Dermadry Total For Hands, Feet & Underarms The one-stop solution for people who suffer from sweaty hands, feet, and underarms. Dermadry Total is the best choice for those seeking long-lasting dryness in all three zones. | Dermadry Hands & Feet Put an end to awkward handshakes and smelly feet with Dermadry Hands & Feet. This affordable solution was created to target your specific needs. | Dermadry Underarms Fight back against unwanted underarm sweat stains with Dermadry Underarms. A targeted and compact solution. |
Cet appareil rduit la transpiration au point de permettre de serrer la main aux gens ou de tenir la main de quelqu’un sans gne! L’investissement en vaut la peine, et vous devriez voir les rsultats au bout de 3 4 semaines
Price is high. Worth it if it works. The Dermadry support team is very helpful! I was ready to send it back at the 100 day mark, no appreciable results. With encouragement from the Dermadry team and a couple more months of use and results started to be noticeable and positive. Big plus to my confidence!
J’ai 18 ans et toute ma vie j’ai d tolrer une hyperhidrose palmaire plutt svre et totalement imprvisible, j’avais l’impression que le simple fait de penser mes mains suffisait pour produire une transpiration qui recouvrait mes mains et qui parfois dgoulinait carrment de mes mains, essuyer ne servait rien parce que la couche de sueur se reformait presque immdiatement. Mais il y a 2 mois j’ai dcid d’aller voir un dermatologue (j’ai vu plusieurs dermatologues avant mais ils m’ont tous dit que le botox tait ma seule option et je voulais viter a a tout prix) qui m’a propos plusieurs traitements : des injections de botox, un produit anti-transpirant et l’ionophorse. J’ai donc test le produit anti-transpirant qui n’a eu aucun effet, zro, nada, puis aprs de longues recherches je suis tombe sur les machines dermadry qui m’avaient l’air plus ou moins dignes de confiances (on ne sait jamais sur internet) et j’ai achet une de leurs machines.
J’ai suivi les instructions la lettre et aprs 2 semaines de la phase initiale (5 traitements de 20minutes 15ma par semaine) je peux vous dire que mes mains ne transpirent PLUS DU TOUT. C’est quand mme pas mal.
Donc si vous avez de l’hyperhidrose et que les liquides anti-transpirants ne font rien, je vous recommande humblement d’essayer l’ionophorse avant de passer au botox. Surtout que la machine coute l’quivalent d’un traitement de botox et que d’aprs ce que j’ai entendu les injections de botox font bien mal dans les mains, compar aux petits chatouillements dans les mains qu’on peut avoir avec l’ionophorse, pour moi le choix est vite fait mais bon vivez vos vies hein.
Hallo zusammen, ich hatte Jahre lang mit extrem schwitzigen Hnden zu tun und jeder hier wei, wie belastend es ist. Ich habe alles mgliche ausprobiert. Nicht hat geholfen. Meine letzte Chance war eigentlich nut eine Botox Behandlung, doch diese ist nicht gnstig. Durch Zufall bin ich dann hier gelandet. Der Preis hat mich jedoch abgeschreckt, weil es ungefhr genau eine Botox Behandlung kostet und ich nicht noch mehr Geld verschwenden wollte. Am prime day war das Gert dann im Angebot.
Sehr skeptisch bestellt. Noch skeptischer einmal, zweimal und dreimal genutzt. Keine Vernderung, aber in der Anleitung steht, es knne etwas dauern. Nach ein paar Tagen war alles trocken. Selbst in nervsen Momenten(da war es immer am schlimmsten), nichts. Ich kann es trotz des derzeitigen vollen Preis zum 100% weiterempfehlen!
Achseln und Fe wurde noch nicht behandelt, wird aber noch passieren. Wenn keine Korrektur kommt, dann hat es auch hier funktioniert.
Einziges Problem: Bei der Behandlung mit den Hnden liegen die Arme auf den scharfen Kanten des Koffers, da muss man ein Tuch oder hnliches drunter legen.
