Hbada Office Chair Ergonomic Desk Chair with Lumbar Support, Breathable Mesh Back and Armrest, Height Adjustable Computer Chair with Rocking, Black

Weight: | 11.3 kg |
Dimensions: | 58.5 x 57.6 x 28 cm; 11.3 Kilograms |
Brand: | Hbada |
Model: | Gndie/Ba5275 |
Colour: | Black |
Colour: | Black |
Good value for money. Eady to assemble. Seems very sturdy. Very happy with this item.
La sedia molto comoda, funzionale e facile da montare. Un eccellente prodotto.
It wasn’t so easy to build by myself lol but it is great honestly. Great produc
Der Stuhl kam super schnell an, hatte allerdings 3/4 kleinere Macken an unwichtigen Stellen.
Habe darauf dann den Kundendienst angeschrieben und sehr schnellen Support bekommen und eine Teilerstattung.
Der Aufbau war nicht ganz so leicht wie erwartet, weil manche Gewinde nicht sehr gut geschnitten waren und die Schraube somit nicht auf Anhieb hineinpasst.
Nach etwas rumprobieren hat es allerdings dann geklappt.
Die Sttze und die Verstellfunktionen sind super und die Armlehnen auch.
Fazit: Wer ber kleine Makel hinwegsehen kann, Kaufempfehlung
Der Stuhl ist bequem, rollt gut und die Hauptsache: Er entspricht den Arbeitsschutzvorgaben fr das Home-Office von meinem Arbeitgeber.
Hab ihn fr mein Enkel gekauft. Er ist sehr begeistert. Man sitzt gut ,auch fr lngere Zeit .
Aufbau ging schnell.
Sogar die Katze mag Brostuhl .
Habe mir den Stuhl frs Homeoffice besorgt. Ist natrlich nicht so ergonomisch wie ein richtig gutere Brostuhl aber fr ein bis zwei Tage zu Hause oder sonst am Computer perfekt.
Ho acquistato questa sedia per lavorare da casa. Mi sono convinta leggendo le recensioni ed in effetti molto comoda e bella da vedere. Peccato solo che il bordo del sedile non perfettamente lineare perch il tessuto in un punto troppo tirato e crea irregolarit. Purtroppo me ne sono accorta solo alla fine del montaggio. Tempi di consegna rispettati. Il prodotto tutto sommato valido e di qualit, anche se prodotto in Cina. Consigliato.
Ottimo acquisto, sedia di qualit, comoda, ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo
Direi che si tratta di un buon prodotto con un buon rapporto qualit/prezzo. Consigliato
Easy to assemble and seems solid. Very comfortable and helps maintain posture.
Chaise sympa et confortable mais terme la solidit ne sera sans doute pas au rendez-vous.
Manque certain d’ergonomie.
Fcil de Montar, los comentarios ledos antes de comprarla me ayudaron a decidirme y coinciden con el producto.
Una silla muy cmoda,sobre todo para la espalda se adapta perfectamente.
Un precio bastante bueno por su calidad y confortabilidad.
La recomiendo
Me ha gustado todo de la silla y el precio es muy asequible.
Easy to put together cheap and comfortable a good experience overall
Volevo una sedia d’ufficio per lavorare da casa. Molto comoda la consiglio.
Il pacco arrivato in anticipo rispetto alla da prevista di consegna e gi questo per me era pi che positivo avendo urgenza di riceverla in tempi ristretti perch lavorare in smart per mesi in casa vacanza su una sedia da cucina non era il massimo. La sedia arriva smontata e l’assemblaggio non richiede molto tempo ne grande manualit, tutto molto semplice ed intuitivo. A prima vista gi durante le fasi di assemblaggio si nota la solidit w la qualit eccellente dei materiali che fa ben sperare il suo utilizzo. Dopo due settimane di uso 12 ore al giorno devo ammettere che l’acquisto ha soddisfatto appieno e anche di pi tutte le mie aspettative, infatti comoda e confortevole, la schiena ringrazia ed il lavoro meno faticoso. Concludo con il dire che consiglio l’acquisto della sedia da ufficio, qualit e prezzo eccezionali per un prodotto veramente ben fatto e comodo
Estticamente no me gustaba mucho al principio pero despus estoy muy a gusto con la silla.
