Sehr schne Werkbank, die was aushlt, die Farben und das Design sind sehr gut gelungen. Tolle Alternative zu dem ganzen Plastikangebot. Gewohnt tolle Qualitt von Hape. Mit vielen Schrauben und Zubehr, man braucht zustzlich eigentlich nichts mehr zu bestellen.
Also wir sind berzeugte HAPE Kufer, den einen Punkt Abzug gibt es wei ein Standbein zu kurz ist, weil es aber nur minimal ist haben wir einfach einen Bodenschutz mehr drunter geklebt. Mein Sohn ist begeistert und eifert seinem Schreinerpapa nach. Wir wrden es jederzeit wieder kaufen.
Eine tolle Werkbank! Der Aufbau ist kein Problem, die Anleitung vllig ausreichend.
Unser Sohnemann hat auch mit knapp 1,5 Jahren schon viel Spa daran, aber das wird sicher noch mehr, wenn die Zeit vergeht.
adesso sono soddisfatto.
il primo ordine era incompleto (pezzi mancanti)
e le parti presenti tra loro non erano allineate.
rispedito, ricevuto nuovo ordine….perfetto
un bel regalo per il mio nipotino
Got this for my 20-month-old grandson, and he loves using all the moving pieces and parts. It keeps him busy. The workbench is really sturdy, and my daughter put it together without any issues. Also got the Hape Basic Builder Toddler Wooden Play Set to go with it. He can build things with his mom and dad, and it makes for great family time. Highly recommend.
My grandchildren loved this gift. I have purchased other Hape toys and they do not disappoint. Did take awhile to get assembled but worth the effort. I did purchase the other building sets, a good idea as not enough in this Master Workbench to construct variety of play “toys”. The 2 1/2 yr old was able to pound the nails and turn the nuts & bolts but not to construct items. The almost 5 yr old was able to grasp the concept but needs help. This will be a toy to last several years.
Ottima fattura. A mia figlia di due anni piace molto, ma essendo ancora piccola molte delle funzioni non riesce ancora ad apprezzarle. Pi adatto per bambini pi grandi.
Die Werkbank gefllt unseren Kindern sehr gut. Sie ist schn verarbeitet und hat ausreichend Zubehr dabei.
Da sie nicht sehr schwer ist, kippt sie leicht, wenn die Kinder etwas wilder damit spielen.
Die Gre ist perfekt. Nicht zu gro und nicht zu klein 😉
Aber wir empfehlen sie auf jeden Fall weiter!!!
Die Werkbank kam gut verpackt an – die Verarbeitung der massiven Holzteile ist sehr gut. Unser Enkelkind war begeistert und hmmert und schraubt mit Begeisterung.
Im groen Ganzen finde ich die Werkbank recht gelungen sie war einfach zu montieren und das Zubehr reicht zum Spielen aus.
Leider steht die Werkbank nicht ganz so stabil und kippelt ein bisschen beim Spielen strt es die Kinder nicht aber fr fnf Sterne reicht das auch nicht.
Arrivato nei tempi prestabiliti. L avevo gi visto in negozio ed proprio cos. Regalato per Natale al mio bimbo di 3 anni…ci gioca anche se sono sicura che fra qualche tempo ci giocher con pi facilit.
So well made with lots of pieces to grow with. If it seems that the screw holes on the back of the legs don’t line up with the back of the tray, they will if you switch the left back leg with the right back leg. No need to drill new holes. It was designed with the bottom holes slightly off-center, and you may not notice this at first glance. Hape could eliminate the problem with more explicit instructions, but when you get the back legs on correctly, everything lines up. Very high quality, can’t wait to give it to our grandson on Christmas morning.
Der Aufbau ist auch fr Nicht Handwerker einfach und schnell. Alle Teile waren in einwandfreien Zustand.
Durch die weiche des Holzes entstehen natrlich schnell Kratzer und Schrammen aber dafr isr es ja auch gemacht.
Wirklich prima und super erweiterbar.
Sehr zu empfehlen auch schon fr kleinere Kinder.
It was purchased as a gift for a 2-year old and a 4-year kid. It looks great and it LOOKS sturdy and it LOOKS DURABLE but I can’t know if it’s going to stay that way. Ask me again in about a year.
Die Werkbank macht einen optisch ansprechenden Eindruck. Beim Zusammenbau muss genau auf die Anleitung geachtet werden, dann ist auch ein gerader Aufbau mglich. Setzt man die Fusstteile an die falsche Stelle, wird alles krumm und schief. Unser Sohn (1,5 Jahre) spielt sehr gerne damit. Das Zubehr ist vielfltig und animiert immer wieder zum Werken.
Von einer geprften Bioqualitt vom verwendeten Holz, der Farbe und den Kunststoffzubehrteilen bei Made in China kann ich sicher nicht ausgehen. Ein bler Geruch ist aber selbst direkt beim ffnen nicht wahrnehmbar.
Die Wertigkeit ist gut. Leider kein reines Holzspielzeug durch die Kunstoffngel -/schrauben. Ich kann die Werkbank empfehlen… vor allem fr 46,- Euro (PrimeDay).
This is an awesome toy, but the assembly is tougher than it seems like it will be – and only at the last step. Here’s how I got mine together:
1. Follow the provided instructions up until the last step, making sure that you align the legs properly (the bottom screw that attaches to the bottom tray isn’t centered in the leg – the wider part of the leg needs to be on the outside).
2. If the top tray won’t align, remove the bottom screws from the storage tray in the back. Then, insert the top tray per the instructions and re-insert the bottom screws. Th extra horizontal force from the bottom screws was squeezing my vertical supports so much that the workbench surface couldn’t fit in its spot.
I was CERTAIN that something had been mis-drilled, and I do think some of the cuts are off by a few mm, but by taking these two extra steps I was able to assemble the workbench perfectly. No wobbles, nothing crooked, nothing half-attached.
Other stuff I had to fix during assembly:
– I put the front legs on wrong (narrow part to the outside), which made the workbench look crooked and wobbly and made it impossible to insert the top piece
– I used the short screws to add the green piece (don’t do that, they don’t reach)
The provided directions aren’t the best but hopefully with these tips you will get yours together on the first try! If I had done it right the first time, assembly would have been about 15 min instead of 90.
I bought this for my son for his second birthday and he seems to really love it. He can’t do the screws by himself yet but he loves pounding the nails and carrying all the other things around. I’m not a particularly handy woman but I put it together by myself in about an hour. It seems to have a slight wobble but if it was on carpet you wouldn’t notice. I feel like for the price it should have included a lot more pieces and parts to play with. I think it’s a toy that will really grow with my son though.
I bought this for my son for his second birthday and he seems to really love it. He can’t do the screws by himself yet but he loves pounding the nails and carrying all the other things around. I’m not a particularly handy woman but I put it together by myself in about an hour. It seems to have a slight wobble but if it was on carpet you wouldn’t notice. I feel like for the price it should have included a lot more pieces and parts to play with. I think it’s a toy that will really grow with my son though.
Spedizione ed imballaggio perfetti.
Estrema facilit di montaggio, ci ho messo circa 15 minuti con le brugole in dotazione.
Aprendo la scatola si respira subito la qualit del legno e dopo averlo montato si nota molto la robustezza e fattura del prodotto.
Ci sono diversi pezzi per far sbizzarrire i bambini e se ne possono comprare altri successivamente.
Si pu anche regolare in altezza quando il piccolo cresce, basta svitare 4 viti e riposizionarle nei fori successivi.
Avevo lo stesso tipo di prodotto di plastica e si rotto in men che non si dica.
Qualit top.
Haben die Werkbank fr Weihnachten gekauft und die Kinder spielen sehr gerne damit. Tolle Verarbeitung und Qualitt. Sogar die lteren Kindern haben noch ihre Freunde daran wenn Sie ab und zu schrauben und Hmmern knnen. Alles aus Holz. Sind ein paar Kleinteile dabei darum kleinere Kinder nicht alleine lassen. Haben sogar noch extras dazu gekauft weil wir von der Qualitt begeistert sind.
Es sper completo,cmodo y seguro para los nios,por no hablar del juego que les da. A nuestro hijo de 2 aos le ha encantado ,se pasa el da con el martillos clavando las tuercas y dems accesorios .
Es sper completo,cmodo y seguro para los nios,por no hablar del juego que les da. A nuestro hijo de 2 aos le ha encantado ,se pasa el da con el martillos clavando las tuercas y dems accesorios .
Wir sind absolut zufrieden.
