Glymnis Beach Tent 4-6 Person Pop Up Beach Tent Hydraulic Automatic Portable Sun Shelter UPF 50+ UV Protection Instant Outdoor Beach Tent for Family Picnic Camping

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Size | 200 x 210 x 145 cm | 175 x (125+85) x 125cm | 215 x 170 x 115 cm | 250 x 135 x 140 cm |
Suitable for | 4-6 Person | 3-4 Person | 3-4 Person | 4-5 Person |
Dimensions: | 200 x 210 x 145 cm; 3.2 Kilograms |
Brand: | Glymnis |
Model: | BT-ZD03 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Glymnis |
Dimensions: | 200 x 210 x 145 cm; 3.2 Kilograms |
Highly recommend.
It is easy to use, and strong enough. Sand bags really good anchor. No need pegs if your are not middle of thunder. I would love it if it has a front zip but not. Thats why 4 stars.
Can highly recommend this product 5*
So easy to put up, was out of the pack and set up in 2 minutes.
It was surprising cool inside even on a really hot day – not like your usual pop up tents.
Have used it now on a beach and it is grea
LOVE this tent!! It’s so easy to set up and take down. We fit 3 kids and 2 adults in here with a bunch of lunch bags no problem. It was so spacious and was a life saver at the beach! I would use it anywhere outside. I put a blanket inside and got a huge beach blanket to put outside the door and it was perfect! Very happy with this purchase.
ottima tenda,
usata questa estate al mare per i bambini, facile sia da aprire che da chiudere
una volta capito il metodo ci vogliono solo pochi secondi e una volta chiusa occupa veramente poco spazio,
visto che dopo un mese di mare ancora intatta la user anche il prossimo anno
soddisfatto dell’acquisto
Used first time on the beach and really good shading, and found it waterproof too as rain came down and with the back to the wind kept every one dry and kids looked out the window while we were surfing – big enough for whole family to fit in with space to spare
Seems sturdy it’s a nice color easy to set up
Kennt ihr das? Ihr geht mit dem Wurfzelt zum Strand und wrdet das Ding am liebsten nachher einfach stehen lassen, weil man es kaum noch zusammenbekommt? 🙂 War auf der Suche nach einer wirklich stabilen Strandmuschel, die einfach zusammenzubauen ist und durch die auch nicht stndig der Wind pfeift. Der Hit an diesem System: Der Aufbaumechanismus. Man klappt einfach ein paar Stangen um, stabilisiert das “Zelt” an der Spitze mit einem einfachen Schiebe-Mechanismus. Dauert keine 30 Sekunden. Abbau ebenso schnell und unkompliziert. Dazu kann man mit der ganzen Familie bequem drinnen Platz finden, Kopfhhe ist ebenfalls top. Kaufempfehlung!
Easy set up once know how to do it. Suggest practice set ups in yard before attempting at beach. Large enough to put beach blanket in plus bags.
Easy to setup and put back away. The tent has lots of space. I’m looking forward to using it at the beach soon!
This beach tent is great, large but light and so easy to put up. Great value for money, I would highly recommend this.
Gro genug fr 2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder.
Die Seitenteile knnen geffnet werden und so kommt auch frische Luft in die Strandmuschel.
Sehr zu empfehlen.
Ho acquistato questa tenda da spiaggia sperando di migliorare la superficie d’ombra che potrebbe offrire un comune ombrellone e invece ho trovato la soluzione da spiaggia che nemmeno immaginavo. grande da starci comodi anche in 4 (o in 2+cane), si monta e smonta in un lampo e i picchetti la tengono bella piantata (anche se con tanto vento consiglio di lasciarci dentro un paio di zainetti. Dopo un mese di utilizzo non la consiglio, la stra consiglio!!! Ci mettevo davvero pi tempo a piantare l’ombrellone. Doppio pollice in s
Ich habe lange nach einer Strandmuschel gesucht und habe diese gefunden. Wir sind mega begeistert. Man hat locker zu dritt Platz. Man fhlt sich wie in einem Zelt (Vom Platz Gefhl). Lsst sich super schnell auf bzw. abbauen. Sie passt auch super in die Tasche. Also wir haben sie fr sehr gut gefunden und knnen sie absolut weiterempfehlen.
