FLIR ONE PRO Android USB-C | Thermal Imaging Camera for Android, 160 x 120 Thermal Resolution, VividIR (USB-C Connector)

VividIR Image Enhancement No Yes
Onscreen IR Scale No Yes
Onscreen Regions of Interest 0 6
Onscreen Spot Meters 1 3
Imagery Options MSX Only. MSX, Thermal, and Visible.
Thermal Resolution 80 x 60 pixels. 160 x 120 pixels.
Drop Tested Not applicable. 1.8m, 5.9 ft.
Scene Temperature Range -20 °C to 120 °C (-4 °F to 248 °F). -20 °C to 400 °C (-4 °F to 752 °F).

Dimensions: 6.8 x 1.4 x 3.4 cm; 36.5 Grams
Model: ONE Pro USB-C
Manufacture: FLIR
Origin: China

91 Responses

  1. MackenzGrout says:

     United Kingdom

    This camera is very useful and handy.
    I recommend it !

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought a cheaper camera that actually looked like a toy no good at all so bought this one exactly what I needed can’t fault it. the picture over lay is really helpful

    Best camera for the money cheaper ones no good

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As an Electrician, I don’t know how I lived without this.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Have had no problems but does take a little time to connect and initialise when inserted. Have found all the features straightforward to use for thermal imaging and the hardware is very responsive when traversing a large area with no discernible jitter. The battery life seems more than good enough going by the level meter in the app. Have used it around two houses so far and still had 50% left. The lightning connection is very solid and not fragile as i had feared before using it. Connects through the gap in an OtterBox protector using its extension mechanism. Good little carry case works with lightning extended after a little adjustment.

  5. ToryGGFqjvj says:

     United Kingdom

    We bought this for a more in depth view of a drafty house and it was able to accurately pinpoint areas where cold was coming in for us to reseal or cover. The thermal images are easy to view and the app easy to install on our phone and tablet. Happy with it.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHelped me find those cold spots in the home, and dropped my daily gas bill down from 14 a day to 4 a day…. so its already saved me more than I paid for the device… happy days

    Battery life could be a little longer… but for the size of it you can’t really complain.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIf you want to view into the world of infrared, this is the tool to use with your iphone. It requires IOS 14 or greater. The app, with iphone, shows, in excellent detail, images of heat traces and distinguishes hot/cold surfaces very well (white through to the blue spectrum). Tracing central heating pipework is useful. Looking for hot/cold spots is vital if there are issues with draughts, cold spot and air blocks in pipework.

    Looking at printed wiring boards for high temperatures in components is another use.

    You can record video/still images to the iphone for viewing later. All images are captured by the FLIR camera -NOT the iphone. The rechargeable battery will last around 60mins. High Recommended.

  8. MargretColwell says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLove this. It’s perfect to identify heat sources and locations. Also good to use if you ever have a water leak where you can detect where the hot water has gone in your ceiling and walls.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For the price, it’s great to have the such a camera. Starting up however is boringly slow and I believe the app glitches often. Still very usable though.

  10. IWCA Web Editor says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI was worried as a number of the reviews are a bit negative – and it looks like they refer to different (less powerful) models. I’ve just received my FLIR Edge Pro, setup was super simple and the photos it takes are amazing!

    Can easily see some insulation issues that were picked up by a contract with a significantly more expensive camera. Examples attached. It seems to do a nice mix of visual plus infrared (though you can select one or the other).

    Camera setup is really easy, no instructions needed. Download app, turn on camera, allow app to connect to camera, and take pictures! I’ve not yet had to read the manual and everything is really intuitive.

    By default you can select 1,2 or 3 spots as well as highest or lowest spot to show the temperature of. It also has 1GB free cloud integration (FLIR Ignite) and you can re-edit / move the spots on there.

    FLIR Edge Pro is amazing!

  11. Sarah Hishan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt’s expensive I know, but trust me, it will find so many insulation issues in your house to fix that it’ll pay itself back. And the second hand values are quite high, so once you’ve finished you can sell it on.

    Battery life is poor and image quality is low, but you’ll get the idea quickly enough.

    Since I bought it I’ve completely insulated my bathroom, added insulation to various walls in my house, added underfloor insulation where I can, and so on. It’s a really good tool – the house is more comfortable now.

  12. Nathan Sanel says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersResolution is probably OK, but not stellar. The single sample point is more restrictive than you’d imagine, the text is white and when you’re focusing on a hot object it’s really hard to read because the image is nearly white. The lack of a hottest and coldest point on the image is also a huge limit on functionality. Don’t get suckered in by the brand name, this is barely good enough.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersHonestly I wasn’t going to buy one.. buti had a few uses for a reasonably good one and I have built one using a pi and mxl sensor. The quality is better. Not too sure I like the software and the watermark on every picture but easily removed. Easy to use but even with its adjustment, it doesn’t fit with rugged cases! It’s OK with normal/samsung cases. Overall? I got it with a prime deal. If it wasn’t discounted I probably would not have bought i

    Its quiet good.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, very good for my defect reports.

    It has several options of which you can use to determine issues with, highly recommend to buy.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It’s great for anything you need a thermal camera for. The pic shows the difference in temp between my UV/Heat Blocking privacy tint on the same window. Top is untinted, bottom is with the tint. There are tons of uses. Having a total of 3 custom measurement points as well as a “hottest” and “coldest” point, for up to 5 points, is really handy.

    The second pic is inside a closet, looking at the ceiling. If you want to know where your insulation is lacking, you will with this. I also use it for powder coating. It’s got too many uses to list here. If you need one, it’s a great item. Just make sure you get the correct model for your temp range. The cheaper one doesn’t go high enough for powder coating but it would be great for a home inspector.

    It's awesome and very useful.

  16. AnhQ86hscnzbuzp says:

     United States

    The MSX Image Enhancement Technology generates an outline of the objects in the picture to help identify what it is you are looking at (example pic attached).

