless/plastic combo that probably looks better at first look than up close – subjective! I wouldn’t score it down on that. The electronics are first class. It’s so easy to make sense of the readouts, so you know exactly what grind you’re, the amount, etc. In use it’s a bit noisy, but acceptable. You just don’t have the mass with these small grinders to absorb vibration – and this may also be why there is a tad inconsistency of fine grind.

    The key to making a machine like this work is to experiment. The amount of grind and the fineness is the basis of your brew ratio. It is super important. Read this for the basics: Essentially, once you establish the right ratio then only minor adjustment will usually be needed going forward. This makes life much easier every day. If you change your beans then you may need to begin again, but that’s OK. The Dedica will allow for simple adjustment, which is one of its best features I’d say, compared to similarly priced competition.

    Overall then, a good home grinder that should be easy to own and it will grind out some good coffee if used correctly and with basic understanding. I’d recommend it. Do shop around tho for best price.

  94. AngelikaAyp says:

     United Kingdom

    This is my first ever coffee grinder, and to say that i am impressed would be a huge understatement.
    Stylish, efficient and most importantly effective, this piece of apparatus offers many different variations to suit your own taste.

    The only small drawback is its size, which means it has a permanent home on the kitchen work surface, which if like me you are limited in space, could prove a bit of a drawback. But considering i will be using it regularly that shouldn’t be such a problem.

    A must for any coffee connoisseur..!

  95. LCCotter says:

     United Kingdom

    This Deloghi Coffee Bean Grinder offers a quick and easy way to get a range of different ground coffee. Best of all the taste is much better than you’ll get from bought grounds. Its got a far stronger aroma and the taste is much deeper than we’ve been used to.

    The machine looks great, a very retro coffee shop look that you’d expect from Deloghi. Looks fab in our kitchen. Its very easy to use. Best of all the clear LCD display shows you how many cups you’ll get from the grounds, adjusted using a side dial, and what aroma (light, normal, strong), using the front button. Its also easily progammable to save certain coffee preferences, saving you the time of setting it beforehand.

    When you switch on the grinder you then select what the grounds are for, either espresso, drip/percolator coffee or cafetire. Each setting will change how fine/coarse a grind you get. Its a bit of hit and miss as to where precisely you want your grind. There are 18 separate grind options (6 for each coffee type).

    The machine can also be used with an coffee filter holder (for use in a separate coffee making machine). So you can have your grounds ready to use in seconds. Alternatively use the coffee ground container.

    If you’re after a more aromatic, smoother coffee (and you’re willing to invest significantly) I’d recommend this Delonghi unit. Its easy to use, quick and the results are fantastic.

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    To me, nothing else than freshly ground coffee beans brings back so many childhood memories. Over the years, for practical reasons I’ve often moved to purchase already ground coffee, but always come back to grinding my own.

    This machine is the real deal. Leave it to Delonghi to take something as simple as a plain grinder and make it a beautiful piece of Italian design – now also with an LED screen! The fun part of it is to find which setting suits you best, with up to 20 different variations! Personally I do like a thicker grind setting, but the beauty of this machine is that as tastes grind can follow.

    Size wise, it is another object on the kitchen top, but still compact. And ever so beautiful.

    Christmas soon approaching, this is the perfect gift for coffee connaiseurs.

  97. DessieGoldfinch says:

     United Kingdom

    I have never had a coffee grinder making do with buying ground coffee so was quite excited about this. It does look very nice, made of stainless steel and plastic. It comes with an instruction booklet and a small cleaning brush. I did find that when assemble it would not fit into a kitchen cupboard without major shelf adjustment so I have to sit it on my work top which is not ideal. Using it was quite simple once we worked it out.There is a small switch at bottom to switch machine on.The container and lid for coffee beans sit on the top of the machine and the container for ground coffee sits on the bottom.This has a lid and cap so ground coffee can be stored. On the central part there is a knob to the side marked minimum/maximum allows you to select the number of cups and maximum is 14. I think trial and error is needed here and at the moment we have it set quite low.There are 2 buttons on front, one switches grinder on and other for strength of coffee. The lit control panel shows strengths as light, normal and strong. The panel also shows the amount of cups selected. I think it will takes us some time to get used to this machine but we are enjoying very nice coffee.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a beautiful high-end coffee grinder from the Italian company De’Longhi (though the box says made in China). It is at the top of a range of three De’Longhi grinders, the other two being much cheaper.

