Ikuby Pushdrive Cordless Screwdriver 2000mah Removable Li-Ion Battery 4V Electric Screwdriver with Circuit Sensing Function,10pcs Bit, 1pc Extension Bit Holder for Daily & Light Industrial use

Why Ikuby cordless screwdriver?

Weight: | 300 g |
Size: | 3.5*3.5*19cm |
Dimensions: | 18.5 x 3.5 x 3 cm; 300 Grams |
Model: | 2101 |
Colour: | Red&black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Lithium-Phosphate |
Manufacture: | Ikuby |
Colour: | Red&black |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 3.5*3.5*19cm |
Comperato a Novembre devo dire che molto comodo. Utilizzato parecchio e mai un problema.
I wanted an battery powered screwdriver but had previously been disappointed with a different model when the battery failed. To prevent this happening I sought this product out because of its use of 18650 batteries, which can be swapped out. I have made good use of this product and I am so impressed with the quality. It is very powerful and saves strain on the wrists. The push to screw/unscrew is fantastic.
Great purchase, wish to have wider range for torque adjust for example if screw to plastic.
Tutte le specifiche descritte sono soddisfatte.
Non ho chiesto prima sul tipo di motore impiegato e se a spazzole ci sia il modo di sostituirle, anche se avrei preferito un motore brush-less.
Prodotto ben fatto molto potente per avvitare e svitare maneggevole lo consiglio
For the money this is actually a good buy, was looking for something cheap and cheerful but turned out to be actually solid. Highly recommend, strong wee machine.
It was a good price and well made and easy to use.
works fine, removing the pieces is quite hard might need some pliers because of the magnets. For completing tasks around the house it’s perfect, for removing screws from laptops/smaller appliances might need something else.
Regolarione della coppia da 0,2Nm a 3Nm massimo.
per il resto un buon attrezzo: abbastanza leggero e maneggevole, ottima la funzione di avvio dell’avvitamento o svitamento premendo la punta contro la vite, ma anche premendo un pulsante, buona regolazione della coppia con arresto del movimento e segnale acustico, batteria sostituibile rapidamente per continuare il lavoro ( non compresa ).
Qualche volta comoda anche la rilevazione della tensione nei ciruiti elettrici allo scopo di lavorare pi in sicurezza.
Very powerful, it does struggle with the odd over torqued screws but overall it is great. The magnetizer in the case doest work but otherwise the screwdriver itself is an amazing tool. The battery lasts forever.
So easy to use with the push drive. Care needs to be taken to make sure you don’t cross thread, but I’ve not done that yet. Screwing into wood and taking stuff apart is much quicker. The torque setting is brilliant, no more stripped threads on delicate items. The ability to change the battery is also a great addition. I have many 18650 batteries so I always have a spare close by. I’ve not tried it on any big wood screws yet, but I have my cordless drill and impact driver for the big stuff.
Its so useful, I bought a second one.
Only have used a few times great job for long screws
It does the job. 3 stars given only because I have not bought one of these before so have no basis for comparison as regards battery life or weight.
Good value for money handy little screwdriver for little work
Non certo un dispositivo che sostituisce il classico trapano-avvitatore ma costa poco rispetto ad altra marca ed molto comodo per lavoretti non impegnativi. Non ha frizione ma si arresta bippando sotto sforzo. Funziona sia a pressione che mediante pulsante. Unica osservazione sui bit in dotazione che ho subito buttato.
I am an older lady who likes to do a bit of DIY now and again and I don’t know why I didn’t invest in one of these before. It makes light work of getting screws out or in. Such a handy little tool to have. This is just the job for me in every way after reading someone’s very helpful review on here, thanks to them I bought it and am very grateful. You won’t be disappointed if you buy this.
Not heavy, easy to hold. Like the little lights at the end to help in fixing screws in nooks and crannies. Also like the magnetic pad on inside of lid to keep screws easy to find. Compact and very useful.
What an amazing bit of kit this rechargeable screwdriver is powerful & a long lasting battery that never seems to drain out I also purchased a mini chuck to fit on the end so that I was able to use it as a drill for small drilling tasks I can also use it as a rotary cutting tool after purchasing a 60 piece rotary tool kit very pleased with the purchase & highly recommended
First impressions..heavy robust screwdriver, and 3 very bright LCD lights at front to illuminate the screw to be driven into wood, metal etc.
it is not variable in terms of speed though so care needed on fiddly delicate jobs. Case is good, will protect product if it’s used but equally tge screwdriver will no doubt be fine if it’s thrown into the toolbox!!
Estremamente comodo da utilizzare per lavori che richiedono di avvitare molte viti: io l’ho usato per assemblare un pavimento in legno. La batteria ha una durata ragionevolmente lunga e si ricarica in fretta.
Great powered screwdriver, powerful for its size and comes with a decent case.
