Expandable Garden Hose, 75FT Hose Pipe with 8 Functions Spray Nozzles, Solid Brass Connector Fittings, Flexible Lightweight Garden Hose, for Irrigation, Cleaning, Washing, 23m Gree

The water pipe is made of high quality, durable and leak-proof material, it is strong and durable, and the solid brass connection does not break or leak.
The garden hoses must not become tangled, twisted or kinked. When the water is turned on, the hose quickly expands to three times its length due to the water pressure, so the garden hose is used for watering the garden or washing the car.
Weight: | 2.05 kg |
Size: | 75FT / 23m |
Dimensions: | 27.4 x 18.7 x 12.8 cm; 2.05 Kilograms |
Colour: | Green |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | spaire |
Colour: | Green |
Dimensions: | 27.4 x 18.7 x 12.8 cm; 2.05 Kilograms |
Size: | 75FT / 23m |
Per avvolgerlo correttamente, meglio svuotare sempre il tubo poich altrimenti nel ritirarsi si sposta ed pi difficile srotorarlo
j’utilise ce produit environ une fois par mois et dans ce cadre il rpond mes besoins. Attention de ne pas le laisser scher au soleil car il risquerai de vieillir prmaturment.
C’est le second que je commande. J’ai abim le premier que j’avais depuis plusieurs annes : alors qu’il tait coinc entre deux pierres, j’ai tir fortement dessus et je l’ai abim. J’en ai recommand un autre immdiatement tant ce tuyau est pratique. Mais ne faites pas comme moi : si le tuyau se coince quelque part, dplacez-vous et dcoincez-le dlicatement et vous n’aurez pas de problme.
Der Wasserschlauch wurde uns innerhalb von 8 Stunden geliefert und entspricht vollstndig unseren Erwartunge
It was easy to store on the hook hanger, a bag supplied to stow it away for winter. It looks well made, time will tell?
Pour arroser mes fleurs dans mon jardin il est top.
Have only managed to use the spray nozzle once before it broke. Cheap plastic lock nut stripped it’s thread completely. Luckily I am handy enough to fit a steel nut which works fine.
Really happy with the hose just what we needed.
Fabulous hosepipe ….the best ever I’ve used. Easy to fix on tap. Numerous spray types fast strong robust..what more can i say?
E’ un ottimo prodotto, un pochino caro ma fatto bene, quindi penso che se durer nel tempo, alla fine avr risparmiato anche, ha una borsa sua e nella confezione viene fornita anche dove tenerla appesa che non e da poco perch si riesce a collocarla in un suo posto. da parte mia credo che da consigliare come acquisto
Kann noch nicht beurteilen, da ich diesen Schlauch erst 2 Tage habe .
Fr Frauen, die viel im Garten gieen ist dieser Schlauch eine groe Erleichterung, da er lang ist, wieder zusammenschnurrt und vor allem unheimlich leicht ist. Er verdreht sich nicht, verknotet sich nicht, ist bestens handhabbar. Eine echte Erleichterung fr alle Grtner, speziell Frauen.
So far, so good. Good quality, value for money, does the trick effectively
This item is exactly what we were looking for. It is far more sturdy than previous purchases of similar items. Once you’ve worked out how to attach the connectors (no instructions supplied) it works well.
Surprisingly good quality for the money, nice, solid brass fittings
Der Schlauch ist OK und auf die zugesagte Lnge anwendbar. Die Spritzpistole ist zu schwach im Strahl
Unlike other lighter/flimsy pipes this one does the job easily without tearing if caught. Although a little heavy to manage but thats due to the length that I wanted. Easily connected and no leaks.
Der beste flexibler Gartenschlauch den wir je hatten. Sehr leicht, relativ hoher Druck.
Sehr empfehlenswert.
Il tubo speciale, robusto ben costruito e gli attacchi in ottone una cosa mai vista, precisi e ottimamente costruiti. Poi lo uso per innaffiare e la pistola in dotazione perdeva, per un difetto di fabbricazione, nella giunzione vicino al manico. Peccato ma ho effettuato il reso ma quasi quasi valeva la pena di acquistarne una separata. Ritenta te, potreste essere pi fortunati!!
Il venditore mi ha inviato un nuovo tubo con pistola assolutamente gratis nonostante il reso effettuato e rimborsato. Complimenti per la professionalit e l’onest. Il nuovo tubo funziona perfettamente, e di questo non avevo dubbi, ed anche la nuova pistola si comporta pi che bene con scatti precisi e buona qualit dei materiali. Consiglio assolutamente il prodotto e soprattutto il venditore
eu rapidement, je l’ai essayer 10 min aprs l’avoir reu, notice clair facile d’installation fonctionne bien, plusieurs jets et est extensible comme indiqu achat parfait a voir sur le long terme.
Utile et pratique il remplit toutes les promesses du descriptif .C’est une belle dcouverte ,je recommande cet article qui facilite grandement et agrablement la vie
This hose is top quality! Brass fittings and a sturdy covering on the actual hose. I am very impressed
Ha una buona estensione ma dipende dalla pressione dell acqua. Una volta finito l utilizzo si accorcia e comodo da riporre in poco spazio
Mehr kann ich nicht bewerten – mu doch den Schlauch erst mal kennen lernen!
