H2OSUP Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board,10’6″ x 30″ x 6″ Paddle Boards,with Backpack,Durable SUP Board Accessories,Extra D-rings for Kayak Seat & Non-Slip Deck Paddle Boards for Adults
10’5″ x 30” x 6”
10’5″ x 30” x 6”
10’5″ x 30” x 6”
10’5″ x 30” x 6”
Item Weight
8 KG/17.6 lbs
8 KG/17.6 lbs
8 KG/17.6 lbs
8 KG/17.6 lbs
Max Capacity
130 KG/286 lbs
130 KG/286 lbs
130 KG/286 lbs
130 KG/286 lbs
0.9 mm military grade PVC+Drop-stitch inner construction
0.9 mm military grade PVC+Drop-stitch inner construction
0.9 mm military grade PVC+Drop-stitch inner construction
0.9 mm military grade PVC+Drop-stitch inner construction
I wanted a good SUP that didn’t cost crazy amounts and this one was spot on! Sturdy in the water, easy enough to inflate (the pump that it comes with works well) and all of the accessories are spot on! I’ve been out on it a few times now and i’m very happy!
Ich muss zugeben – dies ist mein erstes Standup, daher habe ich keine Vergleichsmglichkeiten. PLV schien mir absolut okay, auch wenn ich es zum Testen bekommen habe.
Zubehr – es ist alles dabei, was man braucht. Die grte Herausforderung ist das Aufpumpen, wozu man schon eine Weile braucht. Aber zum Testen auf dem heimischen Baggersee hat es super geklappt. Fr Kinder ein toller Spa, weil man sich gut dranhngen kann. Und erste Stehversuche gingen auch schon ganz gut.
Wsste nicht, was man bei so einem Ding besser machen knnte. Sieht gut aus und fhlt sich bisher in der Verarbeitung wertig an. Der nchste Sommer kann kommen.
This was the cheapest SUP I could fine that had reasonable reviews. I was a bit nervous to see what the quality would be like but I was very impressed! The SUP is great for the price, and very solid when inflated. Will definitely be ordering another one!
La tabla est genial, cumple todas las expectativas. En la bolsa de transporte entra todo perfecto, tabla, bomba de aire, remo, etc. Se infla en menos de 5 minutos y se desinfla y se pliega para guardarlo sin ningn esfuerzo. Muy buena compra y muy recomendable.
Acquistato in offerta con il prime day cercavo da tempo una tavola da sup per cominciare a conoscere questo sport. Al momento sono soddisfatto. Si gonfia velocemente. Credo sia l’ideale per i principianti come me.
At agora foi utilizada 2 vezes e correu tudo bem.
A prancha enche-se em cerca de 5 minutos. A vlvula tem 2 posies, uma em que fica aberta e serve para esvaziar a prancha e outra que fica selada, e evita que o ar saia – poderia ser mais fcil de identificar se a vlvula est aberta ou fechada, mas com o tempo, percebe-se. Ao contrrio de alguns comentrios que fui vendo, a minha vlvula fecha-se perfeitamente. A bomba s comea a mostrar os PSIs quando a prancha j parece cheia, mas efetivamente consegue-se encher mais. Tenho enchido entre os 9-11 PSIs.
A barbatana encaixa sem problemas. O remo ajustvel, mas nota-se que se tiver muito uso a “alavanca” que prende a altura do remo vai ficando um pouco solta e acaba por ir “escorrengando”. No strap descoseu o smbolo da marca, mas resolve-se facilmente. Quanto prancha em si, j vinha com algumas marcas de “sujidade” como se pode ver na imagem, mas nada de especial. Tem pequenas reas na prancha onde se notam algumas “dobras”, mas para j, no foi impeditivo de nada. Quanto estabilidade da prancha no rio, acho que bastante boa, logo na primeira utilizao consegui levantar me e remar de p durante bastante tempo. Para alm disso, experimentamos eu e o meu pai ao mesmo tempo na prancha, com um deitado frente e o outro a trs em p a remar, e funcionou, sendo que eram cerca de 145kg. Para j a experincia foi muito boa, agora resta saber quanto tempo vai durar a prancha. Vem com um carto com o contacto do vendedor e refere que podemos ativar a garantia de 1 anos se enviarmos email. Enviei e responderam-me no mesmo dia, e at mesmo deram dicas sobre a vlvula.
Cumpre a sua função muito bem - resta saber se é duradouro!
Ricevuto, gonfiato in 10 minuti e subito in acqua (mare). Ottimo prodotto, stabile e pare anche resistente. Nessun problema riscontrato. Anche se raccomandato per 130 kili, mio figlio lo ha stressato con i suoi amici superando di gran lunga il limite e ha retto benissimo (ovviamente raccomandabile seguire le indicazioni). Piacevole al tatto. Pagaia blu elettrico molto bella. La pompa ha fatto splendidamente il suo dovere
Ho acquistato questo sup qualche mese fa e dopo l’utilizzo in lago e in mare comprese onde e vento vi dico che si comporta alla grande tanto che ne ho comprato un altro per mia moglie, veloce rispetto a molti, stabile e abbastanza spesso per avere un ottima galleggiabilit. Consigliatissimo!!
Nella confezione trovate tutto l’occorrente per trascorrere ottime giornate sull’acqua, nel pacco trovate:
– POMPA alta pressione con manometro (e relativo tubo)
– pagaia
– Pinna
– Laccio da attaccare alla caviglia e al sup
– libretto istruzioni
– kit per riparazione (due toppe) e la chiave per la valvola
– Zaino di materiale robusto con una bella cerniera resistente
Non ha nulla da invidiare ad altri modelli, fa il suo lavoro. Resistente e ben equilibrato date le dimensioni (3207615cm) . I 15 cm di spessore sono molto comodi perch sorreggono bene e danno rigidita’ alla tavola (anche per stare due persone su).
La plastica utilizzata per il sup resistente, il pad ampio e fornisce un buon grip. Ci sono i 4 ganci (d-ring) per poter attaccare la seduta e usare il sup come un kayak.
Come detto prima, una soluzione completa e con un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Ho avuto modo di contattare l’assistenza e sono molto gentili e spiegano le cose al meglio.
Molti hanno segnalato problemi nella valvola…. puo’ capitare che perda e nel kit c’ appunto una chiave per stringere o allentare la valvola. fatto questo il problema si risolve.
Per la colla che diventa arancione… non pensate che altri modelli non succeda. gli amici che sono venuti con me con tavole “blasonate” hanno stessi difetti.
Io ve lo consiglio e anche altri amici dopo averlo visto e provato lo stanno acquistando.
Stai cercando un SUP maneggevole, resistente e completo? è questo
Zuerst zu dem Negativen die Pumpe ist leider das schwchste bei dem Board Preis. Man pumpt und pumpt aber die Bar Anzeige bei der Pumpe bewegt sich nur minimal bis gar nicht. Bei 0,7 bar habe ich aufgehrt zu Pumpen da der Wiederstand der Pumpe zu gro war. (Lieber Hersteller bitte bitte nachbessern, )
Der Kundenservice hingegen ist Weltklasse ich htte ein kleines Problem welches sofort vom Hersteller gelst wurde (zu meiner Zufriedenheit)
Das Board selbst finde ich Weltklasse. Ich habe schon ein Board mit drei Finnen gehabt und das war auch ein Stck kleiner)
Ich persnlich finde das Board sehr sehr ruhig auf dem Wasser und wenn man Speed aufbauen will bekommt man das auch schnell hin, zu lenken ist es sehr sehr leicht.
Die finde dieses Board sogar um einiges besser wie mein altes auch der Rucksack ist angenehmer zu tragen.
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit insgesamt 3 verschiedene SUP’s testen zu drfen.
Testumgebung ist ein kleinerer See gewesen.
Ich muss dazu sagen ich bin absoluter Neuling was SUP’s angeht und kann daher keine Profiangaben und Vergleiche zu hherwertigen Boards machen.
Das SUP ist schnell aufgebaut. In knapp 10 Minuten ist es aufgepumpt und quasi Einsatzbereit.
Alles ist wie auf den Bildern zu sehen.
Das Bord macht einen tadellosen Eindruck. Die Verarbeitung weit keinerlei Mngel auf. Alle Klebungen sind ausgezeichnet ausgefhrt.
Die Pumpe tut was sie soll.
Die Finnen werden in Schienen geschoben und jeweils mit einem Klipp aus Kunststoff gesichert und knnen nach der Benutzung des Bords wieder abgenommen werden.
Das Paddel ist dreiteilig und entspricht den Erwartungen in dieser Preiskategorie.
Der Rucksack ist riesig, so dass man noch ausreichend Platz hat neben dem Set auch noch die Schwimmsachen und ein groes Handtuch unterzubringen.
Das Board liegt gut im Wasser. Als Anfnger muss man sowieso erst mal sein Gleichgewicht und den richtigen Stand rausfinden. Hier konnte ich bei allen 3 Boards keine gravierenden Unterschiede feststellen.
Hat man erstmal den Bogen raus macht es wirklich Spa.
Dieses SUP hat keine Halterung fr eine Actioncam und ist fr Personen mit einem Krpergewicht bis maximal 130kg geeignet.
Was ich aber hier sehr gut finde, es gibt eine extra Vorrichtung fr einen Kajaksitz. Das finde ich sehr gut
Ansonsten kann ich nichts negatives Berichten.
Preislich liegt es mit es aktuellen 219,99 unter den beiden anderen Boards und bietet somit ein sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis!
Ich glaube in diesem Preisbereich unterscheiden sich die Boards auch nicht so sehr. Es sind meist nur kleine Details und hier bestimmt einfach nur der persnliche Geschmack und Anspruch fr welches Board man sich letztendlich entscheidet. Schwimmen tun sie alle gut und Spa machen auch 😉
Das Board ist im Vergleich zu etlichen anderen, die ich bisher hatte, sehr leicht, lsst sich dadurch auch etwas lngere Strecken tragen (sowohl in der Tasche als auch aufgeblasen). In der Lieferung ist das Board, die Pumpe, eine Finne, ein Paddel, die Sicherheitsleine, das Repair Kit und die Transporttasche enthalten. Mehr braucht man nicht und es passt alles gut in die Tasche rein. (Auch nach der erstmaligen Nutzung! Man muss kein Faltexperte sein.) Am See einfach auseinanderfalten, mit der Fupumpe, die einfach ist, aber gute Arbeit leistet, aufblasen, dann Ventil verriegeln und loslegen. Das Trittfeld bietet guten Grip, vor unter den Gummileine kann man sein Zeug verstauen. Mit 130kg hat es eine gute Traglast, bei der auch meine beiden Kinder mitfahren knnen. Wir hatten viel Spa auf dem See und ich denke, den werden wir auch lange haben. Bislang macht es einen uerst robusten Eindruck und erfllt unsere Anforderungen. Mit 229 Euro liegt es im unteren Mittelfeld, es geht ein wenig gnstiger, aber auch viel teurer.
Easy to inflate and everyone loved being out on the water. We were worried that it would not all fit back into the bag – but needn’t have everything went back easily. The carrying backpack is a real useful addition to the product.
Das SUP-Board von H20SUP, einem chinesischen Hersteller, kam im Versandkarton per Paketbote gut und sicher ins Haus.
Neben dem gesamten Zubehr und einer gedruckten (englischen) Anleitung ist das eingerollte SUP-Board komplett in der mitgelieferten, sehr robust wirkenden Rucksacktasche verstaut. Diese ist ca 85 cm hoch, ca 40 cm breit und bis zu 25 cm dick. So komplett wiegt sie 10,5 kg, wobei von diesem Gewicht etwa 8 kg die des Boards an sich sind.
Das Board aus dickem und strapazierfhigen PVC, in meinem Fall in modern knalligem Orange hat die Lnge von ca 310 und die Breite von schlaff liegend 80 cm und dann 76 cm, wenn es auf 15 cm Dicke aufgepumpt worden ist. Die Maximalbelastung betrgt laut Hersteller 130 kg, was damit die meisten Erwachsenen gut tragen knnen wird.
Als Zubehr sind folgende Dinge mit im Lieferumfang:
– ein lngenverstellbares Paddel mit Aluminiumstange und stabilem Kunststoffteller
– eine Handhubpumpe mit Druckanzeige, Luftschlauch und Drehverriegelungsarretierung zum Aufpumpen des Boards
– die bereits beschriebene Rucksacktransporttasche mit breiten Trgern, einem Griff an der Oberseite und einer seitlichen Einstecktasche
– einer abnehmbaren Unterbodenflosse
– einem Sicherungsband mit Fuschlaufe, um das Abdriften des Boards beim Runterfallen verhindert
– einem Schnellreparaturset (dessen Handhabung mir unklar ist, da nur 2 Stck PVC ohne Kleber aber auch ohne verstndliche Kurzbeschreibung)
– eine gedruckte Anleitung in Englisch
Alles in allem ein ansehnliches, gut verarbeitetes und leichtes SUP-Board fr einen absoluten Anfnger wie mich, der diesen Sport ausprobieren mchte.
Den Abzug eines Sternes gibt es aber trotzdem, weil eben die Anleitung nicht in deutsch ist, die Handhubpumpe nur auf- und nicht auch abpumpt (dafr muss man das Ventil ffnen und die Luft durch eindrehen des Boards herausdrcken), die Funktionsweise des Reparatursets (das ich hoffentlich nicht brauchen werde) unklar ist sowie der Preis (mit aktuell 229 EUR) nicht berdurchschnittlich gnstig ist (da es vergleichbare Boards bereits um/unter 200 EUR gibt).
Als Fazit schwankte ich zunchst zwischen 3 und 4 Sternen, gebe ihm aber dann doch eine 4-, also 4 Sterne: ****.
Leichtes aber stabiles SUP mit Pumpe und robuster Rucksacktasche für Einsteiger bis 130kg
I got this H20SUP Inflatable stand up paddle board as we are a family of five (kids are 11, 8 and 2) and like many people in the last couple of years, we have been holidaying in the UK so thought this would be a great thing to take along to our camping trips/short breaks.
