Garmin Forerunner 55 GPS Running Smartwatch, Aqua

  3. Active. Life. Style.
1 Track Your Goals 2 Garmin Coach 3 Active.Life.Style

Comparison Table


Forerunner 55


Forerunner 45S


Forerunner 45


Forerunner 245

Daily Suggested Workouts
✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Recovery Time
✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Race Predictor
✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Built in GPS
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Advanced Sleep Monitoring
Yes – In App Yes – In App Yes – In App Yes
Body Battery
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Intensity Minutes (Improved)
✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Connect IQ Store
Yes Watch faces only Watch faces only Yes
Wrist Based Heart Rate
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Dimensions: 4.2 x 4.2 x 1.2 cm; 37 Grams
Model: 010-02562-12
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Garmin
Origin: Taiwan

126 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Funktioniert Super, Menfhrung manchmal ein wenig unlogisch zu verstehen. Akku hlt lange. Uhr merkt man nicht beim tragen. Bin zufrieden auch ohne Brustgurt. Zum schwimmen noch nicht ausprobiert.

  2. Anonymous says:


    imo para corridas. Os apps da Garmin funcionam bem, inclusive o Garmin coach e o pace pro. Ele no touch, demora um pouquinho pra entender a dinmica dos botes, aconselho assistir uns tutoriais, mas o bom que funciona muito bem na gua tbm. A bateria comigo dura 6 dias, correndo 4 a 5x uns 30min na semana com GPS ativado. Estou adorando!

  3. SheriFairbanks says:


    Gostei do modelo, me atende bem nas modalidades que treino. Bateria dura fcil 15 dias.

  4. Natasha69U says:


    Finde die Uhr fr den Preis mega gut. Hat slle Funktionen drin die man braucht.
    Wenn man sich an die Menfhrung gewhnt hat ist sie auch super einfach zu bedienen.
    Ich hatte sie mir zum schwimmtraining gekauft und funktioniert einwandfrei.
    Bahnen werden super gezhlt.

  5. NickiForehand says:


    Preso a circa 130 venduto e spedito da Amazon e lo ritengo un affarone, usato solo per gli allenamenti (3/4 volte a settimana tra corsa/bici/trekking) porta a casa l’autonomia. Non molto grande ma per me un plus lo consiglio a chi vuole uno sportwatch affidabile e leggero.

  6. Anonymous says:


    O produto chegou antes do prazo estimado, excelente qualidade, sem defeitos ou contratempos at o recebimento. J testei o produto por duas semanas e est tudo timo, veio tudo certinho.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Elle a remplac ma forerunner 235 pour moins cher que la forerunner 235 l’poque et qui a plus de fonctionnalit. Parfai

  8. AliciaTerpstra says:


    Diese Sportuhr ist durch lange Akkulaufzeit zu meinem stndigen Begleiter geworden. Auch die Aufzeichnungen, sei es Laufen, Radfahren, Gehen,…., funktionieren zuverlssig und lassen sich einfach mit der Garmin App synchronisieren. Tolle Uhr!!

  9. Britt Hayes says:


    Preisleistung unschlagbar!!
    Perfekt fr den Hobbylufer und alle die es werden wollen 🙂
    Qualitt wieder top aber war von Garmin ja auch nicht anders zu erwarten.

  10. OnitaHartford says:


    Eu comecei a usar h pouco tempo, para corrida de forma amadora. Acho que o relgio completo e tem todas as funes que precisamos nas prticas de exerccios! Eu acho Garmin, a melhor marca e com melhor custo-beneficio! Sem dvidas

  11. Martina44H says:


    Ottimo per lo sport ,molto preciso nella corsa e anche esteticamente bello

  12. Anonymous says:


    estou escrevendo essa avaliao 11 dias aps o meu pedido ter sido entregue
    ele veio com 78% de bateria, utilizei 2 corridas com gps e diversas atividades sem o gps e me encontro com 27% de bateria ainda, o relgio muito bom. coloquei configuraes nele para utilizar s o essencial por exemplo sem notificaes do telefone, apenas ligaes. o vendedor entregou muito rapido, dois dias aps minha compra, utilizei a compra express.

  13. EldenAddison says:


    Perfekte Uhr fr Lufer. Aufgrund des geringen Gewichts sprt man sie kaum. Die Funktionen sind perfekt fr jedes Lauvniveau.
    Sehr Empfehlenswe

    Top Preis/Leistungsverhältnis

  14. Dan Avery says:


    Leggero, costruito con materiali di buona qualit, si adatta perfettamente al polso grazie al cinturino morbido che da la possibilit di infinite regolazioni. Si accede ai menu attraverso i pulsanti che consentono una navigazione facile e intuitiva grazie anche al sistema operativo molto semplice. Si interfaccia al cellulare usando l’applicazione che si scarica gratuitamente dagli stores. Offre un sacco di applicazioni per gli amanti di vari sport e per monitorare il proprio stato di salute, si connette velocemente al gps e offre diverse modalit di personalizzazione.

