DIGITNOW! Trail Camera 16MP 1080P HD Waterproof, Wildlife Hunting Scouting Game Camera with 40Pcs IR LED Infrared Night Vision Up to 65FT/20M, Surveillance Camera 120° Wide Angle Detection (2PCS)

Dimensions: 19.5 x 18 x 14.1 cm; 1.18 Kilograms
Model: 2 Piezas
Manufacture: DIGITNOW!
Origin: China

100 Responses

  1. EmanuelJobe says:


    Non ho avuto modo di testare la visione notturna ma per il resto funziona esattamente come dicono. Facile da impostare.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Utilisation et mise en place simples et efficaces.
    A voir dans la continuit.

  3. FranchescaXYZW says:


    Ho la camera da due anni, mai avuto problemi, le batterie (8 stilo) durano circa due mesi con una media di due rilevamenti al giorno. La visione notturna buona.

    Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo

  4. Anonymous says:


    Un bon camra, trs satisfait mais tout d’un coup, aprs 15 mois, il ne fonctionnait plus. J’ai contact le vendeur, MeiLuShop, pour demander comment effectuer sa rparation. Ils m’ont renvoyez un camera de remplacement neuf, tout de suite. Formidable !

  5. Anonymous says:


    Top parfait niveau rapport qualit prix, bonne autonomie qualit plutt satisfaisante, plus propre en vision nocturne mais fais l’affaire en plein jours
    Trs reactive
    Je recommande

  6. LaurindKappel says:


    Não faz detecção em campo às noite....

  7. ParthenZsf says:


    Não faz detecção em campo às noite....

  8. Anonymous says:


    Plus d’info dans 1 semaine le temps que j’achte 8 piles AA

  9. JeroldNPHT says:


    bon produit pour un prix leger.Il me sert a photographier les animaux nocturnes autour de chez moi (campagne)

  10. Anonymous says:


    Le code de scurit fait dfaut ds fois
    Ce qui veut dire que quelqu’un peut vous la voler et jouer avec et virer le code
    Ou vous effacer le visionage

  11. Anonymous says:


    Bellissima fototrappola! Ho comprato insieme le batterie Duracell anche se nel foglio delle istruzioni consiglia di usare le batterie energizer, vanno bene anche le duracell. Ha un’ottima visualizzazione di video e foto durante il giorno. Cattura i minimi dettagli. E il video molto nitido, bellissimi colori.
    Anche la visione notturna fantastica! Il prezzo super per una fototrappola di questo tipo!! Consiglio vivamente l’acquisto per chi avesse bisogno di acquistarlo. Spedizione super veloce come sempre Amazon.

  12. PercyMcEachern says:


    Images d’une belle qualit. C’est vraiment intressant de pouvoir observer son jardin la nuit et mme la journe.
    Ncessite 8 piles AA mais aprs 2 mois la jauge de batterie est toujours remplie.
    Je n’ai pas russi programmer un crneau de dtection donc la camra fonctionne h24.
    Je recommande, excellent rapport qualit prix.
    Par contre la qualit des images ne permet pas un tirage. a reste une camra amateur 😉

    Super pour l'observation du jardi

  13. Anonymous says:


    Acceso configurato e fatto primi test

    Sembra un ottimo prodotto

    Da valutare sul campo i risultati e la durata

  14. Anonymous says:


    je possde 6 camras pour la surveillance de mes terrains et granges. Cette camra offre un champ de vision de 120 ce qui est parfait. Sa rapidit de mise en route est stupfiante et fait plusieurs photos en trs peu de temps. La qualit est moyenne, mais ce prix, on ne peu pas tout avoir.

  15. Anonymous says:


    stato un regalo per mio padre. Apprezzatissimo direi! Le immagini sono perfette e facile da impostare. Consiglio comunque una SD

  16. JessikaMaldonad says:


    Molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto fatto.
    La visione notturna, la sensibilit con cui rileva il movimento e la qualit dell’immagine li ho trovati molto soddisfacenti.
    Come si pu vedere dalle immagini allegate ha rilevato senza problemi da una distanza di qualche metro la cinciallegra, e con estrema chiarezza fotografato la nutria con pieno buio.
    La fototrappola l’ho trovata robusta (tre cerniere) e ben rifinita in dotazione c’ il manuale di istruzioni (anche in italiano) laccio per legarla e cavo per collegarla al pc.
    Manca solo l’audio ma per quello che devo fare va benissimo. La risoluzione davvero ottima. Per il prezzo pagato non potevo pretendere di pi.

    Molto soddisfatto

  17. Anonymous says:


    Cumple ampliamente sus expectativas, calidad buena de imagen, la deteccion de movimiento esta muy bien y el rango de vision que abarca es muy bueno. En general me parece una buena camara, el unico fallo es que no tiene ninguna pantalla en la parte delantera o trasera para poder orientar la camara en su posicion correcto , lo cual te obliga a hacerlo a ojo.

  18. FedericoSjp says:


    Prodotto si presenta come in foto, ho avuto difficolt ad usarla le prime volte, ma una volta capito diventa molto semplice. Sono riuscito a fare varie riprese notturne anche se la grafica risulta un po’ chiara. Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo

  19. NolanIEDAvtjy says:


    il prodotto rispecchia la descrizione del fornitore.arrivato nei tempi previsti.
    le immagini anche direttamente dall apparecchio risultano ben visibili sia con foto scattate di giorno che di notte
    consigliato vivamente ma attenzione alle pile..8 non sono poche

  20. Anonymous says:


    Trs facile d’utilisation belle image mais il ne faut pas s’attendre une belle qualit dans le noir totale

  21. Anonymous says:


    Qualit prix correct.
    Petit problme de SAV, rgler immdiatement par le vendeur.
    Satisfait dans l’ensemble.

  22. Island Echo says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersLa hemos estado probando unos das y de momento parece que para el uso que queremos, simplememte por ocio y disfrute de ver la naturaleza desde otra perspectiva es bastante adecuada.

  23. Andrea Kornstein says:


    Il prodotto arrivato regolarmente nei tempi stabiliti. Le istruzioni sono molto chiare in lingua inglese, meno nella traduzione italiana. L’apparecchio sembra costruito con cura e il tempo dir se la resistenza si dimostrer adeguata, trattandosi di un prodotto che dovr essere sistemato praticamente sempre all’esterno. E’ possibile fissarlo molto agevolmente ai tronchi degli alberi, evitando accuratamente che i rami possano entrare nel raggio di azione dei sensori.