First things first, this is an inflatable paddle board that’s supplied with everything you need to get on the water including:
The raft itself
Large, high volume air hammer style pump (with pressure gauge)
Paddle (comes in 3 pieces that simply click together so offers some flexibility in it’s length but is easy to pack away)
Removeable fin
Ankle leash to tether the board to your ankle
Repair kit in the event of a puncture/air leak
Large carry bag/rucksack
Right out of the bag this thing is clearly very well made and of high quality. The raft material is very thick and feels strong but is equally lightweight. It’s brightly coloured (we have the orange one but other colours are available) with good graphics and well thought out design/features. It is very easy to set up, simply connect the pump to the high pressure valve and then inflate (you effectively stand on the base of the pump to keep it grounded whilst you push/pull the handle up/down to inflate). The pump is pretty good and doesn’t require an athlete to operate it — just takes a little time but within around ten minutes the board was fully inflated and ready to go! Bear in mind the gauge on the pump takes a while to show any pressure — this appears to be normal (see other reviews) and will eventually register so don’t panic, it will work! Once inflated, simply clip in the stabilising fin and the board is now ready!
Once the board is set up, you just need to click the paddle together (there is plenty of adjustment in this to cater for different heights — I’m 6 foot and my daughter is 5 foot and we both were able to adjust it to suit). You can also add the ankle leash (which has a strap to place around your ankle and then clips onto the board) to ensure the board stays nearby in the event of a fall — the cord is coiled meaning its not physically very long so doesn’t get in the way but will stretch in the event of a fall (by effectively uncoiling — like the old belt clip keyrings for those of an older generation) so is well designed for the job!
The board has integrated bungee tie down cords so if you have a bag with you, it can easily be pinned onto the deck of the board — worth investing in a waterproof bag (not supplied but readily available) for all your valuables etc. It also has sturdy/secure D-ring to enable a kayak seat to be added giving added diversity! I am going to look into getting one of these to add to the board for taking our 2 year old out on it!
The deck board is non slip and to be fair, I didn’t have an issue with it specifically and although I didn’t slip (so it did it’s job), I felt it could have been a bit grippier (if that makes sense!). I did struggle to keep my balance on the board but that was more to do with my lack of core strength than the board — we also used this for testing purposes in a very shallow pool at a local manmade beach so didn’t actually use the fin for fears of being grounded so this would have probably helped stabilise it a little (that’s my excuse anyway!)
The kids absolutely loved spending the day on this board and anything that gets them active and off their electronics is a winner for me! We really enjoyed the day and they’ve been badgering me to go back ever since! My daughter took to this with ease and found the board stable, manouverable and easy to use!
When it came to deflating and packing away the board, I was a little worried it might be a bit of a faff to deflate but I needn’t have worried! It went down easily and I simply rolled it up and popped it back in the bag — couldn’t have been easier and just what the Doctor ordered after a long day on the water! The bag itself isn’t of brilliant quality but it does the job and what I liked about it is that it’s not an extremely tight fit where once you take everything out, you can never get it all back in again — it went back in easily but securely and was relatively easy to carry.
One bit of advice would be that if you deflate the board and pack it away straight away (ie don’t have time to dry it out properly before packing away), when you get home/settled – unpack the board and clean it down/dry it out thoroughly before you pack it away for any length of time. I think it’s really important to look after this sort of kit and what you have to appreciate is that if you just dump it straight into the bag and then store it for ages, theres every likelihood that when you come back to it, you might have some mould etc on it. It’s a decent bit of kit so look after it and it will last well, I’m confident of that!
The one thing I need to add/get, particularly when I get to using it on open water or in a current is a bouyancy aid/life jacket which I will need to get age/weight appropriate one’s for the kids (these are not supplied but readily available). Personally, I will also consider a helmet of some description just as an added safety feature.
On the face of it, 220 is a reasonable amount of money but if you are going to get a decent amount of use out of it, it is definitely worth it. It’s great that it packs away neatly into a relatively small bag (given the raft is over ten feet long fully inflated) and we have just stored it in the loft ready to go on our next adventure. It takes up as much room in the car as a standard size holdall so is easy to fit in and will provide the whole family (or just you) endless fun! In terms of justifying the outlay, if you were to try to hire one of these on a resort/tourist spot it will probably set you back around 20 for an hour so you can really see how you would get your moneys worth by buying this!
For your info, some of the product specifications are:
Maximum user weight is listed as 286lb (just over 20 stone and is the combined weight limit)
Weight of the Board is listed as 17.6lb (just under 8 Kg)
Length of Board is 10 feet 6 inches
Width of Board is 30 inches (2 feet 6 inches)
Depth of Board (inflated) is 6 inches
All in all, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has an inkling to give paddle boarding a go. It’s a great beginners board with everything you need to get going (except the previously mentioned bouyancy aid/life jacket and helmet) and packs away neatly into a backpack! It is clearly good quality and offers good value for money as long as you are going to use it.
I’ve given this product 5 stars on the basis that I can’t fault it.
Excellent quality inflatable paddle board - great fun for the whole family!
The “Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board” from “H2OSUP” is a full-size paddleboard that’s suitable for adults and teenagers up to 20 stone (130 kgs).
First off, the paddle board comes in an easy to carry storage bag along with all of the accessories you need to get out into the water and enjoying the board. Together the whole thing weighs roughly 18lbs, so it’s not massively light (for say a small teenager to carry), but not bad.
Setting the paddle board up is much simpler than I imagined it would be. It’s inflatable and comes with a good quality pump for getting it inflated. The valve itself is a strong safety valve that won’t let any air escape.
You need to inflate the paddle board to a suitable pressure. I found around 7 — 8 PSI is about perfect. The instructions do say not to go beyond 15 PSI as it could erupt / explode. To get it to 8 PSI took me around 10 minutes of not very rigorous pumping.
Once inflated the detachable fin can simply be slid on, the paddle slotted together and you’re pretty much ready to go! Fully inflated to a suitable PSI, the paddle board feels sturdy and easily solid enough to take a full body weight etc. It’s also still very lightweight, and not too cumbersome for carrying under and arm down to the water.
It does take a little while to find your balance and get stable on the board. Personally, I found it was best to start off sitting down on it and paddling around like that, to get a feel for the buoyancy and general movement of the board. Then I progressed to kneeling and finally, after quite some time to be honest, standing.
The quality of the paddle board is absolutely superb in my opinion. The material the board is made from is incredibly strong and sturdy and zero chance of ripping or anything. All seams on the board look to be tight and stable and unlikely to split.
All in all I’m incredibly happy with the paddle board. Comes with everything you need, and really is of a very high quality. Highly recommended.
Have never been paddling before but always expect to do it. So I ordered this product as soon as it is available. It arrived with a big nicely packed parcel. It seems complicated but with the instruction it is that difficult to inflate. It is made of solid thick pvc fabric nice and sturdy. Also easy to deflate and store away. I can’t wait for the summer next year to practice more.
This is a great product.
It comes with its own bag/rucksack and incredibly it’s easy to fold.
Everything fits in the bag, including the pump and other accessories.
The full bag weights 15kg, so not too harsh on your back.
The only suggestion I give is to carry a low pressure electric pump with you, the ones that can be plugged in the cigarette lighter socket in the car.
Then fully inflate with the supplied pump.
Failing that, it will take you about 20 minutes to fully inflate the board and you’ll be too knackered top use it.
It’s a professional board 3 metre long, so keep that in mind.
We are new to SUP and ordered this board as our first venture into the activity. After a couple of trips to our local water park we are hooked and this board has been the perfect beginner’s board for us to get up and running (paddling).
The board comes in a box but within the box everything is bagged up in a sturdy zip bag which is reasonably light and easy to carry for when you’re transporting the board and other bits and pieces between the car and the water.
Everything is well made and feels good quality. It’s pretty easy to get used to how to pump up the board using the excellent sturdy hand pump which does a great job of pumping the board up reasonably quickly given it’s a manual job rather than using an electric one – important to use the one that comes with it so that you have control of how much to pump it up!
Once inflated it’s a big unit, sturdy to stand on but surprisingly light and it just looks great! The paddle can be adjusted to suit different heights. SUP is a tricky thing to master and we’re still finding our way with it but this excellent board is perfect for our needs as we explore this fun sport/activity.
I am a complete beginner so had no idea what to expect. This board came with the required instructions and it was simple enough to set up and inflate. It is quite sturdy and isn’t slippery or sticky underfoot.
It feels great quality and like it will be very durable and will last for a long time. I love the orange colour.
It comes with all you need to have a go at paddle boarding.
The paddle board is cool, and it’s easy to draw, the quality is also very good, and most importantly! Compared with other stores, the price-performance ratio is very high, and it is excellent value for money!
Comfort grip handles are provided on the plates to lift the paddles easily. The inflatable paddle board is very lightweight(only 17.6 lbs)and easy to pull in and out of the water. After deflation, the paddleboard folds into a travel-friendly bag that can keep it in your car for all your excursions. In addition to the grip handle, the extra steel D-rings on the paddleboard bring extra convenience to carry.
It’s been a long time since I received the goods. I just tried launching today. It’s a bit windy. I haven’t mastered the balance yet. I’m slowly learning.
We got this for our holiday this year for something different. We LOVED it! All our kids (8,6,2) had fun on it. We used it 7hrs a day for 6 solid days snd it was fantastic. Easy to use and inflate/deflate. Sturdy for us beginners but easy enough to use that the 8yr old could use on her own. Highly recommended!
Eager to get started i opened the bag and found zip was broken (see later re customer service). Not disheartened took the SUP out. It inflated in about 10-15mins (depending who’s inflating it). Then it was in the water.
Paddle extends so fits varying heights- im 5ft 2 but my boyfriend is 6ft 6″ it is ok for us both.
Fin is easy to attach/ditatch.
I can carry the board – weightwise and just about armwise so again easy to move.
Haven’t tried deflating yet as having too much fun with them on the coast!
Customer service: so I emailed to register sup (i actually bought 2 one pink one orange) and mentioned broken zip on the bag. Unfortunately the company were unable to replace as they had none in stock but offered me a refund to purchase a bag. My emails were replied to promptly and the refund was in my account very quickly (3 working days). I cannot thank Maria enough for her help.
As a beginner i usually kneel but my bf is standing already. I am.less confident so i wished i had bought the kayak seat as well.
Great product. Great price. Happy customer.
My wife says the photo of her on it is unflattering, but it is just to show it getting used, even if the handle is not being held properly!
Currently advertised at 220.98 – get it now, you won’t find a cheaper, better, paddle board. There is nothing about this board that makes getting and expensive Red Paddle Board or the like worth it. My brother has a Nixy and whilst his goes to 18 PSI+, this really out does it on price.
The paddle is highly adjustable and goes long enough for someone who is 6’3″. 15 PSI is enough for me at 85 kg, but you will definitely need to look for something larger if you are much heavier.
The pump may not be too durable, but seems ok for now.
Also, there is too much plastic used in the packaging, which is immensely annoying. The carry bag is ok, but doesn’t have waist straps.
There are others on Amazon that look like the use the same “blank” if you can call it that for an inflatable SUP! What I mean is almost exactly the same shape and dimensions. This is currently the cheapest of the lot.
Easy to use, 6*, really amazing value compared to other brands
– shoulder straps of backpack are padded to increase comfort when carrying
– as a smaller it packs neatly and compactly
– good levels of grip on the surface of the board to feel secure in bare feet or water shoes
– fin slides easily into and out of base
– being a narrower and shorter board it’s a little bit less stable for a beginner paddler to get used to
– use of a hand pump means it does require time and effort to inflate
– heavy even in a rucksack so you wouldn’t have to walk too far to where you were getting in to paddle
Got this for my retired parents, who have decided to get into paddleboarding.
The boards are lightweight, both when inflated and when not, and are easy to move around thanks to the included backpack. Everything you need is included — fins, pump, paddle, ankle leash, repair kit. It’s very easy to inflate and put together, and my parents say it feels stable and comfy to use.
Paddle boarding seems to be the new rage where we live and there are a few local rivers that are hot spots for it. I’m not the strongest of swimmers so was a bit nervous at first but the stability and quality of the board quickly relinquished any worries, and it was so fun too I just want to keep going out on it!
We’ve tried it a few times, standing and sitting, with both of us on, and I want to try it with my dog too as there is no concerns with his claws and the material.
* Comprehensive kit: included is the pump, ankle strap, puncture repair kit, paddle (length adjustable), carry bag, paddle board and fin
* Easily set up and put away: really simple concept, easy to understand instructions, plus there’s a big backpack for it all
* Tough material: when you see inflatable, you would be forgiven for thinking it would be flimsy, but it really quite honestly extremely strong. It feels like a body board and completely solid – we hit the bank a few times and it’s very durable
* Grip on top: there is a section on the top of the board that is super grippy; this is great so you can paddle bearfoot and maintain your position without slipping about
* Bungee strap: there are straps at the front of the board for you to strap a dry bag or other belongings under (we used them for beach shoes)
* Pump: the pump is more than adequate for putting the pressure into the board, although it took a while to pump up
* Strong, floating paddle: given the paddle is metal (the blade is plastic) my partner was convinced it wouldn’t float. Well luckily it does! And it’s sturdy and adjustable for both me (5’4″) and my partner (6’0″) (the suggested length is 6″ taller than you)
* Big board: we actually managed to get two adults on the board comfortably with room and enough buoyancy for a child too
* Fun activity and quick to get used to: it took me a little while to get used to using the paddle, but I soon learnt to use it on each side, and push against the water with the curved side to rotate and turn around
* Can attach a seat: little metal hooks where you can attach a seat (not provided)
* Doesn’t capsize easily: it is pretty balanced and planted in the water. At no point did it capsize even when trying to get on from falling in, and I only fell in whilst my partner got off and I was unprepared!