This was one of my best buys on Amazon. It was perfect for our lazy days on the beach in the hot sunshine. It kept us cool and was great for the kids to chill in when it got too hot. Highly recommended
Super leicht auf und Abbau und das Zelt kommt in eine Tasche das man es ganz leicht tragen kann kaum Gewicht ! Im Zelt selber merk man nicht das es drauen heiss ist ! Man hlt die Hitze gut aus!
Lsst sich easy auf und wieder abbauen, am Strand wird eher gestaunt als neugierigen Zuschauern Strand TV” zu bieten
Darberhinaus ist es schn gerumig und super gegen Sonne isoliert. Praktisch sind die Sandtaschen, wenn es am Meer strmisch ist. Das gibt Stabilitt, aber manchmal neigte sich dann schon das ganze Zelt und rutschte zusammen, dann sollte man mit den Bndern und Heringen unbedingt zustzlich sichern.
Hlt jedem Wind stand und zuverlssig Sonne ab. Trotz groer Hitze, ist im Innern kaum mehr als die wirkliche Schattentemperatur (solange die 3 groen Fenster geschlossen bleiben) Eine 3-4 kpfige Familie hat locker Platz. Es gibt noch kleinere Seitenfcher zum Verstauen. Der Auf- und Abbau dauert keine 3 min. Von uns eine klare Kaufempfehlung !!!
es ist die erste Strandmuschel die einen zweiten und sehr wahrscheinlich auch den 3 Sommer berlebt.
was in der Beschreibung vom Hersteller trifft zu 100 % zu.
It was really easy to setup and fold it back down when done using it. Lots of room for our family as we had up to 3 adults using it at the same time. We had one windy day at the beach and it held up.
We spend the summer by the beach with a baby and this tent was just perfect. Easy to put up and take down. It was ok in moderate wind. It is nice inside during both hot and cooler days. I would buy again!
After setting up the product, I discovered a 2cm section that was not stitched together where the lower left side of the tent meets the attached flooring. Minor, but still annoying to considering the price, so will be reaching out to Amazon or the company. Overall I like this product and would buy another one.
I did not use the nails coming with the canopy, yet only fill sand in the four corner pockets. That hold well the canopy on the beach in wind.
Great family beach tent. Lightweight, easy to put up and take down. ( read instruction in tent bag). Only thing I would change would be a lip at the front to restrict the sand a bi
Facile da montare e smontare ottimo riparo in caso di pioggia e ottima protezione solare
Zu unserem diesjhrigen Strandurlaub haben wir uns mal eine neue Strandmuschel gegnnt. Hat sich gelohnt, denn der Sonnenschutz war sprbar besser als in einfacheren Varianten. Im Innern wurde es nicht so hei, und whrend man bei der billigen Konkurrenz sprt, dass doch noch reichlich Strahlung ins Innere dringt, fhlten wir uns in dieser Muschel definitiv besser aufgehoben. Dazu ist sie beraus einfach auf- und abzubauen und lsst sich platzsparend zusammenpacken, wiegt nicht viel und lsst sich so leicht mal mitnehmen. Allerdings ist sie aufgrund ihrer Hhe und des geringen Gewichts auch recht windanfllig. Die Befestigungsheringe und die praktischen Sandtaschen zur seitlichen Beschwerung helfen nur bedingt. Wir hatten unsere Taschen und Ruckscke drin verteilt, das half. Kleine Korrektur zur Artikelbeschreibung: dort stand “fr 3-4 Personen”. Wir waren zu dritt, und die Muschel war gut belegt.
I previously reviewed the last year’s version of this tent and Jane Deng, the Customer Rep for the company sent me a replacement tent. The new tent is very easy to set up and take down, and has additional sand pockets to secure the tent in windy conditions. I can’t wait to try it out on the beach when the weather warms up.
Thank you Jane
See my earlier comments below.
This is a very attractive beach tent but has two major defects.
1. The sand pockets for holding the tent down is only on one side. Should be on both sides and back walls.
2. Tent pegs are way too short.
Tent could easily blow away in moderately windy conditions which is usually quite common on the beach.
Nach 14 Tagen Strandurlaub hat uns diese Strandmuschel berzeugt. Ist ausreichend gro fr 4 Personen. Bietet gengend Platz um darin gut zu sitzen. Ist schnell auf und abgebaut. Bei Wind sind dazu aber 2 Personen zu empfehlen. Ich wrde die Muschel weiterempfehlen. Ich habe fr das Strandzelt ca. 75 Euro bezahlt.