Es la tercera mquina de iontoforesis que uso para mis pies que sudan a chorros, ya que estoy operada de simpatectoma en manos y el sudor en los pies era horroroso, y tengo que decir que es la primera mquina que me ha funcionado. A partir de la sesin nm. 15 not mis pies totalmente secos, incluso cuando se activa el sudor en el resto de mi cuerpo. Por fin puedo calzar sandalias en verano, me parece increble… Durante la fase inicial, despus de los tratamientos la zona queda roja y pica bastante durante unos 30-40 minutos, por lo que hay que utilizar crema tipo calamina para calmar la piel y evitar el rascado, pero ahora que ya estoy en fase de mantenimiento, no noto ese picor tan fuerte, solo una pequea rojez que dura unos minutos. De momento estoy encantada, si cambiara la situacin, editar el comentario.
it seems alot of money but for the freedom you get its a tiny price too pay
Ich hab schon immer sehr stark unter meiner hyperhidrose gelitten, und im Sommer war es wirklich immer so schlimm das ich einfach nicht mehr raus gegangen bin weil ich mich so geschmt habe.
Aber dieses Gert hat mir wirklich einen neuen Lebenswillen gegeben, denn nur nach 3 Sitzungen sind meine Hnde trocken!! Sie sind trocken!! Das ist fr mich wie Weihnachten und Ostern zusammen! Ich empfehle es jedem der auch so gelitten hat wie ich. Ja es ist etwas teuer aber es lohnt sich, denn einfach rauszugehen ohne das man angst haben muss irgendwo Schwei Flecken zu hinterlassen oder keine Angst mehr vor Hnde schtteln zu haben, ist UNBEZAHLBAR!! <3
Ho acquistato il prodotto per mia figlia ventenne che soffre di iperidrosi alle mani sin da piccola. Sta funzionando. E’ solo 15 gg che lo utilizza ma, se dovesse continuare questa performance, le cambia la vita. Il macchinario in se lo reputo caro per la tecnologia che lo costituisce, ma avrei speso il doppio per vederla felice come ora.
Aggiungo che ho avuto problemi di funzionamento; l’assistenza online stata immediata e risolutiva.
Please can I have a new box? Not sure how to get one as can’t figure out how to contact dermadry.
It works. I’ve had extremely sweaty palms and feet my whole life but no longer do. I couldnt play my guitar for more than 10 minutes before my hands were drenched. I would be embarassed or refused to shake hands. Paper would get wet from my touch. I knew no one with worse hyperhidrosis than me. After using it 4 to 5 days a week during the first 4 weeks. I now only need 2 15 minute sessions for hands and feet a week for maintenence. I still think it should be cheaper so more people have ability to buy but it’s been life changing for me.
Ich verwende dieses Gert jetzt seit circa vier Monaten und kann ohne zu bertreiben sagen, dass es mein Leben verndert hat.
Seit der Pubertt leide ich an mittelschwerer Hyperhidrose an Hnden, Fen sowie im Achselbereich, was mich immer sehr belastet hat, da diese Erkrankung einem Dinge wie das Datingleben unheimlich erschweren.
An den Hnden habe ich nach den ersten zwei oder drei Behandlungen zuerst noch strker geschwitzt als zuvor, aber das hat sich schnell gelegt und seit dem sind sie 100 Prozent der Zeit staubtrocken. An den Fen schwitze ich zum Beispiel beim Sport noch leicht, aber das ist kein Vergleich zu vorher. Lediglich an den Achseln habe ich bis jetzt keine allzu groen Vernderungen wahrnehmen knnen, doch dank eines dieser 5-Tages-Deos habe ich das ganz gut im Griff.
Mittlerweile mache ich einmal pro Woche eine Behandlung an allen drei Krperstellen, was mich insgesamt eine Stunde Zeit kostet. Fr das Ergebnis, das ich dadurch erzielen kann, ist es mir die Zeit absolut wert. Ich kann jedem, der unter starkem Schwitzen leidet empfehlen, es auszuprobieren. Ich persnlich bereue nur, dass ich es nicht schon viel frher gekauft habe, weil mir dadurch viele unangenehme Situationen erspart geblieben wren.
So like a lot of people here I also suffer from hyperhidrosis (especially armpits) not just regular swating and I have tried pretty much everything (including botox – which worked but only for 3-4 months). After 2 weeks of using dermadry I can really see a progress. While I’m still sweating (alot less than before) during daytime / until early afternoon it seems like the sweating has more or less stopped in the evening hours. I have worn a blue shirt to go out for the fist time in 15 years 😀 I’ll update my review here again in a few weeks.
