HOOMYA Metal Detector Professional for Adults Kids, P/P Function with Depth Display, 10'' Waterproof Coil -Can Put Into 20'' Deep Underwater Detection, All Metal/Disc/Notch Mode with Tone recognitio

SENS (Sensitivity)
Adjust the sensitivity from 1 to 10. The higher the number, the more sensitive the detector. This sensitivity control does not affect Pinpoint sensitivity. In practice, the maximum depth it can probe is about 23cm.
If the detector beeps erratically or beeps when there are no metal objects being detected, reduce the sensitivity. It is recommended to adjust the sensitivity according to the ground conditions to avoid false alarms.

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Overload WarningThis function is to guide you to use the correct detection distance, especially helpful for beginners. If a metal object or highly magnetic soil is too close to the search coil, the detector will overload, and “–” will appear on LCD. If occurs, Just lift the search coil a little bit or move to a different location. | 3 Tones Distinguish MetalsWhen different metals are detected, it will emit low, medium and high tones, and it is applicable to all modes. Usually, the valuable metal sounds sharp, cheap metal sounds low. So you don’t have to keep your eyes on the screen but enjoy the surrounding scenery. It is better to use headphone (included) to let you focus on finding treasures without fear of the noisy environment. The host head is equipped with a 3.5mm headphone jack. Suitable for all universal earphones. | Batteries PowerA real-time reminder of your battery usage, let you know when to change the battery, you can rest assured to carry out uninterrupted detection activities. Applicable batteries: 9V alkaline battery Note: do not use “heavy duty” or “carbon-zinc” batteries |
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Comfortable Armrest
| Multifunctional long backpack
| Multifunctional shovel (with bag)

Dimensions: | 44.7 x 27.8 x 15 cm; 2.79 Kilograms |
Part: | 2243 |
Batteries Included: | 2 9V batteries required. |
Manufacture: | HOOMYA |
Reference: | 2243 |
Un p troppo sempliciotto come metal detector bisogna prendere un po’ la mano durante l’utilizzo confonde spesso i materiali se inseriti tutti come ricerca nel display direi un prodotto semi discreto ma che comunque fa il suo lavoro.
Happy with the purchase with this detector realy bang for your buck nd the shovel is well built and sturdy the detector separating it’s tones when it targets different metels and is consistent and accurate in it’s tones very little false positives if it reads iron it’s iron if it’s silver the object is most likely silver under the surface ect.great for the price and a tone of fu
Helped me to find my lost wedding ring, which I’ve dropped in my fishing lake. So I guess that says everything.
Je dbute je les achet pour chercher des pice de monnaie en me
Der Metalldetektor zeigt eine gute Verarbeitung. Er funktioniert zuverlssig. Da Vergleichsgerte fehlen kann keine Beurteilung der Erfolgsfunktion gegeben werden. Dennoch fr Anfnger zu empfehlen.
Il rapporto qualit-prezzo ottimo. Le istruzioni per il montaggio sono molto chiare. Il prodotto risulta leggero e facile da utilizzare, perfetto per principianti.
Funciona molt b. Cal aprendre el seu funcionament i dominar el tema de les discriminacions, sino pita indiscriminadament. Hem trobat moltes coses.
Settings are based on US currency, but it does its job
Couldn’t wait to get started. read and re read instructions. Easy to assemble Love the headphones and digging implement . Good kit and good value for money
The controls are easy to use and the sensitivity is adjustable. The instructions come with a good bit of information and there is the option to strap the device to your wrist to aid in comfort during prolonged use.
Great quality kit for the money, definitely works and it provided loads of fun.
Any decent, entry all-rounder should have at least a minimum 10″ search Coil (ideally Waterproof), a pinpoint mode, audio ID tones, good frequency range (to distinguish between different metals), sensitivity adjustment & of course be reasonably lightweight & portable with decent depth detection levels. In practice, like many others have said & despite never having heard of Chinese manufactured HOOMYA, this little beauty ticks all of these boxes and does so with aplomb with just one major weakness as in depth.