Works well,has good torque , takes bit of getting use to but would recommend.
commande reu rapidement.
ce tourne vis est ergonomique et puissant avec un bon rapport poid/encombrement.
la fonction mise en route par prssion est sympat et demande un peut d’habitude.
le reglage de couple est peut prcis ainsi que la fonction dtection de courant lectrique beaucoup trop sensible ce
qui la rend inexploitable pour ma part.
le fait d’avoir une batterie excamotable est un gros avantage afin de ne pas etre a cour d’nergie sans avoir a attendre une recharge.
dans l’ensemble je suis satisfait de cet outil avec son tui de rangement bien pens egalement.
voila pour un avis objectif et sinsert.
je recommande cet article.
Not used yet but looks well made and good for price. Will see how it last when used.
Thought I’d buy this to test out after seeing similar products from big brands on offer but the great thing is this one is nowhere near as expensive.
I have used it daily to tighten connections in consumer units and to 2nd fix socket outlets , and although I still use my torque screwdriver to verify correct torque is achieved this little driver with its variable clutch does a great job achieving various torque settings required throughout my day , also the battery is removable unlike other more expensive brands so if you have some spare 18650 batteries you will always have some spares to charge whilst using .
Easy to use and solidly built. Comes with a selection of bits in a useful case. I really appreciate the 2 LED lights, each side of the Bit Holder.
I like it. Only the self turn motor after pushing down works sometimes otherwise it’s good in use.
cercavo un cacciavite elettrico maneggevole e questo lo , da considerare che monta una batteria sostituibile, ha 3 led per l’illuminazione, pratica la sua scatola contenitrice
Avevo bisogno di un cacciavite elettrico per lavorare su dei pc desktop da sistemare per poterli donare in beneficenza . Il cacciavite si dimostrato straordinario, la possibilit di magnetizzare le punte importante per tutti i tipi di lavoro con le varie tipologie di viti . Pratica la luce che si attiva a pressione cos come l’avvitatore stesso . Bisogna stare un po attenti perch il cacciavite abbastanza potente da farti girare il polso durante l’avvitatura . Per questo motivo sconsigliabile per lavori tipo istallazione reggi mensole o mensole a muro ecc. ecc., in questi casi meglio utilizzare un classico avvitatore a pistola .
Per Hobby e per smontare delle stampanti recuperando delle parti meccaniche
I’m so impressed with this electric screwdriver. I have the Bosch version too but wanted another to keep in the garage so purchased this one. It’s equally as good as the bosch version in terms of feel, use and quality. It even has the added benefit of detecting voltage… just push the button and wave about near a switch or wire and it begins beeping. Truly satisfied with this and will definitely buy again and recommend to friends.
Very easy to use and does the business with less fuss. Makes me tackle any assembly jobs with a smile on my face. Good stuff!!.
Good quality product with great battery life & a decent amount of torque. It’s my go to screwdriver & would definitely recommend if your looking for this kind of product.
Removable battery and a common charge port, these were the 2 main characteristics I needed in a new screwdriver. This has a very common 18650 cell size to boot.
It’s a good weighty driver with lots of (adjustable) torque. Seriously, I always end up with a lost charger, a broken charger, a duff cell because reasons…. Glad I bought this
Costumer service have contacted me and offered a free replacement.
I have currently received it and works fine. I will update the review with concurrent usage experience.
After 3 months of light use the screwdriver engine has decoupled from the rotating head leading to complete breakdown of the tool. Its not even fit to use as a regular screwdriver. Return window is also short preventing return of the tool.
I would recommend to stay away and buy something else.
Battery life is great, a doddle to use and torque control is excelle
The torque power of this screwdriver is very powerful. Be careful holding it on full torque No6 it can remove itself from your hand caught unawares. This is a top quality item.
Ok, so the switches and buttons are not of the same tactile quality of tools like DeWalt and the like but boy is this a powerful little blighter?
I used it today to put an extra backboard on my House Martin nest, I needed to as mine is to be fitted on a stone wall not brick.
I pre-drilled small pilot holes for three Stainless steel screws but could not find my countersink bits so I decided to set the torque on this driver to number 3.
The screw went in remarkably easy and kept going and then making it’s own countersink, then proceeded to try to break my wrist;-)
It is seriously powerful and I used it straight out of the box with 1 bar of power.
I absolutely love the way this works, simply put the bit you require into the chuck, put it into the head of the screw and push it. But get the torque right as it will drive a screw into the wood, including the head.
You also have the choice using it by pressing the power button to drive a screw, or to remove one by sliding the direction switch towards the rear nothing simpler really.
Mine never came with a charging cable which I thought very odd but who cares, we all have loads of them in our houses.