  15. MollyMRNsmki says:


    O relgio e bem bonito e fcil de se mexer, ponto negativo porm eu j sabia quando comprei era de que a resoluo da tela e bem baixa, ento os pixels ficam um pouco feios ao meu ver, ele chegou bem embalado e antes do prazo, porm no veio com nota fiscal, e por isso eu fiz e recomendo que todos antes de abrir o produto gravem abrindo a caixa dele, ponto negativo pra mim e ele no ter a funo de musculao.

    Satisfeito com a compra mas vale a ressalva

  16. Beatris17E says:


    La imagen de pantalla que trae por defecto es difcil de ver pero en la app IQ store de Garmin se pueden descargar pantallas, aplicaciones,
    complementosalternativaos gratuitas buenas (y de pago). Es el primer reloj Garmin por precio que ofrece esto, para el 45 no se puede. En la foto se ve la pantalla que he elegido.
    La app Garmin Connect es muy sencilla de usar.
    La correa es bastante ms slida y fuerte que los un poco ms baratos, an tengo la de origen totalmente nueva y para tiempo.
    Si quieres un Garmin que est bien a buen precio, es este.

    Mi mejor reloj

  17. shelleyrae @ Bookd Out says:


    Ich habe mir vor einem Monat die Garmin forerunner 55 gekauft. Die Uhr nutze ich hauptschlich als Laufuhr beim Joggen. Die Garmin forerunner lsst sich sehr gut einstellen. Sie verbindet sich schnell mit dem GPS. Es lassen sich viele Sportarten einstellen. Was ein bisschen Schade ist, das kleine Display. Die Zahlen sind gro genug, aber Mitteilungen kann ich nicht lesen. Sind zu klein geschrieben . Muss aber sagen ich brauche zum Lesen eine Lesebrille. Vom Preis her finde ich die forerunner 55 in Ordnung. Die Uhr lsst sich bequem tragen . Also klare Kaufempfehlung

  18. FAPRoxieql says:


    No geral gostei, mas no achei o setup para musculao. No resto atendeu bem as minhas expectativas de “atleta de fim de semana”.

  19. SammiePantano says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought a Forerunner 55 in September 2021, use it mainly for cycling and walking. Tbh, I can’t fault this for the money, doe’s everything I need and tells the time …

  20. Greg Mombert says:


    Die Forerunner tut erst mal, was sie soll – und ich muss gestehen: Knnte sie mehr, wrde ich Gefahr laufen, mich in der “Featuritis” zu verlieren. Fr alle, die beim Sport die Krperfunktionen im Blick behalten, aber nicht die Daten zum Ma aller Dinge machen wollen, ist das hier die richtige Wahl. Manchmal hakts ein wenig, zum Beispiel “vergisst” die Uhr, dass sie ein Feature namens “body battery” hat, nach einem Neustart ist dann aber alles wieder da. Als Franke vergebe ich ein “Bassd scho…!” 🙂

  21. Anonymous says:


    Die Anzeige umkonfigurieren ist ein wenig umstndlich, schlechte Bedienungsanleitung. Bei 4 Werten anzeigen ist das Display schon ein wenig klein, aber das wei man ja. Die Pulsanzeige ist berraschend genau. Die Auswertung mit der App auch auf dem PC ist gut und bersichtlich. Fr den normalen Jogger und Radfahrer ist die FR 55 gut und vollkommen ausreichend.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Ja, das Display ist erst Mal winzig. Ich war sehr skeptisch nach dem Auspacken.
    Habe zwei lngere Laufe absolviert und bin sehr, sehr zufrieden mit dem Display. Ich habe es eingestellt, Beleuchtung immer an, HF, Zeit, km reicht mir vllig. Heute bei Sonnenschein gelaufen und das Display ist besser zu erkennen, als alles was ich jemals hatte !! 20 Jahre Lauferfahrung.
    Sie ist sehr leicht und das Spielzeug der teuren Modelle brauche ich schlicht nicht.
    Meinen Trainingsfortschritt und alles Weitere tracke ich mit Strava.
    Wenn man wei was man will (einfach Laufen) klare Kaufempfehlung. Ach ja, schnellster GPS Start, den ich jeweils hatte

  23. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe sehr schmale Handgelenke, daher passen mir die gngigen Gren nicht. Die Uhr und ihre Funktionen sind sehr gut, aber fr mich war sie einfach zu gro

  24. AletheaMartinov says:

     United Kingdom

    Love , love , love this watch. Bought one for my hubby too as he was jealous.
    So much better than my old GPS fitbit .
    I was debating between this and the Apple watch, this is hands down the winner for fitness insights. Can programme Propace which means it will keep you in check when running, stops you from going to fast/slow.
    Loads of additional features, watch fronts can be downloaded from Garmin store for free. Automatically adds run to Strava.
    I got the white one and jazzed it up with a cheap colourful strap from a well know auction site, super easy to change.