    Funny Story, I looked at the yard at night and saw a small hot spot in the yard and figured it was a mouse or small rat or something, so I was going to scare it away before the dogs got to it. I went out into the yard and before I could stop the dogs, they were with me. As I got closer to the hot spot, the dogs went ahead and got near the hot spot like they knew it was there but didn’t go after whatever it was. When I finally got there, I saw it was a fressh dog poop (no pic attached :).

    I like the superimposed outline of the surroundings

  17. Lara says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersThe camera is great, but the software puts a watermark on the image, and the ability to move the cross-hairs has disappeared in a software update. The software also overrides the orientation lock and rotates the screen anyway, except it doesn’t rotate the menus, so some thing are the right way up, and some are not.

  18. Unauthenticated User says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this in November 2020 to improve my understanding of building heat loss. It has proved useful because I now have a small portable device that I can use to record building fabric and plumbing heat loss.
    While it is not a fully professional device it serves to provide knowledge which would other wise cost far more to obtain.
    I can record pictures to my phone to show when I explain issues to others. Before this device I was presuming how heat loss was occurring. Now I can see the evidence.

  19. MarquitTurley says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersFor the price l would expect it to be much faster on loading up and also better battery life. If you don’t use it for a while it drains so when you come to use it, it’s dead.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Vor dem Hintergrund der immer bedrohlicher wirkenden Klimavernderungen sowie der stetig und jetzt auch massiv steigenden Energiepreise waren wir schon lange bemht, unser Altbauhaus durch geeignete Manahmen energetisch effizienter zu machen. Auenwrmedmmung und Tausch von Tren und Fenstern waren an dieser Stelle bereits sehr erfolgreich.

    Nun sind wir an einem Punkt, wo es immer schwieriger wird, verbliebene kleine, jedoch lstige Schwachstellen aufzuspren. Damit begann ich, mich fr Thermografie zu interessieren, empfand viele Angebote fr den begrenzten Einsatz als zu teuer und fand schlielich das Konzept berzeugend, dass eine Thermokamera, die sich den Aufwand fr Anzeige, Aufzeichnung etc. sparen kann, weil das alles ja in einem Smartphone ohnehin enthalten ist, sehr berzeugend. Fr eine Stand-Alone-Kamera gleicher Qualitt msste ich wohl den doppelten Preis ansetzen.

    Ich bestellte also zunchst diese FLIR ONE Pro LT und war sehr beeindruckt. Eigentlich erfllte es mit seiner Auflsung bei Probeaufnahmen alle meine vorerst erkennbaren Ansprche.

    Dann berkamen mich Zweifel, ob ich mit der etwas teureren Variante FLIR ONE Pro ohne LT nicht besser bedient wre, weil sie erweiterte Temperaturen zudem feiner auflsen kann. Ich bestellte diese ebenfalls und schickte die “LT” wieder zurck. Nicht weil die wirklich deutlich erkennbare Nachteile zeigte. Im Vergleich gleicher Aufnahmen musste ich wirklich sehr genau hinsehen, um qualitative Unterschiede festzustellen. Dennoch entschied ich mich dafr, die “Pro” zu behalten, weil ich unsicher war, ob ich diese sehr feinen Vorteile nicht irgendwann doch vermissen wrde.

    Bis auf diesen Punkt gilt meine Bewertung fr beide Gerte gleichermaen.

    Tatschlich fand ich nach und nach immer mehr ntzliche Anwendungen von Thermografischen Aufnahmen auch au0erhalb der blichen Suche nach Wrmelecks im Haus, wie z.B.:
    – Darstellung des Fllgrads von geschlossenen Regentonnen
    – Anzeige des Verlaufs meiner Perlschlauchbewsserung
    – Wrmeverlauf in Komposttonnen usw.

    Einen groen Vorteil bietet nach meiner Meinung das von FLIR patentierte MXS-Verfahren der berlagerung der Infrarot-Kamera mit einer “normalen” hher auflsenden zweiten Digitalkamera. Die Kombination bietet den groen Vorteil einer wesentlich besseren Orientierung im Bild.

    Nicht unerwhnt mchte ich allerdings einige negative Aspekte der Flir ONEs lassen, die fr mich vllig unverstndliche Einschrnkungen der Anwendbarkeit sind:
    – Schon der “HINWEIS – Nicht kompatibel mit …” im Angebot zeigt, dass der Kufer schon sehr viel Glck haben muss, ein passendes Android-Gert zu besitzen. Bis auf mein Huawai-P30-Smartphone konnte bei mir keines erfolgreich Kontakt mit dem FLIR aufnehmen, obwohl sich die App normal installieren und starten lie!
    – Die Benutzeroberflche ist etwas unbersichtlich und hat noch deutlich Optimierungspotential.
    – rgerlich ist zudem, dass keine Mglichkeit geboten wird, die Aufnahmen auerhalb der Androidoberflche zu bearbeiten (z.B. Farbpalettenwahl unter Windows). Die Matrix der Thermo-Informationen ist ja mit 80×80 bzw 160×120 recht klein und offenbar einfach im EXIF-Bereich der Bilddateien untergebracht. Diese sind ja nicht nur unter Android auswertbar.
    – Dass jede Aufnahme ein “FLIR”-Wasserzeichen ziert, ist schlielich wenigstens ein Schnheitsfehler.

    Gesamtergebnis: Fr mich etwas durchwachsen. Einerseits bin ich mit den Aufnahmeergebnissen zufrieden, andererseit bin ich sehr unzufrieden mit den genannten Einschrnkungen.

    Beide eigentlich gut, aber ... und behalten habe ich dann doch die FLIR ONE Pro ohne LT

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve already used it to secure a job brilliant add to the arsenal

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works well. Needed to check the house for heat escapes. Was fairly cheap and easy to use.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is my first one so it’s hard to compare to others. I can see the heat tubing in my in-floor heating. I found a few places in my ceiling that had no insulation behind it. and I could see where behind a wall it was framed for a sliding glass door, the framing was letting more cold past than the insulation. you can see animals in the dark and the blended view mode is great for better interpreting what you’re seeing. I would recommend it.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ideally use on a cold night to give best results when examining the outside of the house.
    Clearly shows which window seals were gone and that will need replacing.

