Dwfit Kids Smartwatch,Kids Fitness Activity Tracker with Sleep Monitor,Sports Watch with Pedometer Stopwatch for boys&girls,for iOS Android

Dimensions: | 19.8 x 9.5 x 1.9 cm; 110 Grams |
Manufacture: | Dwfit |
Origin: | China |
Dimensions: | 19.8 x 9.5 x 1.9 cm; 110 Grams |
Manufacture: | Dwfit |
Origin: | China |
Non so se mio figlio e stato cos brusco…ma si e rotto poco dopo…sembrava carino xk poteva mettere le foto come sfondo…e per un bambino e molto sfizioso…
A great simple kid smart watch for kids to use right away easy for them to follow.
This is a nice and basic version of a fitbit for a younger child who isn’t that worried about the status symbol side of things and just wants a cool gadget. For children under about 8 I would definitely recommend this.
L’orologio carino e funzionale peccato che dopo 10 GG si sia gi rotto il gancio di plastica che collegava il quadrante al cinturino, sconsigliato anche per adulti perch molto delicato in quel punto.peccato perch era molto carino e conveniente ma la prima volta che trovo un sistema del genere per agganciare il cinturino.
Il venditore mi ha contattata per risolvere il problema e mi ha proposto il rimborso e la sostituzione dell’articolo provvedendo a rendere l’orologio meno fragile.ottimo venditore disponibile a risolvere i problemi
EL producto es como aparece en la descripcin. Fue para un regalo de un nio de 8 aos que est encantado. Mide los pasos, las caloras, el sueo…. y le puede cambiar las esferas. El tamao es perfecto, porque se ajusta bien a su mueca. De momento solo lleva una semana con l y todo ok. La app muy fcil e intuitiva y se sincroniz perfectamente.
I can’t really complain about this, an Apple Watch it isn’t but it’s got everything that a child could need and they can definitely pass it off as one at school.
It’s a nice looking watch with a big screen and durable pink strap. It’s comfortable, easily adjusted and has fits smaller wrists but with plenty of give as they grow. The resolution of the screen isn’t UHD but everything is clearly legible and has good vibrancy and colour.
The modes and programs are numerous, step-counter, heart rate, timers, and a whole host of other activity trackers. You do need to link it to a phone via the relevant app so do take that into consideration.
For a child smartwatch, it’s pretty comprehensive and with good build quality, well worth the price so far.
Ottimo rapporto qualit-prezzo. Il cambio quadrante consente di avviare i bambini alla lettura dell’ora dal digitale all’analogico.
Ottima l’opportunit di chiamare un numero di emergenza
“Long Story Short”
It isnt a smartwatch itself is more smartband with bigger display
Functionality is there but it cant compete with full blown smartwatches.
All works fine dont get me wrong, for this price its well worth it.
Value for money 10 out of 10 only if you look for more fancy smartband
Il prodotto arriva ben imballato e protetto.
Nella scatola troviamo il quadrante dell’orologio, le due met del cinturino e il cavo di ricarica USB.
difficile scegliere uno smartwatch per bambini in quanto essenziale trovare un articolo che dia una grande importanza alla sicurezza e alla semplicit delle funzioni.
Questo prodotto si presenta molto bene, meglio di tanti altri smartwatch per bambini che ho testato. Sembra molto pi comodo, pi adatto al polso di un bambino e maggiormente resistente.
La cosa buona che funziona benissimo anche senza connettere il telefono o inserire la SIM (che in ogni caso supporta solo la rete 2G, quasi obsoleta).
Ha diverse funzioni interessanti: la fotocamera, le sveglie e i promemoria, una modalit per trovare il cellulare (se associato), un cronometro, il contapassi, il misuratore del battito cardiaco, un lettore musicale, 19 modalit di sport. Ovviamente se connettiamo il cellulare allo smartwatch e scarichiamo l’apposita APP (fatta molto bene, semplice) le funzioni saranno di pi, come per esempio la memorizzazione dei valori, la possibilit di creare un profilo personale, la possibilit di scegliere il quadrante e la posizione delle icone. Premendo pi volte il tasto laterale, inoltre, possibile impostare una chiamata di SOS in caso di emergenza.