Trs bonne produit avec haute gamme.je mis dans mon bureau c’est trs confort . Les roues a roulent trs bien sans de bruit. Avec la rglable de hauteur c pourra servir tous les taille de personne . A recommander.
It has back support, something I required and found it really has helped my posture and the pain has gone from my lower back!
Great as an office chair to use for 8 hours a day!
Good looking chair, fairly easy to assemble and hope it will stand the test of time.
Come sempre Amazon una garanzia, anche ai tempi del Covid!
La scatola contiene la sedia da montare, un involucro in plastica con dentro le viti diversificate per numero e tipologia, i tappi per occultare le viti ed una chiave a brucola per il montaggio.
Presenti inoltre alcuni ulteriori pezzi di ricambio.
Contiene inoltre un manuale di istruzioni multilingua illustrato (italiano incluso) anche se a dire il vero non ho avuto bisogno di utilizzarlo per quanto fosse intuitivo il montaggio.
Nonostante fossi consapevole di aver preso un prodotto proveniente dalla Cina, mi aspettavo un compromesso qualitativo, ma mi sono docuto ricredere in positivo.
Stavo cercando una sedia comoda che mi consentisse di stare seduto per diverse ore per lavoro/studio e la scelta ricaduta su questo prodotto, sia per il rapporto qualit/prezzo, che grazie ad un offerta a tempo che ne abbassava il prezzo.
La sedia come me la immaginavo, regolabile sia in altezza che in profondit tramite una levetta laterale.
I materiali sembrano ottimi e resistenti, il sedile formato da una spugna soffice che adatta sia per l’inverno che per l’estate.
Presa a 90 euro, ritengo di aver fatto un affare!
Considerando il rapporto qualit/prezzo, posso ritenermi molto soddisfatto.
Acquisto fatto e consigliato da mia sorella, devo dire che una sedia davvero notevole, molto comodo per me che devo lavorare davanti al pc per 8 ore di seguito. Approvato e consigliato a mia volta.
son assise et trs souple ce qui est parfait lorsqu’on reste longtemps dessus
grce un confort exceptionnel son dossier emboite bien le dos et son inclinaison permet de se dtendre
les accoudoirs rembourrs permettent de ne pas avoir mal aux avant- bras
facile monter
de surcroit son design est super
j’ai reu mon colis reu avant la date prvue et le fauteuil est trs bien protg
vendeur trs srieux
je recommande
I was looking for a value for money, strong, comfortable chair for my daughter. I bought one, but it was not comfortable, so i returned. My friend told me about this chair, and really it suits all my requirements. Arrived on time, box containing information how to assemble, so Video on site, it took very very little time to install. My daughter is using since then and very happy with the chair. Se said its very ease to change the height, angle, the mesh is very conformable even after seating for long time. I will definitely recommend if you are looking for a good value for money, strong and comfortable chair.
Iam very happy of the product and the time it was delivered with all the pieces in place and not missing anything.
Thanks to Amazon for a wonderful service.
Easy to put together, feels very comfortable, great option to rock on the chai
Very busy work recently. Now I have time to review this chair.
Easy to install, easy to use, and dirt resistant, fortunately my cat doesn’t scratch it.
I put a herbal cushion on it, so it doesn’t stain because it’s black and I’m happy
Good deal
molto facile da montare ed comodissimo
si salva la mia schiena che ogni giorno devo essere seduta davanti al computer
ottimo sedia
his chair is easy to install and comfortable.my daughter loves it,it’s worth buying.
Comfortable, easy to assemble and perfect for desk. Pleased with this
Ho comprato questa sedia per sostituire la sedia da dattilografia che uso occasionalmente durante la mia giornata di “lavoro da casa”. Ma poich il “lavoro da casa” obbligatorio diventato la nuova norma, avevo bisogno di una sedia pi comoda con supporto per la schiena e potevo stare seduto per 8 ore al giorno. Ho letto le recensioni e mi sono seduto su questa sedia, sono molto soddisfatto del suo comfort e supporto per la schiena. Il fatto che i braccioli possano essere piegati per spingere la sedia fino al tavolo una grande caratteristica. Il prezzo della sedia ragionevole e non difficile da montare. Piuttosto che provare a metterlo sul pavimento, pi facile montarlo sul letto. Una volta che inizi a farlo, capirai perch.