  24. John Brader says:


    Camra utilise pour trouver le chemin d’accs des lrots jusque sous mon toit afin de boucher l’ouverture en question. Trs facile utiliser et mettre en place. Photos de bonne qualit et facile rcuprer. Un trs bon achat.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Christmas Day morning I noticed Amazon kindly offering at reduced price the 2-pack of this DigitNow! 20MP wildlife camera with (invisible-to-local foxes) infra-red light during night-time. Although it lacks sound (which Agitato does have) so far it seems as good. Further experiments to follow! Example of swift taking of photo, followed almost instantly by video. (Fox demonstrates he’s a sort of hybrid between cat and dog, with his sitting and licking lips, after eating tiny food leftovers from our household. Slight criticism hovering on image fails to show pic-number, which would help sort best images and ones for deletion via the laptop. For newcomers, remember this camera needs SD card (32GB maximum) and 4 or 8 AA batteries. I’d say 8 except in warm months. If this helps, please select the button – thanks. Liza Hay

    fast capture of video following photo

  26. BernieceTalley says:


    Ho acquistato il modello come prima fototrappola per fare un regalo; prima di regalarlo ho testato le funzionalit (in casa) e finora mi pare tutto in regola. Fa delle belle inquadrature notturne, si vedono anche i dettagli. Vedremo poi le prestazioni una volta posizionata all’aperto, nel bosco! Una nota: il sistema di sicurezza (lucchetto, catena) va acuistato a parte.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Il n’y a pas le “speaker” sur ce que j’ai reu alors que sur la photo oui.

  28. Runners Fuel says:


    Ho acquistato questa fototrappola per mio zio che va a caccia.
    Soprattutto mi ha stupito Amazon, che con grandissima velocit me l’ha fatta ricevere in 1/2 giorni.
    Per la fototrappola c’ da dire che non proprio leggera ma al suo interno contiene tante componenti e anche altrettante batterie.
    Ha bisogno di 8 batterie AA Stilo per il funzionamento.
    Al di sotto sono presenti:
    -slot per la SD
    -jack audio
    -connettore per la ricarica

    Quest’ultimo devo ancora capire se sia per un’alimentazione momentanea (ovvero che la attacchi solo per accenderla un attimo e guardarti qualche registrazione/foto) o se serve per poter ricaricare le batterie (dubito).
    Comunque nel complesso una bella fototrappola, ha la chiusura del corpo che avviene tramite due ganci ed ha pure la possibilit di mettere un lucchetto per evitare che chi la ruba possa estrarre la scheda SD e cancellare tutti i dati.
    Ovviamente ha anche la possibilit di inserire una password all’accensione che protegge ancor di pi i dati salvati nella scheda SD e la macchina stessa da utilizzi effettuati da estranei.
    realizzata per lo pi in plastica (e se cade dall’alto forse potrebbe essere anche pi resistente ed ammortizzare meglio i colpi) ma per il resto bella solida.
    Ha i sensori di movimento frontali e laterali ed pure ben completa nella programmazione nonostante sia abbastanza semplice impostarla!
    Essendomi arrivata da pochi giorni ancora non abbiamo avuto modo di provarla sul campo in maniera corretta ma per il momento sembra una buona fotocamera.
    L’unica cosa da evidenziare al momento che lo schermo interno se non guardato frontalmente praticamente inguardabile (si vede poco e male).
    Se guardato frontalmente, per, il display si vede abbastanza bene nonostante la medio/bassa qualit dello stesso.
    Il sistema reattivo nei movimenti tramite comandi fisici.
    Vediamo come si comporter pi avanti…. Ma sono quasi certo che possa dare delle belle soddisfazioni.

  29. Chris Teague says:


    Produit a l’air bien, visionnage des vidos intgres. Sangle intgre pour attacher la camra autour d’un arbre ou quoi. Hte de l’utiliser.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Le nombre de paramtres de rglage en fait un appareil trs fonctionnel mme s’il est un peu dstabilisant au dpart. Une prise en main prparatoire est souhaitable pour une utilisation optimale.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I set the camera up to record wildlife at night which is nearby, I knew it was there but couldnt see during the day. Couldnt be happier with the stills and the videos.

  32. Neil vN says:


    Utilis pour identifier les animaux du jardin, et galement les ventuels visiteurs indsirables. Le moins, c’est l’absence de connectivit, et l’absence de batterie (piles). Le plus, c’est le prix et la qualit d’image.

  33. Angela says:

     United Kingdom

    Really simple and intuitive to set up.

    We got 1080p videos of our local hedgehog the second night we set the trap.

    It comes on at 20:00 and goes off at 06:00 and we set it every night and check it every morning.

    Can’t fault this piece of kit.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersSe trata de una cmara econmica pero que tiene muy buen desempeo para su precio, buena calidad de imagen diurna y mas que aceptable nocturna.
    Muy configurable. Las instrucciones vienen en espaol bien explicadas, aunque es muy intuitiva de programar.
    El sensor de movimiento graduado en la mxima sensibilidad, trabaja muy bien, capta un gorrin a mas de 12 metros.
    Lo compr para ponerlo en mi parcela ya que estaba viendo que me desaparecan tomates, calabacines, etc., a ver que tipo de “animal” era
    El segundo da de estar puesta, pill a un vecino saltando la valla y quitndome las hortalizas, as que ya est mas que amortizada.
    Y de paso estoy viendo la cantidad de pjaros preciosos que van a cazar insectos por el huerto o picotear, gorriones, verderones, trtolas, mirlos, jilgueros…
    Una buena compra, sin duda.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This trail camera is very easy to use plus several usable functions. Durable in all weather’s. Very clear photos and videos. Excellent value for the price. The only advice don’t position it in front of plants that move in the wind.

  36. NormandKYSM says:

     United Kingdom

    I see various signs of animal activity in my garden so was keen to find out more about it with this camera. It is fairly easy to set up and use which is obviously a bonus, and I like that it is well-made enough to withstand time outside in changeable British weathers. The only thing I’ve been disappointed with is that my local wildlife appears to be camera-shy as I haven’t managed to get the quantity or quality of photographs that I’d expected. Luckily, the camera can easily be moved and set up in different locations so with a bit of time and patience it is possible to get better results.

  37. Pointless Cafe says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought the double pack of these cameras to find out what wildlife comes to our new garden and to act as security cams.

    You can power them with either 4 or 8 AA batteries or there is a socket for a mains powered transformer (with a cut-out in the base for the lead). The set-up was fairly easy with various options like trigger delay, whether you want to activate the side sensors or not, sensitivity of motion detection.

    I trialled a camera by just wedging it an apple tree near a bird table:

    You can see from the video that anything less than about 60cm away isn’t quite in focus, but everything further than that is.

    The motion detection on maximum sensitivity was picking up movement of people about 7 metres away but not tree branches moving in the wind about 5 metres away; which is good.

    The image and video quality is good, not for photography of course, but for researching what comes in to your garden. There is a high range of lighting conditions in the scene it was set up to take, with the bird table being in shade and sun shining off the windows. You can see the wood pigeon is partly whited-out but still good enough to recognise it. The video of the robin and blackbird is sufficiently detailed to see what they are doing, and if you pause the video when in flight the bird’s body is fairly well captured (not the flapping wings so much!).

    Frames per second at 1920×1080 (HD) is 30fps (not mentioned in the Amazon listing for some reason!?). Whilst the file produced is in HD, the resolution of the sensor, according to the EXIF data, is actually 320 x 180. (typical for these relatively low cost cameras.) Again these are for research only, not photography!

    The night vision did work at picking up a cat climbing the tree, but I’m testing this in June so it doesn’t get fully dark any time to properly comment.

    Camouflage I think works well (see photo of it through the bird table) – unless that Robin with the butterfly in its mouth is actually eyeing up the camera!!

    No particular cons so far. Fit for purpose, recommend, but bare in mind it is not actually HD!