Unser sohn hat die Werkbank zum 2. Geburtstag bekommen, weil er so ein richtiger kleiner schrauber” ist. Das ist jetzt knapp 4 monate her.
Der aufbau ging schnell, der mann hat sie aufgebaut, und das war in maximal 20 min ohne Probleme erledigt.
Sie wirkt recht stabil, und ist es auch nach wie vor. Von der hhe passt sie super zur gre von unserem sohn, der mit 2 jahre aber fast wie ein 3jhriger ist.
Die farbe sind schn, die Qualitt wirkt gut.
Ich finde das preisleistungsverhltnis absolut okay. Es ist auch wirklich viel schnes Zubehr dabei. Die ngel und schrauben und muttern sind aus Plastik , aber der rest ist aus holz. Es macht spa die zahnrder anzubringen, unser sohn hat immer spa dran, die dann wie wild zu drehen. Auch die ngel reinzuhammern macht den kleinen wilden kindern spa.
Das einzige was mir aufgefallen ist, das das holz der werkbank recht weich ist, und nach krzester zeit die ganzen abdrcke des hammers zu sehen sind. Aber das strt mich jetzt nicht wahnsinnig, es ist eben eine kinderwerkbank.
Alles in allem kann ich sagen ist die werkbank super und ich kann sie jedem empfehlen, wir wrden sie auch jederzeit wieder kaufen.
I purchased this tool bench for my 2 1/2 year old grandson along with the tool box that matches. He loves both, he pulled up his little chair and sat down to work and build. The tool bench is just the right size, not too big and easy to carry from one room to another. Love the bright colors. My son said very easy to assemble.
Ich habe die Werkbank anllich des 3. Geburtstags unseres Sohnes gekauft. Zum Zweiten hatte er den passenden Werkzeugkasten bekommen und ist seitdem begeisterter Bauarbeiter.
Aus meiner Sicht gibt es an diesem Produkt aber auch wirklich gar nix zu meckern. Das beginnt mit der sehr stabilen und hochwertigen Verpackung, ber die Aufbauanleitung, bis hin zu den enthaltenen Teilen. Alle frei von jedem Spliter oder scharfer Kante. Alles passt exakt ineinander. Die Teile wirken wertig und doch kindgerecht. Am Ende steht eine 100% bereinstimmung zwischen dem was Versprochen und was Gehalten wurde. Unser Sohn ist begeistert und Papa ist es auch 🙂
on uno di quelli economici ma se si considera che si pu usare anche come tavolino per fer giocare il bimbo e disegnare sono spesi bene tutto in legno e si monta in 10 minuti
Nach Monaten immer noch begeistert. Eine Werkbank die wirklich einldt handwerkliche Fertigkeiten in ihren Anfngen zu erlernen. Denn :Schrauben passen in die Schraublcher, Schraubendreher passt in die Schrauben usw. (heutzutage leider keine Selbstverstndlichkeit, siehe andere Amazonprodukte) Einfach nur toll! Mein Sohn 2 kann mittlerweile Schrauben hmmern, drehen, ziehen. Preis-Leistung ist Top, sehr sauber Verarbeitung aller Teile, keine scharfen Kanten. Wie versprochen von Hape, ein Produkt zum lernen.
Unser Kind hat diese Werkbank zu Weihnachten bekommen.
Lieferung schnell und unkompliziert.
Aufbau wahr absolut kein Problem.
Leider ist ein Bein krzer als alle anderen, wodurch die Werkbank kippelt.
Ansonsten sind alle Teile in einem einwandfreiem Zustand. Sehr schne Farben und viele tolle Spiel Mglichkeiten.
Der Schraubstock ist leider nicht so der Renner. Aber im groen und ganzen ein tolles Produkt.
Unser Kind hat viel Spa zu schrauben, Hmmern und sgen.
Just what I wanted for my son, he’s 2 and I bought it for Christmas. He loves it, it’s well made easy to put together and likely to last him a few years. You can actually hammer the nails and screw the screws with the tools. 5 stars!!
Just what I wanted for my son, he’s 2 and I bought it for Christmas. He loves it, it’s well made easy to put together and likely to last him a few years. You can actually hammer the nails and screw the screws with the tools. 5 stars!!
Die Werkbank wurde als Weihnachtsgeschenk gekauft.
Schnelle Lieferung einfacher Aufbau.. aber leider ist der Schraubenzieher bei ersten Einsatz von oben her gesplittet und musste verklebt und geschleift werden
Die Werkbank ist einfach aufzubauen und bietet einen Menge womit meine Tochter bereits spielen und arbeiten” kann. Egal ob Schrauben oder Nageln es wird definitiv die Feinmotorik trainiert und m.E. das Interesse und das Verstndnis an und fr Technik geweckt.
Verarbeitung der Materialien ist sehr gut. Die Werkbank ist darber hinaus auch sehr stabil und somit fr jede Art des Spielens zu empfehlen.
Con Hape sapevo di andare sul sicuro, un ottima conferma, tutto perfetto dalla qualit delle parti alla sicurezza del montaggio. Anche esteticamente fa un figurone. Consiglio ai montatori, prendetevi un po’ di tempo per l’assemblaggio
A mio figlio piaciuto tantissimo. Lui ha solo 2 anni ma ha imparato tante cose e ogni giorno gioca con qualche attrezzi diverso.
Misura giusta del tavolo, materiale buono.
Mein Sohn spielt sehr gerne mit der Werkbank. Vor allem der Hammer und die Sge haben es ihm angetan. Die Werkbank ist sauber verarbeitet und die Bohrungen passen. Beim Aufbau muss man allerdings etwas aufpassen, denn die Teile sehen teilweise identisch aus, sind es aber nicht. Bei einigen 1* Bewertungsbildern sieht man den falschen Aufbau. Ist mir zunchst auch passiert. nicht verzagen und nochmal in die Anleitung schauen.
Thankfully I saw another reviewer’s comments and photos about the correct assembly, or I would have been put off buying this for all of the people saying the assembly instructions and parts were wrong. THE PARTS ARE FINE! I can see where it would be easy to assume the bench legs are interchangeable, but the holes for the screws are NOT directly in the centre of the planks, so it really does matter which side they are placed on. Assembly was straightforward and the overall product is absolutely adorable. We bought as a birthday present for my 2-year-old. I’m so pleased to see the height is adjustable because he is a tall fellow! The parts are very nicely made of plywood, all well sanded and smooth and lovely bright colors for the painted parts. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Quality.
Die Werkbank ist spitze! Hat genau die richtige Hhe (etwa wie die Ikea Kinderkche) und unser groer Kleiner kann daran wunderbar arbeiten. Endlich ein Ort wo er hmmern, schrauben und nach Herzenslust werkeln kann. Bisher war die Sge immer berall im Einsatz in unserer Wohnung. Tolles Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unseren kleinen Handwerker. Steht stabil- da wackelt nix. Festes, stabiles Holz – die hlt auch was aus. Der Schraubstock ist gut wenn man mal was fixieren will zum bearbeiten. Die Farben sind ansprechend und kindgerecht.
Wir haben uns nach langer Recherche fr diese Werkbank entschieden, und haben es nicht bereut. Letztendlich ist es natrlich Geschmackssache, uns gefiel diese einfach am besten. Unser kleiner Sohn, aktuell 2 J., spielt tglich damit. Im Holz entstehen natrlich, wenn darauf gehmmert wird, schnell kleine Macken. Ich empfinde das als vllig normal, die Macken drfen sein und machen den Spielspa komplett. Es ist schlielich ein Gebrauchsgegenstand. Das Zubehr ist auch super, und wird mit zunehmendem Alter sicher immer mehr zum Einsatz kommen. Noch kann unser Sohn nicht alles, was mit der Werkbank mglich ist. Praktisch finde ich, dass das komplette Zubehr entweder in die Schlitze gesteckt oder in der Ablage unten drunter verstaut werden kann. Aufrumen geht dadurch sehr schnell!
Der Zusammenbau ging brigens auch recht einfach und zgig.
Semplicemente bellissimo! Prodotto di ottima fattura, corrisponde perfettamente alle foto, ma dal vivo ancora pi bello. Arrivato dalla Germania in anticipo sui tempi di consegna previsti, in ottimo stato e perfettamente imballato. Semplice e rapido il montaggio. L’et indicata dal produttore 3+, ma a mio nipote di 20 mesi piaciuto moltissimo e non contiene pezzi che possano essere pericolosi per lui. Decisamente consigliato!