    Reliable, great battery life. Loads of additional insights on Garmin connect app

  25. Lana Alibabic says:


    Muy buen reloj. Voy a probarlo en ruta de MTB y a ver qu tal. Lo prob para correr y el GPS me ha sorprendido. La app es una maravilla. El reloj es sper ligero, no noto nada al llevarlo. Me encanta

  26. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe viele Tests und Rezessionen zu verschiedenen Uhren gelesen und lange eine Venu auf dem Schirm gehabt. Habe dann aber genau abgewogen, was ich brauche und mchte und habe mich dann fr diese Garmin Forerunner 55 entschieden.
    Sie ist sehr leicht und etwas kleiner wie meine alte Forerrunner 735XT. Die Bedienung ist nicht intuitiv, aber wenn man schon Garmin hat, dann kommt man auch hier gut zurecht.
    Das Display ist sehr gut ablesbar und das Akku hlt sehr lange. Abgleichen tue ich alles am Computer mit Garmin Express. Das funktionierte auch mit anderen Uhren schon vorher immer reibungslos.
    Ich habe die Uhr frs Radfahren, Joggen und beim Wandern – hier als Gehen bezeichnet – im Einsatz und bin voll und ganz zufrieden. Irgendwelche Trainingsprogramme benutze ich nicht. Werden aber in der Uhr mit angeboten.
    Bin rundum zufrieden und hoffe auf eine lange Lebensdauer des Akkus und der Uhr.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As a first time user of garmin I absolutely love this product. So light, it doesn’t feel like your wearing anything on your wrist. So simple to use. Battery life is fantastic! One of the best decisions I’ve made. You wouldn’t be disappointed.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersA bateria no dura 20 dias, mas dura 14, bom no precisar carregar com tanta frequncia. timo para atividades fsicas indoor e outdoor. Foi difcil configurar para exibir as estatsticas em km, mas consegui e agora acho o relgio perfeito. O visual tb muito bonito, um relgio de ponteiros que marca passos, d o dia do ms e da semana e ainda mostra batimentos cardacos de acordo com sua configurao. Excelente!

    Muito bom pra métricas!

  29. Anonymous says:


    Fornisce parecchie informazioni su attivit quotidiane come passi, stress, sonno ed energia. Utile per i piani di allenamento della corsa e per tracciare i progressi. Lo indosso h24 ma per le situazioni formali un po’ troppo sportivo, anche se il colore nero lo rende meno casual.

  30. Kelly Hendricks says:


    Mio primo sport watch che mi sono deciso ad acquistare dopo aver visionato altri prodotti. Non ho per questo paragoni da fare ma bello da portare, le sue funzioni le fa bene e sto seguendo un piano d’allenamento creato dal software garmin. cos progressivo, per la corsa, che non difficile da rispettare. La batteria, dopo 10 giorni, al 20% con 6 sessioni di allenamento ( circa 40 minuti l’una) fatte, quindi sono soddisfatto. Per quello che serve a me sono pi che soddisfatto, non ho riscontrato problemi o difetti (forse impreciso nella lettura del sonno). leggero da portare non lo tolgo mai e non da alcun fastidio.

  31. WardEarleykdart says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good for one of the more basic GPS watches available with a great battery life.

  32. Wayne Cunningham says:


    Es un reloj muy funcional, calidad precio bueno, se conecta rpido a las aplicaciones, cmodo y eficaz, fiable en medida de distancias y ritmos, tarda un poco en coger seal GPS. Es menos intuitivo que otros modelos a la hora de configurarlo.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Battery life is amazing and charging is super fast. Feels nice on the skin and great for running. Love the suggestions for workouts and keeping in mind resting days and helping me to run faster or slower. Also suggests breathing workouts to relax when stress levels get high. And tracks monthly cycles well.
    Only thing I don’t like is that it’s too big to sleep with, but that is a personal preference.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOttimo prodotto, quando l’ho acquistato avevo un paura di rimanere deluso indossando abitualmente un orologio di lusso, soprattutto temevo di rimanere deluso dai materiali, invece il cinturino di silicone molto comodo e la cassa di buon materiale. Dopo qualche prova ho iniziato ad usarlo in allenamento e sono rimasto molto soddisfatto. Ottima la durata della batteria di circa una settimana anche con cinque sessioni di allenamento e la ricarica molto veloce.

    Ottimo entry level

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My son bought this in the sales and he loves it, true multi sport watch, does everything he wants and more.

  36. CandraDyqtuam says:

     United Kingdom

    Brought it as a present for the other half. He said it works well for what he needs it for.

  37. AngieLiddell says:


    Simple et efficace, je la porte que pendant mes activits physique. Elle est trs lgre et la batterie dure longtemps.
    L’application est top !