Really good tent very good I am not skinny and fit me and two toddlers and a baby with still room for more people. Ours looked the biggest on the beach 🙂
Die Glymnis Strandmuschel ist Spitze super schnell aufgebaut und abgebaut.
Viel Platz und super Hhe sogar zum Sitzen auf Campingstuhl geeignet, gute Belftung Dank der 3 Fenster. Befestigung ist absolut sicher vor Windben. Absolute Kaufempfehlung. Wir sind begeistert. 5 Sterne
Gerumiges Zelt fr 4 Personen. Gengend Innen-Taschen zum Verstauen. Auch zeltmittig gibt es einen Haken zum Anhngen.
Minuspunkt: mitgelieferte Heringe sind aus Kunststoff.
Tent is easy to put up and take down takes less than 20 seconds to pack up. I would advise getting a blanket / carpet for the base
Super praktisch
Einfach in der Handhabung
Super fix auf- & abgebaut
1a Sonnen – & Windschutz
FACILISSIMA DA MONTARE E SMONTARE!!! E poi: pratica, leggera e compatta per il trasporto, spaziosa(due adulti e due cani dei quali uno di 30kg e ci stiamo comodi!), arieggiata, resistente al sole e a diversi terreni(pinete, sabbia, spiagge di ciottoli o sassolini).
Uniche due “pecche”, se proprio vogliamo, il sacchetto dei picchetti portebbe essere a chiusura elastica, coi laccetti scomodo, e un paio di kit di riparazione.
Acquisto consigliatissimo.
Bei diesem Produkt bin ich absolut zufrieden. Schnell aufgebaut, schnell abgebaut und mega viel Platz sowie ein guter Sonnenschutz. Drei Wochen Kroatien mit Bravour berstanden. Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
Beach – on the sand
Picnic – on the grass
Playroom – in the house
– Takes seconds to set up. Just push down the knob on top to pop up the tent and secure the rods in place.
– Takes seconds to take down. Just pull up the same knob on top and it releases it. Next step; push down the middle section of each rod to fold them inwards in order to pack. The second step is a bit tricky at first becuase you think you’ll break the rods but you won’t. The design is clever.
– It is spacious! 2-3 adults can comfortably fit into this, sitting or laying down. And quite a few babies can fit here as seen in pictures.
-the stakes provided helps secure the tent in the wind and it holds up to relatively strong, consistent winds.
– looks great and provides great protection from the sun. Surprisingly, it does not heat up in the sun like some tents do. The material reflects sun very well and orevents the tent from overheating even wothout any shade.
-3 mesh windows with privacy screens that zips up to provide ventilation and privacy.
– Sand can easily get in but that’s the case with all tents and not a fault of this design. We just need better inventions for how to minimize sand in tents in general. 🙂
Thank you Glymis! Great product. Now I can enjoy more time with my children rather than spend time setting up the tent! I take this everywhere with us!
I hope this will help viewers decide to buy this. You won’t regret it. Enjoy your summer!
It was easy to open just like an umbrella and folds up just as well. Yes it’s a little flimsy but so is an umbrella. I would have preferred more coverage or shading at the opening but this one has more than Amy of the other ones I have seen. I love it!!!
Der Auf- und Abbau ist kinderleicht & geht super schnell. Ich hab es allein in meiner Wohnung ausprobiert und bin mehr als zufrieden. Wirklich toll. Im Urlaub wird nun der “Hrtetest” folgen, Sonnenschutz & Stabilitt.
Ich kann mich mit dem Baby hinein legen und trotzdem bleibt noch Platz. Durch die Zipper an jeder Seite kann man das Zelt schn durchlften lassen oder aber bei Sonneneinstrahlung schlieen und im Schatten sitzen. Wir wollten ein Zelt was schnell auf- und abgebaut ist, Stabilitt bietet und Platz. All diese Kriterien werden perfekt erfllt. Wir sind begeiste
Ordine arrivato nei tempi , la tenda anche meglio di come la immaginavo ! Molto comoda x i bambini ottima! La consiglio sicuramente!
Easy to put up and just ideal for the beach or park. Only used it once at the moment but will definitely be using it again.
People we looking and saying wish my beach tent was as easy as that, even got it back in the bag without making a scene wowsers.
on e 220 sm a fatto come hanno scritto Dentro tenda al sole fa caldo Non si chiude completamente Quindi i masqiti possono entrare
The frame and fabric are fine. Easy control of ventilation. Pegs could be longer as they are totally inadequate in soft dry sand.