  25. JamaalCannon says:

     United States

    Wow! Didn’t know I had so many issues in my home…however, i’m still under warranty and they are coming to put insulation in a number of places they totally missed. The piece of mind knowing my home “will be” properly insulated soon is well worth the price. Now I’m helping family, friends, and neighbors. Yep… it costs a bit… but was worth it to me…just to know the truth in my home.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m getting some renovations done to my hope and am going to use it to ensure insulation is doing it’s job.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBiggest pro: works great, totally satisfied from a functionality point of view.

    Biggest con: Battery life leaves a lot to be desired, but at least doesn’t drain the phone.

    Despite this.. the concern I still have, which didn’t occur to me til it arrived, is it needs FLIR’s Android app to work. Without that, it’s a 300 paperweight. I wish I’d bought something with some standalone firmware, that I can count on to work even if the App is canned.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersEDIT: The replacement is even worse, off centre and wonky. Returning for refund. Gutted 🙁
    2nd Edit: Flir technical support came back to me again and fixed the issue, not sure why the first chap couldn’t do the same.

    Absolutely love what this can do, works mostly well on my Pixel 4a, I can see the hot water pipes in my walls and under my floorboards! Will try with wildlife at some point.
    BUT the FLIR One has 2 cameras, one thermal and one digital, allowing it to show a real time outline of what you are looking at. Unfortunately these are not aligned well, they are about a foot out at a distance of 3 metres. I rang Teledyne, they are very helpful but agreed that this needs returning as faulty. The apps are a little flakey too, probably work better if you buy the PRO version.
    BUT because I love this so much I have ordered a replacement, fingers crossed it will be better aligned. will update my feedback at a later date when the replacement arrives.

    Love this BUT

  29. Gia Liu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIdeal for plumbing jobs such as when using the Adey Magnacleanse to remove sludge/magnatite from your system.

  30. PansyHoadfjn says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWorks fine – does what I want, but appallingly over packaged. It comes with a nice carry case, but why does it need multiple layers of cardboard, plastic, then more cardboard with built in magnetic fastenings etc?

  31. Joel Keehn says:

     United Kingdom

    a good entry level thermal camera , battery life is short but charges again in an hour , cheaper than FLIR online store.

  32. Staff says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOne thing that drove me crazy with this was that it kept disconnecting. I’d read reviews complaining about this but bought it anyway. Its actually a straight forward fix and I suspect not a Flir problem in the majority of cases. Clean out your charging socket on your phone with a needle. Mine was full of compacted belly button fluff and now the camera stays connected when I plug it in.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersEither the camera is faulty or I’m well and truly heating the neighborhood and the company that did my cavity insulation 10 years ago did nowt and conned me. ( council contractor).
    If the pictures are true, I’m at a total loss of where to start. Need some pro help I think.
    Camera was easy to set up and use. Did not have to take case off. When I took pictures indoors could clearly see cold spots. Definitely starting with roof and working my way down. Not used the tools yet and want to see pics on PC but good camera.

    All 4 stars as too early to tell, but first impressions are good

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAlthough I had the right android build and right usb connection the FLIR app would not recognise my phone. Ulefone do a rugged version of my phone with a FLIR 1 camera built in,which helps confuse things. It works well on my son’s phone, a Samsung. Battery life is good. FLIR do ask you to try different things but in the end, I’m going for a refund.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Registrazione del prodotto un p laboriosa, richiede del tempo, ma i vantaggi sono innegabili.
    Ci sono altri prodotti con risoluzione anche maggiore, ma i tools e l’app. (gratuiti) sono impagabili, infatti sfruttano il sistema professionale di Flir.
    Per chiarirsi le idee comunque un giro sui video disponibili in rete di grande aiuto.
    Naturalmente essendomi documentato prima, dopo aver atteso 1 ora per la carica della batteria, lo strumento stato subito produttivo.

  36. KarlBoswell says:


    L’hiver arrivant grand pas je voulais vrifier les ponts thermiques prsent la maison. Ca fait peur !!! Je vais avoir tu taf pour rparer ces dfauts 🙁
    Sinon l’appareil fonctionne parfaitement sur ma Tab S5e et mon Oppo Find X2 pro
    La prcision est pas trop mal, sur mon bed d’imprimante 3d 60.3 contre 60 mesur au thermomtre laser, qui a raison ? Mais bon 0.3 pour un amateur c’est trs honorable
    Au niveau des rglages c’est trs complet, changement de la grille de couleur, prise de photos ou de vido et surtout grce au logiciel Flir Thermal Studio en version gratuite on peut faire une analyse complte de l’image ainsi mettre plusieurs point de mesure de temprature, chose que l’on ne peux pas faire en live comme sur la version pro, mais de nouveau pour un amateur c’est dj norme.
    Bref je le recommande sans souci pour tout les bricoleurs, c’est un outil de diagnostique et d’analyse trs utile dans beaucoup de domaine

    Parfait pour amateu

  37. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe vor einiger Zeit das Vorgngermodell mit Micro-USB fr Android gekauft und war von dem schwachen Akku und der wirklich schlechten Software enttuscht. Die Kamera (Software?) damals hat sich alle paar Minuten aufgehngt, sofern die Kamera berhaupt erkannt wurde. Getestet bei drei verschiedenen Samsung Smartphones und zwei Tablets.

    Das neue Modell funktioniert hingegen wie erwartet. Anschliessen, Software starten, einschalten. Funktioniert beim Samsung Note 20 und dem Galaxy S10 bisher ohne Fehler. Die Kamera muss zwischendurch nur “justiert” werden, da Wrmebild und das Kamerabild verschoben sind.