  38. PearlGladney says:


    Superou minhas expectativas! J uso garmin para pedalar a muitos anos, mas confesso que o relgio se demonstrou muito mais intuitivo. O programa de treinamento top!
    Quanto a tela pouco iluminada, acabamos nos acostumando

  39. Anonymous says:


    Malgr le mode d’emploi et les tutos un peu compliqu utilis part a bonne montre bracelet interchangeable desing lgant.

  40. BessieReading says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality watch for running, walking , whatever. Good GPS tracking. Buzzes on every mile you cover.

  41. mithandor says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought the forerunner 235 before. Battery was awful. GPS took forever to connect. Screen broke in the end. It was pants. The 55 is quality, battery lasts ages. GPS can keep recording for 24 hours. Inexpensive and absolute mustard

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Seems to be very accurate. Battery lasts almost 2 weeks. Pretty comfortable to wear and syncs easily with iPhone.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I used fitbit for years and now I am wondering why I waited so long to change. This watch has an amazing battery life, so many functions, its comfortable, lightweight and would do for any jogger, walker or runner.

  44. CortezRimmer says:


    Cette montre est de trs bonne qualit simple utiliser l’application est excellente et intuitive savoir si les donnes sont rellement fiable

  45. ClevelaLudwick says:


    Il garmin forerunner 55 ha cambiato il mio modo di allenarmi, grazie alle sue tante funzioni offerte. Ottimo anche per la mia vita quotidiana, con il resoconto del livello di stress, registrazioni del sonno e del battito cardiaco.

  46. Cameron Woodhead says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs bonne montre, principalement axe sur la course.
    Mais il y a galement un menu vlo pour ceux que a intresse: ce qui est mon cas.
    Pour tre parfaite, il aurait fallu la mesure du taux d’oxygne, mais pour le moment, c’est rserv aux modles de la catgorie au-dessus, donc plus cher…
    La qualit Garmin tarif correct !

  47. Romanov23Stanislav says:


    Ottimo per lo sport e molto resistente agli urti. Il gps prende abbastanza bene. Lo uso per la corsa e mi ha sempre dato grosse soddisfazioni. Al primo utilizzo bisogna impostare i KM, parte con le miglia.

  48. Marika Hill says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this is a present for my father – he really liked it; it was very light and comfortable. I was able to change its settings so that the display and notifications were to his liking as well. Battery seems to be good too so all looking good!

  49. Anonymous says:


    Eu achei o relgio lindo, o Garmin Coach excelente! um relgio excepcional!
    Maaaas o fato de no medir exerccio de fora me deixou triste. Coloco para medir como se fosse cardio para saber o gasto calrico.

    Só não é 100% porque não mede exercício de força

  50. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersAcquistato questo modello in quanto miglior rapporto qualit-prezzo tra gli sportwatch dedicati al running.
    Modello con caratteristiche basiche ed essenziali, ma molto pi sviluppate rispetto agli altri pari prezzo di altre marche.
    Trascorse 2 settimane di allenamenti;
    GPS impeccabile e rapido nella ricerca.
    Sensore cardio al polso preciso.
    Indicatori di allenamento immediati e di facile comprensione.
    Interessanti tutti gli indicatori di monitoraggio benessere dell’ecosistema Garmin.
    Ottima batteria, all’incirca 10 giorni, con utilizzo GPS si riduce di circa un 5% a sessione (1h circa di corsa)
    Per quanto riguarda le funzioni smart, schermo luminoso, ricezione di tutte le notifiche ed e-mail, skin personalizzabili e scaricabili direttamente dall’app.

    Best buy

  51. Siobhan says:

     United Kingdom

    Small faced watch not bright attal having said that it’s OK no arguments very comfortable to wear so all in all 8.5 out of 10

  52. CandaceCortes says:


    An estoy experimentando con l porque tiene muchsimas funciones.Tiene instalados unos pocos fondos de pantalla pero en la app Garmin IQ hay muchsimos gratis y de pago.De momento funciona perfectamente y estticamente es muy bonito.

  53. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPassage de la forerunner 235 cette forerunner 55 sans problme.
    Dcouverte de nouvelles fonctionnalits intressantes comme Garming Coach (attention aux premires sances o je trouve que 2mn d’chauffement ce n’est pas suffisant. Surtout pour la course de rfrence o il faut y aller fond pendant 6mn)

  54. Rod Younger says:


    Ottimo acquisto per chi si affaccia al mondo running. Quadrante di allenamento impostabile a piacere, con 4 rilevazioni contemporanee (tempo, passo, distanza e frequenza) e pi pagine cambiabili durante l’attivit. Presenza delle notifiche smartphone (utile per sapere chi vi chiama o scrive).
    Piani dall’allenamento programmabili a piacere su App e trasferibili al dispositivo tramite bluetooth tra fartlek, ripetute o classica corsa (impostabile anche su pista e numero corsia) completissimo di scelte tra passi, tempi e recuperi oltre che riscaldamento e defaticamento.
    Insomma, soddisfattissimo!!!
    Disponibile anche le funzioni ciclismo, nuoto e multidisciplinare anche se non li ho mai testati (per triathlon opterei per modelli superiori).