    Very good wildlife capturing cameras, 1080p at 30fps, sensor size is 320x180

  38. MaricruzDunross says:


    Camra achete pour une association de protection animale afin de surveiller les sites de chats errants. Simple d’utilisation , les paramtres sont clairs et facile configuer : dure de la vido , qualit de la photo , prise de photo toutes les X secondes , rglage de l’heure et de la date , sensibilit de dclenchement …

    Qualité d'image , simple d'utilisatio

  39. FawnZinkepm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFirst things first. It says in the manual you can use 4 or 8 AA batteries, but it will not even turn on with 4. I used rechargeable ones, but they were brand new and fully charged. I checked. No dice. With all 8 in there, it’s all good.

    Now, I’m not using it to track deer in the woods or anything as big as that. I wanted to see the hedgehogs in my garden. Check that they are using the house I bought and how often etc. I set the camera up on an existing pole, 5m / 16′ away from their house, taking in most of the patio and half the lawn.

    I set the thing up using its menu system. It has a LOT of settings, but is very straight-forward and easy to understand and use. The 2.4″ screen and interface are very reminiscent of a digital camera from the noughties. More than adequate for the task.

    I set it to take photos and video, just 30 seconds of video (it goes up to 5 minutes), although please note, when taking video at night, it will record no more than 30 seconds (to save battery, since the infra-red LEDs have to be on for this to work). I set it to 1080p, set the time and date, and scheduled it to only operate between 23:30 and 4:30. The 32gb, class 10 SD card I bought for it clicks into a little slot underneath. Set it to “On”, and the whole thing closes to be fully waterproof.

    Unfortunately, the next morning, nothing had been captured. Not a thing, but the hedgehog food was gone. Interesting. I changed the timer so that it records instantly and not after 5 seconds of motion detection. Tried again, still nothing. So I figured the little blighters must simply be too small to pick up from that distance.

    I moved the camera, strapping it tightly to a large potted plant on the patio, about 2.5m / 8′ from the hedgehog house. Tried again. Bingo, it picked up two separate incidents of activity. Took 3 photos and a 30 second video each time, like I told it to. I attach the video. It was in 1080p, I have shrunk it here for filesize.

    The only daylight photos or video I have taken with it were when I was testing it. I didn’t view the files other than on the camera’s tiny screen, but they looked pretty decent to me.

    Overall, I’m very happy with it. It has survived two VERY wet days, practically torrential rain on one of them, and has proved as waterproof as promised. It has a lot of versatility in it’s menus, so you can set it up just how you need, and it’s very easy to do. I’m very happy with the footage and photos and hope for more.

    It comes with a USB lead, one of the methods of extracting files, but does NOT come with an SD card (class 10, maximum 32gb). You’ll need to fork out another 7 or so for that, along with at least 8 batteries. I can’t vouch for how long they last, all I know is it hasn’t complained after three days of use.

    All in all, happy with it. Seems like good quality and great value to me.

  40. Amy J says:

     United Kingdom

    I like to monitor the wildlife in our garden and observe their behaviour. We have regular night time visits from Hedgehogs whose sweet little faces I never tire of and in the day there are birds of course and occasionally we get other wild mammals like wood mice and less welcome vermine like the neighbour’s cats. I have selected a few video clips and a couple of stills from these cameras to give you an idea of what to expect. Wildlife trap cameras do have to operate on their own so things like depth of focus and motion sensing become really important. As well as normal photos and videos you can to time lapse photography with these but I must admit I have never tried it. You could get some nice material like a flower opening over several days but I think there is really too much wind in my particular garden to try this kind of thing. Another feature that I did use was burst stills, I got thousands of shots of hedgehogs and birds in a couple of days. The ones I looked at were excellent and really helped my to understand our little spikey and feathered garden guests.

    If you are looking for a good basic tough camera without those really fiddly little TF cards these seem a good choice and because they are both the same they will give similar result and make learning to get the best out of them a bit easier.

    A pair of identical cameras which give good results.

  41. MeiMcKillop says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this to help kids with wild life school project, it came double pack which was ideal to capture event from different angles.
    It also gave me a better idea as hidden security system, as it’s quite discreet and possible to capture footage quite long time.
    To operate it needed at least 4 AA size batteries which not included, for longer working performance need 8 AA batteries.
    Ideal on night time, it has low glow led lights which helps to capture creat footage at darkness and in same time stay undetectable due to low glow LED.
    On its internal display possible to check the capture without removing it from camera.
    Overall perfect, have a look to my pictures to see real size, hope it will be helpful to decide if it’s suitable for personal needs or not.

    Wide detection angle.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great set of cams! We’ve set them up in the garden to see if we can catch any nighttime creatures.. foxes, hedgehogs and maybe a badger or two! Was simple to set up and easy to use! Can’t wait to capture the wildlife at nigh

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The camera is easy to use and to set up.
    It is very sensitive to movement, so you need to make sure there are no flowers or shrubs in the line of sight of the sensors. I haven’t had the camera long enough to comment on battery life, but using Kodak Extras, I have so far had it running for six nights at 14 hours per night and the displays till shows full charge. I am using eight batteries and will replace them with rechargeable Kodaks when they are spent. I am using a 32GB SanDisk card that I bought at the same time as the camera and so everything was ready to go straight out of the box. Delivery was very fast.
    Don’t expect to see much detail on night shots when viewing on the camera; pictures need to be viewed on a computer. Daylight shots are good, but I haven’t tried printing any yet – because so far I have only seen crows and pigeons!
    The camera seems quite robust and waterproof and I am very pleased with its performance.

    Experiment with settings and locations

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a solid piece of kit, well built and sturdy. Detection and pictures are pretty good, picking out and filming mice in the dark without problems. The only weakness is the quality of the instructions which could be better in parts hence only 4 stars. Overall good value and impressive for the price

  45. Anonymous says:


    Le produit fait ce qu’on lui demande : prise de photo ou de video par dtection de mouvement avec une qualit satisfaisante de nuit.
    La sensibilit peut tre trs haute (la pluie peut dclencher la prise de vue).
    L’autonomie est trs satisfaisante avec 8 piles (prenez des rechargeables).

    Par contre, quelques surprises :
    – beaucoup d’options en plus non mentionnes sur la fiche technique
    – le manuel d’utilisation est beaucoup trop succinct et n’explique pas 70% des rglages
    – mme avec une vritable carte SD Sandisk extreme, ce boitier a des problmes alatoires de reconnaissance de la carte une fois qu’elle passe dans un PC pour voir les vidos. Aprs plusieurs reformatages, le boitier finit par accepter la carte. Mais c’est pas gagn pour autant : il se peut que l’criture n’ait pas fonctionn.