    What makes a good coffee grinder? Well, the cheapest grinders, including De’Longhi’s least expensive model (KG49) have a simple rotating blade; I call these whirly grinders. They are fast and effective, but have a couple of disadvantages. They grind unevenly and can overheat the coffee, spoiling the flavour. When you add hot water, the smaller particles extract coffee more quickly so you may get bitterness creeping in. Well, they are not that bad, but there is no doubt that for the very best coffee the whirly type of grinder is not what you want.

    The alternative is called a burr grinder, which grinds the beans between two sharp surfaces. There is less heat and a more even grind. That’s good, but of course not all burr grinders are equal. De’Longhi’s mid-range model, the KG79, is a burr grinder with upper and lower grinding wheels. By contrast the high-end KG521 (this one) uses a conical burr grinder, giving a more consistent and cooler grind. So yes, this grinder gets the basics right.

    The grinder is somewhat bulky, around 38cm high (fully assembled), 14cm wide and 23cm deep. The finish is mostly stainless steel, though the bean hopper and ground coffee container are plastic; I worry that the little plastic tabs that hold the hopper to the grinder will break one day, but not soon I hope.

    Assembly is logical: the hopper goes on top, above the grinder, and the container below. The ground coffee container has a rubber lid so you can grind a quantity and then seal it; personally I never grind more than I need immediately but it is a nice touch.

    Hidden behind where the container sits is a drawer containing a “filter holder”. The purpose of this is to slot an expresso coffee holder directly into the grinder. A good idea and probably works great with a De’Longhi expresso machine, but my Gaggia one does not quite fit so I won’t be able to use this.

    The controls I found slightly confusing at first. There is a dial on the side that goes from min to max, a rotating level above the grinder that goes from fine (espresso) to coarse (French press) in 18 steps, and an electronic control with buttons to set strength and start/stop grinding.

    Here is how it works. The min-max dial sets the number of cups required (think small espresso cups, so two for a mug of filter coffee, for example). Together with the strength setting, this determines how much coffee is ground. The stronger you set it, the more coffee it grinds. So you can fill the hopper with beans, set the number of cups and the strength, press go, and it grinds exactly the right amount of coffee. The maximum setting is 14 cups.

    Of course this requires a bit of judgement. Depending on the beans you use, the method of brewing, and personal preference, you might want to vary this a bit. In particular, I would not rely on it for large jugs of coffee.

    There is one puzzle. Should you keep a large amount of beans in the hopper (it holds 350g), or only a bit more than you need right now? The manual says “never overfill the coffee beans container” and implies that you only put in what you need immediately. However it is much more convenient to put in a decent amount so that you don’t have to refill it for every grind, and take advantage of the automatic quantity settings. The beans hopper has a snug lid but is not quite sealed, so you could lose some flavour if they sit there too long.

    One point to note: the manual insists that you never remove the hopper if there are beans inside. I wondered at first if this was because grounds could get into the wrong place and jam something up, but I think it is more that beans will spill everywhere if you do. So don’t!

    An advanced feature is that if using the espresso filter holder (which doesn’t work for me) you can program the amount of coffee for one cup, so you can fill it just right. Handy.

    OK, so what do I think? I like it. The coffee is delicious and the grinder works very well and looks smart. Yes it’s a bit bulky, but it is worth it.

    I love the fact that it measures the amount of coffee for me so I don’t need to work out the exact quantity of beans to put in.

    My only slight quibbles are that I would prefer a glass hopper at this price level, for durability, and the fact that my Gaggia espresso filter holder does not fit is annoying.

    Overall it is lovely and worth a look if you need a premium electronic grinder.

  99. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Usersalso der preis hat es in sich…ist es die mhle wert ja :)…ist extrem schick und die halterung fr den siebtrger einfach nur genial…alles ganz schell und sauber…schreibe nur seltten gute rez aber die mhle ist jeden cent wert……sehr edel! einfach! sauber! die haben bei der mhle an alles gedacht…

  100. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersSehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis. Habe diese Mhle zusammen mit der passenden Siebtrgermaschine gekauft – wollte zunchst fertig gemahlenes Espressopulver nehmen. Gesagt getan – ist auch wirklich gut; aber selber mahlen macht noch einmal mehr Spass. Ich liebe es. Frischer Duft von frisch gemahlenen Bohnen – und dann den Siebtrger in die Maschine und Knopf drcken. Perfekt.