The machine is easy to use – the setup is really easy for the armpits, a little bit more preperation is needed for arm/feet but not more than 2-3min before and afterwards. The treatment is sometimes itchy but nothing dramatic. After the treatment under the armpits i have some red marks but they go away after a few minutes.
I was sceptic if this really works especially as the machine is not cheap – but if this really continues to work it is a no brainer to buy for everyone who suffers from hyperhidrosis
Facile e veloce manutenzione, durante il trattamento mani utile un’assistenza.
After years of contemplating whether I should buy this or not, I finally decided to go for it. After about a week or so of use, the sweating on my hands and feet became so severe, I really thought that it just made things worse and now I would be stuck like this, nevertheless I carried on, after about 2 weeks of daily use the sweating stopped completely. I’ve been suffering for years with severe hyperhidrosis and can gladly say now thanks to Dermadry I no longer have this issue, should have got this a long time ago!
Heute habe ich das Gert, welches mir womglich erlauben wird, anzuziehen worauf ich Lust habe – ohne an Achselschwei zu denken, erhalten.
Der Versand funktionierte schnell und problemlos – wie fr Primekunden blich, danke hierfr.
Das Iontophorese Gert wurde ziemlich bald getestete. Die erste Behandlung testete ich unter geringer Strke und mit womglich zu wenig Nassen Taschen Da das gut auszuhalten war, werde ich die Strke das nchste mal (vermutlich bermorgen) steigern. Ich sprte den Strom manchmal etwas, aber eben nur selten und schwach. Jetzt (kurz nach der Behandlung) sind meine Achselhhlen trockener, als sie es vermutlich ohne Behandlung wren Ich bin gespannt, zu sehen wie es weitergeht!
Bisher hab ich das Gert nur unregelmig, aber doch einige Male verwendet. Anfangs kam mir vor, dass sich das Problem kurz verschlimmerte. Im Moment sind meine Achseln aber schon lngere Zeit trocken. Dafr kommt mir vor, dass meine Hnde mehr schwitzen. Wenn ich diese auch behandle, sind es evtl. die Fue – und danach?
All in all bin ich aber zufrieden. Die Behandlung ist nur manchmal, kurz und schwach zu spren – ansonsten keine ungewnschten Vorkommnisse und weniger Achselschwei wurde es bereits.
Auch meine Hnde vertragen die Behandlung gut, obwohl ich es an den Hnden mehr spre wie unter den Achseln. Wirken tut es aber so wie erhofft und ich bin sehr zufrieden damit!
High Quality item from a reliable seller, will always buy again from this selle
Firstly some background, I have excessive palm sweating ever since I was a kid. I would describe it as severe, as in you would think I always had just dipped my hands in water or something. No amount of antiperspirant would help. My feet and underarms would also sweat severely but I just focused on my hands with this machine.
So firstly, it is expensive BUT the quality is good, delivery is fast, the 100 day guarantee (I think) is reassuring, customer support is excellent, instruction manual is very clear, and the results ARE PERFECT.
The first time I used the machine, I used 5mA. I noticed that immediately after the first session, my hands were no longer dripping with sweat but only clammy which is a huge improvement for me already. Within 1 week I was using 7mA, my hands were completely dry unless I was very stressed or exercising, which is already amazing! By 3 weeks I had settled to 9mA, MY HANDS WERE COMPELETLY SWEAT FREE ALL THE TIME!!!!! The difference is insane. I feel so much more confident in social settings and can now shake and even hold hands without ever worrying about sweating.
I also found that as my hands no longer sweated, my feet and underarms sweated less. Note, I only used the machine on my hands. I think having dry palms calms me down because I am not stressing about sweating, so as a result, I generally sweat less on other places on my body.
In terms of how the session actually feels, if you use the appropriate level, then it is not painful. Increase the current slowly and see how it feels when the current switches direction before you increase it more as this is the more uncomfortable part. So to further elaborate on this part, Derma Dry say its safer and more effective to switch the current direction every 5mins and the process lasts maybe 20 seconds. It feels like very bad pins and needles, but this quickly subsides.