La ricarica abbastanza veloce (circa un paio d’ore) e la durata lunga, ovviamente a seconda dell’utilizzo.
Al momento della recensione il prezzo pari a 35.99 euro. Messo a confronto con altri smartwatch per bambini direi che il prezzo pi che onesto, vista anche la qualit assai superiore.
Lo consiglio. ben fatto, intuitivo e offre molte funzioni.
Le mie recensioni dei prodotti Amazon Vine non sono in alcun modo influenzate dal produttore, con il quale non ho nessun tipo di contatto. Esse si basano unicamente sulla mia esperienza e rispecchiano totalmente le mie opinioni personali.
This kids sports watch (with bluetooth) is great for tracking kids exercise and calorie consumption. It syncs to phones and vibrates when messaging, monitors sleep and heart rate. Adjustable anti sweat trap and different screen backgrounds. This is a great gift and easy way for you to get a message to your child. Unisex. USB Charge.
Good little fitness tracker.
Light and quick to charge.
App is quite basic and we use it for steps more than anything but it can do plenty of other things and the screen is readable
Il prodotto sembra ben fatto, con uno schermo grande e ben visibile, buono il contrasto luminoso. Forse l’app andrebbe tradotta meglio in italiano ma nel complesso il mio giudizio positivo. Si adatta bene al polso di mio figlio che ha 7 anni e mezzo e lui felicissimo di verificare il battito cardiaco, i passi fatti durante il giorno e monitorare le fasi del sonno.
Out of the box, like the screen size and slim charger. Would be great if additional set of strap is included.
This is great for my 10 years old.
Starting with the H Band app, you will need this to record / view all the historical data, steps, sleep and HR, can go from weekly to annually.
Function wise, beside the usual sport and step counts, you can control music ( play, pause, skip etc ) and as camera shutter for the phone. – would be great if there is a small speaker to enhance the alarm and as music player.
She is looking at it constantly, always wanted to beat her previous day step counts. She also uses it as skipping rope counter.
Not so sure about the GPS tracking.
A good watch to have.
There seems to be a few of this type of watches on the market, this is aimed at the fitness market for young ones, but don’t see why this wouldn’t be okay for adults.
First impressions are a fairly good looking smart watch.
The watch seems to be okay, the screen is touch and reactions well and is nice and clear.
You have an app you can down load, which you pair with the watch, mine paired straight away, however, I don’t like the app, far too much nothing about it.
The time is very accurate, and the heart rate seems to work okay.
Charges via USB, cable included, no charger.
As a simple basic smart watch its okay, the features are okay and there is a lot to like about it, however, no bluetooth, not being able to pair with a good music app lets it down, for the price it needs to be smarter, needs more advanced features.
If you want an affordable Smartwatch for your kids to keep on track with their daily routines and activities, this one from, Dwfit is a good choice for you.
This fitness smartwatch is designed for children and has a comfortable durable silicone band that has a secured and adjustable clasp. It has a slim body, light, colourful screen design, cute dials and has an anti-sweat feature to make your child more comfortable wearing this.
Furthermore, it has a built-in pedometer and calorie consumption function, which encourages your children to exercise during their free time. It also has 19 different sports modes that can help you to have a better understanding of individual activity values. Additionally, it automatically monitors the heart rate and supports automatic sleep monitoring.
First impression, it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and looks like the branded ones. It is working well as it is supposed to be and my son really loves it and it fits his wrist perfectly. He really enjoyed using it and everything that it is claiming is true. It doesn’t have too many features unlike the branded ones but for me, it’s just fine.
For a price of 33.99, this is definitely a bargain. It is a perfect gift idea for kids on special occasions like birthdays as they will probably love this!
This is a reasonably styled fitness watch for children at the older end of the primary school-into secondary school range. The design isn’t babyish at all — it’s perfectly acceptable to my 11-year old nephew, who is in year 7.