Por ahora perfecta. Amplia y suficiente para llevar a la playa y resguardarnos del sol.
Bought this for trips to the beach with my grandsons and it’s really good.went up in a minute or two AND it went back into the bag easily.boys (age11and 12) had plenty of space to move around in it for changing,eating etc.lightweight as well.
Took to the air tattoo at Fairford to keep the sun off of the kids. Did an amazing job. Quick to assemble and tidy away but not so quick as the video showed for us. Would recommend as a decent sized beach tent.
Plenty of room for adults and children. Easy to put up and take down. People were taking pictures of it on the beach. One person had the same one but had no idea the outside pockets were for sand to weight it down, which makes it extra secure. Great to keep sun off and protect from wind.
Its big enough and lightweight, the provided bag is kind of useless though apart from that we love i
Overall pretty good however the ground sheet is the same thin material as the tent and I doubt this will stand the test if time.
Buon prodotto. Molto facile da montare un po’ meno da richiudere. Il meccanismo infatti probabilmente tra i pi semplici che ho provato fino ad adesso (secondo solo alle tende 2sec stile dechatlon che per occupano molto pi spazio una volta richiuse) specialmente per le ridotte dimensioni una volta richiusa la tenda. LA si pu trasportare anche in scooter o moto. La protezione dal sole non massima. Occorre coprire la tenda con un telo mare per non sentire comunque il caldo del sole. Dentro la tenda ariosa e la struttura veramente robusta e resistente al vento. Potete appoggiare oggetti bagnati sul “tetto” ad asciugare e la tenda non si bagner all’interno. Unica nota negativa dal punto di vista della vivibilit il fondo veramente sottile. Occorre mettere un telo per evitare strappi se usata sugli scogli
Really easy to put up, very lightweight, really spacious inside and the sand pockets are great. So pleased I chose this one, yes you can get them cheaper, but the ease of putting this up is worth the price!
Slightly more fiddly to get down but once you get the nack of doing it, then it’s fine.
Only used a couple of times so far, so can’t comment on how long it will last but fingers crossed we can use it lots every summer!
Ottimo prodotto si monta e si smonta in 30 secondi, veramente soddisfatta.
Molto comoda e spaziosa.
La hemos usado durante una semana a diario en la playa, somos dos adultos y dos nios y estamos encantados. La nica “pega” es que solo caben dentro 3 tumbonas de playa en fila, pero detrs y delante sobra espacio para dejar cosas. No necesitamos miras las instrucciones, es muy intuitivo tanto el montaje como el desmontaje.
Absolutely brilliant!! So glad I paid the extra money to get a better one this year!! Perfect for my 2 year old to play around in and can shut the windows up when he needs to sleep!! Also perfect for 12 year old autistic son so he can hide away when it gets too much!! Also easy to just brush the sand ou
Es ist ein schnes Zelt.Der Stoff ist dnn. 2 Erwachsene und 1Hund fanden Platz im Zelt.schneller Aufbau aber komplizierter Abbau des Zeltes.So leicht wie im Video beschrieben ist es leider nich
Ho acquistato questa tenda da spiaggia perch ho un po’ di problemi nel rimanere al sole al mare…ero stanco del solito ombrellone che non mi dava la giusta protezione…..ed allora mi sono deciso ad acquistarla…per il momento veramente devo fare una nota un po’ negativa ,devo dire che difficile da chiudere….ma per il resto veramente ottima
Good little tent but have to send it back, as when it rains the water comes in through the seams, we were wetter inside the tent than our, the rain cam in all through the seams but not the material itself!
Hatte sie nur mal kurz zum testen wie es funktioniert auf gebaut. Frs erste super und recht einfach im Aufbau.
wir sind begeistert vom Platz im Innenraum, den schnellen Aufbau (mit nur ein paar Handgriffen, wirklich optimal als Schattenspender. ACHTUNG: wie im Angebot beschrieben, der LSF ist 50. Man sollte auf die Sonnencreme nicht verzichten.
Produkt absolut empfehlenswert !
The package arrived all intact. My wife and I unpacked it in the Garden. Being careful we followed instructions from video. Once unfolded up she popped. As for disembleing the Beach Tent taking a little time we had packed up in 4 minutes. Very Happy with product. Thank you. CWC
Ottima tenda, facile e veloce da montare, protegge molto bene dal sole, volendo si pu mettere anche un telo sopra. Ha retto bene il maestrale (servono i picchetti pi lungi, ne bastano due, quelli in dotazione sono troppo piccoli). Adatta benissimo a due, al massimo tre adulti.