For a problem that has caused me so much distress and one that I thought was uncurbable, DermaDry has completely transformed my life. Yes it is expensive, but at least for me, it was totally worth it.
I was super impressed by the speed of delivery – I ordered it on the 21st and it arrived on the 24th of Sept which is great considering Amazon said expected delivery would be in early October.
The device itself looks to be high quality and was well packaged with very clear instructions.
An email query I had for the seller was answered within 2 hours.
I’m already starting to see/feel results although it’s still early days – very happy all round!
I can’t believe how well this works. I’ve had issues with very sweaty palms, feet and armpits for all of my adult life and I just thought it was normal until friends would point out that I sweat a lot. I’ve only been using this machine for a fortnight and I’ve already noticed a huge change in sweat production. My shirts get to the end of the day dry!! And my hands aren’t anywhere near as clammy as they usually are. I’m convinced.
Long time sufferer of hyperhidrosis on my hands and feet, after 2 weeks of treatment it’s reduced the sweaty to about 90%. Have tried lots of other things in the past and this is the only thing that has worked.
I ended up buying from a UK supplier. As this is a medical device, you can sign a declaration and they knock the VAT off.
At present, I’m taking 5 to 6 sessions per week. I can now bear 15Mah for my hands and 17 for my feet. I am using it from past 2 weeks and I can see vast difference. My hands and feet do not sweat even after doing intense workout. I am thrilled with the product and I would definitely recommend this to those who are having the same issue as i have.
Does what it says on the tin, my partner started using this with the last 2 weeks and is already seeing results, it’s a miracle Would highly recommend.
Pour l’installer c’est simple, il y a une valisette 2 compartiments. Dans chaque compartiment vous mettez une plaque en aluminium. Puis par dessus chaque plaque une serviette fournie. Ensuite vous versez dans chaque compartiment entre 40 et 50 cl d’eau.
Pour le branchement, il y a 2 fils blancs, vous branchez chaque fil blanc au trou dans l’aluminium et au boitier. Et le fil noir se relie au boitier et au courant direct dans la prise et finit. Il y a des tutos sur internet si vous n’tes pas sur de vous.
Pour les boutons, le premier reprsente un corps humain, en cliquant dessus vous choisissez la zone traiter, soit les aisselles, les mains ou les pieds. Ensuite la flche permet de rgler l’intensit, personnellement la premire fois je l’ai mis sur 7 ma pour voir comment je le supportais. Maintenant je suis 10 ma mais c’est mon max. Ensuite j’ai appuy sur le troisime bouton qui est l’allumage et c’est parti. Dans mon cas je traite les mains, et je met une main dans chaque compartiment de la mallette sur la serviette, qui protge du contact direct. La sance dure 20 min, le temps est affich et s’coule tout seul. A la fin de la sance le courant s’arrte. Vous retirer vos mains , les essuyer et dbrancher l’appareil, puis vider l’eau. Vous essuyer l’eau restante et mettez vos serviettes scher pour la prochaine sance.
Il faut savoir que toutes les 5 minutes ( 15 mn, 10 mn, 5 mn) une double flche apparait et le courant change de cycle, et chaque fois vous prenez un petit coup de jus, c’est trs lger mais a surprend la premire fois. Si vos mains sont blesses, espacez vos sances.
Franchement je pense que cet appareil devrait tre rembours par la scu pour des formes justifies d’hyperhidrose. C’est pour moi une maladie qui un impact norme sur la vie. Ca vous coupe socialement, c’est trs dur l’adolescence. Ca joue sur votre carrire professionnelle, par exemple comment tre esthticienne ou kin avec des mains qui dgouline? J’aurais aim pouvoir bnficier d’un tel appareil dans mon enfance, a aurait chang ma vie. Je ne peux que le recommander. Suivez son prix parfois dans l’anne il y a des variations la baisse.
J’avais aussi peur de faire une hyperhidrose compensatrice, c’est dire que mon corps se mette transpirer ailleurs pour compenser, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Cet appareil dessche la zone traite, je vous conseille vraiment de la crme hydratante. Et autre point, c’est un appareil vie, vous devrez faire une sance par semaine mme lorsque vous serez stabilis, c’est perptuit sinon a recommencera. Il y a un manuel fourni qui explique a. J’espre avoir pu rpondre vos interrogations. Si mon appareil venait tomber en panne, je modifierai mon commentaire afin de prciser ” la dure de vie” car c’est un achat consquent mais qui change la vie. C’est la premire fois en 27 ans que je vais pouvoir tenir correctement un stylo, un volant ou tenir la main d’un tre cher sans tre incommod….