Firstly, at under 3Kgs it’s really lightweight yet looks and feels well-made and robust. Assembly was easy and it feels comfortable to use with the adjustable length arm and display which is clear and easy to read. I tested it with bits of a tin can & an old iron key (both buried to about 4″ underground) and sure enough I got different tones for each & both were readily detected. I repeated the test with both items buried to the maximum stated depth (about 23cm) and whilst it recognised the tin can just as before I got various tones for the iron, meaning it recognised something was there, but it struggled differentiating it (which in the case of tin is what you really want to avoid to prevent constant digging up of rubbish!). And that for me is it’s one weakness, namely accuracy and responsiveness at depth but there again at under 150 you wouldn’t expect much more. Sure a machine such as Garrett’s entry level model the ACE 400i masters this and even has different tones for different types of tin, the Garrett retails at over 350 on Amazon. Overall the Garrett is a better machine in many areas but for a beginner who wants something more than a toy, the HOOMYA ticks a lot of boxes and is definitely up to the task albeit at an amateur level. Add to this the additional kit which is all useable and OK and the IP68 rated head (untested), then at the price point specified, it’s hard not to award this 4 out of 5 stars with one deducted for that misleading “professional” label. As a low budget, entry level machine for anyone new to metal detecting, this one gets the overall thumbs up from me!
I found this metal detector quite straightforward to assemble and could have had it up and running within 15 minutes if I’d had 2 9v batteries. Unfortunately, I only had one so had to order more. I’ve never used a metal detector before and I found setting this up quite difficult and and time consuming, especially as some functions didn’t seem to change much, like the volume which didn’t get any quieter until I actually reduced it to zero. I have to say this wasn’t helped much by the fact that the settings are for American coins, 5c and 10c, and despite fiddling with the settings there didn’t seem to be a change in the tone for a 1 coin, a 10p and a 2p. I presume that’s something I’ve done wrong? Having said that, it has detected all and any metal, including the coins, which I put in the holes that were left when I moved our greenhouse and covered loosely with soil and my wedding ring, which I put in some long grass. The depth detector can take a little time to get the sensitivity right as at first it was actually detecting metal deeper down than the coins. I must say that everything feels and looks decent quality, especially the carrying bag and the foldable spade, which works really well. Basically, it does what it’s meant to do – detect metal – but it is very much a case of practise makes perfect, and you’ll need to put the time in in the beginning to get the best out of it.
Au final, c’est plutt un truc pour les gosses ( partir de 10-12 ans) qui vont jouer la chasse au trsor.
Bon point : le dtecteur est livr avec une petite pelle et un casque audio.
Dommage : il fonctionne avec deux piles de 9 volts.. un format qui n’est plus si courant.
Erwann sur Amazon.f
Der Metalldetektor kam gut verpackt und unbeschadet bei uns.
Gespannt packten wir das Gert aus. Wir freuen uns, dieses Gert testen zu drfen. Wir sind Neulinge, wollten aber schon immer mal mit den Kids auf Schatzsuche gehen.
Das Gert lsst sich schnell und problemlos testen. Aber es sind keine Batterien dabei. Also am besten gleich mit dem Gert eine 9- V-Blockbatterie mitbestellen. Es ist eine Karte zum Anfordern mit dabei.
Durch die Halterung lsst dich der Detektor gut fassen und tragen. Er ist leicht und handlich.
Die Lautstrke kann reguliert werden. Auch im Kopfhrer. Er kann sehr laut werden. Aber es ist noch viel mehr einstellbar: Die Metall und die Empfindlichkeit des Sensors. Damit kann man vor allem ausschlieen, Dinge zu finden, die man gar nicht sucht.
Das Gert ist vollkommen bedienerfreundlich. Wir sind Anfnger und haben nur einen Kritikpunkt, wir haben leider keinen wertvollen Schatz gefunden. Aber wir hatten einen Heidenspa. Deswegen ist das vor allem ein wunderbarer Spa. Mal ein Highlight gerade jetzt, wenn die Kids so viel drin sind. Wir sind jetzt bei unserer Nichte und unserem Neffen die Grten.
Der Preis ist natrlich eine ganze Menge! Man bekommt ein tadellos verarbeitetes DetektorSet mit Tasche und einer Schaufel fr den gefundenen Schatz.
Von uns gibt es 5 Punkte.
Vorweg, was ein tolles Spielzeug ! Profis werden hier sicherlich mit dem Kopf schtteln aber fr mich liegt eher der Erlebnissfaktor im Vordergrund.