My 1 1/2 year old LOVES this bench! And I love it too, I can play with him and it is fun for me! It isnt too big, as most of Hape stuff. Easy to assemble the only thing I am mad about, as seen in the pictures, the holes in the tray on the bottom were off a little and that made the legs have to come in at an angle so the front looks like its less than 90 and all croocked. But other than that this is so much better than the Black&Decker workbench we had, and it has a little side with holes for all the tools, so you can stick them right in and makes organizing easy!
My 1 1/2 year old LOVES this bench! And I love it too, I can play with him and it is fun for me! It isnt too big, as most of Hape stuff. Easy to assemble the only thing I am mad about, as seen in the pictures, the holes in the tray on the bottom were off a little and that made the legs have to come in at an angle so the front looks like its less than 90° and all croocked. But other than that this is so much better than the Black&Decker workbench we had, and it has a little side with holes for all the tools, so you can stick them right in and makes organizing easy!
Ich habe die Werkbank meinem Neffen zum 2. Geburtag geschenkt. Wir haben die Werkbank zu zweit aufgebaut. Leider hat es doch etwas lnger gedauert, als man so lesen konnte. In der Antleitung waren teilweise Abbildungsfehler, die dazu fhrten, dass Teile wieder auseinander gebaut werden mussten. Es ist auch zu empfehlen die Schrauben erst einmal nur leicht anzuziehen. Erst wenn die Werkbank komplett montiert ist und gerade steht, knnen dann alle Schrauben festgezogen werden. Bei uns hat die Werkbank zunchst gewackelt, da wir alle Schrauben gleich festgezogen hatten.
Die Werkbank ist super angekommen. Sie war das Highlight der vielen Geschenke. Es ist empfehlenswert den Hammer mit einem Filzkleber zu “entschrfen”. Ansonsten braucht man als Eltern Gehrschutz. Der Hammer ist auf der Werkbank extrem laut.
Banco da lavoro dell’altezza giusta per il mio piccolino di 1 anno e mezzo. Il legno di ottima qualit e resistente (dato che mio figlio irruento). i pezzi giocattolo non sono troppo piccoli, quindi non c’ il rischio che si strozzi. Bei colori accesi. Sono soddisfatta!!
This went together like the fine German engineering suggests it would.
Be sure to place the legs so that the smallest width (at the lowest screw location) is inboard (see second photo)
It’s possible to swap left for right causing the legs to not align properly, then everything else will not align either.
They actually should have marked them with L or R on the legs themselves.
The photo on the product description also shows this.
Was quick and easy to assemble. Couldn’t be happier!!!
I wanted to update this review after having this toy for 1 year! We bought it when my son was 2.5 and how he has played with it has changed over the past year. It has held up so well though endless hammering of a 2.5 year old and now he’s 3.5 and this is his favourite toy right now. He loves to be a “worker” like his grandpa and he is enjoying building more so we are going to buy him some of the building sets for Christmas! He loves the “nails” and the hammer actually works to remove the nails. And he loves to put the gears together so they work by moving one of them. And the nut/bolts are so fun. This is great for fine motor skills. I would recommend this table to anyone and we love Hape! Their products hold up so well.
I wanted to update this review after having this toy for 1 year! We bought it when my son was 2.5 and how he has played with it has changed over the past year. It has held up so well though endless hammering of a 2.5 year old and now he’s 3.5 and this is his favourite toy right now. He loves to be a “worker” like his grandpa and he is enjoying building more so we are going to buy him some of the building sets for Christmas! He loves the “nails” and the hammer actually works to remove the nails. And he loves to put the gears together so they work by moving one of them. And the nut/bolts are so fun. This is great for fine motor skills. I would recommend this table to anyone and we love Hape! Their products hold up so well.
Sieht schon mal gut aus ! Bei diesem Kauf verlasse ich mich ganz auf die Bewertung anderer. Die Werkbank ist ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unseren Enkel ! Weihnachten haben die Lieferdienste schon genug zu tun , darum habe ich sie recht frh geordert ! Spter mehr !
My little one always seems to play with this workstation. I was a bit sceptical at first at all the little bits and bobs that came with it. He seems very content and happy with it. I would certainly recommend it.
My little one always seems to play with this workstation. I was a bit sceptical at first at all the little bits and bobs that came with it. He seems very content and happy with it. I would certainly recommend it.
Mein Sohn hat die Werkbank zum ersten Geburtstag bekommen. Haben sie jetzt schon 1 Jahr, mal wird sie viel bespielt, zeitweise wieder weniger. Zur Werkbank an sich, sie ist sehr schn verarbeitet. Bis jetzt ist keine Farbe abgegangen oder sonst kaputt gegangen und das obwohl mein Sohn manchmal sehr unsensibel mit der Werkbank umgeht. Es ist einiges an Zubehr vorhanden. Da Preis- Leistung stimmt, wrde ich die Werkbank wieder kaufe
Easy to put together and has nice good quality parts. The pegs fit perfectly so that the child has to hammer them into the holes as you would hope rather than them falling through. It would be nice if you could screw the screws/bolts into the table top with screwdriver as I have seen on other ones as the plastic bolt and nut mean they don’t really get to use the screw driver.
Easy to put together and has nice good quality parts. The pegs fit perfectly so that the child has to hammer them into the holes as you would hope rather than them falling through. It would be nice if you could screw the screws/bolts into the table top with screwdriver as I have seen on other ones as the plastic bolt and nut mean they don’t really get to use the screw driver.
Love this workbench, my son uses it all the time to “build stuff.” I love Hape and usually choose wooden toys and at Christmas, I even tried to go for a plastic tool bench by a famous maker of real tools and it was awful and cost almost as much as this one. If you’re shopping around for a tool bench, this is it. It is sturdy and has a variety of pieces and tools to build with. You can also buy additional pieces for more building.
E’ stato il regalo di compleanno per il mio bimbo di 2 anni. Sembra robusto, fornito con diversi attrezzi, viti e ingranaggi, il mio bimbo ha iniziato subito a giocarci (e pure sua sorella di quasi 5 anni). Sono molto soddisfatta dell’acquisto.
Prodotto utilizzato da circa un mese. Ottima fattura. Buona giocabilit anche per un bambino di 2 anni, consente di essere utilizzato sia con azioni semplici (piantare un chiodo) sia di costruire dando sfogo alla fantasia e quindi utilizzabile anche quando il bambino cresce.
Ein tolles Weihnachtsgeschenk fr meinen Sohn (1,5Jahre). Er spielt damit jeden Tag und es macht Spa ihn dabei zu beobachten.
Der Aufbau war sehr einfach, wenn man sich den Plan genau anschaut und nicht Teile verwechselt. Bei uns wackelt nix. Filz anbringen, da die Werkbank auch mal auf wanderschaft geht. Und ja Holz ist halt lauter, wenn es runterfllt.
Fr uns war es die richtige Entscheidung zu einem fairen Preis im vergleich zu anderen.
Hab die Werkbank meinem Enkelsohn zu Weihnachten geschenkt.
Hab Sie selbst in ca. 10min aufgebaut, sehr hochwertige Verarbeitung, gute Anleitung und somit von Jedermann oder Frau ohne zustzliches Werkzeug aufbaubar. Schwierig war nur das mein Enkelsohn mit dem Holzhammer stndig mithelfen wollte :-).
Und seitdem hmmert und schraubt er damit rum das es eine Freude ist zuzusehen.
Fast alles Teile sind aus Holz mit Ausnahme der Plastikschrauben. Mit den Lochwnden und den Holzteilen und Zahnrdern hat er viele Mglichkeiten das Handwerken zu erkunden.
Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert fr Kids zwischen 1,5 bis … ich schtze mal 3-4 Jahre.
I did a lot of comparing before buying this Hape tool bench. I’ve had the plastic Black & Decker workbench, and this wooden one really beats it in quality. The Black & Decker one is plastic, and it’s put together with the toy nuts and bolts that come with the bench. They just don’t stay tight.
Hapw workbench is (very easily) assembled with real hardware and alan wrenches. It’s made of wood, and has a place to store tools on the workbench top, but also a bin underneath for other things.
Ottimo prodotto, molto resistente e non paragonabile ai prodotti in astica. Mio figlio di 20 mesi si diverte tantissimo! L’ho integrato con cassettina degli attrezzi Hope compatibile per avere aualche attrezzo aggiuntivo e la valigetta ‘portatile’ . Molto molto soddisfatti.