At first you sweat a bit more but i think thats just the bodys reaction then after two weeks my feet were finally dry no more sweaty feet with everything sticking to them when you walk barefoot around your home
I have suffered with Hyperhidrosis for all my life. This machine has been brilliant so far. 4 weeks in and i am really really happy with the results. I would have liked a more detail plan for use and more information on long term side effects as I feel this is missing. However the machine is brilliant and works beyond expectations.
Mais je m’attendais un rsultat plus rapide au vu des autres commentaires, et je pense que chacun est diffrant. J’ai eu les premiers effets au bout de 6 semaines en faisant une sance tout les 2 jours. Ma 1ere sance a tait compliqu mais depuis a va (picotement et brlure) . Aucun effet indsirable pour ma part ou de raction depuis.
Facile utiliser et nettoyer.
tre patient. Cela fait 2 ans que j’ai des problmes aux pieds un point de ne pas pouvoir poser le pied au sol desfois, problme de transpiration qui provoquait des mycoses trs importante, avec le dessous du pied brul.. Malgrs des mdicaments, des cremes.. Rien n’a fonctionner, et je peux dire que pour le moment a me soulag. Dj rien que d’avoir les chaussettes sche le soir en rentrant de la journe de travail et ne plus avoir les mauvaises odeur.. Certes l’appareil a un cout, mais pour moi c’est le cout de la libert.. Donc je le conseille ! Mais tre patient et bien tre rgulier dans l’utilisation pour les sances. Sance de 20min avec la puissance reglabe. Ce qui permet de voir jusqu’ combien vous supporter.
J’ai bien lu le mode d’emploi c’est vraiment important pour bien tout comprendre sur l’appareil. J’ai utiliser l’appareil ds que je l’ai reu et j’ai eu des rsultats au bout de la 6eme sance. J’ai commencer le traitement le mercredi et j’avais des rsultats dj prsents le mercredi d’aprs. Durant la 1re semaine d’utilisation j’ai eu les effets secondaires indiquer dans le mode d’emploi avec une transpiration accrue au dbut et puis aprs la 1re semaine plus rien. J’ai effectuer 5 sance par semaine et je suis ma 4me semaine et les rsultats sont toujours l. Aprs la 1re semaine d’autres effets secondaires sont apparues comme les mains sche mais trs sches mais je prfre a au mains moites trs clairement a change la vie. Si vos mains devienne sche vous aurez des petites crevasses et coupures qui vont apparatre alors utiliser bien de la crme hydratante pour vos mains et pieds sinon vous ne pourrez pas rutiliser l’appareil a vous fera mal durant la seance.
Je voulais partager mon exprience parce que j’tais vraiment dsespr par cette maladie et je voulais vraiment trouver une solution j’ai tester et a a march et maintenant je revis vraiment prenez a au 1 de degr je peux ravoir des contacts avec les gens leur serr la main enfin tous ce qu’on ne peut pas faire avant quoi.
Si vous en pouvez plus je vous conseil cette appareil le laboratoire est pro et l’appareil de qualit je pense que vous n’allez pas tre du des rsultats surtout rapide. Ne vous dcourager pas la 1re semaine car les rsultats vont arriver.
Bon courage !
Excellente machine qui a chang ma vie , j’ai vue le rsultat au bout de 4 semaines .
Parcontre le traitement dois se faire tout les jours pour qu’il soi efficace vous ne devais pas baiss les bras .
moi qui avais la transpiration excessive au main et au pied depuis toute petite aujourd’hui je peut me sentir comme tout le monde !
This is it guy, I’ve had hyperhidrosis for years and this is the only thing that worked for me
Si tratta di un dispositivo utile a ridurre l’eccessiva sudorazione dei palmi delle mani, della pianta dei piedi e delle ascelle.