  55. KatieIlxbbxh says:

     United Kingdom

    Watch is light and powerful. Easy to use and battery life is amazing!

  56. Anonymous says:


    No se puede consentir que un producto como ste te lo dejen en la puerta de casa si no ests, no cuesta nada llamar por telfono y preguntar si se le puede dejar a algn vecino, el producto es bueno, el servicio es pattico

  57. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJe l’ai eu en cadeau, j’ai un petit poignet et la montre est parfaite, facilement rglable. Lgre, j’ai l’impression de ne pas porter de montre. Application facile d’utilisation. Je recommande.

  58. Anonymous says:


    Ich teste die Garmin forerunner 55 seit gut 6 Wochen. Bei meinem Sport funktioniert sie einwandfrei. Verbindet sich auch mit adidas running App. Akkulaufzeit top. Mindestens 5 Tage, obwohl das Mobiltelefon dauerhaft per Bluetooth verbunden ist. Der Kauf war eine super Entscheidung fr mich als normalen Sportler (2 – 4 x wchentlich).

  59. ValentiS70 says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersProduto excepcional, como j era de se esperar de um Garmin!
    Vendedor atencioso e entrega rpida!

  60. KarlaFalleni says:


    Nach der Bestellung wurde die Uhr rasch geliefert, leider gab es Probleme mit der KM- Mailen Umschaltung.
    Die Uhr wurde sofort ausgetauscht und die neu und blitzartig gelieferte Uhr funktioniert einwandfrei.

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIt’s the best watch to date. Can’t think of anything else I’d want it to do. Maybe make a left handed version would be grea

  62. Anonymous says:


    Amplias funcionalidades a un precio asequible. Al ser producto de 2021 incorpora novedades como GPS +Galileo. Como nica pega, sin que sea grave, se echa de menos que la pantalla sea un poco ms grande, pero es debido al precio ajustado que tiene. As que lo considero perfecto para iniciarse en el running.

  63. May9202pyrrvv says:


    Llevo 4 das con el reloj, la batera es una pasada, lo he probado en la piscina y a ido perfecto, medicin precisa en metros y tiempos, reloj cmodo, lo nico que la pantalla podra estar mas aprovechada y las letras algo ms grande, an as se ven bien.

    Llevo un día y muy bien cuando pruebe GPS y Natación haré la valoració

  64. ravechild says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNutze die Uhr im Alltag und fr den Sport und ich liebe sie jetzt schon.
    Die Uhr sitzt auf meinem schmalen Handgelenk perfekt und wirkt nicht Reiig.
    Von Garmin wird eine umfangreiche Software zur Verfgung gestellt, die sich im Browser oder als App von berall sehr bersichtliche Informationen zu Lauf oder der alltglichen Puls Messung liefert. Zum Beispiel knnen Trainingsplne ausgewhlt oder selbst erstellt werden und an die Uhr gesendet werden.
    Auf der Uhr selber knnen auch Benachrichtigungen vom Handy gelesen werden, sogar Smileys werden dort angezeigt.
    Der Akku hlt sehr lange und nur muss alle 1-3 Wochen geladen werden.
    Meine Uhr hat auch schon einige Bekanntschaften mit Trrahmen, Trklinken etc. machen drfen und keinen einzigen Kratzer bekommen.
    Leider hat die Uhr keinen eigenen Musikspeicher und kann nur die Handymusik steuern.

    Die Uhr ist rundum eine gute Pulsuhr fr den Alltag und Sport. Viel robuster wie man denkt und ideal fr kleine Frauen Handgelenke. Die Features sind ausreichend fr den alltags Lufer.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersRelgio muito bom para quem procura um GPS para corridas de rua.

  66. Dennis Green says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHa tutto quello che mi serve per correre , posso personalizzare i campi di dati fino a 4 sezioni. Preciso in tutti i rilevamenti, completo di numerosi avvisi durante gli allenamenti. Possibilit di personalizzare gli allenamenti. Le notifiche si vedono bene e la batteria dura molto. L’ecosistema Garmin con l’app perfetto e si sincronizza con Strava. Usato per corsa e bici tutto ok. Questa estate prover il nuoto in mare.

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Userspreviously had a couple of different fit bits but they kept breaking and battery life was terrible. the battery for this lasts ages and with it not being touch screen I dont have to worry about the exercises stopping half way through. Button control is easy to use. the app is also very straight forward to follow. would definitely recommend.

  68. Anonymous says:


    Der Tracker ist super! Die Trainingsvorschlge frs Laufen sind effektiv und auch an die Bedienung ber die seitlichen Tasten habe ich mich schnell gewhnt. Dass das Display teilweise so kritisiert wurde verstehe ich nicht ganz. Ist absolut okay. Akku hlt auch gut durch. Kaufempfehlung von mir.