Ho corteggiato a lungo questo banco da lavoro e ho sperato invano di acquistarlo a un prezzo che ritenevo pi idoneo(da qui 4 stelle e non 5). Alla fine lo abbiamo preso e sono contentissima perch il prodotto eccellente tutto legno e davvero istruttivo. Mio figlio ha 2 anni non si stacca pi!!
This is my first review on Amazon but I could not pass the opportunity and responsibility to recommend this toy. We bought it recently for our 1 and half year old, who is approaching two now. This has become his main play station. It is where he does most of his learning, particularly motor skills, focus, perseverance, determination, hand-eye coordination, interaction, teamwork, and much, much more. His grandpa lives with us and they have spend dozens of hours enjoying each other’s company working at this tool bench. Our son is now 1 year and 9 month and knows how use tools. Really! He tries to fix items around the house that are broken, goes to his room, gets his screwdriver, get a nail.. it’s just so amusing and such a pleasure to observe a little man go about his business. Highly, highly recommended by our who family!
Nette kleine Werkbank aus Holz mit einem Montageaufwand von ca. 30 Minuten. Die schlechten Bewertungen kommen aufgrund von Montagefehlern zustande. Die Bohrungen der Lcher der blauen Leiste sind nicht mittig. Daher muss drauf geachtet werden dass die Bohrungen an der inneren Seite sind. Dann passt alles zusammen. Steht leider nicht in der Anleitung. Tipp: Anleitung genau und immer einen Schritt im voraus lesen dann erspart man sich doppelte Handgriffe.
Il carrello molto robusto e di qualit, il mio bimbo ha quasi 3 anni e lo ha molto apprezzato. Unica pecca, considerato il prezzo, il kit di costruzioni davvero un po’ povero ne dovremo sicuramente chiedere uno a babbo Natale cos da iniziare a costruire qualcosa!!!
Inutile dirvi che un gioco di ottima fattura, tutto in legno (eccezzion fatta per la testa del martello, i bulloni e alcuni chiodi). Verniciato in modo molto preciso e sembra duraturo. Imballato pezzo per pezzo in pluriball. Che aggiungere? Per i maschietti il top, ci sono i chiodoni grigi che possono essere martellati nei fori predisposti, e poi estratti con le penne del martello in dotazione. TOP.
Ich habe die Werkbank vor etwa einem Jahr gekauft. Mein Sohn ist mittlerweile 2 Jahre alt und liebt seine Werkbank.
Die Qualitt ist wirklich berzeugend. Es entstehen selbstverstndlich die blichen Gebrauchsspuren wenn sie krftig mit dem Hammer auf das Holz schlagen, aber dennoch ist bis auf einige kleine Dellen kaum etwas zu sehen.
Die Werkbank ist schnell und einfach aufgebaut und selbsterklrend. Natrlich heit es erst ab 36 Monaten, aber mein Sohn hat schon mit einem Jahr die Ngel mit dem Hammer in die Werkbank geklopft und versucht mit dem Schraubendreher die Schrauben fest zu ziehen. Ich denke das hat ihm motorisch sehr viel gebracht!
I bought this workbench for my 17 month-old son. Suggested age is 3+ but unless your child still puts everything in his/her mouth (the bolts might be a choking hazard for little ones) I think this work bench is safe and suitable for younger kids with good hand dexterity. They probably won’t be able to use right away all of the tools for the intended purpose (some abilities are not developed until age 2 or more), but kids can still have fun even if they do not take full advantage of the features of a toy (yet). This actually means the toy can “grow” with your child, which is always a plus. For example my 17 month-old son is not able to use the screwdriver to secure the screws into the bolts while holding the bolts on the other side of the wood panel (same “problem” that another reviewer’s kid had), but still has lots of fun just pounding the screws with the hammer and spinning the sprockets.
Height is adjustable, bench is lightweight but sturdy, and the screws/nails and little tools keep my son entertained for a long time. The bottom shelf is very useful to store the wood pieces when not playing. Price is relatively expensive, but you should expect to pay more for a well-made wood bench vs some cheap plastic one.
For those who reported wobbly benches or that the holes do not line up, I want to point out that the front right leg and front left leg are not interchangeable. It is not clearly stated in the instructions or marked on the wood pieces, but if you look at the position of the front holes in the manual you will understand what is the left and what is the right leg. If legs are assembled correctly, the bench doesn’t wobble and all of the holes line up perfectly. Tightening the screws little by little while assembling the bench also helps in leveling all the pieces (vs tightening one screw all the way through before moving to the next one).
Overall a happy customer!
Il prodotto validissimo, mio figlio di 2 anni e 2 mesi ci gioca spesso, la sua fantasia messa a dura prova… tante le attivit da svolgere, anche se spesso comincia a martellare di tutto, dalle viti ai pezzi di legno fino agli altri attrezzi. Buono la qualit del legno utilizzato.
Arrivato velocemente. Prodotto come in foto abbastanza semplice da montare per chi ha un minimo di dimestichezza. Pu essere montato su due altezze a seconda dell’altezza del bambino. Sembra resistente (mio figlio un uragano!), ma dato che di legno sono subito evidenti segni sulla superficie. Lo consiglio, hape non delude mai come quali
Well isn’t this just adorable? It was easy to put together, its super well made, and I love that all the tools have a ‘spot’ (so does my son – he always takes them out and puts them back in!) My son is actually below the suggested age, he is only 22 months, so I didn’t give him all of the really little parts yet, but he still plays with the hammer and saw, etc. I bring out the little stuff when I am right there and he plays with that as well. He has plenty of time to grow into it, it’s a great tool bench!
Non il primo gioco della HAPE che compriamo. Precedentemente abbiamo regalato la cassetta degli attrezzi ed ha avuto un buon successo.
Abbiamo un bimbo di 2 anni e 2 mesi e ci gioca con un istinto che non credevamo. La manualit indispensabile per i bimbi e questo un prodotto che assolutamente consiglio. Il legno ben resistente. I singoli componenti hanno colori vivaci che catturano l’attenzione. CONSIGLIATISSIMO!!!
My two boys (2 and 4) enjoy tinkering around with this workbench. The younger one likes putting the screws in the different holes and the older one likes to hammer and screw together the wooden pieces into different configurations.
However, I have to give it 4 stars because not all the workbench pieces would assemble easily/properly. The first issue was that the screws for the back board were very short, and at first we weren’t able to connect the screws to the nuts. We almost had to go out and buy longer screws, but eventually we were able to get them aligned. The second issue was that the bottom tray was about a centimeter too short, from left to right. So the holes in the tray did not match with the legs. Luckily, there was a little notch cut into the legs where the tray could just slide in and sit. To secure it, we moved the tray over a bit so that at least one side would match the holes and we screwed that side in. But we had to use our own screws for the other side, screwing through the holes of the legs and into the tray directly. So the tray is a bit off center, though unnoticeable to anyone else. (It took us a while to figure all this out, though, because, due to the issue with the screws, we started building from the bottom up, attaching the tray first. When we did this, the holes in all the other pieces were off. Eventually, we realized it was the tray that was throwing everything off.)
Overall, we are happy with the final product and glad we made the purchase. But for the price, this should have been built more accurately. It could have been a quick and simple project if not for those issues.
acquistatto per il mio nipotino come regalo di natale non stava pi nella pelle quando lo a scartato .L’ho fatto veramente contento e gioca veramente con grande gioia.Articolo veramente bello e di ottima qualit con grande varieta’ di soluzioni .Confezione ottima consegna nel tempo previsto veramente soddisfatto Grazie Amazo
Die Werkbank haben wir unserem Enkelsohn zu zweijhrigen Geburtstag geschenkt. Es staunte unglaubwrdig – ging mit langsamen Schritten
auf das Geschenk zu und nahm ganz verzckt das erste Werkzeug – den Hammer – seitdem ist er nur schwer von der Werkbank wegzubringen!
Ein tolles spielzeug!
i miei bambini di 3 anni ci giocano di tanto in tanto gli piace soprattutto utilizzare il martello con i chiodi in plastica ma a poco a poco sono sicura che lo utilizzeranno pi spesso. Il banco da lavoro facile da montare l’unica cosa che ci sono pochi pezzi infatti ho aggiunto anche la scatola della Hape con la macchina e gi stata prontamente smontata!!!. Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti coloro a cui piace il legno.
Excelente producto. Resistente, manejable, accesorios variados y coloridos. A mis hijos les ha gustado mucho, aunque quizs si estuviera barnizado el tablero sera mejor para que sea ms resistente a las pintadas de los ninos.
A great present for my 2 year old son, he plays with it everyday. The tools are great quality, and he loves to pretend he is fixing things. Only minus point was that the vice broke, but it was easily fixed with some super glue!