The watch comes in a simple cardboard box that doesn’t show the contents or have any plastic seals on it — though inside the watch is in a moulded plastic tray. This arrived without the watch strap preinstalled, though adding the strap is quite easy: just slide the strap pieces over plastic sections protruding from the watch case and clip in to place. In common with many adult fitness watches, this has a bespoke charging cable that attaches magnetically to the back of the watch rather than micro USB/USB C.
The screen of this is better than expected at the price point. Clear, crisp and with good graphics. The watch has a solid range of functions, and is intended to be used paired with a phone or tablet (either Android or iOS).
The functions include a reasonably accurate pedometer (which includes a current step count, progress against daily targets, calories burned, and distance travelled), a heart rate monitor, timer and stopwatch facilities, a controller for music playback on a smartphone, and a remote control for a smartphone camera. This has no camera functionality of its own. There is also a facility to monitor periods and pregnancy information — I question the inclusion of this feature in a fitness watch that’s marketed at children.
The whole thing is very grown up, and although he’s always game to try new tech and liked the styling of this watch, my nephew was a bit disappointed at the absence of any games. It’s all very serious for a kids’ fitness watch, and very much intended to be paired with a smartphone — which typically suggests secondary school aged users. Maybe lose the pregnancy monitoring, and give the kids a couple of basic games for a better-rounded package.
Definetly worth to buy them.
Excellent watches for good price.
Quite easy to use them. They do have many things in it. Like pedometer, sleep monitor, activity tracker and many more usufull things.
Very comfy silicone band and lovely color.
Surely can recommend them to all.
This is a very good smart watch. It’s very easy to follow and connect with the phone. It will track all you workouts and walks,steps. Worth the price definitely
We picked this tracker because not only did it track heart rate but also steps with a plus of sleep tracker. My childs sleep is not great and wanted a way to keep track of how much sleep they actually got. Extras include alarms you can set from the app (so convenient for
reminding your kids things they forget), you can change the face of the clock (from the app they have lots of wall paper choices to choose from). In all this is a great choice, no issues, and the price is amazing for everything you get.
Ho ricevuto questo prodotto attraverso il programma Amazon Vine per rilasciare una recensione onesta e imparziale. Il prodotto arrivato nuovo e intatto, sigillato. La spedizione stata effettuata a cura di Amazon ed gratuita se si ha Prime.
Super orologio, carino e facile da usare. Le funzioni sono complete, un vero orologio connesso per bambini. Touch screen abbastanza reattivo, l’orologio si accende ruotando il polso, il menu facilmente accessibile. Ottimo per il prezzo.
Ho deciso di acquistare questo orologio come regalo di compleanno per mio figlio di 7 anni, appassionato di orologi sportivi per via della sua grande passione per Trialont. Per quanto riguarda il prodotto, cercavo qualcosa di semplice da maneggiare e allo stesso tempo con funzionalit complete per controllare le diverse attivit da svolgere come frequenza cardiaca, attivit fisica, sonno, ecc.
Una volta ricevuto l’ordine, che tra l’altro stato veloce, la prima cosa che sorprende la qualit del materiale plastico e il numero di funzioni che incorpora, il che non da
invidiare a un altro di costo maggiore, mettendo in evidenza i due bracciali che incorpora e il sistema di ricarica della batteria dell’orologio facile / conveniente. L’app per le impostazioni dell’orologio facile da usare. Insomma un prodotto consigliatissimo per il suo rapporto qualit/prezzo.
L’orologio ha un design piacevolmente semplice, che mi piace molto. L’app associata intuitiva da usare e autoesplicativa. I risultati della misurazione sono sempre realistici. Mi piace molto anche il display a colori. Ci sono orologi leggermente pi economici senza display a colori, ma dovresti spendere quei pochi euro in pi.
Nel complesso e in conclusione, questo modello un ottimo braccialetto fitness per bambini a un prezzo relativamente basso
Allego qualche foto cos che possiate vedere ci che vi arriva dopo l’ordine.
Se nelle prossime settimane dovessi riscontrare delle problematiche degne di nota, sar mia cura aggiornare la recensione.
Ringrazio il programma Amazon Vine che mi ha offerto in prova questa.
My 9 years old really love it, this gets him moving and exercising more.