Ero in cerca di un cacciavite elettrico che facesse il suo lavoro senza che mi svenassi, ho deciso di provare questo era proprio quello che cercavo, maneggevole, ben fornito, con valigetta comoda. Funziona perfettamente , ha la forza regolabile, ci ho fatto gi un po’ di lavoretti e mi ha soddisfatto in pieno. Ha il cavo e si ricarica senza problemi, anche la mia compagna quando lo utilizza. Lo consiglio a chi come me cerca un ottimo compromesso tra qualit e prezzo.
Ottimo prodotto, utile per tutti i lavori in casa e in box.
Davvero un bel prodottino che sorprende nonostante il prezzo contenuto.
Completo e non troppo pesante per adesso sembra andare molto bene.
Very nice comprehensive package. The screwdriver works well and I have quickly started useing this in preference to my well known Geman makers gun shaped unit as its powerful, gives qood lighting to the work area and the push start seems pefectly balanced to drive screws into wood easily (not too sensitive to start so you can get the screw in the head and positioned correctly before you start the driver by pushing on the screw).
I have tried the electric field sensing function and it works but its much too sensitive. I can stand in the middle of the garage and point the screwdriver at every electric point and appliance quite a distance away and the sensor beeps. This means its beeping all the time so not much use for detecting if a socket is live or not. Not a problem as its used as a screwdriver and I use a seperate device to check for the presence of electic fields.
Lovely little bit of kit. Small enough to carry around but with enough power too. Great to use on socket and switch fronts. And with the torque setting there’s no accidental cracking. Amazing value too..!
Buon cacciavite per faccende domestiche, io l’ho adattato per far lavoretti di precisione anche se un po’ troppo pesantuccio per quello.
Buona dotazione accessori che comprende 10 punte, una prolunga, un cavo micro usb per la ricarica della batteria posizionata all’interno. Comoda mini valigetta per il trasporto.
Si pu usare in 3 modi: in manuale, premendo l’apposito tasto, oppure premendo il cacciavite verso la superficie. Comoda la luce mentre si usa, anche possibile regolare la velocit dell’avvitatore.
I love this screwdriver little lightweight good battery power would definitely recommend
Ottimo cacciavite, che arriva in una pratica custodia in plastica, con diverse punte disponibili.
La luce frontale incorporata permette di utilizzare il cacciavite anche con poca luce.
E’ presente un pratico LED che indica lo stato della batteria. La batteria integrata da 2000 mAh e il grande vantaggio che il cacciavite si ricarica come un normale smartphone.
Sono davvero soddisfatta del mio acquisto, perch riesco a montare i miei oggetti fai da te con estrema facilit.
OK for relatively light jobs or new work. Rather disappointed that it is not powerful enough to remove screws that have been installed for a year or two. What a pity that my faithful electric drill does not have a reverse setting – but then I bought it for drilling, not as a screwdriver!
Ottimo prodotto rende super facile avvitare e svitare viti in posti anche scomodi. Leggero e maneggevole. Materiali robusti e ben fatto. Straconsigliato anche per professionisti.
Attenzione non fa anche da trapano ma solo da cacciavite elettrico.
I vantaggi sono tanti, per esempio la durata della batteria, il led frontale per illuminare le viti, l’ergonomia molto simile ad un cacciavite manuale. Rotellina numerata per regolare il serraggio. Comodo il magnetizzatore e smagnetizzatore incluso. Inoltre leggero e di dimensioni contenute, infatti, con la sua custodia ci sta dentro una cassetta attrezzi di dimensioni medie.
Non mi piace la ricarica tramite usb ma un compromesso accettabile.
Avrei preferito il pulsante sensibile ma forse tecnicamente non possibile installarlo su questi modelli.
Il prezzo secondo me un po’ alto ma accettabile per le mie necessit e per la sua qualit. Pagato 28.99 euro facile che con quella cifra si possa pensare di spendere un p di pi e comprare un avvitatore di marca, ma credo che sia difficile trovarlo con questa forma molto simile ad un cacciavite manuale.
Io ho deciso di comprarlo per la sua forma in quanto ne possiedo gi uno pi robusto di marca nota che uso per lavori un po’ pi impegnativi per cui probabilmente non lo comprerei questo come primo avvitatore.
Per me va bene averlo nella cassetta attrezzi al posto della classica serie di cacciaviti. Spero duri nel tempo ma questo lo scopriremo solo dopo.
Vi ringrazio, ci sentiamo alla prossima recensione e se ti sono stato utile mi fa piacere. Ciao.
I was looking for ages a decided on this one as I loved the thought of push to operate. I love the case, the led lights, all the accessories. And I’ve used it so many times since buying i
Same easy to use, the auto start was something I neve thought I would use, but it is really good and useful.
This screwdriver is so light yet a great workhorse. It has all you need in the carry case and a great selection of screwdriver heads. I am a woman who loves to do a bit of DIY, but no expert. I have always made do with manual screwdrivers for years but after putting up a high-sleeper this way, my hands had had enough of 30 chipboard screws and no guide holes!!