  46. Gene Petersen says:


    Golden Review Award: 38 From Our Usersho ordinato questa fototrappola a dicembre ed arrivata in brevissimo tempo. Purtroppo aveva un difetto ad una delle due cerniere di chiusura ma il venditore si dimostrato subito disposto a porre rimedio al problema. stato gentilissimo e molto disponibile! La fototrappola funziona molto bene. Ha una buonissima qualit sia di notte che di giorno. molto intuitiva e facile da usare, i sensori funzionano in maniera ottimale. Scatta molto velocemente e vi sono un’ampia variet di funzioni. Rispetto ad altre fototrappole di altre marche ha il vantaggio di poter impostare l’intervallo di ripresa tra un video e un altro anche di 0 secondi (in molte alte fototrappole il tempo minimo 5 secondi). Vi la possibilit di impostare un nome alla fototrappola che poi visibile nelle informazioni mostrate sotto il video/foto. Rispetto ad altre marche funziona senza problemi utilizzando una microsd con adattatore (in altre fototrappole questo sistema non risulta compatibile ma vi necessita di una sd senza adattatore). Infine, non da sottovalutare, la scocca presenta il foro per inserire il lucchetto. Per contro, non registra l’audio. Tuttavia, dopo averla provata posso garantire che questa fototrappola ottima, migliore di altre pi costose di marche note. La ricomprer sicuramente.

  47. GZGJayneptukyvc says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersEn premier lieu, j’ai reu la camra dans un simple carton sans emballage avec la moindre inscription dessus. Gnralement, l’emballage reprsente le produit pour le mettre en valeur. Mais l rien de tout cela….
    Ensuite le produit que j’ai entre les mains ressemble presque trait pour trait celui de l’annonce ainsi qu’ la notice.
    Extrieurement la diffrence provient que les LED du flash ne sont pas exactement disposes de la mme manire et l’une d’elles semble bleue.
    Dans la boite qui contient cette camra, la notice d’utilisation correspond la version 1.1. Or les paramtres de la camra sont diffrents de ceux de la notice. Des photos jusqu’ 20MP au lieu de 16 alors que le capteur semble tre le mme. Le nombre de photos lors d’un dclenchement va de 1 5 au lieu de 1 3. Le format vido est soit MP4 soit MOV et non AVI. Mais pour la vido, il n’y a que les rsolution en 1080 ou 720 ou lieu des 5 proposes dans la notice. Il existe des paramtres non rfrencs dans la notice. L’alimentation externe est note 12V sur l’obturateur plastique de la camra mais 6V sur la notice.
    Aprs avoir contact le vendeur, photos l’appui, pour lui demander des explications sur ces diffrences, sa premire rponse fut que le produit reu tait en tout point identique celui propos la vente.
    Devant mon insistance avoir une rponse plus prcise, sa rponse fut (je cite) : Les paramtres du produit sont soumis au manuel Les paramtres rels du produit sont conformes au manuel sauf que la rsolution vido est infrieure 640X480 et 320X240. L’alimentation DC est de 6V 2A. Pour la conformit au manuel, le vendeur devra revoir sa copie…. Alors ancienne version ? Nouveau produit ? Vendeur ignorant de ses produits ?
    De fil en aiguille, le vendeur m’a propos de reprendre le produit. Amazon fut hyper ractif car aprs avoir adress un mail au service client, celui-ci a pris contact avec moi pour savoir si je voulais retourner le produit. Fach contre le vendeur, j’ai accept.
    Cependant, j’ai voulu quand mme vrifier le fonctionnement de la camra. Je l’ai test sur mon terrain. Les rsultats ne semblent pas tre pire que d’autres produits. Dans le noir, Les LEDs en 940 nm sont bien oprationnelles et il n’y a pas de flash. Au moins, j’ai la chance d’avoir reu une camra qui fonctionne (pour l’instant) par rapport d’autres utilisateurs qui ont eu moins de chance, toutes marques confondues.
    Encore merci au service client Amazon mais je ne vais pas retourner le produit. Non ce n’est pas celui que je pensais acheter, mais celui-ci fonctionne correctement ce jour. Ce n’est pas correct de la part du vendeur d’avoir eu ces rponses vasives et de ne pas modifier son annonce en consquence sur le site de vente Amazon. Cela viterait bien des dsagrments.
    Dsol d’avoir t un peu long mais il est normal que les futurs ventuels acheteurs soient informs.

    Aprs un certain temps d’utilisation, malgr les soucis avec le vendeur, je ne regrette pas l’achat de cette camra. J’ai pu film les habitants qui se promne dans mon bois de jour comme de nuit. Et la qualit des prises de vue est plus que convenable.

    Caméra correcte mais vendeur pas au fait de son produit.

  48. Dhara Singh says:

     United Kingdom

    Digitnow trail camera is totally different to other makes/models I have had in the past … easy to set up and good picture, with reasonable battery life . Really good buy for the money.

  49. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 126 From Our UsersInstalle pour recenser les chats d’un site de nourrissage. Fonctionne trs bien. 8 piles AA permettent de tenir un peu plus d’une semaine en sensibilit haute.

    Fonctionne très bie

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really happy with this product, great video and picture quality.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have two dogs and when the camera is at their level, I just get lots of shots of them going into the garden. So, I placed it on a table with food, I got all the Squirrels, Mice, Birds etc Nothing exotic, but works great.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI ordered this for a gift for my friend who wanted to watch the hedgehog. Turns out there are a few hedgehogs in her garden.
    My friend is very happy.
    Takes a lot of batteries.

  53. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 56 From Our UsersJ’ai achet cette camra pour surveiller mes curies et mes chevaux la nuit, suite des vols dans mon jardin et l’inaction de la police et aux rponses ubuesques de l’assurance lors des dclarations de ces vols. La notice est bien explique, la camra facile utiliser, et surtout trs efficace. Les images sont de bonne qualit. Je pense en racheter encore pour mettre divers points stratgiques. C’est juste dommage qu’elle fonctionne piles plutt qu’avec une batterie rechargeable. Je vais essayer les piles rechargeables pour voir si a tient aussi longtemps.

    Super produit !

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an interesting gadget, which we used for investigating what kind of animal was eating from the bins late at night. It’s sadly let down by a relatively short battery life, so you aren’t going to capture the secret life of any particular animal. The lens is fish-eye, and the quality is not particularly good, but it will certainly give some interesting insights into what is happening in your garden late at night.

  55. purelytwins says:


    Golden Review Award: 104 From Our UsersUna fototrappola puoi usarla per riprendere gli animali nel loro habitat senza spaventarli, o puoi impiegarla come camera di sorveglianza per l’abitazione, l’ufficio e il giardino. Ma puoi anche usarla per scopi pi originali, come credo sia stato il mio: in escursione per fotografare a loro insaputa (uno ad uno) tutti i partecipanti ad un trek (ovviamente l’avevo posizionata il giorno prima lungo il sentiero, in occasione della verifica del percorso). Al rientro ho “restituito” le foto ad ogni singolo escursionista, ricevendo in cambio manifestazioni di divertito stupore. Ma adesso veniamo a noi.

    La DIGITNOW! un prodotto di discreta qualit: molto robusta, registra foto e video di qualit sufficiente, ha un grado di impermeabilit dichiarata coerente con gli impieghi outdoor in condizioni climatiche avverse. La scocca interamente in plastica e la chiusura stagna – che non ho avuto ancora modo di testare sotto la pioggia – sembra capace di rispettare le promesse di impermeabilit.

    Per metterla in funzione necessario aprirla, caricarci dentro 8 batterie AA (vanno bene anche quelle corrispondenti ricaricabili) ed inserire una SD Card; di queste se ne trovano oramai a buon prezzo anche di notevole capienza, ma attenzione: il formato massimo dichiarato dal produttore di 32 GB. Una volta aperto l’involucro protettivo si ha accesso alle impostazioni ed alla regolazione delle funzioni.