Der Metalldetektor kommt mit einer praktischen Tasche, einem Klapp bzw. Schraubspaten und einem Kopfhrer an.
Das Ganze wirkt alles sehr gut verarbeitet und qualitativ hochwertig. Die Montage ist nahezu selbsterklrend und recht Easy. Lediglich zwei 9V Blcke fehlen noch zum vergngen, sind ja aber im Supermarkt schnell zu besorgen.
Die Lnge kann nach bedarf eingestellt werden und so kann der Detektor auch von den Kids getragen werden.
Es knnen verschiedene Metalle eingestellt oder ausgeblendet werden. Die Tiefe wird ebenfalls gezeigt und wir haben auch schon alte Ngel und ein paar Groschen gefunden ^^ Der Kopfhrer ist fr Musik mit Sicherheit nicht zu gebrauchen aber hier dennoch Perfekt.
Ein Tolles Spielzeug fr jung und alt mit passender Qualitt und mchtig Spassfaktor.
I managed to assemble the unit without reference to the manual, it literally clips together. Once assembled, the first thing I noticed was that it was very light. Also, during assembly, I was surprised by the number of length options available. This will suit from adult down to child.
A big disappointment was the lack of batteries. The unit uses two 9v batteries. Size is E, or MN1604/6LR61 (I think they used to be called PP3 as well) I don’t keep these in stock so I had to go out and buy some, delaying my start-up experience. By the way, the instructions specify alkaline batteries only, so no rechargeables, which is disappointing. Two Duracells from my local shop cost me almost a tenner.
The whole thing comes with a well-made fabric case, which looks rather like a rifle case and has a detachable shoulder strap. There’s even a separate little case for the fold-up shovel. Just assembling this made me feel like an archaeologist.
Once set up, it was time to test. Sadly, all of the reference materials needed to fully test the detector are referred to as US coinage. I have neither nickels nor dimes in my piggy bank.
Unfortunately, due to lockdown restrictions, I couldn’t head off into the country to discover the next great viking hoard, but I played around in the garden, burying different items and successfully locating them.
The unit certainly identified my wedding ring as gold (what a relief!) and identified iron and aluminium.
There are options to tune the discrimination for specific metals which will be great for experienced users but for beginners like me, and my grandchildren, just getting a beep when you pass over something metal, and then being able to home in on it with the Pinpoint feature, is adventure enough. I can see us having a lot of fun with this during the summer.
I originally purchased this detector thinking that i may have to upgrade it after a while, but was surprised to find out it’s doing a great job as is and i can’t see what else i would want it to do.
It came with a bunch of accessories including the bag, shovel an headphones, the shovel in particular is nice as it’s a fold up one so doesn’t take up a ton of space when carrying it over long distances, it’s also nice and lightweight.
The detector seems to detect at a fair depth, enough for me to still be interested with digging it out, i’ve found a few unsurprising things, mainly rubbish, but that goes with the hobby anyway and means i’m cleaning up too.
The best bit is probably the clarity, i can tell straight away if it’s worth getting the shovel out just based on the noise it makes and 9/10 i’m right (hopefully i don’t miss a hoard on the ones i pass by though)
All in an effective, powerful lightweight unit that does the job.
La dtection se manifeste par diffrents signaux sonores en fonction de la qualit des mtaux. Je conseille ce qu’on n’a pas fait tout de suite et ce que mentionne la notice : se familiariser d’abord aux diffrents sons en plaant un objet en argent proximit, un objet en or, nickel, etc. a rend la recherche plus excitante.
moins de vraiment croire en sa bonne toile et penser dcouvrir un trsor, c’est, comme disait Bonaldi : “totalement inutile, donc rigoureusement indispensable !”
Les points positifs
Les multiples niveaux de dtection fonctionnent a priori bien mais pour le moment nous n’avons trouv que des capsules (de plusieurs poques quand mme ^__^). Parfois nous avons creus sans trouver : tait-ce un clou aux trois-quart dsintgr ?
Fourniture d’une petite pelle pliable robuste (comme les pelles militaires) avec un ct “doigt” pour creuser une petite surface ou extraire un lment facilement et des dents sur un des bords de la pelle pour faciliter la dcoupe de la terre et des petites racines
Fourniture d’une petite housse de rangement
Du fun du fun du fun !