There is a USB charging cable and the box even has magnetize and de-magnetize holes for the screw heads. For any wondering, it also has a standard Allen key fitting which was amazing for my Rattan garden table and chairs. It just made a laborious job much easier. Wish I had bought this before the high-sleeper came!
I haven’t had to charge it yet and used it straight out of the box for around an hour of allen key tightening, so I can’t comment on battery life, but for the price, this is a very good cordless screwdriver set.
Really compact, well thought-out design. Handy torque settings and useful attachments. An asset to anyone’s tool kit. Very helpful supplier if it is necessary to contact them. A major best buy in my opinion.
Really handy little tool.Used to assemble wardrobes and kitchen cupboards.
eplaceable battery for when you need, works one day as an electrician with no problem, my opinion beats bosch go 2 because you can change the battery, best value for the money from my points of view, already 1 weeks of use with no problem and loving it, plus you have a light on it. my opinion beats other similar products for price and quality! highly recommended!
I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the apparent quality and feel of this screwdriver. Although I haven’t had the opportunity to use it much or test it yet, my first impression was that it seemed to be of good quality and weight, with easy to use, positive controls. It also has very good torque.
I wanted a cordless screwdriver to fill the gap between a large drill type driver for heavy use and a small precision type that I use for modelling – and this Ikuby does that perfectly.
Something that is not always mentioned in the description is that it also comes in a very robust fitted case, which is useful.
Very good value for money and based on my use and impressions so far, I would definitely recommend this tool.
Really impressed with this, easy to use, really comfortable grip and fairly powerful. Saved me a few blisters!
Push to use. This basically means that it is a breeze to use one handed. You simply push into the screw and it operates the screwdriver.
Torque control: No over tightening. You set it for the strength of turn you want
LED lights: Great for if you are working in a tight corner or a cupboard
I already have a couple of cordless screwdrivers, but they are gun shaped and sometimes not so handy to reach into smaller spaces, so I decided to purchase one of these.
It’s one of those products that arrive from Amazon very well packaged. The hard plastic casing comes packed in a tough purpose-built cardboard box.
The casing is made of a hard durable plastic with a very good safety clip to hold it shut. There’s no way this will accidently open in your tool box.
Inside the box, there are different sized bits that will fit most screw heads, including an extension tube.
There’s a compartment underneath to house the USB charging cable, the extension tube and a spare battery (not included)
The 2000mAh battery is removeable, which would come in handy if you have a spare one in the box to cover a long job.
I immediately liked it. The driver feels really good to hold. The weight and the rubber grip help to manoeuvre the screwdriver effortlessly and the bright LED light helps in dark spaces
It’s so easy to use. There’s a slider on the handle for setting it to screw or unscrew. There’s also a manual dial for setting the speed and with a 4V powerful motor, it’s certain to cover most tasks.
Which having said, this is a well made item; solidly built, and you know you have it in your hand. The grip is comfortable and non-slip. It has a few nice touches- the option to power drive via pressure or not; and of course the triple led light.
It’s vast improvement on the earlier designs of these gadgets by one or two well known brands – not the least build quality – and this one at least has a battery which can be replaced if needs-be. Anything with a sealed rechargeable but non-replaceable battery system is to be avoided.
I can see times when it will do nicely where even a smaller drill style screwdriver might not be viable.
So I’ll keep it and see how it goes.
Guessing on battery life etc; but it did arrive partly charged and seemed to be pretty powerful even then.
Four stars for now as I haven’t used it – yet. If all goes well (and I can’t see why it won’t) I’ll upgrade to five anon. If it doesn’t then of course…
This piece of kit is excellent, so good, it is my second and I will be purchasing a third.
Easy to use, great torque and with the voltage tester, it is great for electrical work.
What is on sale here amounts to a first class acquisition which does not take up any surplus storage space. This is a tidy tool in a cool compartment offering diversity and diligence via its core component as well as a bevy of bonus credits. The sturdy carry case and quality contents combine as compact, light and easily portable with another excellent extra being the magnetic feature that assists in the always challenging chore of retaining your bits and bobs.
There is no need for long, tangled, frustrating leads! Instead, a simple Micro USB connection ensures a good charge of several hours can see you through a multitude of challenges. These tasks can also be assisted with the 3 LED luxuries that aid the multi-directional approach of a truly inspiring piece of equipment.
A great deal of money can be spent on items to assist the cause of renovation alongside repair — and, these pieces can also be hefty, one dimensional and soon covered in dust. However, here we have a nifty, thrifty, handy, dandy device!
All of these highlights at a very reasonable price simply equates to – adept attachments conquering countless DIY dilemmas.
I bought this as I was fed up of getting out my drill driver out for smaller tasks around the home and it’s surprisingly good.