    Allerdings haben sich der Akku und damit die Laufzeit nicht wesentlich verbessert. Nach knapp einer Stunde Benutzung ist Feierabend. Was an sich nicht ganz so tragisch wre, wenn sich der Akku bei Nichtbenutzung nicht so schnell entladen wrde. Bei meiner Kamera ist der Akku nach zwei Tagen ohne Benutzung trotz vorherigem Ladens fast leer. Also immer vor dem geplanten Einsatz an das Ladegert hngen.

    Was ausserdem nicht geht (jedenfalls bei mir) ist, die Kamera whrend sie benutzt wird an eine Powerbank oder ein Ladegert anzuschliessen. Also Laufzeit durch Powerbank verlngern ist nicht. Sehr schade. Trotzdem vier Sterne, weil ich durch das USB-C Modell nicht an EIN Handy oder Tablet gebunden bin. Kompakt und mobil, darauf kam es mir hauptschlich an.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United States

    My husband is a contractor. I bought him this for his birthday. He loves it. He can easily attach it to his samsung phone and with the easy to use app, help find water leaks, electricity problems…. so many uses. The image is clear and the ability to switch thermal imaging to picture imaging is very helpful.

    My husband is a contractor. I bought him this for his birthday. He loves it. He can easily attach it to his samsung phone and with the easy to use app, help find water leaks, electricity problems.... so many uses. The image is clear and the ability to switch thermal imaging to picture imaging is very helpful.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersSorry to say this but after buying this for work for a single video project to see what was going on with a product in IR, this has now become one of my favourite gadgets ever for having fun. Want to see where someone has just walked? No problem? Want to see if a “present” left by a dog or cat in your garden is just laid? No problem? Want to find where your chicken has vanished to (not joking, we used this to find where a chicken was roosting in the hedge, see attached image)? No problem. Want to create fun selfies? No problem. I recommend to any other gadget lover, find whatever excuse you can and get this!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant fun!

  40. Karisa Langlo says:


    Very accurate, easy to use, and extremely portable! I’ve got the basic model, and my 2 suggestions to up it to 5 stars would be to be able to move the temperature crosshair (sometimes you want to center a unit in the picture and the crosshair doesn’t line up), and to have an available range legend which would really help put into perspective the temperature (colour) differences.

    Very accurate, easy to use, and extremely portable! I've got the basic model, and my 2 suggestions to up it to 5 stars would be to be able to move the temperature crosshair (sometimes you want to center a unit in the picture and the crosshair doesn't line up), and to have an available range legend which would really help put into perspective the temperature (colour) differences.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Das Gert ist leicht in der handhabung, und zuverlssig in der funktion. Man kann punktgenaue messungen durchfhren, das gert ist gut geeignet fr zb. Kltebrcken an Rolladenksten, oder wrmequellen auf zu spren, zb. Nistksten von Vgeln kann man besonders abends gut sehen ob sich ein Tier in der brut befindet, ohne es zu stren.
    Was natrlich nicht so gut ist, aufgrund des preises im vergleich zu andern gerten, ist die auflsung und die entfernung zu den Objekten. Doch finde ich die preisleistung fr diese art von Gert unschlagbar, und es erfllt in den meisten fllen seinen zweck.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Zum kauf bewegt haben mich einmal die Marke FLIR und der gnstigere Preis als eine Stand Alone Wrmebildkamera. App muss auf einem Android Smartphone installiert sein (in meinem fall ein Mate20), nach dem anschliessen die FLIR cam einschalten (Unterseite) Nach ca. 3-4 Sekunden ist sie Betriebsbereit. Die Leistung ist super. Bei 24 Grad Lufttemperatur kann man Frsche im hohen Gras (mit dem Auge nicht sichtbar) anhand der wrmeunterschiede exakt als Frosch identifizieren. Auch Vogelnester in dichten Baumkronen knnen lokalisiert werden wenn die Distanz nicht zu gro ist. Ein Nachteil, 1Stunde Nutzungsdauer und muss separat geladen werden. Der Akku ist fest verbaut und ist die einzige Stromversorgung. Sehr positiv, der USB-C Stecker an der FLIR One kann in der Lnge raus oder rein an einer Drehwalze verstellt werdn, sehr sinnvoll wenn man eine dick Handyhlle zb. UAG hat. Im Lieferumfang ist ein passendes Hardcase und ein USB Kabel. Bin zufrieden. Noch als Nachtrag die FLIR One funktioniert auf mit Fremd Apps, wobei ich den Eindruck habe das die Akku Laufzeit der FLIR one geringer ist. Ich bin zufriede

  43. Joshua Goldman says:


    Das Teil ist fr den Preis echt gut, auch die Software. Gute Auflsung, aussagekrftige Bilder. Erstaunlich was man damit sieht:

    – Heizwendeln in der Fubodenheizung
    – feuchte Stellen im Teppich oder in der Wand
    – wo man fr 2 Sekunden die Hand auf den Schreibtisch gelegt hat (geschtzt 1 min lang).
    – Kabel die von Strom warm werden
    – u.v.a.m.

    Ich habe nichts dran zu mkeln und den Kauf noch nicht bereut …

  44. the-health says:


    ho recensito semipro con grande modestia, apprendendo bene e con un po’ di esperienza ho surclassato un collega cj
    he aveva il modello a pistola molto pou’ costoso.
    fa egregiamente il lavoro per il quale e’ destinato. l’utilizzo con il cellulare e’ il massimo della portabilita’ dello strumento e sfrutta tutte le potenzialita’ che il cellulare ha: rapidita’ di trasferire i risultati e la possibilita’ di creare dei report istantanei.

  45. Beth Pridding says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIt certainly has practical uses. I was able to see areas of poor insulation that needed remediation. It also works as a better stud finder than an purpose built stud finder on external walls when there is a temperature differential between inside and outside. Of course it’s also hours of entertainment viewing random things. It’s sensitive enough to see foot prints after someone has walked across the floor.