* Little wrist/ankle strap at back: there’s a corded ankle strap if you fall off so you don’t lose the board and for safety. You could also have somebody being dragged along by the wrist if you wanted
* The air valve is an open valve so once the pump is disconnected air immediately releases at high volume (it isn’t one-way)
* We were initially confused as the pressure dial didn’t do anything when pumping even when it was pretty hard. Turns out, it will only register the correct pressure when it’s fully inflated, so bear this in mind and make sure you pump it up properly
Considering I’m quite an anxious person I was surprised at how much I loved doing this. I honestly have a complete blast: it’s totally thrilling and there’s no risks of punctures with this thing! It was fairly seamless to navigate, streamlined and the perfect family activity.
I cannot recommend it enough. If I’d have known how much I’d enjoy it I would definitely invest in one and this one by all standards it pretty darn good for the price given how much choice there is. Our neighbours are looking to buy one now so we can go paddling together.
A great vibrant colour, and has everything you need with it with no need to buy anything extra. 100% trust in the quality and with our safety.
This paddle board is ideal for beginners. Easy to set up and use, it also includes all sorts of extras to make your paddle board experience fun and safe.
The board also seems very durable and robust, so it should be up to all kinds of conditions and impacts. At the current price of just under 270 I think it’s great value, so I would definitely recommend.
This is a fabulous set for with everything you need getting into paddle boarding, or even kayaking (with an optional seat). The best thing about it is that you don’t need an SUV and a roof rack to transport it. It all fits nicely in it’s own sturdy bag which will go into most car boots or even on your back when cycling. Pumping it up is not too much of a chore once you line up the valve correctly. Regular paddlers might want to invest in an electric pump that can connect to your car battery.
It definitely looks the part once done, wider than I thought it would be but you will appreciate that when starting out, on your knees probably. It has tight straps for your gear and the all-important ankle leash. The paddle is more than long enough for me and I’m a giant. We have had lots of fun with this tow and even three (kids) up in the good weather though I’d recommend starting on a lake or canal if you have one nearby, to get your confidence and technique right. It’s prob best not to go out alone also. Being in the UK though you may want a wetsuit when autumn comes (mid July lol) but this is a versatile and fun bit of kit for all ages.
I’m a novice in this area but we were extremely pleased when we went to the beach with this H2OSUP Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board, this is big enough to fit up to three of us seated, however only one of us can sit in the proper place.
Because it was so long and wide, it was extremely easy to keep my balance and paddle at the same time.
To transport it all you had to do was put everything inside the bag and put the bag on your back as you would any backpack.
The PVC used is of high quality and extremely resistant to water damage, included with the board was also the air pump needed to fill the board. I didn’t like this air pump very much, but it worked beautifully.
It was a very fun and joy-filled trip, we all loved taking turns on this H2OSUP Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board.
When full, it feels like it’s made of wood, because it’s so hard.
I am not a regular swimmer or do any water sports but I have seen paddle boarding become popular in recent times so always wanted to try one and got it. I did not buy the clips seat and just the board, blue in colour. The quality of the items in the package looked great especially the pvc material of the board itself and its 2 layered finishing. It is indeed very lightweight and easy to handle.
I found it rather convenient that it is inflatable and I can easily carry it around in the given bag, while taking less space in my already filled up garage. It was quite straight forward to inflate it with the pump and just looked at the pressure gauge to stop. I am a tall guy, so I had to make the long handle and was afraid the paddle might become flimsy but it was sturdy.
From now on, I will be looking nearby lakes to use as often as I can as my son was also interested in trying it out and watching videos to learn how to balance. I would highly recommend to beginners who want a confidence start to paddle boarding because you would want a reliable product without much hassle to assemble.
Overall a product, well made and reasonably priced. At the time of review this product was available for 229.48.
I have been very impressed with this paddle board. As a complete beginner I was unsure what to expect, but this set had everthing I needed to get started – board, paddly, carry bag, air pump and a range of accessories including a waterproof tear seal (so far not needed, touch wood!).
In terms of the board itself, its wasvery easy to inflate and once inflated stayed up the whole time. I found I used a combnation of electric air pump and the hand pump included and It was fully inflated in around 3 min. In use, it was very impressive as it was very sturdy and stable on the water and the paddle was a good length too allowing for a very rewarding experience. It looked great with the bright orange trim too. Afterwards, it was easy to deflate and pack away in to the carry case meaning this is very good for storing too.
Overall, as a beginner I cannot recommend this paddle board set high enough – its very well made, comes with everything you need to get started, its easy to use, easy to store and gave me great confidence on the water. Highly recommended!
As absolute beginners to the world of SUP, this was a cheap option to get on the water. We absolutely love it, the board is good quality and easy enough to inflate. Really easy to carry around with the handy bag. I definitely recommend this board
This inflatable paddle board arrived in a medium sized brown cardboard box approx 3′ by 1′. The board itself is 10.5′ long, 30″ wide and 6″ thick. Inflatable SUPs are all the rage these days as they are much better to transport, and supposedly provide better balance. Mine arrived in blue and white, the white area being made up of a non slip coarse material for standing upon. Everything was very nicely packed and covered to prevent the plastics sticking together and to keep everything separate and unmarked. I checked every part, everything was there. A hand pump with a wide area for standing on, you are going to need to do that. The pump has a long reach of approximately two feet so that quite a lot of air can be propelled into the board. The pressure gauge will be essential once the board starts to get full of air, only then does the pressure gauge start to show the pressure – this might sound a bit simple but it does make senseTHE GUAGE DOES NOT START REGISTERING UNTIL THERE IS A LARGE AMOUNT OF PRESSURE. It took me approximately 350 pushes down on the pump to reach just under 15 PSI which is the optimum pressure to reach. Let me tell you that those last 30 to 40 pushes down on the hand pump is a real slog although it’s a good workout before you start paddling, you will have worked up enough sweat to welcome being in or on the water. So that’s the pump. You get a little orange container that contains two pieces of PVC and instructions on how to repair, but no glue. I can imagine that the reason there is no glue because that will have probably dried up waiting for you to have an abrasion! Now let’s look at the paddle, this is a great paddle! It’s made of aluminium and to me is fairly light. It comes in a burnished black and looks very smart indeed. It’s a clever extendable paddle also, as it has a stainless steel rectangular lever which un-tightens and tightens the upper half of the paddle so that you are able to extend the handle as needs be. There are markings on the upper handle to help you get the sizing correct. The board itself is very sturdy and well packed covered with polythene to prevent sticking. Once inflated to the optimum pressure it’s very very hard. There are several D rings for possible attachment of a kayak seat if you wish to attach one, or they can be used to assist in carrying the board. There is a bungee cord arrangement at the fore of the board just in front of the paddler if you wish to attach a paddle or wetsuit. You get a lanyard or leash to attach the board to your ankle, this looks quite strong and feels comfortable and compared to others that I have seen not what I expectedmuch better. It’s an attractive board, it does remain to be seen how strong the metal D rings are, I admit that they don’t look that strong, they look quite thin, and I also hope they are stainless steel and don’t rusts too quickly. You also get a black thick sturdy plastic fin for stability which slides into place. And attached by string is a rectangular ‘key’ that slips into a slot between the fin and the board fin attachment section to prevent the fin coming loose. Just make sure you insert it the correct way around or you will have trouble retrieving it from the board. It didn’t take me that long from taking the parts out to the finished product, about twenty minutes. That will obviously come down to about ten minutes now that I know where everything goes and develop muscles pumping up the board haha! To inflate and deflate the board just make sure that you follow the instructions. I found that to deflate the board it was easier to insert the pump tube and push the pin in and twist with the tube, that way I could push down and turn the valve easily with the hard plastic tube end than by using my fingers and straining those, it’s not that easy to turn the valve with fingers. The whole process is fairly straightforward, you just need a bit of muscle for the last 30 or so pumps of the hand pump. The pump also comes with a rubber washer which I found I didn’t need when attaching the tube to the hand pump chassis air outlet as it’s a straightforward screw on mechanism. Just ensure that with the air tube, you get a tight fasten to the pump and a tight fasten to the air valve on the board. I found I had to tighten both ends a bit more as the tube came off very easily once air started to enter the chamber. The twist to the air valve needs just that bit of an extra turn to ensure a very fast attachment. This is a great board for anyone really unless you are a pro I suppose. You get everything you need from the get go, the board itself comes in a smart grey bag with red piping. The bag also has two wide shoulder straps for carrying as a back pack. A terrific all round package, and a great item to get exercise. Like all things on the water, follow the instructions, in this case use on calm water at the shoreline, or lake or river. At a price point of 270 I give this paddling board kit a 5 star thumbs up
A very comprehensive paddle board kit, easy to transport, blow up and pack away
Absolutely love this and ordered on a whim but it has become my new hobby and I live just about as far away from the sea as is possible. However, I do live near a network of canals and that seemed like the perfect place to begin paddle boarding. This is such a relaxing pursuit, paddling down a waterway, calm waters, surrounded by wildlife, that all thoughts of taking this to the sea disappeared. The canal is a great place to learn to balance. It takes some practise, although it’s really simple on your knees as your centre of balance is low. Moving to your feet is a little more difficult but once achieved you can pretend you are a venetian gondolier. I didn’t fall in the water once. Not so when I took it to the sea where I think falling in the sea shouldn’t be avoided.
The board copes with the ocean waves well and feels very sturdy.
Construction wise it’s simple and can be inflated with a hand pump – I worked up a bit of a sweat. You shouldn’t use an electric pump, but manual is fine as you won’t be pumping for long.
I think this paddle board is great, great fun and is a wonderful way to spend your time – don’t hesitate to try it.
Das Board wurde schnell geliefert, die Zubehrteile (Board, Pumpe ,Paddel + Rucksack) sind zu meiner
Zufriedenheit ausgefallen. Das Board liegt stabil im Wasser, so dass es besonders fr Anfnger geeignet ist.
Alle Zubhrteile lassen sich gut im Rucksack verstauen, so dass man beim Einsatz alles beisammen hat.
Preis Leistung ist ok.
I have been fortunate enough to review other stand up paddleboards (SUP’s) over time and the quality and equipment provided with them has improved over time. This board is no exception.
I have listed a summary of the Pros & Cons towards the end of this review.
Again this is a really decent board and accessories. It follows a familiar theme of boards now available in that it basically has everything for paddle-boarding in a bag.
The board arrived well packaged in a strong box. The only thing missing which most people would probably also need/want to have is a waterproof phone case. They’re very cheap to buy so not a big issue at all.
It comes with a decent instruction manual which is comprehensive including some very good safety advice.
The board , 3 section paddle , I x Fin, Pump (with spare washer) , Repair kit, Ankle tether, Carry Bag.
The build quality again looks very good. The three-piece paddle is fairly standard but very very acceptable black anodised alloy with an adjustable latch closer at the top ( turn the lever clockwise to tighten) and a ball and socket closer for the paddle end. There are adjustment marks for height it all looks decent quality.
The ankle tether, is blue as opposed to what you normally see in black and it has some very decent cushioning around the ankle section and used the standard velcro fastening. It does a decent job too.
The canvass shoulder is a cut above the rest I’ve previously seen . It is a very nice silver sheen material , It looks really smart and is complimented by a robust looking bright red nylon zipper. It has the usual two rucksack style shoulder straps and a side carrying handle.
There’s also the fairly standard orange container with repair patch and valve tool, both useful additions.
The board itself was neatly folded and secured in a webbed strap. After inflation and deflation it was very obvious where the folds were to fold and return it to the correct size to go back in the strap and into the bag.
The inflation pump is large but a single action , not double action like some. It has a pressure gauge on the top. When using it I found it worked well , and it was reassuringly sturdy during the inflation process.
It takes a LOT of effort to inflate a paddleboard. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time I find I need to take about 3 breaks to get to the required 12-15 psi pressure. Obviously if you’re lucky enough to have an electric pump not an issue. It takes me around 15-20 minutes altogether.
Once inflated I had a good look at the board. The seams are sturdy, the lashing and inflation points looked strong and secure. The material has a decent thickness to it.
What I particularly like about this board is that it has lashings for a kayak seat that can be bought separately for those that want to mix it up or just prefer the option of shortening the paddle and kayaking on the water. Obviously that can be done on any SUP anyway just by sitting but the seat should stop slipping and sliding.
The deck has a textured rubberised material stuck to it which has good grip with bare feet was very. It also is a fairly wide deck 30 inches, not as wide as some ( 33 inches) but it should be plenty stable enough on the water. The board has the normal lifted nose which aids paddling.
There is just one central fin on this particular board which would make it ideal for flat water paddling which I would definitely recommend for beginners anyway. Single fins provide good tracking and less drag than 3 fin versions, making it easy to cut through smooth water.
It easier to put the fin on once the board is inflated and it slides into a slot and is secured by plastic peg on a lanyard.
After I inflated the board I checked the valve and seal for leaks with some water, it was fine.
I left it inflated on two trestles in my garage for three days to ensure there were no leaks as I know that sometimes it is possible to have an air leak around the inflation valve.
As mentioned the valve tool is provided with the kit to tighten up the valve in case that does happen.
The boards carrying handle worked ok, I find it best to stand the board on its side with the handle away from me and then pick up. It was centrally balanced when I carried it.
I tried the provided carry-bag it worked well , everything I would need to take with me fitted easily in the bag although as usual it is a fairly heavy weight to carry. To be fair the shoulder straps are well padded and were comfortable when I tried carrying it.
I’m not sure how often I would use the bag in practice as I park the car about 300 meters from the beach, then blow the board up on the grass car park and carry it to the water.
It’s also interesting to see peoples reactions when they see just how big the boards actually are once inflated. This one is the standard 10ft 6″ size.
When finished I’m also also very careful when deflating the boards after they have been used in a sandy beach as the air comes out very fast when pressing the deflate button down and it can blow any sand residue in your eyes if you’re not careful.