It’s never going to replace a drill driver completeley but the power is more than adequate enough for putting together flat pack furniture or undertaking small repairs. Chuck it in the kitchen drawer and it’s easily to hand when you need it.
Very simple operation that really doesn’t require explaining. Certainly not perfect though as I would of liked a pressure sensitive button for slow rotation control.
For the price though, it’s great value and easily competitive with the more established brands at a higher price.
Very happy.
Great hand held electric screwdriver! Great little gadget to have in your tool box!
I’ve been looking for a lightweight electric screwdriver for a while now, one with a long battery life and that was easier to use than my drill. I’ve got quite small hands and not a lot of upper body strength so this screwdriver is perfect for me because it fits nicely in my hand and is simple to understand. Flick back and forth between screwing and unscrewing with one simple motion! I like the LEDs for working in dark areas, and the range of screw tips is impressive too! A rechargeable battery that plugs into a USB cable is far more useful to me than having to find a power point for my drill. Overall – I’m very pleased with my new electric screwdriver, and I’m going to be using on a lot of projects over the summer!
Fantastic screwdriver, best I’ve ever purchased. Battery life brilliant not even charged it yet and used it quite a bit. The light is a godsend. Comes in a lovely compact box with plenty of attachments to get you started. Got charging cable neatly tucked away under the tray along with an extension bar. You can even get an extra battery (not included) which would be really helpful if you wanted to keep it away from home. I didn’t see the battery compartment when I made the video so I’ve added a picture.
To be honest, didn’t expect much from this screwdriver for the price but its much better designed that my famous manufacture electric screwdriver. Whoever made this clearly knew the drawbacks. This little unit has everything. Removable 18650 battery, 6 level torque setting, 3 level battery level display, bright led lights at the front. Comparing that to the one I’m getting rid of, I’m throwing the old one away as the internal battery is shot, I have to add an attachment to get a torque limiter and even though it isn’t turning the battery level indicator says all is well.
The box is well designed as well with space for everything you need, the bits are cheap metal ones, you know the ones made of chocolate but I’ve not deformed them yet. magnetizer and demagnetizer built in and cleverly under the tray there is an extension bar, USB Cable and a space for a space 18650 battery.
Does the job when your struggling to get those awkward screws in.
I have been satisfied with this cordless screwdriver so far. The item came packaged well and feels built to last.
I was after a cordless screwdriver for my brother who was after one to make household jobs a bit easier/quicker. This one looked robust and had the common bit pieces.The screwdriver itself works fine and my bro prefers to operate with the button rather than pressing down on the screw as the speed lags a bit.
The one flaw we did find was that taking the magnetic bits out of the screwdriver can be quite tough.
Excellent cordless rechargeable (usb) screwdriver set. Handy case with 10 bits included. Some nice features were the magnetic plate for keeping track of the screws and a push to screw feature so you can use it one handed. Just put up some shelfing and assembled a new desk and all made very easy with it.
Used it on a project and it performed quite well. Handles well, good design. One other advantage is if the battery degrades it can be easily replaced. Considering the price compared to others of similar make, I would consider this a bargain.
This is a really useful 1/4 inch hex drive powered screwdriver for everyday jobs. I have a slightly bigger impact screwdriver for really heavy construction work but this is a lot more compact and has a handy push driver operation where instead of holding a trigger or button you just push the driver against the screw that you need to insert. The whole kit is not much bigger than just the driver of my Construction one. As well as the handy push down operation which works for both inserting and removing screws this unit uses a standard size 18650 battery and like many people I already have several spare of these in a range of capacities and there is a slot for them in the carry case for this screwdriver.
As well as charging the 18650 batteries in their own chargers, of which I have a few you can just plug the driver into a usb micro B charging lead and charge the battery fitted in the driver.
You get the now expected work light,ths one has not 1 but three LEDs all quite bright. There is a simple slide control to selected inserting, extracting under power or locking the handle so it can be used as a regular screwdriver. You get a set of the more widely used bits in the case and of course any standard 1/4″ Hex drive tool will fit this handle.
This device has already become my driver of choice for everyday use.
Robust, chunky, good grips and user friendly. My only worry is that the micro-usb charging socket is not as robust as the rest of the unit. However with a 2000mAh battery it should be quite a while before it needs recharging. Efficient at removing tight screws, good to hold and just what I need for a repetitive job I’ve got it for. One minor issue is the location of the LEDs that illuminate the screws favour the use of the bits alone, but cast a small shadow if the bit-extension is used. If the LEDs had been designed to be on a ~22mm dia ring, rather than the current ~17mm dia, then the shadow wouldn’t appear, but I appreciate that space is tight and and the unit has a lot has been packed into it. I’m familiar with these batteries as I use them elsewhere so have no issue with the battery life here. So, very pleased with the unit and would heartily recommend it.