Les points ngatifs
Pas de piles fournies
Curieusement la notice n’allait pas au bout du montage
Elle ne mentionne pas non plus que la profondeur est exprime en pouces : je l’ai dcouvert sur la bote.
Rapport qualit/prix = bon
Note globale : 8.6/10 – essayer, a occupe vraiment !
-Una piccola pala/piccone smontabile e la sua custodia, pala magari non robustissima, ma sicuramente sufficiente per scavare in terreni sabbiosi o morbidi
-Una cuffia audio dotata di jack da collegare all’apparecchio per avere un funzionamento “silenzioso” dello stesso
-Una grossa custodia dotata di tasche esterne, in cui riporre il rilevatore e il corredo di attrezzi
-Un esaustivo manuale multilingua (italiano compreso)
Ma veniamo al dunque: il rilevatore arriva a casa nella sua scatola, smontato in 4 pezzi: l’impugnatura, una prolunga in metallo, il puntale con il sensore (in materiale plastico), facilmente regolabile in altezza, e il rilevatore da fissare sull’impugnatura.
L’insieme facile ed intuitivo da assemblare, in pochi secondi lo si monta, si inseriscono le batterie nel rilevatore (2 da 9v), si collega il cavo che arriva dal sensore, ed pronto all’uso.
Riporlo dopo il primo montaggio, ancora pi facile: si accorcia l’asta allungabile, si ripiega il sensore rotondo, e lo si infila nella sua bella sacca.
Questa sua praticit lo rende un bello e piacevole strumento da usare, la sua impugnatura molto ergonomica, la sua lunghezza regolabile e il suo peso non eccessivo, ne permette l’utilizzo anche a donne e bambini, un consiglio: comprate delle batterie ricaricabili, perch le 9v costano e se lo utilizzate molto, ne consuma parecchie.
Ma come funziona?
Qui direi che bisogna fare una premessa, questo non uno strumento professionale, la sua potenza di emissione limitata, e la profondit di rilevazione del sensore, risulta direttamente proporzionale alla quantit di metallo rilevabile, mi spiego meglio con un esempio: un chiusino stradale di ghisa da 50cm x 50cm, che sepolto nel mio giardino da sempre, viene rilevato anche a 40 cm di profondit, una moneta da 50 cent, probabilmente non lo sarebbe, ovviamente le masse metalliche in gioco sono diverse
Il rilevatore, dispone di molte opzioni di funzionamento, accessibili dal pulsante MENU posto sul frontale del display, la pi importante credo sia quella della sensibilit, che va settata nella maniera giusta per non ricevere continuamente falsi segnali, io ho trovato un buon compromesso impostando la scala a poco meno della met, un’altra opzione interessante, data dalla possibilit di discriminare le tipologie di metalli rilevati, escludendo quelli che non interessano, ad esempio se si cercano monete, si pu escludere la rilevazione dei metalli ferrosi, sempre dall’elenco delle voci si pu ridurre o aumentare il volume dei segnali acustici emessi (acuti se il materiale nobile, gravi se lo meno..), risulta interessante anche la funzione “PP”, che serve a discriminare un singolo segnale dopo averlo rilevato e a “bloccarlo”, in modo da poterlo localizzare con precisione.
Per quanto riguarda l’effettiva capacit di discriminazione dei metalli da parte del rilevatore (che credo avvenga tramite una misura della conduttivit dell’oggetto rilevato), sperimentando personalmente vari oggetti metallici, ho ricevuto risultati contrastanti, e come potete vedere nel filmato:
-riconosce quasi senza errore il ferro, anche in piccole quantit e ad elevata profondit.
-riconosce anche il nichel e il materiale metallico della maggior parte delle monete che ho provato
-Non sono riuscito a fargli riconoscere il rame, che viene rilevato, ma segnalato come nichel.
-Non sono riuscito a fargli riconoscere l’alluminio, che viene rilevato, ma segnalato come una moneta
Probabilmente imparando a conoscere un po’ meglio lo strumento, e con un settaggio pi attento della sensibilit, si potrebbero ottenere risultati migliori.