I would recommend beginners to find some nice calm water such as public reservoirs or water sport centres to master the art first as its nowhere as easy as it looks.Even takes some lessons. Once you’ve got the balance sorted then consider progressing onto the sea as they can get choppy and soon tip you off.
So in summary:
Everything you need to paddleboard is in the kit except waterproof phone cover.
Build quality looks really good an on a par with other more expensive ones I’ve reviewed
Thickness of the material is good
Put it all in the bag and chuck it in the car boot no roof rack required
Repair Kit & Valve tool are included
Can be stored away in the bag so not a lot of room required at home
Has extra tether points for a kayak/canoe seat to paddle with shortened paddle
Single Fin is easier on calm water
Will hold up to 130 kg (286 lbs) total weight
Pump although very efficient is not double action like some
Inflating it is hard! Best to do a bit at a time.
No waterproof mobile phone cover provided in the kit
Board is not quite as wide as some so slightly more difficult for beginners, but not much.
Single Fin is easier on calm water but turning tightly is a bit harder
When everything is in the kit bag it’s quite heavy to carry for a distance although as mentioned it was comfortable on the shoulders when I tried it.
I can definitely recommend this SUP kit, it is very good value at the current price ( 266 at time of the review) which is under half the price of some leading brands with similar material and design .
Comprehensive Kit- All You Need To Get Started Paddleboarding
We bought two of these SUP Pack sets, one in orange and one blue. There was a great deal to also purchase the clip on seat for a discounted price at the same time which is fab value. They are good quality and perfectly as described in that they are lightweight, easy to pack back into the back pack and everything you need is in there. When the packs arrived we inflated them both using the pressure pump provided. Although the boards inflated to a very hard standard, the pressure gauge on the pump did not register any pressure. We contacted Customer Service and they were fantastic, by sending us a video of instruction by return and also offered to send immediate replacements. After following the video and trying again, it transpired that you literally have to keep inflating until the pressure registers on the dial. THIS IS NOT EXPLAINED IN THE BOOKLET THAT ACCOMPANIES THE PACKAGE BUT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THE PUMP OR PRESSURE GAUGE. We can highly recommend these products and they are suitable for all ages. Thank you H2O-SUP for excellent Customer Service :o)
My first tip for this is. If you are able to inflate it at home first then have a way to transport it after inglaitednlike a roof rack or something I would recommend that. Just I find it easier to inflate at home.
Preety much comes with everything you need to get started. Firstly read the instruction book fully before doing anything.
The board is absolutly huge great size pump is provided to inflate this with the gage on top to tell you when it’s inflated fully the pressure should be no more than 15psi=1bar it will feel rock hard and you will think you can pump it up to 1 bar but it’s fine it will get there it took me about 15 mins to inflait it fully.
This board comes with an extandable paddle its in 2 pieces but once together there is a clip you can open and the handle extends even further which is great for family’s where everyone is different heights as the one paddle will suit all.
It comes with a safety ankle line that is padded around the ankle for compfort them clips onto a D loop on the board.
In the middle of the board there are 4 more D clips that I found out is so you can attach a compatible Kayak seat (not provided) which is a fun idea multi purpose board.
The fin for the bottom of the board is detachable for safer storage and when used is shallow waters and there is also a puncture repair kit (no adhesive included)
And everything when packed away fits into the storage bag provided. There is a good but of weight to this set but its manageable.
On the board itself there is a nonslip surface for where you stand a carry handle in the middle on top of the board and a stretchy roap at the front to tuck the oar into when not in use so it doesn’t fall of.
This seems like a easy set up that anyone could get started with very secure and well made going to be loads of fun on family holidays
This is a great value board, nice and stable, and easy to use. It comes with everything you need to get going, except a buoyancy aid. If you just want to try SUPs out for little money, this is great.
As with all inflatable SUPS, inflating the thing is a chore but not difficult. The supplied pump does the job and with a bit of effort you can get it to pressure in about 15minutes of pumping. About 3/4 of the maximum rated pressure rating put the board into a very rigid state, and there was never a feeling that it was going to fold up underneath you. There is a handle in the middle of the board, so it’s very easy to carry and surprisingly light to get it into the water.
At 10’6″ it’s pretty long, and it’s easy to get some speed up on this thing. It’s stable and testing it out on a first-time paddler had them up and riding almost straight away.
The board is pretty attractive looking, but obviously built to a price. The carry handle in the middle is just a piece of nylon strapping, and the pump nozzle doesn’t feel very robust, and is a slightly odd size in that my powered electric SUP pump wouldn’t fit it. The supplied pump does the job though.
There are D-rings on the deck so you can attach a kayak seat (not supplied) and you can paddle the thing sitting down if you want, like a kayak. I have a seat and this works well, but you might want to swap the paddle for a kayak one if you’re intending to do this. There is shock cord on the nose for a wetbag, and the strings have enough tension to keep stuff where its supposed to be.
The rails are fat, and there is barely any rocker, so this doesn’t work very well in surf (although it’s a lot of fun trying). It won’t turn very well on a wave and either side-slips or just rolls over if you try and carve it. On flat water though, it’s great. You can paddle into very shallow water, and it tracks well and is easy to paddle. Like all inflatables the wind will catch it easily, so be careful if you’re paddling in anything other than a light breeze, (do not use on offshore wind days – you will be out to sea before you know it) although it copes with small chop surprisingly well. The deck pad is grippy even when wet. The paddle is ok – nothing special, but it does the job.
Build quality is good – it’s not going to withstand impacts on rocks or sharp edges, but it feels like it will take reasonable wear and tear. You can beach it with out fear of sudden decompression.
Packing it up is suprisingly easy – dump the air, roll it up, and it goes back into the bag without too much arguement. You won’t be cursing it while tired and sunburnt after an afternoon on the water.
Serious SUPers will scoff at this thing, but they’re not the market. If you want a good value fun board for fun days on flat water, this is ideal.
(If you found this review useful, I’d love it if you let me know with a click below – thanks!)
Everything comes in a backpack making it easy to transport. The pump is easy to fit snd easy to use meaning your board can be fully inflated in about 5 minutes. Once inflated it is firm enough to hold the weight of two of us easily. The leash is a handy component as I gave been using it in the sea and stops it floating off. I like the adjustable paddle but am tempted to buy a second as we are both using it at the same time.
I really like it and am very much enjoying using i
For a budget SUP, this version from H20SUP is really good value and provides everything you need in a paddleboard. The whole kit is included-Backpack which carries the whole kit including the SUP, Leash, Hand Pump, Aluminum Paddle, Removable Travel Fin and a repair kit. I particularly like the vibrant orange colour and the fact that it has an attachment for a SUP seat for those who perhaps don’t feel confident standing up or if you have a couple of children on board.
Despite the images provided in the Amazon ad showing happy smiley people in T shirts and shorts paddleboarding along, I would always recommend a life jacket and wet suit. Especially if paddling in the sea in the UK. Even on our lakes and rivers, its pretty cold!
We are total novices to paddle boards but we’ve (my wife and I) have canoed and kayaked in our younger days. Takes about 10 minutes to pump up with supplied hand pump. So far I’ve got the valve position wrong three times (it does tell you on the board which way it goes) The pump gauge doesn’t register for a while but it does work. I pump it to 14psi. The fabric isn’t particularly sticky underfoot. A few friends have more expensive boards and you do tend to have a firmer feel underfoot. Saying that we are a pair of old duffers in our 60’s and although we are both cyclists and can balance on a bike no problem, balancing standing up is a whole new ball game with these. The young ones make it look so easy. We still haven’t got it right but kneeling on them is no problem. We’ve practised getting on and off in deeper water and we both manage no problem. The centre handle is well placed and the board isn’t too wide to help pull yourself up. The fin is easily put on snd off snd there are plenty of D rings on the surface. Rolling up and putting away is easy. I normally open the valve snd leave it for ten minutes before expelling the residual air and rolling it up. It’s fairly light to carry and we can put all but the pump in the supplied carry bag. All in all one of our better purchasers from Amazon.
Totally fabulous ~ a pure bundle of fun for anyone who wants a go
The board is a work of art
The pressure gauge isn’t
A compact yet easy to put together inflatable paddle board.
The pump is really good but the pressure gauge isn’t and because it’s a strange bayonet fitting I couldn’t put a standard pressure gauge on it. Looking at other reviews the gauge is a weak point and H20SUP need to sort it out ASAP and send users a replacement gauge. The gauge only needs to go up to the pressure the paddle board needs to be at when ready to use. PLEASE don’t let a cheap and cheerless gauge spoil a remarkable paddle board set up.
How did we cope then?
Pump it up until it feels solid.
Put it in the water and get on it ~ it it folds up then more air!
I pumped and pumped and it felt OK ~ but was it too hard or too soft ~ it worked in the water so guess it was OK.
Have you noticed how much is about the cheapest part of the complete kit!!!!
The paddle board is absolutely EXCELLENT ~ easy to use on the water, stable, capable and yet easy to pack up and take home. A paddle board that is a pain to set up and take down just won’t get used ~ this H20SUP is brilliant to use. The paddle is in pieces but when it is assembled it feels GREAT in your hand.
Everyone who had a go loved it ~ I can’t recommend the paddle board enough but sort out the pressure gauge on the pump !!!!
This is our second board from this manufacturer and the only difference is the colour, comes in a nice big bag which everything fits into quite easy which with quite a few products is not normally the case.
I was a bit concerned with our other one was that I thought the gauge on the pump might not be accurate as it did not move until the board was quite hard and seemed to take ages before it reached half a bar, recommended pressure is one bar, but this one was the same and I took it all the way to one bar with no problems.
The paddle just clicks together and can be adjust length ways via a quick release letting you slide the third section out.
leg strap and the fin which I did not put on this one but the fin just slots in a guide and held in place via a slide in clip, you also get some puncture patches but no glue.
The board is made of very tough feeling PVC with a none slip section on the top and some elastic strapping.
Pumping this up is just unscrewing the big dust cap turning the little center valve so it pops up, inflate put the dust cap back deflation is quick dust cap off push and twist the little valve so it stay’s down the air does come out at first with quite a whoosh but leave it for a few minutes and then just start folding from the front to get the rest out then it’s ready to be packed up with the other bits, just need it to stop raining and get some sun to get these to the water.
I ordered this H20SUP Stand Up Paddle Board initially with my eldest son in mind who is already very much into water sports living by the sea (lucky lad) but when it arrived I decided to look into SUPs more and discovered there’s a company teaching stand up paddle board yoga near me! I thought paddle boarding was like body boarding where you can ride the waves, which you can do, but SUPs are so much more and can be as active as you like or as relaxing too. We live very close to the canal, river and lakes and the thought of paddling along at my own pace really does appeal to me, though I will let my son try it too, eventually lol. So let me tell you about this inflatable paddle board, it’s 15kg with all the kit and comes in a tall but manageable zipped back pack. It comes with a hand pump, an adjustable paddle for different heights (I like that design as I’m 5′ 6″ but my son is 6′ 2″ but we could both comfortably use it). A removable travel fin, a safety leash, a repair kit (but oddly no glue). And a comprehensive instruction manual. The paddle board feels strong. It has a bungee cord to place the paddle securely, a carry handle when inflated, a large non slip EVA pad to stand on and 4 D rings attached so you can add a kayak seat ( I absolutely love that design). It has another D ring attached for the safety leash that attaches to your ankle.
Now the thought of using the hand pump did fill me with dread, I’m no spring chicken nor super fit, but actually it took me 10 minutes to pump it up. Do read the instructions before you start, and put it on a smooth flat surface. The inflation valve has an inner button you need to turn a quarter turn, it’s open when down, closed when up. Make sure when you attach the pump you firmly push inwards and turn clockwise to lock it in place, this is important as air will escape and your hard work pumping up the board will be even harder. Check the pump gauge as you go, it seems to take a while before it starts to move upwards. Don’t go beyond the 15PSI – 1bar as the board will explode according to the manufacturer and I’m not willing to test that out. The board inflated measures 10′ 6″ long, 30″ wide and has the capacity to safely take a load of 286 lbs (130 kg) max.
I’m super impressed with the build, when inflated it does feel like a solid board and it’s super value compared to other makes I’ve seen especially from a certain high street store ‘who’s never knowingly undersold’ which are ridiculously expensive compared to this H20SUP brand.
Please see my photos, I hope my review is is helpful to you, thank you for reading it.
This paddle board is fast becoming the most prized possession of the family; they are all almost fighting over it.
You get the inflatable paddle board itself plus a decent sized hand pump, an aluminium paddle (this is adjustable), an ankle leash (to ensure you don’t lose your board), a removable fin for your board, a repair kit (in case your paddle gets snagged on any nasty rocks) and a backpack to put all of your stuff in.
It was really easy to inflate with the hand pump and packed down to a really compact size to fit into the backpack – so it’s super easy to transport it when you are on holiday (just put it in the car and away you go) and also to carry onto the beach.
The paddle board itself is good quality and stable when standing on. Overall a really good paddle board and great fun for beginners.
Both me and the wife have often sat on the beach and watched people paddle boarding laughing when they fall off get back on a fall straight off again, it don’t look easy but it does look great fun, so having the opportunity to get our hands on a board and give it a try is brilliant.
This comes in a nice big bag which you can either carry using the handles or as a back pack using the shoulder straps.
Once out of the back and unrolled it’s just a case of pumping it up, the pump that comes with this is it’s only negative, the tube would not screw onto the pump that easy and care had to be taken not to cross thread it as it’s only plastic, and then I had the worry that the gauge was not working, I had the board to a pressure that made it feel quite solid but the gauge had not moved so I carefully pumped a little more then after a few pumps the needle started to move, I pumped until it reached half a bar (it recommends one bar pressure) at that point the board felt really quite solid and never having used a inflatable board before I had no idea how hard it should feel, so I stopped at half a bar and will need to check the accuracy of the gauge.
The paddle was easy to put together and is adjustable in length, ankle strap as well just strap it on and the fin just slots into place and is held firm by a slide in clip, so dead easy to get it all ready for a paddle.
