French Fries Cutter, Sopito Stainless Steel Potato Chipper Professional Potato Cutter with 1/2-Inch Blade for Home and Commercial Use


Easy to use:

1. Place the cutter on a flat work surface, must keep the sucker and work surface super clean to ensure the large sucker more firmly adsorbed the mesa.

2 . Pull the handle arm till the compartment is fully opened, put the potato in it, then push down the handle arm, finish!


Cutting the front and end of the potato will give a more even force on the potato.

Replacement Part ✓ ✓
Blade 9x9mm 7x7mm 7x7mm 7x7mm

Weight: 2.2 kg
Dimensions: 25.91 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm; 2.2 Kilograms
Brand: Sopito
Model: Coupe frites inox professionnelle
Colour: Silver
Colour: Silver

141 Responses

  1. John Saunders says:


    Ist nicht fr Skartoffeln geeignet, aber fr normale Kartoffeln sehr gut.
    Skartoffeln lieber mit dem Messer weiter schneiden.

  2. DaniellOverlock says:


    Un peu cher, mais a vaut vraiment le coup. J’adore. Je recommande vivement.

  3. Anonymous says:


    produit trs qualitatif et robuste
    permet de travailler les pommes de terre en entier
    lavage simple

  4. JosetteW82 says:

     United Kingdom

    Great cuts chips and other stuff your mind is the limi

  5. Anonymous says:


    It is sturdy and stable, well made, easy to clean. It is advertised as having two blades 9×9 and 12×12 mm. It came with 12×12 only. This so annoying that this fact had not been brought to my attention.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Marche tres bien , sans effort meme avec de grosse pd

  7. FabianStoller says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great potato chip maker but it does have a design flaw that would have made it more stable. If this had a suctio cup at both ends it would have made it easier to use or more stable. Other than that it is a great product but I need to heed warning not to place your fingers anywhere near the blades as they are extremely sharp and even the slightest touch you will cut your fingers. I can vouch from my own stupidly as I accidently placed my finger and it was only a slight nip so be careful.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Este cortador de papas es el mejor que he tenido! Pesado, adecuado para papas extra grandes y con una sola manija que funciona sin problemas. Solo tuve que pedir por separado el cortador adicional para papas fritas ms pequeas. Pero realmente vale la pena el dinero!

  9. Anonymous says:


    Macht erstmal einen soliden Eindruck, haben ihn schon ein paarmal benutzt.
    Die Kanten mussten wie von anderen beschrieben, entgratet werden.
    Sind bis jetzt zufrieden.
    Das ist der Zwei Versuch einen hoffentlich langlebigen Fritteschneider zu haben.
    Unser alter hat leider nach 50 Jahren den Geist aufgegeben, haben ihn sehr oft genutzt.

  10. MicheleHust says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good easy to use I do not pull the handle I have it other way round and push it and it stay down better well made easy to clean. I like i

  11. Russell Hulstine says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great bit of kit only down side is big potatoes take some pushing to get through.
    Oh and keep your fingers away from the blades I’ve cut my fingers three times they are unbelievably sharp Be Warned

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I must admit I’m a sucker for homemade chips, but was time consuming peeling and cutting the potatoes. Not anymore, I just pick a good size potato and place it into the cutter, with a pull on the handle I have perfectly cut chips. I don’t peel them anymore just leave the skin on, give them a rinse with cold water and there ready for the deep fat fryer, really am amazed at this cutter and would definitely recommend.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Je me rgale faire des frites, facile pour le nettoyage de la grille et robuste.

  14. AdriennMcCaffer says:


    Magnifique appareil, qui respire la qualit.
    Penser prendre la deuxime grille, qui fait des frites plus petites galement.
    Attention lors de la manipulation des grilles, on a vite fait de se couper sans s’en rendre compte.
    Faire des frites devient une formalit.

  15. LeanneDrake says:


    Cualquier aparato que consiga que coma patatas fritas merece el mximo de estrellas. Lo compr para la suegra. Es genial: no me habla y me hace patatas cuando voy a comer el domingo.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Top Produkt, wir haben als ersten Test direkt mal 30kg Pommes geschnitten und waren in 25 min fertig. Der Pommesschneider hat sich definitiv bewhrt.

  17. EllaStapleton says:

     United Kingdom

    You need to be strong and have it low so you can use weight to operate. Even cut chips but would like another cutter for thicker chips. I say if you elderly or infirm this is not for you

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Do not use suction. Cuts all size potatoes, hold back with left hand, pull lever forward. Rinse in warm soap water, well worth extra, good piece of kit.

  19. KarriTHBljh says:

     United Kingdom

    Very strong and robust and cuts potatoes at ease the only thing is it only comes with one cutting size the other size is a optional extra and it costs anther 17.99 on top of the price

  20. Anonymous says:


    pour les grosses pommes de terre, il suffit de les couper une fois dans le sens de la longueur et de les placer dans la presse avec le ct plat vers le bas pour faciliter le coupage. Fonctionne impecable.

  21. CarissaK32 says:

     United Kingdom

    Cuts chips too decent size easey too use only problem doesn’t stick very good be better if had different t blade sizes

  22. VickiBrierly says:


    Nickel, fait son job correctement facile dmonter et de nettoie trs facilement….
    Je recommande bien sr.