  69. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersExcellent produit. Je pratique la course pied (2/sem), natation (1/sem) et la marche. Je trouve cette montre trs complte. Le gps s’active trs rapidement. Les rsums des activits sont top. La frquence cardiaque fonctionne trs bien. L’autonomie est vraiment impressionnante. Plus d’une semaine voir 2 sans la rebrancher. On peut personnaliser les diffrents cadrans. Rien redire. Qualit prix TOP. Je recommande ce produi

  70. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great tracking while running and hiking, plus comfortable fit too. Different functions are easy to use and manage. The free app is clear and user friendly.

  71. CHSJ News says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAfter trying more expensive sportwatches I made up my idea that the best is a tracker having external HR capabilities and a decent support for different training plan.

    Well. I loved the forerunner 45 and I’m even more loving this model. The battery lasts much longer and offer all the capabilities I need.

    Pairing it with a HR chest wrap offers the maximum of the experience… don’t waste money with more stuff.

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI’ve been using a Fitbit Charge 4 for a year tracking my runs, changed over to the Garmin Forerunner 55 two weeks ago, so much better for the important things that you need to know, if you want Garmin without paying 300- 500 plus this is a great entry level device

  73. Dan Ackerman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought this watch for my wife for her birthday. She is delighted with it. Great battery life. Picks up GPS really quickly. Looks great.

  74. Anonymous says:


    Frs Training ohne Smartphone gekauft und beim ersten Marathon gleich eingesetzt. Ohne Touchdispay ist kein Nachteil, da so ber die Tasten auch beim Laufen keine Fehleingaben erfolgen.

  75. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersVengo de un Apple Watch y es otro mundo una pantalla de una calidad espectacular, las apps, el micrfono integrado En este not mucho cambio en la pantalla, en que no sea tctil, pero por 145 que lo compre esta bien. Se me hace escaso los widgets que tiene la App, no tiene Strava, Nike running, Adidas Runnig, etc
    Ojal la mejoren algn da..
    Yo lo utilizo para trail y va muy bien.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product had my old garmin for over 10 years and highly impressed with the upgrade. Great fit on the wrist, covers all the basics I need pace, time, distance. Steps for everyday use. Recommends recovery and workouts. Used on both road and trails for running.

  77. MaggieHertz says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie Uhr hat alles was ein Sportler braucht ohne sinnlose Spielereien, die Einstellungen sind einfach, GPS funktioniert gut, der Akku ist ausreichend, fr diesen Preis sehr gut.

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI really like this watch having not used a GPS watch for a few years the development in functionality & battery life has come on leaps & bounds in this period. There’s a huge you can do which might be easy to forget some aspects. I wanted to know how far I have run & speed. The watch quickly picks up a signal & the battery last around 3 or so days until another charge is needed.

  79. JoyRingler says:

     United Kingdom

    Good GPS, fast satellite tracking, not really impressed about classes manage!

  80. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gute Sportuhr, aber auch im Alltag praktisch. 20 Tage im Pulsmodus, auch unter der Dusche tragbar. Tragekomfort hervorragend.

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersJe l’utilise principalement pour l’exercice physique et j’en suis vraiment ravie. Elle est trs prcise et trs facile d’utilisatio

  82. Darby5642xqd says:

     United Kingdom

    Super fast GPS lock on and loads more features than the Forerunner 25 I upgraded from.

  83. Fia says:


    Ottimo per allenamenti, l’app crea un programma di allenamento molto utile in base all’obiettivo prefissato. La qualit ottima e le funzionalit anche, forse esteticamente i quadranti non sono bellissimi ma consiglio questo smartwatch per chi cerca un buon compagno di allenamento. L’orologio molto resistente, inevitabilmente ho preso qualche botta ma non si mai graffiato.

  84. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersEstoy muy satisfecho con este reloj, llevaba una mala experiencia con garmin por un reloj defectuoso de forerunner 245 y la verdad que este modelo cumple ms que bien. Buen reloj, con prestaciones de modelo de gama media alta, duracin de la batera muy buena y adems es tan ligero que parece que no lleves nada. Muy recomendable para aquellos que entrenen 4-5 das a la semana.

  85. DVento says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLlevo 5 carreras con el y estoy muy satisfecho, puedes mirar los datos de la carrera, la pantalla se ve perfectamente tanto con sol cmo si hay sombra, te llegan los mensajes de mvil muy fciles de leer, no es muy aparatoso, tienes bastante margen para configurarlo a t gusto. En definitiva eleccin acertada.

  86. Sara Coughlin says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEl reloj cumple con su cometido y hace lo que se describe que hace. Si quieres ms funcionalidades y opciones tienes que irte a otros modelos superiores, pero para mi, que es mi primera toma de contacto con este tipo de relojes/pulseras de actividad, es ms que suficiente.