1. The quality is really good and robust.
2. The strap is soft, durable and my son has a small wrist and it fits perfectly.
3. The App is very easy to use the and get the info synchronised on your phone.
4. Loads of Great features and the Watch is amazing to track childs activity.
5. Price well for the quality.
This arrives in a nicely printed cardboard box measuring approx 20cm x 9.5cm x 2cm.
This would be easy to wrap & make a great gift for Primary aged children.
Inside the box the pieces are cradled in a plastic insert – you need to fit the 2 pieces of the watch strap yourself & charge it – this also comes with a charging lead which does not have the standard connections you find on most leads so don’t mislay it.
There is a well written user guide included in multiple languages ( English, German, Spanish, Italian, French & Japanese).
I had thought my son who is eleven would like this, but he was horrified & said it looked like ‘something for little kids’.
This was all down to the strap which is about 2cm wide (that’s wider than it sounds for a kids watch) with a clunky plastic tongue to put through the holes when you do it up.
On the black watch, the tongue is red.
I would say this is best suited to Primary aged children due to the look of the strap which looks a bit young for older kids (but sturdy).
You need a smart phone to use this – iPhone or android – & have to download an app on your phone & give it trusted app permissions to set it up.
You are also expected to enter sex, height, weight & skin colour of the person wearing the smart watch into the personal data section of the app so if you are not comfortable entering this information, or having this linked to a smartphone then this is not the product for you.
It is not waterproof; it is suitable for being in the rain or washing your hands while wearing it & that’s about it.
The smartwatch itself is not bad for the price & if you are happy with your child having this sort of tech then it could be just what you are looking for.
Quando si acquista uno smartwatch o una smartband per bambini, dovresti pensare in anticipo a cosa ti serve e a quali funzioni desideri che i tuoi bambini possano accedere. Devo ammettere che ho avuto la possibilit di testare sia smartband che smartwatch con funzione chiamata di questo genere per bambini e se per quanto riguarda gli smartwatch la cosa che non mi ha convinto la mancanza di un blocco alle chiamate, ovvero non permettere di poter effettuare o ricevere altre chiamate se non quelle ai numeri precaricati, per quanto riguarda le smartband invece, a mio avviso hanno un display troppo piccolo per permettere una fruizione delle funzione e dell’orologio in maniera adeguata. Questo smartwatch invece, unisce le buone funzioni di una smartband con un display abbastanza ampio e che io e il mio bambino abbiamo apprezzato particolarmente.
Lo smartwatch arriva in una confezione in cartone raffigurante la band stessa e al suo interno troveremo un manuale di istruzioni e un cavo USB con pin magnetici per la ricarica. Purtroppo non un cavo comune, quindi se andr perso, sar un bel problema. Una ricarica a modi chiavetta USB (anche perch il cinturino si pu rimuovere e inserire proprio come una connessione USB o altra tipologia semplice da rimpiazzare, sarebbe stata gradita. Troviamo anche un manuale di istruzioni anche in lingua italiana molto dettagliato.
Lo smartwatch ha una linea molto piacevole e appare sia al tatto che alla vista di buona qualit costruttiva. Le dimensioni del display sono appena inferiori ai 1,5″ che reputo perfetti per questo genere di accessori e in generale, lo smartwatch ha le giuste dimensioni per non farlo sembrare sproporzionato al braccio di un bambino. Ha una linea moderna con colori che lo rendono sportivo. Lo schermo risulta luminoso e fruibile anche sotto la luce del sole, pur non essendo amoled ma “solo” IPS pecca un pochino di reattivit ma nulla di trascendentale per un prodotto che comunque destinato all’utilizzo per bambini.
E’ costruito in plastica e sul retro troviamo i vari sensori e i due piccoli pin per la ricarica. Il cinturino in silicone, pare di buona qualit e dopo un paio di settimane, non si notano alcune irritazioni alla pelle.
Lo smartwatch dispone di una batteria da 400mAH che si carica in poco meno di 2 ore se utilizziamo un PC e in circa un’ora se utilizziamo il caricatore del nostro smartphone e la durata di utilizzo dipende molto dall’utilizzo che ne far il bambino e se verr utilizzato anche associato ad uno smartphone per la ricezione costante di notifiche e chiamate (visualizzazione e termina).