    It certainly has practical uses. I was able to see areas of poor insulation that needed remediation. It also works as a better stud finder than an purpose built stud finder on external walls when there is a temperature differential between inside and outside. Of course it's also hours of entertainment viewing random things. It's sensitive enough to see foot prints after someone has walked across the floor.

  46. Anonymous says:



    Working better than expected. Received faster than estimated date. I use it at work for diagnosis of heating equipment. Until now, accuracies of cameras is simply incredible and the app allows you recalibrate pictures after you take it.

    In this picture you can see a contactor over heating on a electric water heater.

    Love this gadge

  47. ShereeThurman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGreat item, already worked out where I have drafts coming in on the front door and the kitchen window, it’s a big outlay but it will pay for its pretty soon by letting me know where I need to seal areas prone to drafts and save on my heating bill.
    I have 1 recommendation, look at the picture of my camera in its case, you will see I have cut foam away where the usbc is, this stops you having to retract the USB every time you put it back in the case, also you will see i have removed foam where the switch is, this stops the button being pressed when your putting it back in the case and the battery going flat, I’ve not charged mine for about 3 months and I use it about 2 minutes a day 5 days a week.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Will save you money in the long ru

  48. Anonymous says:


    Funktioniert problemlos mit dem Samsung S10.

    Man darf keine hohen Erwartungen bezglich der Auflsung haben, diese ist wirklich sehr gering.
    Sie funktioniert aber gut fr das Auffinden von Wrmebrcken. Auch kann man diese nutzen um z.B. die Durchblutung von Gesicht und Krperteilen zu erforschen. Steht man barfu auf keinem kalten Boden sieht man danach den Fuabdruck….also auch ein nettes Spielzeug.
    In einem vllig dunklen Raum kann man vieles erkennen.

    Was nur irritiert sind Begehungen z.B. im Garten im Dunkeln. Da sind bei Minusgraden die Steine der Terrasse orange und nicht violett, wie ich es bei den Temperaturen erwarten wrde.

  49. SheliaEdens says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGreat product! Good resolution, great image, seems to be accurate compared to my temperature gun. This really puts one aspect of the unseen world into perspective. The only problem is that it is not compatible with the S9 otter box case- even though the connector is adjustable, it just can’t compensate as much as I need it to. That being said I think they need to work on the adjustability of the connector. If you have a newer otter box, chances are you may need to take it off to use this.

    Great product! Good resolution, great image, seems to be accurate compared to my temperature gun. This really puts one aspect of the unseen world into perspective. The only problem is that it is not compatible with the S9 otter box case- even though the connector is adjustable, it just can't compensate as much as I need it to. That being said I think they need to work on the adjustability of the connector. If you have a newer otter box, chances are you may need to take it off to use this.

  50. Anonymous says:


    Einfach Installation, Software (fast) intuitiv nutzbar. Die Bildauflsung ist insgesamt gut, jedoch fehlt mir bisher die mglichkeit der manuellen Kalibrierung, aber ich gestehe das ich noch nicht alle Features der Software erforscht habe. Zu der wre auch ein einfach zu findendes Pamflait hilfreich.
    Insgesamt macht dir FLIR ONE Pro einen guten EIndruck : mahaltige Verarbeitung, einfache Anwendung, gutes Carrybag mit Polsterung. Fr den Hobbybereich absolut brauchbar und hilfreich, wer allerdings die Przision eines Thermal-Imagers der Preisklasse im hohen 4-stelligen Bereich erwartet, sollte nicht enttuscht sein – denn irgendwo mssen Unterschiede im Preis ja herkommen ( habe selber shcon mit einem Profigert der 35 tsd-Klasse arbeiten drfen, da liegen riesige Unterschiede zwischen, aber wer Wrmelecks sucht oder belastete Leitungen / Warmwasserrohre aufspren will, wird hiermit schon ordentlich bedient ).
    Ich verwende die FLIR ONE Pro brigens mit einem Samsung S10

  51. Bonnie Burton says:

     United Kingdom

    I really like how compact this product is. It was easy to set up using the app and my iPhone. For the price, the image could be a bit clearer but you can definitely see heat disperse in areas to look out for especially for heating pipes as you can see from my house although I already had an incline where these were. I would recommend this product.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good little device, worth the money and could save problems!

  52. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersMy company has several of these IR cameras that is very helpful in locating problem areas on construction homes, and diagnosing on warranty. The picture lines compared to the IR readings can be a little more accurate, but you know what you’re looking at when you see it. Overall good tool and will continue to purchase as needed.

  53. centurywf says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGood: It works, seems to be pretty accurate and easy to use . Saving snapshots to your phone is really easy, and the App is pretty simple to use if you are familiar with your phone’s Photo app. Take the time to read the manual and get used to how to operate it . For the price this is well worth it for what it can do.

    Not so good: Battery life is about 1 hour , and even though the USBC connector is adjustable to go through a thick phone case, it doesn’t go quite enough to fit through an OtterBox case.

  54. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUsed this to visually locate radiant floor heat tubing in a house that was purchased ‘as is’. Pex tubing in the floor was existing and no one knew where they ran. Needed to identify which zones were which.

    Lots of fun for other stuff. See your warm hand print on something. Foot prints on the floor. See where your house is leaking heat. See where electronic components are overheating, that kind of stuff.

    Got it for Android, cause I own an Android tablet. If I was rich enough, I’d buy another one for the company iphone I carry so I could use it more often.

  55. ClaritaAntoine says:

     United Kingdom

    Got it, charged it up and started using it in 5 minutes on my pixel 4. Works perfectly. Helped me trace plumbing in my walls (it shows up hot pipes behind walls easily, once they’ve been warm for a little while). You can also trace pipes under the floor in the same way. Leaks look like big puddles! It’s brilliant for checking radiator function, too. When a radiator turns on, the heat should be spread evenly throughout. If you have cold corners then you have problems. This makes it super easy to identify such issues at a glance scientifically. It’s pricey, but for me it’s worth it so I can accurately find and fix plumbing problems that would be much more costly to investigate otherwise.