Avevo gi acquistato recentemente un’altra sedia ergonomica da ufficio della stessa marca e uguale e la trovo molto comoda e robusta
Sehr bequemer, gut verstellbarer und auch dekorativer Brostuhl mit sehr gutem Preis-/ Leistungsverhltnis. Das Problem habe ich mit anderen Sthlen nicht. Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Stuhl. An sich ist die Verarbeitung sehr hochwertig und durch das offene Mesh auch sehr atmungsaktiv. Besonders im Sommer kommt man nicht so schnell in Schwitzen.
Die Anleitung war sehr einfach zu verstehen und der Aufbau war in weniger als 15 Minuten erledigt. Alle Teile sind auf einer Lieferumfangsliste ordentlich mit Nummern versehen und beschrieben. Alle Teile werden mit Bild und Nummer ordentlich angesprochen.
Der Stuhl ist sehr bequem.
Ein wirklich sehr gut durchdachter Stuhl zu einem fairen Preis.
For some time now I’ve been working regularly in the home office and my old office chair broke. That’s why I decided to buy a suitable chair. After doing my research, I ordered the ergonomic desk chair from Sigtua.
The chair exceeded my expectations: it is brilliantly designed to support the neck, after long hours I can sit back and rest my neck. Very comfortable and well supported. Plus, it looks professional and well done. Goes well with my table and the rest of the furniture.
The construction was super easy. With the help of the assembly instructions, assembly went without any problems.
A really good chair for this price.
Got it at a slightly reduced price when Amazon had an offer on it but wouldn’t hesitate to buy it at normal price now I’ve had one!
It’s so comfortable and so much better having the mesh style back as oppose to leather – leather i just get way to hot on and sweat!
This is comfortable, breathable, sturdy and does the job better (in my eyes) than a lot of other chairs worth hundreds of pounds.
Can’t say how it is on an everyday, all day basis, but for the time I’ve had it and used it, it’s still going strong and can’t see it needing to be replaced for a while!!!!
Very comfortable chair with great materials that seem to be durable and high quality and easy to assemble ,so happy with it. Highly recommend.
Very pleased with this chair, it is extremely comfortable and it is light weight and takes up very little space
you are getting a reasonably good chair for the price, assembly was ok a couple of the bolts didnt line up perfectly but i got them to fit in and tighten up ok . it is comfy enough for our lass to work from home all day on it with no aches or pains and it does a good job of holding her weigh
Good sitting position, however, the arm rests are low and unadjustable.
i bought this chair for my son he plays games and do homework. its better then a gaming chair he said. he would rather buy and office chair. then a gaming chair and this is a perfect choice. Very comfortable.
Fast ein Jahr lang von zu Hause aus arbeiten, ist es Zeit, meinen alten Ikea-Stuhl gegen etwas Besseres auszutauschen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Qualitt dieses Stuhls. Es sieht dem in meinem Bro sehr hnlich, aber nur die Hlfte des Preises. Das Kissen ist dick und bequem. Der Rcken gibt gute Untersttzung. Erwhnenswert ist auch, dass die Rder so glatt sind! Ich war skeptisch beim Online-Kauf von Sthlen, weil man den Unterschied nicht nur anhand der Bilder erkennen kann, aber dieser ist absolut anstndig.
Versand: Ich habe die Sthle innerhalb einer Woche nach Auftragsbesttigung erhalten und bin super zufrieden mit der Schnelligkeit des Services.
Montage: Jedes Teil wird bei Erhalt einzeln verpackt. Die Schrauben sind bereits sortiert und werden mit eigenem Werkzeug geliefert. Die Anweisungen sind leicht zu verstehen. Auch ich habe nicht viel Erfahrung in der Montage innerhalb einer halben Stunde ihren eigenen Montageerfolg
Erfahrung: Aufgrund der Beschwerden im Nackenbereich, die durch das Homeoffice verursacht wurden, bin ich zum Arzt gegangen und habe mich fr einen hhenverstellbaren Stuhl entschieden. Ich sitze jetzt seit einer Woche darauf, und es ist sehr bequem und erfllt meine Anforderungen an das Home Office whrend der Epidemie.