Comunque, sul greto del fiume vicino a casa mia (fiume Ticino), in un pomeriggio , mio nipote ci ha scovato svariate monetine, 2 penne di metallo, un apriscatole e un’infinit di minuzie metalliche
(se lo usate vicino all’acqua o nell’acqua stessa, sappiate che il sensore completamente impermeabile e immergibile, ma il rilevatore NO),
Quindi funziona?
Si, direi di si, sicuramente in grado di scovare monete, braccialetti, collane, orologi e piccoli oggetti di metallo sino a 25/30cm di profondit, quindi, dato anche il suo prezzo, direi che il suo dovere lo fa.
A chi lo consiglio: a chi cerca un buon metal detector, sensibile, e comodo da usare.
All’interno della confezione troverete:
– Il metal detector da montare;
– Una pala di metallo richiudibile;
– Un paio di cuffie;
– Una sacca per il trasporto.
Il montaggio del metal detector facile ed intuitivo, baster collegare i 4 steli presenti tra loro, in seguito nella parte pi estrema fissare la bobina e inserire lo schermo vicino all’impugnatura.
Per partire con l’utilizzo baster inserire due batterie alcaline da 9V nello scomparto presente posteriormente al display e il tutto sar pronto per l’utilizzo.
I materiali appaiono resistenti ed affidabili, stato testato anche in acqua e non si presentato alcun tipo di problema, ovviamente il display dovr rimanere sempre al di fuori.
Grazie alle cuffie potrete utilizzare le tracce audio per indirizzare la bobina nella direzione pi opportuna e confrontare sullo schermo l’intensit del segnale e la profondit.
Molto comoda la presenza della sacca per il trasporto che permette di portare con comodit il vostro dispositivo ovunque, anch’essa piuttosto resistente e conferisce sicurezza anche per lunghi viaggi.
Il peso non sar una preoccupazione poich tutto il dispositivo con i relativi accessori sar intorno ai 5kg di peso massimo perci trasportabile da chiunque.
Rapporto qualit prezzo, di 159,99 al momento dell’acquisto, direi in linea con altri prodotti professionali simili anche di altri marchi.
Nel complesso posso ritenermi pi che soddisfatto dell’acquisto, grazie a questo rilevatore potrete passare dei bei momenti in campagna o al mare a divertirvi ad esplorare la zona e magari trovare anche qualcosa di interessante.
En este caso esta maquina es de solo 1,1kg por lo que aunque la use durante mucho tiempo no acaba cansando demasiado. Por otra parte, el acabado es mejorable.
– schneller und problemloser Aufbau
– tolles Zubehr mit Tasche, Schaufel, Kopfhrer
– Spule ist wasserdicht
– Metalldetektor lsst sich in der Lnge verstellen
– angenehmer Griff, halt auch Dank Armlehne mit Gurt
– Bedienung ist problemlos
– gewnschte Metalle lassen sich ausschalten
– Tiefenanzeige
– Lautstrke ist regelbar bis komplett aus
– Kopfhrerlautstrke lsst sich nochmal seperat verstellen
– Pinpoint mit Tiefenanzeige damit man auch genau erkennt, wo sich der Fund befindet
– Bildschirm ist in der Sonne wie bei vielen relativ schwach zu erkennen
Bis jetzt alles bestens, falls sich was ndern sollte, aktualisiere ich die Rezensio
There are various ways to limit the categories that the metal detector reports, for instance you can mute any or all of the least valuable metals, with the least valuable and most common thing to find being iron. The metal detector will tell you how deep it thinks the find is and there is a PP button which will help you pin point the find more accurately before you start digging.
The accessories you get with this are great, there’s a really good quality carry bag with handles and shoulder strap but you’ll need to remove the top section to fit it into the bag (very quick and easy though). I comfortably fitted the metal detector and the spade and the headphones in the bag, although the spade actually has it’s own little bag. The bag has a couple of external zip pockets which is handy. There is the most fantastic little fold up spade which, when assembled, is very robust and works well. You also get a pair of headphones that has a volume control (on the wire about 12 inches from the headset).
I haven’t managed to find any treasure yet but I am having fun with this, digging old bits of metal up on my allotment initially while I learn how to use it effectively. The whole setup seems to be good quality, works well and the accessories are great.