It’s a super looking bench, nice and sturdy. Well worth the price.
A great present for my 2 year old son, he plays with it everyday. The tools are great quality, and he loves to pretend he is fixing things. Only minus point was that the vice broke, but it was easily fixed with some super glue!
It’s a super looking bench, nice and sturdy. Well worth the price.
Super tabli offert mon fils (21 mois) pour Nol. Trs belles finitions (angles arrondis, peinture bien pose, bois doux au toucher). Hauteur rglable sur 2 positions trs pratique pour voluer avec l’enfant. Prvoir 30 minutes de montage (on l’a install “au calme” quelques jours aprs Nol). Les outils s’adaptent vraiment aux accessoires fournis. Mme si mon fils ne sait pas encore utiliser le tourne-vis, il peut dj s’entraner visser les boulons sur les vis et il peut enfoncer les clous fournis dans les trous en tapant avec le marteau ce qui lui plait beaucoup.
Il aime bien ranger ses outils dans les espaces prvus cet effet quand il a fini de jouer et est trs fier d’avoir un espace de “travail” lui, plac dans le passage pour qu’il joue pendant que je suis occupe des tches domestiques.
L’tagre en dessous est trs pratique pour ranger les accessoires, y compris un lot de vis et boulons en bois achets en complment sur le site. L’enfant peut se tenir debout et faire comme en vrai (il est encore un peut haut pour mon fils sur le niveau bas) contrairement d’autres modles o l’enfant doit se tenir genoux (ce qui sera malheureusement bientt le cas pour sa cuisine en plastique…).
When you get this bench you receive:
1. 5 Tools – saw, hammer, flat head screw driver, wrench, and t-square
2. 6 Nails, 6 Screws, 6 Bolts
3. 8 Flat pieces with holes to screw into
4. 2 screw blocks (these include treads so that you can screw in the screws)
5. 4 Sprockets
I bought this work bench for my two year old son’s birthday. I know the item says ages 3+ but he does have a lot of fun with it and he can use most of the tools as intended. Immediately he knew how to use the hammer. After a week or so, he got the concept of using the wrench and the flat-head screw driver.
The sprockets are kind of fun as we can nail them in next to each other and he can spin one causing all the other sprockets to spin. He really likes setting those up by nailing them in and removing the nails with the back end of the hammer.
My biggest complaint about this bench is that all the holes along the work bench and back board are designed so that you can nail in the nails. The screws fit in the holes but can only stay put if you have the bolt on the opposite side holding it in. That makes it way to complicated for my two year old. He doesn’t have the dexterity to hold a bolt on the opposite side while still trying to screw the screw in with the wrench or screw driver. It drives him nuts as he tries to unscrew/screw in the screw and it keeps spinning unless I hold the bolt on the opposite side so that he can do it; Even when I hold the other side, the bolts are a little tight making it too difficult for him to unscrew. Now maybe in a year he will have the dexterity to do it, however, even for us the parents, the treads are a little tricky to get in so I can’t imagine that he will be able to do it even in a year.
Another complaint I have is that there is a vice in the front of the bench that can be turned to tighten and hold something up. It doesn’t really tighten very well so if you try to have the vice hold a piece so that my son can put a screw through, the vice doesn’t really hold it tight enough rendering the vice virtually useless.
One nice thing about the set up though is the storage for tools and underneath the bench. When we sing the clean up song, my son can pick up all the pieces and put it away. The tools each have their own place up top keeping it neat while not in use.
1. I love that there is storage for the tools/pieces keeping all the pieces together in one place
2. The bench is a nice height for my two year old. When he stands, it comes up to about waist high making it just the perfect height for use. The bench also appears to have some holes so that the table can be moved higher so it can grow with the child.
3. The nails fit snuggly but not overtly so that he cannot get them out with the hammer end.
4. There is a saw and a t-square while not really functional, we use them to make believe that we are building something.
1. The bench lacks and screw threads for the screws to screw into. A bolt must be held on the opposite side of the table top or back board making it difficult for toddlers to do this on their own.
2. The vice looks good but can barely hold anything tight enough to work on. The only thing it does do is allow my toddler to spin it around and around while I hold a piece there.
3. The screws/nails/bolts are made of plastic. The threads on these do not fit very well that it is a little tricky to get in. I wish that these were made with wood and had treads that were easier for my toddler to use. It may loosen over time but only time will tell…
Sehr schne Werkbank, die was aushlt, die Farben und das Design sind sehr gut gelungen. Tolle Alternative zu dem ganzen Plastikangebot. Gewohnt tolle Qualitt von Hape. Mit vielen Schrauben und Zubehr, man braucht zustzlich eigentlich nichts mehr zu bestellen.
Also wir sind berzeugte HAPE Kufer, den einen Punkt Abzug gibt es wei ein Standbein zu kurz ist, weil es aber nur minimal ist haben wir einfach einen Bodenschutz mehr drunter geklebt. Mein Sohn ist begeistert und eifert seinem Schreinerpapa nach. Wir wrden es jederzeit wieder kaufen.
Eine tolle Werkbank! Der Aufbau ist kein Problem, die Anleitung vllig ausreichend.
Unser Sohnemann hat auch mit knapp 1,5 Jahren schon viel Spa daran, aber das wird sicher noch mehr, wenn die Zeit vergeht.
adesso sono soddisfatto.
il primo ordine era incompleto (pezzi mancanti)
e le parti presenti tra loro non erano allineate.
rispedito, ricevuto nuovo ordine….perfetto
un bel regalo per il mio nipotino
Got this for my 20-month-old grandson, and he loves using all the moving pieces and parts. It keeps him busy. The workbench is really sturdy, and my daughter put it together without any issues. Also got the Hape Basic Builder Toddler Wooden Play Set to go with it. He can build things with his mom and dad, and it makes for great family time. Highly recommend.
My grandchildren loved this gift. I have purchased other Hape toys and they do not disappoint. Did take awhile to get assembled but worth the effort. I did purchase the other building sets, a good idea as not enough in this Master Workbench to construct variety of play “toys”. The 2 1/2 yr old was able to pound the nails and turn the nuts & bolts but not to construct items. The almost 5 yr old was able to grasp the concept but needs help. This will be a toy to last several years.
Seit ber 2 Jahren tglich im Einsatz. Und sie wird nicht geschont. Die Sge ging relativ schnell kaputt, alles andere ist noch ganz
As good as I expected it to be. It’s hape!
As good as I expected it to be. It’s hape!
Ottima fattura. A mia figlia di due anni piace molto, ma essendo ancora piccola molte delle funzioni non riesce ancora ad apprezzarle. Pi adatto per bambini pi grandi.
Die Werkbank gefllt unseren Kindern sehr gut. Sie ist schn verarbeitet und hat ausreichend Zubehr dabei.
Da sie nicht sehr schwer ist, kippt sie leicht, wenn die Kinder etwas wilder damit spielen.
Die Gre ist perfekt. Nicht zu gro und nicht zu klein 😉
Aber wir empfehlen sie auf jeden Fall weiter!!!
Die Werkbank kam gut verpackt an – die Verarbeitung der massiven Holzteile ist sehr gut. Unser Enkelkind war begeistert und hmmert und schraubt mit Begeisterung.
Im groen Ganzen finde ich die Werkbank recht gelungen sie war einfach zu montieren und das Zubehr reicht zum Spielen aus.
Leider steht die Werkbank nicht ganz so stabil und kippelt ein bisschen beim Spielen strt es die Kinder nicht aber fr fnf Sterne reicht das auch nicht.
This was a Christmas gift for our grandson and it’s beautiful! Strong sturdy and just what my daughter is looking for in toys for him
Arrivato nei tempi prestabiliti. L avevo gi visto in negozio ed proprio cos. Regalato per Natale al mio bimbo di 3 anni…ci gioca anche se sono sicura che fra qualche tempo ci giocher con pi facilit.
So well made with lots of pieces to grow with. If it seems that the screw holes on the back of the legs don’t line up with the back of the tray, they will if you switch the left back leg with the right back leg. No need to drill new holes. It was designed with the bottom holes slightly off-center, and you may not notice this at first glance. Hape could eliminate the problem with more explicit instructions, but when you get the back legs on correctly, everything lines up. Very high quality, can’t wait to give it to our grandson on Christmas morning.
Potr recensire il prodotto dopo Natale perch il mio regalo per il mio nipotino: il pacco ancora chiuso , mi spiace
Der Aufbau ist auch fr Nicht Handwerker einfach und schnell. Alle Teile waren in einwandfreien Zustand.