    Sul lato posteriore avvitato un supporto nel quale possibile inserire una cinghia (fornita): grazie a questa soluzione la fototrappola si pu legare ad un palo o ad un ramo (difficile altrimenti posizionarla a media altezza, senza correre il rischio che il vento la faccia cadere). Sulla base invece presente un aggancio standard per l’impiego di un treppiede.

    Foto (da 16 MP) e video (HD, non “full”), come dicevo, sono di qualit sufficiente nelle riprese diurne (a condizione che il soggetto non si trovi a cavallo di zone d’ombra e di luce, altrimenti il contrasto tende a scurire troppo la parte meno illuminata). Sorprendentemente, rispetto a soluzioni concorrenti del medesimo segmento di mercato, la qualit si alza nelle riprese notturne. Merito forse del un buon set di LED ad infrarossi (ce ne sono ben 42).

    Sia nelle foto che nei video, sia di notte che di giorno, la distanza dichiarata di 25 metri non invece coerente con quella effettiva. Soprattutto al buio il soggetto diventa difficilmente distinguibile e sicuramente si ha una notevole perdita dei particolari se non almeno ad una portata di 15 metri dall’obiettivo. Direi che comunque si tratta di una distanza accettabile per questo tipo di prodotto. Reattivo e puntuale il sensore di movimento.

    Come accennavo, credo che in fondo si tratti di una buona fototrappola, certo non professionale: il prezzo di 45 Euro (al 3/2/20) mi sembra coerente con qualit e funzioni. Ci sono alternative capaci di produrre immagini e filmati di gran lunga superiori a quelli che pu catturare la DIGITNOW!, ma i prezzi salgono in misura sensibile cos come il target commerciale. Comunque io, per impieghi “ludici” a cui la riserver in futuro, ne sono soddisfatto.

    Discreta fototrappola, dal giusto rapporto qualità / prezzo e dagli usi più svariati

  56. WillaSaucedo says:


    Golden Review Award: 62 From Our UsersAdoro queste videocamere di gioco. Il primo che ho ricevuto stato un regalo lo scorso agosto. Sono stato davvero impressionante. Molto facile da installare e installare. La qualit delle immagini davvero buona sia di giorno che di notte. stato esposto nel mio cortile dallo scorso inverno, ha sperimentato tutti i tipi di tempo, la pioggia fredda, calda e forte, nessun problema finora! I sensori di movimento sono molto reattivi, ho dovuto impostarlo su un livello di sensibilit basso. Fino ad ora, ricordo di aver sostituito le batterie solo una volta, il nuovo set di batterie sta ancora andando bene, quasi il 50% di potenza, ma per essere noto ho usato batterie di marca energizer. Ho mai avuto esperienza con le batterie. Alcune batterie si esaurirebbero rapidamente a causa della sua cattiva qualit. A basse temperature, le batterie al litio energizer hanno funzionato perfettamente con queste fotocamere. Di gran lunga ho provato molte fotocamere trail, questa assolutamente la migliore e la pi preziosa. Vorrei comprare di pi per il mio cortile.

  57. Azucena Rasilla says:


    Golden Review Award: 60 From Our UsersMolto soddisfatto della qualit delle foto e dei video ripresi. stato cos divertente installarlo nella mia fattoria. Rispetto alle fotocamere Browning, Moultrie e Bushnell, scatta foto fantastiche con una visione pi ampia e pi chiara di giorno, con una qualit delle immagini quasi simile di notte. molto pi facile da usare rispetto a qualsiasi fotocamera da pista che ho usato. Ha anche una durata della batteria straordinaria (4 settimane, 2132 immagini e una durata della batteria quasi completa). Cos felice finora.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersSo very impressed with this, used to watch over our horses and catch interlopers, I’ve set it to trigger on an area between our gate and their paddock. And it worked brilliantly.

    You’ll need a large memory card, and to empty it every day 64gb… We caught bats, swallows, fox, a badger and a human trespasser.

    A local farmer showed immediate interest in the unit, and I hope he has a much luck as we did.

    Crystal clear hd camera, day and night, stills and you can absolutely identify from this footage.

    Six AA batteries power it, I used industrial type, and they’ve lasted, taking footage filing 64gb day and night for 35 days and they’re still going strong.

    The one issue we had was with a fogging up in certain humidity conditions, early morning as the sun rose. We found it best to then move the camera so it wasn’t in direct sunlight. So it could warm gradually.

    Controls were easy, the internal screen is very good, the gasket and clasps are firm and quality. The strap and holding are good.

    And the camo scheme helped when hiding this in a bush.

    Brilliant stuff

  59. Adam Wagstaff says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an easy to use wildlife camera; it takes 8 AA batteries, but battery life is quite good. Once you have set it up, you can place it on location and leave it. A couple of days later, you can retrieve it and see what you have captured. My testing of this camera is somewhat compromised, living with a large, but nevertheless urban garden, the only wildlife I captured was myself going back and forth to check for footage and my dog. Having said that, night footage – of said dog – was reasonably sharp, if a little eerie, so it does work well. Clearly the chosen site is quite important if you are serious about capturing wildlife; I could put it into some local woodland, but heaven only knows what I might capture there. As it is, I will use it for holidays and camping trips, where I might have more success.

  60. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is our second wildlife camera (for using in different locations) and they cost about the same and produce very similar results. Controls and settings are also almost identical, the only difference I would note with this one is that it feels very plasticy and slightly hollow. It’s cheaply made, but then what can you expect for the price? However the construction doesn’t obstruct its use. It’s still watertight and it still produces great images which I don’t think you will better in a camera twice the price. We’ve really enjoyed having wildlife cameras in our garden and the kids love seeing what we’ve managed to photograph. (rabbits, rats and birds so far…still holding out for something exotic!) I thoroughly recommend buying one and you won’t go wrong with one this price.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    it’s a great fun camera, not the best quality picture but ok for we want. We’re trying to get pictures of hedgehogs and when the camera is triggered in the dark there’s quite a bright glare on the grass. It has a very wide angle which is great but if you want clarity this wouldn’t be the best but it’s fine for we’re doing.

  62. Knit Purl Gurl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersWith the likes of programmes such as ‘Springwatch’ and ‘Country File’ on the BBC, where Night Vision cameras such as this are used to capture footage of nocturnal animals and birds, I have often though about acquiring such a camera to film night visitors to my garden, such as foxes, mice – and – the occasional hedgehog. Therefore, this camera fills that particular need, and I have been using it for a few weeks, and I am very impressed with the quality of the results – great night vision recording, and other good selling points is the attachment clips are sturdy, an dthe battery life is none too uxorious.

    I think that, for a shade under 40, this camera is very good value for money.

  63. BrooksSoutherla says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersI have been using the Trailcam for monitoring wildlife. The Digitnow trailcam has performed well in use in various outdoor environments such as woodland, wetland, heathland and gardens. I target for photography mammals e.g foxes and otters and nocturnal birds such as owls. Trailcameras are reconnaissance tools so dont expect DSLR level photos or video. The Digitnow produces some good and effective pictures and videos using its night vision capabilities. The motion sensors are sensitive at their maximum settings but you must test the device before using it and be careful about placement. The proof is in the planning. Straps come with trail camera for attaching it to trees or poles. It can be fitted to a tripod using the tripod screw.
    Its waterproof and will survive heavy rain. A small padlock can be fitted to it in order to deter anyone from tampering with it. It uses standard SD memory cards and I have had no issues using the interface. Anyone who uses these sort of trailcams will find the interface menus very similar on most of those that are sold out there.