The build of this thing looks really good nice thick feeling PVC with a grippy feeling top surface looked after this will last a very long time.
Packing it away had no problems just release the valve by twisting it and the air escapes quite quick then just fold it from the front to the rear so all the air comes out and it can be put back in the bag and it fits quite well normally things that come in bags don’t normally like to go back in them once removed but this bag is nice and big and it’s easy to fit the the board and all the other bits back inside.
So really pleased with this and looking forward to falling off it a few times.
Arrived in 2 days, Inflated in house to check it out and I wasnt disappointed, Well made sturdy and is better than my other board that cost twice as much. We heading to lakes this weekend to try it out but as for quality and price you cant go wrong to hit the water and enjoy the peace and serenity of paddle boarding.
Das Board ist super leicht gut auf dem Wasser und ist sehr robust nur die Luftpumpe ist beim zweiten mal kaputt gegangen. Ich habe es zurck geschickt worauf ich vom Hersteller ein kostenloses sup bekommen habe was auch zurck geschickt worden war aber komplett ganz ist und mein Geld habe ich auch sehr schnell wieder bekommen. Die Kundenbetreuung war super und mir wurde gut und schnell geholfen. Immer wieder gerne.
Wir haben beim Amazon-Prime-Day zugeschlagen und dieses SUP erworben. Zu diesem SUP gab es noch keine einzige Bewertung und es war daher ein bisschen risikoreich. Aber bei Amazon ist das Risiko ja eh sehr gering, da sehr kulante Rckgabemglichkeiten. Am Paddel fehlte leider das Bauteil Nr. 2 zum Feststellen des Paddels. Dies habe ich dem Verkufer gemailt und auch wirklich unverzglich die Zusage erhalten, dass ein neues Paddel nachgeliefert wird (an einem Wochenende). Gleich am Mittwoch darauf kam das Paddel an, diesmal vollstndig. Das alte Paddel durften wir behalten. Wir haben das SUP erst seit kurzem und zunchst erst einmal zuhause und dann einmal am Kanal aufgepumpt und dort auch ausgiebig getestet. Es macht einen wirklich tollen Eindruck! Die Tasche sah auf dem Bild in meinen Augen eher minderwertig aus, aber in echt sieht sie wirklich viel besser aus! Das SUP macht einen sehr guten Eindruck und wir werden es mit in den Urlaub nehmen. Auf 15 Pascal aufgepumpt ist es so hart, dass man es kaum glauben kann, dass das kein Hardboard ist. Der Verkufer hat sich auf jeden Fall als vertrauenswrdig erwiesen!
I wanted a good SUP that didn’t cost crazy amounts and this one was spot on! Sturdy in the water, easy enough to inflate (the pump that it comes with works well) and all of the accessories are spot on! I’ve been out on it a few times now and i’m very happy!
Ich muss zugeben – dies ist mein erstes Standup, daher habe ich keine Vergleichsmglichkeiten. PLV schien mir absolut okay, auch wenn ich es zum Testen bekommen habe.
Zubehr – es ist alles dabei, was man braucht. Die grte Herausforderung ist das Aufpumpen, wozu man schon eine Weile braucht. Aber zum Testen auf dem heimischen Baggersee hat es super geklappt. Fr Kinder ein toller Spa, weil man sich gut dranhngen kann. Und erste Stehversuche gingen auch schon ganz gut.
Wsste nicht, was man bei so einem Ding besser machen knnte. Sieht gut aus und fhlt sich bisher in der Verarbeitung wertig an. Der nchste Sommer kann kommen.
A good starter SUP board. Pleased with this. Good value for money
The pump screw connection to the hose doesn’t fit flush so no pumping grea
This was the cheapest SUP I could fine that had reasonable reviews. I was a bit nervous to see what the quality would be like but I was very impressed! The SUP is great for the price, and very solid when inflated. Will definitely be ordering another one!
La tabla est genial, cumple todas las expectativas. En la bolsa de transporte entra todo perfecto, tabla, bomba de aire, remo, etc. Se infla en menos de 5 minutos y se desinfla y se pliega para guardarlo sin ningn esfuerzo. Muy buena compra y muy recomendable.
Los materiales y componentes son de calidad. Todo segn lo descrito. La mochila de transporte es resistente y est diseada para llevarlo todo junto.
Acquistato in offerta con il prime day cercavo da tempo una tavola da sup per cominciare a conoscere questo sport. Al momento sono soddisfatto. Si gonfia velocemente. Credo sia l’ideale per i principianti come me.
A prancha enche-se em cerca de 5 minutos. A vlvula tem 2 posies, uma em que fica aberta e serve para esvaziar a prancha e outra que fica selada, e evita que o ar saia – poderia ser mais fcil de identificar se a vlvula est aberta ou fechada, mas com o tempo, percebe-se. Ao contrrio de alguns comentrios que fui vendo, a minha vlvula fecha-se perfeitamente. A bomba s comea a mostrar os PSIs quando a prancha j parece cheia, mas efetivamente consegue-se encher mais. Tenho enchido entre os 9-11 PSIs.
A barbatana encaixa sem problemas. O remo ajustvel, mas nota-se que se tiver muito uso a “alavanca” que prende a altura do remo vai ficando um pouco solta e acaba por ir “escorrengando”. No strap descoseu o smbolo da marca, mas resolve-se facilmente. Quanto prancha em si, j vinha com algumas marcas de “sujidade” como se pode ver na imagem, mas nada de especial. Tem pequenas reas na prancha onde se notam algumas “dobras”, mas para j, no foi impeditivo de nada. Quanto estabilidade da prancha no rio, acho que bastante boa, logo na primeira utilizao consegui levantar me e remar de p durante bastante tempo. Para alm disso, experimentamos eu e o meu pai ao mesmo tempo na prancha, com um deitado frente e o outro a trs em p a remar, e funcionou, sendo que eram cerca de 145kg. Para j a experincia foi muito boa, agora resta saber quanto tempo vai durar a prancha. Vem com um carto com o contacto do vendedor e refere que podemos ativar a garantia de 1 anos se enviarmos email. Enviei e responderam-me no mesmo dia, e at mesmo deram dicas sobre a vlvula.
Ricevuto, gonfiato in 10 minuti e subito in acqua (mare). Ottimo prodotto, stabile e pare anche resistente. Nessun problema riscontrato. Anche se raccomandato per 130 kili, mio figlio lo ha stressato con i suoi amici superando di gran lunga il limite e ha retto benissimo (ovviamente raccomandabile seguire le indicazioni). Piacevole al tatto. Pagaia blu elettrico molto bella. La pompa ha fatto splendidamente il suo dovere
Ho acquistato questo sup qualche mese fa e dopo l’utilizzo in lago e in mare comprese onde e vento vi dico che si comporta alla grande tanto che ne ho comprato un altro per mia moglie, veloce rispetto a molti, stabile e abbastanza spesso per avere un ottima galleggiabilit. Consigliatissimo!!
Nella confezione trovate tutto l’occorrente per trascorrere ottime giornate sull’acqua, nel pacco trovate:
– POMPA alta pressione con manometro (e relativo tubo)
– pagaia
– Pinna
– Laccio da attaccare alla caviglia e al sup
– libretto istruzioni
– kit per riparazione (due toppe) e la chiave per la valvola
– Zaino di materiale robusto con una bella cerniera resistente
Non ha nulla da invidiare ad altri modelli, fa il suo lavoro. Resistente e ben equilibrato date le dimensioni (3207615cm) . I 15 cm di spessore sono molto comodi perch sorreggono bene e danno rigidita’ alla tavola (anche per stare due persone su).
La plastica utilizzata per il sup resistente, il pad ampio e fornisce un buon grip. Ci sono i 4 ganci (d-ring) per poter attaccare la seduta e usare il sup come un kayak.
Come detto prima, una soluzione completa e con un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Ho avuto modo di contattare l’assistenza e sono molto gentili e spiegano le cose al meglio.
Molti hanno segnalato problemi nella valvola…. puo’ capitare che perda e nel kit c’ appunto una chiave per stringere o allentare la valvola. fatto questo il problema si risolve.
Per la colla che diventa arancione… non pensate che altri modelli non succeda. gli amici che sono venuti con me con tavole “blasonate” hanno stessi difetti.
Io ve lo consiglio e anche altri amici dopo averlo visto e provato lo stanno acquistando.
Zuerst zu dem Negativen die Pumpe ist leider das schwchste bei dem Board Preis. Man pumpt und pumpt aber die Bar Anzeige bei der Pumpe bewegt sich nur minimal bis gar nicht. Bei 0,7 bar habe ich aufgehrt zu Pumpen da der Wiederstand der Pumpe zu gro war. (Lieber Hersteller bitte bitte nachbessern, )
Der Kundenservice hingegen ist Weltklasse ich htte ein kleines Problem welches sofort vom Hersteller gelst wurde (zu meiner Zufriedenheit)
Das Board selbst finde ich Weltklasse. Ich habe schon ein Board mit drei Finnen gehabt und das war auch ein Stck kleiner)
Ich persnlich finde das Board sehr sehr ruhig auf dem Wasser und wenn man Speed aufbauen will bekommt man das auch schnell hin, zu lenken ist es sehr sehr leicht.
Die finde dieses Board sogar um einiges besser wie mein altes auch der Rucksack ist angenehmer zu tragen.
Klare Kaufempfehlung bis auf die Pumpe
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit insgesamt 3 verschiedene SUP’s testen zu drfen.
Testumgebung ist ein kleinerer See gewesen.
Ich muss dazu sagen ich bin absoluter Neuling was SUP’s angeht und kann daher keine Profiangaben und Vergleiche zu hherwertigen Boards machen.
Das SUP ist schnell aufgebaut. In knapp 10 Minuten ist es aufgepumpt und quasi Einsatzbereit.
Alles ist wie auf den Bildern zu sehen.
Das Bord macht einen tadellosen Eindruck. Die Verarbeitung weit keinerlei Mngel auf. Alle Klebungen sind ausgezeichnet ausgefhrt.
Die Pumpe tut was sie soll.
Die Finnen werden in Schienen geschoben und jeweils mit einem Klipp aus Kunststoff gesichert und knnen nach der Benutzung des Bords wieder abgenommen werden.
Das Paddel ist dreiteilig und entspricht den Erwartungen in dieser Preiskategorie.
Der Rucksack ist riesig, so dass man noch ausreichend Platz hat neben dem Set auch noch die Schwimmsachen und ein groes Handtuch unterzubringen.
Das Board liegt gut im Wasser. Als Anfnger muss man sowieso erst mal sein Gleichgewicht und den richtigen Stand rausfinden. Hier konnte ich bei allen 3 Boards keine gravierenden Unterschiede feststellen.
Hat man erstmal den Bogen raus macht es wirklich Spa.
Dieses SUP hat keine Halterung fr eine Actioncam und ist fr Personen mit einem Krpergewicht bis maximal 130kg geeignet.
Was ich aber hier sehr gut finde, es gibt eine extra Vorrichtung fr einen Kajaksitz. Das finde ich sehr gut
Ansonsten kann ich nichts negatives Berichten.
Preislich liegt es mit es aktuellen 219,99 unter den beiden anderen Boards und bietet somit ein sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhltnis!
Ich glaube in diesem Preisbereich unterscheiden sich die Boards auch nicht so sehr. Es sind meist nur kleine Details und hier bestimmt einfach nur der persnliche Geschmack und Anspruch fr welches Board man sich letztendlich entscheidet. Schwimmen tun sie alle gut und Spa machen auch 😉
Das Board ist im Vergleich zu etlichen anderen, die ich bisher hatte, sehr leicht, lsst sich dadurch auch etwas lngere Strecken tragen (sowohl in der Tasche als auch aufgeblasen). In der Lieferung ist das Board, die Pumpe, eine Finne, ein Paddel, die Sicherheitsleine, das Repair Kit und die Transporttasche enthalten. Mehr braucht man nicht und es passt alles gut in die Tasche rein. (Auch nach der erstmaligen Nutzung! Man muss kein Faltexperte sein.) Am See einfach auseinanderfalten, mit der Fupumpe, die einfach ist, aber gute Arbeit leistet, aufblasen, dann Ventil verriegeln und loslegen. Das Trittfeld bietet guten Grip, vor unter den Gummileine kann man sein Zeug verstauen. Mit 130kg hat es eine gute Traglast, bei der auch meine beiden Kinder mitfahren knnen. Wir hatten viel Spa auf dem See und ich denke, den werden wir auch lange haben. Bislang macht es einen uerst robusten Eindruck und erfllt unsere Anforderungen. Mit 229 Euro liegt es im unteren Mittelfeld, es geht ein wenig gnstiger, aber auch viel teurer.
Easy to inflate and everyone loved being out on the water. We were worried that it would not all fit back into the bag – but needn’t have everything went back easily. The carrying backpack is a real useful addition to the product.
Good product but the pump pressure gauge does not work. but the company has promised to send a new pump. Actual board is great.
It’s sturdy and so easy to set up and put back in bag. As you can see I been practicing. I will update review when I go to Weymouth
Das SUP-Board von H20SUP, einem chinesischen Hersteller, kam im Versandkarton per Paketbote gut und sicher ins Haus.
Neben dem gesamten Zubehr und einer gedruckten (englischen) Anleitung ist das eingerollte SUP-Board komplett in der mitgelieferten, sehr robust wirkenden Rucksacktasche verstaut. Diese ist ca 85 cm hoch, ca 40 cm breit und bis zu 25 cm dick. So komplett wiegt sie 10,5 kg, wobei von diesem Gewicht etwa 8 kg die des Boards an sich sind.
Das Board aus dickem und strapazierfhigen PVC, in meinem Fall in modern knalligem Orange hat die Lnge von ca 310 und die Breite von schlaff liegend 80 cm und dann 76 cm, wenn es auf 15 cm Dicke aufgepumpt worden ist. Die Maximalbelastung betrgt laut Hersteller 130 kg, was damit die meisten Erwachsenen gut tragen knnen wird.