Dopo alcuni mesi dall’acquisto scrivo questa recensione sicuro dei risultati ottenuti. Infatti il trattamento ha dato i risultati sperati seguendo le indicazioni riportate nel manuale. Il trattamento risulta a momenti fastidioso ma assolutamente sopportabile.
L’apparecchio ee tutti gli accessori appaiono ben progettati e realizzati con materiali adeguati.
Devo riportare di aver avuto qualche problema di sdoganamento essendo spedito da fuori UE. Nulla di non risolvibile sbrigando un po’ di burocrazia supportato dal venditore. Anzi, il venditore ha premurosamente accordato un sostanzioso sconto per bilanciare il disagio.
Having struggled all my life with sweaty feet and armpits, I would never wear colors or would always end up with smelly feet. I’m sure that most people with my problems can attest it is very unpleasant and makes you feel self-concious. I tried literally everything that existed on the market but it never fully worked OR there were studies demonstrating the process was harmful to me. So, I was desperate… I had given up on being ”normal”. Until, one day, I saw on YT a person talking about Dermadry. I was hesitant considering the price. I made more research and informed myself only to realize the machine wasn’t harmful to my health. Thus, I decided to give it a try. To top it off, there was a 30-day guarantee or your money. I had nothing to lose at this point. So I ordered it. 2 days later, it was at my door. I started using it that same night. It took a few days to see results. This morning, I woke up not even thinking about my feet because there were dry. It had never happened to me. I was overjoyed. I couldn’t believe it. I also noticed myself wearing back my old colourful tees I had sworn off. Dermadry has changed my life. Yes, it might be a little time-consuming (35 minutes in total for me), but I would never trade this feeling. THE FEELING OF BEING DRY. It is truly priceless.
I would 100% recommend spending the money on the machine. It brought me back my self-esteem.
Dermadry really works…I remember when I first heard about it and I didn’t know what to think…To be honest I was sceptical…my hyperhidrosis was bad… really affecting me….I promised I will write a review….I remember I said that I hope I will write my review with my hands dry because when I was placing the order my hands were soaking wet :))
Happy days now….don’t look at the price and just buy it …this will change everything for you…I wish I knew about this long time ago…I never thought I will get rid of hyperhidrosis…. thanks Dermadry for everything…hope more people can benefit from this and live a normal life.
Article reu trs rapidement et service client de la marque super. Je devais choisir mes vtements en fonction pour ne pas que la transpiration se voit. Aprs les 3 semaines de traitement pour les aisselles, je ne transpire plus! a change la vie, je recommande!!
Bon mon histoire : cela fait 24 ans que j’ai les mains qui me faisaient vivre un enfer au quotidien (et je pse mes mots), j’ai essay des crmes, fait pas mal d’introspection pour voir si ce n’tait pas le stress, j’ai tout mais alors tout essay (oui c’est un minimum quand l’t tu peux pas mettre des tongs au risque de glisser et de te faire mal)
Pour les mamans qui hsite, j’ai quelques questions :
– Si votre fils/fille ne prend pas correctement ses cours l’approche de mai/juin car il trempe ses feuilles
– S’il n’a pas de trs bonnes relations sociales, par peur qu’on lui sert la main, qu’une fille lui tende la main car elle est amoureuse….
– Le volant de l’auto-cole tremp…
– Le choix des tudes selon ce qui ncessite +/- l’utilisation des mains
BREF je pourrais fait des listes pendant une journe vous avez compris que c’est votre devoir de prendre en main votre enfant sur cette problmatique et de ne pas le pnaliser ds sa jeunesse (bien que la difficult ne soit pas toujours quelque chose de mal)
Un conseil :
Lorsque vous achterez la machine, soyez srieux, ne ratez pas vos sances et surtout ne dsesprez pas.
Dans mon cas, l’appareil fonctionn au bout de 6 sances (un peu plus d’une semaine)
Si vous avez des questions envoyez moi un mail, a me tiens coeur de vous aider (
Le 18 juin 2022 News: Aprs maintenant 2 ans d’utilisation, toujours les mains sches ! La rigueur reste essentielle tout de mme
Generally it is a good product if your sweating is not too much. But it did not work for me. It reduced the sweating but not too much but it is better than nothing. It is very simple to use. And it is comfort but I believe the price is a little high for it.