  64. ChristalBurger says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersWhile there are others out there to choose from, this DIGITNOW Trail Camera is a solid choice that I found both easy to use and great for resulting images.

    The build quality is sturdy. Yes, it’s plastic, but it is well sealed for all weathers and has a good quality strap for attaching to various places. It also has a small screw in the base for a standard tripod to be connected. I used a small microphone tripod to raise it a little from the ground.

    Before starting you’ll need your own SD card and 4 or 8 AA batteries. The batteries are supposed to last 8 months or so (with 8 batteries) depending on use, so that’s not too bad. I’d recommend a 32GB fast speed SD card to go with it because the speed of the card will affect quality of photos and video and it will be easier to transfer to a PC. There’s a good clear setup screen on the ipod-like device inside if you set the device to ‘set’ on the controls and you can change quality, sensitivity etc from here.

    The Full HD video taken from this is fairly clear, though I had to allow for some lower quality in night settings. The pictures were good as well, though it was easier to set it to video.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It says on the box. Just put batterys in it and memory card, and read the book…. And hopeing to look and see how good the pictures are… or a mini movie…. Now after a month or so and it is still working the only thing the batterys don’t last as long as I’d like, a week at the moment, good idea to get rechargeable batteries.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Trail Camera has incredible night vision. It could see where my more powerful systems camera could not focus on anything due to poor light. It automatically turns into black and white in very poor light conditions at night.

    The picture quality is quite good with good lighting and very acceptable in very poor lighting conditions at night. The photos look better on the computer than on the low-resolution camera screen.

  67. HudsonCameron says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 37 From Our UsersIn this era when 18650 lithium batteries are so common it is a shame that it does not use them rather than 8 x AA’s which only last a few weeks (especially in video recording mode).

    The results are pretty good and still pictures seem best in 8 megapixel mode (higher settings just use interpolation).

    It has a tripod 1/4″ hole on the base or you can use the provided strap to position it.

    Lastly, don’t forget to turn it back on before you close the door.

    Works Pretty Well But Operates On Primitive AA's

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick and easy to set up out of the box, the instructions are clear and it is difficult to go wrong. Its “camouflage” is quite effective, to the point where it took me a while to find after leaving it in the grass overnight along one of the trails in our field. Pictures and video are of an acceptable quality and although not “stunning” they are pretty good and quite atmospheric, especially the night shots. Power consumption seems reasonable, a set of eight fully charged Ever Ready AA 1300mAh rechargeable batteries has lasted 48 hours so fa

  69. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 65 From Our UsersJ’ai fait une trs bonne acquisition, j’ai achet cet appareil pour surveiller mon garage suite des dgradations sur mon vhicule.
    C’est trs efficace ! Je trouve les menus trs intuitif, l’autonomie est trs correct avec huit piles ! En rentrant dans les rglages on peut optimiser la consommation de l’appareil afin que ce dernier ne se dclenche pas intempestivement. En ce qui me concerne, chaque fois que la camra se dclenche elle prend 10 secondes d’images de jour comme de nuit vraiment je n’ai rien dire je suis trs trs satisfait de ce produit.
    De plus, cette camra est trs discrte, avec sa couleur camouflage.
    Possibilit de verrouiller l’accs avec un petit cadenas et la scuriser avec une chane en complment pour viter de se la faire voler.
    Le produit est vendu avec une sangle qui permet de l’attacher peu prs partout.

  70. Brie Barbee says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our UsersThis model of trail camera – or very similar – is sold under various Far Eastern clone brands and is sold widely.
    It takes 4 or 8 x AA batteries and a SD card (neither provided) but apparently has a 6-month battery life.
    It comes with a wide webbing strap for securing to trees, posts, etc. Set up is easy – a simple switch says On, Set or Off and when on Set, you have access to the menu system which is intuitive. It is HD quality but I would say the images (still or video options) are quite noisy. Its motion sensor and night vision function work well and for the money, it is quite incredible. Only the images are slightly disappointing but there is a pay-off I guess between resolution, file size, chip costs and quality, and storage capacity. Highly recommended. We captured wild boar in rural France at 3am!

  71. Francesca Silas says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersI have possessed a trail camera for many years, but when the opportunity came up to test this camera I was delighted, primarily as this camera has a higher definition camera than my original (16 MP compared to 8MP).

    Opening the box, this camera is considerably larger than my original camera, but it came supplied with straps allowing it to be connected to trees without string/bungees which I use with my original camera. My cameras are set up opposite to a badger sett where I have obtained images of badgers going about their business late/early day and night, visiting foxes and deer; as well as rabbits and a whole host of other animal visitors. In regard to the day vision the quality of both still and moving pictures is good enough, but not noticeably better than my much older 8MP model, particularly night vision where you could not distinguish between the black and white images produced from either model. There are many more positives about this camera though:

    +. The camera is flexible and allows higher or lower definition images to be taken (allowing for more space left on the memory card.
    +. The memory cards supported are of far greater capacity
    +. Trigger time and detection distances are better than on my original camera
    +. It is a third of the price for what I paid for my original camera 7+ years ago

    There are a number of downsides too 🙁

    +. The manufacturer states that you should not use re-chargable batteries in this model, with alkaline being the recommended type. I can confirm that it does not like re-chargable batteries due to the lower voltage output. It does work with them, but with the decreased voltage output, this camera misses some images that my original camera picks up – I assume due to the delay in providing sufficient power. With frequent use and the cost of alkaline batteries you might find it very expensive to power this camera over a long period.
    +. Whilst this is a 16MP definition camera, the quality of the lens and the size of the sensor render this statement as somewhat misleading – you may find that the images are no better than that of an 8MP camera; I have compared both and there is no noticeable difference.

    I have given this item 4 stars as price and functionality combined make it a good buy. I don’t think that it is significantly better that my original camera, however, it costs a lot less and is a good trail camera for occasional use. It you were considering using it as a security camera, might I suggest that you consider purchasing a mains power unit as with frequent triggering of the camera you will be surprised at how quickly the alkaline batteries deplete or rechargeable fail to record.

  72. HannahCrutchfie says:

     United Kingdom

    The wildlife camera is easy to set up, although it requires an SD card and EIGHT AA batteries. It can either take pictures on time delay or motion detected. You end up with loads of pictures on the SD card, which you can copy by USB to a Windows PC (or similar) and sort out the ones you want to keep (most were blanks). We managed to get some recognisable photos of birds and a neighbourhood cat.

    It’s a relatively cheap device which is ideal for someone starting out on wildlife photography without spending a fortune to see if it’s something worth pursuing.

  73. MiquelXIIZ says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m getting to rather like this trail camera. There is a bit of initial expense after getting it, memory card and batteries and if you don’t have much experience of these type of things prepare for days of disappointment capturing indistinct movement, bluriness etc until you can work out the optimum place to put it to maximise your chances of a good bit of film and limit false alarms. It’s not state of the art and in truth looks a bit garish and cheap but it is sturdy and waterproof and when you learn how to use it it can produce some half decent results.