  23. Anonymous says:


    Je n’avais pas lu la description jusqu’au bout les photos sont trompeuses .

  24. Forestfall says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s easy enough to use although the suction isn’t very good, I just put a dinner plate in front to catch the chips as with any chipper.

  25. ChristianDFP says:


    Pas facile utiliser car la ventouse n’est pas assez puissante donc l’appareil a tendance basculer.
    De loin le mieux que j’ai eu pour autant !

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The best thing I bought online or in the shop in a long time

  27. NorineLaws says:

     United Kingdom

    If you want ‘old-school’ British chip-shop style thick chips,this is the chipper for you.Full metal construction,a long screw-on lever arm and cuts all but the largest jacket-sized potatoes in one hit without any trimming.If i was going to gripe about anything,it would be that the sucker has no lever arm so you need to slide the chipper to the edge of your work-top to release the suction,and if you want skinny chips,the extra blade is roughly 18.Doesn’t bother me though,i’m just glad i didn’t get another one like i’ve had in the past with a plastic chassis and a small blade.This is proper heavy-duty and so easy to use

  28. KeishaRoark says:

     United Kingdom

    I tried a few chippers over the last few months, all of them cheaper and lasted a few weeks, this one however is going strong and i have no doubts that it will last .

    You can also buy replacement blades for it.

  29. Beatris17E says:

     United Kingdom

    I have previously used cheaper ones which just give up after a short while. I believe this unit will last a long time.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo per le patatine fritte, necessita di un p di forza per utilizzarlo.

  31. RozellaDartnell says:


    J’ai achet cet article en remplacement d’un coupe frites basique en plastique.
    Rien voir….un vrai plaisir de passer les pommes de terre sans devoir forcer…j’ai essay avec de grosses pommes de terre irrgulires et impeccable!!
    J’ai d revoir l’emplacement de rangement car le manche prend un peu de place mais vu la facilit d’emploi, c’est un moindre mal.
    Pour le nettoyage, j’ai t un peu droute…je pensais devoir le dmonter et finalement non.
    Trs contente de mon achat, juste dommage qu’il soit livr seulement avec une lame.

  32. Kelsey Fogarty says:


    Uniquement pour des frites bien coupes et bien calibres.
    Nettoyage facile de la totalit de l’appareil

  33. Anonymous says:


    Super Schneider, der meist auch flssig und ohne zu groen Kraftaufwand funktioniert. Der Trick ist meiner Meinung nach, die Kartoffel bzw. anderes Gemse nicht auf den Boden zu legen sondern vorsichtig in die Mitte des Gitters zu stecken und den Hebel zu nutzen. So verkantet die Kartoffel o.. nicht und es luft super flssig durch. Bisher erfolgreich getestet mit Kartoffeln, Zucchini, Karotte und Kohlrabi. Nicht so gut gingen Skartoffeln, da braucht man recht viel Kraft, weil sie einfach sehr hart sind.

  34. Anonymous says:


    plus que parfait pour faire rapidement et sans effort des frites parfaites
    pensez prendre la grille plus petite que celle qui est vendue avec l’appareil!!

  35. Anonymous says:


    Je l’ai utilis pour couper des frites. Il faut dire qu’il coupe aisment de trs grandes patates. A souligner sa trs grande solidit, sa facilit de nettoyage . Je conseille de prendre la deuxime grille de coupe, d’un plus petit calibre. Attention en manipulant les grilles de coupe, elles sont ultra tranchantes, j’en ai fait l’exprience mes dpends.

  36. DelilahCaudle says:

     United Kingdom


  37. Anonymous says:


    Arrivato e subito provato. Molto intuitivo il montaggio e tutti i pezzi si accoppiano in maniera precisa. Rispetto a tutti i prodotti simili che ho finora posseduto (tutti rotti dopo breve tempo) costa un po’ di pi, ma da idea di robustezza, le lame per ora, tagliano molto bene e quindi la patata si taglia senza sforzo alcuno. Le dimensioni del bastoncino sono quelle che ho sempre usato, non sento la necessit di averne di pi piccole. Nella mia friggitrice ad aria si sono cotte alla perfezione.

  38. EvelyneVannoy says:

     United Kingdom

    This chipper is really handy. I noticed that it’s quite hard when you push the handle , but if you turn it around and pull the handle towards you , it’s very easy , sturdy and quite heavy. . Saves a lot of time and nice sized chips .

  39. Joanne says:

     United Kingdom

    This has fantastically reduced the amount of time I spend chopping chips!

  40. CharmaiBarrier says:


    Sembra robusto e ben fatto. Attenzione alle lame che mi hanno tagliato con estrema facilit solo mentre toglievo il rivestimento di protezione.
    Aggiornamento :
    Ormai viene usata da qualche mese. Posso dire che va benissimo. Facile da pulire e ben robusta. Mia mamma che l’ha ricevuta in regalo ne molto felice.
    Confermo che comunque si deve fare attenzione a manipolare le lame perch tagliano molto facilmente anche la pelle.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Oblig d’acheter la grille pour une coupe moins grosse pour les frites et garder celle vendue avec pour la taille des lgumes(peut tre) sinon ..? L’appareil lui mme est super, plus besoin de taille les grosses patates ni d’appuyer comme un forat.