  56. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWhat a great device. First thing I checked was the electrical panel. It’s showed instantly that 2 beakers were much warmer than the rest. They will be swapped out soon. Next.. going into the crawl space to check for leaks. Love this thing!!

  57. Anonymous says:


    Ottima per la stesura di relazioni tecnicofotografiche, unico neo la batteria interna, solo un ora di autonomia,.. meglio munirsi di power bank durante i sopralluoghi. Soddisfa pienamente le aspettative.
    (gi recensito una volta, questa la seconda richiesta…)

  58. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Satisfied with price/performance. Smart design for sliding connectivity. Easy to use.

  59. NestorKeaton says:

     United Kingdom

    I have to say I was a but sceptical about a plug in device for a mobile and I did a fair bit of research into the different models and brands.

    Figured I’d go with the FLIR brand as it’s recognised and the image quality seemed to be better.

    Overall, it’s a great bit of kit. The original interface is easier to use than the beta one that automatically loads up with the app but this can be switched back quite simply.

    It’s really easy to set up and start using as well.

    Really useful for Inspections and it has helped me identify defects that I wouldn’t have been able to see without it.

    I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking into getting one.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent piece of kit for the price.

  60. CandaceMcCants says:


    Ich bin mit der Cam absolut zufrieden. Habe diese am Samsung S10 angeschlossen.
    Fr meine Hobbybereich und auch um bei Kunden mal spontan das Haus zu kontrollieren ein tolles Gert.
    Natrlich sind die Einzelgerte ber 500 Euro besser und fr den Profieinsatz besser, jedoch ist dieses fr seine Gre und einfache Anwendung am Handy in der Preisklasse einfach spitze.

    Kann es auf jeden Fall empfehlen.

    Wer es profimssig einsetzt, sollte zu den sehr teuren wechseln. Aber frs mal schnell kontrollieren ist dieses hier vllig ausreichend

  61. Anonymous says:

     United States

    poor battery life, they should have made it larger for a better battery,

    very poor user information with very small print, shameful product decision.

    It should come with much better users manual printed in the standard 12 font, not the 2 font used.

    the provided manual is greatly lacking in presentation of a good product,

    Sales department failed.

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersLa compre para tema de electronica, para ver que componentes se calentaban en cortocircuito, no tiene una macro muy buena, y por eso es complicado utilizarla para esto, pero para tema de comprobar ambientes calurosos o frios o fugas de temperatura por ventanas, paredes y demas va muy bien. Recomendable para esto.

    Para el precio que tiene no esta mal

  63. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I am very pleased with this product. The delivery speed was incredible.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Love it!!! Technology is awesome! And the transition from hot to cold is grea

  65. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Great camera! Picture quality is great and easy to see. It’s easy to setup and operate. The camera has plenty of different settings depending upon your situation. The controls are easy to handle.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis model has fixed a lot of the problems I had with the previous. Moving to USB-C is a huge improvement. The connector works both ways, so you can use it front facing if there is need, and the connector seems more durable. In theory it allows for faster charging and data bandwidth. I haven’t noticed any difference in the actual camera function. It still does a lot of clicking off and on, which I think is likely a recalibration when moving to different temperature gradients. I like the dial near the connector. it makes it so I can get the connector just the right length to fit snugly against my phone case.

    I use it for general use. Most weeks I find something I need it for. You can see the studs in a wall if the outdoor temperature is different than indoor. I’ve used it to check if spackle or paint is dry after home repairs. It’s easy to see any spots in the home that have gaps in the insulation, or spot problems with heat, condensation, or electrical strain. I’ve been able to pinpoint all the elements in a radiant heating ceiling. I’ve noticed that I can often see injuries with it, which is especially helpful with small children or pets. It’s great for locating my cats when they are hiding around the house, or out in the dark. This thing works. A fun first test is to walk barefoot across a room and then look at your glowing footprints.

  67. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLa tengo para electrnica. Funciona de maravilla con Pocophone F1. Recomendada.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Used this camera to locate heating pipes in a concrete slab and it worked superbly.

  69. montana mama says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 33 From Our UsersThe FLIR ONE PRO LT for IOS has got to be one of my best investments. It has saved time and money in both looking for problem spots as far as insulating is concerned and for looking for a leak on one of my central heating pipes, I have used it over and over and helped out friends with this little gem. It is brutal as far as the battery is concerned, so you have a limited amount of time to get what you need done and the charge rate is slow, so I recommend you look into how to operate it for the use you require it for, before you charge around looking at everything from the family cat to looking at walls bemused why it all looks yellow, it is crucial that you go to the website and learn how to use this but once you the hang of looking at the temperature differential, you will easily be able to find leaks, spot wiring problems and fix drafty roofs and doors.

    Amazing at finding problem spots

  70. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a big improvement over the FLIR One for me. Things you’re going to want to look for when shopping for a thermal camera are the resolution, the temperature range it can measure, accuracy, and refresh rate.

    The resolution of the thermal sensor is great. The temp range is adequate for almost anything, It’s -20C to 400C. Which, if you’re dealing with temps higher than 400C in your daily work, god bless you. Stay safe. The FLIR one only measured up to 120C which, I mean I work with materials heated to 250C on a regular basis. The published accuracy specs seem good, but I cannot find any specs on the framerate of the IR sensor.

    Overall, a great unit. The adjustable connector is also a life saver. FYI remember that we can’t measure temperatures accurately until we’ve commpensated for the emmisivity of the material we are measuring.