Insgesamt: Groes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis, ich wrde es meinen Freunden empfehlen!
– Easy to assemble
– Looks stylish
– Good back support
So far only 1 con, but it’s a big 1… that is the very poor padding on the seat.
After 12 hours of use the padding is almost none existent and is offering absolutely 0 comfort to the point I have had to stand during the majority my work today. The chair this had replaced still has thicker padding after 3 years of very extensive use.
Overall the chair is OK. I will likely need to replace this sooner than my last chair as I don’t see the padding lasting.
EDIT: So I underestimated how much sooner I’d need to replace this chair; I am in the process of returning it as it has started to tilt to one side causing major discomfort.
This chair is really comfortable. With lumbar support, it reduces lots of my back pain. Also, it is easy to install because the installation instruction and tools are provided within the package. Worth the price.
Working from home and was fed up with sitting on a kitchen chair! This chair is perfect comfy seat, back support excellent and just what a needed. Easy to assemble with very clear instructions – very fast service.
After recent back issues it’s a godsend
Looks stylish too
I didn’t put it together so can’t comment on the assembly pa
I found this chair really comfortable, both the seat and armrests are cushioned well which makes it very relaxing to sit on. The height of the chair is also adjustable and the rollers run very smoothly too. The shoulder width of this chair is broad and the leaning back makes this chair even more comfortable to sit on, especially when watching movies. Only bad thing is that the arm rests aren’t adjustable, which is unfortunate.
This chair is very easy to assemble and is very comfortable and supports my back. It’s easy to assemble and only took me 8-10 minutes.
It comes with a manual and it is simple to assemble. You don’t need too much space to put it and it came neatly packed to me. It’s quite sturdy and has good mobility so it’s a good value for money.
The arm rests are put in a perfect position for me and are a modern design. I would recommend this to anymore ,who is currently working from home.
1. Good build quality
2. Easy to assemble with clear instructions
3. Good mobility of the wheels and sturdy
1. The cushion on the seat can be improved as it doesnt provide enough of support to the bottom
2. The hand rest has a bit of cushioning however the chair’s width is about 50 cms which is very broad for me.
3. Not a great fit for person who is 6.1 feet and has a high desk to work on.
4. The lumbar support is plastic and doesnt offer significant support
5. The chair does not lock up in the relaxed positions and can only be fixed for locking from rocking which is a big con for me and it has been mentioned here.
6. From a price perspective, other brands offers adjustable arm rests and lockable positions.
I gave the chair back as it was not something that was helping me with long working hours seated on it.
me lo ha ayudado mi padre a montarlo unos horas ya esta echoes muy buena ideal usar con escritorio estudiar o trabajar dentro de covid la silla es blando me siento varias horas no me duele la espalda abajo lleva rueda puede mover tiene una barrita subir o bajar la altura el diseo perfecto y color clasico negro no hace falta limpia todos los dias
La sedia facile da montare e appare sufficientemente solida. Seduta comoda e soffice, presenta un buon rapporto qualit/prezzo.
Acquistata per smartworking, passo molte ore seduta. La qualit ottima, il sedile comodo ed
facile da montare. L’altezza regolabile, per stare alla scrivania perfetta!
Buscaba una silla para casa con refuerzo lumbar de tela, pues vivo en zona que hace bastante calor y otros materiales no los considero ptimos
Esta silla a mi me ha reducido los dolores lumbares y de la columna, descanso mientras trabajo !
El respaldo es de rejilla que es lo que buscaba y con reposabrazos cmodos de moverlos de altura y de ajuste
Por mi parte indicaros que NO viene montada, la tienes que montar tu en 5 pasos que te indica el manual y menos de 20 minutos la tienes instalada.
En mi caso como mi casa es de parket me ha tocadao cambiar las ruedas por unas de siliconas, pero el enganche es el estndar y es muy fcil de encontrar.