L’applicazione H Band disponibile sia sul play store che sull’app store e app gallery abbastanza completa anche se ho notato molti errori di traduzione. I dati rilevati sembrano essere corretti, anche se la misurazione abbastanza lenta e il contapassi non sembra tanto preciso, ma bisogna tener conto che, questo genere di rilevamento sempre abbastanza difficile da raccogliere, perch si basa sui movimenti delle braccia e anche e soprattutto per l’assenza del GPS. C’ una cosa che per non ho trovato adeguata al prodotto, ovvero la sezione female che raccoglie i dati inerenti al ciclo mestruale Non sar un p troppo presto per un prodotto che comunque non indicato per gli adolescenti?
Per quanto riguarda la parte smart invece, la band mostra parte delle notifiche delle applicazioni che decideremo di far notificare ( Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter ecc.) ma non sar possibile rispondere in alcun modo, come la maggior parte delle smartband anche di adulti. Inoltre sar possibile scattare da remoto e ricercare lo smartphone collegato (dispositivi compatibili).
In conclusione ci troviamo di fronte ad un bel smartwatch per bambini, con tante funzioni vicine a quelle per adulti, ma con estetica ridisegnata soprattutto in ambito software con icone colorate e divertenti. Mi piaciuto abbastanza ma mi sono posto anche qualche domanda, ovvero, perch scegliere uno smartwatch del genere anzich una di marchio pi noto (band 6) con un prezzo leggermente pi alto se non uguale ai 35 richiesti per questo?
A nice little first watch for any child. Has fitness tracker with step counter etc so great for any child to keep aware of their fitness daily. Strap was well made and adjustable so fits most children from about aged 6 upwards. Easy to connect to the phone via the app. Good clear screen and easy to navigate. Perhaps costlier than others on the market just now but certainly worth the price
This is a very attractive design, which has lots of kid appeal without looking in the least childish. It is a slim fit which sits better on a child’s wrist than a chunkier watch would. The strap is high quality, and fitted our grandson’s wrist well. He is eight years old, and quickly mastered menu navigation and ongoing use. It is a real incentive for him to hit a step and exercise count. He accessed the app on his iPad, but it doesn’t add much benefit, and the watch is more than adequate on its own. The find my phone feature is a good bonus feature, though most kids these days have their phone welded to them.
It has a good battery life, and takes only an hour to charge. As it’s waterproof, you don’t have to worry about ingress of damp from rain or sweat. The materials and quality of manufacture are very good.
Overall, very impressed. There are too many kids’ watches on the market which are supposed to be smart, but are gimmicky and often poorly made. Some of them are cheaper than this, but that;s reflected in their quality. Modern kids know when a device isn’t up to scratch, and lose faith in it very quickly; my grandson really loves this one.
Following are some of my key observations about this tracker watch I have noticed after early usage:
– The screen is sharp and bright
– It has a number of tricks under its sleeve which are the most I have seen in a kids tracker, the top one is the heart rate monitor and separate sports exercise section.
– Was easily able to connect my mobile and most of the features I have used were working smoothly
– The battery life is impressive
– comes with a guidebook
Nowadays even the younger kids are so much into tech stuff so this can be an excellent gift for them. I like the product and will recommend it.
I bought this for my son. It is soo nice, great design. Lightweight, and overall very cool. My son loved this watch makes him feel grown up the fact he can change the design makes him happier.
This is an impressive child’s smart watch. I am particularly pleased with the App download. The App is easy to use, has a good range of extras too. The watch Arrived well packed. Presentation is excellent and so good for a possible gift. Good clear instructions.
Everything I would expect is included just like an adults smart watch, with a calculator, MP3 music and yes a watch plus way more. Clear digital display. Would recommend read the instructions carefully before attempting to use it helps so much. Obtained for an 12 year old young man who enjoys tracking his step count and heart rate while walking his puppy he then keeps a daily record of the steps walked.