Durch die weiche des Holzes entstehen natrlich schnell Kratzer und Schrammen aber dafr isr es ja auch gemacht.
Wirklich prima und super erweiterbar.
Sehr zu empfehlen auch schon fr kleinere Kinder.
It was purchased as a gift for a 2-year old and a 4-year kid. It looks great and it LOOKS sturdy and it LOOKS DURABLE but I can’t know if it’s going to stay that way. Ask me again in about a year.
Stabil, einfache Montage, und biete viele schne Mglichkeiten zum bauen, werkeln und tfteln.
1Stern Abzug da ich die Schraubzwinge fr nicht ganz so stabil erachte, aber sonst top.
Man sollte allerdings ein Erweiterungs-Bau-Set dazu kaufen, da recht wenig Schrauben und Co dabei sind, um wirklich kreativ ttig zu werden.
Klare Kaufempfehlung von uns!
Die Werkbank macht einen optisch ansprechenden Eindruck. Beim Zusammenbau muss genau auf die Anleitung geachtet werden, dann ist auch ein gerader Aufbau mglich. Setzt man die Fusstteile an die falsche Stelle, wird alles krumm und schief. Unser Sohn (1,5 Jahre) spielt sehr gerne damit. Das Zubehr ist vielfltig und animiert immer wieder zum Werken.
Von einer geprften Bioqualitt vom verwendeten Holz, der Farbe und den Kunststoffzubehrteilen bei Made in China kann ich sicher nicht ausgehen. Ein bler Geruch ist aber selbst direkt beim ffnen nicht wahrnehmbar.
Die Wertigkeit ist gut. Leider kein reines Holzspielzeug durch die Kunstoffngel -/schrauben. Ich kann die Werkbank empfehlen… vor allem fr 46,- Euro (PrimeDay).
1. Follow the provided instructions up until the last step, making sure that you align the legs properly (the bottom screw that attaches to the bottom tray isn’t centered in the leg – the wider part of the leg needs to be on the outside).
2. If the top tray won’t align, remove the bottom screws from the storage tray in the back. Then, insert the top tray per the instructions and re-insert the bottom screws. Th extra horizontal force from the bottom screws was squeezing my vertical supports so much that the workbench surface couldn’t fit in its spot.
I was CERTAIN that something had been mis-drilled, and I do think some of the cuts are off by a few mm, but by taking these two extra steps I was able to assemble the workbench perfectly. No wobbles, nothing crooked, nothing half-attached.
Other stuff I had to fix during assembly:
– I put the front legs on wrong (narrow part to the outside), which made the workbench look crooked and wobbly and made it impossible to insert the top piece
– I used the short screws to add the green piece (don’t do that, they don’t reach)
The provided directions aren’t the best but hopefully with these tips you will get yours together on the first try! If I had done it right the first time, assembly would have been about 15 min instead of 90.
I bought this for my son for his second birthday and he seems to really love it. He can’t do the screws by himself yet but he loves pounding the nails and carrying all the other things around. I’m not a particularly handy woman but I put it together by myself in about an hour. It seems to have a slight wobble but if it was on carpet you wouldn’t notice. I feel like for the price it should have included a lot more pieces and parts to play with. I think it’s a toy that will really grow with my son though.
Estrema facilit di montaggio, ci ho messo circa 15 minuti con le brugole in dotazione.
Aprendo la scatola si respira subito la qualit del legno e dopo averlo montato si nota molto la robustezza e fattura del prodotto.
Ci sono diversi pezzi per far sbizzarrire i bambini e se ne possono comprare altri successivamente.
Si pu anche regolare in altezza quando il piccolo cresce, basta svitare 4 viti e riposizionarle nei fori successivi.
Avevo lo stesso tipo di prodotto di plastica e si rotto in men che non si dica.
Qualit top.
Haben die Werkbank fr Weihnachten gekauft und die Kinder spielen sehr gerne damit. Tolle Verarbeitung und Qualitt. Sogar die lteren Kindern haben noch ihre Freunde daran wenn Sie ab und zu schrauben und Hmmern knnen. Alles aus Holz. Sind ein paar Kleinteile dabei darum kleinere Kinder nicht alleine lassen. Haben sogar noch extras dazu gekauft weil wir von der Qualitt begeistert sind.
Es sper completo,cmodo y seguro para los nios,por no hablar del juego que les da. A nuestro hijo de 2 aos le ha encantado ,se pasa el da con el martillos clavando las tuercas y dems accesorios .
Es sper completo,cmodo y seguro para los nios,por no hablar del juego que les da. A nuestro hijo de 2 aos le ha encantado ,se pasa el da con el martillos clavando las tuercas y dems accesorios .
Unser sohn hat die Werkbank zum 2. Geburtstag bekommen, weil er so ein richtiger kleiner schrauber” ist. Das ist jetzt knapp 4 monate her.
Der aufbau ging schnell, der mann hat sie aufgebaut, und das war in maximal 20 min ohne Probleme erledigt.
Sie wirkt recht stabil, und ist es auch nach wie vor. Von der hhe passt sie super zur gre von unserem sohn, der mit 2 jahre aber fast wie ein 3jhriger ist.
Die farbe sind schn, die Qualitt wirkt gut.
Ich finde das preisleistungsverhltnis absolut okay. Es ist auch wirklich viel schnes Zubehr dabei. Die ngel und schrauben und muttern sind aus Plastik , aber der rest ist aus holz. Es macht spa die zahnrder anzubringen, unser sohn hat immer spa dran, die dann wie wild zu drehen. Auch die ngel reinzuhammern macht den kleinen wilden kindern spa.
Das einzige was mir aufgefallen ist, das das holz der werkbank recht weich ist, und nach krzester zeit die ganzen abdrcke des hammers zu sehen sind. Aber das strt mich jetzt nicht wahnsinnig, es ist eben eine kinderwerkbank.
Alles in allem kann ich sagen ist die werkbank super und ich kann sie jedem empfehlen, wir wrden sie auch jederzeit wieder kaufen.
I purchased this tool bench for my 2 1/2 year old grandson along with the tool box that matches. He loves both, he pulled up his little chair and sat down to work and build. The tool bench is just the right size, not too big and easy to carry from one room to another. Love the bright colors. My son said very easy to assemble.
Ich habe die Werkbank anllich des 3. Geburtstags unseres Sohnes gekauft. Zum Zweiten hatte er den passenden Werkzeugkasten bekommen und ist seitdem begeisterter Bauarbeiter.
Aus meiner Sicht gibt es an diesem Produkt aber auch wirklich gar nix zu meckern. Das beginnt mit der sehr stabilen und hochwertigen Verpackung, ber die Aufbauanleitung, bis hin zu den enthaltenen Teilen. Alle frei von jedem Spliter oder scharfer Kante. Alles passt exakt ineinander. Die Teile wirken wertig und doch kindgerecht. Am Ende steht eine 100% bereinstimmung zwischen dem was Versprochen und was Gehalten wurde. Unser Sohn ist begeistert und Papa ist es auch 🙂
on uno di quelli economici ma se si considera che si pu usare anche come tavolino per fer giocare il bimbo e disegnare sono spesi bene tutto in legno e si monta in 10 minuti
Sehr tolle, schn verarbeitete spielbank.
Schne Farben, frdert die kreativitt und ist sogar in der hhe verstellbar. Besser geht eigentlich nich
Unser Kind hat diese Werkbank zu Weihnachten bekommen.
Lieferung schnell und unkompliziert.
Aufbau wahr absolut kein Problem.
Leider ist ein Bein krzer als alle anderen, wodurch die Werkbank kippelt.
Ansonsten sind alle Teile in einem einwandfreiem Zustand. Sehr schne Farben und viele tolle Spiel Mglichkeiten.
Der Schraubstock ist leider nicht so der Renner. Aber im groen und ganzen ein tolles Produkt.
Unser Kind hat viel Spa zu schrauben, Hmmern und sgen.
Die Werkbank wurde als Weihnachtsgeschenk gekauft.
Schnelle Lieferung einfacher Aufbau.. aber leider ist der Schraubenzieher bei ersten Einsatz von oben her gesplittet und musste verklebt und geschleift werden
My husband has a lot of fun playing with it with our son
Shipping was fas
Die Werkbank ist einfach aufzubauen und bietet einen Menge womit meine Tochter bereits spielen und arbeiten” kann. Egal ob Schrauben oder Nageln es wird definitiv die Feinmotorik trainiert und m.E. das Interesse und das Verstndnis an und fr Technik geweckt.