  87. MartyRamey says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersEs una autntica gozada,vengo de un Forerunner 35 que he llevado durante 5 aos y se nota mucho las dos generaciones que han pasado hasta este FR55,Tiene absolutamente de casi todo y habiendolo comparado con un 245..salvo pantalla algo ms pequea y botones de pulsar(los prefiero a tctil) apenas hay diferencia.
    Eso si.. pagu 169…creo que por muy bueno que sea este reloj que vale para el 80-85% de los corredores normales o cicloturistas o personas que no busquen deporte a nivel muy pro…creo que su rango de precio ideal es de entorno hecho ya hay varias tiendas en webs contrastadas a mes 9/2021..donde por menos de 170 lo consigues.
    No lo dudes…sino buscas algo super-pro..el FR55 te va a encantar.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersHo provato lo smartwatch per alcuni giorni. Per la sua fascia di prezzo davvero un buon orologio sopratutto per l’app ben fatta ma manca ancora qualcosa al dispositivo:
    1) retroilluminazione non il massimo in tutte le occasioni;
    2) schermo non amoled;
    3) non si pu collegare direttamente a Google Fit per chi come me utilizza smarphone Android;
    4) Widget e impostazioni non sempre tutto in italiano.

    Ottima la durata della batteria, quadrante regolare , esteticamente va bene sempre a lavoro e con abbigliamento sportivo.

    L’orologio l’ho provato in mare non ha dato problemi di alcun genere.

    A differenza di altri feedback che riguardano la connettivit con il telefono io non ho notato nulla di anomalo su smartphone Morotola G9 play.

    Gestione pulsanti inizialmente un p da prenderci la mano ma capito il sistema si va sicuri in tutti le operazioni, ovviamente per chi proviene come me da altri smartwatch ci si deve un attimo resettare dall’orologio precedente.

    Al primo impatto non ho avuto subito la sensazione di tenermelo ma poi ho cambiato idea, lascio 4 stelle per la retroilluminazione che non il massimo per chi astigmatico come me e per l’assenza di una connessione con Google Fit.

  89. MarcoMorrill says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is a good sports watch, for the money. It has a brilliant design, a user-friendly interface and great battery life. I run or workout every day, and the I make it to 9-10 days where it is at 12 percent. Some of the features life compatibility with Zwift and race predictors to name a few are what you’d normally find in some of Garmin’s mid to high end watches. I must say, I’m not a fan of the chunky bezel and if you’re coming from something like a Garmin Forerunner 245, you’ll notice the screen won’t be winning any awards. I’m also disappointed that there isn’t an activity for indoor rowing or strength training. Overall, this is a good watch with great functionality and easy to use.

  90. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersOttimo orologio per chi non un professionista e lo deve utilizzare per attivit sportive.
    Molto leggero, batteria super.
    Manca info su piani saliti nella gironata.
    Cardio molto preciso.
    Notifiche funzionano, non si visualizzano le immagini.
    Ottimo orologio per chi non ha pretese da PRO

  91. Isabell8407 says:


    Orologio ottimo, una delle migliori caretteristiche posso dire che il segnale gps che sorprendente e non si perde mai durante l’allenamento. La peggiore i piani di allenamento che non sto capendo come si usino e che non c’ un coch in lingua italiana ma solo in inglese.

  92. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersTras probar varios de varias marcas y gamas, creo que Garmin ha hecho un trabajo increble con este Forerunner 55. Opciones de gamas superiores a precio de gama de entrada.

  93. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHo acquistato questo orologio, perch ho gi avuto un Garmin in passato e mi sono trovato bene.
    E devo dire che anche in questo caso la scelta stata azzeccata e le aspettative non sono state deludenti.
    Lo uso principalmente per corsa senza troppe pretese, camminate.
    Ed al momento mi sono trovato da dio anche a livello di carica con la maggior parte delle funzioni attive e con un paio di corse all’attivo durato ben pi di due settimane, quindi TOP!
    Le altre funzioni come battito, misurazione del sonno, respirazione sono un piacevole plus.

  94. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It was a birthday present for my wife.
    Everything you would expect from a Garmin. Recommended.

  95. Anonymous says:


    Orologio ideale per chi vuole iniziare ad avvicinarsi al mondo della corsa o per chi desidera un orologio versatile ed immediato.
    La qualit quella del Garmin quindi fa da se, il cardio al polso molto preciso, cos come il gps.