Strap fits well and lots of growing room and comfortable. Pleased to recommend
The Dwfit SmartWatch is a really good smartwatch for kids as it monitors not only their daily steps but other things such as heart rate and sleep too.
The watch is great to wear on the run and is also waterproof so you don’t have to worry about it being drenched in the rain.
The watch itself has many features like: camera – when you want to take a picture of you and your family, all you need to do is swipe to the camera app and snap; it also has a message notification setting, as well as having the useful setting of being able to find your phone if you lost it and above all it has a calorie counter – which can honestly be so useful if you are on a diet!
Although the price may seem much for a watch, the quality is superb and I totally recommend it to everyone.
Habe die ” – – – – – ” fr unsern Sohn mal zu testen bestellt.
Habe die Smartwatch mal etwas angeschaut und es sind dast alle gleichen Funktionen wie bei einer Erwachsenen Smartwatch dabei und die Menfhrung ist auch gut gemacht.
Danach hat unser Sohn(12Jahr) Sie mal fr 3 Tage ausprobiert und sein Resmee war fr mich echt etwas ernchtern. Er meinte nur ” ” und die anderen Funktionen werden anscheinend von der Altersgruppe nicht so gewertet wie bei uns Erwachsenen.
, !!!
Appena aperto, risalta la qualit costruttiva, una spanna sopra i concorrenti, ha giuste dimensioni che non lo fanno sembrare sproporzionato al braccio di un bambino.
Ha una linea moderna ed elegante, lo schermo luminoso, reattivo e con colori vividi.
Le funzionalit che offre sono le solite, contapassi, battito, vari sport.
Ha la vibrazione, per indicare la sedentarieta, allarmi, promemoria, e il bluetooth, per interfacciarlo con lo smartphone e la propria app.
App essenziale e ben fatta, permette di modificare sfondo quadrante, posizione dell’ora e decidere quali altri dati visualizzare, nonch tenere traccia dei dati personali, peso e altezza, e degli sport effettuati.
Per la totalit delle funzioni, basta leggere l’accurata descrizione nella pagina di amazon, che riporta tutto fedelmente. Io mi posso limitare a postare delle foto, nelle quali ho messo a confronto questo prodotto e un altro allo stesso prezzo e circa le stesse funzioni.
Mein erster Eindruck beim Erhalt der Smartwatch fr Kinder von DwFit war sehr gut. Die Uhr ist schnell in Betrieb genommen, bentigt aber selbst fr Kleinigkeiten wie dem Einstellen der Uhrzeit eine Verbindung zur App. Erwartet der Hersteller hier, dass die Kinder bereits das ntige Gert besitzen bzw. damit berhaupt umgehen knnen?
Ansonsten sitzt die Smartwatch am Handgelenk des Sohnes meines Sohnes sehr gut. Er hat sich sehr schnell dran gewhnt und kommt auch alleine mit der Uhr zurecht. Das Display ist schn gro und klar. Die bersetzung der Sprache Chinese in Englisch bzw. Deutsch ist nicht ganz optimal gelaufen, was hier aber niemanden strt.
Die Smartwatch besitzt eine beeindruckende Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 5 Tagen. Aber aus mir nicht bekannten Grnden bentigt die Kindersmartwatch auch unwahrscheinlich lang, um berhaupt vollstndig geladen zu sein.
Bei uns erfllt die Smartwatch ihren Zweck und der Sohn meines Sohnes will sie nicht mehr abgeben. Trotzdem nur 4 Sterne? Ja, denn auch wenn alles in allem gut ist, geht es trotzdem besser.
I like that this smartwatch has everything that kids would want, So they can play and show their friends how their fitness is going, And compare each other’s stats at school.
The watch is affordable on the wallet, So it would make a good gift that won’t be a disaster if it got lost or broken during play time.
The quality is fair, I would not say this is the best smartwatch, But it does cover all the basic needs such as heart rate, Music Sleep monitor and much more. Great for kids who want to be in charge of their fitness at a young age.
Um die Uhr in Betrieb nehmen zu knnen muss man allerdings wieder mal eine App runterladen.