Vi posso assicurare che chi soffre di iperidrosi risolver subito il problema. La prima settimana si tende a sudare di pi, per dalla seconda settimana si inizieranno a vedere i miglioramenti.
I’ve been using it for 3 weeks, I was sceptical as i didn’t see results for the first two, on the third week I was in a nervous situation and 5 minutes in realized my hands were no longer sweating. 7 years of struggling with this issue I’m very happy I bought this product and wood recommend. Beware it does sting a little in the higher settings.
I was becoming fed up of underarm sweat patches on my clothes, I was about to start looking into botox injections but I thought I would try this machine. Having only used it 3 times, the underarm sweat patches that I see daily have largely disappeared, it’s like a small miracle! The set is simple to use and comes in the nice all in one, storage/soaking tray box. The instructions are easy to understand and you can perform your treatment whilst watching TV or even working from home, the sensation of the treatment feels more like a dull itch rather than any pain. I am looking forward to seeing how my treatment progresses and how often I need to maintain the treatment.
From an early age I was always very concerned about my sweating palms and feet. Not only was it uncomfortable, I would be very self concsious when shaking or holding hands. I’ve tried deodorants, anti sweat hand creams, none of them were a good solution and the sweating would come back in half a day and moreover my hands felt somewhat very matte as I would express it (atleast it was dry right?). This device from Dermadry was the best purchase I’ve made so far. Within the first two sessions I’ve noticed a huge improvement. My hands and feet were perfectly dry all day. Heck I’ve even started to learn guitar which I had lost hope of cause of my sweaty hands. This really was life changing for me.
This treatment began working immediate and has continued to do so
Io soffro di una forte iperidrosi palmare mani/piedi e con pochi trattamenti ho risolto il problema, ovviamente il tutto si ripresenta dopo 4/5 mesi ma io sono soddisfatta perch mi serve solo per essere coperta per l’estate. Lo consiglio.
J’ai offert cet appareil ma petite amie qui souffrait de gros problmes de transpiration des mains et aprs quelques sances les rsultats sont spectaculaire ! Plus une goutte de transpiration.
Dlais de livraison surprenant, au vu des commentaires laisss je m’attendais un long delais de livraison avec des frais de douanes. Mais a n’a pas t le cas ! 3 jours de livraisons sans aucuns frais additionnels..
L’utilisation du produits comparer avec ses concurrents est vraiment trs simple et intuitif, des vidos et des notes sont dispositions pour mieux comprendre l’appareil.
Si vous souffrez de problmes de transpiration exagr des mains/pieds/aisselles je vous le recommande vivement !
This is an inexpensive option for those that have a limited budget, gets the job done.
I tried using the other products that are heavy with aluminum chloride, but I found it gave me constipation. I also of course tried powders and maybe that helped a little bit, but nothing as dramatic as this since those things just try and control the sweating issue and not stop it. Iontophoresis really is as close to a cure as you’re going to get and I’m very pleased with the results.
Week 1 & 2 – start slow – this is not a race.. You can irritate yourself and then will quit. 3 x a week for two weeks and then you got a good momentum.
Week 3 & 4 – This is where i started to really play with the settings and amp up the tension to level 8 (by week 4)
I am now two weeks since i’ve last done it and seriously I do not sweat unless I am “working out” which is GOOD. I can be at work comfortably and not want to change half way through the day!
This product helped me with my hyperhidrosis. I have severe hyperhidrosis on my hands and feet to the point that they drip sometimes. (ew i know) But this product dried my hands up after 5-6 weeks of 3-4 treatments a week. A little warning though it can be really uncomfortable when doing the treatments but it is worth it trust me. Another thing is when you finally achieve dry hands you do need to do maintenance treatments because I found that if I completely stop my hyperhidrosis comes back. But otherwise this product is AMAZING. This saves me from embarrassing hand shakes and now I can hold hands with my boyfriend.
Indispensable !!! Pour tous ceux qui souffrent d’hyper hydrose cet appareil est gnial, il m’a chang la vie au bout d’une semaine dj de trs gros changements, je recommande 200%
Fonctionnement trs simple. Pas de rsultats les premiers temps (c’est normal il faut quand mme faire plusieurs sances). Aprs 3 semaines d’utilisation et bien que mduse au dpart a commence fonctionner. Il aura fallu 5 sances par semaine puis maintenant plus que 4 en fractionn. Aujourd’hui je mets un tout petit peu de crme hydratante car Ma peau craquelle et vraiment je transpire moins !.