This is a great design and manufactured to a good high standard. Initially, I found it slightly difficult to establish the correct torque setting for various applications but a brief “trial & error” session overcame this issue. It’s far better to start low and gradually increase the torque until the right setting is established. You do NOT want to over-tighten and end-up with stripped threads.
The selection of driver bits is good, given the price of the unit, but you will almost certainly find you will need to buy a more comprehensive set. This isn’t a problem as Amazon have a good selection.
In summary, this is a well made unit at a great value-for-money price. It comes in a great storage box that will provide really good protection for your investment. I strongly recommend topping-up the battery before using this driver for the first time.
Given how much this cost, I was prepared for this to be, insubstantial, weak and underpowered. In fact, it’s a solid built powerful (for its size) electric screwdriver. Simple to use and very useful. Its never going to drive a 4 inch screw into timber when building a structure, but for other jobs around the house, it works well, assembling furniture, removing wall plates from sockets, putting screws in raw plugs for pictures etc. It has many uses and is a welcome addition to my tool box
Fantastic bit of kit as an electrician this is perfect to put in tool bag and comes in really handy.
The Cordless Screwdriver works as expected and came with all the necessary accessories / adapters.
We can just push a button up or down to select clock wise or counter clockwise rotation and the press the button to screw or unscrew.
Great battery life and has a front light that helps when working in darker areas.
Easy to use, really quite powerful for a little electric screwdriver! Really like this product and seems well thought out for the price.
A good all rounder screwdriver, this charges quickly with the supplied USB cable which is stored under the drivers tray and holds it’s charge well.
Complete with a lockable case, it comes supplied with 10 different sized bits and an extension bar and sheds a good light in operation.
It has forward, reverse and static settings so even without charge it can still be used.
A godsend for emergency repairs to my kitchen recently and the light really made the job easier without having to hold a torch at the same time.
The scrwdriver arrived very quickly, thanks to Amazon prime.
The screwdriver has a big amount of torque (3.6 to be exact). The magnetic holder makes it very easy to change bits. The screwdriver also has 6 precision settings, which allow for a wide range of furniture to be targetted. The included bit extender extends the reach to get into small and hard to reach places. Since it comes with 2 different bits, this allows you to cover the most common screw types.
Overall, a nice screwdriver. Recommended
The main thing I like about this screwdriver is the fact that the battery can be replaced. My old electric screwdriver became useless when its battery finally gave up the ghost. This uses the same rechargeable batteries as the video doorbell, which are easy to buy.
It is easy to use and comes with a selection of heads in a neat case.
I would recommend.
… but this is by no means suitable for delicate electronics, like laptops. It’s just too strong. It will either tear your laptop into pieces or turn your screws into mush. The torque control does almost nothing, it just makes the screwdriver stop itself randomly. Basically like the ABS in a car, except this one detects torque, not loss of friction.
This screwdriver set is excellent at helping me around my home with one DIY job or another. The main body is well made, as are the various heads included in the box. It is exceptionally easy to exchange the heads to facilitate the jobs I have in progress. The drill is powerful enough to penetrate walls without a problem, which is great; no need for prep. A very useful purchase.
I have traditionally been a manual screwdriver user, as I like the way they hold in your hand and that they are easier to use in small spaces, as opposed to a big gun shaped drill. However, this nifty gadget incorporates the best of both worlds.
The screwdriver comes in a sleek box, which holds the base and 10 different heads, together with an extender for hard to reach spots. The box has a magnetic base, so once all the heads are stored, they will not fall out/get lost. Also included is a micro USB cable for charging the battery. I charged it overnight, and it is yet to require recharging, despite having been used for quite a few projects.
The screwdriver itself is very comfortable to hold. It is made from some kind of ABS type material but feels ‘cushioned’ at the same time.
You can use the screwdriver in a multitude of ways: as a regular manual screwdriver, with a thrust start (by pushing into the screw), and with a button start. My preference is for the button start, as I feel it gives me the most control. You can switch it into forward and reverse directions for inserting and removing screws, and I also really appreciate the LED feature which lights up the front and is great for when working in enclosed/dark spots.
Overall, I have no complaints about this bit of kit and find it competitively priced as well. It’s taken me from carrying a box of tools around with me to needing just one sleek package, which I can easily tuck into in my back pocket. I have no hesitation in recommending it.
Thanks for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
Good little tool, for use on small screws and bolts only
Item started to burn after being use for the second time. It was just sitting on the floor!. Checked battery and that was OK.
Returned the item as faulty. Requested a refund and it has not come through yet.
Update: April 2021. Refund arrived. Seller has identified what was wrong with the screwdriver – a fault during manufacture – and has sent me another one. Thats good service.