Als Zubehr sind folgende Dinge mit im Lieferumfang:
– ein lngenverstellbares Paddel mit Aluminiumstange und stabilem Kunststoffteller
– eine Handhubpumpe mit Druckanzeige, Luftschlauch und Drehverriegelungsarretierung zum Aufpumpen des Boards
– die bereits beschriebene Rucksacktransporttasche mit breiten Trgern, einem Griff an der Oberseite und einer seitlichen Einstecktasche
– einer abnehmbaren Unterbodenflosse
– einem Sicherungsband mit Fuschlaufe, um das Abdriften des Boards beim Runterfallen verhindert
– einem Schnellreparaturset (dessen Handhabung mir unklar ist, da nur 2 Stck PVC ohne Kleber aber auch ohne verstndliche Kurzbeschreibung)
– eine gedruckte Anleitung in Englisch
Alles in allem ein ansehnliches, gut verarbeitetes und leichtes SUP-Board fr einen absoluten Anfnger wie mich, der diesen Sport ausprobieren mchte.
Den Abzug eines Sternes gibt es aber trotzdem, weil eben die Anleitung nicht in deutsch ist, die Handhubpumpe nur auf- und nicht auch abpumpt (dafr muss man das Ventil ffnen und die Luft durch eindrehen des Boards herausdrcken), die Funktionsweise des Reparatursets (das ich hoffentlich nicht brauchen werde) unklar ist sowie der Preis (mit aktuell 229 EUR) nicht berdurchschnittlich gnstig ist (da es vergleichbare Boards bereits um/unter 200 EUR gibt).
Als Fazit schwankte ich zunchst zwischen 3 und 4 Sternen, gebe ihm aber dann doch eine 4-, also 4 Sterne: ****.
I got this H20SUP Inflatable stand up paddle board as we are a family of five (kids are 11, 8 and 2) and like many people in the last couple of years, we have been holidaying in the UK so thought this would be a great thing to take along to our camping trips/short breaks.
First things first, this is an inflatable paddle board that’s supplied with everything you need to get on the water including:
The raft itself
Large, high volume air hammer style pump (with pressure gauge)
Paddle (comes in 3 pieces that simply click together so offers some flexibility in it’s length but is easy to pack away)
Removeable fin
Ankle leash to tether the board to your ankle
Repair kit in the event of a puncture/air leak
Large carry bag/rucksack
Right out of the bag this thing is clearly very well made and of high quality. The raft material is very thick and feels strong but is equally lightweight. It’s brightly coloured (we have the orange one but other colours are available) with good graphics and well thought out design/features. It is very easy to set up, simply connect the pump to the high pressure valve and then inflate (you effectively stand on the base of the pump to keep it grounded whilst you push/pull the handle up/down to inflate). The pump is pretty good and doesn’t require an athlete to operate it — just takes a little time but within around ten minutes the board was fully inflated and ready to go! Bear in mind the gauge on the pump takes a while to show any pressure — this appears to be normal (see other reviews) and will eventually register so don’t panic, it will work! Once inflated, simply clip in the stabilising fin and the board is now ready!
Once the board is set up, you just need to click the paddle together (there is plenty of adjustment in this to cater for different heights — I’m 6 foot and my daughter is 5 foot and we both were able to adjust it to suit). You can also add the ankle leash (which has a strap to place around your ankle and then clips onto the board) to ensure the board stays nearby in the event of a fall — the cord is coiled meaning its not physically very long so doesn’t get in the way but will stretch in the event of a fall (by effectively uncoiling — like the old belt clip keyrings for those of an older generation) so is well designed for the job!
The board has integrated bungee tie down cords so if you have a bag with you, it can easily be pinned onto the deck of the board — worth investing in a waterproof bag (not supplied but readily available) for all your valuables etc. It also has sturdy/secure D-ring to enable a kayak seat to be added giving added diversity! I am going to look into getting one of these to add to the board for taking our 2 year old out on it!
The deck board is non slip and to be fair, I didn’t have an issue with it specifically and although I didn’t slip (so it did it’s job), I felt it could have been a bit grippier (if that makes sense!). I did struggle to keep my balance on the board but that was more to do with my lack of core strength than the board — we also used this for testing purposes in a very shallow pool at a local manmade beach so didn’t actually use the fin for fears of being grounded so this would have probably helped stabilise it a little (that’s my excuse anyway!)
The kids absolutely loved spending the day on this board and anything that gets them active and off their electronics is a winner for me! We really enjoyed the day and they’ve been badgering me to go back ever since! My daughter took to this with ease and found the board stable, manouverable and easy to use!
When it came to deflating and packing away the board, I was a little worried it might be a bit of a faff to deflate but I needn’t have worried! It went down easily and I simply rolled it up and popped it back in the bag — couldn’t have been easier and just what the Doctor ordered after a long day on the water! The bag itself isn’t of brilliant quality but it does the job and what I liked about it is that it’s not an extremely tight fit where once you take everything out, you can never get it all back in again — it went back in easily but securely and was relatively easy to carry.
One bit of advice would be that if you deflate the board and pack it away straight away (ie don’t have time to dry it out properly before packing away), when you get home/settled – unpack the board and clean it down/dry it out thoroughly before you pack it away for any length of time. I think it’s really important to look after this sort of kit and what you have to appreciate is that if you just dump it straight into the bag and then store it for ages, theres every likelihood that when you come back to it, you might have some mould etc on it. It’s a decent bit of kit so look after it and it will last well, I’m confident of that!
The one thing I need to add/get, particularly when I get to using it on open water or in a current is a bouyancy aid/life jacket which I will need to get age/weight appropriate one’s for the kids (these are not supplied but readily available). Personally, I will also consider a helmet of some description just as an added safety feature.
On the face of it, 220 is a reasonable amount of money but if you are going to get a decent amount of use out of it, it is definitely worth it. It’s great that it packs away neatly into a relatively small bag (given the raft is over ten feet long fully inflated) and we have just stored it in the loft ready to go on our next adventure. It takes up as much room in the car as a standard size holdall so is easy to fit in and will provide the whole family (or just you) endless fun! In terms of justifying the outlay, if you were to try to hire one of these on a resort/tourist spot it will probably set you back around 20 for an hour so you can really see how you would get your moneys worth by buying this!
For your info, some of the product specifications are:
Maximum user weight is listed as 286lb (just over 20 stone and is the combined weight limit)
Weight of the Board is listed as 17.6lb (just under 8 Kg)
Length of Board is 10 feet 6 inches
Width of Board is 30 inches (2 feet 6 inches)
Depth of Board (inflated) is 6 inches
All in all, I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has an inkling to give paddle boarding a go. It’s a great beginners board with everything you need to get going (except the previously mentioned bouyancy aid/life jacket and helmet) and packs away neatly into a backpack! It is clearly good quality and offers good value for money as long as you are going to use it.
I’ve given this product 5 stars on the basis that I can’t fault it.
The “Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board” from “H2OSUP” is a full-size paddleboard that’s suitable for adults and teenagers up to 20 stone (130 kgs).
First off, the paddle board comes in an easy to carry storage bag along with all of the accessories you need to get out into the water and enjoying the board. Together the whole thing weighs roughly 18lbs, so it’s not massively light (for say a small teenager to carry), but not bad.
Setting the paddle board up is much simpler than I imagined it would be. It’s inflatable and comes with a good quality pump for getting it inflated. The valve itself is a strong safety valve that won’t let any air escape.
You need to inflate the paddle board to a suitable pressure. I found around 7 — 8 PSI is about perfect. The instructions do say not to go beyond 15 PSI as it could erupt / explode. To get it to 8 PSI took me around 10 minutes of not very rigorous pumping.
Once inflated the detachable fin can simply be slid on, the paddle slotted together and you’re pretty much ready to go! Fully inflated to a suitable PSI, the paddle board feels sturdy and easily solid enough to take a full body weight etc. It’s also still very lightweight, and not too cumbersome for carrying under and arm down to the water.
It does take a little while to find your balance and get stable on the board. Personally, I found it was best to start off sitting down on it and paddling around like that, to get a feel for the buoyancy and general movement of the board. Then I progressed to kneeling and finally, after quite some time to be honest, standing.
The quality of the paddle board is absolutely superb in my opinion. The material the board is made from is incredibly strong and sturdy and zero chance of ripping or anything. All seams on the board look to be tight and stable and unlikely to split.
All in all I’m incredibly happy with the paddle board. Comes with everything you need, and really is of a very high quality. Highly recommended.
Had a slight issue with my board and the customer service from this seller was second to none..
Really great entry level board ery stable with or without the additional kayak sea
Have never been paddling before but always expect to do it. So I ordered this product as soon as it is available. It arrived with a big nicely packed parcel. It seems complicated but with the instruction it is that difficult to inflate. It is made of solid thick pvc fabric nice and sturdy. Also easy to deflate and store away. I can’t wait for the summer next year to practice more.
This is a great product.
It comes with its own bag/rucksack and incredibly it’s easy to fold.
Everything fits in the bag, including the pump and other accessories.
The full bag weights 15kg, so not too harsh on your back.
The only suggestion I give is to carry a low pressure electric pump with you, the ones that can be plugged in the cigarette lighter socket in the car.
Then fully inflate with the supplied pump.
Failing that, it will take you about 20 minutes to fully inflate the board and you’ll be too knackered top use it.
It’s a professional board 3 metre long, so keep that in mind.
We are new to SUP and ordered this board as our first venture into the activity. After a couple of trips to our local water park we are hooked and this board has been the perfect beginner’s board for us to get up and running (paddling).
The board comes in a box but within the box everything is bagged up in a sturdy zip bag which is reasonably light and easy to carry for when you’re transporting the board and other bits and pieces between the car and the water.
Everything is well made and feels good quality. It’s pretty easy to get used to how to pump up the board using the excellent sturdy hand pump which does a great job of pumping the board up reasonably quickly given it’s a manual job rather than using an electric one – important to use the one that comes with it so that you have control of how much to pump it up!
Once inflated it’s a big unit, sturdy to stand on but surprisingly light and it just looks great! The paddle can be adjusted to suit different heights. SUP is a tricky thing to master and we’re still finding our way with it but this excellent board is perfect for our needs as we explore this fun sport/activity.
I am a complete beginner so had no idea what to expect. This board came with the required instructions and it was simple enough to set up and inflate. It is quite sturdy and isn’t slippery or sticky underfoot.
It feels great quality and like it will be very durable and will last for a long time. I love the orange colour.
It comes with all you need to have a go at paddle boarding.
Highly recommended!
The paddle board is cool, and it’s easy to draw, the quality is also very good, and most importantly! Compared with other stores, the price-performance ratio is very high, and it is excellent value for money!
Comfort grip handles are provided on the plates to lift the paddles easily. The inflatable paddle board is very lightweight(only 17.6 lbs)and easy to pull in and out of the water. After deflation, the paddleboard folds into a travel-friendly bag that can keep it in your car for all your excursions. In addition to the grip handle, the extra steel D-rings on the paddleboard bring extra convenience to carry.
It’s been a long time since I received the goods. I just tried launching today. It’s a bit windy. I haven’t mastered the balance yet. I’m slowly learning.
Brilliant board, sturdy and still lightweight, easy to carry around, and easy to inflate and to pack up again. Fantastic customer service.
We got this for our holiday this year for something different. We LOVED it! All our kids (8,6,2) had fun on it. We used it 7hrs a day for 6 solid days snd it was fantastic. Easy to use and inflate/deflate. Sturdy for us beginners but easy enough to use that the 8yr old could use on her own. Highly recommended!
The paddle board is just what I wanted. It is easy to inflate and loads of fun. Everything works perfectly. I could not be happier.
Eager to get started i opened the bag and found zip was broken (see later re customer service). Not disheartened took the SUP out. It inflated in about 10-15mins (depending who’s inflating it). Then it was in the water.
Paddle extends so fits varying heights- im 5ft 2 but my boyfriend is 6ft 6″ it is ok for us both.
Fin is easy to attach/ditatch.
I can carry the board – weightwise and just about armwise so again easy to move.
Haven’t tried deflating yet as having too much fun with them on the coast!
Customer service: so I emailed to register sup (i actually bought 2 one pink one orange) and mentioned broken zip on the bag. Unfortunately the company were unable to replace as they had none in stock but offered me a refund to purchase a bag. My emails were replied to promptly and the refund was in my account very quickly (3 working days). I cannot thank Maria enough for her help.
As a beginner i usually kneel but my bf is standing already. I am.less confident so i wished i had bought the kayak seat as well.
Great product. Great price. Happy customer.
My wife says the photo of her on it is unflattering, but it is just to show it getting used, even if the handle is not being held properly!
Currently advertised at 220.98 – get it now, you won’t find a cheaper, better, paddle board. There is nothing about this board that makes getting and expensive Red Paddle Board or the like worth it. My brother has a Nixy and whilst his goes to 18 PSI+, this really out does it on price.
The paddle is highly adjustable and goes long enough for someone who is 6’3″. 15 PSI is enough for me at 85 kg, but you will definitely need to look for something larger if you are much heavier.
The pump may not be too durable, but seems ok for now.
Also, there is too much plastic used in the packaging, which is immensely annoying. The carry bag is ok, but doesn’t have waist straps.
There are others on Amazon that look like the use the same “blank” if you can call it that for an inflatable SUP! What I mean is almost exactly the same shape and dimensions. This is currently the cheapest of the lot.
– shoulder straps of backpack are padded to increase comfort when carrying
– as a smaller it packs neatly and compactly
– good levels of grip on the surface of the board to feel secure in bare feet or water shoes
– fin slides easily into and out of base
– being a narrower and shorter board it’s a little bit less stable for a beginner paddler to get used to
– use of a hand pump means it does require time and effort to inflate
– heavy even in a rucksack so you wouldn’t have to walk too far to where you were getting in to paddle
Got this for my retired parents, who have decided to get into paddleboarding.