Verarbeitung der Materialien ist sehr gut. Die Werkbank ist darber hinaus auch sehr stabil und somit fr jede Art des Spielens zu empfehlen.
Con Hape sapevo di andare sul sicuro, un ottima conferma, tutto perfetto dalla qualit delle parti alla sicurezza del montaggio. Anche esteticamente fa un figurone. Consiglio ai montatori, prendetevi un po’ di tempo per l’assemblaggio
A mio figlio piaciuto tantissimo. Lui ha solo 2 anni ma ha imparato tante cose e ogni giorno gioca con qualche attrezzi diverso.
Misura giusta del tavolo, materiale buono.
Die Werkbank ist spitze! Hat genau die richtige Hhe (etwa wie die Ikea Kinderkche) und unser groer Kleiner kann daran wunderbar arbeiten. Endlich ein Ort wo er hmmern, schrauben und nach Herzenslust werkeln kann. Bisher war die Sge immer berall im Einsatz in unserer Wohnung. Tolles Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unseren kleinen Handwerker. Steht stabil- da wackelt nix. Festes, stabiles Holz – die hlt auch was aus. Der Schraubstock ist gut wenn man mal was fixieren will zum bearbeiten. Die Farben sind ansprechend und kindgerecht.
Der Zusammenbau ging brigens auch recht einfach und zgig.
Semplicemente bellissimo! Prodotto di ottima fattura, corrisponde perfettamente alle foto, ma dal vivo ancora pi bello. Arrivato dalla Germania in anticipo sui tempi di consegna previsti, in ottimo stato e perfettamente imballato. Semplice e rapido il montaggio. L’et indicata dal produttore 3+, ma a mio nipote di 20 mesi piaciuto moltissimo e non contiene pezzi che possano essere pericolosi per lui. Decisamente consigliato!
My 1 1/2 year old LOVES this bench! And I love it too, I can play with him and it is fun for me! It isnt too big, as most of Hape stuff. Easy to assemble the only thing I am mad about, as seen in the pictures, the holes in the tray on the bottom were off a little and that made the legs have to come in at an angle so the front looks like its less than 90 and all croocked. But other than that this is so much better than the Black&Decker workbench we had, and it has a little side with holes for all the tools, so you can stick them right in and makes organizing easy!
Ich habe die Werkbank meinem Neffen zum 2. Geburtag geschenkt. Wir haben die Werkbank zu zweit aufgebaut. Leider hat es doch etwas lnger gedauert, als man so lesen konnte. In der Antleitung waren teilweise Abbildungsfehler, die dazu fhrten, dass Teile wieder auseinander gebaut werden mussten. Es ist auch zu empfehlen die Schrauben erst einmal nur leicht anzuziehen. Erst wenn die Werkbank komplett montiert ist und gerade steht, knnen dann alle Schrauben festgezogen werden. Bei uns hat die Werkbank zunchst gewackelt, da wir alle Schrauben gleich festgezogen hatten.
Die Werkbank ist super angekommen. Sie war das Highlight der vielen Geschenke. Es ist empfehlenswert den Hammer mit einem Filzkleber zu “entschrfen”. Ansonsten braucht man als Eltern Gehrschutz. Der Hammer ist auf der Werkbank extrem laut.
Be sure to place the legs so that the smallest width (at the lowest screw location) is inboard (see second photo)
It’s possible to swap left for right causing the legs to not align properly, then everything else will not align either.
They actually should have marked them with L or R on the legs themselves.
The photo on the product description also shows this.
Was quick and easy to assemble. Couldn’t be happier!!!
Sieht schon mal gut aus ! Bei diesem Kauf verlasse ich mich ganz auf die Bewertung anderer. Die Werkbank ist ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unseren Enkel ! Weihnachten haben die Lieferdienste schon genug zu tun , darum habe ich sie recht frh geordert ! Spter mehr !
My little one always seems to play with this workstation. I was a bit sceptical at first at all the little bits and bobs that came with it. He seems very content and happy with it. I would certainly recommend it.
My little one always seems to play with this workstation. I was a bit sceptical at first at all the little bits and bobs that came with it. He seems very content and happy with it. I would certainly recommend it.
Love this workbench, my son uses it all the time to “build stuff.” I love Hape and usually choose wooden toys and at Christmas, I even tried to go for a plastic tool bench by a famous maker of real tools and it was awful and cost almost as much as this one. If you’re shopping around for a tool bench, this is it. It is sturdy and has a variety of pieces and tools to build with. You can also buy additional pieces for more building.
My toddler loves this. Given at Christmas and he plays with it daily. The tools it comes with are great and it’s very sturdy. Lovely toy.
My toddler loves this. Given at Christmas and he plays with it daily. The tools it comes with are great and it’s very sturdy. Lovely toy.
E’ stato il regalo di compleanno per il mio bimbo di 2 anni. Sembra robusto, fornito con diversi attrezzi, viti e ingranaggi, il mio bimbo ha iniziato subito a giocarci (e pure sua sorella di quasi 5 anni). Sono molto soddisfatta dell’acquisto.
Prodotto utilizzato da circa un mese. Ottima fattura. Buona giocabilit anche per un bambino di 2 anni, consente di essere utilizzato sia con azioni semplici (piantare un chiodo) sia di costruire dando sfogo alla fantasia e quindi utilizzabile anche quando il bambino cresce.
Der Aufbau war sehr einfach, wenn man sich den Plan genau anschaut und nicht Teile verwechselt. Bei uns wackelt nix. Filz anbringen, da die Werkbank auch mal auf wanderschaft geht. Und ja Holz ist halt lauter, wenn es runterfllt.
Fr uns war es die richtige Entscheidung zu einem fairen Preis im vergleich zu anderen.
venian mal los barrenos para tornillos de la pieza verde por lo dems muy buena calidad. l tuve que regresar.
Hab Sie selbst in ca. 10min aufgebaut, sehr hochwertige Verarbeitung, gute Anleitung und somit von Jedermann oder Frau ohne zustzliches Werkzeug aufbaubar. Schwierig war nur das mein Enkelsohn mit dem Holzhammer stndig mithelfen wollte :-).
Und seitdem hmmert und schraubt er damit rum das es eine Freude ist zuzusehen.
Fast alles Teile sind aus Holz mit Ausnahme der Plastikschrauben. Mit den Lochwnden und den Holzteilen und Zahnrdern hat er viele Mglichkeiten das Handwerken zu erkunden.
Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert fr Kids zwischen 1,5 bis … ich schtze mal 3-4 Jahre.
Hapw workbench is (very easily) assembled with real hardware and alan wrenches. It’s made of wood, and has a place to store tools on the workbench top, but also a bin underneath for other things.
My girl has been loving it, do recommend.
Ottimo prodotto, molto resistente e non paragonabile ai prodotti in astica. Mio figlio di 20 mesi si diverte tantissimo! L’ho integrato con cassettina degli attrezzi Hope compatibile per avere aualche attrezzo aggiuntivo e la valigetta ‘portatile’ . Molto molto soddisfatti.
Il carrello molto robusto e di qualit, il mio bimbo ha quasi 3 anni e lo ha molto apprezzato. Unica pecca, considerato il prezzo, il kit di costruzioni davvero un po’ povero ne dovremo sicuramente chiedere uno a babbo Natale cos da iniziare a costruire qualcosa!!!
Ich habe die Werkbank vor etwa einem Jahr gekauft. Mein Sohn ist mittlerweile 2 Jahre alt und liebt seine Werkbank.
Die Qualitt ist wirklich berzeugend. Es entstehen selbstverstndlich die blichen Gebrauchsspuren wenn sie krftig mit dem Hammer auf das Holz schlagen, aber dennoch ist bis auf einige kleine Dellen kaum etwas zu sehen.
Die Werkbank ist schnell und einfach aufgebaut und selbsterklrend. Natrlich heit es erst ab 36 Monaten, aber mein Sohn hat schon mit einem Jahr die Ngel mit dem Hammer in die Werkbank geklopft und versucht mit dem Schraubendreher die Schrauben fest zu ziehen. Ich denke das hat ihm motorisch sehr viel gebracht!
Fantastic product, son loves it, by far his favourite toy; he plays with it every day
Fantastic product, son loves it, by far his favourite toy; he plays with it every day
Height is adjustable, bench is lightweight but sturdy, and the screws/nails and little tools keep my son entertained for a long time. The bottom shelf is very useful to store the wood pieces when not playing. Price is relatively expensive, but you should expect to pay more for a well-made wood bench vs some cheap plastic one.