En cuanto a la limpieza, yo lo limpio con agua y vinagre de limpiar en un trapo y se le quitan cualquier marca que pueda tener.
El asiento !!
Es confortable , no notas nada de los tornillos o base inferior
El caso que esta silla yo la quera para un sitio que no me permite tener otra mas grande por el espacio de la habitacin y ha sido un acierto por completo tanto de tamao como de calidad !!
I like this chair very much. Assembly was not that easy, but not that difficult either. I had problems getting the castors to slot into the base, needing a firm tap from a hammer to accomplish. See other posts about the assembly instructions.
Buensima compra. Es comodsima y muy ancha. Fcil de montar y slida. La compramos para que mi hijo siguiera sus clases de la universidad en confinamiento y has sido un acierto.
The seat is decent size larger than expected, it has reasonable back support and good arm rests but I wouldn’t say its specifically an ergonomic chair. Good value but if you need a specialist chair for medical reasons look elsewhere.
I managed to drill a hole through myself in order to put the chair together, so I have now been able to assemble it. When I mentioned to the seller they offered to send me a replacement chair, therefore updated review to reflect this.
The seat itself if sturdy and comfortable.
It’s really really a good product. The size is super . When it arrived I opened it straight away . And the box is big , it’s very easy to assemble. It’s still work until now. And it’s so comfortable. Good value! Good recommend!
Ho aspettato un paio di settimane prima di trarre qualche conclusione.
Allora la sedia si monta abbastanza facilmente, si incastra tutto perfettamente e ti da subito un’idea di solidit.
Sicuramente serve un minimo di praticit,ma proprio base base.
Non servono ulteriori chiavi per il montaggio.
La sedia risulta molto comoda e si adatta facilmente per qualsiasi uso.
In questo il pistone permette di regolare l’altezza facilmente.
Per il momento sono soddisfatto.
The chair itself is exactly what I expected – comfortable with adequate lumbar support. The padded arm rests are a nice comfort feature and the mesh back means you don’t get too hot. The wheel castors are smooth and quiet and the chair is fully adjustable in terms of height and reclining stiffness.
This chair is just that as it manages to be very comfy while not taking too much space. Assembly took 5 minutes. You only need an Alan key that is already included with it. Could assemble it without even reading instructions. Very happy with it now as my backpain has gone away.
Assembling the chair up was very quick and painless and took approximately 15 minutes. The package arrived with everything included that is needed to assemble. Set up only requires one allen key which was provided. It is adjustable in height and also for the angle of the backrest and most importantly very comfortable with good cushioning, including the cushioned armrests.
The chair has a nice modern design and looks great in the office. I would recommend for the price. Attached are pictures of the chair assembled.
arrivata perfetta corriere gentile e rispettoso della distanza di sicurezza, prodotto di buona qualit in plastica dura facile da montare e stabile e di bel design.
Felice di questo acquisto.
Ho comprato la sedia come regalo di compleanno per mio figlio per la sua scrivania, arrivata in anticipo, la sedia subito stata funzionale per una corretta postura al pc dotata di ruote e in materiali leggeri e di ottima qualit.
The delivery was quick. Fairly easy to assemble if followed instructions thoroughly – husband did it in less than 10 minutes ( he’s into DIY projects ).
Casters run on the carpet smoothly without making any creaking sound.
At its full height adjustment, my husband who’s 5’11” 100kg can sit comfortably on this chair – with ample sitting space. Might not be comfortable for anyone’s taller or bigger I supposed. Well, worth checking the chair’s max sitting height first before buying it.
It’s a gamble buying a piece of furniture online, but glad it turns out a great choice for us.
La sedia da ufficio fantastica e facile da montare. Ci vuole solo mezz’ora per l’installazione. comoda su cui sedersi e non soffocante. La figlia soddisfatta
Perfect. Inexpensive and good quality office chair. The backrest suits me well.Very easy to put together. Appears robust and is certainly very comfortable. Hbada Office chair…..is amazing no doubt, very comfortable and is looking very nice,great design, definitely recommend this chair and this seller,thank you again.