This is a VERY neat bit of kit. Comes with a box which has a neatly organised assortment of parts. It would get 5 stars and more if only I could press the button that operates it. I have arthritis, which is why I wanted a power screwdriver, but it is too painful to press the very stiff button on the handle. It takes two hands for me. Sadly (very sadly) I must return it.
Great quality cordless screwdriver. Excellent build quality. Feels nice in the hand with it’s combo of rubber and hand duty plastic in a plastic flip top case serving good presentation and storage. Powered by a 18650 battery (supplied) with 3 point battery gauge in green at the rear of the unit.
Complete with 10 accessories of the most popular Philips, flathead and hex bits, as well as an extender which fits in magnetically to help you reach further. Also included is a mini USB cable to change the battery (whilst it’s fitted). It takes around 3 hours from flat to reach a full charge.
There’s a motor setting at the back to increase the torque with a notable change in each setting – useful for sensitive work when you want to avoid screwing in too far or into brittle material.
To use the driver, a power button is pressed and held. Beneath this is am up and down switch to alternative between forward and reverse. The unit senses when there’s pressure on the bit, so you don’t have to use the power button too. You can simply press into the screw and the unit will function.
This tool is particularly useful when you want some brute force put into a screw in hard to reach spots. I used this tool to quickly and easily hang roller blind brackets. The phillips bit drove the crew in with minimum effort into a pilot hole at the 6th setting without any chewing.
At the from of the unit there’s 3 bright white LED’s to assist in dark awkward places which represent a considerate and worthy addition.
Other worthy notes of mention include a carrying strap affixed to the rear of the unit and polar regions in the case to magnetise or demagnetize bits. All supplied parts are magnetic.
Excellent addition to my toolset. Whilst I always enjoy a bit of manual work, at times helping hands like these can be a Godsend to get the job done quickly and easily.
So much better than the gun shaped cordless screwdrivers, fits nicely in the hand and the performance is exceptional. Battery life is decent and the case also has an extra slot for a back up battery. Overall decent screwdrive
Bought for my husband he is very pleased with it. Good battery life when using. Recommended.
Useful little tool costing only a fraction of pricey Bosch one.
My old electric screwdriver I have lost the charger unit and since I have many combi drills which also do the same job, however they are much less practical to carry around. This is a compact affair but packs some real power being a 4V model, and you do need to grip it quite well to prevent torque from trying to twist your wrist. The power source for the motor is a rechargeable Li-Ion battery which can be conveniently charged by plugging a micro USB cable (included) into the covered charging port. Controls are well laid out, with forward / backwards switch on top along with power button and LED battery indicator. The screwdriver has three main operating modes: Thrust mode whereby you push down to start, button mode pressing the button to start the screw driving and manual driving without and power assistance for when battery runs out or for more driving control. The screwdriver comes with hard plastic case which houses both screwdriver and accessories, included are 10 different bits as well as extension. The 3 from mounted LED lights provide more than enough illumination for use in low lighting levels. Torque levels are set using a dial on the base. The textured rubber allows easy handling when wet and the wrist carry strap preventing dropping. Overall as an electric screwdriver it offers power, convenience, compact and well priced – a real timesaver.
Used this daily since I bought it, battery last great.
I haven’t owned an electric screwdriver for quite some time now and this one is superior in every way to the one I previously bought:
– Longer battery life (18650 battery) being incredibly easy to charge via micro USB (I charge mine via a PC port, it’s just easier) with 3 LED indicator
– Good selection of tips for all thread types and sizes
– Variable speed
– Extender for harder to reach areas
– Auto turns when pressure detected – I was able to use it single-handed while filming
So far it’s done all I asked of it and it very helpful for someone who isn’t quite as good with his hands as he used to be (ie. me!)
Works as described. Takes a little getting used to in having to push to both screw and unscrew but once you’ve mastered it, it’s really handy. The control at the bottom allows you to set the torque you want before it automatically stops which is very handy for larger jobs, saves time on having to check each screw manually (as with my previous device). No worries of under or over tightening. Be sure to have a secure grip on the screw driver before using as it can easily twist and slip out of your hand when the screw has tightened!
Very comfortable to hold. Made from some kind of ABS type material but feels ‘cushioned’ at the same time.
You get a very smart box / carry case, I like this as my other one just comes in a cardboard box. You get 10 attachments which cover the most common screw sizes, also an extension bar for hard to reach screws.
A really nice touch is a magnetic plate in the case, which is a place to store screws so they don’t go missing. Very clever.
You can charge the screwdriver using a standard MicroUSB lead, it was about half full when I got it and it took about 3 hours to reach full. Still going strong with a full battery after doing some tests.
The screwdriver has some nice features such as adjustable torque and 3 LEDs at the front which light up to illuminate the area you are working in.
There is a slidable switch on the screwdriver which allows forward and reverse directions, as well as a power switch. However you can simply push down onto your screw and it will start automatically.