For those who reported wobbly benches or that the holes do not line up, I want to point out that the front right leg and front left leg are not interchangeable. It is not clearly stated in the instructions or marked on the wood pieces, but if you look at the position of the front holes in the manual you will understand what is the left and what is the right leg. If legs are assembled correctly, the bench doesn’t wobble and all of the holes line up perfectly. Tightening the screws little by little while assembling the bench also helps in leveling all the pieces (vs tightening one screw all the way through before moving to the next one).
Overall a happy customer!
Beautifully crafted, easy to assemble and well worth the price. Would certainly consider buying other items.
Beautifully crafted, easy to assemble and well worth the price. Would certainly consider buying other items.
Il prodotto validissimo, mio figlio di 2 anni e 2 mesi ci gioca spesso, la sua fantasia messa a dura prova… tante le attivit da svolgere, anche se spesso comincia a martellare di tutto, dalle viti ai pezzi di legno fino agli altri attrezzi. Buono la qualit del legno utilizzato.
Arrivato velocemente. Prodotto come in foto abbastanza semplice da montare per chi ha un minimo di dimestichezza. Pu essere montato su due altezze a seconda dell’altezza del bambino. Sembra resistente (mio figlio un uragano!), ma dato che di legno sono subito evidenti segni sulla superficie. Lo consiglio, hape non delude mai come quali
Well isn’t this just adorable? It was easy to put together, its super well made, and I love that all the tools have a ‘spot’ (so does my son – he always takes them out and puts them back in!) My son is actually below the suggested age, he is only 22 months, so I didn’t give him all of the really little parts yet, but he still plays with the hammer and saw, etc. I bring out the little stuff when I am right there and he plays with that as well. He has plenty of time to grow into it, it’s a great tool bench!
Abbiamo un bimbo di 2 anni e 2 mesi e ci gioca con un istinto che non credevamo. La manualit indispensabile per i bimbi e questo un prodotto che assolutamente consiglio. Il legno ben resistente. I singoli componenti hanno colori vivaci che catturano l’attenzione. CONSIGLIATISSIMO!!!
My two boys (2 and 4) enjoy tinkering around with this workbench. The younger one likes putting the screws in the different holes and the older one likes to hammer and screw together the wooden pieces into different configurations.
However, I have to give it 4 stars because not all the workbench pieces would assemble easily/properly. The first issue was that the screws for the back board were very short, and at first we weren’t able to connect the screws to the nuts. We almost had to go out and buy longer screws, but eventually we were able to get them aligned. The second issue was that the bottom tray was about a centimeter too short, from left to right. So the holes in the tray did not match with the legs. Luckily, there was a little notch cut into the legs where the tray could just slide in and sit. To secure it, we moved the tray over a bit so that at least one side would match the holes and we screwed that side in. But we had to use our own screws for the other side, screwing through the holes of the legs and into the tray directly. So the tray is a bit off center, though unnoticeable to anyone else. (It took us a while to figure all this out, though, because, due to the issue with the screws, we started building from the bottom up, attaching the tray first. When we did this, the holes in all the other pieces were off. Eventually, we realized it was the tray that was throwing everything off.)
Overall, we are happy with the final product and glad we made the purchase. But for the price, this should have been built more accurately. It could have been a quick and simple project if not for those issues.
acquistatto per il mio nipotino come regalo di natale non stava pi nella pelle quando lo a scartato .L’ho fatto veramente contento e gioca veramente con grande gioia.Articolo veramente bello e di ottima qualit con grande varieta’ di soluzioni .Confezione ottima consegna nel tempo previsto veramente soddisfatto Grazie Amazo
Die Werkbank haben wir unserem Enkelsohn zu zweijhrigen Geburtstag geschenkt. Es staunte unglaubwrdig – ging mit langsamen Schritten
auf das Geschenk zu und nahm ganz verzckt das erste Werkzeug – den Hammer – seitdem ist er nur schwer von der Werkbank wegzubringen!
Ein tolles spielzeug!
Great product, my two year old grandson is thrilled with i
Great product, my two year old grandson is thrilled with i
i miei bambini di 3 anni ci giocano di tanto in tanto gli piace soprattutto utilizzare il martello con i chiodi in plastica ma a poco a poco sono sicura che lo utilizzeranno pi spesso. Il banco da lavoro facile da montare l’unica cosa che ci sono pochi pezzi infatti ho aggiunto anche la scatola della Hape con la macchina e gi stata prontamente smontata!!!. Lo consiglio vivamente a tutti coloro a cui piace il legno.
Great present for grandson. Easy to put together. Good quality. He will love ii. Well worth the money.
Great present for grandson. Easy to put together. Good quality. He will love ii. Well worth the money.
Well made and brilliantly packaged. Took a while to put together though.
Well made and brilliantly packaged. Took a while to put together though.
My 2 yr old son was really pleased with this item, it is just a little expensive for a wooden workbench.
My 2 yr old son was really pleased with this item, it is just a little expensive for a wooden workbench.
It’s a super looking bench, nice and sturdy. Well worth the price.
It’s a super looking bench, nice and sturdy. Well worth the price.
Il aime bien ranger ses outils dans les espaces prvus cet effet quand il a fini de jouer et est trs fier d’avoir un espace de “travail” lui, plac dans le passage pour qu’il joue pendant que je suis occupe des tches domestiques.
L’tagre en dessous est trs pratique pour ranger les accessoires, y compris un lot de vis et boulons en bois achets en complment sur le site. L’enfant peut se tenir debout et faire comme en vrai (il est encore un peut haut pour mon fils sur le niveau bas) contrairement d’autres modles o l’enfant doit se tenir genoux (ce qui sera malheureusement bientt le cas pour sa cuisine en plastique…).
1. 5 Tools – saw, hammer, flat head screw driver, wrench, and t-square
2. 6 Nails, 6 Screws, 6 Bolts
3. 8 Flat pieces with holes to screw into
4. 2 screw blocks (these include treads so that you can screw in the screws)
5. 4 Sprockets
I bought this work bench for my two year old son’s birthday. I know the item says ages 3+ but he does have a lot of fun with it and he can use most of the tools as intended. Immediately he knew how to use the hammer. After a week or so, he got the concept of using the wrench and the flat-head screw driver.
The sprockets are kind of fun as we can nail them in next to each other and he can spin one causing all the other sprockets to spin. He really likes setting those up by nailing them in and removing the nails with the back end of the hammer.
My biggest complaint about this bench is that all the holes along the work bench and back board are designed so that you can nail in the nails. The screws fit in the holes but can only stay put if you have the bolt on the opposite side holding it in. That makes it way to complicated for my two year old. He doesn’t have the dexterity to hold a bolt on the opposite side while still trying to screw the screw in with the wrench or screw driver. It drives him nuts as he tries to unscrew/screw in the screw and it keeps spinning unless I hold the bolt on the opposite side so that he can do it; Even when I hold the other side, the bolts are a little tight making it too difficult for him to unscrew. Now maybe in a year he will have the dexterity to do it, however, even for us the parents, the treads are a little tricky to get in so I can’t imagine that he will be able to do it even in a year.
Another complaint I have is that there is a vice in the front of the bench that can be turned to tighten and hold something up. It doesn’t really tighten very well so if you try to have the vice hold a piece so that my son can put a screw through, the vice doesn’t really hold it tight enough rendering the vice virtually useless.
One nice thing about the set up though is the storage for tools and underneath the bench. When we sing the clean up song, my son can pick up all the pieces and put it away. The tools each have their own place up top keeping it neat while not in use.
1. I love that there is storage for the tools/pieces keeping all the pieces together in one place
2. The bench is a nice height for my two year old. When he stands, it comes up to about waist high making it just the perfect height for use. The bench also appears to have some holes so that the table can be moved higher so it can grow with the child.
3. The nails fit snuggly but not overtly so that he cannot get them out with the hammer end.
4. There is a saw and a t-square while not really functional, we use them to make believe that we are building something.
1. The bench lacks and screw threads for the screws to screw into. A bolt must be held on the opposite side of the table top or back board making it difficult for toddlers to do this on their own.
2. The vice looks good but can barely hold anything tight enough to work on. The only thing it does do is allow my toddler to spin it around and around while I hold a piece there.
3. The screws/nails/bolts are made of plastic. The threads on these do not fit very well that it is a little tricky to get in. I wish that these were made with wood and had treads that were easier for my toddler to use. It may loosen over time but only time will tell…