The boards are lightweight, both when inflated and when not, and are easy to move around thanks to the included backpack. Everything you need is included — fins, pump, paddle, ankle leash, repair kit. It’s very easy to inflate and put together, and my parents say it feels stable and comfy to use.
I love paddle boarding it’s so much fun & this is ideal as it packs away in a rucksack
Paddle boarding seems to be the new rage where we live and there are a few local rivers that are hot spots for it. I’m not the strongest of swimmers so was a bit nervous at first but the stability and quality of the board quickly relinquished any worries, and it was so fun too I just want to keep going out on it!
We’ve tried it a few times, standing and sitting, with both of us on, and I want to try it with my dog too as there is no concerns with his claws and the material.
* Comprehensive kit: included is the pump, ankle strap, puncture repair kit, paddle (length adjustable), carry bag, paddle board and fin
* Easily set up and put away: really simple concept, easy to understand instructions, plus there’s a big backpack for it all
* Tough material: when you see inflatable, you would be forgiven for thinking it would be flimsy, but it really quite honestly extremely strong. It feels like a body board and completely solid – we hit the bank a few times and it’s very durable
* Grip on top: there is a section on the top of the board that is super grippy; this is great so you can paddle bearfoot and maintain your position without slipping about
* Bungee strap: there are straps at the front of the board for you to strap a dry bag or other belongings under (we used them for beach shoes)
* Pump: the pump is more than adequate for putting the pressure into the board, although it took a while to pump up
* Strong, floating paddle: given the paddle is metal (the blade is plastic) my partner was convinced it wouldn’t float. Well luckily it does! And it’s sturdy and adjustable for both me (5’4″) and my partner (6’0″) (the suggested length is 6″ taller than you)
* Big board: we actually managed to get two adults on the board comfortably with room and enough buoyancy for a child too
* Fun activity and quick to get used to: it took me a little while to get used to using the paddle, but I soon learnt to use it on each side, and push against the water with the curved side to rotate and turn around
* Can attach a seat: little metal hooks where you can attach a seat (not provided)
* Doesn’t capsize easily: it is pretty balanced and planted in the water. At no point did it capsize even when trying to get on from falling in, and I only fell in whilst my partner got off and I was unprepared!
* Little wrist/ankle strap at back: there’s a corded ankle strap if you fall off so you don’t lose the board and for safety. You could also have somebody being dragged along by the wrist if you wanted
* The air valve is an open valve so once the pump is disconnected air immediately releases at high volume (it isn’t one-way)
* We were initially confused as the pressure dial didn’t do anything when pumping even when it was pretty hard. Turns out, it will only register the correct pressure when it’s fully inflated, so bear this in mind and make sure you pump it up properly
Considering I’m quite an anxious person I was surprised at how much I loved doing this. I honestly have a complete blast: it’s totally thrilling and there’s no risks of punctures with this thing! It was fairly seamless to navigate, streamlined and the perfect family activity.
I cannot recommend it enough. If I’d have known how much I’d enjoy it I would definitely invest in one and this one by all standards it pretty darn good for the price given how much choice there is. Our neighbours are looking to buy one now so we can go paddling together.
A great vibrant colour, and has everything you need with it with no need to buy anything extra. 100% trust in the quality and with our safety.
This paddle board is ideal for beginners. Easy to set up and use, it also includes all sorts of extras to make your paddle board experience fun and safe.
The board also seems very durable and robust, so it should be up to all kinds of conditions and impacts. At the current price of just under 270 I think it’s great value, so I would definitely recommend.
I used it for the 1st time today on the sea. It was choppy and I felt save. It was sturdy going over each wave. Would recommend
This is a fabulous set for with everything you need getting into paddle boarding, or even kayaking (with an optional seat). The best thing about it is that you don’t need an SUV and a roof rack to transport it. It all fits nicely in it’s own sturdy bag which will go into most car boots or even on your back when cycling. Pumping it up is not too much of a chore once you line up the valve correctly. Regular paddlers might want to invest in an electric pump that can connect to your car battery.
It definitely looks the part once done, wider than I thought it would be but you will appreciate that when starting out, on your knees probably. It has tight straps for your gear and the all-important ankle leash. The paddle is more than long enough for me and I’m a giant. We have had lots of fun with this tow and even three (kids) up in the good weather though I’d recommend starting on a lake or canal if you have one nearby, to get your confidence and technique right. It’s prob best not to go out alone also. Being in the UK though you may want a wetsuit when autumn comes (mid July lol) but this is a versatile and fun bit of kit for all ages.
I’m a novice in this area but we were extremely pleased when we went to the beach with this H2OSUP Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board, this is big enough to fit up to three of us seated, however only one of us can sit in the proper place.
Because it was so long and wide, it was extremely easy to keep my balance and paddle at the same time.
To transport it all you had to do was put everything inside the bag and put the bag on your back as you would any backpack.
The PVC used is of high quality and extremely resistant to water damage, included with the board was also the air pump needed to fill the board. I didn’t like this air pump very much, but it worked beautifully.
It was a very fun and joy-filled trip, we all loved taking turns on this H2OSUP Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board.
When full, it feels like it’s made of wood, because it’s so hard.
I am not a regular swimmer or do any water sports but I have seen paddle boarding become popular in recent times so always wanted to try one and got it. I did not buy the clips seat and just the board, blue in colour. The quality of the items in the package looked great especially the pvc material of the board itself and its 2 layered finishing. It is indeed very lightweight and easy to handle.
I found it rather convenient that it is inflatable and I can easily carry it around in the given bag, while taking less space in my already filled up garage. It was quite straight forward to inflate it with the pump and just looked at the pressure gauge to stop. I am a tall guy, so I had to make the long handle and was afraid the paddle might become flimsy but it was sturdy.
From now on, I will be looking nearby lakes to use as often as I can as my son was also interested in trying it out and watching videos to learn how to balance. I would highly recommend to beginners who want a confidence start to paddle boarding because you would want a reliable product without much hassle to assemble.
Overall a product, well made and reasonably priced. At the time of review this product was available for 229.48.
My daughter has recently taken this up and is really impressed with this board. She is throughly enjoying i
I have been very impressed with this paddle board. As a complete beginner I was unsure what to expect, but this set had everthing I needed to get started – board, paddly, carry bag, air pump and a range of accessories including a waterproof tear seal (so far not needed, touch wood!).
In terms of the board itself, its wasvery easy to inflate and once inflated stayed up the whole time. I found I used a combnation of electric air pump and the hand pump included and It was fully inflated in around 3 min. In use, it was very impressive as it was very sturdy and stable on the water and the paddle was a good length too allowing for a very rewarding experience. It looked great with the bright orange trim too. Afterwards, it was easy to deflate and pack away in to the carry case meaning this is very good for storing too.
Overall, as a beginner I cannot recommend this paddle board set high enough – its very well made, comes with everything you need to get started, its easy to use, easy to store and gave me great confidence on the water. Highly recommended!
This inflatable paddle board arrived in a medium sized brown cardboard box approx 3′ by 1′. The board itself is 10.5′ long, 30″ wide and 6″ thick. Inflatable SUPs are all the rage these days as they are much better to transport, and supposedly provide better balance. Mine arrived in blue and white, the white area being made up of a non slip coarse material for standing upon. Everything was very nicely packed and covered to prevent the plastics sticking together and to keep everything separate and unmarked. I checked every part, everything was there. A hand pump with a wide area for standing on, you are going to need to do that. The pump has a long reach of approximately two feet so that quite a lot of air can be propelled into the board. The pressure gauge will be essential once the board starts to get full of air, only then does the pressure gauge start to show the pressure – this might sound a bit simple but it does make senseTHE GUAGE DOES NOT START REGISTERING UNTIL THERE IS A LARGE AMOUNT OF PRESSURE. It took me approximately 350 pushes down on the pump to reach just under 15 PSI which is the optimum pressure to reach. Let me tell you that those last 30 to 40 pushes down on the hand pump is a real slog although it’s a good workout before you start paddling, you will have worked up enough sweat to welcome being in or on the water. So that’s the pump. You get a little orange container that contains two pieces of PVC and instructions on how to repair, but no glue. I can imagine that the reason there is no glue because that will have probably dried up waiting for you to have an abrasion! Now let’s look at the paddle, this is a great paddle! It’s made of aluminium and to me is fairly light. It comes in a burnished black and looks very smart indeed. It’s a clever extendable paddle also, as it has a stainless steel rectangular lever which un-tightens and tightens the upper half of the paddle so that you are able to extend the handle as needs be. There are markings on the upper handle to help you get the sizing correct. The board itself is very sturdy and well packed covered with polythene to prevent sticking. Once inflated to the optimum pressure it’s very very hard. There are several D rings for possible attachment of a kayak seat if you wish to attach one, or they can be used to assist in carrying the board. There is a bungee cord arrangement at the fore of the board just in front of the paddler if you wish to attach a paddle or wetsuit. You get a lanyard or leash to attach the board to your ankle, this looks quite strong and feels comfortable and compared to others that I have seen not what I expectedmuch better. It’s an attractive board, it does remain to be seen how strong the metal D rings are, I admit that they don’t look that strong, they look quite thin, and I also hope they are stainless steel and don’t rusts too quickly. You also get a black thick sturdy plastic fin for stability which slides into place. And attached by string is a rectangular ‘key’ that slips into a slot between the fin and the board fin attachment section to prevent the fin coming loose. Just make sure you insert it the correct way around or you will have trouble retrieving it from the board. It didn’t take me that long from taking the parts out to the finished product, about twenty minutes. That will obviously come down to about ten minutes now that I know where everything goes and develop muscles pumping up the board haha! To inflate and deflate the board just make sure that you follow the instructions. I found that to deflate the board it was easier to insert the pump tube and push the pin in and twist with the tube, that way I could push down and turn the valve easily with the hard plastic tube end than by using my fingers and straining those, it’s not that easy to turn the valve with fingers. The whole process is fairly straightforward, you just need a bit of muscle for the last 30 or so pumps of the hand pump. The pump also comes with a rubber washer which I found I didn’t need when attaching the tube to the hand pump chassis air outlet as it’s a straightforward screw on mechanism. Just ensure that with the air tube, you get a tight fasten to the pump and a tight fasten to the air valve on the board. I found I had to tighten both ends a bit more as the tube came off very easily once air started to enter the chamber. The twist to the air valve needs just that bit of an extra turn to ensure a very fast attachment. This is a great board for anyone really unless you are a pro I suppose. You get everything you need from the get go, the board itself comes in a smart grey bag with red piping. The bag also has two wide shoulder straps for carrying as a back pack. A terrific all round package, and a great item to get exercise. Like all things on the water, follow the instructions, in this case use on calm water at the shoreline, or lake or river. At a price point of 270 I give this paddling board kit a 5 star thumbs up
Absolutely love this and ordered on a whim but it has become my new hobby and I live just about as far away from the sea as is possible. However, I do live near a network of canals and that seemed like the perfect place to begin paddle boarding. This is such a relaxing pursuit, paddling down a waterway, calm waters, surrounded by wildlife, that all thoughts of taking this to the sea disappeared. The canal is a great place to learn to balance. It takes some practise, although it’s really simple on your knees as your centre of balance is low. Moving to your feet is a little more difficult but once achieved you can pretend you are a venetian gondolier. I didn’t fall in the water once. Not so when I took it to the sea where I think falling in the sea shouldn’t be avoided.
The board copes with the ocean waves well and feels very sturdy.
Construction wise it’s simple and can be inflated with a hand pump – I worked up a bit of a sweat. You shouldn’t use an electric pump, but manual is fine as you won’t be pumping for long.
I think this paddle board is great, great fun and is a wonderful way to spend your time – don’t hesitate to try it.
Das Board wurde schnell geliefert, die Zubehrteile (Board, Pumpe ,Paddel + Rucksack) sind zu meiner
Zufriedenheit ausgefallen. Das Board liegt stabil im Wasser, so dass es besonders fr Anfnger geeignet ist.
Alle Zubhrteile lassen sich gut im Rucksack verstauen, so dass man beim Einsatz alles beisammen hat.
Preis Leistung ist ok.
I have been fortunate enough to review other stand up paddleboards (SUP’s) over time and the quality and equipment provided with them has improved over time. This board is no exception.
I have listed a summary of the Pros & Cons towards the end of this review.
Again this is a really decent board and accessories. It follows a familiar theme of boards now available in that it basically has everything for paddle-boarding in a bag.
The board arrived well packaged in a strong box. The only thing missing which most people would probably also need/want to have is a waterproof phone case. They’re very cheap to buy so not a big issue at all.
It comes with a decent instruction manual which is comprehensive including some very good safety advice.
The board , 3 section paddle , I x Fin, Pump (with spare washer) , Repair kit, Ankle tether, Carry Bag.
The build quality again looks very good. The three-piece paddle is fairly standard but very very acceptable black anodised alloy with an adjustable latch closer at the top ( turn the lever clockwise to tighten) and a ball and socket closer for the paddle end. There are adjustment marks for height it all looks decent quality.
The ankle tether, is blue as opposed to what you normally see in black and it has some very decent cushioning around the ankle section and used the standard velcro fastening. It does a decent job too.
The canvass shoulder is a cut above the rest I’ve previously seen . It is a very nice silver sheen material , It looks really smart and is complimented by a robust looking bright red nylon zipper. It has the usual two rucksack style shoulder straps and a side carrying handle.
There’s also the fairly standard orange container with repair patch and valve tool, both useful additions.
The board itself was neatly folded and secured in a webbed strap. After inflation and deflation it was very obvious where the folds were to fold and return it to the correct size to go back in the strap and into the bag.
The inflation pump is large but a single action , not double action like some. It has a pressure gauge on the top. When using it I found it worked well , and it was reassuringly sturdy during the inflation process.