This is a really nice screwdriver, with only 2 negatives for me; the instruction leaflet uses a microscopic font, and the rubber cover for the charging port snapped off immediately! Minor points though, and they don’t detract from a really good piece of kit.
Thanks for listening.
The screwdriver came with a variety of accessories which included:
* Ikuby rechargeable screwdriver
* Hard carrying case
* 3 x Flathead bits
* 3 x Phillips head bits
* 2 x Torx bits
* 2 Allen key bits
* 1 x Extension bar
* 1 x Micro USB charging cable
* 1 sheet manual
The screwdriver is really straightforward to use, and there are titles all over the inside of the hard case that show you where the included accessories are. When taking it out the box, it had 2/3 of the battery pre-charged and was ready to go without any set-up. The screwdriver comes with some easy-to-use controls. There is a power button to turn it on and off. A sliding switch to adjust forward and reverse motions, (leaving it in the middle allows you to use the screwdriver manually). And a dial at the base to adjust the level of torque (there are 6 torque settings). For anyone familiar with power tools and drills, this will be easy to use.
The screwdriver comes pre-installed with a rechargeable lithium battery that provides ample usage before needing to be recharged. I have used it for a dozen smaller jobs so far and it is still showing as having 2/3 battery. At the head of the screwdriver, 3 powerful LED lights are handy to use in dimly lit situations. Earlier in the week, a bracket broke on my side gate in the evening, and I was quickly able to fix the problem using the lights on this screwdriver to stop it banging shut. I can imagine with the right hex bits; this screwdriver would also be really useful for electronics projects. The inclusion of non-contact circuit testing also makes this screwdriver really useful for testing circuits! Another quick note, the screwdriver comes a battery indicator on its front which is excellent to know when it needs recharging.
The screwdriver can be quickly recharged using the included Micro USB cable, through plugging it into any wall socket or a laptop or battery pack. The screwdriver appeared to recharge quickly when tested. I particularly like how the internal 18650 battery can be easily replaced if it ever fails, a nice touch. Another really useful feature was the inclusion of a magnetizing block which can be used to magnetize or demagnetize hex bits as required. Alongside this there is also a handy magnetic plate on the inside of the box for screws, again showing how well this screwdriver lends itself to DIY. I recently owned a Draper gun-style screwdriver, and whilst that kit did come with more bits, I feel like the size and weight of this Ikuby Screwdriver makes it the better choice. I am honestly really impressed as this screwdriver seems really powerful for its size. So, to summarize:
* Great battery life with battery indicator
* Easy-to-use
* Rechargeable
* 10 hex bits to cover most use-cases
* Magnetizing block and plate
* LED lights for use in the dark
* 6 torque settings (punching above its weight)
* Circuit testing
* Nowhere to store spare hex bits in the screwdriver
* The manual is incredibly small and will be hard to read for some
* A longer charging cable would have been nice but it’s by no means a dealbreaker
Overall, 9/10, very little to criticise here.
Great little tool. I did have one of the “gun shaped” electric screwdrivers but was finding it difficult when constructing some units to get the angle in tight corners. With this shaped device I dont have that problem.
It seems pretty powerful for its small size. Easy to switch between “screw in” and “screw out” with just a flick of the thumb.
Quick to charge and seems to hold charge for a goodly time.
The box it comes with has a magnetic plate inside, ideal to not lose any of the 234 screws you get in a flat pack 🙂
There is an extension bar in the pack also in case the thickness of the body means you cant get easily into a small space. There is also a handy light which lights up from where you put your screw head which is great for tight dark corners, so your screws dont end up in wonky!
Happy with my purchase.
This electric cordless screwdriver comes with a hard plastic case that also holds 10 screwdriver bits & an extension piece. The bits will fit different shapes of screw heads & the extension will help give u an extended reach. The screwdriver is small & compact, it is easy to use & lightweight, great for all kinds of diy jobs around the house. It is rechargeable by usb & u can use about 400 times before needing to recharge it using the usb cable included. U can charge using any usb port, laptop or power bank. There are 3 lights on the screwdriver handle to show how much charge is left on the batteries before needing to recharge. The internal batteries can be replaced when needed. The handle has 3 led lights to help u to see better in low lighting, it has 6 different power levels for small to large screws & u can use in forward or reverse to tighten or remove screws. I found it very easy to use even for an amateur to diy. I used it so far to screw into wood to put up hooks on my door, build flat pack furniture & to replace the screws on my garden gate. It is a more practical design for me to use than the heavy & bulky gun type electric screwdrivers & smaller to store to is well worth the selling price for a high quality tool.
After an annoying Christmas trying to open toys to put batteries in and not having the correct equipment at home I bought myself one of these.
It’s a great little screwdriver in its own storage case with plenty of attachments. Charges quickly and easy to use. I like the 3 different ways to operate – really handy!