Je dirait donc que ca vaut la peine d’essayer et surtout de ne pas se dcourager (comme le prcise d’ailleurs la notice).
Bon courage donc.
To my fellow sweaty palms and feet, this works! I have to be honest, at first I was hesitant but this thing totally works. I have been using it for about a week and a half and my hands are extremely dry (even a little too dry) so much so that had to start putting on lotion. Be careful though, I did a treatment last night and because my hands were so dry it kind of burned me a little, but still would recommend this product! (as a point of reference, my hands were always sweaty, curled up exam papers and left marks on my keyboard and mouse but never enough for it to drip from my fingers). And now, nothing!
This product really changed my life!!! It worked right away!! I am so thankful and happy I tried this product! My sweating caused me a lot of anxiety that is now fixed
Parfait,livraison avant la date prvue et pas de frais de douane #Dermadry
Great product. Didn’t think it would help but desperate to try anything. After 2 weeks it did help to stop my excessive hand sweating. Thank you.
Since using the machine (4 weeks now) her hands are at about 95% sweat free. We were skeptical that this machine would work but it definitely has and she is a much happier 17 year old. The sweat in her armpits has also decreased. SHe hasn’t tried it on her feet yet.
Seems to reduce the sweat if used directly prior to a sweaty activity however there is an increase in sweat if I don’t use it right before an activity, though I have not used it long enough to see the long term benefits yet.
Great product, tremendous alleviation of sweaty hands symptoms. Highly recommended.
Thank you Dermadry
I’m suffering HH for more than 30 years and when i move here to Sweden i found that i have severe HH and my doctor recommend to take the injections for my hands and armpits. I ask if i can take injections for my foot as well but my doctor said no because it become too much medicine. I The injection sessions is every 6 months. Yes it helps the injections for my hands and armpits but im still not satisfied because my feet is sweaty and i cant wear sandals and at night time i can’t sleep because sweaty and it cold . Lucky i found the Dermadry but at first im hesitate to buy it because the machine is very expensive but my husband insisted that i should order so maybe it helps for me. Im excited when i recieved my Dermadry machine and it helps me alot.
The Dermadry kit arrived in great condition. My daughter has already started seeing a slight improvement in her hand sweating. We have only started treatment for hyperhidrosis and fingers crossed this works.
Easy to use.
My daughter first noticed her hyperhidrosis when she was about 10. She has copied well but as she has got older she has struggled. This year is a big exam year for her- she’s turning 16, so we went to the doctors who weren’t much help. I did my research and found Dermadry. I asked lots of questions via the site that all got answered straight away. The machine pack arrived in three days from Canada to the UK – so efficient I gave it to my daughter who then read the manual and started the program. It been just over a week and is already seeing great results especially her armpits. Her hands are definitely dryer and keeps saying ‘hold my hand mum see they’re not sweating ‘ When you watch your child pulling her sleeves over her hands to write or upset that see sweats through her clothes and everyone can see- don’t say you can’t afford the machine, you can’t afford not to have a Dermadry kit!
Thanks, Wendy
Worth the price , in just one week of everyday use , sweaty hands and sweaty feet are totally get dry, amazing product.
Ils ont t super! Trs ractif!
Sinon mon fils de 10 ans m a dit que grce cet appareil il transpire dj beaucoup moins au bout d 1 semaine de traitement
Quand moi, mes mains sont en effet plus sche
A voir dans le temps si c est bien efficace mais pour l instant Ca marche!!
Attention nanmoins au temps que cela prend
Je n y avait pas rflchi avant et j ai commenc ds rception du colis alors que si j avais attendu les vacances cela aurait t plus confortable pour moi
J espre que cet avis vous sera utile
J avoue que j avais baiss les bras sur mes problmes de transpiration et que tous les ans, ma priode prfre etaitl l hiver!
Mais il a fallu que je trouve une solution pour mon fils qui a le mme problme et la dcouverte de cet appareil est juste miraculeuse!!