Il servizio di Amazon come sempre ottimo.
easy to erect perfect for our children to play in the garde
Die Muschel bietet wirklich ausreichend Platz zum umziehen zum schlafen zum drin spielen. Sie steht sehr fest auch wenn Sten hlt sie sehr gut aus. Sie lsst sich schnell aufbauen und schnell zusammenbauen. Bis jetzt die beste Strandmuschel die ich hatte
Bought this for the summer for me, my husband and our two boys. It’s great. Fits us all in on the beach. Is super easy to put up and put away. And really easy to carry as well. Replaces a little two person sun tent we had previously and is brilliant for the four of us. Seems good quality as well. Would definitely recommend.
Best Buy, so convenient to just grab and go, set up and tidy away
Bis jetzt hat es den Hrtetest noch nicht erlebt. Im Garten hat es aber gut funktioniert. Wie langlebig die Strandmuschel ist und wie gut sie dem Wind standhlt wird sich noch zeige
Bought this to upgrade from a smaller tent that required a lot of effort to set up and had been used so much that it was falling apart. This tent is brilliant – great size and so easy to set up! Flattening it back down again is a little more fiddly than putting it up but I suspect that as we become more experienced with it we will find the knack! Can’t speak for its longevity as we’ve only had it up in the garden twice but it feels like it will last. The floor fabric feels a little thin but with picnic blankets / towels etc on it we’re happy it will be fine! Would definitely recommend!
We purchased this for the beach and picnics and it will do both admirably. It is very easy to put up but a bit tricky to take down and detailed reading of instructions is required otherwise poles could be damaged. It is lightweight for its size & will provide good sun protection. It is spacious and will
definitely suit 2-3 Adults and 2 children or 2 adults sitting on chairs. It is only lightweight and if not for sand then probably a little groundsheet may be sensible to pitch it on.
Haven’t used it yet, but it’s easy to put up and take down.
Schnell aufgebaut, viel Platz, mit praktischen Sandtaschen an der Seite und Sturmleinen. Einzig die ffnung an der Tragehlle ist leider schon etwas beschdigt, knnte etwas stabiler genht werden. Ansonsten top Artikel
Nach 14 Tage nutzen, absolut zufrieden
Sekunden schneller auf und Abbau, sehr kompakt.
Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir!
Viel Platz fr eine 4 kpfige Familie.. Kinderleicht und superschnell auf-bzw. abzubauen.
I was a sceptic but its actually good.
Easy to put up & dismantle.
Large size is good for families.
Overall very good
Top fr meine Enkel, schnell aufgebauter Sonnenschutz wo auch die Groeltern mit den Enkeln darunter Platz haben und spielen knnen.
Wirklich einfacher Aufbau und Zusammenbau! Mal sehen wie lange es hlt ;o)
Hatten es mit am Strand. Super Sache. Sehr gerumig (3 Personen).
When you think about tents u think it’s going to be quite hard to install but this product was actually very to install and fold away, not to heavy to carry perfect space for 4 to 5 people.
Schneller Auf / Abbau .Qualitt passt und der Preis ist vllig OK.
Fr Mich absolute Weiterempfehlung.
Muschel lsst sich schnell aufbauen und zusammenlegen. Bei richtiger Handhabung ist kein einklemmen der Finger wie in anderer Rezension geschrieben mglich
Great tent easy to put up and down. Would have given 5 but like others have said bag broke straight away.
Such a simple set up and fold away – literally like an umbrella! No faffing with poles! Solid structure – even with the beach breeze. And gives a perfect cool shelter in the sun and doesn’t clam up like a sauna!
I highly recommend for any family – be it for beach trips, park picnic visits or just simply for shelter in the back garden! Worth every penny!
Lsst sich super leicht aufbauen und abbauen und steht wie eine Eins.
Just what we need for our dogs when it’s hot very sturdy and seems well made , only tried it in the garden but so far so good.
Very lightweight to carry, bigger than I thought which is great & easy for me to put up & down on my own. P
We have had so many pop up tents that we have never been able to put back in bag! This is a first.
Bought for 2 adults and 2 kids. Just about right. Good product.
Ganz schnell und kinderleicht auf- und wieder abzubauen. Das Zelt ist hinreichend stabil, um auch bei einem etwas krftigeren Nordseewind nicht einzuknicken.
Rundum ein toller Kauf!