  71. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAfter reviewing the many “gun” type infra red cameras with their high prices and tiny screens, I decided to buy the standard (not Pro) Flir for Android unit. I had read of incompatibilities with my oneplus 6 phone but decided to risk it.
    The unit arrived incredibly promptly (I live in Jersey where Amazon prime has historically not been great). I followed instructions and initially my phone did not detect the unit. A quick glance at Flir’s help site suggested ensuring OTG is enabled (in phone’s system settings) and it worked perfectly immediately. I then explored my house with the heating on in order to map the underfloor pipes. After allowing the heating to run for an hour, all the pipes could be seen highlighted on my phone’s large screen. The subtle blending of visual and infra red images really helped and using it after switching off all the lights (at night) gave another helpful perspective. This is not a device for producing pin sharp hi res photos in the infra red spectrum, but the images (and videos!) give enough detail to identify pipes and other objects quite clearly. Video is very helpful in orientating oneself in the house as it can be hard to tell exactly where individual images were taken, without taking notes, after the event.
    The instructions should make it clearer that the unit charges it’s internal battery from a separate (not supplied) charger, NOT from the phone.
    Very pleased with the unit which is well made and can have so many uses looking for hot spots. Even photographing cats in the dark is fun!

  72. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    As someone that has a seek thermal and FLIR ONE this is the bes

  73. Anonymous says:

     United States

    A professional quality thermal camera, that compares to others costing much more. Great tool to have in your pocket when you visit a customer, even if you do landscaping and can’t imagine a use for it. Try it on anything. You will be surprised of the things you will see.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I’ve been wanting a FLIR thermal camera for years for use around the home – identifying hold/cold spots that could use more insulation, checking heat output from various electronics, etc. If you’re looking at a FLIR then you’re probably aware that it can certainly do everything that a homeowner might need it to do – however I think the ‘pro’ grade is a bit overkill for this usage scenario.

    Setup is fairly straightforward – charge the camera with a USB-C cable (one is included) before using it. You’ll also need to download the FLIR app. Once both of the above are done its a simple matter to just plug the camera in and start using it. There are no printed instructions but everything is so straightforward that none are really needed.

    When you’re in the app your phone is turned into a thermal imager; temperature granularity seems to be good and accuracy also seems to be there. That said, I don’t have anything to use as a benchmark so I don’t know how accurate the temperature readings actually are. Taking pictures/videos from the camera are easy, and its easy to recalibrate the camera (it will also do it dynamically if the temperature range you’re looking at changes too dramatically). Things were a bit laggy for me, but I’m using a 4 year old phone; I can only assume performance on later phones is better. Even if not, lag doesn’t overly matter for the intended usages of this device.

    Battery life is not great – there is a dedicated battery in the thermal imager but it goes pretty quickly; about 20-30 minutes of usage knocked off 20% of the battery life for me. However, given that you’ll only be used this for isolated bits throughout the day (even if you’re a professional) I don’t think its a huge deal.
    I attached some pictures – as you can see they look great and display the temperature where indicated, however they don’t have the bar showing the temperature range/scale (this is shown on the app). I wish it was included as well as its a useful piece of information to have on these pictures. There might be a way to force it on, but I haven’t figured it out yet if so.

    I’m very happy I have this and its already come in handy for identifying spots in my home that need more insulation. It also comes with a nice protective case and a USB-C cord, both welcome additions. If I was buying one I wouldn’t have gotten the pro version, but if you need the enhanced capabilities of the pro version its likely worth it. Something to note is that the caterpillar smart phone (the Cat S61) has this camera built into the phone, and the phone is only $830 or so unlocked. If you really need a thermal imager are a looking into a new phone its probably worth it to get the Cat S61 instead of a new phone + this add-on.

    Useful Tool - Overkill For Nonprofessional Use

  75. AntoniaForeman says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersI have had a FLIR TG130 handheld thermal camera for several years, so was really happy to have the opportunity to upgrade to the FLIR ONE. The resolution is pretty much astounding — night and day difference. There is a visible light camera which the app uses to overlay with the IR picture so you can get far better resolution and detail — in the APP you can even slide between either image so, for example, you can be certain exactly which wire was hot.

    I use thermal cameras for assessing insulation in walls, science demos, and winter beehive inspections.

    Likes: Ability to adjust how much the USB-C extends so you can use it with a phone case. I’m using it with a Samsung Galaxy S9 with Otterbox Case, so definitely need this feature. Parallax correction on the dual cameras is nice to have, but haven’t needed that level of accuracy in the image yet.

    Dislikes: Takes longer to boot up than the TG130. You also have to sometimes plug/unplug the device if it isn’t properly turned on before you plug it into your phone. Also, more than once I’ve discovered that the battery was completely drained, likely due to it not automatically turning off after being disconnected.

    If you want something that is dead simple, always works and resolution isn’t that big of an issue, a standalone camera like the TG130 might be a better option. Otherwise the FLIR ONE is pretty amazing.

    Fantastic resolution and features, just be patient and watch the battery…

  76. TeresitRis says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    The FLIR One Pro is an impressive little thermal camera. The FLIR One Pro has a higher resolution, temperature range, and sensitivity than the Pro LT. The device comes with an adjustable height USB-C connector allowing you to leave your phone case on while using the camera.

    Overall this is an excellent device for getting quick measurements. I only wish it had a longer battery life.

  77. Kate Reilly says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is a super cool camera. It’s much smaller than I thought.

    The Good:
    Cool imaging.
    Very compact.

    The Bad:
    The USB-C connector is short, so it doesn’t work if you have a case on.
    Drains power quickly (despite having its own battery)

    The Neutral:
    Requires its own app.
    Charged via Micro-USB.

    Overall, a very cool camera!!!

  78. Pointless Cafe says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Precise. Nice pinpoint temperature mode. Variety of color modes. Even with case off, still have problem connecting to phone. It would be nice if it was more real time. A little pricey.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI love this little imager. It is great for checking for leaks in windows, doors, ductwork and heat output from electronics, etc. By overlaying the image from the thermal and daylight cameras, you get great clarity which helps you “see” where the heat or cold is coming from. They only downside so far is it drains your phone battery quickly, even though the camera has its own battery. I think the app uses a lot of CPU resources because the phone gets warm too.