It takes a LOT of effort to inflate a paddleboard. It’s important to give yourself plenty of time I find I need to take about 3 breaks to get to the required 12-15 psi pressure. Obviously if you’re lucky enough to have an electric pump not an issue. It takes me around 15-20 minutes altogether.
Once inflated I had a good look at the board. The seams are sturdy, the lashing and inflation points looked strong and secure. The material has a decent thickness to it.
What I particularly like about this board is that it has lashings for a kayak seat that can be bought separately for those that want to mix it up or just prefer the option of shortening the paddle and kayaking on the water. Obviously that can be done on any SUP anyway just by sitting but the seat should stop slipping and sliding.
The deck has a textured rubberised material stuck to it which has good grip with bare feet was very. It also is a fairly wide deck 30 inches, not as wide as some ( 33 inches) but it should be plenty stable enough on the water. The board has the normal lifted nose which aids paddling.
There is just one central fin on this particular board which would make it ideal for flat water paddling which I would definitely recommend for beginners anyway. Single fins provide good tracking and less drag than 3 fin versions, making it easy to cut through smooth water.
It easier to put the fin on once the board is inflated and it slides into a slot and is secured by plastic peg on a lanyard.
After I inflated the board I checked the valve and seal for leaks with some water, it was fine.
I left it inflated on two trestles in my garage for three days to ensure there were no leaks as I know that sometimes it is possible to have an air leak around the inflation valve.
As mentioned the valve tool is provided with the kit to tighten up the valve in case that does happen.
The boards carrying handle worked ok, I find it best to stand the board on its side with the handle away from me and then pick up. It was centrally balanced when I carried it.
I tried the provided carry-bag it worked well , everything I would need to take with me fitted easily in the bag although as usual it is a fairly heavy weight to carry. To be fair the shoulder straps are well padded and were comfortable when I tried carrying it.
I’m not sure how often I would use the bag in practice as I park the car about 300 meters from the beach, then blow the board up on the grass car park and carry it to the water.
It’s also interesting to see peoples reactions when they see just how big the boards actually are once inflated. This one is the standard 10ft 6″ size.
When finished I’m also also very careful when deflating the boards after they have been used in a sandy beach as the air comes out very fast when pressing the deflate button down and it can blow any sand residue in your eyes if you’re not careful.
I would recommend beginners to find some nice calm water such as public reservoirs or water sport centres to master the art first as its nowhere as easy as it looks.Even takes some lessons. Once you’ve got the balance sorted then consider progressing onto the sea as they can get choppy and soon tip you off.
So in summary:
Everything you need to paddleboard is in the kit except waterproof phone cover.
Build quality looks really good an on a par with other more expensive ones I’ve reviewed
Thickness of the material is good
Put it all in the bag and chuck it in the car boot no roof rack required
Repair Kit & Valve tool are included
Can be stored away in the bag so not a lot of room required at home
Has extra tether points for a kayak/canoe seat to paddle with shortened paddle
Single Fin is easier on calm water
Will hold up to 130 kg (286 lbs) total weight
Pump although very efficient is not double action like some
Inflating it is hard! Best to do a bit at a time.
No waterproof mobile phone cover provided in the kit
Board is not quite as wide as some so slightly more difficult for beginners, but not much.
Single Fin is easier on calm water but turning tightly is a bit harder
When everything is in the kit bag it’s quite heavy to carry for a distance although as mentioned it was comfortable on the shoulders when I tried it.
I can definitely recommend this SUP kit, it is very good value at the current price ( 266 at time of the review) which is under half the price of some leading brands with similar material and design .
My first tip for this is. If you are able to inflate it at home first then have a way to transport it after inglaitednlike a roof rack or something I would recommend that. Just I find it easier to inflate at home.
Preety much comes with everything you need to get started. Firstly read the instruction book fully before doing anything.
The board is absolutly huge great size pump is provided to inflate this with the gage on top to tell you when it’s inflated fully the pressure should be no more than 15psi=1bar it will feel rock hard and you will think you can pump it up to 1 bar but it’s fine it will get there it took me about 15 mins to inflait it fully.
This board comes with an extandable paddle its in 2 pieces but once together there is a clip you can open and the handle extends even further which is great for family’s where everyone is different heights as the one paddle will suit all.
It comes with a safety ankle line that is padded around the ankle for compfort them clips onto a D loop on the board.
In the middle of the board there are 4 more D clips that I found out is so you can attach a compatible Kayak seat (not provided) which is a fun idea multi purpose board.
The fin for the bottom of the board is detachable for safer storage and when used is shallow waters and there is also a puncture repair kit (no adhesive included)
And everything when packed away fits into the storage bag provided. There is a good but of weight to this set but its manageable.
On the board itself there is a nonslip surface for where you stand a carry handle in the middle on top of the board and a stretchy roap at the front to tuck the oar into when not in use so it doesn’t fall of.
This seems like a easy set up that anyone could get started with very secure and well made going to be loads of fun on family holidays
As with all inflatable SUPS, inflating the thing is a chore but not difficult. The supplied pump does the job and with a bit of effort you can get it to pressure in about 15minutes of pumping. About 3/4 of the maximum rated pressure rating put the board into a very rigid state, and there was never a feeling that it was going to fold up underneath you. There is a handle in the middle of the board, so it’s very easy to carry and surprisingly light to get it into the water.
At 10’6″ it’s pretty long, and it’s easy to get some speed up on this thing. It’s stable and testing it out on a first-time paddler had them up and riding almost straight away.
The board is pretty attractive looking, but obviously built to a price. The carry handle in the middle is just a piece of nylon strapping, and the pump nozzle doesn’t feel very robust, and is a slightly odd size in that my powered electric SUP pump wouldn’t fit it. The supplied pump does the job though.
There are D-rings on the deck so you can attach a kayak seat (not supplied) and you can paddle the thing sitting down if you want, like a kayak. I have a seat and this works well, but you might want to swap the paddle for a kayak one if you’re intending to do this. There is shock cord on the nose for a wetbag, and the strings have enough tension to keep stuff where its supposed to be.
The rails are fat, and there is barely any rocker, so this doesn’t work very well in surf (although it’s a lot of fun trying). It won’t turn very well on a wave and either side-slips or just rolls over if you try and carve it. On flat water though, it’s great. You can paddle into very shallow water, and it tracks well and is easy to paddle. Like all inflatables the wind will catch it easily, so be careful if you’re paddling in anything other than a light breeze, (do not use on offshore wind days – you will be out to sea before you know it) although it copes with small chop surprisingly well. The deck pad is grippy even when wet. The paddle is ok – nothing special, but it does the job.
Build quality is good – it’s not going to withstand impacts on rocks or sharp edges, but it feels like it will take reasonable wear and tear. You can beach it with out fear of sudden decompression.
Packing it up is suprisingly easy – dump the air, roll it up, and it goes back into the bag without too much arguement. You won’t be cursing it while tired and sunburnt after an afternoon on the water.
Serious SUPers will scoff at this thing, but they’re not the market. If you want a good value fun board for fun days on flat water, this is ideal.
(If you found this review useful, I’d love it if you let me know with a click below – thanks!)
I love my new paddleboard.
Everything comes in a backpack making it easy to transport. The pump is easy to fit snd easy to use meaning your board can be fully inflated in about 5 minutes. Once inflated it is firm enough to hold the weight of two of us easily. The leash is a handy component as I gave been using it in the sea and stops it floating off. I like the adjustable paddle but am tempted to buy a second as we are both using it at the same time.
I really like it and am very much enjoying using i
For a budget SUP, this version from H20SUP is really good value and provides everything you need in a paddleboard. The whole kit is included-Backpack which carries the whole kit including the SUP, Leash, Hand Pump, Aluminum Paddle, Removable Travel Fin and a repair kit. I particularly like the vibrant orange colour and the fact that it has an attachment for a SUP seat for those who perhaps don’t feel confident standing up or if you have a couple of children on board.
Despite the images provided in the Amazon ad showing happy smiley people in T shirts and shorts paddleboarding along, I would always recommend a life jacket and wet suit. Especially if paddling in the sea in the UK. Even on our lakes and rivers, its pretty cold!
Have fun but take care.
Totally fabulous ~ a pure bundle of fun for anyone who wants a go
The board is a work of art
The pressure gauge isn’t
A compact yet easy to put together inflatable paddle board.
The pump is really good but the pressure gauge isn’t and because it’s a strange bayonet fitting I couldn’t put a standard pressure gauge on it. Looking at other reviews the gauge is a weak point and H20SUP need to sort it out ASAP and send users a replacement gauge. The gauge only needs to go up to the pressure the paddle board needs to be at when ready to use. PLEASE don’t let a cheap and cheerless gauge spoil a remarkable paddle board set up.
How did we cope then?
Pump it up until it feels solid.
Put it in the water and get on it ~ it it folds up then more air!
I pumped and pumped and it felt OK ~ but was it too hard or too soft ~ it worked in the water so guess it was OK.
Have you noticed how much is about the cheapest part of the complete kit!!!!
The paddle board is absolutely EXCELLENT ~ easy to use on the water, stable, capable and yet easy to pack up and take home. A paddle board that is a pain to set up and take down just won’t get used ~ this H20SUP is brilliant to use. The paddle is in pieces but when it is assembled it feels GREAT in your hand.
Everyone who had a go loved it ~ I can’t recommend the paddle board enough but sort out the pressure gauge on the pump !!!!
I was a bit concerned with our other one was that I thought the gauge on the pump might not be accurate as it did not move until the board was quite hard and seemed to take ages before it reached half a bar, recommended pressure is one bar, but this one was the same and I took it all the way to one bar with no problems.
The paddle just clicks together and can be adjust length ways via a quick release letting you slide the third section out.
leg strap and the fin which I did not put on this one but the fin just slots in a guide and held in place via a slide in clip, you also get some puncture patches but no glue.
The board is made of very tough feeling PVC with a none slip section on the top and some elastic strapping.
Pumping this up is just unscrewing the big dust cap turning the little center valve so it pops up, inflate put the dust cap back deflation is quick dust cap off push and twist the little valve so it stay’s down the air does come out at first with quite a whoosh but leave it for a few minutes and then just start folding from the front to get the rest out then it’s ready to be packed up with the other bits, just need it to stop raining and get some sun to get these to the water.
Now the thought of using the hand pump did fill me with dread, I’m no spring chicken nor super fit, but actually it took me 10 minutes to pump it up. Do read the instructions before you start, and put it on a smooth flat surface. The inflation valve has an inner button you need to turn a quarter turn, it’s open when down, closed when up. Make sure when you attach the pump you firmly push inwards and turn clockwise to lock it in place, this is important as air will escape and your hard work pumping up the board will be even harder. Check the pump gauge as you go, it seems to take a while before it starts to move upwards. Don’t go beyond the 15PSI – 1bar as the board will explode according to the manufacturer and I’m not willing to test that out. The board inflated measures 10′ 6″ long, 30″ wide and has the capacity to safely take a load of 286 lbs (130 kg) max.
I’m super impressed with the build, when inflated it does feel like a solid board and it’s super value compared to other makes I’ve seen especially from a certain high street store ‘who’s never knowingly undersold’ which are ridiculously expensive compared to this H20SUP brand.
Please see my photos, I hope my review is is helpful to you, thank you for reading it.
You get the inflatable paddle board itself plus a decent sized hand pump, an aluminium paddle (this is adjustable), an ankle leash (to ensure you don’t lose your board), a removable fin for your board, a repair kit (in case your paddle gets snagged on any nasty rocks) and a backpack to put all of your stuff in.
It was really easy to inflate with the hand pump and packed down to a really compact size to fit into the backpack – so it’s super easy to transport it when you are on holiday (just put it in the car and away you go) and also to carry onto the beach.
The paddle board itself is good quality and stable when standing on. Overall a really good paddle board and great fun for beginners.
Both me and the wife have often sat on the beach and watched people paddle boarding laughing when they fall off get back on a fall straight off again, it don’t look easy but it does look great fun, so having the opportunity to get our hands on a board and give it a try is brilliant.
This comes in a nice big bag which you can either carry using the handles or as a back pack using the shoulder straps.
Once out of the back and unrolled it’s just a case of pumping it up, the pump that comes with this is it’s only negative, the tube would not screw onto the pump that easy and care had to be taken not to cross thread it as it’s only plastic, and then I had the worry that the gauge was not working, I had the board to a pressure that made it feel quite solid but the gauge had not moved so I carefully pumped a little more then after a few pumps the needle started to move, I pumped until it reached half a bar (it recommends one bar pressure) at that point the board felt really quite solid and never having used a inflatable board before I had no idea how hard it should feel, so I stopped at half a bar and will need to check the accuracy of the gauge.
The paddle was easy to put together and is adjustable in length, ankle strap as well just strap it on and the fin just slots into place and is held firm by a slide in clip, so dead easy to get it all ready for a paddle.
The build of this thing looks really good nice thick feeling PVC with a grippy feeling top surface looked after this will last a very long time.
Packing it away had no problems just release the valve by twisting it and the air escapes quite quick then just fold it from the front to the rear so all the air comes out and it can be put back in the bag and it fits quite well normally things that come in bags don’t normally like to go back in them once removed but this bag is nice and big and it’s easy to fit the the board and all the other bits back inside.
So really pleased with this and looking forward to falling off it a few times.
Arrived in 2 days, Inflated in house to check it out and I wasnt disappointed, Well made sturdy and is better than my other board that cost twice as much. We heading to lakes this weekend to try it out but as for quality and price you cant go wrong to hit the water and enjoy the peace and serenity of paddle boarding.
Das Board ist super leicht gut auf dem Wasser und ist sehr robust nur die Luftpumpe ist beim zweiten mal kaputt gegangen. Ich habe es zurck geschickt worauf ich vom Hersteller ein kostenloses sup bekommen habe was auch zurck geschickt worden war aber komplett ganz ist und mein Geld habe ich auch sehr schnell wieder bekommen. Die Kundenbetreuung war super und mir wurde gut und schnell geholfen. Immer wieder gerne.