  96. ReggieManey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersI used this for a few weeks to assess:
    * Did I need a fitness tracker and would I use it?
    * Would I get much use out of the mobile app, and would I like it?
    * Would using this improve my health?
    I can say for definite, yes on all counts. The main thing I got it for though was to track my cycling, as I have a new mountainbike that I wanted to use to get fitter, and I’ve used that, but Garmin offer a freebie coaching programme which can get you from couch to 5k, or improve your running if you’re a runner already, or to train you for a 10k race or half marathon etc. I’m emphatically not a runner – I’ve had asthma most of my life & I’ve always avoided running, but I thought “Why not” and started the programme. I’m now on Week 3 of the couch to 5K programme, and I’ve just jogged 2.5k to the shops and back & I’m not out of breath. This is really good. However, I noticed a few things about the Forerunner 55:
    1 – the watch’s screen is *tiny*. It’s a small area within a small watch face, and it’s not very bright or sharp. As a 51 year old man I find myself constantly having to peer over my glasses at it.
    2 – it lacks some features found in the more high-end watches, like SpOx (blood oxygen).
    Small things, I know, but I got this watch to see if Garmin was for me. It is, and I’ve upgraded to a Garmin Venu 2 45mm, and given the Forerunner 55 to my wife, who’s really enjoying using it.
    What’s lacking on the mobile app: there’s no widgets for the phone. Previously I was using Google Fit, and Garmin Connect doesn’t seem to sync with that despite connecting my Google account to my Garmin account. These are things I hope Garmin fixes in the future – interoperability between fitness apps on the same phone is a big deal, and it’s these small annoyances that lead me to give it 4 rather than 5 stars overall.

  97. Anonymous says:


    Un prodotto eccezionale per la sua funzione e con una buona durata della batteria ( primo utilizzo da 86% a 22% in 8 giorni e 4h di GPS). Il men per i miei gusti strutturato troppo in vari sottomen e con la navigazione a tasti alla fine si perde spesso e volentieri il filo dei vari passaggi per arrivare alla modifica di un parametro. Da rivedere. Sarebbe meglio per me un men principale con pi voci e sottomen pi semplici. Per il resto tra gli sportswatch di fascia media secondo me al top.

  98. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersUhr sitzt gut, ist nicht zu gro fr mich. Armband ist angenehm und ausreichend elastisch so dass trotz des ntigen festen Sitzes keine Einschnrung Auftritt. HR Messung ist bei laufender Aktivitt(Trainingsession) korrekt (bei mir). Ohne Aktivitt werden nur Stichproben gemacht, die schon Mal 10% nach unten abweichen knnen. Trainingsvorschlge passen vom Tempo her sehr gut obwohl meine Herzfrequenzbereiche merklich ber denen der Faustformel liegen. Bin sehr zufrieden, alles da was ich brauche. Bedienung ist einfach, auch Updates oder Install neuer Watchfaces. Sync mit Handy ist super schnell, GPS wird zgig gefunden.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersPicked up one of these elsewhere but thought I’d stick a review in as there doesn’t seem to be any yet

    It’s a small watch, smaller than I expected actually. Comfortable on the wrist, very light. Straps are industry standard 20mm quick release so no probs customising to your hearts content.

    Battery – I have been getting around a week battery with roughly an hour GPS every day tracking a workout. Decent enough, I wear the watch 24/7 and track sleep etc too. But I don’t use it for notifications other than phone calls

    Display – A real disappointment. Brilliantly readable in sunlight when working out but indoors it’s hopeless. I get this is why battery is so good but I also don’t expect to be able to see individual pixels on a screen this small. Pretty poor but it does the job I guess. The backlight works fine

    Interface – if you haven’t had a Garmin before then it will take some getting used to but as I have, I am used to the 5 button layout and find it quick enough to get around. The new “widget glances” are much nicer than the previous widget pages.

    Sleep tracking – I wear this all day every day and night and it does track my sleep but I have to say, it always has me down as being asleep hours before I am so I’m really not convinced

    Body battery and stress – great little features I hadn’t seen before and give an overview of how your feeling and how ready your body is for exercise. However as the sleep tracking doesn’t seem to be too accurate, i take it as a gimmick that I just enjoy looking at

    I’ve used the watch to track running, walking (there is no hike option on this particular model) and swimming. And I’ve been pleased with the accuracy on all 3. You can customise lots of data fields and even add fields from ConnectIQ when it actually wants to work

    I’ve also used Garmins training plans and programmed my own workouts for running and these just work excellently every time. It’s almost worth recommending just for these alone.

    Accuracy – heart rate and GPS almost identical to my Apple Watch se that I tested it alongside and I’ve been reasonably happy

    Overall I think this is a good entry level running Watch that will suit a lot of people. I wish it had a slightly better screen but having access to Garmins connect app and training plans etc at this price is really good. You can really go into depth on all your workouts and compared to an Apple Watch which I was using, I do prefer this. A Smartwatch it isn’t but an activity tracker or running trainer it most definitely is. A fairly big step up from the forerunner 45

    A good little running watch

  100. JudeMurnin says:


    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersOttimi prodotto, lo utilizzo per gli allenamenti di corsa su strada e su pista, precisissimo sia nel calcolare la posizione sia nel calcolare la distanza percorsa. Molto buono anche nella rilevazione dei battiti utilissimi durante gli allenamenti. possibile programmare gli allenamenti ed un aiuto fondamentale sulle ripetizioni dove possibile programmarlo in diversi modi tra cui in base alla distanza percorsa, in base al tempo e utilissimo in base al battito cardiaco. In conclusione un ottimo aiuto negli allenamenti, lo consiglio sia ai principianti sia ai pi esperti.