  74. EzekielBatt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersHave used it a few times now, both near the bird feeder in daytime and as a trailcam at night. Both times there have been some excellent action photos and it has worked like a dream. A great buy!

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersSome decent results can be had from this basic camera. It does have some drawbacks, but considering the price, they can be forgiven. As an entry level trail camera. It works well but the battery compartment doesn’t hold the batteries in a secure enough way, they can pop out of the terminals and make the camera believe it has only one set of batteries in instead of the two or report low battery power and in the lower power mode, the night time view is unavailable.
    The power supply (NOT SUPPLIED) as an alternative power source instead of batteries is a 6V 2Amp connection of odd proportions. I have a collection of adaptors and of the twenty, not one fitted so I am stuck with the batteries until I can find an adapter, in the mean time I have found a strip of cushioned tape will hold the batteries safely in position. The batteries do not last too long, I had only two days life out of eight Zinc heavy duty and only an extra day when I used extra-life Alkaline which is not really long enough since there seems to be enough room in the compartment to have used a couple of PP9 batteries in their stead.
    The SD card slot is conveniently placed as are the switches, screen and menu button. The menu is not that comprehensive, but this is an entry level camera at an entry level price and for that most of the ‘bad’ points can be forgiven.
    The picture and video quality is acceptable; identification of the captured subjects is easy enough from the quality of the images and the range of the triggers is fair enough.
    This is a good gift for a youngster wanting to try capturing creatures in the garden etc., but for anything more serious the money can be invested in a better unit, but it has to be said, for the price and for what it is, the quality of the machine and its results it is well worth the four stars I have given it.

  76. cyberaty says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an item that I found really easy to take out the box and start playing with. I actually read the instructions and that must mean they were significantly easier to get through than most. It’s easy to set up and use, plasticky but solid and old skool, and highly versatile. It’s designed for wildlife but so obviously lends itself to other applications. You can use it for figuring out what toms are vandalising your flower bed, take it to a paranormal investigation, make a stop motion home movie, or just be very nosey with it. Hide it in a flower pot and spy on your gold fish. You’re only limited by your imagination, as you don’t have to worry about energy and time scales. You can stack it with enough batteries (it takes 4 or 8), or run it off the mains and it has enough memory and enough standby time to handle days or weeks at a time. I can certainly see myself buying more of these, especially when the price is a little keener. I’ve not yet caught a burglar or a ghost but my partner and I were in hysterics watching the undignified photographs and videos it made of us both when we popped into the study at various intervals. And now of course we’re looking forward to capturing our cat. The only thing is, I found its temperature reading was slightly out and 32 gb is a bit limited these days, even my old Sony HX50 takes up to 128. A mic would be nice too. But this is a simple, no nonsense camera that is pretty much on the nose.

  77. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is certainly watertight.
    However it claims it is only compatible with 36GB cards which is not amazing for video. It only seems suitable therefore as a triggered event trail camera.
    It takes either 4 or 8 AA batteries. I’ve got rechargeables in it at present, but they don’t function well in the cold.
    The menu system is a little annoying to navigate.
    There seem to be quite a lot of variables at play in selecting trail cameras.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersI found this camera very easy to set up, it is very straight-forward even without the instructions. It is by USB and needs eight AA batteries as back up. You also need an SD card to store and upload the pictures. The pictures are clear both in colour when its daylight and black and white night vision. We have caught our hedgehog drinking his water as well as lots of stills when something moves.The video of the hedgehog is very clear and I was so pleased to have caught him in action.

    Easy set up.

  79. Alrealon Musique says:

     United Kingdom

    I have tested a number of these camera’s over the years. Some can produce stunning photos, others suffer from night blurriness. This camera produces good day time pictures and more than adequate night time photos. We live in the country and our garden is visited by many different animals such as hedgehogs, foxes, badgers, rabbits and otters. Most of them only venture into the garden at night, so having a camera like this produces some exquisite insights into what goes on in the depths of night.

    The speed of the shot is good. It benefits from a very large aperture and so it can take fast and clear shots at night. It takes a 32Gb SD card and my recommendation is to get a very high-quality one, as you want a very fast write speed. Overall this camera has created some spectacular wildlife shots and it still amazes us what and who visits the garden at night and during the day. If you want to know, invest in a camera like this and find out. Recommended.

  80. debra92691 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is a brilliant trail camera at a bargain price. It can also be used as a surveillance camera in your home. It comes with guide book and chargers but batteries and memory card are additional purchases.

  81. AdriannLWAO says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 38 From Our UsersThis DIGITNOW wildlife camera is extremely similar in terms of its software and functionality to numerous others sold under a wide variety of brand names. It is slightly larger than most, and I would say is of better quality construction than most; the clips holding the body closed are the best I’ve seen – on some cameras they are flimsy rubbish – and the plastics used are clearly superior.

    As is usually the case, the camera does not come with batteries or an SD card (to store its photo on) so you have to provide those. The camera will run with either 4 or 8 AA batteries fitted, 8 give longer life. I have a number of such cameras in use and expect to get about 3 – 4 weeks life from each set of batteries. It’s a small price to pay for what has been revealed to me.

    On its first night out, within 24 hours of receipt, the camera detected a badger in a forestry plantation near my home, see my photo and video. Because I do not see badgers every day I was more than pleased. The quality of these infrared shots is typical of amateur wildlife camera performance, please do not think that paying two or three times as much will give you better shots – it won’t.

    If you are new to this interest you may be wondering where you would position a camera. The answer to that is wherever you like, a forest, a bird sanctuary, a park – I’ve had cameras in public places for more than a year and none have been interfered with.

    I can confidently recommend this camera at the current price point, it will do what you want it to do at least as well as any other on the market.

    Effective, Good Quality Construction, Recommended

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersGreat camera for the money. Set up on a camera tripod and set in hallway to detect rat movement. Camera PIR is sensitive enough to pick up a rat moving around on first detection, but not to keep videoing for the full 30seconds, it closes down after 5 secs. Night vision is amazingly clear. Could do with some kind of viewfinder as a bit hit and miss setting up for perfect shots, but field of view compensates. Over all great bit of kit, would be great for outside wildlife filming.

    Great wildlife camera.

  83. NorineLaws says:


    Golden Review Award: 113 From Our UsersVoila ce que donne cette camra; photos de qualit pour la surveillance. A la vue du prix c’est un achat a faire sans hsiter!

    Rapport prix qualité bluffant.