Feels really sturdy, is actually 100ft as described (I have received another one that was not the length as described) very happy with connectors and water pressure coming through.
I had to have an outside tap fitted to use this hose and after previously sending one back which didnt fit kitchen tap I also realised I needed more length. All good so far just love using it.
Works well in last few weeks , comes with an attachment to hang well on wall by tap, as goood as previously had but 1/3 of the price – recommended
Impressed. Much lighter & easier to use than a standard hosepipe.
This is perfect for both my front and back gardens. Love the tidy hanger that makes it look neat. Would recommend so far.
Reu dans les temps, colis trs professionne!, et surtout trs robuste ! enfin….
Je l’ai utilis plusieurs reprises et c’est parfait. Le longueur est comme signale.
Anti tangle, light to use, good expanding qualities, just right.
Gnial gnial gnial je recommande vivement le top du tuyau
Davvero comodo per ampi spazi e per giardino con tante piante da innaffiare. Lggero e comodo.
semplicemente perfetta per l’uso che devo farne. Raccordi di qualit, si allunga sino a tre volte… insomma perfetta. Consigliatissimo l’acquisto
Je l’utilise pour arroser le jardin, dj servi trois fois, fuis juste au niveau du robinet autrement impeccable
Tubo funzionale e leggero, si allunga con la pressione dell’acqua unica pecca per quanto mi riguarda sono gli attacchi,robusti e ben fatti ma un po’ piccoli per le lance e pistole in commercio. Dopo circa un’anno di utilizzo si rotto l’attacco e ho dovuto buttare il tubo. Esce con la pistola multi funzioni, ma per chi deve annaffiare un giardino come me e poco funzionale.L’ho ricomprato perch comunque lo trovo comodo ma questa volta ho trovato dei terminali adatti .
Aprs deux semaines je suis satisfait. Attendons de voir sur du plus long terme.
Attention : Si jamais votre tuyau est amen prendre du volul sur des dalles de terrasse, la matire extensible peut “s’accrocher” et former des petits “accrocs” l’image d’un pull en laine.
Reviews are hit and miss on these hoses but mine so far works great with no issues
Currently got mine connected to a power washer and works A1I’m only 3 weeks in so time will tell on quality etc.
These crinkly hosepipes are the perfect alternative to solid ones.
Very lightweight, making them easier to handle for disabled people like myself. I’m able to sit and water the garden. The brass fittings make the hosepipe much easier to connect.
Me gusta porque no se enrrolla ni se corta el agua
It’s important to empty the pipe once the tap is switched of, it then shrinks back to its normal size. It is easier to store than a usual hose pipe. The advantage is it takes up less space and the attachment can be set to several water flows. It leaks a bit near the tap at the top if not kept straight.
Lo uso tutte le sere e non ci sono stati problemi.
Mi sembra discreto,speravo che per qualche magia fisica si arrotolasse da solo,in realt bisogna riavvolgerlo manualmente cmq mi sembra buono
Arriva un pacco piccolo, poi soddisfa tutti i metri che dichiarano. Bella sorpresa. Pulito tutto il plateatico e tutte le piante annaffiate. What a nice surprise. So nice for this choice.
Very sturdy and well made product. Brass fittings make this product even better value for money. Very happy and would recommend it.
Cannot yet asses the durability of this product (time will tell). First impessions are that this is the best expandable hose pipe that we have bought to date. Love the fittings.
Correspond bien mes attentes, toutefois solidit je ne sais pas trop tt pour le dire.
Je suis tout fait satisfaite de mon achat. Il rpond toutes mes attentes et correspond la description!
Ce tuyau parait plus solide que les anciens tuyaux “accordon” , il est plus rigide , moins elastique ; les colliers sont en laiton de bonne facture (et non en plastique) un petit enrouleur est fourni. Solidit voir l’usage , il supporte de plus fotes pressions.
Bought this as we have an old plastic type hose which kept kinking and realised just what a great purchase this was, especially for the price! Very lightweight and good quality brass fittings. Would definitely recommend.
Installe, utilis. A voir dans le temps. Il semble plus solide (revtement extrieur un peu plus pais) que celui que j’avais auparavant et qui n’a rsist qu’un an.
I made the mistake of not reading the instructions and did not realise that the 1/2″ adaptor unscrews, giving you a 3/4″ end that fits most taps. As soon as I did that, problem solved and motorhome tank filled.
Great produc
Mi piaciuto tutto ci che cercavo per il mio piccolo giardino. Lo consiglio.
Presa per prova, ma impressione nei primi utilizzi pi che ottima! Accessori veramente ben fatti e molto comoda da usare! Consigliata!
Makes watering the plants easy and love can choose the type of spray i want, great for watering more delicate plants or washing down paving slabs.
Brass connections fit great and hose length great for my size of garde
Trs bien pour le moment. Ne pas le laisser dehors en hiver autrement votre tuyau est foutu
Le produit correspond totalement mes attentes, il semble tre trs solide, l’utilisation dans le temps, j’espre, le confirmera
Does the job. Compact packaging. Metal connectors are nice. As described. Only used briefly so far, so can’t yet vouch for durability. Certainly worth a punt at the price with free delivery.