    -Good image quality
    -Uses daylight camera and thermal imager in tandem to provide more clarity
    -Reasonable price
    -adjustable USB C connector to fit snugly against phone and take stress off connector; allow use of phone case
    – Ability to store and share photos from phone

    Drains phone battery quickly

    Nice thermal camera module for the money

  80. FedericoSjp says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMolto pratico e veloce da usare, l’ho usato sia per test termici su cappotto e ponti termici che per trovare perdite di acqua.

  81. Victoria Barker says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Arrivato nei tempi giusti prodotto funzionante, rapporto qualit prezzo buona

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 26 From Our UsersAuf Samsung S7, S8 und Samsung S9 wurde die Wrmebildkamera sofort erkannt und konnte nach Installieren der Ap sofort genutzt werden. Fr meinen Zweck ( Suche nach Kltebrcken in der Ausenfasade und vor allem an den Fenstern ) ist diese Kamera fr diesen Preis TOP. Nach einigen Versuchen wurden auch brauchbare ergebnisse erziehlt.
    Gegen andere Flir Kamera fr 670 ist hier kein unterschied zu erkennen.
    Fr mich gibt dieses Produkt eine glatte 5 Sterne Bewertung denn der Preis und die Qualitt stimmt einfach.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI use the Flir One Pro to find overheating components on electronic circuit boards. Works great, and I was able to fix three circuit boards on the first day! Then, I used it to find energy leaks in the house. This will definitely pay for itself this summer… The calibrated temperature scale and points of interest tool are very useful.

  84. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usersacquistata per diagnostica su impianto elettrico e idraulico di un macchinario in ambiente industriale, ottima soluzione economica per identificare agevolmente ler critici

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersSo far I am very impressed with this product. I did my research before as it was an expensive purchase and I am glad I went with this one. I have used other thermal cameras in the past and have not been impressed but the quality of the images on this unit is very impressive. I think the stand out feature is the face it blends a actual picture with a thermal image so you keep the importance information like labeling on a fuse board. I am impressed by the accuracy of the temperature and the fact you can make changes to the image after the photo has been taken allowing you today choose the best colour setting or move the temperature point.

    It’s expensive bit of kit but when you compare it to the equivalent spec camera it’s actually quite cheap. For this kind of price you wouldn’t be getting very good images.

    I have highy expect this will be getting lots of uses at work been an electrician both diagnosis of faults and when doing electrical safety checks and will make use stand out from the others not using this technology.

    Also a nice added point is the USB c connection is extendable so it fits on even with my large case something I was concerned about before purchasing.

  86. [email protected] Teresa Lopez says:

     United States

    This works better than I thought it would. It does only have about 15 minute a battery life, but a lot can be accomplished in those 15 minutes. There is a learning curve, but it is small. I’m not a home professional, and this probably doesn’t compare to those units, and I wouldn’t expect it too. It’s good for what it is.

  87. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    estremamente maneggevole, buona qualit, molto utile per veloci valutazioni in fasi di sopralluogo in cantiere. fornita in una pratica custodia

  88. Cathy3475ejv says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersOur main likes and dislikes were:
    1. The Flir camera: we thought it was a fantastic and compact little tool if you don’t need much resolution for the job to hand.
    2. The Flir app. Not much in the way of instructions, and although the hardware is hardy, plug in and play . . . very straightforward, we would have benefitted from a Quickstart guide that covered how to get the most out of the camera screen. Most people would be able to work it out as there is a Help guide on the app: we didn’t bother because Flir’s resolution wasn’t fit for our purposes. There is a torch/flash on the Flir app. When we were downloading the Flir app (which had a 1star rating), we also downloaded a couple of other compatible apps that had 4-5star ratings that were also advertised on the Flir app. We gave ourselves 2 minutes per app to figure them out and couldn’t do it: they may be out of date.
    3. How it works with an iPhone. So the camera can be attached to the phone to face either direction which is great. We had to remove the case for it to fit our iPhone . . . and the phone felt VERY vulnerable in the locations we wanted to use it. Obviously you could buy a new phone case that is compatible with Flir. The other thing was that photos taken using the Flir camera button did not capture ALL the information (e.g. the temperature gradient) on the screen at the time so we ended up doing screen shots using the iPhone home and on/off button. This was actually quite tricky as you had to make sure your hand did not block the Flir, or that you didn’t click the phone into the lock screen (happened a lot). The Flir itself is robust: we wouldn’t recommend changing how it attaches to the iPhone.

    Despite the issues, we were impressed with the fact that you could do this kind of thing with a mere phone. Maybe a future version with more resolution would suit us: at the moment though, we have decided to splurge on a full handheld unit with a higher resolution.

    In the end we decided to splurge a bit more on a more powerful non-phone version and so sent this for refund.

  89. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have the iOS version of the FLIR One Pro. It works well as does the software. Please ensure you read reviews for the product you are interested in buying – I think the iOS version is stable and offers lots of neat functionality.

    There’s not enough info with the unit though. Initial registration was straightforward and didn’t feel like the bind other users report. I plugged the One in to charge. The charge light glued green when fully charged, flashes before that.

    I liked that FLIR Tools now has a version on iOS, so I don’t need to transfer images to my PC before analysis. Great to analyse afterwards to discern temperature. So far I haven’t found out how to lock the scale – on some of my pics, the scene looks like there’s lots of variability (lots of colour) but in fact there are only 1 or 2 degrees between specific spots. Sometimes it would be better to have only the big changes shown.

    But overall a great product. So glad I read the iOS reviews before buying this – I had considered I’d need to get a C3, have saved 200 by not needing to do that!

  90. tooFab Staff says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto efficiente, arrivato puntuale e velocemente. Unica “pecca” l’adattatore per applicazione con Samsung 7 rende l’utilizzo meno pratico ma un dettaglio

  91. Eliza40Kfqgdjye says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersPer il mio lavoro decisamente utile, ma la batteria si scarica parecchio in fretta e deve essere caricato ogni volta.
    Considerato l’attacco Type-C ipotizzavo l’utilizzo della batteria dello Smartphone come autoricarica