  84. Justine8510 says:


    Golden Review Award: 51 From Our UsersLa trail cam funciona perfectamente tras haberla usado ya para el jabal y esta fabricada de un plstico duro que resulta bastante resistente a golpes, viene acompaada tambin de unos soportes un cable y una cinta para atar aproximadamente de metro y medio de larga a arboles o similares.
    La cmara esta compuesta por por una caja estanca, no es acutica pero para temas de lluvia tanto de baja como de alta intensidad he podido comprobar que no hay problema ninguno.
    En cuando al slot para la batera, esta formado por ocho pilas tipo AA, despus de una semana de funcionamiento aun no ha bajado ni una sola raya de tres que compone el nivel de carga por lo que est bastante bien a mi parecer.
    La cmara detecta el mnimo movimiento tanto de cerca como a 15 metros cosa que me ha gustado mucho ya que no pensaba que tendra tanta sensibilidad, tambin detecta bien la noche y el da y enciende el infrarrojo automticamente, tiene distintas funciones, como hacer fotos, vdeos o las dos simultneamente a calidades de imagen a desear.
    Se puede configurar absolutamente todo, desde el intervalo de tiempo de foto o video, la duracin de cada video o el nmero de rfagas de fotos por segundo.
    No es una cmara demasiado cara y las calidades que ofrecen a mi parecer esta bastante completas.

    precio muy competitivo

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The standby time seems to last forever! IR nights shots are really good even in complete darkness.

  86. Christine says:


    Golden Review Award: 63 From Our UsersLo usata sia di notte che di giorno e perfetta e molto facile da usare ottima qualita prezzo

  87. DorisMcAulay says:


    Golden Review Award: 54 From Our UsersBonne camra de chasse qui fait son boulot.
    Aucun problme a signal.
    Qualit photos et vidos correctes.

  88. Dr. Martin Bodicker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis is genuinely one of the best trail cameras I have used for day and night time photos or videos. The trigger time is fast and the illumination range at night is long. The camera is about a third larger than the standard size of most others.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Records a long time picture quality is great worth the money one of the best ones we bought by fa

  90. BrendaGoetz says:


    Golden Review Award: 97 From Our UsersUtilis pendant 2 semaine dans mon champ pour surveiller le passage d’animaux sauvage
    de tres belle photo rien a redire
    par contre les vido sont propres mais a la lecture sur pc elle rame pas mal peut etre mon ordi donc je penalise pas pour sa
    gros point noir pour moi apres 2 semaine pas une seule video en nocturne je comprend pas en journ elle se declenche et les video s’enregistre mais pas en mode nuit j’ai que des photo il y’a til une configue que j’ai rat ?
    pour ceux qui cette camera interesse je conseillerais de mettre une carte 32Go car suivant les reglage elle se remplis vite par contre ma cam a fonctionner avec seulement 4 piles alcaline non rechargeable depuis 2 semaine en non stop a par momment recuperation des donnes et elle sont que a moiti

    edit le 07/03 la cam a fonctionn un mois complet avec seulement 4 piles tres bien
    sinon je remonte la note car pour essay j’ai mis 8 piles rechargeables pour continu et la surprise les video se font aussi en nocturne donc supposition 4 piles n’est pas suffisant pour la video en nocturne

    Caméra tres sympa !!!!! mais :( édit )

  91. JQZJudithmmmkal says:


    Golden Review Award: 42 From Our UsersIl est arriv l’heure. C’tait bien emball. Livreur poli. L’unit a fonctionn tout de suite, Manuel tait facile comprendre, L’installation tait facile. Utilis 4 fois maintenant. Photos en plein jour excellent Vidos en plein jour excellent. Nous avons quelques photos et vidos de nuit et elles sont acceptables
    It arrived on time. It was packed correctly. Polite Delivery man.
    Unit worked right away, Manual was easy to understand, Set up was easy. Used it 4 times now.
    Photos in daylight excellent Videos in daylight excellent.
    We have some Night photo’s and videos and they are Acceptable

  92. BrandonFPH says:


    Golden Review Award: 88 From Our UsersSubito ho apprezzato la completezza delle dotazioni (cavo USB e cinghia di supporto). L’apparecchio costruito con materiali robusti, ed ben curata la guarnizione che ne garantisce l’impermeabilit. Molto facili le impostazioni iniziali. Sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto, lo consiglio.

    Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo

  93. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 70 From Our UsersRapporto qualit prezzo molto buono.
    Validi per il controllo passaggio animali selvatici e anche per videosorveglianza di aree private.

  94. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 69 From Our UsersSono soddisfatto dell’acquisto, la camera robusta, facile da impostare e da mettere in opera. L’ho provata sia di giorno che di notte, la visione notturna forse leggermente migliorabile ma visto il prezzo a cui proposta sono comunque molto soddisfatto. Ve la consiglio

  95. Ramya V says:


    Golden Review Award: 84 From Our UsersFototrappola notturna con una buona qualit grazie ai led infrarossi che riescono a rendere l’immagine nitida. La fotocamera ha una buona qualit anche di giorno. Facilissima da impostare e ha molta scelta dentro al menu.
    Funziona con memoria sd esterna
    Di notte non si vede nessuna luce di nessun tipo. Completamente invisibile.
    Nel complesso sono soddisfatto.

    Buona qualità notturna

  96. FrancesWhitney says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersWonderful camera,so easy to set up,have had foxes visiting my garden for a while but rarely see them,now I’ve got wonderful footage to look at.Easy to view footage on your computer and batteries last a while,but would recommend getting rechargeable batteries to be on the safe side.Have had it out in the rain a couple of times and it’s been fine,very waterproof,all in all a brilliant purchase,and very reasonably priced.

  97. [email protected] Annette Anderson says:


    Golden Review Award: 204 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce produit pour 2 raisons :
    > Surveiller mon arrire cours pendant mes travaux
    > Observer les diffrents animaux de passage

    Techniquement, il respecte les specs techniques.
    La qualit des vidos est convenable, les photos moyenne je dirais. De nuit cela fonctionne plutt bien mais ne comptez pas filmer/photographier trs loin ! De plus les photos de nuit sont pas top.
    Par contre j’ai t surpris pas la qualit vido assez bonne (mme si quelques soucis de focus)
    Prenez une carte d’au moins 32 Go (ma 16 Go se remplit bien trop vite)

    > Les points noirs : a consomme de la pile mort quand mme (il en faut 8) !
    Si vous comptez l’accrocher en hauteur a va tre la dbrouille, j’ai du perso mettre la sangle fournit puis de fixer par celle-ci au mieux (mais c’est pas trs stable).

    Voil, en souhaitant que mon com’ puisse vous tre utile ^^

  98. StantonGirdlest says:


    Golden Review Award: 61 From Our UsersOttima ,come da descrizione,fa bene il suo lavoro, non neanche difficile da impostare ed imparare come funziona , direi un buon acquist…

  99. JoyRingler says:


    Golden Review Award: 73 From Our UsersLa fotocamera , che corrisponde alla descrizione fatta, giunta in perfetto orario e ben imballata. Il suo utilizzo molto facile ed intuitivo, anche se le istruzioni, in italiano, non sono tradotte come si dovrebbe. La qualit delle immagini a colori (a 16 MP) non pari a quella delle apparecchiature ordinarie non professionali, ma non pu essere che cos se si considerano i costi e le molteplici funzioni. La fotocamera ha resistito senza problemi ad un forte e lungo acquazzone. Prodotto sicuramente valido considerando il rapporto qualit/prezzo.

  100. ElaneNtyjxhq says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersEn principio satisfecho con la compra. Cabe resear que las bisagras van muy recias. Tengo que suavizar el funcionamiento. Al abrir la cmara,si no esta firmemente sujeta, se mueve. El manejo de la misma es bueno, no es el mejor, pero es bueno. El computo general es muy positivo.