Die Uhr funktioniert ansonsten ganz hervorragend und es gibt viele verschiedene Programme, mit denen die Kids arbeiten knnen. Egal ob Spiele, Taschenrechner, Schrittzhler, Timer oder Nachrichtenbermittlung der Eltern an die Kids.
Das Laden der Uhr dauert dagegen sehr lange, mit 5-6 Stunden muss man rechnen.
Fr knapp 36 kann ich diese Uhr empfehlen, denn die Kids werden mit Sicherheit ihre Freude daran haben. Die Stabilitt ist ebenfalls gut. Ich vergebe vier verdiente Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Die Dwfit Smartwatch fr Kinder ist eine schnes Preiseinstiegsmodell, gerade gut fr Kinder geeignet. Sie macht einen wirklich robusten Eindruck, sodass auch beim spielen alles heile bleiben sollte. Die Qualitt und der Tragekomfort ist wirklich sehr angenehm. Preis-Leistungsverhltnis passt hier ebenfalls, sodass 5/5 Sterne mehr als angebracht sind.
La montre est livre monter, je ne sais pas pourquoi mais bon, il faut assembler le bracelet au cadran.
Elle est grosse, pour un poignet de petite fille fluette, pas vident du tout bien la faire tenir sans gner les mouvements de l’enfant.
C’est une montre connecte qu’il faut relier un portable. a se fait facilement heureusement, car pour certaines montres connectes ce n’est pas facile de les appairer.
Il y a pas mal de fonctions disponibles, notamment plusieurs modes sport avec contrle de la frquence cardiaque et podomtre, ce qui amuse tous les enfants.
Il y a une camra, il faut dfinir avec l’enfant l’utilisation d’une telle fonction (pour ma part, j’opre le contrle via mon smartphone auquel la montre est reli). Et je peux lui envoyer des rappels, mettre des alarmes, c’est intressant.
La qualit de l’cran est trs correcte pour une montre de cette gamme et l’interface est intuitif.
Da unser Junior sich schon lange eine “richtige” Smartwatch wnscht haben wir hier zugegriffen, denn die Optik und das Aussehen passt sehr gut zu dem, was er sich vorstellt.
Die Anbindung und auch Einrichtung via App war berhaupt kein Problem und hat auch mit einem lteren Smartphone gut geklappt.
Die gngigen Funktionen wie Wecker, Nachrichteninfo, Stoppuhr, Fitnesstracker oder Musiksteuerung funktionieren und damit ist unser Junior schon richtig glcklich.
Wenn jetzt die Uhr noch 1-2 Jahre durchhlt – was die Robustheit angeht, dann wre das super.
Ich habe im Rahmen des Amazon Vine dieses Artikel kostenlos bekommen um eine Bewertung im Anschluss zu geben.
Die Dwfit Smartwatch fr Kinder ist in einer sehr kleinen und kompakten Verpackung angekommen. Beim Auspassung muss man die Uhr noch mit den Armbnder zusammenschlieen, es sind drei teilig.
Die Uhr lsst sich in verschiedenen Sprachen einstellen, darunter Deutsch, Englisch, Franzsisch,… Unter den Hauptfunktionen gehren die Schrittzhler, Herzfrequenz, Benachrichtigung und Stopuhr.
Die Smartwatch ist sehr hochwertig und verarbeitet.
Fitness Tracker
Viele Funktion
Gutes Display
Kein Netzteil
Sehr hochwertiger Smartwatch, fr den Preis kann ich nur empfehlen. Von mir bekommt es 5 Sterne. Fr den Preis kann ich weiterempfehlen.
Das Produkt wurde mir im Rahmen eines Testprogrammes zur Verfgung gestellt.
Es handelt sich hier um eine Kinder Smartwatch in rosa.
Viele Funktionen wie Sport Modus, Schrittzhler, Herzfrequenzmessung, Schlafmonitor usw.
Kann per App mit dem Handy gekoppelt werden, so das eine Anruf oder Nachrichten Benachrichtigung auf die Uhr geht.
Wirklich eine tolle Kinder Uhr mit vielen Funktionen zum angemessenen Preis.